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The Clinton News Record, 1920-2-19, Page 5
Fehrtictry 19th 1920 4) 11nterest to You and Y'lile • - . Miss. Pankhurst, the %AMAOS British ,infra 'et e i i t as sad to be coming to 6 , B iVallcorton some time in the spring to give a pubiit: Address, a, 41 , n i ,Sone people tails about an "old- ;fashioned" winter: Anybody who is not satisfied with the old-fashioned- ales of the winter we're staving ought be sent to Siberia, * M' * >f Too much attention to diamonds :and not enough attention to spades is ginef o therind. altroubles p n with the world, fn the opinion of the St. 'Thomas Tines -Journal, * 5 5 Every 'dollar spent at home helps le make your town a live one, Every aloilar sent away f w Y .tom home helps to make your town a dead one. Whieh 'do you want it to be? _.Ori iia Pack- fet, *'5 *,,, No group -of circumstances ever :seen to combine to help the consumer. Ile gets it both going and coming. "With ice so thick this year," says 'The Farmer's Sun, housekeepers will pay more for it than last year when it was scarce and dear because it will cost more to cut." 4' q, q, * Premier Drury was elected in Hal- ton on Monday by a majority of about 23,000 over his opponent, F. J. Steph- ,enson of Toronto. Hon. Manning Do - 'Sleety was elected by acclamation in Kent last week and now if Hon. Mr,. ..--,Slaney were safely seated the new 'Ontario cabinet could draw up its chairs about the table and proceed to do something. * J * 4 'Secretary Lansing has been dis- :tnissedFroin his position because he -called informal meetings of the United States cabinet to discuss pub- lic affairs, it being the business of the President only to summon such meet- ings. President Wilson likes calling .meetings. He called a meeting of the League of Nations at Paris a few weeks ago, a meeting to which his nation had not even a right to send .1 representative, * '4 r "If you want to see something that is really funny" says an ex- -change, "hunt up a photograph of yourself taken about twenty years .ago." What would be the use? Few of us would be brave enough to exhibit the photo. If you want to see some- thing really funny hunt up a photo •of your clearest friend, taken about twenty • years ago and show it to :hint, or her, then watch the facial ex- pression. But one ought to remem- ber the Golden Rule ever when out .for fun, .••••'` • Berths IiIURRAY—Tn McKilop, on Feb. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murray, a son, MOSE—In Walton, on Feb. Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mose, a daugh- trr. DUCT{WORTH—In Goderich on Feb. 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Duck- worth, a son. Lbceik?es ,STEEP—In Goderich Tp. on Feb. 12th, Peter Steep aged 88years. lefacEWAN—At Toronto, on Feb. 9, Alice Beryl, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. MacEwan, Gocl- reich, in her 1811 year. ELLIOTT-0n Feb, 13th, at his late residence, 81. St. Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Wilfred Sardis Elliott, husband of Clara Lindsay, in his 35th year. PRIDHAM—At Scaforth, on Feb. 0th, (Zara Irene, eldest dog^atter of Mr and Mrs. W. C. I'aidham, of Goderich, aged 25 ye,ere. .RAI'SON—in Toronto on Feb, 16th, Allen S ] t ,.e, ferinerlsv of Clin- ton a' e i 2.1.;11.3 and 7 raouthe. R>:1 SJOF D n 1eiu co, on leb, =la suddenly o, 1 ,..,onio, Har- old Belton, elde.,t and dearly -• loved son of John and Kate P. Ransford. IVARD—At Guelph General hospital, - on Feb. 14th, Charles Henry Fol- som Ward, husband of Lela G. Hoover. 'CAMERON—In Toronto, on Feb. 15th, Neil T. Cameron, eldest son of Mr, Thos. Cameron of Hay- field. TAUGH—In Stanley on Feb. 16th, John Tough, aged 84 years, HULLER—In Goderich Township on Feb, 18th, Aaron Huller, aged 85 years, Funeral from the home of Mr, Ezra Pickard on Friday, Feb. 20th, DEATH OF ONE OF GODERICII TOWNSHIP'S PIONEERS, One of Goderich township's oldest :unci most highly esteemed citizens aniseed away on Thursday last in the person of Peter Steep, who had :reached the age o1' eighty-eight years. His wife, who was formerly Eliz- abeth Currie, predeceased him by six -- teen years and he leaves a family of lour sons and two daughters: John 'ef Goderich, Jaynes of Varna, Henry :and Adam of the Hayfield .Line and 1'Iis. T. R! , Sheppard of IloIeutsville and Mrs, James *en Miller of the .Huron Road, Tho funeral took place from the 'home of his son, Henry, at whose Thome he died, on Sunday afternoon to ,Clinton cemetery. Tho services were conducted by the Rev. E. ;i',. Ander- son, of Bayfield, the pallbearers being his four sons and two sols -in-law, Auction Sale (Of farm stock and implements, 'Having sold my farm to the Messrs. .Moria' for Flax Mill purposes, I have ;instructed Mr,', Thomas Gundry, to :sell by public Auction at my barn, ;just south d the G. T. Railway on Saturday, Feb. 28, 1020 at 1 O'clock sharp the following'; Horses: aged Stallion pacer, by Texas Jack dam by 'Allot Wilkes', son of 'Jay Bird', )never trained but shows considerable speed, Stallion, trotter, by 'Toddy foot cut, nearly new, hay rack, fann- Direct', dam by 'Allen Wilkes', a ing mill, root helper, wagon box and good prospect for any one 'wanting a trotter, Aged gelding, a good 411 fxl Clralltc . sound and n a a good work. oar. 9 -year old mare, heavi11 ;foal, a good worker and a fair reader, • Road- ster filly, 8 years old, off a geed sized young mare. Cattle; Cow dGo Feb, 21, eow due 1feb, 80, Cow due March 2, Cow due March 10, Cow clue March 80, Cow due June 21, Cow due July 5, Cow bred. Dee, 17, Cow bred Jim, 10, Cow bred Jan. 25, heifer, calf by Rozoll's Gurnsey Dull, farrow eow, 3 years old. Stock all in good Order. Tg ement s, Massey- Hauls Hinder 0 -ft cut, in good :work- ing order, 11dise drill, McCormick, set disc harrows, set of diamnoncl harrows, walking plow, gang plow, heavy land rollev, scuffler, fanning mill, Clinton make mower, Hower, lumber wagon, set bob -sleighs, light wagon, 3 -springs, top buggy, open buggy, set of double herness, set of single pig rack, gravel box, walking Plow; miller, 2 pig „crates, 2 sots whiffle- trees, long a s, ladder, set heavy harness, neekyoke, grain cradle, pea harvester,, set iron harrows, sixty 6 -inch tile, . forks, chains and other articles. There will be no reserve as the propri- etor has sold his farm, Terms;—All sums of $1.0 and under, cash: Over that amount 0 months credit will be. given on furnishing approved "joint notes or. 4 per cent straight fel' Casal on credit amounts, . Alt articles to be satisfactorilya oto111 y settled for before be- ing - inb xenuo e1 from premises, Ed- mund _mund Crawford, proprietor, T. Gun- dry, Auctioneer, —88-2 Clinton No WiAteepill Auctian Sale Of farm stock and implements, The undersigned has received instrue- tious to sell by public auction at Lot 18, Con, 5 I3allett, Tuesday March 2, commencing at 1 o'clock harness, man's saddle, stone • boat, sharp the following:—Horses, Aged teaks, Driving horse age 12, any lady can drive, Horse rising 4, Cattle Cow 8 yrs.' freshened in Jan., Cow 5 years due May 1, Heifer 3 years due April 1, Steer rising 3, Steer rising 2, 5 Heifers rising 2, Heifer rising 3, Heifer rising 1, Calf 6 months old, Calf 6 weeks old, 8 pigs bag truck, other articles tee numerous to mention. TERMS=9 months ere dit on approved joint notes; or 4 per cent. off straight for cash. All sums of $10 or under, cash. Jos. Copp, Proprietor. Thos, Gundry, Auctioneer. —33.2 Sewing Machines For Sale I have a few second hand machines in first class condition guaranteed for 10 years. Call and•see them at my house, one door west of the Royal Bank A, Hooper. 33---4 Auction Sale The undersigned has received in- struction to sell by public auction at Lot 23, Con. 8, Hu]lett at 1 o'clock sharp, on Wednesday March 3rd, the following farm stock and imple- ments; Cattle -3 milk cows, steer rising 3 years, heifer rising 3, 3 steers rising 2, heifer rising 2, 2 calves, Implements: hay rake, wagon, set bobsleighs, Massey -Harris combined seed drill, Massey -Harris mower, five weight about 100 lbs. Sow bred Feb. 10. Deering binder Eft-. cut. Mass- ey -Harris plower 6 -ft. cut, Massey seed drill, Wagon, Maxwell rake 10 -ft Set of sleghs, Top Buggy, Hay and stock rack coinbned,. Cutter nearly new, Walling plow, Gang plow, Car, rope and pulleys, Fannng mill, Har- rows, Set .of double harness, Set of single heelless , Number of Hens, grind stone. Quantity of hay and straw, Good Collie dog, and other articles. No reserve as the propri- etor has sold Its farm. TERMS: $10 and under, cash; over that amount, 9 months credit on approved joint notes, or 4 per cent for cash on cre- dit amounts. R. Brennan, Proprietor, Thos. Brown, Auctoneer, —33-1 ThreeDestroyed One Roof Escaped The picture tells the story. M.r. Offer's letter confirms the fire- resistant qualities of iIc says: . ".1 covered the roof of 201 Marlborough Ave., Toronto, with your Asphalt Slates :-wise4ti:r•t: ,,. This l,,:i,.vc•:.-o,ecf a row of four, tlic remaining three ver,:: covered with Cedar shingles. "The hn-were cl,sctnarc':r:at r',c- ere' Onthe ai;iit of ? t 3l1 3 „1„ 1010, those roofs caugi,t Sire from a spark from a pass -ng ti abs. "43 , C^1 r ^ i 1 t:'? , `, the roofs on three houses n r i; x ' : i 1n:.r•rcts ib ,er out, uot:cr your slates rz , • S t'.i1 vi A-.•,.tlt f lite (ctn. t r.fs had .1 e n :owe UCCti'r, l," tin L.rei : a t'iazrcvc of Walsing_ hum, C..t , c 1 I i t,,:::,. , Mr. CJliirrovn ..ys. "The house 1 Iive in is a lar:m f: acne with dry pine rafters and sheathing. :f covered same Will Brentford Roofing hist May. "On November 2-11h, at ei:hg in the morning, we discovered that it was all aflame inside eS roof of one part, 10 x 3Q with a fine breeze fanning it. rut by the iso of the telephone and the splendid fire -proof gr:aliti_3 of your coating, WO got the fire out and found spaces where the rafters and lumber were burnt out from in under the roofing anti the roofing still •doing its duty of resisting fire. Also remember this, is out in the country Where it took the best part of half an hour for help to arrive." 1 The Inspector cf the Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany, has this to say about 1lir. Wingrove's fire:— "I inspected this risk after the fire. It was particularly evi- dent that the fact that the rcrf was covered with Brantford Roofing kept the fire confined below the roof. If it had been possible for, the fire to brook through I do not see how they could have saved the building. As it was the loss Wes com- paratively trifling." When roofing a building, it pays to put on a fire-resistant roof as well as a beautiful ane. irantford Asphalt Slates (indi- vidual size shingles) and Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates (four shingles in one) are fire-resistant, durable, economical and beautiful, Samples and prices furnished on request. Brantford `�_7��.1311k�'> CO,Limjted I•IjAD O. p1CD AND b`AWrony', I1r.ANTyorn, CANADA 13rafulies et ?„mato, Montreal, Ilahfax, Winnipe"g STORMPROOF - WATERPROOF --.— AND — FIRE PROOF, The roof and foundation are the most important parts of a building— USE THE BEST, Secure your roofing now before the prices advance, there will be a shortage when the sprint; demand cones, and higher prices. I,ra.ntft+rd, Asphalt Slate ee, and Asphalt ,Slate. Slabs' have proven good, The first roof of the kind was pat en in Brantford in 1000 and has stood the tealfor TW:3Ni YEARS, and stiHh good condition. It is 210 experiment as they have been tllorotnehly tested, and the output last season was more than doubled. The G.T.R. are using them in preference to others, they are also being used extensively now for siding and gables, saving t ho labor and cost of paint. BU'' YOUR ROOFING NOW AND .13E READY FOR THE SPRING Prices will be higher Mil—never in the history of Canada was there such a demand for Roofing, Orders will be filled fit rotation as taken 114 I-IAR S. HARDWARE, STOVES and NOV~LTIuTho Store With a Stock NO MIS'TAIK 1Vlado when you get the habit of using Dur Palk Freshly .Ground Coffee or using our bulls teas, Green or mixed Japans,, or by getting the habit of shopping at Johnson Kt Go. Groeery, 2 cakes • of - Lavender ,GET YOUR HENS LAY- 2pkgs, Com Fla (es25o Bath Toilet Soap 25c ING WIl .N PRICESE c i • Alt. 1 an of P leharcls .220 8 cakes 1141111 Olive 000D USE—. Toilet soap 85c 3 cans •Kitchen Clean- ser for 215c - (Sane as Dutgh) Our tea prices have Pratte Egg producer not changed yet.. Get 1'ratts Lice Destroyer before the advance .Oyster 811011, Mica Grit, Special Blend 1b, 500. 8 pkgs Dominion TI•IISY HELP Royal Mendlen 60c, 1i Matches 25c GET SOME Quality Blend 70c. Japan Careen 50c. We pay highest . pri ees for Butter and Eggs Phone le orders promptly oared for A Square Deal For all. JOHNSON & COMPANY Phone Hi Phone 126 TO THE SWEETEST GIRL IN THE WORLD no offering will be snare acceptable than a box of our superb choeblates, Like her, they have a charm that is irrosistabie, Like her, they are as wholesome and delicious as the flow - ere in May, false p box next time and take a good ono, We have them at all prices 50e to -$2,50, AT The CLINTON CANDY KITCHEN M. McNEIL, PROPRIETOR GOOD MUSIC IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED and there is none finer than that played on a Bell or Gourley Piano. , Its beautiful tonal quality, its splenclicl• volume, and its ease of touch make it the piano of pianos for the master musician or the or- dinary player. Come and try then. You will surely want one, and vee will, gladly explain how easily you can have . your wish. Give us a call for sheet music or . player rolls—we are here to serve you. We have for sale a Gourley piano Louis design, used only short time by the owner, who is leaving town, to sell for 8300. This instrument is sold today for $650. Also a piano used only two years, sold by Heintz man Co., to go at $340. Write or call as these prices will save you mosey. • JONATHAN HUGILL SEAFORTH INIONWOMMIECIUMMosmIt :tee; THE VETERANS MEAT STORE BUTLER BROS., - Phone 170 ONE OF OUR SPLENDID STEAKS will make a meal fit for a king. Cut from the very choicest grain fed cattle it is meat that proves its su- premacy with the finest taste. And with all its extra goodness our meat costs ne mare than ordinary grades. You don't have to pay more though you get more at this meat market. Auctritara (l f Buttermilk f, r Feeding Purposes w ateaa-el;ae4, '" ebr'lttar u 23-111, ait 3 p.1'al. ea ;stile C$'eir.'tL1iYIerip@,'.,9t7ilil"G`era Mr. Goorge Elli(rtt has instructions to 51111 'by auction our entire production of buttermilk for the entuin f;' season, ail six 51l:tlrat0 lots, hrittg the Make for each G1' the six days of the week throughout the s-asou• 8 y ilT.fite 1',Do,,l;mral 2, u „n E,•„o Of (tic Dairy Cattle. The tul- clel ,aa Lea 're:svor .,,ctruction: to s -,i by piihlici auction at W. connclI's barn, Clinton, (near the stock yards) We dne::day, Feb. 25, at 2 o'clock sharp the following: 20 Choice Dairy Cows; 3 Cows with calf at foot, 3 Cows to .freshen in February, 5 Cows to freshen in March, 6 Cows to freshet in April, 3 Cows to freshen in May, 1 Farrow Cow, milking well now, Four of the above cows are choice Iiolsteins, two are choice Jerseys. The balance are good Durham grades, all are .young cows in good condition. TERMS: Six months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint )votes bearing interest at six per cent. GUARANTEE: Any cow sold to be with calf 'proving not to be so, one month from date of sale, 10 per cent of the purchase price will be refund- ed, Owing to the shortage of cars this sale has had to be postponed Front the 21st to the above date. W. H. Lobb, Proprietor, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. —33-1 House Wanted Will buy small house of five or seven rooms; good sized garden, some fruit trees in or near Clinton. Give particulars and price State if repairs are necons ary, Acldress "Moine,"' News -Record. —38-1 Farm for Sale 200. acres,' 111 miles from Clin- ton, choice .clay Ieam, first-class buildings, a never -failing artisian well and spring creek, close to school. Rural route and telephone. Hydro passoa :Genco. For particu- lars apply to Loren Tyndall, R,R, No. 4 Clinton, Huron County, Ca For Sale Chevrolet 400, touring car, 1010 Model, in first class conditnot. Will be sold cheap and good terms to right party: —John E, Howard, Bayfield, Ont. 81-4-p For Sale Maple Sugar Outfit; 100 sap pails and suites, 8x2y/sft: evaporating pan. All in good 00ntlltion, Write Pox 340) Hayfield, Ont, , e42-2 Fart for 2110 10) acres, lot 10 con, 6, Hallett, uiLiptiyi fru crop 1- of crazing, 10 acres buss b lei i ly ^•taus. Good well and ti,.i(s::j11; If not sold will be rented for pa:tune. Apply to R. ,f, 11Iiller Box 26, Clinton, or phone 110. -32-tf For Sale Ford runabout '18 model, in good shape, L. Stong, Kirk St., Clinton. —332etf House for Sale Frame house, story and a half eight rooms. rFs acre of ground, stable, good well and cistern. Apply John Shanahan, R. R. No. 1 Clinton. Phone 1 on 657.--29-tf; Hero Evhry Monday Merrier Bros, will be at the Ratten- bury House, Clinton, every Monday to engage flax lands and transact other business in connection with the flax inill to be operated here —32-2 Properly for Sale On Base Lino, 1 ntilo,north . of Clinton, 21,5 acres of ground, good frame house with cellar, barn, well and cistern, small fruits. Land well drained and in good state of culti-' vation. Buildings in good repaint - Apply on premises to Miss Bullet. • —32-tf Custom Sawing Will be done at Thos. WaIIis's bush 4tit con Goderich township in the early spring: We also have a gracility of green wood for sale 111 Reicl's bush front road Stauley--Mc- Ewen Tiros. Phone 20 on 024 Clin- ton. —27.7-p Tarin for Salo Farm for sale in 000021011 town- ship, Lot 80, Concession 5, one mile south of Porter's Hill. Near 2 -churches, school; store and black- smith shop, The farm contains 80 acres in a good state of cultivation having been i11 pasture for sever- al years. Good bank barn and a fait house en the premises, A snap to a quick buyer, Apply to R. Boa - tom, Porter's II111, or W. Bryden°, Clinton, If not sold Will be leased for pasture, c --31-f3 Posts For Sale Choice coda Posts, end posts and' braces, .Apply -W, J, Stewart, l3ayfiel(i, Phone5 on 600,---2G�-7 Nq Trespassing Any person or persons trespassing or destroying property 011 the prem- ises of the estate of the late' Will- lain H, Woods will be prosecuted' according to law.—1, 111.. Woods, Bayfield, Ont. July, 1st,1920 for knitters and leal'n(ilg Also WD for menders aid inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knittin Co, LIMITED SCRANTON COAL We are lucky to have the sole agency for this celebrated anthra- cite, with which we can always give a guarantee of genuine satisfaction. It is true that owing to unavoid- able circumstances we have found it necessary to work in some of what we call jobbers coal which, although it costs us a good deal more, invariably gives us trouble. We would be money ahead to stick to our straight line stock, but the community requires so much coal each year, and if we are cut off our supply from one source we must try another, or have considerable suffering, Under existing condi- tions of disturbance there are very few things bought ,today that aro'' entirely satisfactor. However, we are glad to say that during the month of December we took in 900 tons of good coal, 400 tons of which we were able to stock in our bins anticipating the in- evtable heavy transportation and car shortage. Try our CHESTNUT CORE at $12.50 delivered Or our PEA COAL at $12.50 delivered Also try our HARDWOOD RAILS at $4.25 per cord delivered Or our CEDAR RAILS at $3.25 per cord delivered At Brumfield we are still in the retail lumber business and have two cars of Shingles on the way. Any- one doing any building or repairing inay have the benefit of our service, and any enquiry will be courteously taken care of. J. . MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefleld 11 on 618, FE C991 ITEM' Live and Let Live You Should Eat More Fish Fish should be more freely used bee^use it t•:.n cs exceedingly high ,n point of :food value. It is an ecoalnieal source -of energy for those who work with either head or hands. It 1.1 also moot easily di - :,ted. There aro many reasons, indeed, why people 51101:Id cabmen fish, . The chief are that it is GOOD F^SID, APPETISING - ECONOMICAL at this season of the year fish can be procured in specially fine 'condition A FEW SUGGESTIONS Fresh Halibut, Fresh Salmon trout Finnish Eaddie Fillets Fresh Water Herring Codfish E. E. I-IUNNIFOIR© Phone 4 s Vietor Feed We have a quantity of Victor Feed fox hogs and cattle, which will take the place of shorts, as it Is impossible for us to secure shorts this season, TRY SOME OF THIS FEED AND WE FEEL SURE YOU WILL LIICE IT Also 111 our stock is a quantity of feed flour and mixed chop, As these two lines are good value at the prose ont time we would advise an early purchase, Having procurecl the agenay- for the Swift Canadian Co., we are pim- pernel to ofcr you PVdIi'1 h DIC1:OITIVE TANKAGE and also all brands of this con- pany's Fertilizers. • Regarding spring seeds our stock includes the following: Red Clover, Alsike Clover, Sweet Clover, Alfal- fa, Timothy, alto Timothy and Al- falfa mixed, There are a ±0)2 barrels of the Pure Cane Molasses left yet, W. Jenkins &Sola. FLOUR AND FEED Phones; tlewator X90, hesidefce 141 v 'It is Lent-, •E �''" ,. U Our tittle hatchet —of oourse • we have a full supply of ' FISH Fresh Herring Red Salmon Halibut Finnan Hasidic Cisooes, and Codfish W. T. The Flub Grocery Custom Chopping Having purchased‘a tractor I am: prepared to do custom grinding and chopping every day in the week. Will give satisfaction. Work done in my own barns. F, W. Andrews, Clinton House for Sale Story and a half'honse on Princess street. Good veranda, parlor, din- ingroom, kitchen and summer kitchen, wood and coal house, three bedrooms, two clothes closets, cellar. Good hen house and hen run on premises, also some fruit trees. All in good repair. Apply to Geo. Burnett on premises —31. Raw Furs Wanted Especially Mink, Fox, Raccoon, at the following prices: Mink $6.00 to $15.00, Fox 15.00 to $27.00, Rac- coon $3.00 to $8.00, Unprime and damaged skins at value. Furs are 'as high now as they will be this win- ter. So don't hold them any longer. —H. A. Hovey, Clinton -_27-tf Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheshter White boars for service. At home every forenoon.—A. C. Levey, Phone 5 on 639, Clinton —28 WHAT ABOUT THAT RR OF? SPRING 18 COMING AND SPRING RAINS GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING t -gent for Frieda Purrlaces I i.` k"Yrr ti;Ae Plumbing and heating. Phone 53 Shop over Rowland's hardware FLOUR and FEED Highest Prices Paid for Barley, oats and Buckwheat, .. LOGS A quantity of Elm, Maple, Bass- wood, Beech, Hemlock and White Ash Logs wanted. Inquire at store about prices, J. A. FORD et SON - Phone 123. NEW LAID EGGS WANTED. Highest Prices Paid. 4 ---, FEED FOR SALE. We have a small amount of Feed left over and we, therefore, offer this at cost price; 2000Ibs. finely ground cot and 30001bs. finely ground wheat. This feed is suitable for poultry, Hogs or Cattle, • GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWARTTIA., Manager,. Phone 190; Holntesville 4 on 141 CREAM WANTED 1 The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require snare cream. We .request you to ship us your cream. Wo guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to.you and needs no further recommend. We pay all express charges, fur11- 5512 cream 00118 and pay twice each month. Write for oats or further infortna- t1o11 to the nHta Seaforth Creamery Coo, G}, As HARDER, MANAaEIii