HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-2-19, Page 41 Clinton NewneAltecord 4,MpopommemialtweNorovrokw TERIVI$ eAski Five dozen pairs Nett Curtains, pretty designs, 2,/a yds. long. Values $ 4.00 and $4.50, SALE PRICE $3.49 RUGS 12 reversible wool rugs size 27 by 54 inches. Values up to 27.00 SALE PRICE $4.98 RUGS 12 Reversible Rugs size 31 by 60 inches. Values . up to 27.50 SALE PrttcE $5.93 JUTE ,RUGS 0 only Jnte rugs 35x72 inches. good wearing. rug. Values up to. - 25.50 SALE PRICE :,43.98 TFauras CASH Successor to Couch www,~Aft-fe4mwgva,wleftlft=lr;,-.4vs,,v' Pobruary19th, V2() Com LINOLEUMS 100 yds best quality 4y5 Linol- eum. Values up to 55.75 a yd. SALE PRICE 24.98 a yd. FLOOR OILCLOTH 125 yds. Floor Oilcloth 2 yds wide, good patterns reg. 51)75 a yd. SALE PRICE 51.49 yd. Mort OILCLOTH 100 yds _Oilcloth 1 Ihyds wide good patterns. Reg. 51.60 a yd. SALE PRICE $1.29 yd. COCOA MATTING 1 piece only 24 inches wide, reg. .90e a yd. SALE Num` .79c a yd. R ONE WEEK ONLY encing Saturdat,u, Februaru 21st Your choice of any cloth coats 8 in all, good styles, including black. Values up to 225.00 Sale Price 513.45 L. E Big Wall Paper Salt) oft, Sacnrclay, Feb, 21st, we Commence a sale of Over 10,000 Rolls of Wall Paper These..papers are the beat of our 1918-1919 stock with small lots of remnants, and will be cleared at very low -prices. You CAM get a good parlor Paper, worth easily • today 30c to 4(18 a roll, but while they last we leave a large quantity to sell at Lid' 1.1..1. roll, Paper at 811 ‘vorth op to 20c Paper at 10e Wort h up to 25c Paper at 15c worth up to 59c Odd dolible.rolls at 5c Odd lots of tw:idouhll rolls 10c, This will be a spi,ildid onportunity t;) paper for a k w i•ooms a•vi-.,•'y lo,v prie,, 010 q0;',1,Z Htly i• gc,.d c00 -)para "IT r,;voee,bly with tilti NU V 6t1octZ PItI2,;:.2 —TO the fleet 111i) custoolors to buy $2 or over ut. v.,,,111, • p -i• Al 1.buten Our fi'lhowiag of Wall PasWflI bs the best wa have ever shlwo. We invite you to see filu.display which will soon be complete A. T. C uper, • Clint 11 eaT31=====r1V;022,7tItt=====s2=2=3Z:t'22=221=22-.4-402 Just- a Little Tired! DON'T VirOtRY ! , --- ThIs ta the 33eginuing 0; a Nervous Hacking's Heart and Nerve Eentedy is eimply a wonderful: Preparation for Breakdown Diseases of the Heart; drives out ,...—,.. Pain, rear, Worry and the uncertain - Row ofte„ ,_ _ 0 that goes along with diseases of ". .,' Ti° this most important organ. - • bear peopte say "Oh, there's nothing the SLEEPLESSNESS --•• matter, Just a little de -vitalizes the whole bodily organ.. rundown, that's all." leaden and You Must Have Sleep in This May be the order to build Up your health and beginning of a Nor- strength, If the Nerves are all a Vous Breakdown and tingle and 301157, and the Brain is in may ecton be followed by Headache, a state of unrest through Overwork, Dizziness pains in the region of tho Worry 02' some Functional Disorder, gone, Vrenk Digestion and „,,„y a restful sleep wilt be difficult to ()b- other troubles. tail). Do not dope yourself with "sleeping powders" or "heart depress- Haeking's Heart and Nerve RemetlY ents"—take Hacking's Heart and is almost sure to prevtheent Nervous Nerve Remedy ann d a atural sleep Collapse. It is Just right thing win follow, for Nervous Troubles of any kind. When you "don't feel right," and tire HEADACHE) easily you 0110015 not delay in taking is Nature's Signal of d.ishartiOny in this wonder remedy, as it will bring the 11010111 body. It MaY come from back the Vigor and Vitality of Good impoverished blood, overtaxed brain, lieelth, that you. so much desire. 10eS of sitzsp or it may be from Con- gestion followed 'by Inflammation. 71 'drives away Pear, Nervoustess No matter what Um eanse raay he and Despondency and maim your Ilitkii.g's Heart and Nerve Remedy Sloop mom Restful and Satisfying; it will help you. IS a Tonic and Strengthener to the People who ' havo. boon ailing for Heart, the Nerves, the Brain and Oa years should not expect a Comple•le Body. . .' Cure in a few days but should pot. 1) '± werryei dol•ot give up be., shit in the treatment in order to ban, came others medicines have failed to ish t110 1111(10r1Y1115 cl"011 and to "lc' hey 7011 , b Ulf a f , w boxes 0 f auk. reef; the evil conditions that bring Ings Heart and Nerve Remedy from about the trouble. You should be 7001,,dectut to-do. tti, time to get Ifaelrigg's as 00 Ot1201` Meat in Yetir donditieh Win. OUlakiY t kind will do. Ila particular about • follaw, , your itttelic*, as YOUlt, health le importan t. to Stitt° that vitt got Melting% If /tacking's Matt and Nov Ttonalcly Yet* dealer tioes fiat keep it, wo will ts sold by all Ara elm drunisix or gladly 22011C1 It by mail. ?deo 500 a by Mail peat Paid, Pried 50c a boX, box, 6 for 52.50, /liteking'e Lb:kited, 6 beXtee Or $2,50, Hacking's Limited, 244004 Out Minya kaaaatutoataat=tag46:4i?...7:1Z.7.iti.aiat..ta.,........W.gi.:4L.;,• • ' ,7...Pmilm-n,o, - -, ....4. t....4...$ ...' 21 Writ ZaWINIPAVIVAN Kippen A pleasant evening was- spent at the home 'of Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Jarrot last week, when about twenty- five of their friends gathered in honor of the 25th anniversary of their wedding day. Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett received many hearty con- gratulations. The happy couple veru agreeably surprised a few days afterwards when two beautiful oak rockers arrived at their home, with the card: "To Mr. and Mrs, I. Jarrot, in remembrance of your 25t1i anni- versary from friends who attended." Their son, James, who is a returned soldier, and at present a student in ±110 11e(1;1 College, London, was home for the aceasion, There pamd away on Sunday morning at Ili home in Stanley Mr. :fat. 111,3Dair a life-long re.:iclent 01 the to .t-nshit). Mr. McDitir..lid had- been afii.]:; for a week previous def. th 31't,"1 an attack of bran.elitio 111 :Friday aim even Setup - day Ece:1 to 1,1 i.oaproving but Sat- ur.lay alterneen the trouble became RAW FURS WANTED Highest cash prices . paid for .Sktmk, Raccoon and Enquiries promptly answered ROSS LH11TED NIANIIEAcTIMERS Bstitbustiori 1586 LONDON - ONT. 5.1 111 TENELP TheDo1jb.3 Track Route --thatween..— liONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CIIIOAC40, Cnexceiica dining ear service. Sleeping ears on night trains and pahor ears on prineiPal day trains. Pull information from any Grand TrUelt Ticket Agent or C 15. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- oittO. A.. 0. Pattison, Depot Agatit, JOHN" IIANSWOM) & SON, - Phan° 55y Uptown Agents Co. BATHROOM LINOLEUM Best make 2 yds. wide, Blue and White Green and White tile, reg, 25,75 a yd. • SALE PRICE $2.98 yd. CONGOLEUM SQUARES 2 only squares 3x3 good patterns reg. 219,00 SALE PRICE $13.9 DOOR MATS 12 only assorted colors, reg. 21.50 SALE PRICE .89e 25 per cent. discount off all Bruss- els, Wilton, Velvets, Tapestry, Rugs.. 130y a new rug now less than who/a- sale price Clinton CONGOLEUM SQUARES 1 only 34%. reg. 520,00 SALE PRICE 514.95 UNION RUGS 1 only 34% good wearing Rugs suitable for bedrooms, reg, 214.00 SALE PRICE $9.45 JAPANESE MATTING 150 yds matting best make all colors, Values up to .60c' • SALE PRICE .34c yd. STRAW MATS 25 only mats 30x70 vanes up to 60e SALE PRICE 39c TERMS CASH --%wtzozgifoSrSoNlt IVAAVitlfirf-AMMisZiMIPA-VAPANtAtr,ftetM alarming and he passed away as prey- Mr. W. W. Cooper of this village, who Green or Blake. lonely stated . He served some years as reeve of the township and previous has been suffering with flu in London, Mr. W. H. Johnston's school is Coit NeWS a hutd been a member of the The annual meeting of the South was worse. His mother has been closed for tlfis week as a means of council. He was a faithful and pains- with him for the past week, We preventing a spread of the fiu. Huron L. 0. L. was held at Exeter taking official,. In religion_he was a hope to hear more favorable accounts Miss Etta Jarrot of our village we devoted member of Brucefield Pres -and the officers for the coming year b 'an c nuch and for some years were elected and installed as follows: before long. hear is not in very good health at had served as an elder. He will be present, Co. Master, J. B. Armitage, Lucent Miss Agnes Furry of Kinder*, much missed in the church where he Deputy Co. Master, Robt. McMurray, was ever ready to do what he could Sask., who has been visiting' friends Mr. and Mrs. George Ayers of Hayfield; Rec, Sec, P. Cantelon, Clin- by his means and also he did not in the East for some months left Chiselhurst were guests with Mr. on; Fin, Sec. Bro. Sproule, Lucan; spare himself in any way so that he Ni'VoL ki 1. ° r home on Friday of last and Mrs, Wesley French on Saturday Treaturer, Adam Cantelon, Goderich could help the work of the church ex- last. .ble. Ayers also attended the township; 1st Lecturer, W. I. Fah: - community. He 141 be sadly missed Our trains have been keeping fr- 'ng o tho telephone Company oner, Clintott;'• 2nd, Lect. L. Carter, in the home by his wife and daughter. regular hours as•ain which is e great ,_ at Brucefield On that date. Lucent D. of C., Bro. Robinson, The sympathy of the comunity is- ex- Eetr. The celebration this year inconvenience to a number of people. Miss Stewart of Crystal City, Man., will be held at Goderich. tended to 1110111 in their hour of sad There was.no service in the Meth -hs been a guest with her 011010, Mr. bereavement. The funeral was held °dist (thumb en Sunday on - account S. Cuffinore and her aunts, Mrs. Wes. Mr. Robt. J. Powell of Myth was on Tuesday afternoon to Bairds Co.o ' le stem. A very few g•athered Harvey and Mrs. Thos. Workman. knocked down by a re-' horoe (,cam -the street cam day hmt ‘..eek, dra;Eed etery. The reads wore almost in the Preohyterian chut•ch and Dr. Mr. Styles of Cochrane is the guest sm oe distance ant I rather serieuoly Elmw their respect to a good man's 11ttiet:tbIle,.. but a number turned out to Altkin was unlade to reach Hills of his dauliter, Mrs. Sam Cudatore, injured. •.....•—•,-,•,---•••.-•••••------..—f•••e..---....t.—,,_ •••!.--,----_,--•-•:•••••:-----------------ree-r.reite...•—••••••••• "".-.. • 0 ..7.7., re:77:772:,,cr% t 0.'-',:"N./7\ . .. .1`13-1 - '-. '‘ A 7:3 r ..,1 , 4 e -.J::,..:1 t-..1:-,...".,'' . U ION TUE.. WED. 71b,\'!:.,7 . !FJ. DA T'• 1, -1 T. i.••*j ,...• . ,„,•:. 4-1) „0"s", p.,..,:le 1k...tit Mr, Doncan McGregor an 01c1 rest- (1:nt 0.f 12ippen, hada bad fall last week on tha ice. He was getiing 11 pail of water out of the cialern and while...taking the lid of? his feet went front under hint and Ile struck his side on the edge of the pail fracturing a rib. As Mr. McGregor is past the fourscore mark the fall has shaken 111111 considerably but we trust he will be able to be around again in week's time. Word was received Tuesday morn - Mg that Win, Cooper, Jr., son of She came From C2222stammulzmn,m.2222ceszys2=2=2214 A FEW Sundays ago, a young unmarried girl, after vainly applying for admission else- where, staggered in a fainting Condition, into a maternity home. runs Was the old, old story— trusting— betrayed—outcast — forsaken. roRsAltnii 2 No 1 The Sal- vation Army thanks God every hOur for opportunities given to show ±11511 ±110 Love of Christ still beats 10 1011117 hearts THIS youtig girl is passing through their hands peace- fullY, and will leave them With het seli-respOct restored. TX -IE Salvation Army serves those in the shadow of 1115- 3 308 my= POSTS IN • THIS TURRITORY,, USE TIMM 1 •• itIJjjijiiH ''‘.‘•••• TORONTO, ot h Ways Commencing SUNDAY, OCTOBER Gth, leaving TORONTO (UNION STAT(ON) 96 1 A5 LPy.pA, i1WST D111ZU EQUIPMENT Standard Sloepin, Dining, Tourist and Colonist Cars, Coy Coaches. Parlor Car through the Rockies. niii1_,.... Sunday, Monday, 1,V0dnesclay, Priday Canadian National all tho way. Vis 0.1.11,, Nor'rtthi°sOlyY,. Ctebeulireadsnol'eSti4dtuCrotinaYadlan National.. Iferther informatlen from 05175dian National Tlokbt.Agnnta, of 143 OSNERal. PASSEtiOtR otaaarrocur, TORONTO • ... 1.14 .h. L'.'.,' '' TO 1,•,i'' i•:. t 0 •••• .1I !,!.:::': 'I` i :',..‘,2. a' comet,tmost-Obsorrttios 1.Ihrrtey Oats '..',..i.Ofr;',Ya V, : ' ':.>?•'`.4i4 , •.. , ...,'W ,.:. , , .-, ,,,,, ' - is \