The Clinton News Record, 1920-2-12, Page 7BOW TO TREAT STOMACH TROUBLE !t Tonic Medicine is Needed to Dead UP the Digestive Org'a1Ls. The old-fashioned methods of treat- -lug stomach diseases are being die. 'carded, The trouble with the old, fashioned methods was that when the 'treatment was stopped the trouble re. turned_ In an aggravated form, The modern method of treating in - ,digestion, and other forms of stomach trouble is to tong "ftp the stomach and ,gionds to, their normal work, . Every atop toward recovery is a step gained not „'to. be lost again. The recovery •ot the appetite, the disappearance of Pain after Dating, the absence of gas, are steps on the road to health that • those who have tried the tonic treat. Ment remember distiuctly, Dr. Wil limns' Pink Pills are a tonic every ,constituent of which *is helpful in building up the digestive organs, and :therefore the very best remedy," for simple of chronic oases of stomach ,'trouble. The success of the treat- ment le best shown by hundreds of Stases like the following. Mrs. Chas, Conder, Piston, Ont., says:—"For ui,' wards of two years I was a great suf. 'fever from indigestion. Food would. ferment in nay stomach, and I would belch gas with a burning sensation. 'Often I would be troubled with Ilea,nau- sick k a hes e deft and dizziness. ss. Notwithstanding that I Was under medical treatment the trouble grew ;so bad, that I would only eat when. :absolutely forced to, and I was in con ;stint misery,I was finally advised to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and 'had only been using them a few weeks when I -found they .were l elM ing lire. I very gladly continued their 'use and the result is they have hada me a well woman, every vestige of the trouble leaving disappeared. I am se :grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have clone for me that I stronk. advise any who may be suffering from :stomach trouble to give thele a fair trial, and I believe that like myself they will Rode sure cure," You can get Dr; Williams' Pink Pills through ally dealer in medicine, •or by Miall, post pato, at 50 cents a lox, or six boxes for $2.50 from The Pr. Williams' Medicine Cm, Brook- ville, Ont. , , NEW STYLES 1N BLOUSES 'British Roads to Stay'' Under Control. The British railways will Continue under Government -control for another :year at least. General Sir Henry -Thornton, a melnber•.of the-Rallway .Advisory Board, the other day made this statement: • "Nationalization• df the- railways is :ilo5te only'a remote possibility; ;On the resumption of normal conditions Bri- tish railways will be operated ripen a an- - 'pion that lies between nationalization end private ownership. The individ- Ital companies will continue., to ad- minister the separate lines ;with re- oiresentatives on and' acting, In eon- .jhnction with a central hoard, .coin - rioted of Government representatives .and representatives of railway labor. •'rhe new scheme will come into .•operation in about eighteen months. .Although the Railway Advisory Board attli is debating the personnel, the power of the board of control prob- ably .wilt follow some of the Rues of the present board, The effects of the 'change from this system to the new will not be. felt 'for some Utile. •'Reduction of fares or freight. charges canhlot be anticipated Por some years to come. The , present hoard acts merely"in an advisory ca - tacit 'des 1 Y, ldas disputes, arbitrates be- tween companies and.their leen, and :managers .of individual lines only re- fer to the board in times of emor- .gency. 1- A Recollection. I tike to think about the•place Where as a ohlld I played. In fancy often I retrace The paths where once I strayed; .As cherished memories I recall Amid the haunts of yore, I scala. to prize above them all The good old grocery store -- Where you could sit and take your ease And. eat the crackers and the cheese, And browse around the bounteous shelf And when inclined, jut help yourself! I see the. shadows in the pool, I hear the distant bell, Which, with its stelnmons back to, school, I heeded none -too well, - Yet whatsoe'er may he the shot I linger to explore, - My dreaming .cuts across the Iot To that old. grocery store— Where bacon from the rafters hung And fruits. in gay,festooil's were strung; Whore you could get without a thrill Some change hack from a dollar bill! No. 9282• `I.pdies' Biloono Blouse Prices 25. cents. fie • be slipped on over the head; ''Short sleeves, or with long gathered sleeves. Cut in 6 sizes, 34 86, 88, 40, 42 and 44 inch bust mea- sure. Size 86, with f t,thered sleeves, 2 yards 36 or 45 inches wide; with short sleeves, 1%s yards 86 to 45 inehes wide. " No. 4238—Ladies' Waist. ,Price, 25 cents.wo styles of front andndsLeet e Cut in 8 sizes, 4 42, 44 s 3, 38, 38, 40, , 46 and 48 inch bust measure. Size 86_requires, with pleated side•front, 1% yards, 36 ,inches wide,. or 1% sacra 54 inches wide; with plain side - front, 1% yards 36 inches widd, or 11%s yards 64 inches wide. No. 9251—Ladies' Waist. Price, 25 cents, With or without yoke; two styles of sleeve. Cut in 7 sizes, 34, 88, 88, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inch bust measure. Size 36, with collar, 18, yards 36 inches wide, or 1%s,yards.40 inches wide; without collar, 1s yards 36 inches wide,tir 1% yards 40 ruches These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer or from the McCall Co„ '70 Bond:St., Toronto, Dept. W.• , 0 Egypt is An Ideal Air Base. Lord Montague, an aviation expert, says; "Before long we will see a jour- ney between London and Rome done" in the hours of daylight and between London and Cairo in a little over twenty-four hours. Great Britain is in some respects unfavorably situated in regard to aviation. Being at the extreme northwestern end of the great bloolc-of continuous land comprising Europe, Asia and Africa, Great Rennin can be used on the way to America, but Will be a terminus so far as con- 'ttnental traffic is concerned, says a Loudon despatch.- ' "But there is included in the British Empire to -day the laud of Egypt, and Egypt is in a very favorable geo- graphical position and It is without fog, seldom has a strong wind and sun- shine is so common that the people there` begin to hate the sun. It is des- tined !n many respects to be the centre 01 continental aviation certainly for the western half of Asia, the whole of Europeand most of Africa. "For very short distances the use of the airplane does not compare favor- ably with the best railway expresses, but when the distances are as long as London to Edinburgh ono begins to save enormously. It does not pay at present" to carry passengers. Mail matter paying a shilling or perhaps two shillings a packet is much more Profitable. • ,Unless the cable coin. ponies wake-up we shall be sending airgreaus insteadof telegrams to dis- tant places before many years. - -"It is very likely I tiesss r p of one country will y w I become interchangeable with that of another in a way now hardly .contemplated.. in the direction of mail carrying I see no limit to the usefulness of aviation. "Th'e cost 01 'I'uuning 00 ordinary two or three seater airplane is about 50 cents a mile. The life of a well constructed airplane might he taken as about she htifflred hours or 60,000 miles of flying. A first-class airehlp costs at least $750,000, and the cost of running per mile is therefore much greater. I believe, the airship will be used for long traneCollti0entai dis- tances and airplanes for shorter dis- tances." English to be World Language. In reply to the question addressed by the Northern Peace Society to pro - tenant linguists in various countries as•to which language would be the most suitable for world-5X1de rise, M, Carnoy, professor of Louvain Univer- sity, writes: - "English world undoubtedly be the most suitable, The German .and French languages have lost •their place through the war. The Euglislt Montage is n hospitable one, being a kind of compromise between the Latin and Germanic tongues; oleo it is simple and is soften by most progres- sive 110110ns of the world, and has one of the most beautiful literatures of modern times," A Health -Building Cereal, t A satisfying' food. F]reatxy plashpl .1 ,tV taste, {ti ] of rich nourishment and ready to eetir, .ivithout COGkin - Neuf,. no S . x w1 �lSl -' ,A1ik�cyOuriaarta.,�iltt�r Qr r d -a, 14 easolt •w, 4' ;e.�.c,ar,>ar- ,.';herr° �`vi=•�':�Mcai�ez VI r' War Eliminated Plaster Cast, The war leas almost completely eliminated the age-old plaster east Brom the instrllulente of eurgct'r. Tho surgeons at the front were working g all, f e i1 1 num firet of or speed � healing l and getting thele book tet the 41'014.. They fou11u that the plaster oast, by keeping the patient almost rigid 'through the week of bone knitting, made nectessary a long, poled of 60o- valeseenCe to get rid of the stl1fnees resulting from the inactivity," An ingenious eiygeon invented a system of frames, splints•and braces, Whereby the bone entwine, fractured IS held firmly eat, and at. the salve time the patient ie enabled, to move the rest of his body. For instance, if the upper arm ls fractured the patient is Able, with the help of carefully balanced pulleys and weights to move his arm at the shoulder, the elbow and the wrist. When the bone is knit the Patient Inas full use of itis arm, olid the tedious period of exerolsiug the stiffness out of the limb is elimi- nated.. limi- n ated. _ The elimination of lid Piaster cast is but an example of the changes which the war has wrought in sur• gerY• STO Y ,EATER RAR .ON1 BABY The stormy, blustery Weather which we have du'ing. February and Malch is extremely hard on children.* Con- ditions make it necessary for the mother to keep them in the house. They are often confined to overheated, badly ventilated rooms and catch colds which rack their whole system. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tablets should be kept in the houseand an occasional dose given the baby' to keep his stomach and bowels working regularly, This will not fall to, break up colds and keep the health of the baby in good condi- tion till the Brighter days come along. The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by marl at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams!,Medicine " Co., Brockville, Ont. Inventors of the Tank. The British, tribunal which passes on claims fol fhe rewards offered by the government for inventions put to use during the war has decided, after an extended inquiry, thee twelve leen —soldiers, civilians and one naval oi- fleer—had a constructive part in the evolution of the tank. Oddly named, and slits accidentally, the tank was the most conapicuoltsly successful novelty that the war pro- duced, Its appearance has probably mark an epoch, as the invention of ar- tillery did. As a war engine it had no primitive predecessor. it was not merely a« development from the ar- mored motorcar—tile suggestion was there only as the machine gun might be said to have been'suggested by the infantry rifle. ' The "iandship" was highly original in conception and structure. Its triumph was accentuated by the feet thatlit was the only machine or implement which at the end of the war was' still unchallenged. Soon or late every invention brought to the aid of one side is matched by the other side. Every new weapon of offense is parried with a defensive one, every device! or defense is successfully at- tacked. Had the war gone on, that would have been -the story of the tank. But Ludendorff scoffed at it upon Its Mit appearance; and by the time the Allies were stampeding his infantry with lleeljs Of tanks it Wits too late for the Germans to build opposing fleets. They combated the.monster kith only temporary eueeess by means of their hastily organized alyti-tank artillery, the allied artillery quickly finding ig a way to relieve, It of the menace. On Armistice. Day the tank was in pos- session of the Heid.. Major General E. D. Swinton, of. the British army; heads the list ".that shares in the award of some $"20,000, The tribunal thus confirms the cont° Mon impression that General Swinton was foremost, if not alone, in bringing the landship into_ being. There were many li ore than a dozen claimants, of course, One aliege[t that ho had seen the tatllt 1n a dream. And one was credited with havhig,g actually re- duced the idea to practical silage at least two years'beforo the war. Tho tribunal expressos regret that it can matte 110 award to this eliti$l ant, but attests 'that his brl:llant 'invention anticipated and in sena) respects sur- passed the tank put in iso ill 1916— set. aside without receiving the. re. cognition it deserved, it was not brought out when the time was ripe, for. it, •a^ Rrhile not named among the sharers of the prise money, the Tion, Winston Spencer Churbhill, first Lord of -the Admiralty, is desolvedly credited with lending a 1•yoeptiveeear to the 'ilea, and so making it possible fol' StiNatoli and his associates to obtain ollichhl sanction for going ahead with it. Had not estate ranking government -official had vision ,enough to.furnishthis en- couragement, the Swi11t011 ta1110 might have been shelved and forgotten, Its the ane %offehed before the. war was, The Goad -of Discontent. O thou, who lovest not alone The swift success, the instant goal, ' 131.11 hast a lenient Dye to mark The failures of the inconstant soul, Consider not my little worth, The mean achievement scrimped in act, ., The high resolve and low r'esul't, The drealu that durst not face the fact" t But count the reach of my desire, Let this bo soenethlrig in Thy sight, 1 have nit, in the slothful dank, Forgot the vlsion and the height. Neither my body nor lay soul, To earth's low ease will yield eon. cnt, I praJMe Thee YO*' my will to strive, X bless. Thy goad of 1lisoontent, .:� ban~, n. Roberts, pnd File ° ra11 of en. *pal is, due, to the reg a go water' in the gene. MA? HAVE YOU ASTHp A Do you ond)re the misery ofAsthma- with P10018055 nights; difficult broat1118g eve;Ib d y' strength? quick renes le guaranteed by the use of TEMPLETON'S RAZ -MAH CAPSULES This preperation i a the re- aultofearsofexp ertment- ,. ingand3sbpd , :Thousands have dorlveu rho ereatest benefit through its use. write em lebons. 142 l ing St w„ Toronto, Sold by reliable druggists eVerywberotpr 81,24 a bot. TEMPLETON'S. i NEUMATIC CAPSULES 1Co0r ci00 fof t1coonr years the standard 6 Rheumatism Neuritis, Gout Sciatica, Lumbago,- Nogrelele Many,•dootore presgrlbe them. 5"rllo to Top,platese, 192 N110 00, 5v,,. Toronto, fir' emMlqq. sold 197 rollallu,lrugeluta etorywhoao;o[ x1.04non Por 100 Dimensions. T took a turn in Frostland (There—on the window pane), Where picture vales and .mountains Are in the self -same plane, And where the epleasure "gardens Are bathed in argent light, And leaf and stem and blossotu Aro all one candid white. Those gardens have their music, Through tubes of crystal g Ysta blown, wn Or picked shed ou tons string viol — 1 e } g s But all is monotone! • I dreamed that Frostland dwellers Were with this lot content, Sale bne—a sage or proollet, Whose thought far roving went. He said—but npne attended: "IP I have deemed aright, .._. There is, though past our vision, A ray beyond the white; Aud, past our audient threshold, Are tones of rare delight!" And I, who knew the rainbow, The octave's singing flights- Row well I could have answered, If any answer might! But—as a warm breath smote it! That scene dissolved) away— My three spaced world enclosed me, Where ill coptont I stray - 0 who have heard the rumor (Which I cannot forget) A ray has been, detected Beyond the violet, Anil tones (perchance elysian•) By us ungathered yet.' Is there in Space Outlying, One who would ansiver me— Whose ear those tones can gather, Whose eye that ray can see? "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE -Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California" Syrup et Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and roost harmless laxative or physio for the little stomach, livor and bowels. Children love its • delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's doss on each.bott!e. Give it without fear, Mother! You' must say "California," In justification of 1;he claim of the London Underground Railway that Moving Cross District Station is the world's busiest station, it is,recoded that nearly a quarter of a Million people, use the station daily. The number of passengers onteeing and alighting is made up of 190,000 or- dinary and workmen ticket -holders, and 82,000 season ticket -holders, The District, Bakerloo, and (Hampstead Railways serve this station, and a total o11 no fewer than 2,920 trains pass through daily. The 'publisher of the bust Farmer's paper in the Maritime Provinces in whiting to us states: "I would say thatel do'not know of a nlodieine that has stood the teat of tlmo line MINARD'S LINIMENT. It hes been an unfailing remedy in our household ev0r•since I can remember, and has outlived deserts of would-be competitors and imitators." To Identify Criminals. For future identification of 0rinrin- •als a Paris physician has suggested subcutaneous injections of wax to form permanent membraneous cysts. Thirty years ago Ontario farmers, killing •hogs on the farm and peddling diem, to local consumers, got $8.50 a hundred pound's tor nils dressed meat. Now the live hog under modern packinghouse methods of marketing, brings them $18 a hon. 0,drecrrvetght without the trouble of doing a butchers fob! 1laillard'e Liniment tot Male eve'ywherea ,Old new'apapers #sided about 9 x 12 inches and hung on :side of kitchen table are handy 'When a little food is spilt on stove 111 favors, If it le wills'' with -a ;piece of paper first, then with the ,'iousoaloth, or stove" cloth, much work is saved, • The Sandman. Wilda the' long, hot day le ,o'4er, And the scull drove down the west, Aatd .the ohlldish hands are Weary, And the-okt161sh feet moo rest, file Saddmaiw' stoale throu611 per+ tale , , Where the dying sunlight gleams, rind touches the tired eyelids,:• And lulls them into dream. . yen so, when life is over, And the long day's march 1S past, We wait in gathering shadows Till ,the pandman acmes at last; Sad are our hearts ancl_weasy, And long tha waiting seome;' Lord, wo ,are' tired,children, • T6uch Thou our eyes with dreams, Take'. from the slackened fingers The toys so heavy grown; Give to Thy tired cl111111en Visions of Thee alone; Then, when at length the shadows Darken adawn the west, Send to us Death, Thy Sandman, To call Thine own to rest, "ROSY -fir • If Bilious, get your Pep and Color back with "Cascarets" LurrealTonne, 13ad Taste, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin, and Miserable Bead lichee come fro m a torpid p td 1 v er and - sluggish .boels, which cause .the stomach 'to become filled with midi. gested food which sours and ferments, forming acids, gases and poisons. Casearets to -night will give Your bili. ous liver and constipated "bowels a thorough cleansing and have you feel- ingclear, bright and as flt as a, fiddle by lnilrning, Oascarets never sicken or inconvenience you like nasty Calo- mel, Salts, Oil, or griping Pills. They work while you sleep. To -morrow. To meet to -morrow fearlessly, Tits much I have resolved to do, Though what the year' ahead may bring, Is still unknown to me, ter you. The sky is dark, the sages say. Old standards fell before the new, Gone are the things, men died to save, The litany suffer for :the few. While 'youth gives answer, "This may be, But have you lost the faith to see se To•morroW Is no waning light, No coward's hopeless prophecy,' To -morrow is my book to -write Your brightest dream, our glorious fight, And what we make it, it will be— So face the future fearlessly!" 1000 Eggs,, In Every Hen New Systetn of Poultry Keeling -'--Get Dollar A sDozen Eggs—Famous Poultryman TELLS HOW "The great trouble with the poultry business 1108 always been that the lay- ing,• life of a hen was too short!' says Henry Trafford, International Poultry )expert and Breeder, for nearly eighteen years Editor of Poultry Success. Tho average •pullet lays 160 eggs. If kept the 110101111 Year, she may lay 100 more. Then site goes to markt, Yet, it has been scientifically established that evert• pullet. is born or hatched with oven one thousand minute egg germs In her system ---and will lay them on a highly profitable bas6is, over a period et four571('8. to six years' ti'uie „if given. proper How to worn to get 1,000 eggs from every luny hew to get pullets laying early; haw to make the old •hens lay ]tire pullets;- how to keep up hoary er;g Pro- duction all through uu 1 cold winter months when e • -a are 6 e olro- R e hl •hes 'i 11 � > • - g highest; tt 1 s. le; 11 n profit 0110 every h• hems hustle; inKett ter profit from every heK in six; }venter menthe,T h ese and many other money making unultr secrets are contained In Mr. Tiafford's 4.1,000 P(, HEN" sys- tem of .poultry raising, one copy of which will bo sent tlbsolutely fres to any reader of this. paper who keeps six hensor more. Eggs should go to a dol- lar or more a dozen this winter. This means big profit to the poultry keeper who gots the eggs, Mr. Trafford tells how. If you ]seen ehickens and want them 1.0 mance n>OMMey for you, out out tins ad and send it with your name and address to Henry Trafford, Suite 610 D, Tyne r9100., 131nghamptun. N, y., and 8 il•ee copy -of TI -I10 1,000 );C.G I3L/N" w111 ba sent by return math i' Fie Was Seaten, "Look here!" stormed the proprietor of the travelling menagerie angrjly. "Are those Your children over there in front of thht cage?" "Only about three of them," replied Farther Tolhtison, whose family was largo and plain. "Well, -.get 'ern away from there, quick!, They have been making faces at the gorilla for twenty minutes, and the poor beast's having one lit' right after another!" d. Fw•—u.--a With e Fingers! ' Says -Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain o.:a--o--a•—o—o— 0 Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers it yon will apply directly upon the_corn a few drops of freesone, says a Cincinnati authority, It Is claimed that at small cdst one can get a quarter of an ounce ot free. done at any drug store, which is still. chant to rid one's fest of every' corn or callus without pain or Soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compoundl and while sticky, dries the moment it Is applied and does not inflame or evert irritate the surrounding tisane. This announcement will interest many womenhero, for it 15 said that the present blgk heel footwear Is pub Mg corns on praotioaly ovo}'y ' w013'Iatt a feet. .. No man's abilities are so remark. ably shining as not to stand in need of a proper opportunity, a Patron, and even the prelim of a friend to recommend theft to the notice of the world, --•Pinny, - Beep Inward's Liniment 11t ,. the helm, 158U No, 7--,020, FALLING? HERE'S WHERE IT SHOWS Don't worry! Let "17ander'ine" says your, hair and doubl( its beauty , To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a pmall 'bottle 06 delightful Dandesine" at any drug 0r toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. Aftelt,several applications the hair usually stops coining 1 out and you g can't find any dandruff. Your hair will grow strong, thick and+elong and ap Pear soft, glossy and twice as beauti- ful olid abundant. Try it! Three things are needed to develop the Dominion livestock industry on permanent ]Sines: first, improved; quality- in our meat animals; second, a narked increase .in breeding ani- mals; and third, a steady supply for the abattoirs year in year out. Miner's Liniment - Relieves Neuralgia. This is the season to call a family council and plan next year's garden. It .is none too early. MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Rive Dollars costs three cents. Aq,fog can be blown away by a' breath of wind; and a misunderstand- ing by a word of explanation. Agit for '9dinard's and take no other. There are over 60 known varieties of the banana, with as great, or greater, variation in character as in the different kinds of apples. L is selling -at the Imola Old price Sol. eoted '100'1 Pure Sugar Oeae Tremolo. Use it regutlarly. Peed it to your Cows, Pigs, Horses, Sheep and watch then tante on weight, Sprinkle it over straw, old hay, and all other fodder. It Keeps Stock Healthy Builds Flesh Faster Cows Give More Milk It cuts down cost;•of tending. A valu- able conditioner at decidedly reasonable Dost. Made of pure sugarcane molasses. Buy it by the barrel. Obtained from an first -sloes dealers. Send for feeding' circulars and price, Cane Mole Co., of Canada, Limited 118 St. Paul St, West, Montreal, Que. A Quick Relief for Headache ache headache, P 0 Y P A headache is frequently caused bade digested food; Ike gases by y s and acids resulting therefrom are absorbed by the blood which in turn` irritates- n r the nerves and causes painful symptoms called neuralgia, _rheuma- tism etc. 15 to 30 drops of Mother Sei el's Syrup will correct faultydigestion and afford relief. 40.0100,01111000010 ',..Pem000•000•0000 SYRUI REe8ra1 11 Cid For Coughs, Colds, end the relief of in: flarnmatory conditions of the throat arising from Broncihial, Asth• 1atic affections and derangements of the 1 Respiratory Organs.' Prepared from Spruce'; Gum and other medi- cinal agents. Success- fully used for 60 years. Always buy the Lome Mee meeseseteseereeteseteerwesd Cllasgil'ket1 Advent sernontat if rF�'ay�'1$fliir .1St 00011 tm ..-.A ONTO W P.t1y;i(l s :"S*10tiW4 a eon iigrngs�aylc dtr>tnh90 t�lowea A d tQs.4 F3rons0vl'okAtvq�,a 1o�r ' 84LF1:.,onntY. ,inn d1:4ocl,Y, IN1i2"Vri119,2,County, 8485 u ld Publishing t1l,l1alts, wrttll Ilse 'l, 4}llsgil 3'ub11Ai11ng o0„ Limits 78 Adelaide 81. W„ Toronto. Ur i6Ll. 0.10 116p1mII PlaTniVirns3)/,5 s Plaster Ontario, Insurance carried 81,600. will n. o for 81,200 on muck sale. Boa ea; Wilson rows:dung Co., Ltd., Toronto, 21xe011nr.A. t•000 CHOIC10 SIl,'y1D1 111,40K BRIOEDING Poses. Alco, we u50 buyers of Ras burs• What have 7004 what precgf nod Bros., Bgthwall, Ont. ("IO1rFXN 8010001; WAIVI',LD; I1` l'OT1 1 aro able to supply, adv1se us, as we will pay the hlghotft prices,dry or green from Um caw. ICe0na Oros„aros„ Lllnited, Owen Sound, Ont, (�yIfNCIOR, TUMOIOS, LUMPS, ETC, 11,.." internal and external, cured wlthout. Pain by our house treatment, Write us before 1100 late Dr. 13e11many' ModicaCo,. Limited, Coningwood, Ont, Annoriceds Pioneer, nog Reniodi:u dr '/Welt on DO S1 A ES and Now 10 4'esd Mailed 1rres to. any Ad - drew/ b;; the Author, 25 Olay plover Co„ Ina, 118 West slat Street New York, U.S.A.,. All grades.. Write for prices. TORONTO GALT WORK8 CLIFF • • TORONTO all, J. P LIFO ONTt9' invest Yotir Money In 5yo% DEBENTURES Interest payable half yearly. The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King St. West 1111 • •? Appear At Your _ l Fest—instantly If you receive a sudden caller or an unexpected in - :7 v:tati0no ynu can tool cun- 1 fident f always a{>peariog at your best. In but a few moments it renders to your skin a wonderfully pure, •"'� l soft complexion that is beyond comparison. 'ate" xk.sr v�^ DAR NTNG PJERO G SCIATIC PAINS Give way before the pene- trating effects of Sloan's Liniment So do those rheumatic twinges and the loin -aches of lumbago, the nerve- inilanunatioe of neuritis, the wry Reck, the joint wrench, the ligament sprain, the muscle strain, and the throbbing bruise. The ease of applying, the quickness of relief, the. positive results, the cleanliness, and the economy of Sloan's Liniment make it universally preferred. Made in Canada. 85c., 70c:., $1.10. CUTICURA HEALS &16Y3 FAGE Cala iiot Slue Eruption Itched' and Burned Se. "I noticed a little pimple on my baby's face. I thought it wva from the sun but it kept getting worse and tbo akin was red and very lot. He could not sleep or root the eruption itched and burned so, and it caused him to scratch. I was quite dis- couraged. "I saw an advertisement for Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment and Bent for a free sample. I bought more and afterttaingtwo cakes of CuticuraSoap andtwo and a half boxes of Cuticura Ointment ho was healed." (Dignod) Mrs. S. D. McGuire, Clarksburg, Ont., Dec. 10, 1910, Dam Cuticura Soap, °introalt and Talcumfor every-daytoilat purposes. Snap Sec, Ointment 26 and 80e. Sold throughouttheDominion, CanadhmDepot: f. mina• Limited, 3t. Paul St., Montreal, Cuticura Soap•ehavee without soca, ONLY TABLETS MARKED 'BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" Per Colds';Pain, headache, Neural-ackaga w'bieh contains complete di. llloy Toothache, 15araehe, and for eotlons, Then you are getting real 1 l,eumatism Lumbago, Setatia Not*- Aeplt'II•'-�tho genuine Aopiritt p1'A• This, take aspirin tanked wit elle scribed by physicians for over aloe - pante "Bayer" -or y018 1005 T101;tgltlbg teen 70805, Id'Ow made in iuuiw n Aspirin at all, ''Randy tin boxes oontalnlagg 12 tab- A000pt only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few souls, Druggists Aspirin In an unbroken Bayer" also sell larger 'Bayer" packages. Then() to only DUO Aailirin-01Bayex"-,•"goo mttab ony "Bayern Aspirih 10 tin trade mark (reslotorod in armada) et nave. stenufeeture Of Mone. rootloaotriootor of Saifoyll000ld, Wnito It to well 1ch1wn that Aspirin moans miens a uteeturo, to eaglet the public against im11nt1nn8, the Ma1>Inte or /layer Company III be 5l8mped Iva!, (heir general trade mark, i.id Mayor Cross."