The Clinton News Record, 1920-2-5, Page 7KELP HEALTHY
Coals end Diseases May he
Avoided if the Blood is
Kept Pure.
Do not lot et:Mr blood get tutu title
winter. •,ll'.or people wise have .a ten -
donee towards anaemia, or bloodless-
liege, winter is a trytng season, Lack
et exorcise and fresh Cr, and the
More restricted diet are among the
Many things that complus to lower
the toile of the body and deplete the
As soon as you notice the tired feel-.
Ing, lack of appetite and shortness of
breateethat are warning symptoms of
thin blood, take a short course of
treatment with Dr, Williams' Pink
D11Is. Do not welt until the color has
'entirely left your cheeks, until -your
lips are white and your eyes dull.. it
is somucheasier to correct thinning
of the blood in the earlier stages than
later, This is well illuetratee in the
case of Mrs, B. Williams, Bilk Lake,
Ont., who says: "I take great
pleasure in letting you know the bene-
fit I have found in the use of Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills. I was in an
.ana-epic condition, and was vary weak
and run down. The least exertion
would leave me breathless and it was
with difficulty that I d'id;household
work- I was advised to try Dr. Wil-
liame1.1311alePels, and atter the use of
four hones I felt like snew person.
In fact, my system seemed tilled with
new energy and new lite. I strongly
recommend this medicine to • all who
feel weak or run down?
The purpose of Dr. 'Williams' Pink
Pills is to build up the blood, They
do this one thing and they do it well.
They are for this reason an !available
remedy in diseases arising from bad
or deficient blood, as 'rheumatism,
'neuralgia,, after-effects of the grip or
fevers. The • pills are guaranteed to -
be free from opiates or any harmful
, drug and cannot injure the most de.
i Moate system,
You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer fn medicine,
or they will Me sent you by mail at 60
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by
writing direct to The br, Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont,
One housewife has a pew dustpan
Slanging 'beside her kitchen stove.
She uses it as a lifter to removepies
and rather Slot dishes from the oven.
To cions freshen ' bread dip P
loaf, wrapped in a clean cloth, into
bulling water, let remain there for a
half minute, Then take off the cloth
and bake in a, slow oven for ten min-
utes and fresh bread results.
The safe way to send money by mail
is•'by Dominion Express Money Order.
Don't stint yourself in order to save
up money for your rel'ati'ves to quar-
rel over after you are gone.
MSuard'e Liniment Relieves areuralai.w.
Archaeologists contend that draw-
ings of human beings and animal in
ancient caves in France prove that
man was right-handed as long ago as
in the stone age,
Prince Use. Explosives
an rutin'.
TIM beauty spot 'ot peyote Deet,
moor, which 1e part tet the e DklebY et
Ooinwall anti therefore the property
of the larieee of Wates, is being.trans•
formed by explosives into produeti"re
farm land,
Gelignite is inserted into boles yin
the hard ground and dleoharged by
oioolrlo current, Tito explosions
break up the sub -soil, and at the end
of a few mentis the ground is ready
for eliltivatleth
.An expanse of 150 stores on .Dart-
moor, which, though a dellght to the
lutist,wee fernierly unproductive • of
anything but heather and gorse, has
grown this year excellent crops of
.hay, carrots, swedes, turnips, pots•
tose and peas. r
Mr. Henry Vendelmans, au ageieu!-
tura1 engineer, and a graduate of the
Univereitieof' Louvain, devised the
mothod of reclaiming hard waste land
in this way. '
"The crop .of this year's grass alone
has More than covered the expense of
reclamation," said Mr. Vendeimans,
"I have studied the subject of re-
clammaeion of waste lands for many
years, In Finland alone I should.s'uy.
Where are 2,000,000`acreaof waste land
welch can be reclaimed."
Pearls to Order.
Some years ago oonsiderable in-
terest was taken in the discovery of a
method of making real' diamonds.
There was no mistake about thee
genuineuees of the gems produced.
The drawback lay in the - fact that
they were exceedingly small. '
Fourteen years ago a French scient-
ist confirmed, by careful Investigation,
the accuracy of the idea that a pearl
is the result' of a disease which at-
tacks the pearl oyster.
Having established this fact, his'
next step was to procure a cumber of
pearl oysters, and plant them in his
own pearl fishery in Freneh waters,
after first inoculating them with the
disease which Induces them 'to pro-
duce pearls.
At first the pearls tie had been able
to produce by this means were .small,
and of little worth: but, as he him-
self remarked, they were real pearls,
not mere globules of mother-of-pearl.
Conetpation—that disordered state
of the digestive tract which is nearly
always caused by improper feeding—
can be readily regnlated by the use of
Baby's Own Tablets, Thee; Tablets
a it butthorough laxative.
are m t u
They are easy to take and are abso.
lutely free from injurious drugs. Con-
cerning'them Mrs, Joseph Dion, Ste.
Perpetue, Que„ writes:' --"I have noth-
ing but praise for Baby's Own Tab-
lets. When my baby was three
mouths old he was terribly constipated
but the Tablets soon set him right and'
now at the age offteen months he is
a big healthy boy and this good health
I attribute entirely to the use of the,
Tablets." They are sold by medicine
dealers or by all at 25. cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont. -
In Britain, night, ,in law, begins
second hour after sunset, :and ends
second hour before sunrise.
Steep =nerd's Liniment in the house.
Fasiiiauahle Skirts and Blouses
6728 9233 92.1
No. 8729—Ladies' Slip -On Blouse.
Price, 20 cents. In two lengths; body
and sleeve in one, closing on shoul-
der. Cut in 6 sizes, 84, 38, 88, 40 and
42 inch bust measure. Size 36,
shorter length, 1-% yards 36 inches I
wide, er 1% yards 54 inches wide;
collar, vest, ruffle, 1 yard, 36 inches
wide; longer length, 1% yards, '86
inches -wide, or 1%s. yards, 54 'inches
No. 9283 --Ladies' Waist. Price,
25 cents, With or without two -pieta
s -in two.
sl%1,4'18ityeIn 8sizes8to4n h bust
Measure,. Size 86 requires, with pep -
him, 2% yarde 40 inches wide, or 2%
yards 48 inches wide;: without peplum,
1i yards 40 inches wide, or lie
yarde 48 inches wide,
Not, 9245— Ladies' Overblouse.
Price? 25 cents, In two lengths; .to
be Blipped on over the head; closing
bn shoulder; underwaist having lei -
Mono sleeves. In 7 sizes, 84 to 46
inch bust measure. Size 86 requires,
longer length,. overblouse, 1% yards
86 inIches wade, or % yard. 54 Inches
5 9239 9227 •
wide; shorter 'length, 1% yards , 36
inches wide, or % yard 64 inches
wide; underwaist, 1-% yards 86 inches
wide, or 1 yard 54 inches wide.
No. 9239.—Ladies' Three -Piece Cir-
cular Skirt. Price, 20 cents. High
waistline; 38 or 86.inch length. Cut
in '7 sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 84 and
36 inches waist measure. Size 26 re-
quires, 88 -inch length, 8% yards 40
inches wlide, or 2 yards 64 inches
wide; 36-inc11 length, 3 yards 40
Indies wide, or 2% yards 54 inches
Width around bottom, 21% yards.
No. •9227—Ladies Two -Piece Skirt.
Price, 25 cents. With gathered side
sections; high weietiitre; 38 to 86
inch length. Cut in 7 sizes, 24, 26, 28,
30, 32, 84 and 36 inch waist measure.
Size 26 requires, 38 -etch length, 2ifn
yards 86 incheis wide, or 1% yards
48 inches wide; 86 -inch length, 2%
yards 36 inches Ride, or 1% yards 48 -
inches wide, Width around bottom,
13G yards.
These patterns niay ebbe obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Ca., 70 Bond Street,
(mon Dept. W.
often. dAf3ay"ees with
so t:' 4n.9-1. rlctE7R-
4 A
8f keel e,es yt it �k lv ry d i
FliY11I , No sleepiest,
• niiib.ts, chtlttirbed digestion
Or lrrit ,t rd,�rierves follow
its use.".TTt:t'e,'ra Reason"
This •is hist the Emme t
When inti eyrnatiefi i withits
frindlalg Pala Anri etieans
ng oelointe mite hold Of
Sett, lege to sietb
( Capsules -
9emploton's lihoumatio
Oa sulee bring eer tato.
rel ef, and permanent
sons. They are recent.,
mended tiS' dootore, odd
sold by tellable druggtots
everyw,herefor$1,04a Doe,
or write to Templetons,
142 King St. W., Toronto.
Mailed anywhere on re -
df price"
Temple -tot -Os rt Az -MAH Cap -
althea are guaranteed to rolleve
AST iI MA, Don't suffer an- -
other day.
W., Toronto, for freesample.
lal bbdruggists sell them atox.
Youthful Achievement.
Is it possibletospeed up education,
as one can speed ur the production of
shot and shell, potatoes and .cereals?
There are many examples .to hand of
amazing preooeiti''. Ca_n this "for-
wardness" be made 'the rule rather
than the exception?
Music has, always .produced infant
prodigies,- Sir Charles Halle was but
a child of four when he played a sona-
ta in public expressly composed for
him, Mozart made his debut at six,
Chopin and Rubinstein performed on
the platform at eight; Samuel' Wesley
composed a march for one of the
Guards' rhgiments at seven, and Elgar
wrote the music of a child's play et
In literatures Milton wrote epic
poems before he had turned eleven,
Tennyson wrote charming lyrics at
the age of twelve, Byron indited fluent
and passionate love verses at ten,
Bacon wrote like a philosopher dur-
ing his tenth year, Macaulay began a
compendium of universal. history et
the eine age of seven, Douglas Jer-
rold achieved success on the stage -at
fourteen, and that immortal boy,
Chatterton, wrote masterpieces before
he reached his teens.
Snowball Tips.
When you venture out immediately
after a tall of snow, you need have
little fear of cheeky urchins. It i
when the snow begins to tii'aw that
you will have to watch warily for a
stinging snowball on your cheek. And
this is the reason.
The snow, at first, is powdery,
While it is freezing, it mattes very un-
satisfactory snowballs. Open your
window immediately after a snow-
storm, and fill your hands from the
ledge. The snow will scrunch into
next to nothing, and will not hold to-
gether in a firm, solid mass,
But when the thaw sets in, it is a
different matter. The crystal points
of the snow interlace each other, and
the snow can -be squeezed together
into a compact mass. The balls can
become almost as hard as ice—and
then is the time to keep your weather
eye open!
Paying on the Nail.
Au expression with which everyone
is familiar, "paying on the nail,"
comes from the old method of settling
accounts, says an English writer.
'In the early days of trade and com-
merce, merchants on Change paid
their debts by counting out their gold
on to arcopper "nail" or table, in the
market place.
Written receipts are now almost uni-
versal, and these nails are no longer
used; but two splendid specimens
still remain among the, most interest-
ing treasures: of the alvrcientport of
They are are each about four feet
high, shaped like a gigantic hour-
glass, 'There they stand in the busy
street, a lasting monument to the in-
tegrity of tate old trading Cul mer-
chant class, who paid on the nail and
scorned a receipt.
If Bilious, Constipated
or Headachy, take
reel grand! Clean up inside! Your
system is fil1'ed with liver and bowel
poison which keeps your skin sallow,
your stomach upset, Your head foggy
and aching, Your meals are turning
into, poison and you can not feel right.
Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel
`splendid always by 'taking Cascarets
occasionally. They act without grip-
ing or inconvenience. They never
sicken you like Calomel, Salts, 011 or
nasty, harsh Pins. They cost so little
too--Cascarets' work while you sleep,
Why Dinner Was Late.
Among the passengers on board a
ship crossing' the Atlantic recently,
was a man who stuttered. One day
he hurried to the captain. "S—s-s-s—"
he stuttered. _
"Oh, I can't be bothered!" said the
captain angrily. "Go to somebody
The man tried tk speak to everyone
e, on board, but Ito ono would wait to
hear whet he had to say.
At last he canto to tee captain again.
"Look here," said the captain, "I
cat tell you What to do ben you want
to Ay anything: You should sing it,"
Suddenly, in a tragic voice, the man
began to sing:
Should sulci acquaintance be forgot
acid never brougire to mind?
The blooming cook's fell overboard
and is twenty utiles behind.
-. - ..its-.,.....-.....
'.1lliat was a wise old .rural philese-
plter who called worry "interest on
trouble, pail] es advance.
Ask fel, 2tlxard'8 rsow pure 110 Ot11tx'
This 110 I ,Ask.
Thle do 1 ask MY Guarcllatl rate,
That like a dru1•set tree, •
Throughout the ripening yeti.l's to
My life%hall grow to be.
Now In my 'burgeoning, bright youth, _
Tito spring .dawn or my days,
May April set a flowering
The green and tender sprays.
Whereon my winged dreams may
Like birderthat build their nest,
And bring the lose of spring to
With winter's pall opprsseed.
May summer, like a cavalier,
Ride by the garden wall
And,'lingering, lose his burning heart
To one white tree and small!
When autumn's shuttle hours dhall
Their brown and golden weft/,
May then my patient branches spread,
Be not of fruit bereft,
I ask my share of rain and wind,_ •
Of sun serene and warm—
That I grow 'gentler iu the light,
And stronger in, the storm,
Orli! Have a mass of tont,,
thick, gleamy hair
,.."a'\ w 1
Let "Dandorlpp" save your hair and
double its beauty, You can have lots
of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair.
Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly
of fading. Bring back its color, vigor
,and vitality. -
Get a 35 -cent bottle of delightful
"Dandorine" • at any dying store or
toilet counter to freshen your scalp;
check dandruff and failing hair. Your
hair needs "this Stimulating tonic, then
its lite, color, brightness and abtipd-
ance will return—Hurry!
e' A Lake of Oil.
Now and then a "gusher" breaks
loose, and the result is a lake of oil,
One of the must remarkable happen-
ings of this kind occurred not long
ago in the Lance Creek district Of
Wyoming, A veritable geyser poured
forth petroleum by the millions ofs
barrelfuls, and, in order to save the
precious fluid a dam was built across
the valley which impounded a small
sea of the fluid.
Ordinarily when such an escape oc-
curs, resort is had to the expedient of
throwing up banks of earth to prevent
the oil from'llowiug far and wide.
Then tank dare are fetched and the
petroleum is pumped aboard.
g-•o—o e. o s o—o—o—o—o—a--®
Let folks step on your feat hereafter
*ear shoes a size smaller if you like,
for corns will never again send electric
sparks of pain through you, according
to this Cincinnati authority.
He says that a few drops of a drug
called freezono, applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, instantly re.
Heves soreness, and soon the entire
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug is a sticky ether com-
pound, but dries at once and simply
shrivelseup the corn without inflaming
or even irritating the surrounding
It is claimed that a quarter of an
ounce offreezone obtained at any drug
store will cost very little but`is min -
cleat to remove every hard or soft corn
or callus from one's feet. Out this out.
especially if you are a woman reader
who wears high heels.
Church Crypt for Skulls.
Under the Chancel of the church at
Hythe, Kent, England, is a very curi-
ous crypt. This crypt 1s used as a
depository for a large quantity' of hu-
man skulls and bones, which aro be-
lieved to be those 01 Danes, killed
close by in battle before the'Nornutu
Conquest. Most of the skulls are ar-
ranged on shelves, while the bones
are plied up its a symntetricaI heap.
Such ghastly relics are rare in Eng-
lish churches, although they are to be
found at several places on the Conti -
Fertilizing the
O ch ,rt,
1, Fertilizers Fertilizers supply well bal-
anced food for orchard trees.
This means desirable wood -
2, Fertilizers cause fruit to fill
and mature uniformly,
R. Fruit borne by trees that
• have been properly nourished
with fertilizers is metier in
size, color and ifavoi'1
4. Fcztlilxers cause great !rt-'
'cremate in yields.
Write for Pemphlet No. 8.
Soil and Crop
lltiprovernent Bureau
01 the Canadian Fertilizer Asset.
1191 Temple Bldg., Toronto, Ont,
That .Morning grouch.
STorning "grottohineea" is frequent-
leMething more than a product of the
lntedlonr habit. So la a tendency to
see the world at 411 tixnee through
smoked gaeses, Proops tate Imre
ace sleep and optimism may 000e re-
place the pessin01831 deplorably in
evidence III many short sleepers.
Axid with the change in mood will
come lin in5rease in working power.
ISor pessimists are notoriously roof-
flelent workore; if only booause of the
mental and DItysieal demoralization
which pessimism always involves 9n
come degrees
One halfpenny Is 'capable of carry-
ing 2,000,000 microbes, ,
The publisher of the best J1'armex''s
paper in the Maritime Provinces in
writing to us states:
"I mould say that I do not know of
a"medicine that has stood the test of
has been an unfailing remedy in our
household ever since I can remember,
and has outlived dozens of would-be
competitors and imitators;t'
3 '
Look. at tongue! lie Pol-
sons from little stomach,
:��• liver and bowels
Accept "California" Strnp of Fig's
only—look for the namo California on
the package, then you are sure your
and is having the best and most
armless laxative or physio for the
ttle stomach, liver and bowels. Child,'
en love its delicious fruity taste, Full
direction's- for child's dose on each
bottle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You must say "California."
To enable bicyclists to carry
with them when riding, an English-
man has invented a sheet iron drum,
open at the badk, to be clamped be -
aide the rear wheel of a bieyele.
liSinard'a Liniment for sale everywhhere.
Canadian factories employ nearly
200,000 women, most of whom are or-
5'x"2 % Interest
Allowed on money left with us for
Prom three to ten years.
Write. for Booklet,
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office 20 King St, West
All grades. Write for prices.
Used for 70 Year's
' its Inc Grandmother's
hn. G
T t
youthful appearance has
until youth has. e
become but a memoryr \
'Phe soft, refined, pearly
white appearance it
renders leaves the joy
of Beauty with yot
for man
Kangaroo farming is one of Ans-
tralia's important industries.
'rhe World's
Greatest Rabbit
L'or meat, fur and profit
is the Black Siberian
Far Bare. Pedigreed
Breeders for Sale. Wri e
Slack Diamond Fox Farm
Venkieek Hill Ontario
Classified Advertisements.. 1
Amaral; "(Amax*,
P01 2 tr iaACalNTSni W1Tw®1w
pled 'rAt 3cae,.pe-Basnew u Aveto
aeon gaze] I,
1CwsrArlgIl, WUI11f.L Y, IN sero
Coun__ty, Splendid opportunity, Wet
lox M. Wileen Publielripe co,, moot. A•
58 Adelaide St, W., Toronto,
'[,�7' Ail f., ExavIP7ED NThws AP Pal
TY end Sob printing plant In Sate
�o tor S1 00 on nutoksale, Box
'Publishing Co„ Ltd„ Toronto. ' 1
salso1 r.r..aosons.
Foxes, Also, we aro buyers of Rat!
Pure , What have you—want price3
Reid pros„ Bothwell, Ont.
atllutte,ryIoIP -Ttvneyhe igissmesidr-&aQwe?I¢;
%ruin the saw, Keenan Bros., ',belted..
Owen Sound, Ont'.; •
CAN01Tt, .TUMORS, TAMPS, w'ra,
internal and- external, ourea without!
Dain by our home treatment Write tie
before too late Dr. Batman Medical
Co Limited, Collingwood, Out,
1o3;eer• 1)07 Sentesiao
Ana Row to Razed
31a110 .Dice to,any Ad -
drew; by U,e.0140sor,
TL may allover oo" leo.
11.0 West 81st Street
New Torts. U.S.A.
ughe and Colds Mean
Restless Nights
which ten the vitality.
Denser 071!/ tq every
hour a cold I alio c0
to n. Ass fatnopirre
to no your c Viten
quickly batthhvoiik
ail strength r ppvoli
us cum •shops
'ha r/omD pea of
y'a Syrup — over
60 yearn In use.
Al�0alp oy mt•.
Let CiticiraLet CaticurardelpYon
Look Like This
Nothing better to care for your skin,
hairandhands. TheSoaptocleanee
and purify, the Ointment to soothe
andheal. Use them for daily toilet,.
Soap 25c. Olatment 25 and eta. Sold
throughout thcDeminion.CanadianDepoh
3 ons, limited. St, Paul St.. Montreal.
r'Cutteura Soap themes without mug.
4w4115 wA Sps FJ'taiillo
You'll find Sloan's Liniment
softens the severe
rheumatic ache
n freer Don't rub i '
Put it o y. t o t in.
Just let it 'Penetrate naturally. What a
sense of soothing relief, soon follows!
External aches, stiffness, soreness,
cramped muscles, strained sinews,
back "cricks"—those ailments' can't
fight off the relieving qualities of
Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient,
ecopomical, - Made in Canada.
85c., 70c,, $1:10,
r62.7-7,1,2,20 e0005mcea00t2 SernaRt0,Ce
A Kidney Remedy
a Kidney troubles are frequently
caused by badly digested food
which overtakes tisane organa to
eliminate the irritant acids
formed„ Help your stomach to
e properly digest the .food by
1 taking lei;to 30 drops of Extract
of Roots, sold as Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup, and your kidney
disorder will promptly dia-
appear. Get the genuine. 7 2
or TOUR 1325125, SJSE
It's flower -fragrant,
healing lather has
pleased four genera-
tions of Canadians. 220
Alien Soaps Limiird, Mfrs., MOatr,v,
Quahhty Counts in Codi Oil
No coal all but the best Is good enough, Every
occasion calls for quality, A clean, refined all
that burns without, soot or smoke, tent goes into
useful energy to the last drop—that's the oil to
choose for your cook -Stove, heater, lamp, tractor
or stationary engine.
You can't bay better coal oil than Imperial
Royxlitc. It is a superior product, refined to
meet every known test to which oil can be sub-
jected. It is the si;,uc uniform quality anywhere
you buy it. Gfves the same full satisfaction Set
all power, beat or lighting purposes.
It's for Oslo by dealers everywhere in Canada.
Costs no more than ordinary coal oil.
1f your horse has a cough or cold.
or is feverish, give it
Dr. Vie, a Daniers
Di teper Remedy
W h e u properly
• Riven t1110 won-
derful remedy
w 11.1 overcome
chills in from 80
to 00 minutes In a
horse or any other
stock at a cont of
less that 10 cents.
''-- It thus prevents
Fever, Pnaumon-
la, Lung Troubles,
etc. It w o r ink
Quicker and bet -
/ r ter than any-
thing thing else in tits
world, Ieaving no
aftermath of
wesltness, swollen bimbo or bllridne50,
This remedy is worth its weight in
05•01d to shippers because it has no
equal for acclimating horses. It is
also a perfect euro for Mille Fever in
COWS and tog Cholera in swine.
PRICE 60c.
Blg Animal Medioal Beak Free,
of gANADA, 74M1TED
l'%•e i•
ISSUE No. 6-.-'20
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
The naive "Bayer" is the theutb'
tnriht of gapniue Aspirin. It posi-
tively identifies the oily genuine
.depirin,-•the Aspirin prescribed by
physicians for over nineteen years and
now made in Chunk
of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" whisk.
oonta.ins proper directions for Colds,
i eadaehe, Toothache, learactio, Nen. 1
ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Ne u•1
tis, Joint Pains. a»ri Pain gunwales.
'Cin boxes of 12 tablets cost but
.Always buy an unbrolsen package a few cents, 'Larger "Bayer" packages.
'Where lis only ono Aspirin-."Bayer"--«Toaa must say "Hassle
Aspirin 18,lie trade mark (rSSlotere4 11 Canada) of stayer Manufacture of
feollOiu'kiester of Salioylioaaae. whits iti.s well au tr,, , Oaf -4s0ir1,, 010510 Sayer
mennfattnre, to motet the p1.1010 of 1 1::01 1ltatlnae, sac'ratl,.la of hoverocmpany
will ht trumped ii itis tntb tan .af 11 i15, tile °Po,go. Cross,"