HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-1-29, Page 5Jaritia,l•y 290 1920
01 Interest to You
and Ittfie
“When the days begin' to lengt114u
the cold bogies to strengthen."
We nifty soon be talking' to the ine
habitants of.Mite% The News-Reeo'd
mould like to semen, ti good, live
correspondent there; one who woultl
send us regeler weekly budgets.
.. ,n0 0
Dr. Robertson told the Women's
Canadian Chub that outside of the
representatives of the 131g Pour
Canada's as Pr nt
o i t
stor, 'Sir
Horace, was probably the busiest and
most prominent member of the, Peace
Conference,--OrilIia Packet.
If Premier Drury is opposed in
Halton it will not be by anyone liav
ilea the good ol! the country at heart
..'The only thing to do just now is to
make it as easy as possible for the
'Governmetlt to get down to Work.
No good end is being sewed by put-
ting obstacles in the way.
0 0 *
• Hartley
says. "them o
' one honest newslapets,n
newspapers have been honest enough
and candid enough to tell -Hartley
just exactly what they .thought of
him, But we doubt if those were the
•ones he had in. mind when he made
the statement.
Mr. Justice Middleton is quoted to
tlyis effeet: "The idea that the road
""'13-elongs to the driver of .the motor,
and that he has only to sound his
horn and throw on the pedestrian the
responsibility for getting out of the
way, is one which has no foundation
it law." This is satisfactory so far
.as it goes, but most pedestrians
wonlcl rather jump than be the prin-
cipal figure in an inquest.—Goder-
ich Signal.
* 0.0 -
"We must increase the consump-
tion df dairy products" is tine head-
line of an article in a farm paper.
The surest way to increase the eon-
' gumption of dairy products is ,to re -
•dace the price sufficiently' to bring
their within -reach of ordinary people.
Such things as milk and butter are
'not luxuries, a taste for which must
.be cultivated. Almost every member
of every family already has such a
taste., The only reason why niore are
not consumed •is because the price
puts thorn out of reach of many
. whose intones are not of an elastic
eme.seeriellrge pleasant gatherink took place at
the hone h of Mr. and Mrs. David
-Wright, of the Base Line on Tuesday
evening of last week when, in honor of
the twentieth anniversary of their
marriage, they • entertained as many
members of both families as could be
present, to an evening dinner. A very
happy evening was spent together and
before it was over the following ad -
,dress was read and Mr. and Mrs.
Wright were presented with a hand-
some dinner set:
"Dear Brother and ' Sister:= -It
affords us great pleasure to be with
.you this evening, on the twentieth
anniversary of your wedding day. We
have always found you kind and true,
through both trials and pleasures, and
as a mark of our apreciation and our
love we ask you to accept this small
gift, with best wishes for many more
happy anniversaries. Signed by
Father and Mother, Brothers and. Sis-
Other friends also extend good
wishes for a continuator of health,
happiness and prosperity.
Flullett Township
Mr. Thos. letcMichael goes to Tor-
,,..s;-,,.olt4o next week to attend the annual
netting of the Fair's Association,
.also themeetings of the Clydesdale
.and Horse Breeders' Association of
which he is a director.
The young people of the Metho=
dist elnirch met on Tuesday evening
.and organized a Young People's So-
ciety, meeting's to be held every two
weeks On Friday evening.- The
following are the officers elected:
President, Miss G. Ivison.
Vice, G. Handley.
Secretary, Miss E. Holland.
Treasurer, M. Holland.
Organist, Miss J`, Ivisott.
Asst. Organist, Mrs. E. Butt.
. Lit. and. Social Committee, kilt.
:and Mrs, W. Horsey, Mrs. E. Butt.
Missionary Committee, Miss M.
('arsons, A, Brownlee.
Mentber',shiP Comittee, Miss F.
Holland and Mrs, IL. Dayman,
!'hilh:iti Amont. who has operated a
`oh'ISfitiitl; mill, starve factory, timber
yard, etc., in Beitemlt, for. the past
.thirty-five yeare, has disposed of his
t . *beelines to two of his sons, William
and Scott tvho are now 1n possession.
Goderich citizens were shocked on
Friday m
Y hear
of the .
t(, madden
death of Aire. C. A, Reid, formerly
Mee 1 >, tmci, Melitto' h, Mee. Reid
had been up totem in ,the aftcrnncrn
and tee returlinif to her home of
St. David street, tvlicn near the pato
she was Coen to fall, and when neigh -
bore reached sed she was dead from
heart failure. The late Mrs: Reich
was the only slaughter of the late
William Majntosh, She is stirvfged
by her husband and one brother,
Charles, of Chieagc, E1he was an
.active worker in oonnectfon with the
Women's Institute and social ditties
generally, Aire, lteld,was a Bast grand
master and treasurer 'of the Re -
Ledges NO, 80, Goderich,
Code;ichh Tow*;t)tli
Mr, J. T, Smith of the Sixteenth,
Who recently sold his faint to Mr.
Stoddart, htis purol]a,ted Mr, T.
Lindeays farm on the Base brine,
Hullett, about four miles •north of
Gunter. This is n fine farm, with
excellent buildings and every eonyee-
loose, The .price paid was about
$8,000, Possession will be given in
the spring. Mr, Lindsay has ndli yet
decided what leo will de but he wishes
to obtain a smaller piece of land,
The rich, it would appear, have their
and troubles as well as • the
1 When Mr. Robert Trick v elft
out' to inspect his stook, before feed,
ing them last Friday morning, he was
surprised to find one of his favourites
lying on the floor; cold in death. This
as one of his s
1 good money-makers
which had helped build up his fortunes
and, was a fancily pet, If she had
lived to see the middle of next May,
this remarkable hen would have been
thirteen years old, It ie not so have,
the lass of the heti that worried Mr,
Trick as the way in which, site died,
She passed away without anyone with
her in her hitt moments to speed her'
away to the happy hunting grounds,;
where it is always s s rim limb
W an the
p g d o
moist earth yields plenty of juicy
At the annual meeting of the God
erich township Telephone . System,
held in Holmes' hall, Holnesville, on
Thitt•sday last, it Was decided to put
the System into the hands of the
township council. For some years it
has been managed by a board of com-
missioners, consigting of three, the
present board being composed of
Messrs. E,' H. Wise, John McClure
and R. G. Thompson, who is secretar'y-
treatrer, and who have given satis-
faction generally, although there
seemed to be a feeling that it might
be as well to give the system back in-
to the hands of the council. There are
advantages and disadvantages in both
methods. The council will have to take
the smatter up at the next meeting
and obtain permission of the Railway
Board before taking over.
Last' Thursday the Pupils of S. S.
No.4 gave their teacher, Miss Verde
Asquith a most pleasant•surpeise by
reading her the foliowing address pnd
presenting her with a beautiful gold
wristlet watch:
• "Dear alliss Asquith:—On Dee. 19th
as Salta Claus with Itis reindeers,
was approaching our sehool, one of
the reindeers, wilder than the rest,
shied and over went the sleigh and
over went poor old Santa into a great
big snow drift. Santa didn't mind
his tumble but'`lte felt very badly
whee he discovered that he had lost
some of•his presents and he felt even
worse when ho found out that he
had _lost the one that we, the pupils
of S. S. No. 4 had ordered for our
teacher. -We felt sorry too, but we
all got togethr and made an organ-
ized search for it. Our efforts were
crowned with success for that which
was lost is now found and we, your
pupils, take 'this opportunity to ask
you to accept this wristlet watch as
a slight token of the esteem which
we hold for you and in appreciation
of the kindly interest you have shown
in us at all times. We trust that
this kindly feeling existing between
us may continue and ever increase,
binding us, teacher and pupils even
closer together in the years that are
to come. —Signed Pupils."
Miss Asquith made a most suit-
able reply in which she thanked hen
pupils for their beautiful gift and
good wishes.
The following• letter was sent to
Mr. R. Hanley recently by the mem-
bers of L. 0. L. No: 806. and speaks
for itself:'
"To Mr. R. Hanley and Family:
Dear Friends:—We, the members
of L. 0. L. No. 306, Goderich town:
ship, take • this d1ipoi'tunity of con-
veying to you our heartfelt sym-
pathy in the hour of sad trial and
bereavement in the aeath of your be-
loved son, Cecil. You have sustained
a serious loss.; We, as members of
the lodge of which ire formed a part,
Teel that we have lost a valuable
member of our Order. We shall
miss him in our' Lodge room. • He
always- took a prominent pati in the
workings of the Order, We shall
miss his good counsel, his face ,we
shall see no more forever, Itis va-
cant seat we cannot fill, We mourn
our loss, but we know oux loss is
his infinite gain. We pray that the
Great Divine Master will give you
grace and strength to enable you to
bear the afhiction in this sad hour,
anal that you may look lip and say,
".Thy Will Be Dona'—Signed on behalf
of the lodg'e, Olivet Welsh, Secretary;
Milton Steepe, W. M."
hent, on Jen. .21St. Edgar P. Her•-
rington of Cupar, Sask., to Marg-
aret W. Tunny of East Wawanosh.
DENNIS—In McKillop township, on
Jan, ,ell, to bit. and Mrs. Porter
A. Dennis, a daughter. ' STANBURY—III Exeter, Jeri. 1(Lli;
to Mr. and Mrs. J, Cr. Sunbury,
a dt1 .;•hta;'
HARVEY—In Exeter, on Jan.
Sir. ,.t. and Mrs. C. P. Harvey,
tl rn titer.
Cl.hWiN—,In Wini;han, of .T':ttY,
''5'i3n; to 74Ia and Mrs, Mowat
L'hotyen; a son. . .
WALKER—In 1Tnllett, on Jan. 25th,
Mary Walker; widow of the Tato
Themes Walker, in her 85th year,
WILSON --Int (leder/•
eh township, on
Jan. 17t1t, Isabel Wilson, daughter
of the rata Win, Wiwi:, aged 43
h"AWI)T41d-•-[n Exeter, ori Jan. ,17th,
Peter Bowden, egad 50 ;yea's and
dust Arrived '
Cat' of. McNair Breed 'B, 0. 5t
diel Cedar Shingles. Terms Strictly
Cash, —Thos. McKenzie ,•-30•`3
Calf for Sale
A 2 months .old Durban calf,
.Apply ;to :lames liivertttoro, (Sing
street, Clinton. —30
Wood Wanted
Thirty cords of 18 -inch hardwood
wanted for the Presbyterian church.
Tenders der" i ]'
s w- bo accepted tech for
1 t Intit-
ed time. Apply to. Wm. A Grant.
Auction Sale
Clearing • out auction '
c on sale et fArui
stock and implements at Lot 40 Bay-
field Read'3 utiles sou„,jh of Clinton at
12.30 o'clock on Thursday Feb, 5th,
the folowing;—Horses—Draft mare
8 years old, General Purpose mare 7
years old, Driving 'Pony, quiet for
ladies and ehilch•en. Cattle—Cow due
to freshen May 10, Cow•due to fresh-
en Aprll 15, Coty freshened in
„heifer to tee"
telt 15th, 3
far ro
5 ITeref
stee s ris-
ing 2 yrs old, 2 Hereford heifers ris-
ing 2 yrs old, 2 Durham grade steer
rising 2- yrs old, 3 Dutrhapt grade
heifers rising 2 yrs. old, 9 Polled
Angus calves; 3 Hereford calves, 5
Durham grade calves, Pigs -Sow due
to pr'ofht April 15, 7 pigs 3 months
old. Sheep -10 Shropshire ewes,
Implements—Show Ball wagon, 1.5ft.
Hay rack, 13 ft hay rack, set of.
sleighs; Mersey -Harris Mower 5 ft.
Massey -Harris rake, • Cockshutt cul-
tivator, Steel roller, Maxwell hay --
loader, Set 4 section Harrows, Oli-
ver walking plow, nearly now, 'Sang-.
eroo -2 furrow plow, International
scuffler, Corn planter, Corn weeder,
Circular saw and frame' nearly new,
Beaver grinder, Champion Cutting
box, Emery power grinder, Emery
hand grinder, set of horse clippers
with 3 and 4 inch head, 2000113 „set of
sea/es, Open robber tired buggy, top
rubber tired buggy, top steel tired
buggy, light wagon, road cart, Root
pulPer, cobblors horse, 2 sets Breech-
ing harness, 2 sets of single bermes,
set of harness and tugs, wheel barrow,
logging chain, Massey -Harris cream
separator capacity 4501bs., Daisy,
Churn, Chatham incubator, washing
machine, some household furniture,
Forks, chains, shovels and other art-
icles too numerous to mention.
Terns—All sums of ten dollies and
under cash over that amount 9
months credit Will be given on furn-
isli]ttg approved joint notes or a dis-
count of 4 per cent. straight for
cash on credit amounts. Thomas
Gundry, Auctioneer, Geo. H, Elliott,
Proprietor. —30-1
Dry Wood for Sale
Maple. Beech and Rock Elm mixed
Apply to Roy Tyndall, R. R. No.
3 Clinton Phone 9 on 607, —29-4-p
Auction Salo • •
Of farm stock and implements,at
Lot 33, concession 7 Hullett, at 12.30
o'clock ' on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd,
the following: Cows — Cow
9 years old to freshen March 28,
cow 7 years old to freshen March 5,
cow 7 yeah old freshened Jan: 4,
cote 6 years olcl to freshen April 29,
cow 7 years old to freshen May 19,
cow 4 years old to freshen Feb. 15,
cow 4 years old to freshen March 25,
heifer freshened Dec. 20, heifer
freshened Dec. 26, heifer freshened
Jan, 6 heifer to freshen May 15,
heifer year old, 5 steers 1 year
old 5 calves. Sheep -2 extra good
Ozfords. Pigs—good brood sow
due 'to pig April 2 5 young pigs
about 8011s. Hen's -100 good hens,
3 geese ,1 gander. Implenonts—
McCormick 7 ft. Binder. McCormick
6 ft. mower, new, Massey -Harris.
hay loader; Massey -Harris culti-
vator and seeder, Massey -Harris
drill, McCortnicic corn muffler, Walk-
ing scuffier, McCormick walking plow
McCoi'micic riding plow
Disc, Deering Roller, 2 waggons,
set of bobsleighs' and flat rack,
left. hay rack, waggon box, and
pig rack, car, fork, slings, rope and
pulleyss.,2 buggies, cutter 2 sets
of iron harrows, hay rake grinding
stone, 200 cedar and 15 corner posts,
2 gang plows, stone boat. set of
double ,harness, set single harness,
about 25 tons of hay, 600 bushels of
oats, some straw, lumber, washing
machine and Linger, barrel churn,
dash churn, DeLavel separator. pulp-
er, Forks. Chane,
Terms :—A11'sums of 810 and unlet,
cash, over that amount 9 months
credit on furnishing approved joint
notes, or 4 per cent for cash on credit
amounts. Grath, IIay, Pigs and
hens, cash. C. Tyner, Proprietor.
G. H. Elliott. Auctioneer. —29-2.
Chattel Mortgage Sale
Under and by virtue of the power
of sale containedin a certain chattel
Mortgage, which will be produced at
time of sale there will be offered for
sale by public auction by R. Welsh,
l;eilifi, at,the store formerly occupied
by '.Phos. Britton, on Huron street in
the Town if Clinton, in the County of
iita•on, on "Tuesday, Feb, 3 at 1,80
o'clock in the aftomomt, the following,
nanealy, all the goods and chattels
::cel; forth in said chattel mortgage
cot rain ; of I Mack til Diamond Port -
leo Oven and rir 12 Glass Jars,
2 tow C.n.o, 1. 1'r
, i u t (.tact, 6 (;lass
etmels, 21 C:hocol tlo diehe , reale 1
Pe .,, €,. Warmer, 1 Maintain, ntain, 1 ('a nin-
(ive Cream), 87 sliver Ser vete, 4
1 tc t 1.;i ,te , 2 Ice Cheam ih:hers,
1 O1n u•1^in - Outfit, 1 Soda Cylinder, 1
i ttzx r Pines, 9 'fables, 30 Chairs, 1
Electric Y'an, 1 Dread Proofete :1 Fried
Cake Fryer, 1 216 h. p. Gasolne Tlag;
the, 1 Ice cream Freezer, 1 shaft, 2
Ilangers,1 wood Pulley, 1 Iron Pulls
tv, 1 Cloak, 1 Orangeade C(iolee, 1
1 Ir etric Heater, 11 Candy '.Trays,
Terme;—Ten per cent at time of sale
and the balance vidthitt one week,
For further particulars end conditions
of sane apply to P1, Welsh, Clinton,
Ont,, or to Beasley & Beasley, Ham -
Mon, Ont, —20-2
Clinton News.Aveord
ra 5
1920 (LEAP YEAR)
Out' good resoluti
Grocery, The Quality
week. Yoa can aaVe
Is vorY firm,
4 Bars Laundry neap
8 calces Palttt Olive
soap 35c.
Calces Lavender
3 cans T3onnie
Bath soap. 25e.
,Bright ICitehen' eleaner
' 25c,
1 can ofPct'1 1 a '
t 13 the
new fish 22c.
on for 1920 w, otld be to The habit of. ,Toltnsou's
t o, We^offer youat money saving pri4es Chis
money by buy leg now as the. market in these lines,
Now is the time to have
out' hens : laying we hove
be belpers that the heirs
eed, •
Oyster shell
Mica Grit
Pratts Egg Producer •-•
Pt'atts Lice Killer
and the
Lay more s1
nope M an
Just try some, they help.
Palen Olive soap
9oalces• for 35e, -
Limit 8 to our, cis-
tonnevs with your or-
3 cakes Gold P, & G.
Comfort soap for 25e.
4 eakes.Laundry seal?
for 2 ' Gc.
s Dominion
Matches fox 25c
Get the 1-labit of Denliiig' at
G o
Idealise — 4
No. 8 2 1 Phone ore
7 0 0 .lora promptly cared for.
PI one 126
Is simply delicious. Especially as
it is seryod"here. Rich, creamy, re-
fresltng and strengthenng. Other
dr'too, oo, .just as good, Bovril
Tee, Cocoa. Coffee and others. To
taste them with some of our fancy
biscuits or sandwiches is to like
them always,
and there is none finer than that
played -on a Bell or Gourley Piano.
Its beautiful tonal quality, its
splendid volume, end its ease of
touch make it the piano of pianos
for the master musician or the or-
dinary player. Colne and • try
them. You will surely want one,
and we will gladly explain how
easily you can have your wish.
Give us a call for sheet music or
player rolls—we are here to
serve you.
Wrhave for sale a Gourley piano
Louis design, used only short tine
to sell for $300. This -instrument is
used only two years, sold by Heintz
call as these prices will save you
by tate owner, who is leaving town,
sold, today for $650. Also a piano
man Co., to go at $340. Write or
If the roast carte from this market.
For, properly cooked, there is no
finer meat to be had than the Iced
we sell exclusively, Tender, sweet,
and juicy, it both stimulates and
'satisfies the appetite.
Phone 1170
' Bull For Sale
A pure bred Polled 'Angus bull, 26
months old. Apply—John Harvey,
R. 11,/No. 1, Clinton. Phone 5 on
Farm For Sale
Farm for sale, Apply to L. Tyn-
dall, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone
4 on 636. -
Farm for Sale
The Executors of the estate of
Joseph Izzarcl, deceased, offer 1'ot;
sale 120 'acres in the township of God-
erich, comprising Lot 37, Concession
14, and the North half of Lot 37
Concession 13. • This is a well im-
proved farm, has good house, barn,
outbuildings and silo, is well fenced,
has good water facilities, is in good
state of cultivation and has 10 acres
of hardwood and 15 acres of cedar,
containing much valuable timber. The
farm is located on a good gravel
road 3 miles fro i Clinton. Apply
M. Flick R. R. No. 2 Clinton or Al -
bet t' Izzard, 722a Dhanpeleau Ave.,
Montreal, executors, or. W. Brydone,
Clinton, —29-3
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that all
persons having .claims against the
estate of William Thomas Hill, late
of the township of Hullett, County
of Huron, 'farmer, debeased, who
died on or about the 14th day of De-
ceitber, A. D. 1919, are required to
deliver to Mrs. W. T. Hill, the exe-
cutrix of the said state, on or be-
fore the let day of February, A. D.
1920, a full -statement of their claims,"
,together with •particulars; thereof
and the nature of • the securities, if
anyi held by them. And take no-
tice that after the said last men-
tioned th(te the said executrix will
proceed to• distribute the estate of
the said decea red amongst the per-
sons entitled thereto having regard
only to such claims 08 she shall
have received due notice and in ac-
cordance therewith. Clinton, Jan.:.
22nd, 1920. . —29-2
11 1
We will pay the higheet cash price
for all libels of soft and (hardwood
Logs, and will pay fifty cents .each
for railway tics in maple, Beech,
Rock Elm end,hn.rcl Swanip Elm
eight inches at top end, delivered at
Brumfield mill, Settlement made
when wanted.
The Geddes'Tyson
Lu mho' Co.
House for Sale
Fame house, story and a half,
eight rooms. rt, acre of ground,
stable, good well and cistern. Apply
John Shanahan, R. R. No. 1 Clinton.
Phone 1 on 637,—29-tf.
House and Lot for Sale
House and lot on North street, and
house to be sold separately and re-
moved or torn down and lumber sold
by thousand. Apply W. A. McGuire,
Box 248, Clinton.—28-4-p
Sewing Machines
I sell all kinds of sewing machines,
both new and sdeond-hand; also re-
pair and' keep repairs for all kinds
of machnies. Satisfaction guaran-
teed. Call for anything you want
along this line, at my home, one door:
west of. the Royal Bank.—A. •Hoop-
er. --28-4-p
(louse -For Sale
House on Kirk Street—Apply to
L. Stang. —27-tf
Custom Sawing
Will be done at Thos, epic's
bush 4th con Goderich township in
the early spring: We also have a
(inanity of green wood for sale in
Reid's bush :front road Stanley -Me -
Ewen Bros. Phone 20 •on.624 Cilia -
ton. .._27-7-p
• Afinual Meeting
The Annual meeting of the mem-
bers of the McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Company Will be held in
the .Town (Tall, Seaforth, on Friday,
Feb. 6th, 1920 at 2 P. M.
The business of the meeting will
be to receive the Annual Statement
and Auditor's report; the electing of
three directors and two auditors and
other business which might be of in-
terest to the company. The retiring
directors are William Rinn, Robert
Ferris and James Connolly, who are
eligible for re-election.
Janes Connolly, President,
Thos. E. ITnys, Secretary,
Raw Furs Waited
Especially Mink, Fox, Raccoon,
at the following prices: plink $0.00
to $15.00, Fox 15.00 to $27.00,
.Rita -
coon m00 to $8.00, Unprime and
damaged satin§ at value. Furs are
as high now as' they will be this win-
ter. So don't hold them any longer,
--•I.T, A, Hovey, Clinton —27stf
e (tarn for Sale
A geocl frame barn, 50x30 for fur-
ther patieulars, Appty tao Wilfred
Colelough, 11th concession Gorier/eh
Tp. -111, R. No. S, Clinton, —22.11
Boars for Servieo
Champion bred, big type Yorkshire
and Chester 'White boats for service,
At home every foronoon.—A. C.
Levey, Phone 5 on 0311, Clinton P. 0,
Posts Vox Sale
Choice cedar posts, oad posts and
bravos, Apply—W,' • J. Stewart,
Ba flo d. Phone noson6
0, —20—.7
No Trespassing
Any person or persons trespassing
02' destroying property on the prem-
ises of the estate of Mite ]ate Will-
iam II, Woods will bo • prosecuted
according to law,—I, 145, Woods,
Bayfield, Ont, July, tat, 1020
for knitters and learners
for menders ar d inspectors
Clinton Knitting Co.
We are lucky to have the sole
agency for this celebrated anthra-
cite, with which we can always give
a guarantee of genuine satisfaction.
It is true that owing to unavoid-
able circumstances. we have found
it necessary to work in some of
what we call jabbers coal which,
although it costs us a good deal
more,. invariably gives us trouble.
We would be money ahead to stick
to our straight line stock, but the
community requires so much coal
each year; and if we are cut off our
supply from one source we must
try another, or have considerable
suffering. Under existing condi-
tions of disttubance there are very
few things bought today that are
entirely satisfaptory.
However, we are glad to say
that during the month of December
we took in 900 tons of good coal,
400 tons of which we were able to
stock in our bins anticipating the in-
evitablesransportation and car short-
Try our: CIiESTNIIT COKE at $12.50
Or. our PEA COAL at $12.50 delivered
Also try our HARDWOOD RAILS at
$4.25 per cord delivered
$3.25 per cord delivered
At Brumfield' we are still in the
retail lumber business and have two
cars of Shingles on the way. Any-
one doing any building or repairing
may have the benefit of our service,
and any enquiry will be courteously
taken care of.
Phone. for Clinton 74.
Phone for Brucefeld 11 on `618.
Live and Let Live
You:,Should Eat
More Fish •
Fish should be more freely used
because it ranges exceedingly high
in point of food value. It is an -
economical source of energy for
those who work with either' head or
hands. It is also most easily di-
gested.. There are many reasons,
indeed, why people should eat more
fish. The chief aro that it is
at this season of the year fish can
be procured in specially fine
Fresh Halibut
. Fresh Salmon trout
e;Finnian Iladtlie
. Fillets
Fresh Water Herring
' Codfish
E. Ea ISI WJl\ N l FOniiD
F b 0 e .4 0
We have our hand a largo stock of
No 8 Yellow Kiln Dried d Corn, which
is being sold lel at:�i
v d roasonablo prices
and is net arcellt•n, t•nher rend for
Poultry; flogs, Cattle and cheap.
A tt:.i:ted rev of llt.•tti, Sltorte arch
Food Flour ha'o just arrived. - Let ns
have your oiler early as this line
of food is vary scarce: this seasion,
As a conditioner, for your stoclt wo
have Pure Cane feeding Molasses
Which is the best feed obtainable for
this purpose, •
A full lino of Flour always in
stock and it ecu' of Western Oats ex-
pected next Week.
W. Jenkins & Son.
'L0t1It ANT) Immo,
Phones' Licvetot' 109) Residence 141
2, terAa
HOW f.001)
CAN 1311
Frush, Delicious, Juicy, and
all prices.
Dried Peaches
Cooking Figs
and Dues
e N
The flub Grocery
Custom Chopping
Having purchased a 'tractor I am
prepared to do custom grinding• and
chopping every day in the week.
Will give satisfaction. Work done
its my. own barns.
F. W. Andrews, Clinton
splendid farm land in good state of
cultivation. On it are a comfort-
able storey and a half brick house
with new steel roof, a good ceilarc
a barn 40x00 and straw shed 22x28
with foundation under all, room to
tie up 28 bead of cattle and 5
horses besides 3 box stalls, root
room, feed room, separator room
and harness room. Cement floors
throughout except 2 box stalls and
root house. A stone pig pen 24x24,
a hen house 24x.10 and a drive shed
20x30. There is a never . failing
spring creek, a -good well and cis-
tern, about 14 acres of orchard.
This is a desirable property 2N
miles from Clinton, good gravel
road. I want to sell at once as
health makes it necessary for me
to give up farming for- the present.'
Would sell stock, implements and
crop ff so desired. -Apply Leonard
E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hullett,_
Clinton P. 0. —40
Agent for Hecla Furnace@
Plumbing and Heating. Phone 5$
Shop over Rowland's hardware,
Highest Prices Paid for Barley, Oats
and Buckwheat.
A quantity of Elm, Maple, Bass-
wood, Beech, Hemlock and White Ash
Logs wanted. Inquire at store about
J. A. 1 ORD & SON
Phone 123.
Highest Prices Paid.
1"; Te have a small amount of Feed
left over and we, therefore, offer
;this et Cost price; 20001bs. finely
ground or and 30001bs, finely ground
wheat. This feed is suitable for
poultry, Hogs oe Cattle; •
N. W . TREWARTHA, Manager,,
Phone 190; l'iolmosville 4 on 141
CREAM q�'.y q^, y,5
V' ('A1�1
The demand for our butter is in-
10 :u:pply this demand we require
;ttot'e cream.
We request you to ship us your
We guarantee you thio Highest
Market Prices, accurate tests and
prompt service.
Our firm is known to you and needs
no further reconntond.
We pay all express charges, fine,°n-
islt cream carts and pay twice each
Write for calls or further iinforina-
tion to the
Tit".Seaforth Creamery Co.