HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-1-29, Page 4sareansavammuniniacilaranm
FOR -1020
. T. oopep
C.N. Railway G.N.W. Telesraph
Clinton, Ontario
Buaffol,•N. Y. Jan, 3, 1220.
To whom it may concern:
"'This is to certify that I take the
" greatest pleasure in testifying to the
fine ability of Mr. A. W. Murdison,
"as an entertainer who is touring the
U. S. •and Canada, in theatrical
sketches of •a Scotisli character, iii
which he so ably typifies in every
way, the character of the true Scot,
This young and able comedian is cer-
tainly entering upon a brilliant car-
eer, wlifch in the opinion of many
will prove second to none, and will
compare more than favorably with
thQ r•reat 'Lauder" himself,
was my good.fortune to secure
his services for "Hogmany meth",
as a part of the programme for
our annual . celebration, which was
the largest attendance ever seen
at our beautiful Club House. The re-
ception which Mr. Murdison received
and the encores which he was asked
to respond to, is a sufficient recom-
mend to his gifts as an entertainer
of unusual and great ability... His
portrayal of the "Rollickying"Scot"
together with his numerous Scottish
jokes, made a great impression on
the large attendance. Should he ever
come this way again, he will receive
even a greater reception. I predict
for him a great and brilliant future
in his chosen vocation.
(Signed) Glenn 0: Campbell.
Past Pres't.-St. Andrew's Society.
Pres't. Board of Trustees,
St. Andrew's Scottish Club.
,Jintta.r)' 29th, 1900
COUI,1)N T Gli]'l' TIfl PAPER
"Cheea. epi says Fi'ank Crane,
Any,molning''s issue of the newspap-
er Weald indicate we krro:;nit the verge
of revelation, Bat the newspaper
fen tares the blatherskite. -If it• told•
of all the sober, eonseientiois and
decent workers that are going along
minding their own btsiteas, it would
require 20,000 pages of fine type, fwd
you wouldn't read it."
William Lake, a pioneer resident of
the locality, died at the lioine of his •
son-in-law, .0. Ecicmiev, Ethel,' last
week in his 85th year; He had made*'
his home at the Queen's Hotel, Bras-
cels, about ten years prior .to his
becoming ill a,short'tinle ago.
4 ..
Did you ever stop 'to figure up the
investment which Canada has in her;
boys? • ,
Every boy has two eyes which, ac-
cording to the table of accident insur-
ance, are worth $2,000 apiece; two
ears worth as much as his eyes; two
hands worth $1.,000, and two arms
and two legs worth $4,000. , Canada's.
500,000 boys in their teens are worth,.
according to 'these figures, $6,500,000
000, •
What do these figures mean ?
Canada's teen-age boys, are worth
in cold cash, tldee and a half flutes as
much as all her railways; three
and a half tinios as much as all her
capital and plant in manufactures;
nearly twice as much as all her
farms! nearly as much as all her in-
vested money and.about one-third of -
her _total national wealth of all
kinds. And this says melting of what
those hands, ears, eyes and feet -are
worth through the years in earning
and producing power.
What is Canada doing to make' the
most of her boys? I-iow is she seek-
ing to draw forth to full development
their complete' powers, to realize fully
this great national asset? What are
you doing ?-Canadian Metter,
The News -Record and ;Globe .. 5.25
" Mail and Empire
Toronto World 5 25
Farmer's Advoc'e ... . 3.00
Fancily Herald 3 00
Weekly Sang 8.00
London Advertiser . -5.25
London Free. Press 5.26
Weekly Witness 2.85
" Youth's Companion 3.75
Above prices are for addresses in
Canada or. Great Britain. If publica-
tion you want is not in above list, let
us know.
Remit by Postal Note or Express
Order. If Bank Cheque add ex-
Ready • te.
Having sold our business to' Mr. 0., L, Moser, we
bespeak for him the same kind treatment you have
always extended t.) us, and take this opportunity of
thanking our -many customers of Clinton ;ma sur-
rounding country for• their patronage and support in
the past.
Yours very sincerely,
Mr. J. Taylor's office (one door north of New Era
'office) will be used by us, where wo will be pl-,a ed to
hive erll accounts settled,
THE DZES'i'IIUCTI.ON 01'' RATS' eret4 owt.4 tiows,.,shnply by stoppin
the 'holes with kid mixture of cement;
and :broken 1 ss;
kr-r br 1 n g 1
All basement and cellar winttowa
should be sereenod with stout metal'
netting; 'open windows are of the
readiest means b4' which rats ofl'ect an
entrance. •
Limit Choir food supply as fair a5
may be practicable by keeping, grain,
meals, garbage,•etc., in rat -proof bins
or other receptacles, with eloso-fi.tting
covers, Iti i impossible to make much
heathvay in keeping tinder this pest so
long as there is an abundance of un-
protected food about the buildings,
Tho usefulness of the larger owls
and hawks in the destruction of rats'
Inas not fully been recognized; on the
Whole these birds if kept in cheek are
to well trained dog may be depended
on to keep the buildings nncl yards
freefronta'ats. Probably for this pm. -
pose there is nothing superior 'to. a
thoroughly trained fox terrier.
Traps—'!rapping is one of the most
effective Means of destroying rats.
It fails if food is abundant, es teciall
with old rats, which are very cunning,,
If the rats are numerous a number of
traps should be used at once and hoed
There are emipral modern forms of
the guillotine ',trap which are • excell-
ent. Cage traps are especially itsea
ful in catching young rats, Particular-
ly if. baited and left open for a night
or two and partially concealed as by
hay or straw. Large catches may fre-
quently be made by,"barrel» and "pit"
traps—the baited covers being hinged
So as to turn with the weight of a rat.
Among excellent baits may be men-
tioned toasted cheese, bacon, liver,
raw meat, gratin of various kinds..oat-
rat proof by an inside coating of con- meal and its winter fresh vegetables,
, .O3 TW? FARM,
The . e11nnal losses on
'Ciuindian fare' homesteads due
to the depredation ,off .. rats
have. never been estina_atecl, but they
Anton to tens I thousands ef•
dollars, There aro few farmers in
Eastern Canada who do not suffer
from the ravages of this destructive
rodent god .unfortunately having in-
vaded the prairie provinces this post
is now vapidly spreading westward.
There is nothing. Datable, animal
or vegetable, that'the,rat will not at-
tack and in will "destroy by pollution
ten tines as nt0ell as it actually eats."
On the farm, grain if all.kinds, veg-
etables and fruits, eggs and poultry,,
constitute the cltiefoWects of its for-
aging. It is omniverous, veraoeotrs,
destructive and withall very profiie
when there is an ample food supply.
No one means of destruction is us-
ually successful and resource must be
had to as many of the vnrione ag en-.
efes of destruction as niay be deemed
necessary or practicable. We cannot
'emphasize too strongly the value of
persistent effort if the premises are
to be rid 'of rats.
. Preventionii—This is of the first im-
portanee. Itisinside the Wilding
rather than the outside that eats do.
most damage; the great object there-
fore, 'Host be te,, prevent then' en-
trance. This is best attained by hay.
ing all foundations and floors of con-
crete. From every standpoint con-
crete so used, for barns, stables, pig-
gery,•poultry houses, etc„ represents
a good investment. Old and dilapi-
dated stone foundations may be made'
minentt Bs' lir i item° Endorses
.. ackin 's Heart and Nerve Remedy
° i Vas almost a Nervous Wreck from Overwork; this won-
derful remedy brought back his old time Vigor and Vital -
1'.y. Roan the story of a Great Medicine, in three letters. $100 in cash
will; be paid to an3:one who can prove that these letters are not genuine.
The name of Minister will be given to anyone who doubts these remarkable
Here is Letter Number Ono •
"Please send me one box of HACKING'S HEARS and NERVE) REM-
EDY, I am suivering from a bad .attack and have been unable to fill my
pulpit for three months, doctors say that it may be six months or more be-
torc1 at t well again. I used to be able to hold my largo congregation from
start to finish, no*, I can Scarcely hold my own thoughts. -•-
My Heart Actinn is bad and I am subject to Paintings and Dizziness,
and. am very despondent, I hope that your remedy will help me."
We sent on the one box of Hitching's I3eart and Nerve Remedy and
11 days later we receive this letter.
• Letter Number Two
"Please send me 0 boxes of Haeking's I3eart and Nerve Remedy. T
have used the box you sent me and I fad tont it has already helped me.
My head is clearer and the -pain that has followed the preparation of my
sermons has been greatly relieved and I feel that with proper treatment I
will again be restored to my old-time vigor,
• I am so pleased with the success of your remedy that I am giving part
of it to some of niy friends," •
Now comes the proof in letter number three, a few weeks later.
Letter Number Three •
"Having used your medicine,1Iacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy for a
few weeks for Neurasthenia (Nervous Breakdown) I have become as a new
man. For five months I have suffered from Siceplessnessi•Norvous Chills,
Fainting Spells, Severe Headaches and I could not place my mind on the
preparation of my sermons. To -day, my old ambition and strength is re-
nowcd—thanks to the use of your remedy, which I am pleased to recom,
mend to anyone suffering from Nervous Diseases."
This testimontial comes voluntarily from one whose reputation is un-
assailable and is given for the sole purpose of helping others. The above
statements are-"true—or as near to the truth "as the men of Benjamin
could thrown stone" Jud.. 20 18. •
If YOU are broken clown in health from any cause whatever we will
guarantee thae'a six box treatment of HACKING'S 1317ART ANi) NERVE
REMEDY will make a wonderful imprgvement in your health, but yon must
be sure to get HACKING'S. Price 60c a box, 6 boxes for $2,60, Sold by
all dealers, or by mail. Hacking's Limited, Listowel,
Does the label on your paper read 1921?
.!+,very subscription should be paid in ad-
vance. We are ixakiug .special efforts to
clean up our books and must have all
arrears lneat•ouce.
Any Farmer. ay. Prese
A Proper. Financial Statement such as
Will be Accepted by any Bank
It he uses Scott's Simplified Acc .ranting System for Farmers lit
connection with his farm operas ions
It provides you with a monthly or yearly statement of Receipts
and Expenditures 111 each 'dopartmo at of your farm
a1' tice end of ,your year •sets.. forth
mots: and tare net Profit .and Loss
The last wont in''simplicity.
It is so simple .any roan who ca
or girl --can follow its prineip
-heartily etidoried by Gover nmo
officials and leading financial nt
llowiile o:f imitations ---Scott's is .the..,
which provides forms an which a tom
your farm operations ---month by ino.
Cost of ,production in each depart -
which each has yielded. •
n read or write—any school boy
lcs—So complete that it is
nt and farmers' _organization
..only Farmer's Accounting System
pieta statement of every branch of
nth -for five years— is covered
The News4lecerd Ofite.e
Poisons' As tlioro as 'Mways motto
or less donor to live stools In the use
poisons, They are the hist ingniiS
to employ. "Initial Carbonate (per-
capitated) is the least dangerous; it
Jo comparatively harmless to dom-
estic stacks in tho smaj) doses usett
fqi' lcilllug ra ts. it is used as a stilt
dough, composed of dour pr oatmeal
and' a little sugar with 16 to 20 per
cent of the carbonate. The addition of
a few drops of oil of aniseed or of,
caraway makes the bait more attract-'
Ivo, Arrssenie is very Pgpalar as ii skit
poison but experience hos shown that
it is variable in its effect and ap-
parently net always fatal. The bait
eftn be matte as already described un-
der earb a
carbonate of barium, or the arsen-
ic limy be spread or rubbed on bat-
tered bread. Strychnine is also em-
ployed and is very rapid in Its action,
The best plan is to insert a; small
crystal in raw meat, the pieces of meat
being placed in runs or burrows.
In buildings or yardsin which there
are popltry or otherlive stock, a pre-
cautionery measure in the use of poli -
ons Dn s s heemployment of two wooden
boxes, the one considerably larger
than the other and each having tWo
or more holes in the sides large enough
to admit rats, The poisoned bait is
placed on the bottom and near the
middle of the smaller box. by this
means danger to live stock is avoided
while the rats have free access to the
Frank T, Shutt,
Dominion Chemist.
News of Happelnniges
In the Cotnliand
• Djistrlet
Mr: A. G. Ehnes of Zurich died
suddenly last week following; a stroke.
• An old resident of Seaforth, Mrs,
Samuel Barton; passed away last week
in her eighty-nineth year.
The Dominion Day Sports Commit-
tee of, Winghanc held a. meeting last
week and decided to put on another
day on July. 1st this year.
Lieut, J. E. C. Elliott of, Gocler-
ich has been called to the bar of the
Province -of " Quebec and intends
practising law in the city of Hull.
Mr. anti Mrs, Duncan Johnston of
Walton intend taking a trip to Europe
and the- British Isles in the spring.
-1)liss Jean Lawrence of Grey town-
ship and Mr. Chas, E. Lake of Glid
don, Sask., were married. at the Ethel
parsonage on Thursday week by the
Rev. F. A. O'ISell, Mr. and Mrs.
"Lake leave shortly for their home in
the west.
Mi'. David Lamont of 1VIelita, Man.,
has •been visiting friends about Brus-
sels after an absence of about twenty-
two years.
Mr. P. J. Cantelon, Who has spent
the past two months with friends - in
Wingham, Clinton and Gocierich town-
ship, left-'Wingham last week foehis
home in British Columbia.
Brussels and vicinity had at the
middle of last week remitted $853 for
the Armenian Relief Fund.
Mrs. Thos. Ellis. of Gerrie passed
away last week after a short illness.
On the return of Mr. Ellis from the
funeral of his wife he was given
a message telling him of the death of.
itis daughter; which took place, at Wes-
ton Sanitoriam, where she had been
undergoing treatment for some time.
The remains were brought home for
Johnny --These pants that you
bought for me are too tight.
Mother—Oh, no, they aren't. •
Johnny—They are, too, mother.
They're tighter'n my own skin.
Mother—Now, Johnny, you know
that isn't so.
Johnny—It is too. I can sit clown
in my skin. but I can't sit down in
these pants.—Boys' Life. 1
TbeDonbJe,Track Route
and . CHICAGO.
Unexcelled :lining oar service,
Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor ears on. principal day trains.
Fall information from any Grand
'Prank 'Picket Agent' or C. E. Horn,
Ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor -
A, 0. Pattison, Depot Agent,
Phone 56, Uptown Agents
i,4t a
it ED
Highest cash prices
paid for
Skunk, itaccoon
and Mink
Enquiries proinptly
Established 1866
r e)
$ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $• $ •$ - $ $ $
13 $ $
Scott's Simplified Accounting $
System for fanners meets this $
need—its forms provide for a $
monthly showing on every $
branch of farm work Tor Five $
Years --include a detailed in- $
ventory which will bo accepted $ •
by any bank. $
Following its simple princi- $
ples,• any farmer can keep ac- $
curate accotmts—have a per- $
feet check on eyery detail of $
farm worl it is a perfect $ -
bookkeeping system—compiled $
by a banking expert especially $
for fanners. $
Dun's and Bradstreet's, the
greatest mercantile agencies,
both say that "Carelessness
is the greatest business crimin-
al"—that 60 per cent. of fail-
ures are'due to this cause
As a class, farmers are apt
to bo financially careless, large-
ly because there has heretofore
been no concplet method—so
simple the ordinary man could
follow it—provided for keep -
accurate track of their
The only System with which
is given a Systematized
$ Pocket Note Boole and which
$ simplifies' your Income Tax
$ Return.
$ Copies` may be obtained from
$ $ -$ $ $ $ $ $ $
SUN. iv;ON. TUE,
WED. `il HU.
lilt iiiiiiili i (i
CorumencinlawlY,,, OCTOBER 3th, leaving
g sprNR mow°' N fd O
(UION s'rA'c'tarr)
... . ...
tp3SqVWD .r4GPµ„dGV ^.
Standard Sicasinfr, 6linia ;', Tourist . and
Colonist COTS. t •li'si 'ria., 11a;;l Couches.
Parlor Car throtl l'1 the Deckies.
`- Cbndeyr Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Canadian National 'r,II the way.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Via O,T.It,r North hay, Cochrane and Canadian Notional.
!`erttidr iniormatlon (rocs Canadian nati61181 tinkat /:antis, ar
'' Y. FI'lk :h
Ca %ail
'iCZoa: ikikl)
Cmnr,rtn.cnh—Cuxrvet'aa Cas