HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-1-22, Page 3ARE YOU WEAK
In This Condition Only a Tonle
Medicine Can Renew Your
The condition of being "run down"
Jo ane that dofitors de not recognize
as a disease, The physician of today
who gets his training in a hospital
where only severe disorders are en-
countered knows little about it, Put
those who are run down in health
know that it is not a fancied affliction.
The expression "run down" applied
to health, means a condition in which
all the bodily functions are enfeebled.
Appetite fails, the digestion ie im-
paired, the nerves are impoverished,
the complexion becomes pale or waxy,
there is no animation, but rather
worry and mental depression, Fatigue
is a ,constant symptom, No particular
organ being affected, you must look
for relief to the blood. As it circulates
through every part of the body, any
improvembnt in the condition of the
blood is quickly felt throughout. the
entire system. As a restorer of the
blood and builder of weak nerves Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills stand at the head
tot all tonic medicines. Every dose, of
these pills helps to enrich the blood
and strengthen the nerves, and thus
the various organs regain their tone
and the body recovers its full vigor.
Ample proo} of this is given in the
statement of Mr, William Devine, Ger-
rard Street East, Toronto, 'who says:
Tawe years ago while employed as a
conductor on the Toronto Street Rail-
way, I became .much run down. I
consulted a doctor who gave me medi-
cine, but it proved fruitless, as I was
constantly growing weaker, My ap-
petite completely failed and I fell
away in weight until I only weighed
125 pounds, I was sometimes taken
with fainting spells,and finally felt
compelled to resign my position.. I
tried what I thought was lighter work,
but with no better results. I' was
growing weaker and weaker. One day
a chum urged me to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, but by this time I was
heartily tired of medicine, as nothing
I had taken did me any good. Finally
he bought me a box of the pills, and I
could no longer refuse to try them.,
After a time I felt they were helping
me and than I gladly continued their
use, with the result that I was fnalIy
enabled to go back to my olid position
fully restored to health. I owe this
splendid condition to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and can strongly recom-
mend them to enyone suffering as I
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob=
tained through any medicine dealer,
or may be had by mail, post paid, at
50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
This a the gray old city thet passes
not away,
Wherein -the long rmolianging years
are but as yesterday;
City of silk and roses, rich with her
ancient bloom,
Becalmed through whelming life -tides,
uutouehed in waves of doom,
Great Bahy1on
Inc va
with h all
her pomp and grace;t
And rZton'tl temple, like the wind, liar
Passed and Mit no trace;
The stately gods of Egypt have musod
Weir hour away;
Tlio morning Harp of Memnon has
sung its final day;
Her childhood's mighty- sisters lie
buried still and deep,
The drifted dust of ages ,Is blown.
about their sleep;
But .nested in her desert, .where bar-
ren hills look down,
Damascus of the roses yet wears her --
faded. crown,
But now the,.desert's-children with
flying robes have come,
And with them march the strong
ranks, with cry of fife and dram;
The boys of France•aullpritain, armed
, with the now world's power,
Waking the gray old city to greet the
' changing hour.
�ti r
Polynesian Race.
The Hawaiian Islanders belong to
the Polynesian race, -which Is regard-
ed by some ethnologists as a branch
, of the Malay or brown race. Polyne-
sians live on the islands in the Pacific,
east, of Austraifa, Papua and the
Bullard's Liniment Corea Diphtheria.
Mrs, A. Bernard, La Presentation,
Glue„ writee:--"I Dale used Baby's
Own Tablets for my baby aid ata well
satisfied what them, 1.have recent,
mended them to several of my frio;ids
who have also used them with b¢ne-
doial , results." The Tablets aro a
mild but thorough laxative whish re-
gulate"the atomaeh and bowels and
thus,.prove of benefit in cases "of i041-
goetiole, constipation, colic, colds, etc.
They are sold by medicine dealers ee..
by mail et '25 cents' a box from The
Dr, Williams' Medicine 0o., Brockville,
Their wings have hummed in triumph
above her dusky ways,
Their songs of victory have pierced
the long dream of her,days;
And, till the falling of earth's star
shall break the life of men,
The great deep•hcarted rose of- her
has risen to bloom again.
The Wreck.
0n,t on. the edge of ,the reef she rides,
Where the billows play and the sea-
gulls cry,
And the seaweed clings to her mold -
'ring sides,
And fray'd from her mast her hal-
yards fly.
Oh, the day is fair, and the breeze off-
shore!, .
'Tis a summer shy and a summer
And idly a rag still flaps at her fore,
And the tide rolls over her lazily. •
But what of a day when the Storm
Ring woke -.
And a Spectre stood dark 'gainst the
drifting fog?
And what of Ills fury that o'er her
And a Death's hand that wrote out
the log? • n
When the storm was o'er, on the Ione
beach wide,..
What was it lay there—that silent
thing? •
That the seagulls saw washed up by
the tide,
And flew away wondering?
Ah, well for the day th"at the skies are
'Andyonder the sails go idly by!
But somewhere?—there's a woman's
sigh and tear,
And a child looks up and wonders
^6 -
Those Suburban Walls.
After weary months of waiting,'the
newly -married couple had at last got
a house, and •with joyful hearts were
eetting,tllings straight, •
At length John cause across a little
picture of which he was very fond,
but which was too einall to hang from
the picture -rail. So he got a nail, and
hemnte'fed it firmly into. the wall,
A fess moments later there was a
louts fn0Uk at-tho front door,
".',0h, John deal," whispered the
bride anxiously, as she peeped through
the window, "it's -the 111111 from next
door. Pim afraid your hammerl)ig lots
disturbed lulu." `
John hastened to greet the visitor,
and began to apologize.
"That's all right," said the: neighbor.
heartily. "I don't mind the noise a
bit. rye only come to 'asst if you'd
mind me hanging- a picture on tho
other end of the nail!"
Airplane' Malls.
The British Government is trans-
porting mails daily by 'airplane be-
tween London and Bristol, BE -sing -
ham, Newcastle, l'Ianclester and Glas-
"Danderine" creates mass
of thick, gleamy waves
;,,. c
In a few moments you can trans-
form your plain, dull, flat hair. You
can have it abundant, -soft, glossy and
MR of lite. Just get at any drug or
toilet counter a small bottle of "Dan-
derine" for a few cents. Then moisten
a soft cloth -"ith the "Danderine" and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. Instantly,
yes, immediately, you have doubled
the beauty of your hair: It will lie a
mass, so soft, lustrous ami..,so easy to
do up= •All dust, dirt and excessive oil
is removed.
. Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor, and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
your scalp, check dandruff and falling
gow. hair and help your hair to grow long,
thick, strong and beautiful,
Walking Snakes. -
xt is supposed that the early anoos-
tore of moderii Melee walked .ell four
lege. Some big serpents, 011011 ea the
Wee, even now ]lave ?'Il(iutenta1'y hind
But the "Foot" 011 which all snakes
do their walking, to-dtdy are the carti-
laginous extremities of their ribs, To
preserve these is the greatest (1110-
eulty in the preparation of an opluldien
"Diamond Dyes" Make Old
Apparel Fresh and Stylish.
Don't worry about perfect results,
apse "Diamond Dyes," guaraeteed to
give,a now, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether it be wool, silk, 'leen,
cotton or mixed goods, (Tresses,
blouses, stockings, skirts, children's
coats, feathers, drsperiee, coverings,
ower 7 thing,
The Direction Book with each pack-
age tells how to diamond dye over any
To mateh any material, have dealer
show, you "Diamond Dye" Color Card,
Newest Winter Fashions
No. 9155—Ladies' Waist. Price 25
cents. Kimono sleeve; panel front and
back; with or without vest, .Cut in
7 sizes, 84, 86, 88, •GQ, 42, 44 and 46
fns. bust measure. Size 86 requires,
with long or Short sleeves, 21/4' yards,
86 inches wide, or 2% yard's, 45 ins.
wide; vest, % yard, 27 or 86 inches
No. 9288 --Ladies' Drees. Price 25
cents—/Fucked or plain; btvo Styles of
sleeve; separate foundation) skirt;
three-piece lining, lengthened by
Straight section; 88 or 86 -inch length:
Out in 8 sizes, 84 to 48 ins. bust. Size
86, tucked tunic, 4% yards, 88 inches
wide, or 2% yards, 54 ladies wide;
plain tunic, SA yards, 86 inches wide,
or 2% yards 54 inches wide. Width
around bottom, -13 yards.
No. 9249—Ladies' Dress. Price, 25
cents. Two styles of sleeve; double
or single btvo-piece circular flounces;
two-piece skirt attached to waist at
hipline; instep or shorter length. Cut
in 7 sizes, 84 to 46 ine'hes bust. Size
86, with d'ouble flounce, 5%y'arde,
40 inches wide, or 83 yards, 54 ins.
wide; with single flounce, 4'% yards,
40 inches wide, or 2° yards, 54 inches
wide. Width, 1% yards.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., To-
ronto, Dept. W.
Madeuickl, ,
in The Cup
P-.fethe healthful table beverage
now used so much by former
tea and coffee drinkers.
° Ther'e.'L.g a Reaeon"
,Freak Ear of Corn.
Miss Florence Nimmo, of North
Now Portland, ele`,Lis exhibiting 0
freak ear of corn. Tho ear of corn is
fully devolopot,•'anti is filled for felly
tin -thirds' of its length. At that point
the kernels •begin to break down and
maho way for well-delleed rows of
oats, • 1
A Bit of News for the Old Folks.
• A Kensington boy of seven, who was
sent to a boarding school, according to
a London paper, was instructed 'by his
parents to write long letters to them,
with all the news about himself, the
school and his companions." His let-
ters, however, proved to bo note-
worthy for brevity and for a finely im-
personal touch. Among others Ile sent
the following:
"My Dear Father and 1llother. Do
you know that salt is made of two
deadly poisons?
"Your loving son, John."
11..1,.-..o a—a o
Constipation, Headache,
Colds, Biliousness, Sur-
render to "Cascarets"
Bring back peace! Lifjoy lifo! Your
system is filled with liver and bowel
poison which keeps ycur skin sallow,
your_ stomach upset, your head dull
and aching. Your meals are turning
into poison, gases tool acids. You can
not feel right. Don't slay -bilious or
colstipated. Peel splendid always by
taking- C_ascarets o:^as!onn11y. They
act without griping or-ine) venienre.
They norer singed ycu Sika Calomel,
Salts, 011 or nasty, harsh Plitt. They
cost . so little too---Cascarets work
while you sleep.
1111a in stoves, when .snicked, is
readily cleaned by ti:kinr it out and
thoroughly washing; ilii:,; w!th vinegar 0
lidtS dilult.'d. If ,1•.e black docs not
come off, at once, lei it soak a little.
In Russia an -unmarried woman re-
mains under the absolute sway of her
parents until her death, regardless of
her age.
Aural ! dills Keels 1
Cause Corns But
"Who Cares Now
--„_-o-- 0--0 0--0--o-- 0 ---at
Beoaueo style decrees that women
crowd and buckle up their tender toes
in high heel footwear they suffer from
corns, then they cut and trim at these
painful pests which merely snakes the
corn grow hard. This suicidal habit
may cause lockjaw and women aro
warned to stop it.
A few drops of a drug called freeze
one applied directly upon a sore corn
gives quick relief and soon -the entire
•corn, toot and all, lifts out without
pain. Ask the drug store man for a
quarter of an ounce of freezone, which
costs very little but is euilleient to re.
move every hard or soft corn or callus
from one's feet.
This drug is an ether compound and
dries in a moment and pimply shrl`vela
up the corn without inflaming or oven
Irritating the surrounding tissue or
skin. blip this out and pin on your
.:wife's droaser,
Fairy Btnskets. -
F'atry baskets are made of large
hazel nuts, filberts or peach pits. Fil-
berts 'must be soaked in hot water for
several hours; hazel nuts and peach
Pits may be used green. With a sharp,
fine pointed penknife bore through the
filbert or hazel nut on each side iii
the Light colored upper third, out away
the shed carefully around the hole eb
as to leave a handle between the in-
cisions, dig out the meat that, is inside,
then cut very tiny notches in the low-
er edge. ' if you use peach pits trim
off the sharp point, then bore and out
out the shell and trial the st111k end
These baskets are a never failing
ploasuro to both children and grown.
ops. Ono use 10 which you cfu1 put
the fairy haslrets le loop It dozen or
more upon a stigma 01 on noes, 1111
each ono with earth and supply it with
a single fine grass aced, then hang
diem In 0 sunny window a116 beep
talent hoist, -
IOinaed's L.lninleul 001 -es Oa rget ltl clove,
ltlinard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Sirs,- I have used your MINARD'S
LINIMENT for the past 25 years and
whilst I have occasionally used other
liniments I can safely say that I have
never used any equal to yours.
If rabbets between the lands and
inhaled frequently, it will never fail
to reliev'i cola in the head in 24 hours.
It is also the Best for bruises, sprains,
Yours truly,
Look at tongues Remove port
sons frons little 6tontaeh,
liver and bowels
Bond a Domi don•1?lxpreee Money
Order. They 010.payable eY.erywhere,
feed plenty'of charcoal, It is need-
ed to steep the hens healthy,
iifienriee S,iniment autos Colds, fate
In Ten Years
500 ilii+" liars
If deposited at 8% will amount to $697.751
If infested at 4%, biterest 00m-
poundod quarterly, will
amount to ,,. , , , , $74},26
But 1f invested in our 61/2%
Debent(r s will amount to., $860.20
Write for Booklet.
The Great West Permanent
Noah Company.
Toranto Office 2 K tug=
Accept "California" Syrup or Pigg
only—look for the name Celifor'nla on
tiie package, than you are sure Your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the '
little stmnach, liver abd bowels. Child'
ren love its delicious fruity taste. 1''ull
directions for china's dose on each
bottle, Olve It without fear. s
Mother! Yoi1 must say "Califdrnia,' ;
It is advisable to boil a new clothes-
line 'before using it, as this not only
prevents it from -stretching, but makes
it last much longer. If new pegs are
soaked in cold water for a few hours,
they Will not split,
rIinerd's Liniment Cures Distemper.
The Angora industiiy in South
Africa is'at present worth $5,000,000
per year for its mohair alone.
Sloan's Liniment scatters
the congestion and
relieves pain
A little, applied ziithout rubbing,
will penetrate immediately and rest
and soothe the nerves.
Sloan s Liniment is very effective
in allaying external pains, strains,
bruises, aches; stiff joints, sore mus-
cles,lumbago, neuritis, sciatica, thee-,
,llatie twinges.
Keep a big bottle always on haild .
for family use. Made in Canada.
Druggists everywhere,
85c., 700., $1.10.
Cddiculea Ointment
Is so God For The Skin
For eczemas, rashes, pimples, irri-
tations, itchings, chafings and dan-
druff on scalp, as well as for cuts,
wounds, bruises and bites and stings
of insects, Cuticura Ointment is truly
wonderful. It is so soothing and
healing, especially when assisted by
Cuticura Soap. First bathe the af-
fected parts with Cuticura Soap and
bot water. Dry gently and anoint
with Cuticura Ointment. This treat-
ment is best on rising and retiring.
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 60c. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot:
L`��m��__,a,,__ns, Limited, St'Pebl St., Montreal.
y,'7 t Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
Increase Yields of
and Improve Quality
From fertilizing, the Ohio Sta-
tion reports an increase of 19
bushels per acre. Minnesota
reports improvement of 0.5% in
feeding quality,
Last year twenty-eight farmers
actually measured their results
from fertilizing oats, They re-
port yields froth fertilized oats
of 60 to 70 bushels per acre of
First Grade Oats. Their average
was 64% bushels per aore:
Make Your Oat Yields Count
While Prices Are Hlgh.
Write for Bulletin, "How to
Increase Canadian Yields."
Soil and Clop
Improvement -Bureau
Of the Canadian Fertiliser Assn. All grades. Write for prlees.
1111 Temple Bldg., Toronto, Ont. TORONTO SALT WORKS
G1tas8xCetl Adrr tiser'illeyAtg,
aakleiWS WLrrra>a.
0181FIiAZT 110150175 WAN'.IING
good prints and nnlehey—lolveet
glees Oil f esoore-ask for eatalimua
iontoNted Art 1o, 41 Brunswlok Ayw, 1'p-
3'Q1 a4W1
e sPitz iijlt' '4t'IAkli€Ir7', est 15Up�
County. fiplendl{4opportuntt wr#to
Dox '1, Wileo}t Pubhetins Co„ hatted,
78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto,
DLL arrid j bQprinting menntt ED inSEasttern,
O t rlo, i s mace u0' dad 1 80 u,
n a I s o of i $ 0, Wild
go tar
Eubll on- 00,, 5 talo. Dox 6E,
\vllsun •ubllsning Co„ Ltd„ Toronto.
OUOOELLA171C1113. - .... ,
7,TAJNO WAN'n0D alive 18 oents a
JUL a pound, any size, f.o,b, your sta-
tial if within 209 miles of Toronto, Side
C.O,D, in orates or boxes. Albert Lewis,
800 Dundee "West, Toronto.
(11101019 SIL v1R BLACif, 13RDIDDING
vv Poxes, Also, we are buyers of navy
Furs, What have you—what prima
Reid eros.. Bothwell,. Ont.
irl oFFIN 5100011 'iWANT18D. IF Y0U
Rwill aro able to supply, p.dvlsr us, as en
wall pay the hlghebt pi'I es, dry or green
from the saw. Keenan Bros., Limited,
Owen Sound, Ont.
R.J internal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment. Write us
before too late Dr. Bollman Medical
Co., Limited, Coningwood, Ont,
17� will pay from $15 to 928 cash eaoh
week for your spare time writing Show
Cords for us' or secure for you a per-
manent position; simplest method
known; no oanvassin , Write to -day or
can at our studios. Brennan Show Card
System, 83 Currie Bldg„ 200 College St.,
Toronto; open evenings, Dept, J.
merioa's Pioneer nog Remedios
Book on
00a Slow to rood
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
73. 0129 Moyer Co., Inc.
118 West 81st Street
New York. U.S.A.
t`m 'ter,.' L'^`I.rZemiisfm.'c,.rr a cz~Ju'&'isdmiaEl;; umma n
We are Buyers of Ontario Grains and
Sellers of Western Feeding Oats and Barley.
La.C�r,.ps,�l'gqC 11"x` °rp fit, Co.
l 0W1L BANK ®iJILi7ilVG
ti . >; ear r— r mt_
Not Aspirin at All without the `Bayer Cross"'
The name "Beyer" identifies the • contains proper directions for Colds,
only genuine Aspirin,—the Aspirin headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu-
prescribedbyphysicians for over nine- ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Nouri-
teen years and now -made in Canada. tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally.
Always buy an unbroken package Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but
of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which a few cents. Larger "Savor" packages.
Th'eTe is may one Aspirin—"Bayer"—Yon must may "Bayer" -
Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono-
acotleaoldrster of 0alieyllcaeld. while It Is wo11 known that Aspirin means Bayer
manufacture, to aealst the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company
will bo stamped with their general trade mark, the "Payer Cress."
a sick horse will be on the road
to recovery after treatment with
This Is the most effective Blood Purl-
ilex and Cleanser for horses, cattle,
sheep and swine. Cures ooughe, golds,
Indigestion, ]leaves, stocked legs,
hueabeenht eating you horse o ter without
success, try Dr. A. C. Daniel's Reno-
vator Powder's, which will nearly 5.1-
'tvayo.suceeed when all other remedies
fate Add these powders to the feed
and it makes the finest stock fond on
earth, It .will show its effect on tho.
kidneys in One -day and in two daysa,
big impr0vemont In the animal's aon-\
dation will be noticeable.- Many times `
1t will add 21 to 110 pounds to an
animal's weight"1nstae one month.
PRICE 60c. --
isxe ei*xraar. MEDICAL MOOS 7721511
Danger- !'
and more serious
mean weather.
nv s 1_.utscled.Take
frons the first sniffle or noose. Stop Ulu
time anddo not amble with your
heaith, Used Over 60ears In treating 1
coughs, Olds and allied complyhns. 1
averylioay bu0e'Iha taro" else 01
I Monfraaf 17. W A'rSON A CO., Nero yore
ISSUE No '1—'20
Its, cheaper Jand soH everywhere
There's no better coal oil than Imperial R"oyalite. It is the highest
grade coal oil for heat, light and power.
Imperial Royalite is highly refined; every drop is full strength. If
is the same high quality fuel every day, everywhere you get it.
Sold in village, "town and city—by small dealer and big.
Burns without soot or smoke. The best fuel for stationary engines,
tractors, oil heaters, oil' cook stoves and lamps,
Why pay more for fuel that does no more? Use Imperial Royalite
and save money,-'`
For `sale by dealers everywhere.
(I 011 1 11111 is omi