HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-1-15, Page 81R
Clinton ltiews,ftecerd
January 15th, 1920
This is the time of year a phonograph is the most,
enjoyable, and the 1'honola is the best machine or) the
mllrlcet. You are cordially invited to come iu and
hear one. A good selection o3 records.N„
A Beautiftil Art Calendar for Every Customer,
JO tNS .
Jeweler an'd Optician -
Delict wait until -you are
sick with a cold. Protect
your health by keeping
your feet dry with a ,pair
of'our Daisy brand rub
A pair to fit any shoe
Also all Lines of heavy rubbers and long rubber
boots are now on our shelves, and, our prices are the
lowest possible.
Phi s eel Bros°
Call and See
Our Lines of
Granite, Tin and Aliumiiium Ware
Electrical Fixtures, I: ons and Toasters
We have a splendid Line of
Plumber and Electrician
you discarded your old dining -
room set and replaced it with
the new style dining -room fur -
i I i
�ceiveae,oxeo,cracsa �.
niture, One might as well be
dead as "out of style" these
clays. We are showing several
different designs in both quar-
tered oak and mahogany and
all are priced exceedingly low.
and Funeral Director. Phone 28
Any Farmer May Present
A Proper Financial Statement such as
Will be Accepted by any Baank
If be uses Scott's Simplified Accounting System for Farmers in
connection with his farm operations
It provides you with a monthly or yearly statement' of Receipt`s
and Expenditures in each department of your farm
at the end of your year sots forth cost of produetion in_ each depart-
epart-anent and the not Profit add Loss which each has yielded.
The Itt t word in simplicity.
It is so simple any man who can read or write—any school boy
or girl—can follow its principles --So complete that it is
heartily endorsed by Government and farmers' organization
officials and loading financial men.
I3eware of imitations—Scott's is the only Mimes Aceeiint]ntg Systein
which provides forms in which a connpletestatement of every branch of
yourfarnr operations—month by month- for five years— is covered,
The l ewsa>stect lr'd Office
a /
May you him the health to
r1 a heart to ontor into,
And the power to give to
A,Ohr'istlaas that is i`1.erry and
A, New Year that is happy,,,
Me W.11 Fair Ca,
£'Often the Cheapest
Always the Bost."
M'ss Flossie Cole of Goderich town-
ship -isthe guest of Mrs. C. H.
Mrs. Telfer and child visited Mr,
and Mrs. C. H. Potter fora few
days last week.
Mrs, F. B. Hall of Constance was
in town for a few days last -week
visiting friends';
Miss Sinus• of Blyth visited Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Potter for a couple
of days this week.
Mrs, J. S. Miller and fancily have
returned from a visit with rela-
tives in Hamilton.
Mrs. 3 B. Lindsay and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. J. L. Kyle, went down
to Toronto last week.
Mrs. O. E.-Erratt of Auburn spent
the week -end at her old home,
Woodlands Farm, Huron Road.
Miss Kate V. Sheppard returned
last week after spending a week
with her sitser, Mrs. Osborne of.
Mr. and —Mrs. CIarence Cole of
Sandusky, Mich.. are visitng
friends and relatives in and around
Mr. and Mrs.,W. S. Downs and
Miss Muriel iisted friends in Au-
burn last week returning home on
Rev, D. N. McCamus items in. Exeter
on Sunday, having exchanged pul-
pits with the Rev. Dr, Medd for
that day.
Mr. D. A. Cantelon of Hensall spent
the week -end as the guest of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Messrs. W.' N. Manning and A. E.
Sherlock were in town on Monday
and' Tuesday. Mr. Manning will
probably be back on Friday.
Rev. E. 0. Porde and Mr. D. K.
Prior were in London on Monday
- in connection with the Forward
movement in the Baptist Church.
Rev. Dr. Mecid, who preached in Wes-
ley church on Sunday, was the
guest for a few days over the
week -end of his brother, Mr. J.
G. Medd of town:
Mrs. C. McDonell of Hensel], who
came up to attend the annual meet-
ing of the Huron Presbyterial on
Tuesday, remained over for a visit
to her sister-in-law, Mrs Bawden.
Mrs. John Code of Trowbridge and
her daughtei Mrs .••• (Rev.) P.
Sutton of Smokey Lake, Alta.
visited the former's sister, Mrs.
Turner, Joseph street, for a couple
• of days last week.
Messrs. D. Cantelon, J. Dunford,
J. Noble and L. Harland started
for Winthrop on Tuesday to attend
the annual meeting of the IInllett
`bstrict L. 0. L., but turned back
on account of the storms.
Mr. Geo. Josling and his niece, Miss
L. Josling of Oswald, Man., who
have_ been visiting the formers
sister, Mrs. T. J. Monaghan, left
forDetroit on Monday where they
will visit the former's brother.
Mrs. W. „E. Farquhar and children
of Saskatoon are here, Mrs. Far-
quhar coining hoine on account of
of the illness of her father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. Wnr.
Fluke4, both of whom we regret to
say, are in very poor health,
Messrs. E. F, Merner of Hayfield
and J. 3, Moaner; M. P. of Sea,
forth were in Clinton on
Monclay looking after matter's
in connection with the new flax mill
to be erected here. Merner Bros.
eave' purchased the Copp place at
the "Y" and they expect to have
a mill erected and equipped with
necessary machinery in -due time.
Mrs. F. H. Larkin has been the
guest of Mrs Gunn, Mrs. J. C,
Greig of Mrs. T. Jackson, Mrs,
DeLacey of Mrs, W. R. Counter
and Miss H. I. Graham of Mrs. M.
McTaggart this week, the
ladies coining tip from Scaforth to
attend. the annual business meet -
big of tine Huron Presbyterial of
the W. M. S. held in Willis church
:on Tuesday.
Mrs. (Judge) Dickson came down
from Goderich on Tuesday with the
intention of going. on to Detroit
on Wednesday morning' to attend
the funoral'of her brother but ow-
ing to the storm no train mored
on the L. IT. s B. yesterday:
Mrs. Ddeksmn was theguest of
her sister, Mrs, Baiwden, while in
.town and returned home yoster,
dad evening.
If you will buywhat we advertisefrom week t
wee2c, yu w l l pay therefor, less than whole-
sale or manufacturers' prices.
- Grey or white,
ring Yarn
Canadian Yarn
fizz Goode, House Furnishings
phone 61'•
Next Royal Bank
ink or bite borders.
.4"O ib.
1.20 i b .
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library,
• Lollndesbrro.
Louis Ruppe, Londesboro's oldest
resident, passed away at the home of
his son-in-law, Mr. John Hutton, on
Monday of last week; following a
stroke of paralysis. He was ninety-
three years of age. A family of
four survive: Mrs. Hutton, Londes-
iforo; Mrs. Bartlett, London; Mrs.
Hickson, Cleveland; Charles Ruppe,
New York City' The funeral took
place on Thursday to Mouht Pleasant
cemetery, London. ,
Goderich Township
The meeting called Tuesday after-
noon in Holmes' Hall for the purpose
of discussing the bringing of Hydro
to the farms, was postponed on ac-
count of the stormy weather. The
nteeting•will be held in the Agricul-
tural offices, Clinton, at two o'clock
on Saturday afternoon, Jan. s24th.
All interested ,aro invited to at-
London Road
Messrs. M. Hanley, W. Falconer
and L. Stephenson went over to Win-
throp on Tuesday to attend the ann-
ual meeting of the Hulled District
L. 0. L., but were unable, owing to
the storm to get home the sane
The Epworth League officers, elect-
ed at a recent meeting, are as follows:
President.—Mrs. G. W. Layton,
Vice,—Mrs, G. B. Hanley.
2nd Vice,—Mr's. Falconer,
3rd Vice,—Mrs, M. Wiltse.
4th Vice,—Miss Elva Nott.
Secretary,—J. T. McKnight.
Treasurer,—G. 13. Hanley.
Tuckerstnith Township
Mr. D. Fotheringham last week
sold his prize draught team to Mr.
F. Hamner of Winnipeg, who will
take them to •the west for show pur-
poses. We have not learned the price
but there is little doubt but that it
would run very close to four figures,
They are a pair of well matched
bay mares, five years old, and a very
fine pair of animals, One was
bred by Mr. James Val:Epnioncl of
Tluulett and the other by Mi:. Finlay
McArthur of McKillop, and both are
Glcnrae's get. They took second
stoney at the Whiter Fair at Guellih
last month and Mr. Fotheringham
says ) hey are the best team he
ever owned. This is saying quite a
good deal " as he has owned many
line horses.
Mr: d. C. 'Witch, formerly ae-
cotnitant in the local branch of the
!btolsons Bangs but now of Meaford,
was recently appointed en the exec,
drive of the Hockey Lcagec of that
Stance y Township
The Stanley Maple Leaf U. F. W.
O. held their annual business meeting
at the home of Mrs. A. Stewart,
Tuesday Jan. Gth and after hearing an
interesting report of the U. F. W.
O. Convention by Miss M. Pearson,
elected the following officers:
President,—Mrs. J. McFarlane
Vice-President,—Mrs. A. Stewart.
Sec'y-Treasurer,—Mrs. J. Innes,
(elected by acclamation)
Directors,—Mrs, E. Glen, Sr.,
Mrs. John Butchart, Mrs. Neil Mc-
Mrs. W. Connell of Clinton and
Mrs, Bowes of Blyth spent a few days
as the guests of their brothers,
Messrs. James and George Dale,
Mr. Andrew Snell is 'improving
nicely, we are glad to say.
Mr, J. Riley is at Seaforth with
his team doing some work for Mr.
Mrs, George Cook of Goderich
township spent last week • with her
daughter, Mrs. J. Riley.
Mrs. F. Hall was with Clinton
friends for a few days last week,
Misses Lulu and Rosie Colclough of
`Detroit who spent the holiday per-
iod with their parents, Mr, and
Mrs. W, J. Colclough of the Parr
Line, have returned to the City -of
the -straits, where they hold good 'po-
sitions. Their friends were glad
to see them back in their old places
in the Methodist church choir on Sun-
day evening last.
Under arrangement with the Gov-
ernment Director of the Federal Ern-
ergency Fund for un -
adnnindstration of the fund has
been taken .over by the Canadian Pat-
riotic Fund officials, and the Iluron
County Branch at Goclerich is in
charge of the work for this County.
Representatives of the G. W.V.A. at
Goderieh are acting with the Petri-
otic Executive, and the various local
Veterans' associations in the county
have been asked to cooperative for
their respective sections, Applica-
tion forms for assistance during un-
employment may be had from the
secretary or treasurer of the Pat-
riotic Branch at Goderich, and these
are dealt with by the joint committee
at regulars weekly meetings. Ful]
particulars es to the .requirements
uunider the regulations for. this fund
are given with each application.
Address Jamas Nlitehe]l, Secretary,
or Andrew Porter, Treasurer, God.
Kip pen.
The Reading Circle will meet on
Friday evening of this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLean.
Tennyson's poem "Elaine" will be
read and discussed.
On Tuesday of last week Helen
Dinsdale, daughter of Mr. Robt.
Dinsdale, was taken suddenly ill with
appendicitis, She was hurried to
London and the operation performed.
At last 'accounts the young lady's
condition was favorable.
On Wednesday of last week the
W. M. S. of the Presbyterian church
stet at the home of the President
Mrs, W. W. Cooper. The Treas-
urer read the report of the past
year. Eight new members hail
joined during the year and $158.06
had been raised there are nineteen
now on the roll. Mrs. Cooper en-
tertained at the close by ,eerving
a. beautifully prepared lunch.
Misses Marg'ar-st and Joan Mc-
Lean spent Thursday of last week
with friends -in Exeter,
Mr, W. H: Johnston had a se-
vere loss last week in losing his
cow in some inaccountable manner.
She got the chain she was tied with
twisted around her neck until it
choked her when Mr. Johnston went
to feed her about 7.30 she hacl been
dead some time.
Rev. Dr, Aitken has started to
preach at Blake on Sunday after-
noons, preaching in Hills Green
Church at 2 P, M. and at Blake at
4 P. M.
Mrs. Alex. Monteith attended the
meeting of the.. executive of the Hur-
on Presbyterial held at Clinton on
Mt. Remy Ivison and Mr. J. W.
French were delegates from the
Methodist Church to attend the Dist-
rict meeting at Clinton on Tuesday.
We regret to report that Mr.. Jas.
McNaughton still continues very ill.
Pnuemonia has developed and scant
hopes are held out for the young
man's recovery. Mr.,McNaughton's
many friends sympathize and would
be glace to hear of the young man's
Word has been reeeivod of the
marriage at Tugaske, Sask,, of Miss
M. Estella Wren, slaughter of Mr.
David 'Wren, so well Ikrtowe here,
The groom is Mr, Angus .1\ atheson,
a prosperous young' business mint
of Central Butte, Sask. The ccre-
ttnony was nerfoi'mcd at the 'home of
the bride's ,parents at high moult on
Dee, 270. Rev, Mr. dill of near
Regina, a .lmrsinini fee ncl of the
groom, was the ollhdating Clergyman,
Phe -bride ii+as gdvon in marringo by
her father, and was bcnuti:ftilly
gowned hr white en Lin and '(georgette
and rai'ried a. hotigticit: of rru'nntiens
and elrryiimtheulus, The wedding
music was played by Mrs. Bert
Selunidt of Tpgnsko 'zind during the
Signing of tete registcrllits, Schmidt
tang very sweetly "Oh promise me",
accomp'rnied 00 the piano by Miss
Verde Crazier, cousin of the bride,
After congratulations the •company
adjenrued to the dining ronin, where,
a beautiful wedding dinliex Wes en-
joyed. The happy couple left on the
2.30 train for a honeymoon trip to.
the coast. They wore showered with
rice and confetti. The bride trav-
elled in a handsome tafetta silk gown
and plush dolman and hat to match.
On their return Mr, and Mrs. Math-
eson will reside in Central Butte.
Miss Rae Horton of Moose Jaw, a
cousin of the bride's father, was a
guest at the wedding,
Bert Rivers of Exeter, a returned.
soldier, was banquetted by his friends
one evening recently prior to his leav-
ing for England, where he intends to.
The frost is here, watch your bate
tory as well as your radiator.
If you bring your battery to us
for winter or a re -charge you will
get it
We overhaul any make of Storage
Car re -painting or overhauling.
�. it Jl,, PAXMA
Phone S0
residence 140
Junk Dealer
Buying all kinds of junk
and Poultry
Paying the highest prices
Phone 137 Albert St.
i1hcine 140 Estimates given
INTERIOR AND I11E'r10.Itt0.it -
0We protect yourfloors, tnrnitur
oto,, by plenty of drop sheets„
Ontario •Strcot