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The Clinton News Record, 1920-1-15, Page 7
' . 9'19'9 No, 9199 --Boy's Mackinaw• Coat Price, 25 cents: Gonvertib!;e collar inverted pleat at center•thaek; straight lower edge: Cut in'6 sizes, 4, 6, 8; 10, 12 land 14 years. Size 8 eeq.uitec 1% yds. 42' Inc. Wide, or' 1r/ yds. 54 ins. widee lining, -1 % yds. 86 Inc. wide.. No. 0214 -•Girl's Coat. Price, 25 cents. Cut ;in 6 sizes, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. " Size 8 requires 2/ yds, 40 Inc. wide, or -1% yds, 64 Inc. wide; ; lining1'+/s yds. 36 Inc.wide. .__- HOW C.P.R. Engineer Won Victoria Gross. It fell to the lot of a'C.P.Ti.. engineer, Pte. John Peter Robertson, to•win the much,coveteci Victoria Cross at.Pas- schendaele, Robertson enlisted at Lethbridge with the 175th and was an engineer on that diviston. He teas butter known as "Pete" to his Lail. bridge He was born in Plc - toe, Nova Scotia, but lived most, of his life in Medicine Hat with his mother, Mrs, Alex. Robertson, Robertson was aged thirty -four, -won his distinction in connection ''with operations at Passchendaele, Novem- ber'S, 1617. Details came through authoritative channels that during his battalion's attack Robertson's platoon e was held up by uncut wire two hun- dred yards from the final objective, Our gums were still busy cutting a way through the wire when a German ma- chine gun opened 'fire and inflicted very heavy losses on the Canadians: Robertson, without waiting for orders and entirely on his , own initiative, tushed towards the German gun,_defy- ing the machine gun's withering fire. Moreover, our artillery barrage was so intense that death seemed almost certain, Wprking his 1way to the flank, he eventually found an opening ih the wire, got through and crawled until the end of the emplacement was reached. Rising suddenly to his feet he charged clown• on the astonished Germans, and killed four of the gun crew before they could recover from their surprise. The remainder fled in terror, but their flight was soon cut short when Robertsou seized the abandoned gun, screwed it around and poured a hail of bullets upon the backs of the fast disappearing enemy. Several of thorn fell victims to their own weapon and otheie' were caught by our shells. %When the remainder of the platoon arrived Robertson was still firing ;the captured gun. It was entirely due to his haroic action that the whole line was enabled to advance and capture the finale -objective. Rob- ertson went forward with the first wave, taking a gun with him, He used it very effectively to keep down the fire of German machine guns and snipers, while his platoon consoll. dated the new position. Later' in the day, when two of dur snipers who ventured in front of our lines were wounded, Robertson volunteered to bring them in. He went into the open, although exposed to a heavy enemy fire, lifted one man on ,his back and carried hint safely to the trench and immediately returned to the second man, staggering back with his un- conscious burden while the bullets whistled around him, But as if cruel fate wore awaiting until the *last pos- sible moment to overtake him, he was killed oe the' very parapet of the trench, his- missf'on almost a0comp- lishecl. His splendidly heroic end, like his dashing work done earlier,in the day, had a most inspiring effect, Do the Hard Things Farst. 9'214 ,_,✓ 904S : No. 49048 -Boy's Double -Breasted Overcoat. Price, 20 cents., In two lengths. Cut in 0 sizes, 4 to 14 years. Size 8, with belt, longer length, 2i yds. 48 ins. wide, or 2 yds. • 04 his. wide; without belt, shorter length, h% yds, 48 ins, wido, or l% yds, 54 ins. wide. 1 • These patterns may bo .obtained from your local McCall dealer, orfroan the McCall Co., '70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. e If you have something hard to der Just go to work and do it. If you conclude to put it off You're pretty sure to rue it, The task that's hard to do's the one That needs your first attention, And, doing it, you may eseape A lot of reprehension. Pitch in,'and do the hard things first, Let easy'nes come after. Make this your rule, and life will mean A lot of Joy and laughter. But if you let the hard things go, Your enemies will taunt you With serious duties unperformed, And all your life they'll haunt you. Health, not years, measures youth. Her Usefulness. When Sallie's mother brought the little basket into the room, the piano lid closed with an angry snap, Sallie was not unkind, bet she did net enjoy going to see Grandmother Grey, whp was old and bedridden: add impatient. At sixteen it is not always easy to make allowance 'for the fretfulness of those who suffer. "I certainly hope," she said, "that's: shall not outlive my usefulness," But an unpleasant errand could not long disturb her 'happy temper, and her face was beaming again when she mouated the big black horse, blew a hiss from the tips of her finger's, and galloped away, Flowers nodded in the spying breeze; a bird swinging on the topmost bough of the hedge warb- led gleefully. Sallie Meiji friend and called a merry .greeting, and the friend went on with d smile that was an echo to Sallie's gladness, During the two remaining years of. her ]ifs Grandmother Grey frequently told of that brief visit and admitted that Sallie had brought sweetness and freshness into the room -by her very presence; but at the time she only grumbled that the jelly was too stir, the fruit not ripe enough and the flowers of a kind that would soon wilt. Ac soon as she could,,with courtesy, Sallie escaped into the spring sun - Shine. It was only a twenty minutes' fide to her home, but on the way a startled rabbit leaped from the bushes and the big black horse sprang violent- ly to one side. Sarno men at work in a near -by field ran to the road and found Sallie a crumpled heap on the ground. Poor little Sallie! Her friends grew pale when they heard. the verdict of the doctors who were called in consul- tation. She would always be helpless and suffering. - Dey by day Sallie endured the pain and weariness as the slow weeks be- came months and years, "Poor little Sallie!" became "Poor Miss Sallie!" and still the years. crept on. The mem- bers of her family, who for a time had ministered to her with every tender- ness, one by one slipped awey from_ her. bedside and did not come again. The little children who had brought Tier flowers, grew up, became grand- parents, and died. But Sallie lived on for sixty years of helpless suffering. Yet her life was not spent in vain. She was "Dear Aunt Sallie" to the bet- ter part of a city of forty thousand in- habitants. Having no remaining rela- tive, she occupied a bed in the pleas- autest room in the public hospital, which was paid for by some of those whose lives she had blessed. Those who were weary and disheartened called at that quiet room and wont on' their way happier and stronger; min-, asters visited her and talked with her -of their problems, and went to their -tasks with clearer vision. Old and young and little children, all were wel- comed by her, and each, as he passed on, carried with him the lesson that God is good, .At last tone 'day the withered hands lay quiet on the counterpane. The wrinkled face on the pillow, in its halo of silver hair, was still. A church bell tolled seventy-six, All through the city with hushed voices and -tearful eyes the people repeated the message, "Dear Aunt Sallie is dead," She had not outlived her useful- ness. t Foils Auto Thieves. To thwart automobile thieves an tlitglishmanshas patented an alarm bell, enclosed in a locked box, which rings as long as a cares in motion un- less shut off by the car's owner. If you buy oranges in quantity store them (in their awn paper) so they do not touch. Grape=Nuts" supplies what man breakfast cereal- s lack -solid nourishment including the vital mineral salts so necessary. to encourage normal growth in children. - .. A body-building food that tastes rea good There: a ', .Reason • 6 C t C 0 1 0 C 0 1 n• iar�nniioia` AN IDE r OAC FOR PA PLO D1', Will1ltlllr3' MAA Pitts Act f'l•, rectly On the Modeled r . Nexveff. Food is as important to the siolp per- son as tliediein°, ' more so bl .4100at. cases, A Molly ..hoses diet may 10e tard i'eeoliery, In health the natural appetite is the boat guide to follow; in sickness the appetlto is often Nelle and depraved, Proper 6050 and a good tonic will keep Most people in good health, Dr, \Vllliamrs' 111nk Pills are the most popular tonic medicine in the world, harmless and certain in their oaten,: Which. is to build up the blood, and re- store the vitality to the run-down eye - tem.' For growing girls Who became thin, and pale, for pale; tired women, and foreold people who fail in etrmigth Br, Williams' Pink Pills ere all ideal tonic, Thousands of people halve testified to the health -giving qualities of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and -3n many homes they 'care the only medi- cine used, Ambng the homes in which tho beneiitof this medicine lis lleen proved is that of Mr. B. A. Un- derwood;" Kingston, Ont., who says:-. ;'I have used Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills with the nest beneficial results. As the result oil hard work I was very much run down, and my appetite was very poor, I got e, supply of the pills which I used regularly for some weeks with the result that they restored me to my old time strength, They alas proved a blessing to my daughter, who was in ill very anaemic condition, and who eeemed not to get more than temporary. relief from any medicine until she took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, She toDlt the pills for about three minds, and is nowenjoying the best of health, For these •reasons I can strongly recommend - Dr, Williams' Pink Pills." At the first sign that the blood Is out of order take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and note the speedy improve= ment they make in the appetite, health and spirits. You can get these` :"dills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr, Willianls' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. "Heart Talks iii All sorts of guesses - are made by people regarding the time It takes the blood to circulate round the body. Some say an hour, some a week! It has been fo- nd, howeve'', that thirty seconds peoveseample lime for' blood to stake a complete circulation through a human being. ' The journey .includes a traionso through the four -chambers of the heart, then. to the greater and smaller arteries through the millions of min- ute' capillaries (finer than cobwebs, by the way)_; "then a visit'is made to the lungs for an "airing;" after which the blood returns to the heart, prepared for a further similar journey. Square -topped fingers are said to be a sign of "heart trouble," whilst the . rimary conditions of longevity are that the heart, lungs, and digestive or- gans, as welt as r the braille should be large, a When a person is lying down, the heart makes about tan strokes fewer n minute than when one is upright. _ When a person sneezes, the heart is said tostop beating during that act, Blushing and temporary ',paleness are said, by one authority, ..to be caused by an affection of the smaller vessels in the heart. ' DH! EACH DAY Lniu MORE Hurry! Let "•Danderine" save your hair and double its- beauty To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dand- ruff, get a small 'bottie,pf delightful "Dauderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the -scalp.. After several applicattona the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find .any dandruff. Help your hair grow long, thick and strong and be- come soft, glossy and abundant, ' A Matter of,,Spelling. A capital story in "The`Dover Pa- trol," Admiral Bag6I1's much -talked -of book, concerns a sailor who was taken ill with a bad attack of nem matisrn while mine -sweeping on a trawler. The sick man was promptly ordered to hospital, but later on the dodtor found out, quite by accident, that he was still on board ship. Angrily he asked why his order had not been obeyed. "Wel:,.' replied the captain, "we. tried to send hint ashore,•but a ser- geant of police hailed us and said that on no acooiin.t was he to be landed or we'd be fined 0100, so we just kept him on hoard." "But .610 you not signal to the depot as I said?" "Yes a did; d but neither ' m o nor the signalman knew how to spell rheu- ntatism, 80 we Balled It smallpox,' .. Zn Iiiitgiiumd and Wales that aro 6,500 coal :nines, employingmore than 1,000,000 persons, Minter: 1bu1 newt turas Colds, hie, Evt',greeA;;s, 4'!ia year's .oder season', We,a1'? What green :beans) ' Yon think you know- it -holds of winter wheat, iia14ey before the sun liar Lamed it. gold, t . And applet (aeon' beford their fruit is , trweet'--* Bat we're rho real ,Peen. All the othet'S sliow Only same shade of what we are and "know,. .. - Greon',x a good Dolor and 80 5v0 never change. 'i'bo others play ''wait green, 'Pliey put it on r)9ad,• o'ff. us folks .do garments V57,11. 1o'i0, note- 4'hey're yellow half the year",--andulnas upon A windy^ltilltop are gray as the slc7, All winter long, as the gray clouds " some by, Think ab0y:t green 1 I11vAn the grass turns brown, And maple 'trees get drunk with gold and .red.; Poplars drop leaves like minted wine between .. The fingers of a miser. When all's said, Just shat youreyes, think, green, and you'll sec" The sharpened edge of a hill and ..a ' strong pine tree! C • Wii'ater's Message. The ice -bound lake reposes''neath the snow Calmly awaiting breath. The steadfast hills austere rise row on TOW, - Nobly-patient,'resigned to seeming death. Spr.ir.g's reviving The naked trees where linger last year's nests a .Oppose their pttssivo strength to Winter's blast, 'Under the frosty stars, bowing their crests, They dream of joy to come when storms are past. The hearrof man alone shows discern tent, Cursing with angry clamor adverse fate. Base itching g>;oad tin frenzied hate seeks rent, While rich and poor alikesof Justice prate. BEM 1? THE BABY • ' The baby of tc-day is the man or woman� of to -morrow. 'Phus the suc- cess et the future man or woman de- pends niibn the baby's present wel- fare, It the baby is sickly end ill nourished it' is not to bo expected that he will grow into a Strang; active man who will hold his own in the business world a few years hence. Mothers, it is a duty you owe the future to keep your little ones well now. This can be easily dons if Bttby's Own Tablets are kept 1n the house. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweet- en the stomach and thus make baby healthy, and strong. Concerning them Mrs. W. Orsor, 1!lgiuburg, Ont., writes: -"I have a line healthy boy three years and have used Baby's Own Tablets for him ever since 110 W85 a sn}ij,ill baby. I. certainly think them a aplandid medicine." The Tablets are sold by medicine loaders or by 'mail. at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, One Queens and Shopping, I doubt if Queen Victoria entered half -a -dozen shops dnribg the-evhole of her lengthy reign. It was her custom to have a selection of articles that she desired to purchase sent to which- ever Royal residence she was occupy- ing. Queen Alexandra, in her early married days, followed this custom for several -years, but gradually broke away from it, as she found that she had greater, choice -and doubtless en- joyment -Realm visited the shops her- self. And to shop herself is the cus- tom of Queen Mary. Usually IIer Majesty is accompanied by Princess • Mary. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! ,Remove poi- sons from lithe stomach, liver and bowels That'e a Puzzler, lli at countly school the teacher was giving alt object lessen on Iho olaloit. ell. "Now, toll iuo sonzetiziuig strange about thio chicken," said shed, "Row they got out of the shells," ()Nolajntad one boy. "Yell," said the teacher, "titat la wondcrfel, but I moan sornatliing more wonderful still," • No one spoke for a tune. At last ano.11ttle boy hold up :lie hand, "Well, Johnny?" field the teaohor. "plow.. they ever, got into 'them ma'am." ' w'v,.www..ww'v++•.•+,wr•.gnn.•we,�,n+ww,n Hurrah ! dot/ rs This Clnolnnntt authority says corse' dry up and lift out with flitoZiPs. NyNi,'v,rw�M1^r^+WVV'NMN.,'HI�hW W,/ WN.ryyY,•ti llospllal records show that every, time you cut a corn 7011 invite lock, Jaw or blood poison, which Is needless, soma Cincinnati authority, ority, who teals you that .a quarter ounce of a drug Called freezone can be obtained at lit- tle cost from the drag store but is suf. Relent to rid one's feet of every bard or soft corn or callus, • You simply app1Y a few drops of froezono on a tender, acbiag corn and soreness is instantly relieved. Short• ly the entire corn can" be lifted out, root and all, without pain. This drug is sticky but dries et once andis claihod to just shrivel up any corn without inflaming or even irrl•' tating the surrounding- tissue or skin. If your wife wears high heels ohs will be glad to know of this, It • Living Trees As Receivers, It has been discovered that living trees can be used as receivers and trairismitters of wireless messages for long-distance telegraphy or short-dls. tante- telephony. A comparatively simple appliance is attached to the trees concerned, whereas the masts at present in use are oomplicatod and costly. Nott/ they can be dons away with where trees are mailable. There are infinite 'poss1bi11tios in this new in. ventioie, and we shall no doubt be more careful of trees'' in future if they are to carry our lnessage8. DYED CHILD'S COAT AND HER OLD SKIRT "Diamond Dyes" Made Faded, Shabby Apparel so Fresh and New. Don't. wurry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless eerier to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, -•- dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings, everything. The Direction Book with each pack- age tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer show ydu "Diamond Dye' Color Gard, "For what is Romance but color? Pt is Romance when you see the mist of blue on the distant hills. It is Romance when you see shadows of purple beneath the'far-off trees. All this is Romance, because .if you climb up to the distant hills they ore green; and if you stroll in the shtido of the trees, all is green there, too." -E. Temple Thurston: 1,ilnard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,-Laet winter I received great benefit from the use of MIN- ARD'S LINIM111NT in it severe' attach of LnGrippe, and I have feequently proved it to be very effective in cases of Inflammation, .• Yours, W. A. HU'rCHlNSON. / The Grocer-Yes'm, the high rp slice df mustard is due to the scarcity of fuel. You see, people are buying up mustard and aye keeping themselves warm and poutices! Yes, Cold All "(51.5{ ""AR/Pc. Gone -Not A .a Bit of Cough Left Feel great this morning. Ab soon as I felt it corning on ,yesterday I used Gray's Syrup and nipped it in the bud. lust couldn't miss anhpur et the office, we are. -so busy and shorthanded. Grey's Syrup is a habit in our family, the folks have used it for sixty years. 1 Always hey foo Loran Sl co 00 t' Accept "California" Syrup of Pigs only -look for the nano California. our the package, tllon you are Sure your child is having the best acid most harmless laxative or physic for the lrttlo stomach, livor and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity /taste. Full diectians for child's close 0n eaolt bottle Give it without fea.i'. Motltorl You must say "California," Women industrial' worT5''ers ill Michigan are paid the same rate of pay as a men where hero (My do the sama_ work. 15%iitai'ri'a Linhaent Cures Diphtheria. ",SO0 the point?" said the tlector as ito vaccinated Sandy) Ilia the victim, being Scotch, it didn't get to hiss fefi two or three day s,- CJTICUi1 HEALELi BABY6S PEINWORM +�0 ----"- On Head. l rossand Fretftd0 Hair Foil Oti•ta 'illthen trey baby was three:».outlho old her head broke out irr little roil pimples and then in (1 week it broke out in ringworms. The ringworms were very largo and there were eaverai on her bead, and her scalp would bleed. She wars %rely cress and fretful at times, find her, hair was failing out. "I used Dadaist `$cap and 0lnb' mons, and after 1 had acted one cake of'Oedema Coap and two botteo tef Ceticura Ointtc;ret she was healed.' (Shoed) id) Mee, a<cl ht a ai int, NAM..$ pa, Idaho, Feb. 24,`1h10, Ueo'Ctstitura Seep, Ointment arid Talcum for ell toilet purposes. Serie ego, Ola110oht slli "�t�nil Gee, Sold throughout thel'ams its oh Canadian Oepou L'•'ratti S c.i ,..t. it 1 totale,(ftoul011, 1 Cntwalol}eoyrriisirooa•c.ethontmutr. ISSUE' No, 2--.'20, . , LONG FACES c1Caseprets" f9r Liver awl Bowels bring ' l aClc SIxiiles ,P,a tlio�q"]w `Clio. 'l urn tlli•joys" dill.- -tlw �t za. ache, biliousness, Indigestion, tbe slek, sourlitmnach and znisery1naktng,asp9 -turd them out to-uiglit and keep tlimn out with Casearets, lilillione of,,anon itpd women Litho a Cascara now anti than and nevol' know the misery caused by a lazy liver; clogged bowels, 01' an upset stennach, Don't lett In another day of distress, Lot °escarols cleanse your -stomach: remove the sour, fermenting food; talcs the excess hila from you: liver and carry out all the, constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. rhes your will feel great, A Oascaret tonight straightens you out by morning. They work while you sloop. Trying' to dodge work tires more men than hard labor. _ 50iaard's Liniment Cures Distemper. When making paetry do not roll the pin back ,and f orth; troll) it away from you And then lift it, MONEY ORDERS, It is always safe to send a Dominion 179xpress Money Order, Neve dollars costs three cants, "Enthusiasts is the, gimius of sin- , cerity."-Bulkver Lytton, rrtinard's Liniment Cures Garret. la cows, "To -night 40,000,.000 people lie down hungry on thud floors in India." invest; Your Money In elee,% DEBENTURES Interest payable" half yearly, The Great West Permanent • Loan Company. .Toronto Office 0 King St, West raversneeanaaznra P=-ueeeit .wm SINCE '0 1870 • 30 u'rinPS COUGHS a•gt.e . •A tye a•leoe• e -•K elm. eo How 16 Thy 1. Bitted w ille, Bitted 1n �0` P1irifteen to thir!• mro ra of v ld Extract of Roots, conimonly g f®' called Mosher Seigel's Curative Syrup, may be taken in water with meals and at bedtime, for the euro of indigestion, confin- e potion and bad blood. Persist- p encs in this treatment will effect 14 a cure he nearly every case." „ i Get the genuine at druggists, d,".Ise °,,.e.e•-re,e'pe'zs...+©''"•,,..e• e,e Glft;iciluecl A vertisonrzaau ti 4Cx72v7$ 'W'Apf70'2lw, IL S�,gTtt'Ite1J'JF /1g 10765 WI6VIN�seTTmeQma)elgrtcen aeasic 20oelaoue; ger • united Art Op„ 1?sunswlk Ave., lQo roots, Ppxt, fnicN. •is."C7J WS17A.Pl+Jri„ W1ALr]CL7, IN B1.610 ak Countyy,� spiel -idle; opportunity. Writ Box !1'', Wllfion 1t1n1}1ishing Co, Lundie 78 Adelaide fit. W,, Toronto. Y ' 101.,1:, IARIJIPr'1A1) N16WSPAPIHC, and job printing°,plant h1 'i1astor/A Ontario. Insurance pMom 000, 11 I go Por $1,200 -00 qulcl sale. Box ext Wilson Potholing Co„ .td., Toronto.. 2800001zanac'ti9. '•, pp SINS WANT -ISO alive 18 cants fu .il.. a pound, any sive, f.o.b. your rata'> tion 1f within 200 whiles of Toronto. Sillpp 0,0.2): in orates or boxes, Albert Lewis, 068 Dundee West, Toronto (121OI0.I7 SILVIAn BLACK l:iithlEDINQ Saxes, ,.Also, we are buyers of Raw P'urs. What have 7011 -What prlQgl Reid Bros„ Bothwell, Ont, C071111i STOCK WANTIOD. 211 706 are able to supply, advise us, es we - will pay the highest prloos, dry or green from the saw, ICeenan Bros„ Limited. Owen Sound, Ont, "0ANCIAR, 'RUMORS, LUMPS, P7TC„ N-/ internal and external, oared without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late Dr, Beaman Medical Co„ Limited; Collingwoocl, Ont, 811 grades. Wrlta for prices. TORONTO LIAur WORKe a. J. CLIFFS TORONTO 0.3.01Egmacr,•,..---E,...10,00cruarEEccooaa- WANTED Poultry, New Laid Eggs Dairy Butter, Deans, Bolling Peas, etc. Write for our Weekly Price List and advise what you have to otter, Special Prices for Fa cy Quality Gunn, Langlois, & Co., Ltd. (Dept. W.) ruontreal - One. MIEN YOU SUFFER RM t.TSxM Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief 11or practically every pian has used it who has suffered from rheumatic "aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results of weather ex- posure. Women, too, by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neur- itis, lame. backs, neuralgia, sick head- ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, economical quickly ! effective. Say Sloan's Liniment" to your dreggist. Made in. Canada. -Get it today. firm, 70c, $ 1.40. FARMERS' CLUBS 6 INPEPENPERTt s We are Bnyexs of Ontario Grains azul Sellers of Western Feeding Oats and Barley. J;71e6 P, Vtw' pETOUP. P.MBC,'S . 1gygS & aY 0 , rrcea sue �" nom BANK 639319.,!71116 ��y.1, ppqq,�yy�L pp TO A0eLA10E 4693 Q�OrC.ON 9 O Qxi eelAL..r".. .les:, :ry,e,,' r11:,seet f;;:.aLs l..;L;,:eT. ..-elar.vu 1,:.} rfr0II, renewal as practised in Europe accounts for the very high yield per acre air tdined in European farms, and soil renewal simply means restoring plant food and humus. This is done 1.4apply- 'ifal3rin ing ordinary stable manure and commercial fertilizers, , Harab-Davies Fertilizer is a scienti- fic compound which contains Nit. rogen orAnnitonie, Phosphoric Acid and Potash in readily soluble form, Experience absolutely proves that it is more profitable to work 50 acres with a good fertilizer than - 100 acres without it. ` Fertilizing means not only bigger crops, but better and stronger crops. It ie strictly a quality article. Pound for pound it is positivelytho cheapest as well as the best fertilizer offered. Write for our booklet, "Fertl izer Results by Satisfied Users" -sent free on request. Read what farmers in all parts of Canada have accomplished with Haab -Davies ' Fertilizer. ONTARIO FERTILIZERS LIMITED Dept. WI; WEST TORONTO, ONT. clia,o JOU ONLY TABLETS MARKED BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not 'h4spirill t All without the "Bayer` Cross' r Por Colds, fain Lumber,. Stiff- porlcnae <.sllich 'amain- rotnpint1 di' nese, 'Ithrumntc.m, Sciatica, Nese•: ie rections, Then yet ore getting real rind for Headache, Neuralgia, 'i.eatli•; Asiitirin-ilie gr m1ne Aspirin 9re- nc11r, Tmtrtcbe tripe Aspirin marlediseribeti by pl,vl•9una for [Iter nine - not1110 mono 'Bayer" or ;SA no teen vasa, 1*cw made. In (hinds. not 1011td11 .8eptt,n et, ell.Handy 11a rs It 1f sitting i d tall - A1 .rpt only "Bayer Tablets r r lets cot bot' it to i (11115, 15rnpgists h^iurin: 1.5 an ttubrolten ' Bayer' • elm sell l:trgt. 1.r•,. r" paela51- :4,;htKe air truly 0200 ,Aspirins:"Bator"„-a''0at tarts t say' "Brie:;" Aseirlu in IIto Ira,lo r.^... t n .•,'56 111 4'',15Fa1 or at %nI' 74A11ols,nno a: rel --o nr.rtlet .Itrralra Of Valk 11-' 1. W1.11, 3, l writ 11.0V. t .10 t; is til ',Mang 1•ny0:' 11.17 81(00t18.0, le 0 1.f,1.1.tt r' , 0031 5 to: nations, 11.. 01..1' Y er t:;, r ''mnitaey 0111 Le; 1- rq:., 1 ,,.+ ,. „ .,-.al trarw meth, 1h, 0 r rrra.^