HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-1-15, Page 64..14
The Game of Nations
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,.. III, , Beverley's ri eth words mune slOwey,
- That afternoon he peretiaded her to /"I also found, among the silk shiets
walk with him towavd the river. Some- and other immaculateKim/lents,. a
where upstairs Beverly lay elooping; suit of ragged clothing peveral $17defil
Miss Dorothea, also, fatigued by the too still for a man of Trevartionts
he of -the day was in retreat, Bat build and •a peerof eheap boots with
thie was Pegg," e ;Mare element FlIld the toes worn completely through."
ethe dust -laden afr was attar of roses "That's •queerf"
Ito her nostrils. If she wondered a "They answered &gutty the deserip.
bit why Trevauton city bred man, had tion of the clothing worn by elm lad
chosen to walk beneath the glaring who disappeared after the Schneider
sun, she gave no sige, Her step was Murder."
:brisk beside his own and little by lit- Herford's pipe &ripped and broke
ele, ak the velvet sand swallowed their unheeded to the floor.
1 footsteps, Trevanion unfolded his "You—you think Trevanion--?"
story. "I don't know what to think, It's
"And all this time," said the in- got me guessing. I had several plecei
credulous girl, "you have been laugh- of a neat, little Inizzle; but now they
ing up your sleeve at Beverly!" don't fit, unlees—unless--" a
"Hardly leughing. I 'have the "Yes?" said "Herford, eicieg-on tie
greatest xespect for Beverley's talent. feet. Beverly rose.
The things.in my possession make nits
"Oh, well, never mind! I can't con -
decidedly uncomfortable, Mies Peggy, front' Trevanion now because I am not
what would you have done if that poor, ready to force in isgue. Keep an eye
hunted creature had begged his life
at your hands?" on him If possible. Don't curtail the
eI don'camping trip. It may lead to some -
Our respect for the Northwest Moffitt- thing. There are bigger things back
t know. I—don't—know.
of all this than the murder of -an old
I should have done as, yot did—if I'd reprobate." ,e -With a seving of broad
' ed is almost a passion. I presume,
had the courage. 'May I see the oulders lie was through the door -
map ?'" ' _ . -way, legging Herford gaging after him
like a mat in a trance.
Trevanion drew the paper 'from his
wallet. It was frayed and elightly "Trevanion," he muttered, `erre-
soiled as though fiom much carefulvanion and old man Schneider—im-
study. Peggy sat down under the 1)051131e' ' -
shade of a scrubby cottonwood and For fully an hour he pondered and
spreacl the poaper out upon her knee. then made, bus way oat into the night,
"I've a large map of' the,,Roelties across the splendor of chilledewhite
that I purchased in Calgary," explain- sands to the gearters. One building,
ed Trevanion, "but itedoes not tell -nue that of Leenox, the foreman, stood
anything new. I can't even End the
apart flora the rest. Herford pounded
names of these two rivers. on the door.
"The chances aite that they're mere-- ' "%That the devil" answered a
eyes gleamingmeitlesudden inspiration. '
yellow drewsy voice.
"Get. up," commanded Herfordt
ly reountainastreams." Her
"Why not find them, Mr. Trevanion "mullet me ime
find them for yourseef ?" She, turned Lennox s tousled n
' head appeared- i
her face toward the west, Wilkie the the MbeetwEiye• "What's eating you,
Herford?" He closed the door, and
glowing. crags towered to the sky. lighted a candle.
"Have you evee 'tamped in the motm- Yawning,
tains? There's nothing like it in all "Dave—'I'm worried about Peggy.
That guide they took—he's a new one
the world! We'd take Miss Dorothea Do you theagind he knows his
and one. of Jim's man to cook, and we on me.
wouldn't come back untel we discov- business?"
Lennox pulled a blanket aboub him
eyed why Schneider was murdered! -It
and sat down on the edge of his cot.
g would be greet."
"Hm-m," he murmured, "Ive won -
"And you'd go along?"
"Go? You couldn't keep me it dered---"
His pause rendered Herford's an -
home! I'll tellojim you and Miss
Dorothea want a` taste of open-air, xiety; more acute. Suspieions of Tie -
life." . vamon, naturally, he could not men-
tion.' Beverly had extracted no prom -
"De you think Dottie can be won
' ise but Herfera knew that his silence
oyer ?" -
"Yost: sister would. do anything for was taken as a mattet of course, •
"So have 1—since they left—and I
emu," asserted the girl positively.
"But, of course, she's very timid. Per_ shan't feel easy until some one . who
about knows the mountains joins the party.
haps we'd better not tell her
You see how it is—I can't be spared.
Schneider' and the map." a
"Conspirators!" announced Trevan- There .aren't more than half the new
calves in yet. Can you go, Dave. I'll
ion iega stage whisper.
manage your share of the work, It
Peggy laughed as they clasped
bends on the compact. But later, won't take you long to catch tip with
when she sat beside hegbedroom win- them because Miss Dorothea will
have to travel easy. You're an Indian
ow gazing into the heart of the cold,
white moonlighe, her face was very at following a trail."
serious. Suppose she was teading Lennox Wee secretly delighted. The
Trevanion into danger? Who knew prospect of several weeks intimate
what secret forces of evil revolved companionship with Peggy made his
about that tiny scrap of paper? If blood bern. He answered carelessly,
through her Trevanieli met disaster— "All right. Can start at daybreak."
was killed Periwig's— Whee Herford had gone, he nee and
All in a moment the knew that she looked cautiously about him. Then
could not contemplate the desolation with a sudden, stealthy gesture, bis
of a world without him. The rueh of hand snuffed the candle flame, leav-
convection frightened hem so poiglant ing the nem in darkness, Then he
was it, so overwhelming. Creeping thrust aside the rug, and, withmauti-
into bed,shehuddled doW.1 among the ous silence lifted a small, tightly ,fit-
- quilts, ,trying to fight off her fears ing trap door of whose existence not
while Trevanion slept and dreamed even Herford was aware. The aper
that his head.was pillowed me Peggy time was -black as pith, and theair
Berford's lap.' that rushed up,. stale and moldy:
. "Hist" he. wins -pore.
A ,scrambling seund followed and
The shrill, little clock in the living Lennox' leaning down, drew 'a figure
up thru the opening. The moon, peer -
roma tinkled the how Of midnight.
ing through the cloud, shone for an
James Herford yawned and tapped the '
instant into the room. It touched the
ashes from his pipe. foreman's stooping body and gleamed
- "Bed for mine," he said half aloud.
A. against a pale face diefigured by a
"I'm losing my beauty sleep." slanting sear.
draught of nighe air swept terough "What's up?" muttered the boy on -
.the goon as the door noiselessly
opened from. the ciateside and silently iously. eI wed voices."
as oashadow, a man entered. • "Se here," Lennox - spoke roughly.
"I've got to go away—for weeke per
hello Beverly. Anything
ee haps. I'll leave you all the grub I can
wrong +"
"I want a talk with you, Herford. but the rest of the time you'll have to
I know it's late, but I waited to be shift for yourself, You can make free
sure Lennox wasn't coming back." of the tunnel but /keep out of - the
' "At your disimeale Have a eigarlo shack. The weather's Warm now and
Beverly waiVed the offer, Bank into you'll be all right."
. a chair and stretched his long legs "Twere cold down at the mouth to-
night. The wind from the viverebites
toevard the blaze. like a snake. Thet's 'ow 1 'appened
"What" he said abruptly, "do you
e knove about your bearder, Trey -anion?" to begm 'ere ender the planks. It got
e"Why—nothitg mech. &gets a clean through to my 'idet I ain't the
. particularly decent -sort of chap. 'Wont 'ealth I used to 'ave." ‘
Lennox's laughter with contemptu-
broke hi Wall Street laet winter And
came tip here ote a few hundeed.s ells.
"Ylea dried-up weasel! You never
saved from the wreck, Peg knew him,
She winiked in hie efface for liWo had sin ounce of good, red blood in
yeaes." your veinsk Listen! Steer clear of
"What was his object in coming— Beverly—I mford—everybody; don't
take chances; don't stir out dxcept at
• more-epeculation?"
"Looking for a fresh start. , I ad- rdet---9
'I ain't; lookin ler tem' 'ankman's
vised him to wait—not rush headlong
into anything. Besides he was pretty noose," the boy interposed sullenly,
well done up whet he got here; nem. The foreman's, big hand olosed" on
the other's emaciatea, strengthless
ems ae an old woman." -
"Nervous, eh? And he hasn't shoulder.
tackled anything yet an the business "'You let them catch you my lad,"
lite/ Just eats and sleeps, does he-- he said, "and you'll never 'have the
and rambles around by his Imogene chance.to hang. I don't know 'why 1
when you and the boys are away?" haven't throttled you before this, un -
Herford loaned -forward. less it be that murder isn't exactle in
eI say, 'Beverly, :whet aro you -get- iny lthe. You've lied to me right end
ting at? If there's anything wrong left—about the map---" .
• with Basil Trevanion, I want to know ,
; el, g ' *.i. .th.• With ' steeliest foe the fleet ' two elankets
,I lost it afore I got out o' Calgery,
him and his Oster and a guide. go elp me Geved! A man ate t bother- mentioned- in tee deneegoes given be_
"Where?" ,Ileverly's voice was- cuit, ,ire with no bit o' paper When he's got,.
Interesting Games
It Is easy enough to arrange the
entertainment for your party if you
have a certain kind a pasty or a cell-
tral Mott in mind, But for jut the
Plain Party, where you clek a number
Of friende in for the evening and you
Want to keep them amurlea, it is hard
to think up games to play that etre
original and plenty of fun, After all,
the old games ave beet, no matter hove
you look cxt it. Butethete is no -reason
why they caned be given a new touch,
and that ie what I went to do eor you
to -day,
• There Is a donkey 'game, :for in-
state°, whore you blthaeold the player
and melee him pin A thal on a cambric
donkey piened 00 the wall. There extended ,over pillow at end of bed,
are ever so many ways of changing 1 aed.d4aws tails around neck and over
this game, A dap may be pinned on head:and ears if desired. '
a pletwo of the host or hestess, or al ' POT children who sleep indoors the
bell on tbe village church tower. Or , paper covering of the 'springs tneY be
a gun can be pinned -on a poster of , omitted, TMs is used for outdoor
O soldier or _sailor. Yougg and old sleeping as, the paper keeps the eald
like this genie, and it is euro to Make. from -coming to the 'sleeper from under
at leeeb fifteen minutes of your eve- i the bed. The bed deecribed is a eine°
nine go like clockwork. Besides it is rone. Foi. ,this, ordinary width Man -
very little trouble and glees opportute keta would be wide- enough to ley at
nity for awarding a peize. I edge of the bed And give enough widbh
The old Cobweb party is another to fold me over. If you use a full Sized
standby that never lolls to inake fun. I bed you eat raverse the iblanket, 'put
This ean be fixed up in many twee one end even with the side of the bed
dresses. ,It might make a very de-' and fold the other end over.
lightful game by calling ilea telegraph Paper blankets would be a good in -
hunt, and having mossagee picked up vesitment this year when wool is so
on the wires. Varioue; colored strings high in price and scarce. The pear Carnegie produced a maseive doom
are wound tbrongh the Itoesee oath ones are wanner than etool and a year ment from the clrawer of -the center
.guest being give a different- eolorece or SO ago could be bought for $1,50 table aleff began to read,
wire. Along the wire at intervals are each. They are made or heavy paper '1 'Here to you, brave Ted ----"Now
letters tied on; which the guest must and bound with cloth, When in we that, your majesty,' explained Me. Car.
coReet and from them at the end when they should be put betweea two com- negie, 'means ' Theodore Roosevelt,
cage. This gives opportunity for a rustling.
.— ells countrymen ofteminoverently ab-
breviate his name to Teddy, or even
he lies nemavelteihis wire spell a roes- ,forte or bIarticete lo prevent their
prize, too. Chilchien will get a loe a , Tod, But the neat line is "Here's to pcliivnegrbiraogm. ofthgere.watesraalnytaiytiefsroolfn ship-
out of the same earty, oiggrown- Why Have a Double Chia? 'you, stout •Ned." That means you,
upselgo, if bright wools are twister! your majesty!' • And tbe Laird of York end other American Atlentie
. •
A double .thin is never Youthful or
around 'the furnituee and -they: are e atereeely „ et , ._ 11, 1, i • I' Skibo geve tee monarch a playful ports through Montreal and the St.
made to. knit or ceochet up the'wool little dig in the ribs. / Lawrence. When mesa' yeesels earl
ae e a e i eu me w tee 1
VS they go along, follows the contour ed the - face and "'rhe king did not shunt "Off with enter the 'Great Lakes, Duluth will (he
, neck. And the woest of it is that a
A. hunt may take the place of a cob- his head!' 'or utter any of the trade able to load qrain his for Liverpool,
double elfin is pretty sure to** go on
web party and be a Meth less teoulele Eons] outcries of royalty Mom:med. In -
nutting uglier and .eglier as time 'aged, he managed to summon a smile Chicago' can send her wares from her
for tlie hostess. She may hide various; ' own wharves direct to London and
-Objects through the retiree and set the passes and the flesh ineeenees and the to his featiires, He was a good sport, Western wheat should go gy the 110W
muscles relax. ' WAS Meg' DiWard, But I noticed thet route to Europe_ at ehout five or six
vette a huntiug fisr them as soon as Avoid becoming overweight by fre- not many moons afterward Mr. Car -
they have all arrived. These three cants a bushel under the old tramper-
thinge make excellent ice-breakens for negto gave e.:50,000,to a London hospi- tation eeharges. All the northwestern
of the Ville% Title ;forme podket at
loot of bed;
New blanket hanging at slde of,
bed mid fold over tee of bed till edge
that was on floor at one elete reaches
the edge of bed on other side;
Repeal. on other side;
Tuck clothing ugder at foot of bed;
Theu following ;with paper blanket
or eveolen blenIcet in the ordinary' way.
Cover with waterproof cover'
Thep turn the upper edge of outing
flannel sheet in the °raillery why and
rig will and thet the bed its now like
a pocket. The1matient slips into this
pocket fromethe opening at the pil-
log; end, and then takes the lower out-
ing Eannel sheet, which till now has
Ilow Carnegie Met Kin,/
plft9BsbenorthOillehthoeittetatirdop1960artoo Ma*
little group over the °IWO aid coffee
after dinner.
"It was Whec). was ambaseadoret0
Great Britain," he eald, "I was vIelt-
intmAedrew Carnegie at Skileo Castor
Word, camp that King led -ward VII, was
taleiting at Dunrobyti Casette, not ear
"Wheveupen Carnegie asked um If I
wouldn't take him over and introduee
.11114t.101einhe tihdeng.meeting was entellY
brought about, Mr. Cargegbe said to
the king, 'And now I hope YOUr ma..
Jeety will favor me with a return viell
at Silesia' • -
"The king turned to lila ectuerrY and
said, -"Look in the engagement. book
and see if we cen grant Mr, Carnegie's
request, I should very much like to
fete his place,' -
"Well, on the following Thursclay
the siound of victoria wheels weal -ward
on the gravel in boot of Sklim Castle
about Much time, and Mr, Carnegie
and I mulled to the Met door and
arew ourselves up in stately attitude
on either side.
"When the Icing come in Mr. Car-
negie took him affectionately by the
arm and introduced him to everybodg
in the eetablIshmeat, Even unto the
third, assistant subeellarer and- the
secretary to the chief laundress.
"Then eirmOarnegle said, 'Your 001.
jesty, if you will come with mo to the
library, T have a poem wish to rfaul
to you.'
'They agjourned to the library. Mr.
Canada's Next Great National
• Undertaking to Open
- Gigantic Waterway.
,,...With the win, ended and eoldier
settlement problerne gradually being
dispesed of, Canada turns to her next
great„ national widertaking—the de-
veloprnent of thegfit, Lawre'nee River
es- 0 waterway :for oeean-going Yee^ -
sets from the Atlantic to the 'Great
Lakes end as a source of hydro power
at Beveled Meets; along its length.
Ceineda and. the United States are
almost equally intoreated We proe
feet, which has been called "Canada's
Panama,"esince joint action by both
couttriee will be essential to put it
throlegb. The scheme is both inter-
-national and leiter-provincial. For ex-
ample, the preliminary plans call for
four huge dams, located near Morris -
burg, Ont., near Cornwall, Ont., at the
foot of Lake $t. Francis and below the
Lachine Rapids. 'nee Erse two are irt
international boundary waters and
the last two in Quebec waters.
The scheme contemplates the mak-
ingeof a thirty-foot channel through
the St. Laevrence from tidewater to
the Great Lakes by the develoPment
of the waterway beyond MontreAl to
Morrisburg, Ont., incidentally, at
would provide 0, very large addition
to the water power 'supply of the'
United States and 'Cal -Leda, something
which strikes one with peculiar force
at the time of the present coal short-
This development plait means the
quently testing y.141.11' . Weight-, to itee
whether 'or not it is- getting beyond
normal. you find that you. are five
or ten pounds too heaVy, begin to
exercise a little mere straiwesIta and
to lessen the fats, meets and ,etarcheei
from your food. Once a week weigh] Wat Furbgeeeges Beategym s
tal that was one ,of the kluges pet
any party. Thbre could bo .flower 17 provinces and Ontario, in Canada, and
hunts, nut pielciugs, wild animal the Northwestern and some of the
hunts, bird hunts, heart hunts ana so Middle States would be tributary to
on according tb the -nature of themarty the new system.
'anti the time of yeav, , _ - - Of Incalculable Value.
"H,ot butter. blue beans, Please come
to supper," pleases older folks as well e eetelet. .
that you will be eucouraged to go en;
yourself and make a note of this so
' ?
as the kiddies. Indwell of Smelter with what little selegneriiice you may l Alkemer gm' world, or in these tmut;-
some one play the piallo .,to indicate be ego -thing in Order to reetore your- triee of it wheel are clas
how near the searcher istothe object self to conditions of health end at- civilized, gm pittuee,s pureultsliolfeditt':-
wiiich the rest of the playere Wee teeeleye„,,,,. . , .
hidden, have seine one whistle.' This bearing enimale of every kind threat -
Carry the head reguliy ,ereet, quite,.
is going tegestagh, and . make the nit 11.,771eirgeli. you we -re wc-:tvii'll.t a brown 7 l'E'onrKe t\lvtit''tlirtic;;;11.41'1Yre°11-','Iliilol,cltiocalle.ertNnedv.re.trlabeek-
is going to be hard, beeuee every one
whistler thee has -Job. e"accelling1). Pr"a'11.' 0.7 3.`aurl'ell th 0 tOW01' fOr1113 of life, the tint.
kingdom. . Make a distinct effort to i
Even blind man's buff ' can lictome
.. inthh the top of the head tip into thie ' „mice they ime.
inheritors with lean of the wage in
The humbler speetee,
0 ye -me motion parte game 1 g von enetteiney
finely in place. This simple emereise the little brothers" or field era revoet,- being bona fide ocean ports.
ii new 'twist. Osie way to do it is to . meet -sio that- ( C 1V111 1N.131; A A .
Fl prevent the -diertgretableforwaed- an the lovable et, Frances, of Asiasi - If the canal can 'be completed
•lblindold everybody-, but oe the ream e,
who is "tet pot a bell to warn el -ho reach:me gooeenece. whiell gives any ealled them, tiny, teuniesss ereatares through the. St. Lawrence,' which will
others of his approaelm A.nother way i whoee furry coats are hardly bigger elms enable ocean-going vessels to
is to make the 1-.1 ind num identify the one 0 "It' tannbelli et.en al -5 "dinar). then a wemants hand, are beengehune traverse the Great Lakes, et will corn-
onelie eatehes 17. making them answer nppearerem ' 1 ed to death with a -reroelone relent- pletely revolutionize the transporta-
geveval fonlieh questemes, eueh as theeness. For the decree of fashion, tion.problem of Western Canada and
if .there is 0113. indication or a hint
of °vet:development or the welt, letei. I the exam of rominity r611 6118 and the the Western States. It will mean
smoke?" arid" "What 14 the fartheet . ---tee-e- -.0 beundiese extravegance of this eponh enormous savings in freight rates.
"What is your eaverite pie?" "Do you deny ceermee ,-.110eieliy el t d i
correct the trouble, and bathe the neck have put a heavy priee upon the head One of the schemes under cosnidera-
yon have ever Been away from home?" twice a day in clew, cool water to
The player who is caught may dis--, of evevyglittle animal whom nature Eon is to reconstruct the existing can -
guise his vitee, 'but he must answer -Avoid carrying the shOulders forward. coet,
has given 0 glessee* wallet, attractive als on the St. Lawrence and another
make the fleth and ' muscles ' fine.
The ramming of ibis in dollars and
cents to the Canadian ports --to To-
ronto, to Hamilton, to Montreal, even
to Halifex and to acme cities which
will he affected by the new system—
is incalculable. It means great in-
creases in wharfage. It means that a
heavy influx and outgo of shipping
to and from Europe will pass over
their docks into the interior. It means
that they will reap the gavantages of
s ve projeet is certain, The cost will
p .obably run from $400,000,000 to
The Contortionist and
the Tiger.
. u relatea that a native of India,
who had learned some of the elemen-
tary principles of juggery and enter -
time put his kaowledge to a decidedly
practicable as well as novel use one
evening when he was waleieg upon A
ridgy slain.:
.When the Hindu had reached the .
top, of one tot the mounds., he 'saw a
tiger abeitel of thine.500 or 000 yards
away: before the man could hide -be.
hind a mound, the tiger had sew. him
andebegan to bound toefard him at ite
tokmost speed. Having 110 means oe
details°, there was nettling for the
man to do but to, race for the nearest
tree, but though he tried it, and put
forth his utmost strength, the tiger
steadily gained. on hen.
What was he to do? 10 sheer des-
peration be resolved upon an unusual
scheme. Just as, he disappeared for
an instatt teen the tiger's sight, in
earthing over a ridge he halted, and
stretched out Mg legs at r:ght angles,
cueled clown las head so as to look
between his legs to the rear, and -ex-
tended his arms neward in a fantastic
manner, like sails of a windmill,
In few seconds the tiger hove in
sight, and at that lastaht the face et
tho object aseumed a hideous grimace.
A prolcinged yell arose, such as had
perhaps never before pierced the ear
of 11113' tiger, and the sells of the w1m3•
mill began to revolve baeltve,r11.,ancl
forward ae if a sudden whirlwind had
burst upon the scene.
The tiger recoiled. What, he evi-
dently thought, re: this? There stood
a ferocious stagehapea monster, gi-
gantic against the sky. Its vise -like
jaws between which those fiendish
roars were issuing, were actually
placed above the two fiery eyes. Its
limbs were furiously clamoring for ace
time: and the man he had been chas•
Ing, where Wee he? 'Already devoured
by this terrible beast The, tiger did
not pause to reflect. He turned tail,
and as he cUsappeared 'Dior a friendly
ridge, a last awful yell (mused to
redouble Ms pace. He was conquered
by the unknown.
The boy began to whimper.
•:Briain's Big Cabinet.
The present Cabinet of twenty BIM,
,,isters Great Britain is quite re-
markable in regard to its numbere.
Most countries find that the small-
er the actual number of Ministers the
better, and in all probability the twen-
ty Ministers headed by Mr. Lloyd
George will be reduced to ten of 144 -
teen in the future..
The 'United States 45 content with a
Cabinet of only nine of the chief Mintr.
tees, who are chosen by the President.
Unlike the British, the Amerienn
Cabinet has to be formally approved
by the Senate, the American House of
Lords. It the Senate doesn't approve
of any particular Minister, then an-
other has to be chosen hi his place.
In France tho Cabinet only consisl.s
of fourteen Ministers as a rule, chosen
. , is to construct anmntirely new system
: -
the qUestions truthfully. . I as Elie gime teem me attegyare,, In his need of land for his own uses, If either eif these courses ,is followed,
elected and choose their partnees for man has 0001111e11 out or reeklesely: nine -tenths of sea -going vessels will
Team game.% where two captains are. squere appearance. Ilee a firm, small
pillow . to sleep 1113011, and once or destroyed the resident elle:Kam. All be able to proceed to the head -of the
some sort of eenteet are good to.PlaY., twice e day take n fee- moments to oveg America this has been tree; end lakes, dtsbance of 2,100 miles from
where there is a large. crowd. There- relax perfectly in a herieontal position human necessities MO* be held in the, gulf, discharging and taking on
are any number of
sists ot giving each player a letter.
tile"' One 0011-: with no pillow at all. many C0.508 tu have justified theigclis- cargoes en route. The grain carriers
now stopping at Port Colborne would
posseesioe or extirpation. But ' the
same letters being distributed to °Koh : Wheye Fifth .Explode. smaller species who made the wood- be Fdple to ge on with their half -mil -
labia is hung, areund the neek, the.
side. Now the referee calls ora, a " .,,
A o the Reigate people -Tetho Buikal, land or the waste. land their habitat lion bushel cargoes to Montreal.
have been tolerated to a certain ex- Water Power Development. ,
weed embattle eaptaie Mist as-3E1111)1o' in Eastern Siberia, iti O. holy lake, and tent and permitted to remain. - But
word. The side accomplishing thial bitter- end is secIotadmaraystre;out be forgotten that a
his players in order to spell out the : they beliero both the lake and its cur- now their skthe are worth so much
money that war to the It of the St. Imevrence
first gets a point. The same thing l erZeincia,,,iilei.ge4gt11=,M,T2451"11,7;11.,1.71e,41 e41111,13,1
waged upon them. No sated:eau or development, 'as contemplated' by the
i All will be the de -
Me addition and subtractiou done irt-1 kinds of weird mho; miegle with viee and appliaace for their destine- Canadian government,
can he'played with numbers and games i unearthly beingo. city. of refuge is left them Every de -
stead. a spelling. , - . their explanations or any feature of tion which man has been able, to In-
, Progreesive stories where every one the lake. Even so eimple an object vent is -turned against them; ancl it
is willing "to .plap" give fu e in a smell i ,,, , great reek lyingt m the middle ol the auequal, unehivalrous, nu -Chris -
Pitted where there 10 4101 so reach room a river Jest where it 'Iowa feene Lnke• tian eoutest 47000 054, the lanttwill be
to recede around. The enet of story Baikal theme 00 0 mraer;or., sleuth. denuded of mane beautiful, ueeful,
it is to be ratty be annoutieed by the canoe. 17 11118 1151115 Wel'O 0 slip from Intrinless forms of life that man should
hostess ,be
help the imagthaVone of the the whole or Link° cherish and protect and teach to re-.
guests, Thee slid mar suggose a ghost .1tLitt115,,evet11111.173M71Y.'ciut to thi 11a3in and garil him as a friend. ..e.
stove., a love story, a 1101.1 story Or a flood the river and probably the con- What the annihilation of our minor
"true" story, malting each ono add a talent.
-true incident as the story comets to!
, riul there are ecluully many strange
,him in turn. . . it. I things, about Lake •Dailial. ellere is,,
Charades and pentomime requir0. tor example, a spooket .or feet that iie
willingrefee on the Dart of the guests, habit the deepest part, These Pelt
but are loads °nun aucl need no prep- have been gem) hy fOW 001'8011S, for
ast soon es they aro lifted out of their
aconstomed etmosphere ot high water
eremenro they exploae,
land mammals will mearefor the coun-
try nobody; Imows, It may be that
they 'Mop, as the bircls do, pestiferous
lesser forms of lite in chock. There
nee tmene people who feel so'deeply
the inJustice of slaughtering our ani -
oration, mai innocents that they will not sanc-
tion it by wearing Mrs. But titeto are
too few to have ally appreeiable effect
and it looks Just tow as though the,
solution -7" Pinning comforts and Wan-
COVerS 00 -Ole. thilclreif memos „re lee evally may the vanity of giving, which
we like hotter than what WC
giv.,,,) ,to exterminatiom
various species still left wows about to
be hunted, poisoned, trapped and shot
kets to the mattress istheb very ,satis-, -- '."""
factory. A sturdy kick or an upheaval
The Klondike Bed.
Whge mother ixi out. phi climate
does rob sigh when told winter nights
COMO Bald the problem of keeping the
"1,Vhal, le milled generosity is gen-
-which indicates turtling dew, Is mere
than likely to tear either bedding or
mattresa, And healthy vigormin chid.
(leen eimply won't keen covered winter
or summeri e r
adapLotion of the I,(Jondike bed,
long 'used by nurses for patients who
meet eleep outdoors would solve the
problem. It requires three blankets
in wheaten to the -reviler emeforts,
but dxtra lon'g quilts edge 1 be sub -
"I don't know, Dito the Inountains. Te)' 1E0.9
aago." • Cover wik springs with building
Six dys
Bevoely mused. a moment, starine
ieto the firm• then he sWate suddenly
around 011 his hose
"I 1)0048 to you, Herford," lie said,
"bee....eso Mew you to be abeolutely ,
frustwortey, Thom -tie a great deml "01ee rem eorePiaininglY.
mne "Shut, upDo you want the piece
"But you remember what IL Was—
you 700111d rigtem a picture 017 11 _per- 'Panes', or 'ballet stills Palter.. Peelmeed
hapsei See hare; kid, Tel give you ..or 11311)gmiddy expensive ' carpebe.
deletes -ie Peril -just nfake a little This rusts twelvil Hilts is yard. Mid
sketch :Cor me,"
, thirty-six 11101,0311101,03ee wide,
''1 don'!: remember " the led Whined. Put 1)1(1110041141)1(1110041141)1(111004114le place unit orior
bea pad;
Loll on if the 1.1111orinatI0n 5)''
• '1120 aci r Haw fit. I 10111, hmeover, abeet mir (meet" Get Mirk .t.lieles you
say iris: week you offeteed me belongrye got t° 141;1"1' altdaYbreal°'
:rreveniou's room for an afternoon Obediently the boy eraWled back in -
nap, I semi clog tired. Three Limes to the opening. A. trennelit paesed,
shell when a geateiligs erratehing IY11119' 11 little lune began to parka'
I Was oe tlie..point atopping orf, to Lonnox lighted hie candle and
1404101 1' nemeses.] me, 71 eeeineci to 001114 4 et'o be continued
• from inside Trovanionef egintlx,
thei!yeel. it gas tr at and I wanted to,
'Ace°. With absolittely no 1(471471!: of ailed From Liverpool efferent',
1117 10, 1 ,",t)411"`Ith'eyitrillik' 11,1111 10,0,"'l • NOZ1):::v 300.000,000, toms Or 0011(.4 110,00
[4', ore meo c tea LACOCIL C11.11.C/ 1,01 voyA, ved /Torn the oe mimeo eo
folooeh. tem:, a memo, 4. , 04,1 eethor move avedeitig (mere.
"ctit7'!'' eve:aimed nerttird Lio's1„;1.A'.e.re .hegns 1000,
1014.11 • 'Mien cotton • :Meet and tuelc in;
Then fsTice blanket spread on mat-
tregS• Being eide of blanket to edge
of mei:Meths on oue side and on other
let it fall over; •
Take second blanket and peace oe
bed in .serrie Way frbm oppeeitO aide;
Plitee 'pillow sisi bedi
Trate outing flannel sheet, evleiteh
meet, 1)0 1)811' a yard lheiger thee bysiee
the length of theca. Put on, Beillg One
eta pp ovet p.i1Iow tied top of bed, til -
low ote-hatf yar4 to fan at top,
'nett theme ep other end ete tenter
Beliefs About Bab/es
. ,
• Minya evely mitten lute Rome pat.1-0111111 a life of 101180(3', they promptle
gooier 511710(01111014 or belief aboutkill any child whose upper teeth ap-
ba.bies, end these result, in actions I pear Mae Another tribe sees bad
fortune Ma every one ie twins, and
W111011 vas,' all the eater from the ether-
. avoid it by slaying them all.
ly absurd to the terribly tragic, 'The I Should a chiliggratv up bad in China
Peasmitey of areeue believe that the 1411)0 parents ere said to have forgotten
theme of every three is dotennitied by to hind its wristie-allucling thereby to
three fates, 1)11 01(41 FIe 0 N.0111 10
the impulse, mend theee ridge ere three
old women, wheats habitation iv a
mottatain ewe mut they bottle to,
gether to a Meuse whore there ls a
eetweborti 111 preenrn Lion for
them, all furniture 10 ',at ;melte 1 1111 I.
their lettering focestepe tatty not be
erepeded, ned erefreelunente , in. tip
qfli,00 of honey broad 71...0,es and viten
Aro 801 alit la 11,51,1' 1111001 4,1,14 11611g11
4111rieibi0 oneyt ea, 114 plaeee
on the table, (1e I) bribe, fer 11, be-
lieved taut in tart ef these fates
ere Mt geocl. theme 03 well fie Mel,
Cadet no elreinnetnneee meet a 'cheats
begets- be alluded to Vino the elate(
may be in 1,0 houee, or they pill eel: -
100Y bloke 14 100111 alvanneer,
Aie.11.Y P03010A balite 411 luck
will lie Ihe portion of a ofTild Who cuts
-its tomer teeth ere!, mei there are pee
01! tWO African WhO 140 fently lie,
hove this thee in them to epere the
a euperstaten that it a Inc (403(4 15
tied Around nn iritentt wrists it eat-
uot fail to grow up quiet and obediefit.
In cured. The work of gathering this data by a niantuteript, or wition t.gg'
saving. good luck td en infant
i.bounti. up for o ellurl Perialt semi steer and maim, tee auspices of the "Case of surgical instruments, the
There are verious methods ot as-
rerm ememem ge riot mem Nth been in progress for HOMO thile, ingele a copy:
_ exactly as the -British Cabinet is
velopment of water power to the enor
chosen by he Prime /Meister and am
mous total of 4,000,000 horse power ,
on e twenty-four hour service, accordeeproved by Ole French President. Bei.
ing- to the estimates of competent en- .gituu is content we.i1 even a smaller
gineers. This will' come with -the wee_ CiThinet of only twelve, and it neigh -
Holland, with one less still,
tion of the four dams, described at the l':")r,
beginning of this article, two of which olevou. The Dutch Government, how -
will be in international boundary ever, have a special State Couucll,
waters. So far as the develenment "Read van State" as it is called, of
tithe ,enormous potentiality of water fourteen members, who are consulted
pewee" is concerned, the question i,s on important affairs ot the countey,
an old one. Some yedrs ago it was Of the big Powers, in. face Great
the subject of bitter iegislative eon- Britain has erthely the biggest gal -emit
troversy at Washington, at Albany Most of the Cabinets of the world con,
and at Ottawa. Nothing resulted sist ot eight to ten Minieters. The
from the proposal . at that time foi
. sonalleet Cabala is that of, Iceland,
damming tile river' at the Long Sault, which has three members only.
, • . a,
In .a limited way the subject eame up
anew last yew, 'Mien the altiminum ' Livingstone's Surgical
interests secured temporary mithority
from the International Commission to
construct a .wing chun near Messime A case containing surgical instill.
ments which belonged to Dr, Daet;
13oginning Hes Been Made,
Livingstone, and was. carried with Moe
Several yeavs ago, on the initiative body from Central Africa to the East
of Hon, Airthut Meighare Minister of Coast by 1)14 faithful 'indite eerriere in
Inter*, there Was institeted a Domin- 157344, is to be exhibited. at the
ion Power Board. This Board eon- Museum of the Royal College of Sur.
sists of engineers of the various fed- geons, Lincoln's Inn-1161de, says the
oral depertinerits interested in the tendon Tinies,
power question and a few outside ex- The case is of =linnet>, with brass
perts. was speeifically charged with ettiegs. It . containe amputating
the work studYing power problente knives, saws, boneeforceps, scalpels,
and. evolving.a power policy for Cae- 'lancet, artery - forceps, oneurism-
ada. One of, the first questions ie needle, tourniquet, bullet -forceps, vine-
rence • Revue power. It eate eeellzed ow trephining instrumente, troche].
and eitnnula, dettal-key, silver eathe,
took- iti»vas the use of tlie St. haw -
that befoim any soluticet could be tem, etc, A feweenstrumeets whiee
reatilled of the-engeneerieg problems, the ease contained fire miseing. •
which had 10 bo faced in the develop- The authenticity ofethis relic of the
meet of this power, data meet be se- greet missioieney-egplorer is attested
birth 41 will surely become wealthy. Power Board scythed ;federal and pee- properfe of • the late Dave!
Tbe Speniairile 100001) 111011 el1M1501114,. vetoed organizations are 0110014711 151 stone, the Argent, etielorer, and me-
, gmes aim eine gouges, te aseeri, good 4111111047 extensive 01105071 .4 end sentea to me by, Dr, Covell Living.
fortime, wbilo to keep the Irish baby • 47a41en6. These attlit1C% are etif, meek stone. the traveller's only earvertng
from berm 11 belt of woniatge bale s ly fer OdVenCell to justify tile neeur, son. This ease wee bought in 1165 by
4,100.014 157)1(1)1 11, and 1:0 ash 10 it sing. awe that 'preliminary sehenie will Or. Livirigstmle or Meese's. Unlined
1 114 0111001 1hn10n1s11 11)0111411(4 4,10 red be submitted eor the consideratien of or (ilasgow, wbo made -and fitted 1110
eibleme erourel the aakiee or choir orr. the Power Board bit a ehort timehin order. It wils used by him in his
spring le elolland garlic, suite bread There is no gainsaying the fad. OM a 11 1, "IS 111 Melee, and was feint beak,
and slime ere put in the erndle of. the' the total 0081,401the St. Lawrence, Ming with his other propoety, from
11P10 111111,11!, Wi1110 1 0 P001001 their project will eini up to a very high fl- that country. iu 1374, when the doer
the inetbers of Wales put in gum.. Iteeme. data Ottawa eupplied 1044 /renegue were brought to Eng-
tbeir maillee a imir of tongs 01 a to tbe local office of the Ceenclialt: Intel. • . , I hereby certify to
knife. It lceland, wben Cho first tooth
makee ite appearance, a lamb le pre,
sleeted lo the child, to be its "very
Bunter o.0 Infornietien; sne-eita
"Tho eoet Of the whole scheme ling
ncit yet been tteeeniately cleteretthed,
lea that it hi en enormously expel*,
the (mreentness of iite above state -
meal, aiuKthe eard ateched was my
fathege visilIng 'card. (Siemer) vtr,.
oeweii Lifsi1147e1411e6 7,1 13., C.X,"