The Clinton News Record, 1920-1-15, Page 2„ resosti Ge E. MOTAGGART M. 0, MeTAGGART McTaggart IBros. A GENERA/4 BA,NKING '1313KIr NESS TRANSAMED. • Norms scouNTEjv imvArrs ISSUED/ INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE0 POSITS. SALE, NOTES Rillt" CHASED. T, RANCE se- .44 NOTARY 1?U13LIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL REAL ESTATE AND VIRE INSUR— ANCE AGENT, REPRESENT- , ING 14 FIRE INSUROCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT OFFICE, CLINTON, _ — W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, LETO, Office— Sloan Block —CLINTON DR. GUNN OMee cases at his residence, cm ,High and Kirk streets. DR. J. C. GANDIER °Moe Elours:-1.80 tce3.80 pen., 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. Sundays 12.30 to 1.30 pen. Other hours by appointment only. - Office and Residence—Vistorla St CHARLES B. HALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Commissioner, Ete. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Weer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, CLINTON. GARFIELD McMICHAEL, Licensed Auctioneerer for the County a Huron. Sales con- • ducted in any part ,of the county. Charges moderate and atitisfae- ticn guaranteed. Address: Sea - forth, R. R. No. 2, Phone 13 on 236, Seaforth Central. GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. . Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can he made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling, Phone 13 on 157. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. .‘,...., B. R. HIGGINS- Box 127, Clinton ee Phone 100. --. Agent for The Huron -& Erie aliertgage Cole pompon and The Canada Trust CompanY Comm'er 13.-C. ;if J., Conveyance:, Fire aud Tornado Insurance, Notary Publid Also a numbeer of good farms for sale. At Brucefield on Wednesday each week. 1.1M11131U —TIME.TABLE— \ Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODLIRIM DIV. Going woo., depart 6.33 a.m. ., 2.52 p.m. Goiug West ar. 11.1, dp. 11.15 " ar. 6.08, dp. 6,47 p.m. " ar. 11.18 p.m. LONDON, HURON & BRUCE DIV, Going South, ar, 3.23, dp, 8.23 a.m. *I 0 0 4.15 p.m. Going North depart h' 6.40 p.xn. "- 11.07, mu a.m. The McKillop IlutuaA Fire Insurance Company Head offie, Seaford:, Ont. DIRECTORS' President, James Connolly; Goderieb; Vice., Jamee Evans, Beechwood; SecoTreasuree, Thole E. Ham •Sen. forth. e" Directors: George McCartney, Sea - forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; 3. G, Grieve, Walton; Wm, Rine, Sea. forth; M. McEwen, Clintoed Robert renege. ilarlock; John Ilenneweir, Brodhaget; Jas. Connolly, Godorkh. Agents: Alex Leitch, Clinton; J. W. xeoi Goderich; Ed. Hinchley, Seaforth; W. Chesney, Egniondville; R. 0, Jar- pluth, Brodhagen. Any money te be paid ea may he paid to Moorish Clothite co, Clinton, pg. at Oates Grocery, Goderich. • Parties desirieg to eteeet insurance err traithact other businese will be promptly attended to on application to enyeef the above officers addreseed to their respeetive post office. Losisee tespeeted toy the director who Nene wrest the scene, Clinton News- Record CLINTON, ONTARIO. , Xermo of subscription—$L50 per year, in advance to Canadiau addresses j2.00 to the U.S. oe other foreign countriee. No paper discontinued until all arreare are paid unless ab the option of the peblisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted pri the labol, Advertising eates--4imesieht adver. tieemente, 10 cents per nonpareil lite for first ihsertion and 5 cents per lino for each subsequent insets" Sion, Small advertisements net to exceed One inch, such as "Strayed," ,or "Stolen," e1 c„ insert. 40 once for 35 ciente, end (etch sabge emelt ithiertion 111 mile, Conimuticatione intended for publice• Bon must, 05/11 gnarantee of good faith, be acconipanied by the eintedef the -writer, ' HALL M, R. CLARK, Proprietor. filth or. c' Address communications to Agronomist, 73 Adelalite St. Weet,horente Making iletchieg Sags Pay, ber .ef eggs to tale an.d return the The batchine egg busAueSs furgishee •)fieneY inireedi'lte4' 11 more are "der - the poultrY111411 With 1313 reward fell 46,d- than een be 4141900 f" 4 IP911° keeping purebred.' aemsn. The 0330 "ane,e,„' 'grow PurelPed " stockn the'd i spring i -Le ""evi'" 11413413I135 egg° tekee' are worth 'more than ineserl eggs be,. 3011,10 risk us- wen as tile 'or. P130 eautse like ie 13 dereane ter iwoorect salvation of the hatching egg bust Resole ,ee tee de,e,gmen can sollo noes Is the fact that ineet farmers are - good purebred calf fer a 1)113101113ber honeet, A 01313011133 bayer could pule than Its market vaitte veel so 1110 01(1130 egiglr end ha" g°64 1.8.51-111'° thm ponitrym,„ 01111 salt the (1nt, 01011)01011)N.,,vitit eand then 010,1111 to the pro- ms/the that the ogge 'were bad and 013- w011-311ate0 purebred iniedls for itorei Min another setting, Some breeders than the grocer can pey, offer to replace a setting at half Prlea, • The first step in 0111iig hatehing eg,gs Is adgeggisiag, The hum Tide gives both the ) buyer and the 313 11 geller ce, chance to beer some of the poultrymangt coin/nullity wfl1 not fur- risk of poor hatches, • Sono poultry., nish, enough troth?, lnven they will then will rends/co all lefertilegg usuelly find out that eggs are for sale tea but cif them only guarau e e -c -e sr: most from reading the 'advertising. Most talo per cent, bf fertility. of the orders will come from the email Ohe beeecler, of muchexperience towns of the Neville° that the advete told me that 1111 sy ddenot sell hatch. Seareebl, knew. existed, Some advertising can be placed .on the sign board ee the side of the road, seine in the local. newspaper and the balance in farm iountals. Hatching eggs can be shipped.eby parcel post syttli little lf any lose. Commercial containers can lee ours ceased which wilt hold fifteen, thiety or fifty eggs. Each egg is wrapped in newspaper and plaised in its section so there will be no Jostling, If the Packages are shipped by express they can be sealed with gummed paper, but if seat by parcel post they must he left unsealed but can he tied with a strong eelVIrciarket baskets, can be used foi. hatching eggs., Line,the bottom witir excelsior andthen wrap each egg in a sheet of, newspaper end a bit of ex- celsior. Do not crowd the eggs, :se the: will result In _some breakage. Cover the top of the basket with bur- lap and tie in securely. Then draw the handles together. over the top ofo, the basket and 1,tie-them so that no oth.or parcels can be placed on the eggs. The satchel basketwith covers ade also fthe for -hatching eggs. Wood en' candy pails are sometimes used. They are lbeecl with extelsior on the sides and between each layer of eggs, and „the eggs are wrapped in paper. The Wooden covers areonalled secures ly. A wooden package is more apt to causegv`ileidaelon of the eggs than the more .sprinielike baskets. It is neces- ear), to Invest *Some money in pack- ages as hatching eggs which ore care- less1K shipped will result In (Unsatis- fied Customerii, orders for eggs must be hromPtlY acknowledged and shipped as soon as Possible. If all the eggs are sold for se -ye -eel weeks it is better to inform the buyer at once and let him know when he will be -quite sere to receive theiii. Customers do not like to buy hatching eggs and then wait for six or eight weeks for delivery. It pays to encourage customers,to order early and then estimate the probable umn- . The BnY Has G9t a BeVti. Boy is mighty bappy, klyeS am bright and snappy, Coes Mend aseieglet frOTO 010 14013111e tig 10i dark, • "Hohle 1118 need up llkher, 511 ilk elance-therent nee ' Het Y011 anythinF you weat that lad will make his marlt, • • What bee gene and aerie it? Earns:ea 1,1i' right to havo some OM to call nth V01'5'olv/1., '00141,1303' lais Won lie Pedigreed ranee, Hungry for thole dinnele, COWs that bring in Aibbeus when et , county fair' thby've shown,. ' If you'd, hew boYs grinning, If you'd nave them winning, If. you -svanteeto make them love the Pam from mul to ond, • Lee them do some fishing In between their fishing, And the boylmon pleasure/4 that youth -,illwaYs seems to lend. Boy is so much 'meatier,• . Doers hie Bleak' louder, UP at' -five each morning with a smile • upon his face, Some good eittle fairy Gave th' Icid 0, "clairY" • No*he's goire forward at a most pee- ing eggs in one -hu tdred-ogg lots to grease/a pace, strangers fo place in ineubatore, This • was because some buyers hail Inv- ohased large numbers of his beet eggs h Your Autornobih and placed nein in poor Sucubators ID61.1red? which were given worse.attonilon.• coerse the hatclthe were 'mooned then the buyers :wished more eggs free or their money back. That 1 poultryman caters only 3-9 the buyers of one or two settings who place the eggsunder hens and he does a good hatching egg businees and the buyers see satis- fied. Before selling Itatching eggs the breeder bave quality stook of geed vigor and laying ability,- eget/ must be gathered frequently in „ the early spring to keep them from chilling. Late lu the season the over- heating of the eggs will be a.s danger- ous as .0111111115. The germ:will start to grow and then become chilled and die. Of course, these things 011 re- duce the quantity and -quality ofechicks hitched. The customers ere not pleased and 13 15 the business of the seller to build business by delivering the fact remains that clever crooks the quality goods which bring eepeat continue to work, and especially with orders and mote customers. bhe low-psiced makes. The farmer with purebeed stock can do his boot to sell eggs of ellaliteo Then it is up to the buyer to bring out successful hatches. The fact that niost owners and breeders of purebred stock are honest reduces the risks or the business and helps to make it 448 not absolute protection, for the more pleasant than it P03110 33(1 under imsan who makes a business of steeling other conciltimes. The big Iaying prepared to pick the best of locks. months of the year aee March, A n Nor can the police prevent it, he - and Meer. That is tho time of 11--agh.--. ; cause for all they know bhe crook 11103'. Ing ancl also the these of lose -Priced be the owner. I know of one case eggs. If the spring eggs min be sold 4\tvbera the riervY thief- actually got the for hatehleg at a good price it brings (topper" to crank the car for him, and then -drove Subilantly,e,way. Insurance ere - .7":"7.747..=.7ereSSege. . Ttlf CliEMPIR.CHERV5 lin the siosavsatimmoromnapi.-4-witoisocrnospsi ,,,,oviar4 htmlble Wth ro ill e s• or itings or ,irtre.rkg with 1.11iikYe. wtoGrbke.'76x1rndy,571F:1 so rel.voh:. rivrCAP.1 6, Mariter Pruning. Winter prunieg of bearing oreharde should lee attended to every year. The onchordiet Amide go over trees systematically arid cut out creseing or leeolcen limbs wberever .theee occur. Out close to the main llimle:'don't /enyo sthbe, and paint the eveund with white lead and boiled oil /Om turpentine). We prefer a stiff stencil brush tied rub the Nine, well einto the wood. A little brown .coloeing makes the wound Ires conspicumes. When cutting a range Mel) cut on bhe und.er side first, Ilf0111 111;111JTCH • su,,day qchooi Seerne Sometime:1 Au li' Yoe Woeld Pir Vet of Y0111' Wart. Vor some time there has been Widelspreati feeling' Among demeee 0011001 workers „ that diseipline Ulf 0091(1503 Memberehlp este • lee/cons a tend/ince, The ouLeonie or that fee lug bee been a toraleney' to condom: eteorder, to soften auy rebuke ail- went, permanent rehef, 'ministered 10 bad manners mot levity Tak0 rfaad,s sarsaparilla, give it 0, —111 short, tO lnaite the seselona og 0,10 • good fair trial, because you must Sunday school attractive even at smile thoroughly purify your blood or the 0113311 1100 eg order and rev cimption will rontirme to annoy, per,- trYing to avoid the possili16"11.11c4leaT ant results et discipline, those lels708,141185011b1 000en''"AtteeerrsbaiAliglyr0autoonidGailn- • anUlority haveln some eases \gone to 013 0)18013433 af mans, the other extreme and havel 'done To Intthe and keep the bowels away with. discipline altogether, As a stead of being drawn. 111, avay fron) those Sunday schools in- flannelly aetive, take Hood's Pills, . . . _ they aro geatle and thorougb. consequenee, pupils are being driven Beserna or salt rheum not 010 itehes, but it also bum, 00003, dries and settles over and over again, Soinetinten it covers the whole body and 0110803 intense fillirering, 'd'oe bave'd!oneel thet loyal applicke, tIone have ents eiterst, and you, The outeome Ivan inevitable, becauee 11 15 an old fact of lunucen Panel/0103Y that .chilaren, love discipline, Men grewn people in their innernmef hearta aro not even° to 11, Theresies some- thing safe and satisfyingin knowing that yon are fenced. about with rules "'Phe seeretary ought not to cllsterb us after we get welt stnetece" , • One oh ild put the whole matter MN a single pithy declaration: "Wo ought to leave strict rules, and llve up to them," The, pupils who took part Mahe 030 periment were beteceen nine and siao thoughtfully made and wieely - en- ten years old, To the younger ones forced. Moreovelf, there lea Reed of the sense of being safeeuarded by spiritual exhilaration in ,properly ob- authority 11F118 0.33 lines/mu 08 oxygen, serving those rukee No normal child ls over estranged or humiliated by coming into contact with properly ad - I won't soon forget the car Whirl this prevents teasing the wood and 411111Stered dleelvline" Ge the 0013''' we bought a yestr ego, and which for bark as the lineb collies from blie tree , teary, the effect of good discipline Is some unIcn,own reason we ,neg-lected to insure. It never occurred to us that it was not •Inearesi until one day it was etolen th a nearby city. Although the loss'wes not srsevere one, it was neverth.eless a toiell lose, as the ear when limb, spe.ong ton wide and make, to stimulate tho child's self,respect, cultivation near the tre.e impossible, his regard for the lights ot others and This shoot Neill seen grow. strong and up. his affection. for the institution that , those 111168 are designed to protect. cut to a shoot that is...growing take the place of the part Out off. If that sounds theoretical, let us was never found. Lost spring we per- Many of our o/der orchards leave ac- take yefuge in facts. Not long ago chased another, and the insurance , policy was included in the cost of the wired the offeyear halietovhich means the /natter ems put to the test in a crop one' srear, grow, theshext. It is 1 large number of Sunday schools. 5)013 - after the growing year that We must ells and Paper -were dietributed among car. Theusands ,of dollars are lost each year through neglect to insure auto- mobites. Probabjy each owner whose musis etolen thinks that hi's' ear is 11n - mune to theibands of thieves who sys- of heavy growth hoping tematically steal and dispose of thgir they gen. ed of them a few sitggeetions were the -way places, evbere the chences of plump heavee new,grciwth- cuts away the big! form fruit Ours, as cutting away the 1 made at tho start. Perhaps 0130 of them ano,ther might think aaquisitions in kale ,cities or out -of- , felt. the need of a anoeial mem recovery are very slight -indeed. But buds which easily form fruit' tor his class; spurs, leaving the less matured buds, that the session's Were too long, an - which prefer to Illgke 0 033` W004 I other that they were too short. Some growth, soothe result would be 'crowd- might feel that a different hour of ing instead of thinning thestree, meeting multi be more convenient; There is but one way to prevent this ee„--Oherp inanava and saws and some, that too lumen time svas devoted loss, and that is to insure es soon as meke clean cuts, to drill work, Others might have sug- you get your machine. The various Use sharp eyes and good judgment, switch and other locks hglp, and no g.estIons to make in regard to obeying doubt prevent many thefts, but they,' distribute the new seowth evenly and rules. Did. theY gatoutof the lesson theAciii.ottpisevwieelllbedsenveeistrdyisytisdalxrustricml. in_ Peer what they should? Were the hy ns the kind they eejoyed most? ates the culls; tree butchery at long Was sufficient tithe devoted to drill intervals eliminates the profits. svork? 'thin our tre,es and 'esee that there is not , the pupils, and every child was asked too mach new growth to exclude light to write down some change that he and air. If there is a heavy • new 1)0111(3 like to see 11). connection viith growth thin this to distribute it as; the Sunday school. In .order to make evenly as possinle. Don't leave stiebe1..elear to the children what wan expect - the YeP-rlY average add the 000313' against theft and loss by fire inex- hatchinegg businesreceives loan Pilo 'has good luck with his is peneive, but the number of uninsured g s con- om which ore lost is surprising. siderablo pleasure and serolit from Insurance against accident is not so the flocks of purebred poultrY. importantin the country. ss in the - large city; -but is still worth while if [Will SIxesen-yeareold Reader kind- you- ly send her name and addretie for ado.much driving. This sort of a olicy. insures reply by mail, --Agronomist]. . p . you, against earnages eestalting -front hitting someone, or protects. you ia an accident whicleedis- The Red Rubber Ball The long train on which Dwight P08 traveling had been standing at a little way station for half an liour. surprised, and then -pleased. The ables your chy. Most automobile p01 - signal eves given for the train to 100108 are for the period of one yer111 move:- there was not an instant to be only, so if your agent forgets to re - lose. "Catch!" cried Dwight. mind you when your policy 81(3)1101 do not neglect to have it renewed, be - The other boy Made ready, avid the cause your car may be stolen that red rubber ball flew through the air. very clay. -The boy in the window caught it Something was wrong with the en- gine. But Dwight did not care, Ile squarely - e than ever W05 Watellitilla• 11. freckle -faced boy HIoolsed more puezled A live-stocle breeder is not (level - about his own. age, who• was playingg at sight of the string and the noteopecl in a day or a week; a lif 51111)10 Then Dwight gazing back as the train! is all too short. 'Take up the work ball by himself in a little yard not far saw him where others have left off, and (111115)from the 'track,- The' boy 170,5so 13107801 faster and faster, freckle -faced boy broke into broad "°". 1 choeen beeed on toward peefee- erk the knife out of the ball. The used to seeing trains that he' die not • i 'look up at all, but kept on playing. grin. He leaned met of the window At ast, however, he saw Dwight at of the little house and waved with all the window of the nearest passenger coach. ' They grinned at each other, his thight to the boy at the 'window A New. Idea in Without knowing it Dwight cupped his hands, as if he were waiting /for the ball. "What kind of a ball is -that?" he called. "Red /rubber!" the freckled boy called back. ,,Then he added, "Want to look at it?" - Before Dwight could answer, he had raised one erin and tossed the ball. Dwight -caught it. lae pulled his pocketknife •ortt. "This is what I play withon the train," he said. The freckle -faced boy looked eager, dI never had any'' knife," he said, grinning, cheerfully. Just at that moment "some one called the freckled boy quiekly, and he turned to run. "Back in a second!" /le called to Dwight. The red -rubber bait was not much of a bale Dwight thought. It al- ready had a hole in 50, and the bounce wog nearly gone. 110 was so busy koking at it that he dicl not notice when the wheels slowly began, to of the speeding train. Keep a Gun on the Farm. . The number of farnis • throughout the ocenitter without a sign of a gun on 0110111 is surprisingly large, I consider no farm equipment complete without at least one good gun. I keep three an the ilmen and find use for them frequently in protectipg ' turkeys, ducks, pigs and iheep from prowling ' doge. Last season the dogs got into a large flock of full -blood turkeys need' tlin house about daybreak- and killed five. before I .could reach them with my gun. The clogs evere eo vicious that mien my arrival L-w,as promptly attaeked and would have been bitten had it net been fer my gen, whith d used freely for my own protectiou as well as for that of the tea/keys. I suc- ceeded in savitig the remainder of the tuekeys, On another occasion,' . by Dra 1313 action with my gull, saved move, All at once he looked up. The - the laeget part of se flock of decks trait Was well under way, and the little yard and tile freckled boy -welt from Pdevding dogs. • Many tithes I have gotten within range of the sheep pasture just in time to save the sheep from prowling dogs, by freely using a long-ranga rifle. For this purpose I use e 32-40 caliber re-, pooling rifle. I can geatter dogs one - bale mile diatane wibh this gdn md have frequently sent them ecurrying home at, this distance, when they, would have been in miechief before I could have reacheclethem single handed For skunks, crowe ncl Seed ish "I've carried off that boy's ball" 'cried Dwight in dismay. He told his father what had, beppened. nI don't even know 1158 manse," he finished, "I'm afraid there's nothing 'we con do 'but wait till We tome back this W83' two we4s from now," his father said. "The train alwaye stops here a few Minutes for water," , A fortnight later, when the long train stopped again at the way ela- tion: Dwight was looking out allXi- ously. There Viz no one in the yard, "What shall I do?" he said, He held the ball/ tight. There was some - Don't haggle a tree and expeet the 'X, In that way the children were made to see the nature Of the experiment apples in tile bottom ef <Leh, half 1 the syrups, dust with cinnamon old wounds to heal, , Don't prune trees when frozen hard.. without being influenced or restricted in the least in expressing their honese opinions. The subject of diselpline' P5) mentioned only casually with the rest. The answers were surprisingly alike. There were a few suggestions in re - Without having someone to tell Wens what. to do and what not to do they, would have felt like lien out of water. The eider Otis and hoys had alroadY attained a fair measure of self-con- trol. They were ready to metke their own eogulatione, but they expected those regulations to be kept. In life eyes of both sets of pupils laxity in discildine team a mark of weakness, The,tree use of "ought" lu the test papers is highly signAcant. Almest every suggeetlon seemed to turn on that word. There mune to be but one conclugion to draw: the instinct "e01' law and the desire to see It enee limey enforced aro etrong in the heart io)feaytiotuyt101.1 0Eraveeln% those ghee and boys who are habitually unruly recognize the need of system and aPerec'ete the 33 18 evident, then, that letting doom the bears and winking at misdemean- ors are poor 'ways to make things plehsant in Suncley school. There is a more excellent Ivey to bo hed for the taking. Discipline is an essential. Part cf. discipleship. Steamed Apple Pudding, Four thin slices buttered leceace 4 cupr, sliced apples, half cup syrup or eager, (matter tettepoon salt, half tertepoon 0/13110,21100 01' quarter tea- spoon grated nutmeg, Put half the Don't leave pruning till too late. Don't leave pruning) lying about; burn them and take adyantage of the ashes. Prepare for Spring It will soon be the time to plan the vegetable garden and 'order the seeds for spring planting, Expeess and freight are very slow a little butter; then the slices of but- tered breed (only 1 'layer of bread), 31)0 ,8833 of tbe applee, sugar, oilier: - mot and gait Cover and set in pan of boiling water -one he -tare -or until the apple)) are tender. If the pan will fit, schoo/ it can be pet over the boiler in which good to equipping the Sunday the meat is being cooked, theeeby rooms; smne of the pupils expressed eavieg fuel, .10 gas,is being used; :deo a desire to mange teachers, and saving the %melting of an extra pan m- others took occasion to Iducl their boiler.' Serve wane, teecher to the skies se one or two won- I Buy Thrift Stamps. Bette]; a little with righteousness than great revenues without right. A word fitly spoken to like apples of gold in pictures of silver. disinfectant in the egg chanthere. See 'The teener in the sense next to its age. and the mails are not as prompt as formerly, so it As well to order seeds be ready for settler out 05 soon as Chu weg,ther is sefficiently settled, ora"1"' This applies to Bowen. as well as , vegetables. . early, to have them on hand and thus be free from ;worry when planting the house and good sized plants will , time arrives, Crean up the incubators, Some thing tan be staited early in using. a: t$111:11,ging." papers 3111 we ere through with en,- mal in the- ordinary feeding stable, dared whether the building could not be enlarged. But more than helf of Hero are some of the sentences that ought not to talk so loud." the pupils spoke of discipline. Better order was the burden of their song. the children's papers yielded: "We ought to start at the right "They should not give out the 110W 'There ought to be quiet during the 111,7"elevone should take part the 'ought to get up and sit down dile amount of very 1,000 pounds in live weight of steers or cettle fed and the saving in manure is equal to or coal lire the fita will last one- thIrcl /omen., which is a good thing to know during the claye of fuel 111011- disinfectant amounts to about $5 an ant - the house, soak them over night in kero;ene and lot them dry. It is said if one of theee is rtheed on a wood The eost of concreting floors gen- I0 there are ally old bricks around svithout making so much eoise." member of the clase ought for the y -ear, as compared with ani - to be present 13 110 isn't sicker math fed on earth floors. that every part is clean and in good workieed order and ready for use, " eligh - It's an ill -wind that blows no-wher, se.sts Samba And so the ill -wind of high prices and labor shortage which the War has left in its train should blow along with 13,335 compeneoting measure of gaan, I've an idea' thee no small ernount of that gain is go- ing to come 'about in a revival of neighborliness, 'helpfulness and co-0P- •eration. Everybody being in the Same boat, so to epealc, the only way out is to time in tend help each other. And the result cannot help but be e partial 'return at least, to the ways -of our forbears, when, lacking hired help, neighbors exchanged work and com- munity life Aols the place of joy rides and movies. • .. In the toeves there is a et:spicier/. of it already among mothers. of small children. How ere you .going to get down town to shop or to a show or out to a patty, 3711011 you can't get help for love or money and the chil- dren are too yoling to leave? Prior gto this dearth of workers, if yeti glide edt keep a girl, lea could always lithe edrgeolie cem6 in 0011 1111 'afternoon or evening. But now it is aimed Am- po•ssible to do that. As a result, mothers, who not se verii long 'ago would never have asked a neighbor for' a fever, are beginning to help one bothood Cubs 5)1( 170)1301) "I wouldn't think of having you do my mending." s "What -difference does it make • whether we pull claiming cotton through a stocking' or through a quilt?"' argued a friend. "It is week either way, and 11 men.cling will help you more than quilting, went all seid the first woman. come," , "Then En give you your dinner," "Indeed you won't," chorused the crowd. -"What help would it be to mencl foe you H y011 1104 to spends -the whole day cooking foe us. We'll ail being something end have a pot -luck dinner. -You make tea el. coffee, and one them home to wash. In that way, no we'll bring our own dishes and take will have much to do." 00 it was settled, and the. neighbor - ha -6d club has become a. regular insti- tution, Every -weeic they go to some home and do just what will be most helpful. One week it wee making nightgowris for the family: Another --tveek they made two house dresses and threedtitchen aprons for the host- ess, Nobody knews how many towels they have hemmed, and sheets they have made, and DS to carpet rags, well, several women have now bed, room- rugs as a result of the busy fingers of this club, One woman another out by exchanging services. even had her fall housecleaning clone. Mrs. Jones takes Mrs. Smith's Sally She 18 in delicate health, the doctor fee _Monday, and Mrs. Smith returns ordered ne heaver work, no one could the favor Tuesday.. As a result each be hired in that disteict to wash win- -WO/13071 dlecovers that the other ,is rows,,I,kcep twenty-two caliber re- really human, . Othoglittle courtesies dews and sceub Woodwork, `so the Wroth, of pneumonia, of grippe, are peating rifle, finding. it just as useful Collovi; and instead of looking, She ne,ighboe wondge cense wieh their week: frequently found the eplitio coughed and profibable for tlesele pests as the other way when they meet in the dr""a, ahd itC a daY's dale cleaned, 'nu by b''en'bine 81(505er)), eeeme thing ',heavy inside it, end a seeing lMy arger guns are for other proteetion, Iwo ot y ,otiinonthe house Teem attic to cellar. her owl is .a shot-gun.M three and discover they ,have many inter-: on it ee acquainted • caught the epirit. Busking bees are, air. Apsides 1101115 a gerrn diseaso, The men of the neighborhood have folk, by reaeon 11? the gernotree sea that broil/elites le effre arnoug lishore of the hip joint. if there le ;my un- eerie:My, have an X,Kay taken. This with 4 note Med to it hung from the gang "st armlit V."). eheY tavo 438 115 in ' I agajo houtd of, there has been a day, bronchitis COMO) 0100 ill 0001 0)30008" 111O31t, Important, Your floater -meet hoe. The bevy thing was a slim eadted theh; dose a number of times in a . certain country clistnict the ttiand to toe rest. Trurtnor mrorma. poeltetkeine with Illtifee height 14040S. 18 being worked out .011 a stilt d, sawing and eplitting wood, and, Bons am lead to the beer/thine in of over in peetection end live more thee idea The mite Raid, "I bad to -put some- Wean tite.re came.? dearth of workers' chemica: rums' and of irritating p-tr, magel you. peal their cost in grettiiig peite of vari- atiore ccreercheesive sca,18, I a thing inethe ball to give it gallaet go.j "15 t 11;41,,',.)", in the sugat beet, inelde, the men's; Doles of eteel, etone east, cotton fibre 'deflect at a (1"ilting bee' Now q""'-' eo-opevative dub ban•ded together and the like. Bronchitis is . oleo a natural accompaniment of mane dice . 1 011 r7:7D,TA a) II 2610T3753'( 5i0,i3251313S13133513L33iP7 JT 1.. Lon ti • ,_0111c, - By John a kruber; Alv1,111-D r b'W Address communications to 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto Brenchltis. One becomes susceptible.to, posed to, "cold on the chest" by get- ting the feet wet; by exOnsure, fa- tigue, overwork; by previous weak- ening diseases; by toed that la in- digestible or scanty or cen the other hand, excessine for the bodily needs, oCatehieg cold," which very trequente ly , mules in bronchitis, ,,comee also erom living in over -healed rooins, 08' 1)001131137 When oxygen -Consuming gas is constantly hi ono, in eilices and worlcroonte. and in pieces .where the poisonaue exhalations of many people tauestions and Answers. , together is being re -breathed hour After ashort distance I cannot walk by 'hour and day by do,y--whereS in verY good. My right leg begins to short, there is bad ventilation, Those whose occupation keep then) outdoors feel 11007Y end drngs. My 'knee 000018 are not nearly so prone to bronchitenetd-clowgnivritlnacivarYe•st.1 lansievoseirygollsaida tsolsrisist as are ;sedentary vsorkere. In most (7.0 brono.hitt, 05, moo for I have to hold 8011100310'8 arm. The germs of smusumes when have been. out for lions, it germ disease.. a Short Moo my right leg begins to tremble and I can't steady nlyselt a.s 3 ought to, Alsoemy right hip is a Mlle higher that the left one. Answer -I shatfld tear letberculoels and rawness behind:the breathbone, fullness iu the chest; and a mean' cough. ' Suc11 a bronchitis can- soneetemes be "nipped in the bud" by means of a hot drink (leenotholo or tone at becntinee, two compound cartnartio pills, five • grains of quintile and a hot foot bath -- and then at oneo to bed, well blanket. ed. It the stitheer get e e good meat during the night he will probably have avoided his attecis of bronchitis. If not, he must limn give place to the physician. . . . it wouldn't fall in the 3750115 (31)1(13. d' , eF. ' ' g . ` ' and helped one :mother out, Keep the ballast," , ' , . Ie you 1r0 going to put a hot pie they have -been held frors -tiMe.tor Work is li hte for r, d ?„3111e result has been very selisfae-, The 331'0010111 imMutes were fn lying, ,„ mita .011 a plate 3111011 taking it out immemorial, 1)133, 3130 ides, which' but Dwight did not like to threw the. 0.1 the even, heat Bic Plate first, If grew out of this one has a deculedi there a spirit of eticiability ie that . 1 1 i ball without Ccoing 311c 0173101'. te Pat 00 0 61(1 plate it will lie -gime, eleMent of (10W11058, Thheigave women had: , e e e erneect riot fourel in many since he Only know the boy's name he could 1101).9' , a wonderfelly good time, and when it, the adveht of Lorene made long' occur - call. Then ell eleonce he rernembfir.--'------+-'-- '- « I c171118 thee to leave, eonieone m P0511801 ,ons t, ,, , 1froth home ,po.sieble. hey have ed llie 0,,,,, Yell' (11011110.31Y—rend and ' 35)111 3110)153 as wiping. 1116 01cnki theY might, have another (111"tirigl blade ..the sclmol house a community jelly and 51e5)1301'0d witli 00ee1(1e/4, and Udder with a damp cloth, strain.' PftveY Lb° 1101(3 Wtlak'' . e811300 and have parties, lectures and Pet/hive thef celled Mt Freckles, for ing the mile through- teverat unak. "I haven't a gtillt to tie, 15tit Feel. oieseeeeionee "spell -clowns.° The fun, , 11311800 of'. cheesecloth, ihep 101)1)31 )1 gofr 13(180101 oO 433001(13155 370(1 .rt),Ight epirit of 10,0pol-diet le beieg worked Ile leaned out or tlits window 0110 the laetia fluid 000111 Ibo 51100 5))$001) 10111111," the. 711 nthkY of sof said solo, eut into 0 baying and 84311r105' chib al cee t) p *115)1 nen-ce) wfiich promises help of a still more 33(11 his hands to his mouth, a,. drawn 1 r 1 '1"te ". 11() "4" • tominsted atmosphere are practices "Why not?" two or three wornen Materiel sort. , 31180110Y the jell'Y hies aPPeaVul whith sliotdd Lbe follo%ved in every schl 3151 ,01110 "We'll just do that,' I And itAll 1131350 01317 of the shoetege cold the eYce, Mkt oolrm dry and at till on13331218)1 1111)1383-111aire window, -.4 10010011 chivy, - "0, 1)31,"1)31,"protested the first woniali, 01 ltbor ,-,,,4. , serthe e re, 11011131011051l1011131011051l1011131011051), op/than/km .. cases--nleaslcs, tYPhoid fever, metro, fa, nettling, whoopieg cough and 50 011, The troeble useelly bogies svith a cold in the nose WWII work: clown theough the throat, past Sdie Menge apple, then along the settee pipe and so to the einem= 11161111)00110 of itic bronchial tithes, Which thus become in- flamed. The patient feels heavy and tenements, with:set appetite, eith paths in the bones, chilly end feverlsb sensetions, mmezing, eyee walering, sense et follilesti nroUnd 1 110 110313 Yolt ahould uhvo.rolceop 3-o(11, 60 0)l0nthavl0in'0 Stomach 0011 Liver Tobiote on tllo OWL The lilt lo folk to of ten need n ,i31,1 one of() entharde and Choy de Appreciate Clunnborloin'e i not eAdor noneeetts °Bowl m1,41,111%41, PM, A tom nub tyoubie300(3 eonetioni ien,ifitoz 000,10011)01m goin# to bcd. dvoge:ALA, rte, E:114 egAtill3111.Alii IMMUNE CO.1001410 n. 07 '71'4;1r-