HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1920-1-8, Page 9Gl.iINTQN'S` LEADING JEW.ELE1,Y ."1'0111
This is thelime of year a phonograph is the most
enjoyable, and the 1'honola isqlle best machine on the
market. You are cordially invited to (vele nil and
hear one, A good selection of records;
A Beautiful Ait Calendar for Every Customer.
<_: ,1
Jeweler and Optician
.r�ra�arxsx�,,—.w,, - - ^••c.ew�.«�,,�,..,.,,,, .�,"�itixrc.•airsmtmns---._ �. r+•M•,+•�.. ,rapt
Happy New Year
To our rnaaty Friends and Patrons
we extend
The SeasotR's Greetings
Plumsteel giros.
Happy New Year
We've a I-Iappag New Year
For Everybody l
On our part we enter the New Year with a firm
determination to discount our past efforts at every
point, in keeping -This 'Shoe Store the best and
most satisfactory Shoe Store in this vicinity I_
May the recollections of the Dying Year live as; a
Pleasant Memory of a time that's goile I I
May all sorrow be buried by the Goodness and Joy
which the New Year has in store for you !
you discarded your old dining -
room set and replaced it with
the new style dining -room fur-
niture. One might as well be
dead as "out of style" these
days. We are showing several
different designs in both quer-
, tered oak and mahogany and
all are priced exceedingly low.
Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 28
Wishing one and all
A Very Happy and
Prosperous New Year
A A.
Plumber and Electrician
Phone 147w
May you have the health to
'rine heart to enter into,
And the power to give to
otic cars
A Christmas that is Merry and
A New Year that is happy,
"Often the Cheapest
Always the Best.",
Miss Kathleen McConnell. has e-
terned" to her %drpol at Walton.
Miss Nora Kennedy returned to her
school. at Milcliay on 'Saturday.
Messrs. Wilber Ford and I. Ratten-
bury returned to Peterboro on Fri-
Mrs. B.owes of Blyth is visiting her
sister, Mrs, R,. J. Miller of Clin-
Miss Alberta Jackson has returned
-to Stratford Normal to resume her
Mr. and Mrs:' T. R. Watts of Strat-
ford spent the holiday with friends
in town.
Miss Lois Holmes returned to Beams-
ville on Saturday to resume her
teaching duties.
Mrs. (Rev,) Dhiol and fancily have
been visiting with the lady's moth-
er, Mrs. IIcGarva.
Miss Jean Miller .has retiurned home
after a visit with her aunt, Mrs.
W. W. Collyer of Burlington.
Mrs. (Dr.) McEwan of Alymer
spent New Year's as the guest of
her sister, Mrs. H. R. Sharp.
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and son,
George, were with Kitchener and
-Elmira friends over New Year's.
Mrs. R. J. Miller of town'and Mrs.
Bowes of Blyth have been visiting
their mother, Mrs. Dale of Con-
Miss Emma Doan returned -4o Buf-
falo on Saturday after spending the
midwinter vacation with her sis-
ters in town.
Miss Olive Watkin has returned home
After spending New Year's with
her • grandfather, Mr. Win. Jen-
kins of Hullett.
Dir. Carl East, who has been with
- the Hamilton branch of ti h Royal
Bank for some time, has been
trarisl'erred to Bowmanville.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hawkins and
fancily 'returned from Hamilton,
where they had spent the Christ-
mas vacation, on Saturday.
Miss Jessie Watkins returned to Port
Huron after spending the vacation
time at her home in town, that of
Mr. and Mrs, John Watkin.
Dr. and Mrs. Holloway of Peterboro
visited for a few days during the
holiday season with the forrner's
brother, Mr. 'A. J. Holloway.
Mr. and Mrs. Washington and Mr.
and Mrs, Wilson of Auburn at-
tended the Erratt-Jenkins wedding
at Woodlands Farm last Wednes-
Miss Marion McIntyre and Miss
Hattie Livermore returned to Lon-
don on Monday after spending the
Christmas vacation at their homes
in town.
?tr. W .D. Shipley of the MacLean
Pub. Co., Toronto, has returned to
the city after spending the holiday
period at his home on the Huron
Road, East.
Mr. Archie Downs of Iona Station,
accompanied by his daughters,
Miss Hazel, and Miss Reta, and son
Walter, was the guest over the
"New Year of his brother, Mr. W.
S. Downs.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins and
Master George of. London were up
for the wedding of` the former's
sister last week and Mrs. Jenkins
and Master George remained un-
til Monday.
Mr, C. J. Tuthill, of Toronto, who
has just been elected President of
the Commercial Traveller's As-
sociation of Canada, for the se-
cond term, was for a time in busi-
nese in Clinton.'
Mr, and Mrs, H. D. Cameron of
Guelph visited in tpwn and at
Woodlands Farm last week, hav-
ing core up to attend the wedding
of the lady's sister, Miss Anna
Jenkins, on Wednesday of last,
Mr. Roy East, who but recently re-
turnesi from Siberia, spent a few
clays • during the holiday season
with his sister, Mrs. Gordon Cun
inghame, He is corrected with
the Head Office of the Royal Bank
at Montreal for the present.
Mr. John Moon, who is very well
known in Clinton and also about
Londesboro and who has been mak-
ing a success of the real estate
business in Toronto, has just gone,
accompanied by his wife and little
son, Master Jack, and Mr: and
Mrs, Hoffman of Sebr]rigville,
Mrs, Moon's parents, for a three
months' visit with Ivlrs. Moon's
sister and brother at Phoenix, Ari-
zona. They intend returning
through the Canadian West and
will visit the cities of Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Portland, Seattle,
Victoria, Vancouver, Fernle, Calg-
ary Edmonton, Moose ,Jaw, Regina,
Souris, Stockton, Winnipeg, Min-
neapolis, St, Paul, Chicago find Do-
troit, stopping off hi each as they
have relatives in all. It is a nice
trip as it is planked and Mr.
Moon's old 'friends will join in
wishing that it may be as pleasant
in realization, '!.'hey left Toro -
to cin Monday,
Chu on News-4ecord
By Buying Your
January Silt, 1920
Y IJ .1
ry Goods and House Furnishings
If yo.0 will buy what we advertise from week to week, you will pay
therefor, less than wholesale or mill prices.
Brg, Goods, House Furnishings
phone 611.
Next Royal Bank
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) Mena Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
Mr:' -Geo. Ruddell, one of the oldest
residents in this part of the country,
being in bis ninety-fourth year, has
not been just so well since about
Christmas time. Friends hope he
will soon regain his former l'enrark-
able health.
Mr, Thos. Millar got two cars of
coal last week.
Rev. J. Abre,was unable to con-
duct the services on Sunday last and
there was no service in the Presbyter-
ian church,
Mr. Wes. Vodden of the Sth con-
cession has lost a valuable horse,
which will be a great loss,
'Mr. Jack McCool will spend a few
months in this vicinity before re-
turning west.
(Top late for last week)
Miss' Marion Cudmore. is visiting
relatives at Londesboro.
Miss Maude Fair of Toronto is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. (Rev.)
J. Johnson, during' the holiday per-
Miss Ila and Master Elwin Moore
of Munro are visiting at the home
of their aunt, Mrs. •Wm. H. Lobb and
with other relatives hereabouts.
Miss L. Washingtop of Clinton was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Courtice last week,
Mrs, R Forester and t-wo daughters
have been visiting during the past
week at the home of her brother, Mr.
E. Yeo and with other relatives.
Master R. Jervis has been holi-
daying over the week -end at the Home
of his aunt, Mrs. S. Merrill.
Mr. Wm. Mulholland spent Christ-
mas with his claughtdrs in Detroit.
Mr, Ormand Alcock of Detroit is
home for the holiday time.
Mr John Finlay, who has been in
Detroit • for some time, returned
hone last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Jervis were pres-
ent at the Merrill—Phillips wedding
at Londesboro on Wednesday.
Mrs, J. R. Alcock is in Guelph
this week owing to the illness of her
The Mission Circle met at the
home of Mrs. E. Yeo on Tuesday
evening. . Miss E. ^ Courtice had
charge of the meeting. Rev. J r
Johnson gave an address during the
evening. It was decided to hold the
next meeting at the home of Mrs, 0.
R, Forster.
The Baptist church will
hold its regular services
next Sunday at 8 P. M.
Sunday school at 2 The pastor was
hold up in the snow drifts on the Baso
Lino last Sunday and could not reach
Auburn, but it is hoped he wiil be
present next Sunday, •
London Road
Mr. H. Livermore is now getting
settled in his new home in Clinton.
The* will be much missed on The
Road, where they have always taken
an active interest in all activities.
His friends hope that Mr. Liver-
more's health may improve as he has
not been well for several months.
Mr. Frank Grant of Toronto called
on friends hereabouts during the hol-
iday season.
Mr, H. Crich was re-elected reeve
of Tuckersmith on. Monday by a maj-
ority of twenty-five.
The Epworth League met on Tues-
day evening at the home of Mr. Roy
Owing to the lack of space the
navies of the new League officers is
held over until next week.
Goderich Township
A public meeting will be held in
Holmes' hall, I•Iolmesville, on Wednes-
day afternoon, Jan. 14th, at two o'
dock to discuss the matter of bring-
ing IIyclro to the farms. Several -
speakers are expected who will be
able to explain the situation ;ant
all interested are invited to attend.
The.,Dohorty Pianos, Ltd., Clinton,
delivered a fine new piano to Mrs,
C. D. Cos the other clay, it being
a wedding gift from the lady's par-
Mr. and Mrs. Del. Gardner wish
to thank their many friends for the
kindness shown them during the ill-
ness of the latter and for the flowers
sent her. Mrs. Gardner as now, we
are glad to report, very much im-
proved, It is hoped the improve-
ment will continue.
Miss Emily Connell of Toronto
spent Christmastide at'her home in
Goderich township, She returned to
the city last Monday.
Mr. Lavern Churchill of the West-
ern ti niversity, returned to London
after spending a holiday at his home
here. Mr. Churchill was the success-
ful winner of the $764 mathematical
puzzle' prize offered by the London
Adyertiser Co, in open contest re-
cently. In educational circles Iluron
County is considered a very promis-
ing field and her students are second
to none in the fields of learning, •
The Goderich towliship district L.
O L, will 'held its annual meeting
at No. 163 L; 0. L, hall, ,Benmiller,
at two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon,
Jan, 13th, when general business will
be transacted.
Dr. Halliday of Toronto spent a
few days last week as the guest of
his sister, ister,
, Mrs. J. B. Stewart.
At the annual school meeting held
last week at No. 4 Mr, 17. 74asom
Was elected tenstee, Mr, H. Thomp-
son was the retiring number of the
board this year. Mr. Bert Murphy,
another member of the board, re-
signed and a special meriting will be
held to deal with this resignation.
Miss Mabel Whiteman of Toronto
spent New Year's holidays with her
Parents, returning to Tordnto oil
Miss Dora Howie, who spent the
holiday with her sister, Mrs. Ait-
kin, left for Boston on Monday.
Stanley council was returned again
for another term. Mr. Crich of
Tuckersmii;li was elected reeve for
another year and Mr. Geo. Petty
was returned in Hensel],
Our students, who were home for
the holidays have returned to their
different seats of learning.
A number from about here left
home and spent New Year's Day
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry George and
family left here Jan. first and have
gone to Blyth to live.
Mr. James McNaughton of the
second of Tucicersniith—has been very
ill with lnflamatory rheumatism, and
his sister Mary is confined to bed
with a severe atack of pnuemonia.
New Year's Day found them with a
houseful of troubli,.
Mrs. Jas. Jarrot of Hills Greeen
is a guest with her son, Mr. Isaac
Jarrot, and family.
Mr. Bert Tasker of Toronto spent
the holidays with his parents at the
Mrs. J. A, Hamilton of Goderich
township has been a recent visitor
with her brother, Mr, Alex. Mon-
Mullett Township
A. pleasant event took place at the
home of Mrs. J. L. Phillips, Hullett,
on New Year's Eve, when her daugh-
ter, Emma Myrtle, was unitecl.in the
holy bonds of matrimony with Mr.
Ira Howard Merril], son of Mr. and
Mrs, S. H. Merril of Goderich
township. Promptly at five o'clock,
to the strains of Lohengrin's wed -
cling March, played by Mr. Will.
Merrill brother of the groom, the
bride entered the parlor, leaning on
the arm of her brother. During the
ceremony the bridal couple stood be-
fore a bank of evergreens and ferns.
The bride was attired in a gown of
ivory Mossalfne silk and carried a
bouquet of carnations and ferns.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev. T. 10. Sawyer, pastor of Londes-
boro Methodist church in the pres-
ence of the immediate relatives. The
groom's gift to the bride was a
pearl verdant and to the pianist, a
pearl tie -pin. The bride's going
away costume was a suit of navy
blue gabai:dine and black hat, Af-
ter a pleasant social evening had
been spoilt the happy couple left•:for'
the groom's home on the Maitland
concession, Goderich township, amid
showers of confetti arc] good wishes
for future happiness in their new
Mr. Armstrong was re-elected
reeve by a majority of. 65 twee T. Me:.
Michael, who was second hi the race.
There were three 'candidates, Armo
strong polled 224 votes, McMichael'
160 anti J. Leiper 146. The council,
which was returned by acclamation,
are, J. Watt, C. Howson, W. J. Miller
and R. Carter. .
"Which do you prefer?" asked a,
farmer of his hired man, who had"
formerly been a soldier, "being a
soldier or working on a farm?"
"In some ways I'd rather he a sol-
dier," was the reply'. "How it that?".
queried the farrier. "Well" returned
the hired man, "you'd work a long
time for a farmer before he would
tell you to "stand at ease."
The frost is here, watch your bat—
tery as well as your radiator.
If -you bring your battery to us.
for winter or a re -charge you will'
get it back fully charged.
We overhaul any make of Storage -
Car re -painting or overhauling,
Phone 30
ClintonJunk Dealer
Buying all kinds of junk
and Poultry
Paying the highest prices
Phone 137 Albert St.
Phone 140 Estimates given.
We_protcat your floors, furniture;
ote., by plenty of drop sheets -
Ontario Streot