The Clinton News Record, 1920-1-8, Page 8:E DEVICE O Y rM DE E SOLDIER ARMLESS WONDERFUL INVENTION BY SCOTSMAN. Enables War Victims to Feed Themselves and Earn . Livelihood. A wonderful machine enabling arm- less soldiers to eat, drink, light cigar'- " ettes and play dulcimers has beon in- vented by a Scottish plumber- named Seat Thomson, says a London des- patch. The feature of this invention is its extreme simplicity of construc- tion and snanipulatidn A few steel wiresare set in a frame and two arms like wide evident, legs are attached to the table—that is all, The armless man ails at the table and works the two miniature cranes by pressing his stockinged feet on two treadles. There is a cleavage in the rest of the foot, enabling his right foot to, rest on two bars of the treadle and clutch a bat'. Thus whjle the treadle itself swings the crane backward and forward over the surface of the table the third bar, acting by springs, malcee a grip of the clutch or releases ob- jects. ^Marvellon s Machine. The loft hand crane is much simp- ler, ending in a splay footed hoof with a thumb i11 the midcilie. At a pressure of the treadle the thumb automatiepFily drops ready to setae a biscuit or f)urk. While the right hand erane.elutches a bowl of soup, the hoof plunges the spoon in and offers it to the diner's mouth. While the hoof digs a for:k'in° to a piece of meat the other clutch cuts it up, The right hand clutch pops a cigarette into the diner's mouth agd then• strikes a match on the table and Iights it and follows this up by playing on the dulcimer, The only form of activity not in- dulged in at present by these two ma chanical arms is the art of shaving, but there seems to be no reason why they should not work a saftey Nebr. There are about 300 ex -service men who have had both arms amputated and it is claimed that Thomsou's in- vention will enable thews not only to feed themselves but to obtain a liveli- hood„ SHE THOUGHT DRESS WOU\LD LOOK DYED But "Diamond Dyes" Turned Her i~ aim 1, Old, Shabby Apparel Into New. Don't worry -about perfect results, Use "Bituumid Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or. mixed goods,— dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings, —everything, ,99 The Direction 93ook withgeacli pack. age tells bow to diamond dye over any color. To Match any material have dealer sllow..you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. RHEUMATIC PEOPLE Can Only Mud Belief by Enrich- Leg the ,13100c1, 1l1eu1lltlanr is a disorder 01' the blood. It attacks people when the blood" is overcharged with acid and Impurities, tills setting up inilanuna' troll 111 the muscles and joints. Wet weather or cold weather of autumn niay etnrt the tortures of rhenmatisnr, but is not the cause, The cause is 111 the blood and the blood only. 'Victims of this malady have every reason to fear the first dell ache in the limbs and joints, followed by sharp pains through the flesh `and muscles; those are the symptema of poison in tilei blood which may shortly leave the victim paiin'aoked and helpless. There is Only one way to euro rheu- matism, and that Is through the blood. Liniments, snot applications, and rub- bing may give temporary ease, but sonnet possibly root the trouble out of the system, That 'can only be done by the rich, 380 blood which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make. This now blood drives out the poisonous acids anir impurities, and the rhounrltisln. disappears. It you aro a sufferer from this painful malady begin curing yopr- self to -clay by the u5,e of Dr, Williams' 1'itiloPl11s, aud• see how soon the pains and stiffness of the joints fade .twat, leaving behind new energy and new health. . ' ] r You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or iiy mail at 50 cents a box Or six boxes for 82.50, from The Dr, Williams' Medi - 0111,0 Co„ Brockville, Ont. Acres in Circular Fields. Those whose lands lie along rive"s• or creeks often have fields that are tearl'y round. The same is true also of hill farms. Proceed as follows to find the acreages of such fields: Determine the average' distance across the field in rods. Multiply this distance by itself and take four-fifths of the product: Divide by 160, the number of: square rods in an acre. The result is the number of acres in the field. Keeps Flags, -From Wrapping. Amon the devices to keep flags Among keep g from wrapping around horizontal poles is a cord to be- run from the lowest corner of the nag to Jbe pole on which rums a weighed wheel to hold it down Good-bye, -old Brindle, holly scrub, The time demands a better breed. rYou eat enough, .but here's the rub: You never pay for half your feed. So after all these years we part, But play remember, as you go, If this should break your bovind heart, You broke my purse long, long ago. Moulding Seamless Boats. Seamless boats are now moulded out of thin steel. A plate of the metal is run into a huge hydraulic preas, which forces or stamps it into ithe form of a boat, and turns it out Virtually ready for the sea. Seasonable esigns 1 9138-9223 No. 9138—.Ladies' wo-Piece Skirt. Price, 20 cents. High waistline; 39 or 87 -inch length. Cut. in 9 sizes, 22 to 88 ins. waist measure. Size 26 requires, 89 -.inch length, 2% yds. 36 ins. wide, or) 114 yds. 54 ins. wide; 37 -inch length, 2% yds, 86 ins. wide, or 114 yds. 54 ine. wide, Width around bottom 11/2 yds. . No. 9225—Ladies' Suit Coat. Price, 25 cents. With one or two circular si le ripples. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 inc. bi st measure. ,, Size 36 requires, with two ripples, w'th nap, 2% yds. 54 ins. wide; lining, 3%s yds, 36 ins. wide:] 9213 with one ripple, with nap, 2% yds, 54 ins. wide; lining, 8 yds. 80 ins. wide. No. 9213—Ladies' Coat. Price, 25 ,cents. Convertible , collar; 50 -inch length. In 7 sizes, 84 to 46 ins, bust measure. 'Size 36 requires, without belt, without nap,\892 yds, 48 ins. wide; with nap, 3 yds. 54 ins. wide; with belt, without nap, 84i, ycis, 48 ins. wide; with nap, 3% yds. 54 ins. wide; lining, 3% yds. 36 ills. wide. these patterns may be obtained from your local 1VLcCall dealer or from the McCall Co„ 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept, W. ' If Tea or Coffee Disagrees the •quick and. easy way to satisi .c- -don and better health is to drink N P h ,. TUM This pure cereal beverage has not increased in price. Yotill be pleased with its flavor: Very ec;c nomico L el : -� 00. zer'e.:s a fea sc» Snowfall Explained. . • snow to that feral of precipitutlon of Water•vapor condensed from the at, nlogitilorc which 40001res the ground in a trosen and erystalllne condition, Snow .thus oeeurs when the process of. condensation and fall take place at a temperature below 03 degrees Pala, The crystals, which vary greatly 4n. form, belong to the hoxagoual system. They are formed upon. a nucleus, in the same way Its a raindrop, and souse,. Dams reach the ground singly, bet mere commonly in coherent masses or flakes,, If in its pas5Age from the upper at- mosphere 5110W passes through al tem- perature above 32 degrees !ratty. it 'roaches the. ground as sleet or rain, according to the degree of heat en- countered, Thus, after a fall of rain over lowlands, the higher parts of. maintains in the vicinity may batmen to havereceived the .fall an snow. Meteoroligfcal observers ]lave obtain- ed f llotogl' plls of the crystals its seen 'through the compound microscope. The longer rays that constitute the arias of the six -rayed etars are genes - ally hollow tubes, evidently built up by additions to the edge of an original crystal, Snow is white because the crystals are so minute that each cell of the re- tina receives to general impiession pro- duced by the combination of different wave lengths reflected 'front inrhumer- able.7tnrarey oinnte facets, Red snow, and mars 1 then colors, such as green,blue or. black snow, are pro-. ducal by the action of innumerable fungi—known as the Micrococcus ni- va11s..Red snow has been photograph- ed in natural colors. NOTHING TO EQUAL BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. Alfred. Naud, Natagan River, Que., writes: ---"I do not think there is any, other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets tor little ones. 1 have used them for any baby and would use nothing else.' What Mrs, News says thousands of other mothers say, They have found by trial that the Tablets Always do just' what 1s claimed for then. The Tablets are a )wild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach h and thus banish indigestion, constipation, colic, colds, etc. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 1, Harp 4,000 Years Old. What is said to be the oldest harp 111 the world is preserved at the Louv- e 111 Paris. Tt was found in lin Egyr- ftian tomb and is nearly 4,000 years old. Others dating back 3,000 years have been discovered, while the in- strument was held in such high --re- gard by the ancient Celtic races that harpers were treated with veneration and distinction, their lands being free and their persons sacred. In his -interesting booklet on the harp, Sir Robert Hadfield, the steel 'Magnate, who has made a study of the history of the instrument, men- tions that Troland's most famous harp is now in Trinity .College, Dublin, this belonged to the Irish menorah, Brian Ilorumba, who came to the throne in 1005 Al), An extraordinary incident in the history of the instrument.coneerns-,its Presentation by. Bing Brian's Son, Donagh. to the Pope of that time, John XVIII., in cyder to obtain absolution for the murder of his brother 'l'eig, For a while the harp -•\vas deposited In the Vatican, being ultimately sent by Pope Leo X. to King, Henry VIII. with the title "Defender of the Faith" writ- ten under the crown, which was of massive gold. By henry VIII's. orders the harp was adopted in the national arms of Ireland and represented on 'the Irish coins. -- 3-- — VERBOTEN" i 4 Don't shock your Liver and I I Bowels, but take . . ' `Cascarets," Cascarets end billiousnsss, head- ache, colds, and constipation, so gently you're never even -inconvenienced. There is no griping and none of the explosive after-effects of cathm'tics like Calomel, Salts, sickening Oil or cramping Pills. To -night taste Cas - carets and get rid of the bowel and liver poison which is keeping you miserable and half sick, Gascarets cost so little and they work while you sleep. Dried Beef Cure: Get the tender side of the round out of a good fat beef. For every twenty pounds of beef, take one pint of, salt, a teaspoonful of salt petre and a quarter of a pound of brown sugar. Mix these•weli, rolling,, out any lumps; divide into three equal parts and rub well into the ' beef for three succes- sive days. Turn beef daily in the li- quor it will make. It should not make much, but what there is rub into and pile on the beef. Stub a little extra salt into the hole out for the string to hang it'by. At the end of a week hang in a dry, rather warm place, till 11 stops dripping, then in a cooler dry place. Do not smRke it; it spoils the flavor. Before flies come in bre spring wrap in paperf andut it in a stout bi g with string one to slang ,by. If it Molds some through the summer, scrape and 0415415 the meld off and al - Ways trim the outside before chip- ping. Turkish Women Doff Veil. The :tvomtn in Turlcesy are fast coming Amerieanizeti and now there ire 111056 'W03110n to he seen on the streets of Conskintinopl'e minus 'veils than with veils, Tears never yet wound up a oink or Worked a steam engine, ASTHMA k` you haws 'tabula, don't imaie- 1110 that you must aiwaye softer untold misery, Relief quick, sure aiid safe Is guaranteed in even tiro worst cases 1)3 using TEMPLETON'S RAZ -MAH CAPSULES 0 aro so certain or 58544110 we will Rend you a free 1011191e of those 041,11- stilet, confident that you will fnd them all Ave ham olalnte,,i, Sold by reliable druggists every- where for $1.04' a box, VOP free sample, Witte to TE;MPL,3TON' 0 142 King 8i. West . ,. Toronto TE'MPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES loop fifteen. yours the standard. specific for Rheumatism,. Neuritis, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia. • Many doctors tn•GarriGo them. Write. to Tolupleton's, 142 Icing 01. v,*., Torouto,''Sor freo sample.. Sold by reliable druggists every- where for $1:04 per boys Tile Last Straw. 'I've taken up 'most every lciud. Of new idea oh farming. I've changed my ways until I find 11 really .quite alarming. My hogs are -clo can can be Y g n as clean 1 Mycows milked bymachiner ; y, Each horse fed scientifically. ._. t And' though 1 like to have folks say " By jingo! he's a wonder!„ There's one game that I'll never Play Qf that I'm sure, by thunder! I won't use artificial light To make my hens lay eggs at night While I am ,sleeping snug and tight. Waterproofing Cloth. pissolve ten pounds of resin in four gang's of hot linseed-oi,. Pour into a tub to which a wringer is attached. Fold. cloth evenly lengthwise, making a strip nine inches wide. Pass through the hot oil. As soon as well soaked, pass through the wringer. Spread on fence or. ground --.imme- diately -until thoroughly dry. Drying may take a weer: or more. This solu- tion will treat about yards ards of. cloth. "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, • -liver and bowels Accept "a'alifornia" Syrup 'of Figs only—look for the Dame California on tate package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love ,its delicious fruity taste. 15111 directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must arty "California," Newfoundl'and's Iron Mines: The enormous demand for iron dur- ing the war gave a new impetus to the mining industry of Newfoundland. Some of the Newfoundland iron alines at Bill Island are among the most re- markable In the world. There are two areas, both i•iclr in iron ore, one of which has an annual output of 700,000 tons and is credited with a supply which should be sufficient to last at this rate for nearly 850 years; whilst the other, with an. annual output of 600,000 tons, is believed to contain enough ore to last for about 3,300 years. Newfot>udland May be regard- ed, therefore, as having an almost in- exhaustible supply of iron, and the mines are conveniently situatod.'near the boast, where ships of 7,000 tons can be loaded in the space 'of about six o -r -'seven hours. The iron is then sent to Nova Scotia for smelting and finishing purposes, Y ES! MAGICALLY! CORNS LIFT OUT WITH .FINGERS You simply say—to the drug store man, "Give me a (martel' 01 an ounce of freezone" Thld will Dost very little but is sufficient to remove every hard or soft corn from one's feet. A few drops of this new other coin. pound applied directly upon a tender, aching corn should relieve the Sore- ness instantly, and soon the entire corn, root and all, dries up and can be' lifted out with the fingers. This new way to rid one's feet of corns was introduced by a Cincinnati man, who says that, while froozone is sticky, it dries in a moment, and sim- ply shrivels up the corn. without to. flaming or oven Irritating the aur• rounding tissue or aloin, Dent let father silo of infection or lociciew from whittling at his corns, but-ell11 this out and mace ]lila try it hape'r itn S9ypt, A :British Goverliutent ceminisslon lues devadoit that paper can be made in Egypt from rice straw, yla;iyrus; roods, sugar 1'oftlse and othetr avail- able 111 0 1011 111, I•xiltard's >,101uireat'intros Distemper, GM DRAW A MbJST CLOTH TI-JROUCH HAIR Let "Danderine" save your. flail' and double it16 beauty, r1' • Oh, girls, such an abundance of tllicic, heavy, invigorated flair: a; per- fect mass Of wavy, silky hair, 3101•i0ns- lyt, fluffy,_bright and so easy to man- age, Just moisten a veipth with a little it and carefully draw "Danderine" through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this magically re- moves all dirt, excess oil and grease, but your hair is not left brittle, dry, stringy or faded, but charmingly soft, with glossy, golden gleams ants tender lights. The Youthful glints, tints and color ole again in )our hair, "Danderine" is a to)iia•beautifer. Besides doubling the beauty of the haireal: once, it checks' dandruff and stops falling hair. Celt delightflul Danclarine for a few cents at any drug or toilet counter and use it as a dress; ing and invigorator as told on bottle. —Swapping dollars enriches nobody-, but swapping ideas enriches ,both par- ties to the trade. Even if your house does not have a furnace and can not be heated except by* 3'a stove, it is possible to have a water system which will be inexpen- eisa and still serve the purpose. The occasions on which tho water -pipes in the average 'farm kitchen will freeze- are very few, and in, severe weather the kitchen stove will Supply all the heat that is necessary to keep the pipes from freezing. 3'insrd's Liniment Co..' Limited. Gentlemen, Theodore liorais, a. customer. of mine, was completely cared of rheumatism after live years of suffering, by the judicious use of MINAIID'S L1NiMMENT. The above facts can be verified by writing to him, to the Parish priest or any of his neighbors', • A. corp. bterchmlt. St. Isidore, Que., 13 Mey, '93: - A handy 'way of jotting down the expenses of the day is to write them on the leaves of a pad calendar. From this they may be transferred at leis- ure to the account book. These same leaves of the 'calendar come in well when we wish to note future appoint- ments. As we,ttlrn the leaves day by clay we come to the important dates. M100sd's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Watch the cellar, and sol, a thermo- meter to watching when you eon -not be there. 141any farmers lost a good share of their fruit and vegetables last winter just because the frost got the start of them. If it goys" too cold, start a big Ialup or a small oil -stove to burning in the cellar. It will soon warns tine atmosphere up to a safe mark. $2.00yWor'th of Music F`-T° • 5 0 u X. A. DSo11O1000LD PIANO Aral MUM O0., LXVIPPPD, 419 Barrington St., Halifax, 15. S. J Larger Machines Are Being Ordered For Next Season's Crop! Scores of LARGER machines are being ordered by maple grove owners for 1820, Shls-is your gua,antee of the moiler being mode by our famous °Champion" Evaporator Nixing Plae4er of Pohle P198ter of Pa`t'hs Inas 'a varlet), of uses in the home, eltiefly 05 a. eoln0nt Or Tiller Tor Ike repair of household articles, for 'oto plug cracks In walls, unci 1119 lipto, its efficiency may be greatly 1110159341(1 if diluted white oP egg is used instead of plana wafter for. 101x1113', One !part white of egg and two s er make a 9'iquid suit- able 1'orpartmixinwatg. Thin glue 11103' a]so be used in place of white of ogg, When plaster of Paris is mixed, at should he used immediately, for it ataidons quickly. When 11 is dosired to have 4t harden slowly, use vinegar in stead of water; then it will remain plastic for some time after mixing, finally hardening the same as when water is used. Idiaal'd'c Liniment cures Co14p, 810, The French mobilised nearly eight million white and half a million col- ored soldiers, her losses being—killed, 1,089,700, and missing, 265,300. MONEY ORDERS, Pay your out-oi'•to1D1 accounts by Dominion Express Money Order'. Five DolITlrs costs three cents, The work of charting the coasts and seas of the British Empire employs a score of warships and over 1,000 officers and men. Minard'e Liniment Cures C}arget in Oows. The man who'—expects to succeed on sympathy will surely fail. — 3,zat mastrwsc; a1 51/2 % Interest PAYABLE HALF YEARLY Allowed on money left with us for from three to ten years. Write fop Booklet. The Great 'West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King St, West Amorl;:r.'s Pioneer Dog Bemedies Book on 150G EMSE iSEs and now to 1?osd ,failed I"ret to any Ad- dress by the Author. Ii. Olay CMIover Co., Zas. 118 West alit Street New York, SINCE 1870 cs .10ten DROPS c it'sxaps,.. i+.4''@i.:�' '' Mother's Coughs -and Colds Go Quickly She cannot afford to be sick and neglect her household duties. At the first symp- toms she prepares the way for quick recovery by the immediate use of Gray's s Syrup—a household preparation of sixty cars standing. ssmoiorooslrcve 10 mum ill will quickly recover If you treat her with Dr. A. C. Daniels' Cow Invigorator 1 "The Sure and Pure Maple Syrup Money Mallon" Install ono now or give your order for a large ono fitted to your en- larged requirements, Free Booklet on A9plloation. The 0riuun Otaanfsotartag Company. 58 Wellington Bt., Montreal, Qaa Get Nside 1. of the wheat question. WFan' prices aro climbing, You can do two things to increase 1020 wheal, yields: - 1. Fall Wheat can lie top -dressed with fertiliser. 2. Spring wheat can he abun- dantly fertilized, It Pays to FERTILIZE WHEAT! Fertilizers )Melee ".ruore wheat bushels, More wheat: la shell make Rig- ger Profits. Write to -day rev your copy of 13u1- lam No. a nn wheal l'tm1111 ion. SOA tuxe1 Crop binpl'eveolvelatt JI3ut'eau. nC the Canadlell t'tn•tilise' Assn. 1111 Temple Bldg., Tcranto, Ont, xn+xe�,.+,.�•wv,+,.r..w� nraucvwwua.c.lA ieSuE No, 7--'20. This is the world's best rem- edy for aborting and retained after -birth; gar - get; naked url- dere; hoose or husk; coughs. or colds; stomach staggers; nonsti- 445 Dation' loss of cud, It prevents diarrhoea and scouring in cows 01' calves; over - c o m e s barren- 110ao: gives strength when eSlving. It increases the 5ilan• tlf) and ouality of mills in well °owe and Se the beat tonic for cows that are efok. e PRICE 60e. 3310 ANIMAS SIEDICA:L noon[ 8/193131 DR. A. C. DANIELS COMPANY, 05? 0,8118.04.Z7011721'50 KNOWLTON - QUFLBEC, v.Vii':3l .ritoS) 31'. Classified. Adve*'txoomante, A.0113TI8 WA*Tan, PoituI'tavr 907819'03 WANTIN4 3001 printa 11tH dolshee—lowe/J3 Prices on frames, ask ror eateloguo, United Art tic„ 4 Brunswick Ave.. Toa 1'0nt9, 016 slam j� BWSPA.P10R, Whuoiti Y, IN Bum) 1a �1 fount Splendid opportunity, wrl Bpx 1, yyylison Publishing Co., I,lnilto 7$ Adeleido 13t, 'ii'„ Toronto, i'rW3tl1'.ra ISIQf1II'PI817 NUW8PAI'J8 and 101) printing plant in. Plaster Ontario,Intunt aue carried 81,300. Wf Go ]Sol. $1,200 on ciulok talo. Box 0. Wilton Funnelling 170„ Ltd., Toronto. MISORI.LAIt11017 $. PINS V,'ANTL'TID AL1VI0, 11 .C10NT5 a pound, any else, f.o.b. your sfxp on if within 200: miles of Toronto. Ship 0 in orates otos or Termite, Albertl.uwJa, 'G4' tl00 Dundee West, Tgronto, C0101) SLLVBII BLACK ertisfootst y Poxes. Also, we are buyers al flaw 10urs. Whet have you—what price?: Bald Pros., Bothwell, Ont, (r'lOP'1rgN STOCx WANTED, IIs YOU IL)) aro 01115 00 supply, advise Ua, 05 we will pay the highest prices, 6115 or green from the saw. Heenan Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. 4NC30R, TUMORS,.LUSIPS, - 1:TC. kJ internal and external, cured without) pain by our home treatment. Write un before too late Dr. Denman Medlrat Co., Limited, r,ollingwood, Ont. 411 grades. Write for prices, TORONTO SALT WORKS TORONTO e. 42. OLIN, v WANT D Poultry, New Laid Eggs Dalry Butter, Beans, Bolling Peas, etc. Write for our Weekly Price Met and advise what you 110vc to otter, Special Prices for Fancy Quality Gunn, Langlois, & Co., Ltd. Montreal ..W) Quo, ni /g9 •ri'l1l .°14 1'•f1• .�i3t >'l;",.4' ..3:11,' 1t 14 Cure ior Bad "Berl breath is a sign of decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean bowel." if your teeth are good, look to your cllg.:ali,e organs at onto. Get Selgel's Curative Syrup at druggists. 15 to 30 drops after meals, -cion 1 up your food e.soago and atop the had breath odor. Sec. and 51 00 Bottles. Do not buy substitutes. Get the genuine. 6 11 istraess KNOCKS OUT MN T MST ROUND Comforting relief from pain awakes Sloan's the World's Liniment This famous reliever of rheumatic aches, soreness, stiffness, painful sprains, neuralgic pains, and most other external twinges that humanity suffers, from, enjoys its great sales because it practically never fails to bring speedy, comforting relief. Always ready for use, it takes little; to penetrate wrthont rubbing and pro- duce results. Clean, refreshing, Made in, Canada. At ail drug stores. SSc, 70c, ¢1,40. Baby Happy After His Bath With Cut titin Soap •Nothing more refreshing for baby than fa warm bath with Cuticura Soaps, especially if his skin is hot, h'rilated or rashy. After bathing, gently touch any irrltationwith Cuts - cure Ointment, They are ideal for all toilet uses. Soap 25a, Ointment 86 and 600 Sold throughout theDontinien. Cenadienbepst: L muT,a Limited, 51. Peul St., Mantra,.'. y1•0t Coticura Soap ahaooe without mua. ONLY TABLETS -MARKED LBAYER79 ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross' l . 02_ \ '441 g� ] Cf \e 3 saes" The 1111110 "Bojor" identifies tho only genuine Aspirin,—tho Aspirin prescribed byphysioiaua for ovel'ninc- teen years and now made la Canada Always boy an .unbroken paelcape of "slayer 'Pablet:r of Aspirin' winch There le 'oiil;? ono Asblrin in the Made ma111 f ,711 rt t 1 In Rootlrnrld aft i" of Palloillea 31 '1. it Priatiataeliire, n 011155 ah 7111111• 101113 *111 to r.....;'r,1 with their/34115/141 i. the contains prof. rr directions for C,1c',', lfon.daehe, Toothache, Earache, he, 5a1910, thinbero, rihetnnetieni, Vow, tis, Joint l'n ,la, s.1i4 1'am c c ,n ash . 'Ph1 boxes ,:f 12 tablets test Li10.• a fon omit.,. Larger r "Bayer' par'keno s. ayex"..ixlu. larnot, say "Bayer" Canada) r f,avrr',:'I ntneture of 140,11...- I, 0 r.,:,.h 44,11 1 v4,• (shat .4 npirlir mourn ria -. L :rllrns thin hl-tf Payor ro•n':e y ;0..s11, 010 4 4 4 1 1 •