The Clinton News Record, 1920-1-8, Page 6January 8th 192E Or Interest to You n d Me The 20th Century 'is now out o£ its Uinta. ;n 4' .*' They'ee a queer people, the citizeins of Toronto. They have just elected a woman as alderinan, 4 * 4' Toronto has often been described as a "city of churches;" it 'will seek he known as . "the eity of ono Church," 'Pommy Church. 4 * * "It would have been awful" re - malice The Kincardine Review, "if the world hacl eonie to an end on ,;Dee . 17th right in the middle of our subseripion amen," b M * The Goderieh Signal•"warns" young... men that this is Leap • Year, The Simeoe Reformer is n sou ' 1Ia t' a� nga n t and advises young,ladtes to "do their Leap Yca>; popping early." 4 Forty people, in Detroit, we are told, were driven insane by a recent, prediction that the world was coming to an end. 'We may be wrong but we imagine they hadn't very fee to :go.. h 4' k Loads of liquor are being sent into Ontario from Quebec. The idea seems to be to get a supply while the getting is good. The question is what will be done with this wet stuff when .,a• the -Drury Government gets..wn to work? They are :discountting pariadtian silver fifteen per. cent. in Toledo. Let's keep our silver at home, where two fifty cent pieces or four quart- ers make a dollar, which doesn't go very far, it is true, but which is still taken at its face value. *4,4, "The candidates in the running for the Orillia town council include a Bishop," says The Packet. Well, Goderieh nominated a Canon. You can't get very far ahead of old Huron. -Canon Hill of Goderieh was nomin- ated for mayor but dict not stand, a 4 • The Brussels Post in ills 'last issue takes occasion to denounce boxing. Why, it was only a. few weeks ago that The Post was loudly calling on some brother wielder of the pen to- try a boxing bout with a -certain pugnacious Bishop 'way. ‘clown south. King George and/Qs-Th-6a Mary were entertained a short time' ago with a 'nesting .picture of the doings of the. Plaice of Wales while on his visit to this continent. It is not every young. . roan of twenty-five who would - like Paw. and .Maw to be able to - flies check up their doings when removed from the parental influence. 4, tl 4' The Simeoe Reformer questions. 'whether , it would, be any benefit. -i4 • doctors,have found a way. -to add ten ox 'fifteen years.to a man's life and asks • if • one "eould.really afford :it," and The Wingham Advance calls attention to the fact. that "there's funerall-expenses to be 'considered." Isn't it enough to give one the "creeps"? Surely they night choose a snore cheerful subject for discuss- ion just at the beginnning of a -new .year. A lawyer of London, England, in a . will containing twenty-five words, and so simple as to be at once un- derstood, left a fortune of over a million and a half to his wife. ap- pointing her sole executrix. Had an ordinary individual called in this lawyer to draw up his will he would probably have used up nearly all the words in the dictionary and it would have required two or three other lawyers to determine just exactly what the testator wanted to convey, WEDDED IN CLINTON ON NEW YEAR'S EVE. A quiet wedding took place at the Baptist parsonage, Clinton, on Wed- _nesday Dec. 31st at 2 P. M, when :Elizabeth Dora Scott, daughter of Mr. Robert Scott of Auburn, was united in marriago to Richard.11Mel- 'ville Jewell of Colborne township, eche Rev. E. 0. Fordo officiating. The bride wore a pretty dress of :taupe silk with picture hat and Mr - :sage bouquet of yellow tea roses and Berns, During' the signing of the register, Miss Winnie Howson, cousin ,of the bride played appropriate mus- ic. Af er the ceremony the happy couple left for London for .a 'short honeymoon trip, On their return they will'reside on the groom's farm in Colborne township. Their many friends wish them much happiness and prosperity. A. PIONEER OP HURON COUNTY PASSES OUT "William Turner, Whose death-oc- a:...a...s:ela ed at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Hill of Londesboro, on Saturday last, was a native of Ire- land, having' been born in County 'Tyrone, Ireland, on Nov. 11th, 1829. IIe was, therefore, in his ninety-first .year, in 1838 he camp with his par- 'ents to this country, settling in Hast- ings county, In 1844' the subject of this sketch carne to Huron county making the journey by horse end wagon. IIe took tip land in Stanley township, whore be lived until 1870, then moved do Goderieh township, were he re- stained until about eigliteeii months :age w1ern he went to reside with :Mrs. Rill. In. 1854 he was married ,to Miss Isabella Pritchard, who died nine years ago. To this union were born fifteen children, into of when: -survive: Mee, Grieve, Laudon, Men.,: Mrs. Abel, Oakland 'Calif„Mrs, At- wood, Archei, Man„ Mrs. Jaynes Hill,-•Londesboro, John, Bakersfield, Calif., "Thanes, Domani _ Sask,, Wilson, Kitchener and Simon and George of .Spokane, 'Mosul. The funeral took place exam the home of Me, and ldrs, Hill en.Mpnday last to 13ayfield cent* etery, where the remain were laid beside these of his wile encu other members of the family, Herron County's pioneer's are rapidly, pass. ever the 'Great Divide,” Messes. Lee McConnell and William Johnston and Miss Clads Beatty left, foe Flint 1lfich,, where they intend taking positions for the winter. 4VIr. Russell" Austin has sold his fine 'driver te. Mr, John. Diehl, foe which he received a 'fine figure. • Airs and, Mrs, Chester Donau and sqn, Willie, and Mr. Milton Tnhnstoi`i, 1Vliss Flossie Hayter and 1V[is, ,Arnt strong, who spent Ohristmas 'with friends he"re have returned to Flint, Mich. Mr. Chas. Pilgrim had the • mis fortima to fall and fracture a rib,: We hope 'he will ' soon be able to take up :his work again. Mrs. Robert Carnothan and daugh- ter, Pearl, of near Seaforth are vis- iting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. George; Johnston. At the regular meeting of Varna L. 0. L. No, 1035, held Dec. 31st, the folowing resolutions were unan- imously adopted. "Whereas it has- pleased ,the Su- creme"' Ruler of the Universe to re- move by death one of our tree and trusted brothers '(who but recently had the great loss of his barn 'by fire which we as a lodge deplored and intended to write hien regarding it) and whereas by the death of Worshipful Brother. William Rath - well, Varna L. 0. L. No. 1035 has lost one 61 its most effneient and valued members arid this community a public spirited citizen of stainless life and the highest type -of manhood, now therefore be it Resolved—that Varna L, 0, . L. No.- 1035 hereby record its high appreciation of the life and services -of the deceased, his modest, constant and effective efforts in many ways as a trite loy- al brother and the sterinig worth of his private character. Resolved—that we tender our sin- cere sympathy to the bereaved wid- ow and children, assuring them of the true friendship of all Orangemen, which shines through the mists of centuries and still lies in the hearts of his sorrowing Brothers of the be- reaved members of.. Worshipful. Brother William Rathwell's family also assuring them that he will be held in tender memory by all Whose privilege it Was to know him and when the western hills obscure life's sun may they all sleep secure, intho dawn of never, ending day" Resolved—that a copy of these- re- solutions be •transmitted to the- fam= ily of our departed. brother ."-.Ben. Tiatl<nweil, Wor. Master L. 0. L. No. 1035. The Board of Agriculture will hold their first' meeting of this year for South Huron in Varna on Jan. 21st afternoon. and evening. :The Presi- dent, Jas. T. Keys, has got the Promise of twoor three goo.,d speak- ers, and is anxious. that the.gaither- ing should be a success. Everybody interested in agriculture is cordially invited to attend and to come pre- pared to ask questions along, agri cultural., lines. . Miss Alice Austin of Detroit and Mr. Fred Austin of. Flint,- Mich.,. spent Christmas and New Years at their parental • home, Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin. Mr: Russell Austin ac- companied his brother Fred back to Flint on his return. Miss Edna Beatty has returned to Toronto after speeding the Christ- mas vacationamong friends in the vicinity. Miss C. Wilson has returned to •Toronto after a vacation with her. parents, Rev. and Mrs. Wilson. We are pleased to hear that the Rev. Mr. Wilson is better again. Mrs. John Beatty has returned < af- ter a pleasant visit with London friends, ' Before the departure of the Rev. D. Johnston and fancily for their new home .and nosy field of labor at Lucan the congregation of the Varna Presbyterian church tools the oppor- tunity of expressing their sorrow at their departure, their good wishes for their future and to present to them a tangible token of esteem. The gathering was held a few evenings , ago and the following address read and a purse of stoney presented' to Mr. Johnston, "Dear Mr, and Mrs, Johnston:— As .you are abort to leave us for a new field of labor we, as a congrega- tion, would, like to express our ap- preciation of your faithful services to us, You, Mr, Johnston, as our Patton so faithfully and lovingly. pointed us to Jesus, •"the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world" and you': 'daily life was is laving' example to us, also your sym- pathy with us in our sickness and sor- rows we will never forget. And Mrs. Johnston, we will miss you, too your voice in the service of song, your teaching_ in the Sunday School, your wile lcad'rehip in the W. M. S. and Mission Bandl, and your hospital- ity,' as the Manse was always' open and everyhoily trade welcome. 'PTe will also miss the young. people of the Manse, who bete grown up here and we have learned to love. We are surC time will never offaco from aur memory your nine years of.pas cerate hero, and we eels yon to ac - sept this purse as a token of one love and esteem. And we pray that our loving, Pathos' will bless you both in yawn: new field of labor' anncl that you may win ninny souls for the Master: , -a-Sighed on behalf of the congrega- tion. J, T. McAsh, M, iileNaughtott, John E. Sparrow,"' Mrs.'Jolreston was also presented with sliver teaspoons by bet. ;Scnday s010o1 efts, Carl with 'etiff links by Bei teacher and class mates and Margaret, with bes ttty One Froin the little girls, of the Sunda 01104. Clinton News,-Recc'rd Mstrringes 11zERRXT,L—PIIILLX1��u—I1t Tlullett, • on Doe. 31st, hyaline Rev., T, 10, Sawyer, Emma ll'1'rti,o, daughter of'Mrs..1, L. Phillips, to lea How- ard Merrill, son of Mr, and Mrs. S, I3, NTeri'ilk. of Goderieh town- ship, JEWELL--SCOTT--Ail the Baptist parsonage, 'Clinton, oi, Dee. 31.st, by tho Rev, E, 0, Fordo, Elizabeth Dora, daughter of Mr, Robt; Scott of Auburnee to "Hicbard Melville Jewell of Colborne township, KYDD—WI.LLAiI,D-...At_ Exeter, on Doe. 31st, by the Rev. James Foote, Lavine Freida Willard to John Leslie Lydd. ' 1•IUME—NAIRN—Iii Goderieh, on December 27, by Rev, R.. C, Mee Dermid, Jeen, Frances, third daugh- ter of Mr, end Mrs. 0,a A. Nairn, to .Janes Smith Hunte, C. A,, son of Mf. and Mrs, J, P Hume el .Goderich, SMITH—ARMSTRONG-In Eseeteld, On December :30th, Idle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Irvine Armstrong: to Daman D, Smith, of Toronto. Births NOTT-In Mullett, on Jan, 4th,. to. Mr. and.Mrs, Bert Nott, a son, RUMBALL-In Goderieh, on Jan. Gth, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ruin - ball, a son. ROUTLEY—At Bright, Ont., on Dec, 31st, to Mr. and Mrs, G. E. Rout- ley, 'formerly of Clinton, a dough- ter. DiJRNIN—In Wingham, on Decem- ber,30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Durnin, a soli. CLANCEY—In Seaforth, on Decem- ber 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clancy, a daughter. '- Deaths PATTISON—At Wickenburg, Ari- zona, on Deb: 20th, 1919, Edgar Alfred Pattison, late of the 102 overseas Batt.. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Pattison, Clinton, and husband of. Marjorie Manning. TURNER—=At Lotulesboro, on Jan, 3rcl, William Turner, aged 00 years. HARLAND—In Detroit, Mich., on Jan. 5th, Sarah Tune, widow of the late George Harland. , • Annual ilfeotine The annual meeting of the Bay- field Agricultural Society will be held in the town hall on Wednesday, Jan. 21st at 1 o'clock to receive the annual report, elect "officers and transact other business corrected with the So- ciety. Members are urgently request- ed to attend, Card of Thanks I wish to thank the electors of Clin- ton for the hearty support given me on Monday last, especially as I did not canvas.' During the year I shall endeavor to give 'my best' service to the town'as councillor- BobtfLang- ford. Cafd of Thanks' I wish to thank the electors of Hullett township for the support giv- en me at the polls on Monday. Al- though not sufficient _to elect nue. 1 - appreciate the assistance . of my friends and should I ask the suffrage of the electors on any future occas-' ions.. I trust they will respond with - even greater generosity, .I wish them all a very Happy New Year. —T. McMichael. Card of Thanks To the electors of Clinton: Ladies and gentlemen: --I desire to express my appreciation 01 the support given nue for reeve for 1920 and I will protin'tise to look after your interests to the best of My' ability. —R. J. Miller Annual Meeting The Armani meeting of the Mem- bers of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Friday, Feb, Gth; 1920 at 2 P. M. The business of the meeting will be to receive the Annual ,Statement and Auditor's report; the electing of. three directors and Iwo auditors and other business which might be of in- terest to the company, The retiring directors are William Rhin, Robert Ferris and James Connolly, who aro eligible for re-election, Janes Connolly, President, Thos. E. Bays, Secretary. —27-5 Raw Furs Wanted Especially Mink, Fox, Raccoon and Weasel. —rm. prince shins will pay $6.00 to $12.00 for iblink, $3,00 to $7.50 for Raccoon, $13.00 to 25.00 for Fox and -,50c to $1.50 for Weas- el, —1T-,. A. Hovey, Clinton , ,-27-0 ' Auction Sale Of farm stock and implements at lot 25 con. 2 Milled, on Thursclay Jan, 16 at one o'clock the following— General purpose colt 8 years old, well broke, 1 aged driving horse, ag- riculture team 8 years old Cattle— 7 milk cows supposed to be in calf, 2 steers rising years,'3 heifers kis- iug 15 years 4 steers rising 2 years, 3 heifers rising 2 years, 4 calves, Brood sow sus:pasecl to be in. pig, 8 store pigs abort 100115 70 hens, meet all 'pullets, Implements-- Massey- 3iarris hinder, Frost and Wood mower, Noxon drill, Massey -Harris manure spreader, Massey-Ilarrie cul- tivator, ,Deering miler, Horse rape, 2 Sepflers„ Lumber wagon, Demo- crat wagon, sot bobsleighs, Top' buggy, 'Cutter:, Fanning mils, Weigh scales 2,0001bs, walking plow, Do Leval cream-sopara'tor, 2 Sets double harness, 1 set 'single liarrnose, Root p ulpor, bey molt, pig rade, l:3ox churn, Wltcelbart'ow, Cutting box, Pig date, Gravel box], 'Sugar Kettle, 2 iron kettle -ea Forks, Shovels, hoot: and other articles, . A quantity of hay and straw. Temno—All suns of $30 and under, cash, aver that amount9 months credit on approved ,joint note;; 4 per cent i`or dash., heels, I -lay and strata eas11. 'urs. W., T 11i11 Pros peidresei Gundry auctioneer,, 1920 (LEAP YEAR) VE4 Our good resolution for 1920 would be to The Habit of ,T.ohnsonar Greedy, The Quality store. We off er youat money saving prime this week, Yen can save money by buy leg' stow as the market in these lines is Vel'y oriel, Tea markets arc' ad- vancing in Ivied ours at tete old prime while they lust, Special piico in 5115 lots ',Black or mixed, Special Blond ..50c Sb Royal Blend ..GOe lb Quality Blond 70e. lb Japan Green ..50e. 11) Ross Japan .,.75c, lb To our friends and patrons we with a happy- and I'ras- perptlS New. Year.. Thanking you for your past Patronage . and solicit sante for 1920 Yours Johnsen & Co. Palm Olive soap lieakes :for 35e Limit 3 to our eus- toiners with your or- der: • 3 cakes ,Gold P. Si G. Conifortsoap for 25e. 4 Bakes Laundry soap for 25e, 3 boxes ' Dominion 112atelics for 25c , • Gel the habit of Dealing at J.o^ 11 1%b 9 & COMPANY Phone W Retail Grocer License No. 8-.-7241 Phone orders promptly oared for. Clinton Candy Kitchen PURI'T'Y I5 BUT ONE l'OlNT About our delicious confections,t Wholesomcncss flavor and modest prices are other p:oocl points which should induce you to be a regular patron o1 our candies, The girls know our candies—ask them!. Bring her a box of ours and see her smile, M. McNEIL, PROPRIETOR YOUR FAVORITE MUSICAL SELECTION is at your command if you own one Of our talking machines. Grand or conic opera, Musical, comedy, quar- tets, dance or march music. Come and see how easy they aro to run and how easy to boy. Drop a line if you can't come. We will make you some money as our system of selling is the best. JONATUAN.,HUOi LL SEAFO RTU „sem �..-_ ccaost,a.»rs BUTLER BROS., OUR REFRIGERATOR FACILITIES Enable us to keep our meats perf- ectly fresh and unspoiled. You aro always sure here of a good, tender, and wholesomepiece of meat. Na posible chance of tainting, or getting black. We want you to try our steaks, chops, roasts, stews etc. Best quality in town. Phone t70 Custom Sawing - Will be done at Thos. WWallis's -bush 4th con Goderieh township in, the early spring: We also have a gt1anity of green. wood for sale in Raid's bush front road Stanley -Mc- Ewen Bros. Phone 20 on 624 Clin- ton, • —27-7-p Auction Sale • Of Cotes and young Cattle: The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public 'auction at Lot 47, Maitland concession Goderieh town- ship on Tuesday Jan. 13 commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following: Cow' with calf at foot'10 days- old, Cow to freshen time of sale, Cow to freshen Jan. 15, 2 Cows to freshen Jan„ 25, Cow to freshen Feb. '7, 2 Cows to freshen March 5 and 20, 5 Cows to freshen in April, 3 Cows to freshen in May, Cow to freshen- in June, 2 Ileifers and 1 steer rising 2 years in good condition, '2 Strippers milking well now, 2 calves 4 months old, 2 calves 6 menthe old. The above are all good Durham grades. Come and get ono or more at your own price: Terms: Six months credit will 'be given on furnishing approved joint notes, or a discount of 6 per cent per annum for cash. Guarantee: Any cosy sold to be in calf, not prow-; iug to he so one month front date of sale, 10 per cent of purchase price, will be refunded, Sale will be con- ducted indoors, Frank Lobb, Pro- prietor, Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer. House:For Sale Ilouse on Kirk Street—Apply to L. Stong. —27-t0 Raw Furs Wanted Especially ,MMink, Fox, Raccoon, at the following prime: Mink $6.00 to $15.00, Fax 15.00 to $27.00, Rac- coon $3.00 to :18.00, Unprire and damaged shins at value. Furs are as high now as they will be this win- ter. So don't hold them any longer. -II.. A. Hovey, Clinton s —27-tf • Rouse For ,Sale House and two dots, on Huron street, Clinton. Apply to W. C. Brown, Is, 0, -Box 51, Clinton,--23-tf Barn for Sale Frame barn 35x50• In good condi- tion:. • Apply to Frank Reynolds, 11. R. No, 1, Clinton. Phone 11 on 637, 2'33-t1 Annual Meeting '.lire annual nn:oting of The Clin- ton Horticultural Society will bo held in the office of Mr. S. 13, Stothers, Agthoultural Ropresontativo, as Mott - day,' January 121.1), at 8 P. M.—C., D.: Bouch, President. —.26-2 Posts For Sale Choice cedar posts, 0110 posts and braces: Apply W, 5. Stewart, Bayfield, Phone 6 on GOD. —26-7 I'`or Salo or Rent Loot gale or rent, n 7 -roomed house on Albeit street, north. Apply to T. E, Mason, Sirnnrnethill, or phone 8 on 638. 2G --•g NOTICE As we are dissolving partnership, the would be pleased to have anyone owing us call anti settle. HORNER & INGS Varna, Ont. Auction wale Of farm stock and implements. The undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at' Lot 27, Con.'10, Hallett on Thursday, Jan. 8 commencing at ]o'clock sharp the following: • Horses—Driving mare, llyears old work either single or double and not afraid of autos, Heavy horse, llyears old, aged stare, Cattle—All high grade Durhanns— Cow llyears old, freshened. Dec. 1, Cow 4 years old, fresheneeeDec. 16, Cow 4 years old. to freshen Jae. 21, Heifer rising 3 'to freshen Feb. 17, Heifer 3 years old to freshen Feb. 22, Cow 5 years old ,4i:o freshen Juno 27, 2 farrow cows 2 yearling heifers, 2 yearling steers, 5 spring calves 2 young calves. Implements—Horse rake Massey - Harris binder, 7 foot cut Massey - Harris Mower, Massey -Harris culti- vator, Massey -Harris 13 -]toe seed drill, new, Massey -Harris manure spreader, New Century double plough, 2 walking` ploughs, 4 -section harrows. Scutller, Good low wagon, Set bob sleighs with flat wood rack, Hay rack, Gravel box,. Land Roller, Grindstone, Fanning iuill, Top buggy, nearly new, Old buggy, Good family cutter, Anlc- er Flolth 600 -lb Cream separator, now, very' -easy running, 2 sets of single harness, old and new, set of double harness, Good meal box, 30 rods of even space of 8 wire fence 40 inches high, 2 set of doubletrees, neck yoke, Set of slings, Scythe, 72 feet o5!'-1?4S inch galvanized Piping, Good, cattle dog, .About 700 bushels of nixed grain, About G0liens, Quantity of hay, Chatham incubator, Brooder, Butter mixer, refrigerator Extension table 2 rocking chairs,'Bedstead with springs and mattress, Hammock frame Died cage, Milk can, Crean: can, Pails, Good heavy rope; Forks and chains, other articles too numerous to Men- tion. —TERMS: $10 end under, cash; over that amount 10 months credit on- approved riapproved joint notes er 5 per cent for cash one credit amounts. Powl hay and grain cash, All must be sold as proprietor hiss sold itis farm. Moses Brown, Proprietor, Thos, Gundry, No Trespassing Any person or peraenls tinplating or destroying property on the prone - ids of the estate: of the late ' Will- iam 13. Woods will be prosecuted according to ]:aw,-1, M. Woods, iiayfiel<l, Ont. July, 1st, 1020 Cream Separators I have se etttnber of sowed hand seltara,tors of cdiii'erelit makes small and large for sato cheap and easy terms, All in good order and guar- anteed to do good work. Alto new separatorsof, different lii'alzeri and. sizes. Sloop all office of the ol'c] sknting rink at Cornnoroial Rotolo—. 14, Baker: C1111toi1 'Ont.. ._. 21.B hhex Land Wturted 'Having deckled to build n flax mill' in .Clinton we are open to rept good old sod land, utast be clean, Report at Nows.l4eeord office —. Mercier Bros.. Baru foe -Sale A good tame barn, 50x30 for fur- ther patieulars, Apply too Wilfred Ca clpugh, 11th concession Goderieh Tp. -R, R, No. 3, Clinton. —2241 FIQUSI1 FOR SAL111-8-ROOMED house on Oetarlo street;. Good cellar, electric lights, town water, fruit trees and email fruits, acre 'of land. APply on premises to Mxs, Moggnridge or to W. Iirydone, Clinton. 09—tf IflL5 LIHVTD fol' knitters and !carnets Elft for menders aiicl inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clanton Kitting Co, LIMITED NEW COAL We aro expecting both at Bruce - field and Clinton, some of the new kind of coal in stove size Briquettes. Try a loacl,of this, as we can assure you entire satisfaction, besides com- ing a little cheaper. We also stock the following at Clinton : EI3ONY CUBE—The Cannel de Luxe SOFT COAL -3 in. up Belmont Lump. PEA COAL—$1.00 cheaper than other sizes. CANkDA CE3'fENT—The standard article. Accounts may be paid; - and orders left at Wiltse's grocery store. AT BRUCEFIELD :— ROUGH DRESSED LUMBER in both hard and soft woods. 13. 0, SHINGLES selling at less than today's cost price.. FIBRE ,BOARD cheaper and better than lath—and plaster. SMITHING COAL our famous kleanweld. Also Cannel, Soft Coal, ,and Can- ada Cement: We do not want all' the business, but' we would like 'to have voiles. , J. B. MUSTARD ARD CLINTON and B'RUCEFIELD Phone -for Clinton 74. • Phone for Brumfield '' 11 on 618. THE CEJfNER STORE. Live and Let Live You Should Eat More Fish Fish should he more .freely used because it ranges exceedingly high in point of food value. It is an economical source of energy for those who work with either head or hands, It is • also most easily di- gested. There are many reasons, indeed, why people should eat more fish. The chic! are that itis GOOD FOOD, APPETISING ECONOMICAL at this season of the year fish can be procured in specially fine condition A FEW SUGGESTIONS - Fresh Halibut Fresh.,Sahnon trent Finnian Iiaddie Fillets ' Fresh Water Herring Codfish L' -!a E7 IIUNNI ORD Phone 40 THE PRESEN1'r DAY MOTHER MAKES PIES that the eider generation couldn't begin to equal. For in addition to improved methods and utensils site has the advantage of being able to obtain 'Purity flour, the finest baking (lour known. Make your next batch With Purity. Good as your tomer pies were uredo will be infittfaely bottar, W. Jenkins & Son. I01,01111, Ago VIDEO. Phones; ldlovatot 100, 1iesldenee 141 itotail' Lieenso No. 0-2308 'P4boleeala License No, 12- 8i OUR WEEK We have received big eon sigmnents oe fresh fish this week:— 11 C Red Salmon 3:Ialibut Fresh Herrings Ciscoes Pitman Middle and Codfish W. I 53 The Hub Clrocery xa-Warxa= -,. i :r,4.0 sw FARM FOR SALE-02fr ACRES OF splendid farm land in good state of cultivation, On It are a comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new steel root, a good cellar, a barn 40x80 and straw shed 22x28 with foundation under all, room to tie up 28 head of cattle and 55 horses besides 3 box stalls, root room, feed room, separator room and harness room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10_and a drive shed 20x30. There is a never failing spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about 1a acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 2:3 miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I Rant to sell at once as health makes it necessary for mo • to_give up farming for the_ present. Would sell stock, implements and crop if so desired.—Apply Leonard E. Weir, Lot 27, Con. 4, Hulled, - Clinton P. 0. —49 F PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORM O9' ELL KINDS GO TO THOS. HAW .INS. Agent for Iiecla Furnaces PHONE 83. . Slop over Rowi'and's Hsrdwarar- FLOUR and FEED I-Iighest Prices Paid for Barley, Oats and Buckwheat: - LOOS A quantity of Elm, Maple, Bass- wood, Beech, Hemlock and White Ash Logs wanted, Inquire at store about prices. J. A. FORD & SON , Phone 123. Live Poultry Wanted ! 4000 CHICKENS 2000 HENS 1000 DUCKS each week from now until the end al December. We pay for all poultry on a quality basis delivered 1)001 empty crops. Wo pay special prices fon properly milk -fed poultry, aad we would strongly advise all producers to finish their poultry as it will pay, you well to do so. tiiUNN, LANCiLWIS CO. N, W. Trewartha, Pbou;t 195 Manager or Ilohneeville 4 en 1.9 Canada Food Board—License No. 7-001 ,CREAM WANTED 1 The demand for our butter is in- creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. We request you to ship no your cream. We guarantee you the Ilighest Market Prices, accurate tests and prompt service., Our firm is known to you and needs no further recommend. • t- tiVo pay all expresscharges, f ar t isle cream cans and. pay twice each . month. Write for sans or further informa- tion to the Trtq Seaforth .Creamery Co. 0. A. BAR13E14, MANAGER BOAPS FOR SERVICe Champion Bred Big Type T YORKSHIRE AND CHIEST1ER. WHITE BOARS. A. C. LEV181/ 4 — Pittner 0s C 0 0 CLINTON, , O. szt# .$ Itlitno.3V0Ij, fordnogtie ,