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et re.
When Battleships Will Never
See Each Other and Aero-
planes Direct Gull"fare.-
'rizo British Navy is so secretive that
very few people have any idea of the
rapid strides it made in' many techni-
cal »atters during the war, ease a
)33ritis11 naval expert.
In torpedoes alone our experiment-
ers have introduced small changes
ranee the battle of Jutland that practi-
ea1lY make the torpedo• a new weapon.
It is much the sante with Wireless,
both for telegiaphy anti telephony.
Most people imagine that the Navy's
wireless. ie the satne as Marconi. It
is not. The basis is the same, batt
warlike requirements are so different
from those of commerce, that the gear
used in. the Navy now has been de-
veloped in matters ofedetail on Rime
that ;ere poles away from the Marconi
system. The fundamental difference
is this - that commercial• . wireless
seeks to ixi lis communication general,
*while naval wireless seeks secrecy.
In the early months, of the war our
skilled operators found that they could
deduce froni- certain factors in Gor-
man wireless signals, not only what
class of ship they were overhearing,
but actually which shill of t134 class
was sending the message.,
Answered In Three Minutes.
That was all very well from our
point of view, but if we could do that
to the Germans, it stood to reason that
they night be doing the same thing to
us. And straightway we had to bend
Ml oar energies to the evolving of
wireless systems that were proof
against eavesdropping. It was done,
but the method must remain, for 'the
present, a secret.
Wireless replaced flag and search-
light signalling to a great extent in the
Grand Fleet, It had to, because a vast
concourse of ships like that could
never all be within visual range of the
flagship at one time.
On a sweep through the North Sea,
for example, Admiral Jellicoe's ships
would be spread out over a front of
104 mites. So his orders had to be
transmitted by wireless if he was com-
pelled to make any change in his
original plans -for the sweep. These.
orders had to be tranemittea. with all
possible secrecy, and at great peed.
When the war began, our wireless
staffs were not sufficiently trained in
"team work." The Commander -1u -
Chief founts that it took nearly a quar-
ter of an hour for an order issued by'
him through wireless to be acknow-
ledged by every ship in the Fleet. And.
in a quarter of an hour a great deal
can happen in an action afloat,+with
ships moving at nearly 25 miles an
So intensive training had to •be in-
troduced lust for that one detail, the
acknowledging of orders, with the :re-
sult that soon any orders sent out.
from the flagship could be answered
by the entire fleet in a little less than
three mimites. When one remembers
there were 151 British ships at Jut.
land, it is clear hat the feat was no
easy one.
How U-Sonts Were Trapped.
' 'Wireless telephony afloat made
great strides, too. The American shins
which operated with ours, and particu-
larly tho submarine chasers that work-
ed from Queenstown, made consider-
able use of it. The telephone Was
fitted in the chtlrt-honse ot'the chasers
with a loud speaking-trmnpet. •
The captain therefore did not have
to wait for an operator to send him
the message after It had been written
down; it was spoken right into his
ear. He could carry out, without an
instant's loss of time, any change of
bearing that - was neceesary to bring
him and his cargo of depth charges
on+thtt track of the submarine.
I heard these telephones at work on
more than one occasion. Their range
was short, it 1s true, but that was of
no consequence with a flotilla of
chasers all concentrated in a small
area, and it was uncanny to hear a
voice suddenly bellowing out of the
distance news of a periscope on such
and such a bearing, with another voice
following a couple oft seconds later
from another direction, giving another
A great dial In front of the compass
enabled the captain at once to•"plot"
the two bearings, and where they in-:
tersected was approximately the posi-
tion of the submarine that we could
not see, but towards which we im-
mediately swung,
This malter of bearings was of im-
mense value to us in tracking the U•
boats. They used their wireless to
communicate with each other, 'add
nearly every message was caught by
the special listening -posts that We es-
tablished all round the coast,
• Shell -fire of the Future.
Each poet reported to a central eta -
tion the hearing from which it hoard
the message. A line drawn on the
chart from the post in the given dire°.
tion would 'cut across another line'
drawn from another post which had
reported the same message; the point
of intersection was the position of tise
TI -boat,
I have seen in the Base Intelligence
Offices of one of out principal naval
bases great charts covering a whole
wall of the room, on which the move-
ment of every German submarine at
sea during the woes[ was prated, It
was all done by intelligence helped by
Wireless. Tbere was no need of paid
Miles to give us that information.
Another groat development is the
reporting of movements by scouting
aeroplanes, hi the great [•'Spider's
Web" patrol, which the Felixstowe
flying rinse carried out in the North
Sea, wirelese repnrte were continually
sent t egarcling suspicious sights in the
see, ,Itt the future, this aspect of wire,•
less is going to be more inpat'tant
still, because 10 Will be tisecl in cele.
junction with lo.tgesinge gone.
The time is comae; When •oar Wale
Ships will fire shells so far that the
Some Charming Blouses'
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
9201? 9208 92.38 9235 923.3
No, 9233 -Ladies' Watet. Price, 25 - No- 9205 -Ladies' Blouse. Price, 25
cents. With or without two-piece peaa•eents. Kim•omo sleeves, panel front,
lum; back closing; s}eaves in two gathered peplum. Out in 7 sizes, 34,
styles. In 8 sizes, 84 to 48 ins. bust 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and, 46 ins. 'bust
measure, Size 36 requires, with pep- measure. Size 86 requires, without
situ, 2% Yds. 40 ins. wide, or 2% yds. trimming -Maness, 2% yds. 86 ins. wide,
4 ins. wide; without peplum, 11/8 yds. or 1s yds. 45 ins. wide; with trim -
ins. wide, or 1% yds. 48 ins, wide. ming -bands, 2% yds. 86 ins wide, or
No, 9235 --Ladies! Waist. Price, 25 1% yds. 45 ina wide; without trim-
cents. Side -front closing; draped bod- ming -bands, 2% yds. 36 ins, wide, or
ice; sleeves in two styles. Cut in 6 2% yds. 46 ins, wide; ribbpn for
eines, 34, 86, 38, 40, 42 and 44 ins. straps981 yds,
bust measure. Size 36 requires, with No. 9207 -Ladies' Waist, Price, 25
dart sleeves
1, 1% yds. 36 ins. wide, or cents. • With tucked overblouse; clos-
a yds. 64 ins. wide; with puff ing on shoulder. 'Cut in 7 sizes, 34,
sleeves, 1% yds. 36 ins, 'wide, or 1% 36, 88,-40, 42, 44 and 46 ins. bust
yds. 54 ins. wide. - measure• Size 86 requires, waist, 1%
No, 9238 -Ladies' Waist. Price, 25 ycls. 36 ,ins. wide, or 1% yds. 45 ins.
cents. Two styles of front and sleeve. wide; overblouse, % yd. 36 or 45 ins.
Cutin 8 sizes, 34, 36, 33, 40, 42, 44, wide; one material, 20 yds. 36 ins.
46 and 48 ins. bust measure. Size 36 wide, or 2 yda. 45 ine. wide.
requires, with pleated side -front, 1% These patterns may be obtained
yds, 36 ins, wide, or 11/e` yds. 64 ins. from your local McCall dealer, or
wide; with 'plain side -front, 1% yds. from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
36 ins. wide, or 11 yds. 54 ins. wide. Dept. W.
men in the spotting -tower on the least
will not be able to see the fall 00 the
shells,, or the splash they make. An
aeroplane observer will do it from his
moving porch in the air, and on his in-
formation the gunnery officer will
make the necessary corrections in de-
flection, and elevation of his guns.
Irrigation. Extends in the
The year 1919 stands out in the agri-
cultural history of Alberta and Sas-
katcbewan he having proved beyond.
all doubt the enormous benefits to be
derived from farm irrigation, for in
the drought which affected nearly the
whole of these Provinces, the south
Institutions Semi - Centennial
Report Best in its History
-Liquid Position Strong -
Profits For Twelve Months
Showed Gain of $613,418
at $3,423,264; Assets at
New High.
In further celebration of its firtieth
anniversary, the Royal Bank of Can-
ada, in its stademet.;. for the year end-
ed November 29 last, reports a twelve;
monthly period of record progress
from the standpoints of financial
strength, liquid position and profits.
country within the irrigation belt not Recent exhibits of Canadian banking
only produced excellent crops, but in institutions have indicated that, al-
though the period through which the
many localities yields ',vere harvested banks -have passed have been difficult
well in excess of the average of what ones owing to the important readjust -
are called good years.- ments neceseary, they have been able
On 145,500 acres in the Lethbridge to further strengthen the already
District, 60,200 tons of fodder crops strong positions occupied at the send
and 3,775,000 bushels 'of grain have
been growu'to the total value of about
Wheat was the largest
The Royal Bank in its annual state-
ment, made public yesterday, proves
P""" that it is 110 exception to this general
crop produced, there being w911 over rule, the report being the most notable
two million bushels. Other crops bar -1 ever issued by thq'progressive institu-
vested included more than a million l tion. Total assets for the first time
bushels of oats, neatly 400,000 of bar- in its eiireer Bose over the $500,000,000
ley, 26,000 of flax, and 66,000_ tons of mark, being shown at $533,647,084, a
alfglfa.., In addition vegetables were gain of $106,134,102 over the figures
grown and sold from this area, of a year ago. To this splendid ag-
As another example of what phe• gregate liquid assets ,00htributed
$273,908,862, representing an increase
in the year of almost 49 millions and
being the equivalent of slightly in
excess of 55 per cent, of the bank's
liabilities to the public. The latter
compares with 56.6 per cent. a- year
ago and 53.2 per cent. in the 1917
• '(ithe r were $3,428,264,
Plo is for ea �t e
compared with $2,809,846 in 1918, or
equal to 21.74 per cent. on the aver-
age capital employed during tate
twelve months. This compares. with
20.1 per cent. in 1918 and 18 per cent.
in the preceding year. The capital
of the bank eves increased by $3,000,-
000 during the year, an issue of $2,-
.000,000 par value being issued 'to
shareholders at 150 early in the cur-
rent calendar year, while a second ad-
ditional issue was sold to the Lohdon
County, Westminster & Parr's Bank,
Limited, with which the Royal formed
a close working arrangement in April
last at a price of $200 per share.
acre of irrigated land. I These increases brought the outstand-
With such examples as those of the 1 ing capital of the Canadian institution
fruits of irrigation it is little wonder ' up to $17,000,000, the premiums oil
that the farmers of the dry belts of the new stock amounting to $3,000,000
Alberta and Saskatchewan are clam- were added to reserver bringing the
orhng for extensions to the existing - latter up to a parity with the capital.
systems of irrigation or the installa-
tion of new projects;, or that the au-
thorities should be devoting more
time and attention to the furthering
of the schemes of irrigation,
nonrenal yields may be taken from ir-
rigated land, the case of a farmer at
Brooks may be cited--whp on his farm
Produced a $0,11.00e -harvest of alfalfa
seed. The yield was 14 bushels to the
nese, wltiiih sold in the neighborhood
at Sec: per lb. and netted him a return
of 740 `) per
- in the large irrigation block of the
Canadian Pacific Railway east of Cal-
gary there are approximately 023,500
acres of irrigable land, ,and the
amount in the Lethbridge district ap-
proximates 110,000 acres, making a
total of 703,500 'acres. • Of this less
than 20 per cent. was in crop this year.
On the basis of this year's average
production on irrigated Ibnd this total
area is capable of producing crops to
the value of between thirty and thirty-
five million dollars yearly with an
average of over $40 per year for each
P. & L. Balance Over Million.
After all deductions, which includ-
ed disbursements among shareholders
during the year in the way of divi-
dends and the anniversary bonus,
Anew project is ahead ander way amounting to $2,206,196, there re-
n° mained a balance at the credit of
in the south area of Alberta which will profit and loss account of $1,096,418,
take in the land int, the Raymond, Stet- i or over twice the.amount carried into
ling? and Magrs,th districts, ' and the the 1919 accounts from the previous
Commissioner of Irrigation, with head-. year: Comparative figures of the po-
quarters in Calgary, has recently re- i sitien of the profit 'end loss accounts
turned from a rscomaisttuce trip in I of the past• three years are given hi
the Buffalo Lake country, wtore he • the following table:
1019 1918 1 1917
etas been gathering information as to I Proem ..$8,1432130,204 22,809,840 $2,327,979
the feasibility oe aliother projected Prev. bale535,767 564,264 862,340
sclerae, This provides for the diver- Tata). ,...$8,959,021 $8,974,110 28,180,325
sion-ef the flood waters of tho North Leas:-
ate the Dc`idcnt}s $1.,966,100 $1,614,702 $1,649,904
Saskatchewan River to irrigate Bonus 340,000
lands lying to the oast and south of iThnston 10. 1.00,000 100,000 100,000
Buffalo Lake, all the"lvay to the area Govt, t'x' 400, 00 400,000 150,021
Goat, ea , 1G0,460 138,000 128,857
between Youngstown and Saskatoon, Patriotic 40,600 00,000
The scheme, In outline, is t0 toD the Roliftix Ir, - 90,000
7.i•eeervo K00,000 628`,300
North Saskatchewan River, at, or near,
Rocky Mountain House, and by means Tot, dad:. 2,562,0b2 $2,839,203 $2,010,061
Balance 1,090,418 $505,767 2564,264
of canals and ditches carry the water The balance sheets of the last two
to lakes and depressions lying to cite yearn oempare aAS$JSs followT4.s[
east, utilizing Buffalo Lake as the main i 1 1919 1213
reservoir. Coin and note. $55 081,547 $42,124,608
" The Alberta Provincial Government Notes Gold Res.. 23,464 200 26,000,000 2
1s Mao considering the establishmeut Cheques, do, 4.23,757,0.10 20,004,096
Due by Ceti, bks. 57,103 0,042
of an irrigation experimental farm at Pc, outside 38,101,873 10,301,610
a point on the ,Saskatchewan River Govt, securitloa 45 323,003 36,660,076
Other securities 5.835,433 44,709,500
two miles north of Medicine Idat, coy' Call loan., Can't,10,486,014 30,007,481
ering a distance of twelve miles along Cali loans, out , 38,612,751 24,374,101
the river adjoining the. city, There Tot, lie, assets $273,908,862 0224,932,038
are approximately 35,000 acres 6f land. Curr. leans, Can 148 466.518 115,184,716
which can be brought under irt•Igatoh Curr, lon.ns out 90 210,371 64,176,102
overdue debts. 365,089 998,013
under' this plait.
}len] estate ,. 1,406,275 3,171,111
The finest feature of irtrigated lands iin.ntc pramisas . 7Aa0,444 0,•t920 1
J utters ertClt 10,487,973 X10,162,6"0
15 that they can he trusted to produce Cir, denoei0 700,000 740,030
at least good aVerago crops every Other amnia .., 1775,046 210,510
year, and indeed, so far from the Totals , $583,647.034 $427,512,032
quality of the land.detorioratieg, its 1..TAntlear6IIS, 1310
teideney is :to, become more prod.nc. Deposits, 4em...$160,060,100 9189,2.13,278
tine as the farmer' learns by stud 00, nntice ,., 260.465,109 107,343,400
y CJleulntlnn .,.. 34,007,206 39,030,076
and observation what quantities of Due 'Gov't ., , 14,000,000 9;060,000
water t0 use, aid the beet system of Poo other hanks 1,403,828 0,005,721.
sluts pr}y, . 800,776 316,060
crop 1-0tatlon,' Lanese Orectic., 16,407,879 10,102,329
----4---. _-.
Public slab, ,..,$407,607,248 $267,547,102
Minard'1! DWainteat Cfuos Oazgot int hews, Capital , 17,000,000 14,000,000
"Reserve 17,000,000 19,100,000
l.Iabits afro the flights of stops thatl Aee) (irer;.,s.GGA,422 43n,122
P. balance i,000,41s 505,767
lead to rho halls of character,
' tttals .,,.,, 4 03:2;047,034 $d21.'2'982
Chicken pit is 'exbenlunt Made with "''"`"014"04"4 -•.•--w�--•F.--•-�•�
biscuit crust, :stlaatid'ir nittimont cures aiigittilerip,
Aeeept "California" Syrup of Figs
only -look for the Haute California on
the package, then you aro sure your
child is having the best and most
brimless laxative or physio for the
little stomach, livor and bowels.
Children love Its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions tor cllild'e dose
on each bottle. Give it without Irene.
Motiter!-•'You must say "Oaltfornla."
. What Human Hair Indicates.
Aecarding to folklore contributed
from many parts of the globb, a
heavy head of stair indicates little, if
any, virtues. The Turks claim that
women with short intellect have long
hair: The Albanians says with more
finality, "Long hair, little brains."
Other contributors declare that much
hair indicates ungovernable temper
and inclination to melancholy. "If a
girl )las a great:deal of hair," accord-
ing to another source, "she till marry
poverty, while the girl with little hair
will marry rich"
Next in bad grace with the folk-
lore authorities ,is the enviable curly
hair. "It's the sign of a scold," says
otte. "If the hair fails in little curls
at the :back of the neck it means an
early widowhood.
Quaint and amusing are some of
the other character delineations
which the ;hair prophets have set
down. Kinky hair is a sign of a
variable and hasty disposition, they
say; while smooth, plain hair denotes
that the owner is peace -loving and
courteous. �n
A long and peaceful life is promised"
the' owner of hair that grows low on
the forehead and retreats up the head
above the temples.
Coarse hair indicates humble birth
and a coarse nature. Black, short
and curly hair indicates uncertain
temper, "a tendency to alcohol, and an
amorous nature.
The darker the hair Clip more pow-
erful the physical organization. Chest-
nut or dark brown hair denotes fair-
ness in dealings, generosity, absence
of deceit, but unhappiness ht domestic
life. Thick, straight and glossy brown
hair indicates' a ..robust constitution,
energy and eagerness in the pursuit
of life; thick, coarse and wiry brown
stair, great determination of character,
but natural ingenuity and ability;
whilst dark brown long and smooth
hail, indicates faithfulness in love,
many children, good health, and much
03 -a -o• --•o- 0--o- o e 0 a•-m--o--•e
It Works! Try It
Tells how to loosen a sore,
tender corn so it lifts
out without pain. ,
• o 0 0 a o -o 0 0 a• o a
Good news spreads rapidly and drug.
gists here aro kept busy dispensing
freezone, the ether discovery of a Cln•
cinnati man, which is said to Ioosen
any corn so it lifts out with the
Aek at any pharmacy_for a -quarter
ounce of freezone, which will cost very
little, but is said to be sufll ciep to rid
one's feet of every hard o1 soft corn
or callus.
You apply lust a few drops on the
tender, aching corn and instantly the
sciences is relieved, and soon the corn
is so shriveled that it lifts out with-
out pain. It Is a sticky substance
which dries when applied and never
inflames or even irritates the adjoin•
ing tissue.
This di@covery will prevent thou-
sands of deaths annually from lock.
Jaw and infection heretofore resulting
from the suicidal habit of cutting
• Mix stove polish with equal parts
0f ammonia and turpentine and apply
a coat to your 'stove; rub off with a
soda woollen cloth and the result will
be a 'black range which will keep
A few well placed trees on the side
of the prevailing winds will shelter
the home and save coat during winter.
As a matter of fact, trees lower the
temperature in het weather, so they
are serviceable at all times. Farm-
houses should have sufficient rows of
trees about the house to afford ample
shelter in winter.
We publish simple, straight testi-
monials, not press' agents' .interviews,
from well-known people. From all all over America they testify
to the merits of • MINARD'S LINT•
MIONT, the best of Household Reme-
Alberta creameries continue to re-.
celvo large orders for butter from
abroad, one firm recently shipping
four carloads from Edmonton to Bel"
glum, The consignment was made up
of 200,000 fifty-six pound boxes, The
same km shipped our hundred thou-
sand boxes to I3elgium. With steady
outside demand for batten, Alberta
fanners are being kepi very busy. In
addition to the shipments Por Europe
and the East, big shipments are hong
made weekly to the Western Coast,
loth to the Canadian and United
States eltios,
Depend on }" 'ou1'self
Don't 'loan upon others while walk-
ing through life,
You might make another man fall;
Each one ]las leis burden of sorrow
and strife,
The 'weakest will go to the wall,
So if you want Honor, or power, or
Don't least upon others, depend on
It's all very well to say times aro' so
That 00(1658 get more than their
That from gutting the best o5' things
you are debarred,
Unless 0th re- somo help for you
Away with Dependence! 'tis but a
mean elf,
Don't lean upon others, depend on
So don't bet leaner, 'tis :better by far
To lend to some weaker one
To plod along bravely, 'nea,ih hope's
guiding star,
Yourll find you have won through at
So put all youredoubts and your fears
on the shelf,
Dont lean upon &•Iters, depend on
"Danderine" will check' that
ugly dandruff and stop
hair coming out -
4,.4„4„a"4 i aa4•41401•rot 4.40/erey„e 4 4 464,•}•00+1•••,
But if you won't exercise
vigorously you must
l take rlCascarets."
There is nothing (lire llonditi7 0x63'
01505, taking' Long walks; or citopphtl,
wood to keep the slyer and bowele
active, but roost Mike take' their exer-
cise la an easy their. Such folks need.
Cascaras, Glee ,they suffer from sick
headache, sour, acid stomach, Indiges-
tion, colds and are miserable, But
don't stay bilious or eonstipated, Feel
splendid always by taking Cascarets
000asioltally. Tltey act without grip-
ing or inconvenience, Tlzay' never
Welton you like Calomel, Salts, 011,•or
nasty, harsh PIM. They cost so little
•3too-Cascarets work while you sleep.
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order, If lost or'stolon you get your
money back,
To slop falling hair at once and rid
the scalp of every particle of dandruff,
get a small bottle of "Dauderine" at
any drug or toilet counter for a few
cents, pour a little in-youe hand and
rub it into the scalp. After several
applications the hair usually stops
conning out and you can't find any
dandruff. Soon every hair on your
scalp shows new life, vigor, bright-
ness, thickness and more color,
Why Viz. and Oz.?
Do' you know what these everyday
signs mean, and, their origin?
Viz. is from the first two letters of
videlicet, a Latin word meaning
"namely." The z is a corruption of
ail ancient sign, something like a 8,
thatplaced was lace T at the end of an
abbreviated word. In course of time
this 3 has become z.
The same thing applies to oz., the
abbreviation for ounce.
,The letters lb•a standing for pounds
in weight, are the first and -thins of
the Latin word fibrae.
Cwt. (hundredweight) and deet,
pennyweight) are also abbreviations
of Latin words. C is the Latin num-
eral for a hundred, d the first letter of
denarius (penny), and wt. is short for
the word "weight.
L. s. d. are the first letters of librae,
solidi, and denanii, all Latin words,
meaning pounds, shillings, and pence.
'Sic, meaning "literally," idem,
meaning "as before :stated," and ibid.,
meaning "in the same place," are also
from the Latin.
English Customs in Egypt.
Egypt, notes a correspondent, is
enthusiastic for English customs, 3n
the case of visiting cards they are
leaving us far behind.
I:have one before me with the naine
in the centre written in Latin and
Arabic characters, and the address be-
In the right hand corner in gilt let-
ters is the !Spanish greeting "Fella -
dudes," and in the opposite corner a
gilt anchor and chain wreathed with
pale 'blue forget -me -note: The whole
card is bordered, with lotuses.
Another Egyptian uses quite an
English card, with tho letters "P.T•O."
neatly printed tin the lower right hand
corner. On turning the card Over
one is advised to "Keep smiling."
"Diamond Dyes" Freshen Up
Old, Discarded Garments.
Don't worry about perfect results.
Use, "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to
give a new, rich, fadeless color to any
fabric, whether ft be wool, silk, Innen,
cotton or mixed goods, - dresses,
'blouses, stockings, skirts, children's
ooats, feathers, draperies, coverings,
Tile Direction Book with each pack-
age tells how to diamond dye over guy
'1'o match any material, have dealer
show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card.
A microphone suspended from n
host, with a. telephone receiver at the
boatnnan'e cur, is a method noW suc-
eeesfully tisecl by Norwegian market
lisherm .1 006 detecting land locating
echecls of nolo, .-
Mlnnrd'a a,tniti:on6 anise floide, 2110,
18sus No, 1--'20.
Man wants but little here ,below,
As you have heard before;
But when he gets 30, then also
He wants a' little more.
Mivard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Realizing that the airplane is handi-
capped because forced to take off and
land at dangerous speeds, the French
Aero Club offer 500,000 francs ($100,-
000) to the inventor of .am apparatus
that will rise and descend vertically,
yet attain a horizontal speed of 500
kilometres (124) miles an hour).
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office 20 King St. -West
4% allowed on Savings.
Interest computed quarterly.
Withdrawable by Cheque.
til/2% on Debentures,
Interest payable haif yearly,
Paid up Capital $2,412,678.
Thu oldest established LTD.
in Montreal
Highest Market Prices Paid.
Satisfaction Guaranteed to Shippers.
Send for Our Price List.
410 St. Paul St. West . Montreal
SINCE 01870
tktmA 1 9®,S SYSC `Y,.64' -'y c:,7
ACureferPi les
"Youdon'tneed nxercury,potaslt
or any other strong mineral to
curs pimples caused by poor
blood. Take Extract of Roots-
i druggist teals it "Mother 'Scigei's r�
Cut•ative 5yrnp-and your skin
Roots -
clear up as fresh as a baby's.
)7 • aciland
lit will swa:etenyo
our ato.n
regulate your bowels." Got the
genutno. 50c. a4d MOO Bottles.
t^At drug stores.
Classified Advertisements,
AC12tq'TS W 30Iiia)),
nortJ ail s 4014N'TS WANTING
white on pxne•ok ilft99itlz egtala'li• 10
United Art Ca, 4 Brunswick Ave, .00.
I liar Qt7?,7dygootr9, -
CtNC18R. 2'Iibi0ttts• 11,U01,aJ, 1DT4a
lnteanel and external, cured w thou
pMit by cgs home treatment. Write 041
6eroro toe tete Dr, ties. (man 112edto'
Co . Limited, Ca031ngwnod. Ont.
XT7➢ww:L'41'1011., WI45:[tr x, 1N 156011:21
d� County, Splendid opportunity. Writs
tier '1, Wilson Publishing o., Maittod.
79 Adelaide St. W„ 'Toronto.
`♦T9J-1, D0U2PI'IQi) NnwsvAki01i
Iry and jab printing plant I4 111as1ort0
Ontario. Insurance carried $1,x,00. wil
go for 08,8011 on Buick sale. 0601 02.
Wilsen Publishing Co, Ltd, Toronto.
1101C'10 (s1Lv1t11t BLACK PEIOD1DINCi•
l./ iroxes, „p iso, we are buyers of Raw
Vars. what have you --what price?
Raid Bros., Bothwell, Ont,
x'015151.11 STOCI0 WA5TI9P, 115 YOU
eia are able 1.0 supply, advise us, as we
will pu.y the highest prices, :dry or green
from the saw. l0eenart Bros., Limited,
Await Sound, Ont,
America's Pioneer Doty Ytemediea
Doak on
and ,tow to reed
Mailed Prue to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
D, Olay iSiover OM„ Sao.
13.8 West 31st Street
New York, U.S.A.
For Coughs, Colas,'
and the relief of in -
ea flatnmatory conditions
of tate throat arising
from Bronchial, Asth•
malic affections and
derangements of the
Respiratory • Organs.
Prepared from Spruce
Guns and other medi-
cinal agents. Success.
fully used for 60 years.
Always buy the Lara. 515,
Poultry, New' Laid Eggs
Dairy Sutter, ..;3eane,
Bolling Peace etc.
Write for our Weekly Price List
and advise what you have to otter.
Special Prices for Fancy Quality
Gunn, Langlois, & Co., Ltd.
(Dept. W.)
=entreat, - - Otto.
All grades, Write for prices.
Cullum Heals.
"I had. been troubled with eczema
on my face which took the form of a
rash. Later_ it broke out on my
limbs end they itched very much,
causing me to scratch them until
they were bleeding. The rash would
often keep me awake at ni9bt..
"I tried some remedies, which
failed, and then thought I would try
Cuticu:a Soap and Ointment. It
was not long till the rash began to
dioapkettr, and I used three castes of
Soap and four boxes of Ointment,.
which healed me." (Gland) W.130,
Olymers, Paris, Ont., `Dept. 12, 1919.
Cuticula Soap to cleanse, Cuticura
Ointment to soothe and heal.
Soap 2Sc, Ointment 25 and 60e, Sold
throughout5hoDolnir'"nom CenadiarDerct:
1.,'s,anc.u::ad, 5t. Fent 05.. @7oet:ar,1.
,`.S1•i*"'Cutieorc Sose s,ovon wytitnut ons.
R4UA r�Y
Go after it with . Slcan's
b iitiinent befi ge it gets
Apply a inch-, don't rub,. let It Prow -
Irate, and -good -by twinge I Same for
external aches, pains strains, stiffness
of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises,
Instant relief without mussiness or
soiled clothing. Reliable -the biggest
selling liniment year after year. Eco-
nomical by reason of, enormous sates.
Keep a big bottle ready at all times.
Made in Canada. Ask your druggist
for Sloan's Liniment.
110c, 70o. $1.40.
We are Buyers of Ontario Grains and
Sellers of Western Feeding Oats and Barley.
aa'.E'T OU.P •P.2JC.&9'
..C.,,.COTT E. CO.
noft,ame 4693 TOkONTO
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross's
/ 0 000
For Calds, fain, TIeadaolto, navel- voltage vrh oat coot ins templeto di.
'ggig, 7bothaohe, Pomba and for reotlons. Tien 'oil are getting teal
Rheumatism, Lumbago, poittica Nen- A.s trim'•• -cite genuine Aspirin p1'o-
ritis, take Aspirin mas'kod with the earthed. b' pbyMolane for over nine.
atatne "Bayer" or you are not taking togt�z aura, Now made in Catltda,
As irin at alt Y Trl4a� p tin boatel containing 12 tab`
Accept �(t e 1 v
�ec only 8 0' o is doge u at Dont 1 r 1. s
ayy r '�atilats i a A t m few , t
:Asptrtni" in an tnibrotten "Dole r",oiao soli larger "Bayer" paokagos,
Where only oto Aspfrlia.+7%ayd"•*Tonsnot slay "8eyte"
ac8tloanidaoter sallaYv ioatpfwhite lies area urte u to 1.0'ir�1naan5 D.
eAs tr t In tho Utile mark bagtAto od 10 Cana 1 of (ear 355d116atnroMerle.nnnttaotnra to the ic tilt¢tl aq/the 'Diastole St papa tu n anY
ba laterted Willi gale fioaerflSasa "May4r Crepes"