The Clinton News Record, 1920-1-1, Page 4litsmiesmossreasatmasscasamasis
Clinton INoova-Re tard
••'N.•••• t•••+4/4• •••• •!•49s•• V..* 44*• .. $., 4+•.9•s• ♦s..r
To e
�. Electors
...Ei tOPs
of Clinton
Having'served you as mayor for the year 1919 I
offer my services for 1920..
It has always been the custom of the Town to
give the Mayor, two three or more years of office
and this seems reasonable if independent and im-
partial services are expected.
We have just closed a successful year financially
and the Town's business is on a very satisfactory
basis due to careful management.
As Councillor for 1907-19( 9-1910-1911 and 1.918 t
I was always a strong advocate of publicly owned
utitities and the present satislaclory, Waterworks ♦
and Hydro Electric system 0.e .evidence of the wis-
dom of adopting this policy and should you wish to :
go another step further by adding a "Municipal.t
Fuel Yard," I will as a member of the Council
t and Commission do my utmost to make it a success.
♦ w
Many items of importance..are to he decided by t,
• the new Council and I wish to assure you that I am•
mwilling to serve .you again to the best of my ability. t,
• May 1 ask for your vote and influence. n
Yours for a Happy New Year.
s A. T. COOPS, Magor.- ` _ n
0 to
444)AVT44* *000 044.8, 04,40 004400490.0♦♦♦®J 64.4044440$@ 90.4
E%. BYlX ITT"ywN 'm
with our bread which saves then the
work and bother of hone baking;
and provides them with far finer
bread, than they could Possibly pro-
duce themselves, Just try a loaf
and see how both you and all the
rest of the family would enjoy it as
you never did enjoy bread before.
Try it once and you will use it
always. -10e. a Loaf
• sr
Phone 15e
. DryGoods
oLt Co.
Ready .to -
f 6Cots
We put on sale Saturday, Jan,
.3rd, every cloth coat in stock -
25 coats in all, at 25 per cent off
regular prices. They are all up
new coats this season, including tfe
Chinciilaa, Velours, Silv('rtoue
and Beavers, sizes 34 up to -44:
Coate early for best choice
-Ladies' Suits 25 per
cent off Regular
Just seven suits to clear, all
this season's styles, bla(,k, navy,.
green. silk lined, oizes 36, 38
and 42,
25 per cent off the
Regular Price
We put on sale Saturday, Jan.
Ord, all furs at lir per cent off
regular prices, including Mink,
Lamb, Wolf, Fitch, Coon, Sable
and Opposure,
Boys' Pullover Sweaters
One dozen only, Boys' Sweaters, all wool, •colote
grey and blue, black and orange, greys arid'"green, sizes
86 and 88 only, very special $4,00
St, Melena
A successful Christmas tree um
der the auspices of the Presbyterian
.and 'Anglican Churches • of St. Ilel-
:ens Wes held here Tuesday evening
and was a great success the hall be-
ing filled to its utmost cfrpeeityl,,
some being turned away who could
not get in. A. good programme was
given and everybody went away
well satisfied,
Mr. Gordon - Cameron is dome
from the west.
Christmas visitors at their homes
here include„ Miss May Cameron,
Mitchell; W D. Rutherford, Feigns;
Nina Woods, Guelph; Winnifred
Woods, Aline; Pearl Webster, Grand
Valley, and Dorothy Webster of
Winghaut high School,
Mr Albert Phillipps is 'at present
visiting his father, Mr. S. Phillipps,
Mr, John McGuire arrived hone
for the winter looking hale and
Mr. John Patterson has mates! W,
J. Todds' farm and intends moving
there presently.
We etre sorry to .report that Mr.
S. Phillipps is not gaining as fast
as his many friends would wish,
Mrs. Ilugh McCrostie, also Hugh
McCrostie of Toronto Dental College
are spending the holidays at the home
of Air. Wm, G. McCrostie.
Miss Lizzie Anderson is spending
the -holiday at her home here. •
Miss Margaret Miller, who has
been teaching out west for a few
years, returned hone on Christmas.
Miss Nina Woods is visiting her
sister, Alm. A. Barbour at Erin.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clark Left last
week to spend the winter among the
different members of the family.
News of iii :ppenin s
$!d 'lie COg ralj and
Out Auburn way they complain
that the drivers of autos "hog" the
whole road. It isn't fair to the pa-
tient anti faithful horse to make him
do ail the "turning out."
''The Western Canada Flour Mills,
Goderich, are planning to sink an-
other salt well.
Reeve Govenloek of McKillop was
presented the other evening with a
handsome fitted club bag and an ad-
dress by the council, board of health
and other township officials, in re-
cognition of his services ars reeve for
fourteen years,
The process of corn calming as
carried on by the Exeter Canning
Co., was put on the screen at the lo-
cal theatre one night recently. The
pictures were taken at the factory
during the caning season.
Rev. R. J. McCormick, who has
been pastor of he Blyth Methodist
church for four years, is being urged
to remain a fifth year, This is the
first time such a request has been
made 'but it is doubtful whether the
Conference will sanction it. -"
When Mr. H. NI,- Bamford, organ-
ist and choirmaster of the Listowel
Methodist church, went into the vest-
ry after the service on the Sunday
evening before Christmas he found
his hat lined with fifteen crisp, new
dollar bills. It was a little Christmas
gift front the choir. —
Mr Adant Surbrig'g of Howiek
township was helping a neighbor to
dehorn cattle one day recently and
one of the animals fell over on him
and broke his leg. It served him
right, too. Cattle should be dehorned,
if each a thing is necessary, by put-
ting a mite of caustic on the horn
before it starts to grow.
A Tiverton widow, meeting a
couple of women at Bruce Beech last
summer made. such friends with them
that she went hone with them and
gave over all her property, after
which things did not go on so pleas-
antly, The widow was finally turnedni of the house and she brought an
act'on to ,recover her property and
judgement was given in her favor
sits(' het' tate cone before Justice
Is tell ford at Walkerton last week.
"A fool and his money" wrote the
pro:mhor long ago, "is soon part.d,"
end quite often there is no means of
Capt. W. F, Garrow, M. D. has
arived hove to Goderich after spend-
ing sixteen monhs at Orpington Mil-
itary Ilospital. He will probably
eontinre the practise of his profess-
ion in the county tow•,
NIr, Lorne Mcl:onste of Dungannon
is about•to build a new garage and
it tank which Will take in -one thous-
and gallons of gasoline.
One night recently dogs worried a
flock of sheep owned by Mr. Fred
Ilaborer of the Blind'Lae, Hay, kill-
ing four tied injuring eight more.
The ownership of the dogs is not
Mr. John Northcott of the second
concession of Hay bast an exciting
time one day recently when he tried
to round up some cattle which had
been out, He found trouble in get-
ting them to the barn and invited
some rrcighbors to assist. The cattle
went marl when the mon trioti to
drive then and they had to take to
pl tce:d of safety. One of the animals
charged an express tram and was
The portrait of the Prince of Wales
that goes with the Family Herald
and Weekly Star of Montreal is in
great demand. It is certainly the
best portrait of the Prl(>ce we have
seen, Tire Family Herald is simply
deluged. with orders front new and
old] subscribers, The yaarlyl sub4
seription price, including the Prince's
portrait is only $1,215 if remitted for
before ,ran. 15 and is the best value
offered anywhere. It is said that
the Family Herald's subseriptio'n
receipts are more than double form-
er years. It is certainly worth the
price and should be in every home
fir this tenpitn%
Goderich Township
Miss Susanna Ludlow who has
been visiting at "The Willows" the
hone of her uncle Mr, Robt, Rich-
ardson, end other friends in the town-
ship for the past two 1nonths, re-
tnrnod to her home last week and was
ae tali
t _ ed b
i Y her cousin Mr, R, E.
The council was re-elected on Mon-
day and when other ntuuioipalities
are worrying' over an election on
Monday the electors of Goderich
township can sit back and tape their
ease or busy thenieslves over other
things, Some other nominations
were made, Messrs, D, A Lindsay
and Oswald Ginn were nominated
for the reeveship, but both withdrew.
The general impression is that the
couneil, is a good one and the idea
is to give ureas a chance to show
what they can do. The nomination
address given by Reeve Trowartha
on Monday was considered to be a
Masterpiece in its fullness and clear-
ness., The affairs of the township
are thought to be in excellent hands.
Loi desboro.
Miss Belle Roberton of Stratford
is spending the Christmas vacation
at her hone here,
Miss Maty Jtulreison of Toronto
is spending a week at her home here.
Miss Esther Jameison of Toronto
is holidaying under the parental
Miss 0. Brigham is it guest at her
home during the holiday season.
bliss Myrtle Grainger of Toronto
is visiting at her home.
Mrs. J. Cook visited her sister,
Mrs. W. Ross, last week. She will
spend a few weeks in Blyth before re-
turning west.
The Methodist Sunday School held
their annual Christmas tree enter-
tainment Dee. 25..
Mr. Kirk Lyon of Toronto is home
for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ilunking have
returned home from their honeymoon,
Miss Maud Ferguson spent Christ-
mas at the home of Mr. II. Moon.
Mrs. Cole and Miss B. Jackson of
Clinton spent a couple of days this
week with Mrs. R. Moot.
Airs. Ellen Quinn, who has been
visiting friends in Toronto will re-
turn home this week.
Miss Cora McCool of Auburn
spent Christmas at her home.
Air. and Mrs. George Ross of De-
troit spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. Ai. ]toss.
11ir. and Mrs, Jas. Watt, of To-
ronto are guests at tine manse.
Mr. and Mrs, Max McCool spent '
Christmas at the home of the lady's
father,. hit'. Thos. Millar.
Misses Flora and Alice Finglancl, of
Toronto, spent Christmas at their
home here.
Mr. Radford has purchased Mr.
Frank Brown's farm, •
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Honking will
move in shortly to the house owned
by Mr. Deer on the thirteenth.
Mr. lEveret Hill, of Brantford, vis-
ited at his home here.
Mr. Geo. Ruddell, we are sorry to
report, is not enjoying the best of
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn of Clandeboye
visited at the home of 'their uncle,
Mr, J. Grainger.
Miss Belle Roberton will spend an
few days with Bayfield friends be-
fore returning to Stratford.
Mr. Mose Brown has purchased the
house of Mr, Richard Shaddick and
will move in the spring.
Miss Bertha Brogden, of London,
visited at her home Isere.
:The regular monthly sleeting of
the Woman's Institute will be held
in -the Forrestors Hall, Thursday,
Jan. 8th, All ladies welcome.
A dinner was given in Goderich
0>10 evening last week to the officers
of the beats wintering in that har-
rile DoubTi'tzc k Rate
• ----between---
Unexcelled dining car servico.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full inforrnation from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C.. E. Iiorn-
Ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor-
A. 0. Pattison, Depot Agent,
Phone 55, Uptown Agents
Highest cash prices
paid for
Skunk, Raccoon
and 1>Jink
Enquiries promptly
ffinlabnehad lass
yr s
Mruceflield .
The • Prebyterian Sunday School
held it very suecosful Christmas tree
and entertainment on Tuesday even-
Mr, Will. Swan is home from. To-
Mr, and Mrs, Yellowless end Miss
ROMof Bowmanville are the guests
of Mrs. A. T. Scott.
Mrs, Calvert and children of Ilcler-
ton are spading the holiday season
as the . guest of the lady's father,
Mr. P. 0. Bowey.
Mr, Will McIntosh, who returned
home from Toronto on Christmas Eve
we are sorry to say utas been ill ever
since. But at time of writing he is
able to be abot'tt again.
Mr and Mrs, Fred Smith of. Chi-
cago- are the guests of Mrs. Smith's
sister, Mrs, N. T. Scott,
Miss Maggie McKenzie of London
was hone for Christmas.
Mr. Hugh .Ross and daughter, Miss
Margaret, of Swift Current are vis-
iting Mr. Ross's another, Mrs, Alex,
Ross, and other friends.
Mrs. W. Eddy of London was the
guest of her father, 'Mr, James Mc-
Donald, over Christmas,
Mr. Ram, manager of the Mofsons
Bank, spent Christmas in Toronto, .
Mr. Walter MCi3eath has returned
home from the west for the winter
Mr, Mills spent Christmas in Lon-
Miss Jessie Cochrane is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Cameron,
Many Kippen readers were shocked
to hear of the accidental death of
John Doig, Jr„ at Iron Bridge, Al-
goma District, Dee. 2nd. It appears
he left his boarding house to go and
see some Wren who were working
for hint on a lumbering contract.
On leaving he remarked he would.
take his rifle with him and might
get a rabbit on the way. Shortly
after be left the report of his rifle
was heard but 130 particular attention
was paid to it at the time bat not
returning at the expected hour search
was made and he was found., dead
beside a fence with his rifle beside
]tins. It appeared as if the rifle
was discharged and the bullet, strik-
ing him on the head, caused instant
death. On receiving the sad intell-
igence his two brothet•es, Thomas and
William, left immediately for thol
scene of the.accident,' The late John
Doig was the eldest son of John Doig,
the well-known contractor and
builder • of Tuckersmith township
and was born on his father's farm
two utiles East of Kippen, on January
7th, 1872: He attended school first
at S. S. No. 9 and afterwards at S.
S. No. 10, Tuekersmith, While at-
tending the latter he passed the Ent-
rance examination to the High
School and also the Public School
January lot, 1929
leaving examination, Shortly after
leaving school he went to Aigoma
:ant( Wpm' barbering and had sue.
eeeded in accumulating considerable
mem .by hard work and close appli-
catiotn to business, Ile was a clever,
intelligent nlan and was strong,
hardy and health and of :u genial,
Y (, final,
kind .disposition. In religion he was
n Prebyterian and in politics a Liber-
al. Ile was clever quarried but
leaves to mourn his sudden death
besides his .father, four brothers,.
Andrew, Thomas and William, of
Tuokersntith, and Alex, :'M. Doig,
Detroit, and one sister, Mrs, C. Simp-
son, Egmondville, The remains
were laid to rest in Iron Bridge
Cemetery on the battics of the Miss-
asauga River,.
Mr. Melville MiClymott of Detroit
and Miss Lousia MoCiynhont of Lon-
don spent Christmas with their par-
ents, Mo. and Mrs, Jas, MCClyntont.
NIr. J. Detweiler is spending a
week with friends at Dutton.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clark and son
of Windsor were guest this week
with Mr, and Mrs. Win. Anderson.
Mr, and Mrs, Robt•. Brownlee
spent the week -enol with friends in
Mr, Elgin Tasker .of Toronto spent
a few days with his parents Mr. and
Mr's, Wm, Tasker,
Miss •McCully of London spent the
holiday with her mother on the see-
and coneesion of Tuekersnlith.
Mr, Latrielle of Detroit, aceomp-
anied by his daughter and her Imes
band, Mr, and Mrs. Hubbard, were
visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Me-
Clymont this week,
Mr, W, R. Johnston has been in.
Ashfield end Lucknow visiting
friends, IIe also attended the fun-
eral of an old friend, Samuel Vi-
pond, tit Elma on Saturday, .return-
fog home on Monday,
Mr. Thos, McClymont of London
spent Christmas with hie son in the
The sacrament of the Lord's
Supper will be observed in St. And-
rew's Church next Sunday,
Miss Dora Howie is spending a
fortnight with her sister, Mrs. Ait-
ken, at the Manse.
The reading circle will hold a meet-
ing at the home of Mr. Isaac Jarrot
on F'rfday evening,
Mo and Mrs, Amos Fisher of God-
erich celebrated their golden wedding
on Thursday last.
.As ` 'sog0 NERVE'
E r E
With the close of the year comes
Renewal Time with over sixty per cent,
of our subscribers.
he subscription price or The
News -Record is `'1,5'0 per year and shh'ota°d
be paid in advance.
, Our paper alone has advanced. to
nearly double what it was when we ad
vanced the price two year ago, and is
still. soaring.
As a )matter of fart ' 'he News -Record
at '1.510 for 52 issues is a`Jout the cheapest
thing produced in Huron. At $2:00 it
would stud be cheap, but there is no
occasio i for it to be 52.00 tanyne just
yet. RENEW NOW. Get the $1.50
rate and help us by your promptness.
4261gMtelZ14441403.9%11 1446V443