The Clinton News Record, 1920-1-1, Page 2ft`thasita""tathattnetesteenennentreattare" t'aa....atarehataateteneanta
McTaggart Bros!:
Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON
Office cases at his residence, con
nigh and Kirk streets.
Office Bourm-1.80 to 8.80 tame 7.30
to 9.00 p.m. Sundays 12.30 to 1.80
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence-Victorie St,
I Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Commissioner, Etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licensee
Licensed Auctioneerer for the
County of Huron. Sales con-
ducted in any part of the county.,
Charges moderate and satisfac-
ticn guaranteed. Address: Sea -
forth, R. R.. No. 2. Phone 18 on
236, Seaforth Central.
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be
made for Sales Date at The
News -Record, Clinton, or by
calling Phone 13 on 157.
Charges moderate and satisfaction
guaranteed. -
Box 127, Clinton • - Phone mi.
Agent for
The Huron & Erie Mortgage
Poration and The Canada
Trust Company
Comm'er H. C. of .1., Conveyance:,
riro and Tornado Insurance,
Notary Public
- Also a numbeer of good farms
for sole.
at Bruce:bald on Wednesday each
S0.0.10000. 1.1001[1000,$.00/100211/13,010,00.
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as follows:
Going east, depart 6.33 aan.
2.52 p.m.
Going West ar. 11.10, dp. 11.15 a.m.
" ar. 6.08, dp. 6.47 Am.
" ar. 11.18 p.m.
Going South, ar. 8.23, dp. 8.23 a.m.
4,15 pan.
Going North depart 6.40 Wm.
" 11.07; 11.11 ant.
The NeKillop Mutual
Fire Insurnodompally
Read office, Seaforth, Ont.
Preildena James Connolly, Goderle.h;
Vice. J'James Evans Beechwoods
aleca'areasurer, Thos. E. llama Sera
Director': George McCartnemsnee.
forth; D. F. MeGrem r, Seaforth; J.
G. Grieve, Weitzel; Wm. Hine Sea.
forth; M. MeEnent Clinton; Robert
Ferries, Harlock; John Benneweir,
Brodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Goderich,
Agents: Akcx Leitch, Clinton' J. W.
Teo Goderich; Ed. Hinchlem Ss;afortee
W. Chesney, Remo:idyll* R. G. Jars
muth, Brodhagen.
Any money to be paid tn may he
paid to Moorish Clothiee Co., Clinton,
or at Cutt's Grocery, Goderieh.
Parties degree; to effect insurance
or transact other businese will be
promptly attended to on application to
any of the above officers addreseed to
their respective post office. Loam"
irspecaed ay the director who ava,
moat the scene.
News -1 Record
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tisementst 10 cents per nonpareil
line for feet eisertion and 5 alas
per nee for each subsequeet Meer -
diem Small advertisements net to
exmed one inch, eubh its
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(meet insertion 10 tents.
'Communications intended for publicm
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faith, be accompeoied hy the mete of
WO writer,
(t, l, ILtiat, 4, R, a:ARK, -
Promiefor, Winne
e e 5 n e
Address oommunIcatIone to Agronomist, 73 Adelaivie St. West, Toronto s
Clean Milk With a Milking' Machine. 'with atila, is very difficult th (seep
Tiler° is cut old proverb, "Where: clean, in fact, we may •say thae it, Is
InerIn them to keep it really elean by
gance is bliss, tie folly to bel intaeseible
attars coneineeenl any of the ordinary methode thet bete
oropetition and the -application or , item used for cloning the ciedintery
scientific principles, to the overeseleYklairY aPParatue on th9 9.1"'
work of the Mem, this proverb no Although washing powder, het
longer holds. Ignorance, or let us water and brushes wili remote a lot
say more kindly, luels of knowledge, is of the dirt,/they cannot turn out the
to -day one of the big fat:tore limiting,' genets which have lodged in the
the profits made on our farms,Ig- inyriads of minute eiores, Live stelae
noranee to -day, means poverty, mid, employed in -this cane 'cannot he used
poventy is not blies, as anyone Whoer the rabber will soon be deetroyed,
bas ever tried, it knows well. There-, The method employed at the present
fore, let us lay hold of knowledge, and thee is that of immersing the rubber
we shall fled that itt means money in ' parts in some kind of -sterilizing :sole -
our pockets every time. We •must be tion between the milidngs; after first
students always, as new problems are thoroughly eineing out any milk that
awning constantIr and methods of may reemin behind. The success Se
farming elemge from time to time, this method depends, as can be teadily
One of the newer problems that ie understood, on the germiseidai property
confronting a =ether of dairymen to- of the 8o1ation male/ed. ITAen
day is that ot mama -rig milk of a satis- suitable solution is used the results
factory sanitary quelity, when the old are very 'satisfactory indeed.
method of milking by heed is discard- It is ve.ry easy to eee that unless
ed and the newer method of milking the milking machinb is carefully ster-
by machinery is adopted on the'farm. ilized, It may be made the lurking and
We shall -not enter alto a discussion breeding place of aillion,s of bacteria.
of the construction oe the verSoes -mas It is obviously gross neglect to use
chines, but shall eonsider the sanitary such common agents as plain vimter,
operation of ell macaines. This as 'our either hot' or cold, lime water, soda
problent then: What must we do to and water, salt and water. These •sole -
get clean milk when using a milking tions are absolutely worthless as re -
machine? it., is a problem that de- tardants of germs, and it is but a
mends the closest attention of factory waste of time • to ase them.
men, of Milking machine users, of Water alone- possesses no power te
prospective milking -machine users, or destroy -bacteria, and so is useless for
manufacturere of these machines. sterilizing rubber tubes. Lime water
If it once becomes established that has weak germicidal peoperties if
machine milk is usually of an inferior made from =slaked lime; if made
sanitary quality, there will grow up a from air -slaked lime it is useless, and
prejudice against at, and factories will
refuse to take milk unless it is drawn
by hand. Chentecount df the saving
value of the machine, we should leave
no stone unturned in 'bur efforts to
avoid the establisliment of such a pre-
judice whilethere is time.
There it considerable evadence to
show that the quality of machine -
drawn milk in many sections is not
what it should: be at the present time.
For this undesirable state of affairs
we cannot, with any frankriess, iy
the blanie on the machine. We are
satisfied that with proper care 'and
attention, milk, satisfactory in every
respect, can be produced by ,any of
the leading machines that we find on
the market. It is the man on the
farm who handles the machine, and
the methods employed by him, that
provide the welds link in the chain. •
• Recently a cemetery manager're-
marked: "My experience with milking
machines has proved to me that not
more than one-third of the patrons
who own a machine' really knows how
that is the kind of lime that we find
is usually used; the lime also tends.' box, The ordinary parlor match will
to cake on the thin robber parts of take lire at a very low temperature
the teat -cups and inside the tubing,
and for this reason it sbould not be
esed. The germicidal properties of
even .a ten per cent. solution of salt
are very limited, apd an weaker solu-
tions we find bacteria flourish and
grow. Therefore, we must find some-
thing that can be easily used, some-
thing that is cheap and something
that will givenis a solution free from
germs ana tubenfree from germs and
then we snail find that the quality of
Fire Fighting on the Farm
Every year mitliona of cloilsele ed .in v. eew neinetee it the wind should
get tem high, No melt five ehmad be
leeti encaltencled -tor everi a few mins
etes, for a burning ember eney be
IffeWn. into • tanne nook Where it will
mese aletnage. Whom there ts 0. good
deal of rabbieb to be lemma iti tae
item yard,' a geed plan te to baliri e
weerth od eaten proem*, is deatroyed.
This loss, is a total one, too, ece the
metered belated up eitatiot; hes:et:teens
mina toe he each Insereeee ge is gap,
ried, end in emetically every. trietelego.
the eves are preventable.
One of the moat efficient. pante of
every city gevernmeet is ilia fire des rough brseic turnme er 0200 discarded
partmenit Men met trained in thmeet metal teonteiner vvieich will' prevent
of 'fireeflahting ena poweefta eaginee the spread ef any sparks. Where.
and fighting ere:aliment elned reedy et to deeirea td been etubble in the tield,
all, times te tespond heel:Italy' to an a few furrowe phould be ploiwea 'along
the fence itriesno act as a lieebreels,
During the warm mtrarner eeeniegs
when It is 'sometimes the' ceetein to
use .Ghineso lanterns to -light the
,grounds sieving a children's-, party,
came should be taken to eilet the
alarm. In the ecesetry no seen system
is availeble. Ferro dwellings are move
or less remote; the water tensely 15
often inadequate to Man with a seri-
ops biose, and many inflammablo.
materiels aro kept eonetantly on head,
nth ea hay and oile. It le the part of candles are put on straight and Ars
"WlSd0111 for every farmer, therefore, blown' out betore being entirely me-
te ;eye serions tboen,ht to all raethode steeled, eCare and thoughtful attention
for the prevention of fires and means ar� the watchword's Out should govern
for oe'rercoming them should one occur. every. act ofothe farmer In the handl-
Every fanner Fluted study see Mg of fire or infiemmablee in tenet -
buildings arel their contents :from the ever form; for if not he -new not only
get his fingers buened but all his
.- orldly wealth, too,
same point of view A fire 4nspictor
would 'in a ettY Wilding, to zee that
ail. the things are done that can be 'atoms and chimneys are frecreent
done to improve conditions so that canoes of rural fires. Stoves ehould
fiM eannot easily start, and to 13e-1 not be placed too close to papered
terneine the best wasi of fighting amyl wells or woodwork unless a sheet of
fires •that may start. He should bear, zinc is placed between them. The
in mind that any peeventive or pro -I floor nciar stoves or open. fireplaces
tectivaameasures he may take are for sbould be protected from hot male
his own benefit and that the cast of which might drop/out.
Wherever stove pipes pass through
wooden partitions or roofs they should
be protected bwelle insuletors oe ether
tain pointe which are more ,susceptible fireproof material. Chimneys should
to fires than 'others, and these pollee be examined frequently for cracks,
should be doubly protected, as well as
ProViding adequate protection for all
the farm units.
Special cam should be taken with to remove the soot and other inflam-
matcbes. From the standpoint of Table material that may gather there.
"Safety First" only , such matches Often the birds will build nests in
Should be .allowed on the premises as chimneys net used, and a considerable
will li •In only when 'struck on the quantity of straw thus' accumulated.
Stoves should never be allowed to be-
come overheated, and spark arrester,
made of wire netting, should be pals
over chimneys opening near wooden
roofs. By eeeing that the pitch of
the roof on new buildings constructed
is sufficient to prevent any spileks
lodging on the shingles, or by painting
them to provide a smooth serrate over
which eindees will roll easily, many
fires may be prevented.
/Often hay, especielly clever and al-
faliat, which has been stack, ; or plac-
ed en the barn when wet with dew cr
rant, will geneeato sufficient heat to
Preventieg a fire t, cAap as compared
to the loss eetailed by the average
farm fire. Every building has cer-
and when these occur, they shcruld be
filled with plaster or cement, All
chimneys should be cleaned tegularly
and can be lightefi in many ways. They
sometimes fall on the fame and are
lighted by being stepped epee, or
when one As scratched a part of the
flaming head may fly off into sonic in-
flammable material. Children like to
play with matches, and often cause
fires, and it is always a safe plan to
put the match holders well out of reach
of the younger members of the fam-
ily. Never throw a -way a used match
unless you are sure it is entirely ex -
the milk will be =peeved. tinguished, and the best plan is not
Innhloride of lime we have a cheap to throw it away at all but save it to
put in the stoye. By having tin recep-
and effective germicide with which a
taelesehung st such points where mat -
very satisfactory esterilizing solution
ches are streak, it is easy to piece the
can be made. One pound of chloride
used, match therein. Matches ehould
of lime is mixed with ten gallons -of
never be struele in the barn, or around
water and after being we'll stirred the
lime is allowed to settle to the bottom loose hey, end matches should never
be carried loose in the pocket for they
and the clear solution is poured off
for use. If only e pint or SO a .1. 1•01.0 might fall out and be stepped on,
Smeking,sheuld be prohibited in barite
water is added to the chloride of lime
tt rtnth, the 1
b . or in the vicinity of oils and greases.
to handle it successfully." From what easily broken up and a etrength ecau- Kerosene is used on nearly every
I myielf have seen of milking ma- tion will be obtained. ,farm and caseelessness in its use hes
chines, as operated on the average A solution made up as abo;ie will resulted in many bad fires. An over-
.ckly sets
dairy farm, I would say that in mile
cases out of tee the methods sused
could be easily improved end the
quality of the milk very considerably
In &Fs gone by every farmer and
his good 'wife told you that the mills
produced on their farm was always
clean. But along came- the sediment
erne lamp or lantern quI
retain •its germicidal properties up to
fire to surrounding objects, and from
nearly full strength for about two
the stancipoint of fire protection the
weeks in summer and three to four
installation of electele lights will be
weeks in winter, depending on the
temperature at which it Is held. As found cheap in the long run, even
of though the cost of installation may
long as it will tulle blue a strip
starch-potassium,iodide test paper seem high at the start. Where oil
lamps are used those with metal bad -
ties 100lo.; ,it fai1s to should be preferred, as they, are
tester, and we found that much of produce this change its germicidal Dot as likely to brleff
eaoverturned as
the so-called clean milk was really properties have gone and it meat be glass ones. For lanteres the farmer
very dirty milk, when it reached the thrown away and a new solution made. should choose the type especially de-
test room. Those little cotton discs The metal parts of the milking ma- signed to avoid clanger when hanaled
showed up the milk, and convinceclthe chine should be thoroughly cleaned carelessly, such as are used on rail -
farmer that it was time to tem over and ecaldecl each time after the ma- reads. The wecle should ahvayr; fit
a new leaf, and that he really must chine has been used, and then placed tightly. Enough vapor to produce an
clean up and keep clean,' This is a in a place where they will be kept explosion may be generated if a lamp
-simple test and one that is easily clean until needed again. The teat- is refilled while hot, and this filling
understoodh Every factory should cups and tubing should be fitted on the should never take place in the imme-
make sediment tests of their patrons' machine and well rinsed out before diate vicinity of a hot stove. Keep
milk every once in a while and the and•eter use every time; warm water leaalie newe'Y -from the edge of tables,
discs obtained should be returned to should be used for rinsing before or where they can be easily knocked
them on mailing cards. Becteriologn milking to remove all traces of the off or overturned, 2
gal tests are more complicated and not chloride of lime; warm water and
so- easily understood ley the average washing powder ehould 'be used first
farmer, but to one who has a knowl-
edge of the subject, they yield infor-
mation regarding the quality of milk
that can be gotten in no other way.
Clean milk is produced from clean at least once a weak and gene a them
and healthy cows and -sanitary stables ough scrubbing with hot water and
by healthy arid clean empleyes; it washing powder, and the tubing must
must be handled in clean utensils of be well washed out with the brushes
suitable material and construction and provided as well. They should then
in a satisfactory sanitary mann= be rinsed in hot water before putting
from the moment it leaves the -udder together and returning to the chloride
cie the cow. No farmer who fails sys- of lime. - If this can be done twice a
tematically and regularly to wash his week so much the better, but it must
milking machine tan hope to produce be done at least once a week if setts -
dean milk, although he livet up to all factory restate are to be obtained.
theother essentials, because the new A point that i soften overlooked is
millc is quickly contimirated with the necessity (ff having the teat -cups
germs which lurk in every -corner of and rubber tubing completely Metiers -
after milking a,nd then hot water, put-
ting the tubes in the sterilizing solu-
All teat -cups should be taken' apart
I What My Gasoline
Engines Do.
"And tberen feasethie enffiee
the leave, toe; we'll throw that in
without extra Mane," sold the ref 1
ante° agent,
"It rune the farm maohinery, sup'
pose?" X asked.
"Web, yes; that ih pumps the
water, and -and I believe it grinds
corn for. the ohielcens, and---thatas
eboet all," he ended confusedly.
Achoe end PALM/ 4/4 Fif1DUMOtiOn1
Semetlmes Unheamble
There aro weather conditions that
1021(0 31tel111111t1Sitt wuree. Tia3y ore
not the same -in the Moe of all per,
sees, Santo svictinis of thia disca80
miter more in dry warm Mather
stater more or less all the time
than in violet cold weather, but all
The Calm of rheumatism is an ex-
cess of 'Serie acid the blood, effect-
ints the museloa and joluts. Hence
the blood must have attennop for
sa..irsdt,l,s,e4iicioknege;be,bfueteel,m„engloeiit tenoe,puuet permanent reselts in the treatment of
this disease,
then gasoline engine to work; itaa Reed'e Saasellerille has given ell -
loafing pow." tare satiefaciaon in thousands of
casos. Do not fell te give it a trial
And I (lid put It to work; or rather,
I put n new one to work, for the olci If a lexetive is needed, take Hood's
elle Was in pretty bad shape, mid PillsahtheY don't STIP°,
somewinat too small for its duties. .—„.
e I put a good, standard four horse:
stances I am convinced that my built -
power gasoline engine in the middle 'e . .
in engem pays foe itself, I bad mighty
Of an old shop building, and set up a geed eatisfaction out of my old belt-
line,shaf overhead. I ran belts from
driven plant and IP I hadn't tried to
this. sbaft to all my varions pieces of
save unwisely, a Would Mill be using it.
Tbe water 'pump to supply the pros -1
No matter whether the statimary
sure tank wee alreacla" in place, but It engine ia gasoline, Imogene or crude
ell, you'll surely find that itis a ems
was of an old pattern, without any'
essay on even a very small farm, just
air -compressor. So I bought 0 little:
as T do.
air -pump, fitted with tight-ancialoose
pulleys; I only need to 0011 Ab011 '
once a month: Next, I pet hi my. Take Out Life InSttrtariee.
electeicaight plant; the engine was,
powerful enough to do the pumping I know oe a man who bought a farm,
and at tho same time run the getter- giving a meetgage for two-thirds of
,ater. _This was very convenient and the amount. He was a hustling young
economical, I found. lollop and there was no doubt but that
The old feed -mill that had belonged he would clear off the debt in a few
to the previous owner WAS in good, years, if he kept hie health,
shape, so I hitched it up to the line' But the hand of fete willed differ-
ehaft. It crushes corn and bone for ently. Before lie bad been on the
the chickens, ma,kes cobmeal for my farm a year he was killed by an acct.
cows., and even grinds apples for cider. dent, and the funeral was loon follow -
2 shovel the pomace into :Leman hand- ed by a forced mortgage sale. Had
mill to press out the juice. When my. this young man had the foresight to
young orchard is a little older, rile& take out life insurance enough to
an engine to work 'the spray -pump; toyer his indebtedness, with a good
and put in a regular power -press balance for general expenses, the
te turn all my waste apples into vine-
gar or sweet cider.
All Sorts of other pieces of machin-
ery are belted to my lineeshaft-Morn-
shelter, grindstoae, emery-evheel. If I
ran a Ailey of any size I woula also
hitch on my cream separator and
young wife and children would have
been able to keep their home, But he
didn't see.
Thee° are thousands of wives and
children who would be left in a shape
similar to that et them two if fate
shined take away the breadwinner.
churn, but I haven't gotten that far Poor people, and especially those in
yet. My farm ie quite small; I haven't' debt, should think about this and pro-
se much laege machinery as my neigh- tect their families. Not considering
bors; but heee's a partial list of the the protection, life insurance is a good
power-drivensclevices on farms within way to save money; \ellen the protec-
ten miles of my home: e I tion is considered, no one can afford
Thresher, silo -filler, silage -cutter, to be without; it-certatelv a poor man
cleaner, wood -saw, sewmill,1 can not. And wives should demand
Chceuarn, peculator, pump, electric -light. this protection. It is their due. •
fodder and straw, and bins of moist
hsbansilibeentirkenov.SeiP°tonttaankae"pla.ccernir dsaiii°1pn
plant, machine deal, farm cold-stor-I The twenty -year -payment, policy is
age plant, weli-driller, stonescrusber, a popular one but the num who has
grain and seeds are also dangerous in
this respect. Fires can be avoided
from them causes by frequent inspec-
tion of stored materialn
I bought my first outfit yenrs ago.
,Smolce houses are frequent muses
Recently my electric • light batteries
of larIT1 fires, due to faulty construe -
wore out (I had tried to save meney
non or the use of 'Wrong material. To
by getnng too small a plant) and I
guard against serious' loss from this
put in a mew system with a "built-in"
source the 'smoke house should be
kerosene engine attached directly to
the dynamo. My old engine, though'
still in running order, was \veering
somewhat and kcat needing now parts;
therefore, I bought a %second lcerosene
brooders, feed-coolcers, and all other
equipment requiring ell stoves or
other heat, ere used, and such equip-
ment should be carefully watched. In
purchasing these things, only the best
and simplest should bo bought, and
plan, because At means two engines
their hestallation should be carried on
where one would do. In some cases I
with a Vin -IW to the possible fire bazard.
woidd fully agree with them, but I
I:4ightning is mild to destroy proper -
have. a good-sized house, with a lerge
tysto the valuemf over eight million
family, and use a geed deal of electric
ennually, most of- which is in the
current; no, would be putting a lob
country. Where thunderateems are
ot work on. just one engine. Besides,
frequent the danger kora lightning is
a line -shaft eats up a good deal of
the greatest, and practically the only
protection which the farmer can pro-
vide against this danger is the lightn-
ing rod. Properly installed lightning
rode reduce the probability of a barn
being destroyed by fire by about nine-
ty-nine per •cent., and of a houee
over eighty per cent.
On the modern farm, which is too While the easiest' way to light fire
far removed from city power lines, is to prevent it, and the foregoing
either an individual electric lighting suggestions am made with that object
plant or some one of the several good in view, yet fires do occur and every
gamlightin.g plants should be installed, farmer should make some provision
The met is not excessive elle besides in advance for such a contingency.
the comfort and convenience they will Practically every fire is a small one
give, the protection, against fire will at the start, and the most effective
easily repay the investment within a filet aid is to have \some kind of a
short time. ,fire extinguisher within easy reach.
In these clays it is albout as common Most fires can be put out by a single
to see a farm without an automobile person when first discovered if the
as to find one without work stock. On temps are at hand. The apparatus
many farms we likewise find gasoline should ,be lcnown to everybody and
engines to turn the:cream separator, placed eaathin eaey Recess. A lasIder
pump water, or a dozen other neces- long enough to reach to the roof of
sary duties. Gasoline must be kept to the tallest building should be kept on
feed these mechanical workers, and nand. •
usually it ie kept in fairly large quan- A!'pail of water is the oldest, simp,
tities, sueh as drums, or barrels. Gaso- lest, and ,also the cheapest fire extin-
a dirty machete. No farmer who ed in the chloride of lime solution; a line es n dangeroue, product t� have guisher. They are so effectem in ex -
leaves the rubber tubes and teat -ups sufficiently large container and it sue- eround, f • even under ortinary tmnp- tinguielting small fires theti no farm
of les meelene soaking in a solution ficielit quatitity of -the solution must
teeming with bacteria can Produce be used, Sip we do not get the required
clean milk, as every drop 'if that; results if these parte, as we often me
is drawn soon becomes contaminated them, are •sticking up out of the solos
with germs eMm these teat maps and tion into the air. WO must be careful
Let utIturn to the queeation and see
what we can learn abeam the sanitety
emblem"; of the milkitig machine, In
the fleet placenet us consider the 'rub-
ber teat -cups and tubing through
which the milk has to pare in all the
machines, with one exception, that are
on the market. Owing to the poroaity
of its structure, we find that rubber,
which comes into frequent contact
gravel and Sand sifter, concrete mixer,1 little money to spend in this way may
hay baler, sprayer, feed -mill, cider- well take oat a straight life policy
press, bay carrier, grindsthne. with the privilege of later converting
it intto a tweety-year-payment
if he wishes. This will give protection
at the least poisible cost when fin-
ances are short, and thee it may be
converted when the money can be
snared to do this.
What would be the fate of your
family should you die now? Think
about this and give them protection
to -day, if they do not already bave it.
placed at a safe distance from other
buildings, and .should watehed,care.
fully when in use.
Where poultry ;is raisedeencebators,
engine and belted it up to the line -
she!. 1. So, I now have two engines -
one for electric light and one for gen-
eral purposen
Some people think this ie not a good
power -anywhere from twenty-five to
fifty per cena; and under the circum- And luck but a meteor's gleam.
Keep Going.
'Tis the coward who quits to misfor-
• tune;
'Tis the knavrp *he changes each
'Tis the fool who wins half the battle,
Then thews all his chalices away,
There is little in life but labor,
Tomaorrow may find that a dream.
Succ.tss is the bride of endeavor,
Johan.. B. 31 -tuber; .NM,MD
Address communloations to 73 Adelaide St, West, Toronto
Influenza et grippe ia an epademic
disease which extends with extra-
ordinary repidity. at is likely.. to
"get" some 40 per cent. of the popu-
lation it visits, and to be epidemic
from six to eight weeks. Its specific
germ, without whittle of course, its
existence were imposstble, is the
influenzae. "Cold in the
head" (coryza); pains all over, "in
the bones"; chills and fever; suffer-
eratures it antes off a very explosive should be without them placed at ing, sometimes severe enough to
vapor, and it burns very fiercely whni strategic points, The usefulness of prostrate, are the distinctive features.
ignited. The safest way to keep gams' the fire bucket depende upon its being In the respiratory (the most cattle
line is to store it in a tank buried instantly available, and to invitee this mon)' form of the grippe, the oyes are
undergrouhd, and under no circum- the water should never be used for any watery and inflamed; the handkee-
other purpose. The bucleam'shoulti cluiee is -ter ought to be -in constant
refilled at frequent intervals to neap requisition to keep the germ frone
the water fresh. Where there isalan- others as it is sneezed, coughed, or
ger of .freening in winter, the water spat out. Sore throat, bronchitis,
cae, he kept from freezing by •adding pain in the chest and profuse perspire-
to sae that the solution tale the tubing stantes Omuta it be kept inside any
and not, as we find in sense eases, building evbere it is riecessary to take
where the ends dip into it bet the an open light' er where a 'gasoline
en -
centre of the, titbe remains •filled with One Capable of are4neing a slim* is
air. operated. -If the gasoline container
Pinclucing clean milk with a milkine permits vapor to escape a fire may be
machine is no, automatic affair, nor is
it as easy as it is °names pfctured,
but with proper care and attention to
caseatel details if, can be very cer-
tainly . done.
Two term women came itito the
general merchandase store of a small
town one afternoon teat Augest, each
With e basket of eggs. One basket
held 11 dozen extra quality ego,
clean, even th size, uniform in colbe
and of standard weight. The other
basket contained 12 amen fair qual-
ity eggs, many dirty, not uniform in
either eize or color, .The storelccopet
muntod the eggs in each baekele
transferred them to a cam containing
eggs which had previously been
broaght in by other womete arid paid
eaen woman the seine price pers:keen.
at tin d
tween extra quality and fate quatity 1"
I asked, after the women had gone,
"As one vale 1110 111191)013 thousands of
dozens of eggs you must know that
good stse, even coloreds,ecan eggs
sell inorAendily arid eommand a bet-
ter price on the retail markets than
mixecl egge,"
"I agree thoroughly," was the store-
keeper's reply. "I often have thought
Inew discouraging it meat be for that
woman mato brought in the 1.1. 'dozen
extra quality ogee when she finds that
her vality eggs sap for the prdee of
common eggs. I: wish I couitt teemed
•her for her efforts but I cannot for
the reason that aim is the only woman
iri thia community who is trying to
produee a standard quality egg. The
other 1150111211 thinkehat an egg amen
egg. The dirties some in with the
clean oneemthe underefie ogee come
in with tho oveinize eggs; the browns
flr0 mixed with the whites, SO I have
to bep 011 011 avemge price, bated 511
aveseee ens because I have to resell
on 00:1110 hasie,"
An Egg Marketing Aemecietion il
needed in thIn 'neighborhood.
the result, for the vapor front .a single
pint will render the air of the ordinary
sized room explosive. It is heavier
than air, and. it will achumulate neer
the floor where it is liable to be ignit-
ed by the flame ,a a lantern 'set on
the grouted near the gasoline coin
taince. Many an explosioe and fire
has occurred by a fernier entering a
closed room with a lantern in which an
open elsoline tank is located. For
this remoneopen flame lights should
never be allewed in a gavage or the
building containing the farm tractor
er gemline engine, 'awl mush a ,
bng slimed never be heated with a
stove. The eater:lel-tie or tractor.
Amid be rim outside while the tanks
are being filled. The Milk of a gaso-
line eeeine should he filled only by
daylight and not when the engine is
meeting. (timeline fivee ere very diffi-
cult to control, for water has little nothing else,' ie Menlo sure to be in isy and peewee.= end,. 01 youne
effect upon them emit in most eases, its piece And ready when needed. dren, broneho..prieurecnia.
inceely epreads the flames. ( ; Furthermore, meek types (ei cher:lie:a Too Mame atm, grippe temente a:,
Many eaten firos are caused hurn-I extinguishers ere effective in subdu- trete rimenic ill heelth, is wobbly 'mod
fee brits.h tubbin gething beyond' big fires amolig ells, where water Is and e petlietie listleseriese in era:while
strong sea virile men; end mitim
case of latent tubereelesie hes Linos
tem= no loeger dovincnit.
Influenza dov not (1,,i'cr to
wind, OT weather. (!,isigs aro,
two poends of common salt bo each tion are in evidence.
backetful or calcium chloride rrniy be Or the digestive apparetue may suf-
used if metal buckets are in ,serviee. ,fer most: nausea, vomiting, collapse,
Fire buckets should be painted e dis- colic, jaundice perhaps, debility invert-
tinetive color to prevent their being
used for ordinary purposes'.
In buildings which ere located con-
siderable dietances from . the water
Ot the nervous symptoms may be
znost manifest: intense headache and
backache, pain in the eyes, a recieg
simply, it IS a good precaution to in- mese, inflammation of partleular
Stall a cask or barrel which can be eaves or a group of, nerves, depressed
kept filled with water foe flre me. spirits 'and a profound progratibn.
The presence of lies Water may save' The suffering may beso Trent that
tlieentire structure. A small quantity the. diagnosis of meningitie num bo
of Witter, efficiently, used, Will often. Made.
be move effective hi putting ont A fire- Or there will be the fourth the
them a larger qUantity thrown care- peel:tee* rebeile eerie, in eniell tee
leesly. The water :should. tilways be tentperriture May go up to till &Mgr's,.
applied to the of a fire and net ous height of 105 degisees; this febrile
fore has to lie cliffeeentiated dram
typhoid fever. Comrsliea ±1005 of
grippe -heart, and kidney dieeese,
middle ear -disease, awl mastoi•I eh -
mesa -have le be feared; alto Tame.
tip in the Mertes and smoke,
The •therniteel extinguisher hes (nate
litto e,eneetal me it recent years end it
ha e trimly ,advaetereee .oyee watee
thickets. Since it can be used foe
cot; trol. Where runtish is burned ' 01 110 value, There ate many vematles
neer buildiegm it should not be left' of these metinguishere, Their con -
lentil the tan ember is cichd, and not struotioe is simple and they are easy
fire ,:,lhould be built so big that it to operate, The eetietraishm 0 nn he
dould not be acatteied and extiegnislin' refined many times.
ever, more frequent in the winter
Questions and Answers.
Could a married woman of 35 have
insanity or somethingewrong with her
brain, and still do all her housework
for a family of six, keep her home
menus and, her four children itt per-
fect order, but get very cross and
imitable at times?
Answer: -Such a mother Miele; in-
deed have insanity, but not on account
of the things you mention. Most any
mother sv.ho does her part in the everld
will get cross and Irritable et times;
but ie every mother who bad family
cares got something wrong with her
brain in' censequence the whole world
would be jest one univereal sanitar-
ium. Most wives and mothers am
Dever ao happy, nor so healthy in their
minds, me :feel so natural, as when
they are fussing over their husbands
and their children.
constipation -
its base of old
is not to bo cured
ley beech purga-
tives; they rather
aggravate the
trouble. For gentle,
but sure ltdatleo, use
Chtunberleln'S Stomach
hnd Liver Tablets, They
Oren die liver, tone the
nerves and freshen the
etontheb snd bowels Just
*110en internal bath,
,R1111[1..1tRZIT3101., 1
Woman's best friend.
Plum sdrlhooll to (551 use,
theoulittle red hosIth re,
clean, beanit/iIi11niePi,511s5515t1anttlasa;;isio5i1
Thiess sa night and ilo
aottr stow:nth and ter.
Won, and the
1 f l„tra„ineg.51 1 I
All .11.14hr1etA, '415c,
O 5;33;TriiiiIn'
0555015,158117 51
itatatitzsvtv t
e' semen:
• ---woomis
a A