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The Clinton New Era, 1921-12-29, Page 6
The Clinton, New Era' e•vf •>IH The minter On Sale.' At„ Coats sst•e�asas_ We 'Extend to All the Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for a Bright and Prosperous New Year M. T. Corless PHONE -53 GENERAL HARDWARE. TRY Census Branch Will Soon 7� • Announce Population. N© �,,� ca f,q�•� lar .MI but 20.0 of the 12,000 enumer- �i lS 1tt Jd ato•s ehgaged on the Canadian census have not received full payment for their work. The totals for the Provin_e of Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan and Bri- , fish Columbia have yet to be announc- ed, but the figures are almost all in. ` ROOFING In the Yukon, too, where the count i ihas'bean conducted by the R.C.M.P., there is little lacking to a complete re- -O Repairing Promptly Done FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND Phone 53 U kecla Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask Us. Genuine D' L. & W. Scranton Coal Yes we have it in.alf sites. Don't put off buying 'as the price is gradually stiffening. 'Delay will only cause a pan- icky buying craze similar to that ex- perienced last fall when prices went crazy. , Let me advise you to fill up with MUSTARD'S COAL it answers the burning question: We also carry in stock for your con- venience AT CLINTON Hardwood, in different qualities Slabs, the ideal summer fuel, Caedar rails, fine for kindiing,Qanada Cement, the standard article, Threshing coal. 'i 'convenient and safe. ,AT BRUCEFIELD 01 turn. In vtew of this, the census branch will probably issue no further preliminary bulletins. Its next an- nouncement will cover the population of the entire Dominion. ,r, The Corner Store XMAS SPECIALS Good Mixed Nuts 2 Ib s ... 49c (5 kinds, no peanuts in this mixture) Filberts Brazils 20c Special Christmas Mixed Chocolates and 'Creams 2 lbs for 55c Cooking Figs, 2 lb s for 25c Eating Figs a lb 35c New Dates, a Ib 17c Pure Extracted Honey 5 lbs for.. •75c, California Oranges, the Beautiful Gov den orange for Christmas, Eating Raisins, in fact everything you need to fill ilre Kiddie's stockings. 19c AT THE CORNER GROCERR Fred. W. Wigg Phone 45. ION STORES LIMITED Local News Library Closed, Ontario's Gold Output, • The Public Library will be closed On Returns of the Ontario Department Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, of Mines show that the Province i:: Nominations on Monday likely tpi have a gold output of four - The municipal nominations will take lean nr1111ons, This would exceed pro - Place an the evening of D`ee. 26th and frau rumors now going some su1'hrises Nem Officers for Year. may be sprung, Jubilee R.B.P„ No. 161, Clinton re - Organizer Was Here •' cently elected the folionng officers for 011 Friday evening last therewas a thecoming term, and Past Preceptor, meeting. of the lady teachers of this M. J. Monaghan installed them to their vicinityt~in the sitting-roomof the Rat- various offices: , terbdry' House` when Miss Stead, the", Wor: Preceptor, Sir H'.: -Ml Hanley organizer for the Provincial Federation' Past Preceptor, Sir' D. L. Stephenson of Women Teachers, gave an address, : With the view of organizing'a braeh of Deputy Preceptor, Sir W. J. Falconer the association here. . Hada Successful Bazaar. ' The •Saivatiop Army Pazaar last Sat- urday, rasa decided success, despite the Unfavorable weather. To Protect Crossings. Chaplain, Sir John Sterling Registrar, Sir H Glazier Treasurer, Sir,J. W. Sltobrook 1st ,Lecturer, ,Sir ,G. Cornish and Lecturer, Sir R, G. Fisher 1st Censor, ,Sir 3.,E. Cook 2nd Censor, Sir G.. N..,Evans Hon:+P. C.Biggs has stated that the 1st Standard Bearer, Sir E. Wr Morrison Depa'rtm'ent of 'Hi'ghways is trying to 2nd Standard Bearer, Sir E, -J. Walton work out a'system for the better pro- Pprsuivant, Sir,1'.;W: Johnston, tection of all level crossings on the 1st Committeeman,•SIrT.J.•Managhan provincial highways in Ontario, Spec- 2nd, Com. man, Sir J. L, Harland ifically the question of level crossings 3rd Com man, Sir 11, Hunkins on the provincial highways was being 4th, .Com. mann A. Groves taken up. This is in reply to a protest .5th, Cpm..man, Sir J. Schoenhals against the Cainsville level crossing on 6th, 'Cam. man, Sir E. Mole the liamjlton road., 7th Com. man, Sir W. H. Nellyar Auditors, F. W. Johnston and R. Insured Parcels. G. Fisher. The Post Office Department states that the insurance of parcels l3as only allowed on parcels for delivery in Can- IV ads, The fees are paid by placing the postage stamps on the parcel to the required amount, • in addition to the amount of the postage. Parcels must be handed into the insurance wicket. for parcels, where •a receipt will be is sued. Send "The New Era." Now that you're beginning to think about your last minute 'Christmas pre -j sents, permit us to suggest a year's subscription to The New Era;as a most sensible gift to the person away from home. For fifty-two times it will be a reminder of your thoughtfulness. For $1.50 you can get no bigger value or a gift that would be more appreciated by an absent member of the famly, or one who formerly lived here, Christmas Moats: f Mr. S. G. Castle made a special dis- play of Christmas meats and had one extra prime heifer 1%; years old, 10001 ibs., the belle of the town: one pure bred baby beef steer, 6 months old 70(iIys, both of them fed by Howard ;• Snell;, one very fat heifer fed by Wes., Stevens; 1 fat pigs fed by J. Dorsey at' Graham house; 1 extra fat wether lamb by Norman Ball; and a quantity of dressed fowl fed by Wm. Fear, John Freeman, R. McCartney, W. Haggart, Albert Murrill and others. Postal Rates Advance After Jan. ,st. 'Cards of invitation and notices of meetings in which the name of the person invited, the object and place of gathering are indicated in manuscript or typewriting, and the advices of the despatch of goods, wherein :the date of despatch is indicated' in manuscript, at present classified as third-class mat- ter, liable to the postage rate. of one cent per two ounces orfraction thereof mop, and:after January 1, `1922, be liable to first-class rate of. postage (letter ,or postcard rate as the case may be). 'Naw Canadian History. The new ,public school history of anada, delayed for some time py the printers' stlike,risnow ready. ,for dis- trihution; Iaccor`ding to a statgjttent yy Hon, R. H. Grant, The companion volume, the Public School History of ..pea gEngland,, ,appeared in September: Both books are the viork of Prof. Wr,ohg, and are written in Clear and vivid style with suitable illustrations by C. W.,,Jefferys the well-fnown Toronto artist;. Owing to 'the delay in' getting the Canadian history, prin'fedi the•, schools rwere in- structed ho devote the time assigned to history, during the Fall term, to the new''itistory'of England, but fieginning i1. Januarys, the schools will be able to turn' ihelr• attention •to the history of their own country, , • • in :) Hemlock Lumber at new prices, 2X, 'yX & 5X Shingles, at your own price Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement,'Chest put, Stove and Soft Coal. JNO.I USTA�)x i9 Clinton ' & Brucefield. iP'hdne for Clinton No. 74. l'liond for Bretoeh`bltl Ali en 618, ery AfOrry: Ghiristm ce1 ew,•.,�i..: Fresh Lettuce We can fill orders for Fresh ' Lettuce ever clay. Let, us have your order now Clinton Greenhouse MRS. T. COTTLE Phone 102. rr We Friends and Customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year E. RESIDENCE—HURON STREET LIVE POULTRY WANTED Wish All Our A We handle all kinds of live and dressed poultry. Special prices, paid for. properly milk .fed, chick- ens., hick-ens.,It will pay you to finish your poultry, as our extra price will more than cover cost .of, feed used. Inquire for prices ,when ready' to sell.. Our • prices are unsurpassed fan ail high ,grade, poultry. GUNN LANGLOIS 4 CO) LTD Clinton, Ontario N. W. Trewartha Local. Manager The up-to-date Firm Telephone 190. We Wish.„;Our . Friends and Patrons a Merry 'Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New . Year -S�_1T°TER & PF1UE Hardware 1 Ele5triic Wiring , PIumbhag at''"Y • i As Clothes are to so are Wall Papers to Few people can few people can harmonious wal They affect the confidence.. R' . unhealthy for mn Harmonious Wa infiuepcle.flitewh If you'haye,in vi of yeiuk hopaik and, prices.. „The, w. D. Oftem tthe. eh'eapest We have now on dis Neilsen's Chocolates, al 35c up Xmas Cakes, Plain ann 55c. Pest of materials Have you tried our Cre HURON STREET. Z Phone See Santa IN OUR WINDOW. A CHOICE ASSOR XMAS 15 ON DISPLAY THAT WILL SAVE OUR STORE. LOOK THIS OVER. 1 th Creams mixed 28c 1 1 1 lb Xmas mixed 22c 3 l' 1 lb Mixed Nuts 25c 1 p t Ib Fancy Cakes 22c 1 1 1 ib Fancy Cakes 20c Essj 1 Ib Ginger Snaps ,..15c 3 t ib Sodas 18c 2 EJ 3 Ib Box oSdas 50c 10 1 ib choice Prunes 15c 6 1 lb Mince Meat 22c 9C 2 lbs Pure Lard 35c 1 CHRISTMAS ORANGES Highest Prices for Butter, Eggs GET YOUR NAME ON OUR1 GET THE HABIT OF 1 JOHNS PHONE 111. We Repair any Make of AT T Leave yours with u Rubbers Half -Sole FL. P.AXM'AN':'Ov EZAMINER FOR LI wPhone $0 : Residence• 140 1 1 T H: E SEAS 7N FOO Standing ;,upon the thres announceannounce our readiness very Best of Footwear at model show the best Shoe values at ani OUR SHOE We do more than simply careful service will provide every that's right in size and constructi We ask your 'l FRED �Clx' ice