HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-12-29, Page 5The Clinton Neu, l;ru ateNe-8o4.7of theIDtstrjct STANLEY A concert will be held in Baird`s School Clouse on Friday evening, Dec; 30. The amain item of the concert Is n plh y entitled "Which .One •Won." This is n thriller from start to finish and will make you laugh if you never did so before, Everybody come, ,W'OOD'S Pi1OsPIHODIINEu me Great English Preparation. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins. Use&& for Nervous .r Debility', Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of the Heart, Ending Memory Price $2 per box,3, for $5. Sold by all drugg,sts, or mailed in plain ,pkg. on receipt of price. Nene pamphlet mailed free,7N1: WOOD MEDICINE CO.,TOR0NTO Mrd/, .LONDESBORO. Tht opening of the new hall was held on Friday evening last when a tea - meeting and entertainment was given and although it 'rained all evening the hall was packed full. Proceeds amount- ed tp $275. . . The old hall was sold on Saturday to Mr. John Radford who is busy now fixing it up for a garage. As John is a first-class hand at fixing cars we know he _will do a good business. We welcome him to our village. Mr, and Mrs. E. Crawford are spend- ing the Christmas week with their dau- ghter at Niagara' Falls. The Presbyterian S. S. will hold the. 'Christmas entertainment 011 Thursday evening and the Methodists will hold their's on Xmas night (Monday), both in the new hall. Miss ,Ester Lyon is visffilvg Guelph friends. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Watson spent this week with Toronto friends. Children Cry FOR FLE"iCHER'S lye A S T Q R IA BRUCEFIEd.D The officers for 1922 of the Women's Missionary Society ard:—Hon, Presi- dent, Mrs. W. D. Mclntsoh; President, Mrs, Anna McDonald; 1st Vice, Mrs. James McQueen; 2nd Vice, Mrs, Win. Dow; Secretary, Mrs, R. D. Murdoch; Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. Brock; Library Secretary, Mrs. Win, Douglas; Home Helpers Secretary, Mrs. Addison; Or- ganists,'Mrs. Walter Stephens and Mrs. Hazelwood; Press Secretary, Miss B. McGregor. Amount sent to Presbyter- ial Treasurer; ;;267.21; Chinese Famine Fund _$33; North West Clothing Fund $18.00,total $318.21. The Christmas tree entertainment on Friday evening promises to be a successful 'one,' Thos. Fraser, of Clinton, was renew- ing old acquaintances in our village last week, • We had fair share of the storm on Saturday and Sunday, The church was thinly attended.' Geo, Hill has sold his residence in Brucefield to Sam. Zaff, of Blake, who recently sold his farm. He will come fo the. village to reside. Mr. Hill in- tends building a house in the Village. The people of our village and coin- inunity learned on Sundayof the death of Mrs. Simon MCKelizieA., of Seaforth who formerly lived in Tuckersmith and was well known in our midst. She had reached the age of 90 years, 8 'motiths. She leaves a. family of 4, two sons, Alex ander and Simon of the West, and 2 daughters, Mary at home and one mar- ried in Michigan, She had been an in- valid for a number of years, and seldom left her wheeled chair. The funeral was held in Daird's cemetery where her husband was ;buried many .years. ago,. Cliilclreiz`��ry `FOR tFLETCHER'S pp�� 6�'Ar 0RiA GODERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Marie Snider who is attending Normal at North Bay is home for the holidays. Most of the public schoolshats en - COULD HEAT 5 WALK NIEIG S Shortness of breath is one of the first symptoms of heart trouble, and when the heart becomes afTected the nerves work in sympathy, and it is necessary when the heart becomes weakened and the nerves unstrung to see that the heart is regulated and stimulated and the nerves strengthened and rested by M L JttiitPS HEART AND NERVE PILLS Miss Kato Casey, 'I,eprean, writes; -"I have been troubled with my heart and nerves for over five years. I could not walk over to my neighbor's house Without stopping to get my breath, I went to my druggist and asked him for Milburn's heart and Nerve I'llls, and as soon as I hacl taken two boxes is got roubledithe way ish1 was witat ( take ✓who burn's Heart and .Nerve Phis." Price 50c, a box at all dealers, or ,hailed' direct on receiptof price by Thal', Milburn Co., Limltt$I, Toronto, Oat, tertainments on the last day of school Alvin .Leonard is spending Ute holi- days at his home, The wedding of Mr. Will Townshend to Miss Kathleen Elliott took place in St. Marks' 'C'hurch in Toronto. on. Wed- nesday of this week, We offer con- gratulations, Our correspondent reports having. seen dandelions in bloom on the road - woo constantly, unarm on mew great and mysterious sl:edous lass of fortune. Y As to Lettie site cane into the life of Merle' so simple, so refreshing that he sought tier companionship whenever she was at'lelsure, The post- master had ;)ocularly advised him not to fall In love with Lettie for site had broken the hearts of half n dozen .ardent suitors, who had learned that side last Sntitrday, They weren't to die rile fa thful laughter had consecrated seen on 'Sunday however after the her young until looking solely after her motherr ' ani11 she burl earned storm, ' I enough to ,place her in a position of EXETER. Officers elected by L. 0; 7,. 924, for the coming year are as follows: W, M, Rs", A. A. Truumpet;. deputy, William, Lotman; chaplain, 1.1. Johnston, record• ing secretary, Herman Power; financial secretary, W. Davis; treasurer, J. Brit- nell; director• of ceremonies, William Snell; first committeeman, Dr. Ward; outside tyler, W. Little; Inside tyler, Walter Cunningham., These officers will be installed on January 6, 1922. A branch hes 'been formed here of the Horticultural Society and the fol- lowing officers have been elected; Pres- ident, J. T. Harvey; first vice-president, G. T. Howard; second vice-president,. Mrs. 'Amos; Secretary -treasurer, J. G. Stanbury and a number of directors. Election of officers of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. M., took place with the following results; I.P.M, E. M. Dlynan; W. M., R. W. Fuke; S. W., J. M. Southcott; J. W., F. A, Chap- man; chaplain,' Rev. G. M. Chidley, treasurer, C. H. Sanders, secretary, R. N. Creech; tyler, T. Sweet; auditors, T. F. Todd and R. G, Seldon; board of examiners, W. J. I•Ieaman,, W. W. Tam- an, R. V. Creech. These officers will be installed on Tuesday, December 27. Handels "Messiah" was rendered by the South Huron Choral Society in, James Street Church last Thursday evening and Friday night. The society is composed of the leading members of the choirs of Hensail, Zurich, Crediton Kirkton, Centralia and Exeter, and there were 127 voices present. Prof., Bishop, of St. Mares, presided at the, orban and Mr. A. W. Anderton wielded the baton. A Trick of S t, Fortune 0, i l; By ALVAH J. GARTH 4 f %JY✓ w.r.. .O.O.Y...!..fY.d1Jl✓✓l✓...4 1 (Copyrlght, 1020, Western Newspaper Union.) "An ideal place," said Rodney Merle to himself In a highly satisfied way as• he set his suitcase 00 a chair in a very plainly furnlhed, but scrupulous- ly neat and cletilf room, and glanced from its open window upon a rare scene of sylvan solitude and beauty. Re had sought to find some peace- ful rural place where lie could rest and read, wander In the woods and Itake in a supply of pure country air 1 and sunshine. Tate had sent him to Leesville and an equally kind old- fashioned postmaster had directed him to the hone of Mrs. Abigail Briggs. A pretty modest girl of about eighteen had greeted him pleasantly 1 and her mother, a stately old Lady, , evinced a sincerity. and dignity that told of good breeding. J 'I_ hope the postmaster told you I that we are poor folks and live very plain,' said the widowed mistress of i the little home.' "My husband died I leaving us nothing but this poor o1(1 property, but if fresh cream and but- ter and plenty of green stuff and ber- ries and chicken, and eggs are what you like you can have them In plenty." "You will find the old Indy set in her . opinions . and a trifle bitter over 'the great disappointment of her life," the postmaster had told Merle. "She and her husband had toiled hard to earn and save, but when he clietl there wasn't a trace even of the securities.he had told his widow about while liv- ing. It's a blesstug that she has • Lettie, a girl all gold. Works like a heaver, and with her school teaching in season and what they sell of the produce of the place she has. kepi the larder full and the old ramshackly house out of debt," "Mother wishes: to know If there is anything we can do to add to your comfort," said Lettle half an hour after . Merle's arrival, appearing at the door of his room. "Why, I was thinking if I had a small stand or table," replied rIerte, "Itwank] make things just primal I do a goad deal of writing at times," and ho indieniett seine writing utensils he had 'temporarily placed on the bu- rents, "I think I know what will 'stilt You," nttnouneecl Letts°, 'Z:Chere is a' small table we nand to piny'irames on stororl away in the tittle," and five minutes later she reappeared carryieg the oh- ,lett she laid . descriitgd, which Merle set in a corner of, the roots. Lettle went dotvnslndrs with the Words: "Tea will be reedy in it few minutes." Merle fotinrl some difficulty in open- ing tihe drawer of 011ie stand and a tinkling bell. wailed downstairs ns he managed to pull 11 open: Ile Ms - tied in Ills loose papers and descend. ed to the lower floor to partake of "tile finest meal I ever enjoyed," ho afterWards asserted, , •Within two days Merle was 'fully dotntstleated, I3ofaro itis first week F WAS biassed he had become the confi- dant and syrrsipathlser of the old iaciy, independence, Merle awoke one morning at the cello of a vivid scream downstairs anti ' burled on his clothes as smoke and; smell of burning wood warned hint of apparent fire peril, The lower part of the house was in flames. Ile alcle, the two terrified women to get out side in safety, returned to, carry out 1 what he could of their personal be. • longings and, remembering his stilt - case in his room, hastened thither, Bled it with his seattered)possessious and dumped In the contents of the drawer of the little sttutd. The house was burned to the, ground. A neighbor offered to 'house Lettie and her mother, but the' stub born Mrs: Briggs refused to leave the only spot on earth she could call ,tier own, ' There was n small two -room cottage that hail once harbored the F TWO YEARS Mrs. Ernest harquhar, Rose St., Dartmouth, N,S„ writes:—"I have been b troubled for :two years with bad head- t aches and tried many different remedies, but found no relief. I was telling a s friend of mine about the bad pains in C my Tread and she told me to try „Iilburn's 1 tv taxa -Liver Pills. I had tried many pills and powders, but I thought I would o give yourpills a trial. I took one vial and was quite pleased with them so I took two more, and now .I don't feel any headaches or dizziness. I am very thankful to 'taxa -Liver Pills anal' cern recommend them to everyone." MILBURN'S wren 11e.1p anti here the 500 0omen established themselves. Merle put tip at the village hotel. • Ile tua net sleep that night. An through the lonely silent hours he thought 0? Loll le, of her mother, too. Love and sympathy led itis mind to n fixed decision before morning came. And then. while he was doubting thnl 51rs. Briggs woufil consent 10 be tie. political ('fen 11pmi n 01111ng 5011 -In• low, Ill' that Lofiie would consent to unu'r5' lin,_ 111erle made a wonderful di':rovel'y, aorting over the iinperri he had res• rtt'tl from the tittle 51111111 he inulin 111111, unktlott'u 11, Itiatself tis to the mother anddnhurhler, it had held ser ot911 ptickitgos. il'mhtlass-hJddvn there by ,l.thn Briggs for soCeit caping. They I MO see art 1 les rasa -oaf ing n 111011081 r.eltine, Tim tulssing weultlt of the nond mon was found nit hist. "1 will rehuihl the house nail, slime you are determined .to be Independent, heroine a life boarder, if It must IA that way," pleaded Merle, after he had told Lettie that he could not go away and leave or forget. her. And the happy smile on her bonny face as- sured Trim that she was fully conteat.e 1Vew Shipping Tower For Goderich Elevatoi Goderich, Dec.. 19—The Godericl E --levator & Transit Company announces that work is to be commenced at once on a new shipping tower in connection with its plant here, which will give in- creased shipping capacty of 25,000 ushels per hour. The new tower is o be erected at the east etid of the torage elevator, with access to both . N. Railway and C. P. R. tracks and ill involve an expenditure this winter f $50,000. PAIGE F'fV CHRJSTJkL4S GI,F'TS PRACTICAL andPLEAS1 It is many season's since re have been able to offer s a varied assortment of useful Xmas Gifts at such mode/ prices as are now on our shelves 1 -LOOK OVER THJS LIST IT MAY $-IELP YOU TO DECID Slippers — Men's, Women's and Children's Men's and Boy's Tes-50c to $1.50. Men's and Boy's Boxed Braces Arran Bands and' Garters in Xmas Boxes Mufflers, Spats, Sweaters, Handerchiefs, etc. Cocese in and Look our Stock over --JI will be time well spent. i Small Profits Phone 25 (02311=19=9222=6, ”Ilta=0952,0r' dlK (pky ee ) More Business Will its location on the two great grain shipping ports on the Lower railway, and at the logical point for Lakes., Western Ontario shipping, Goderich has built up an elevator trade that puts ' i her well at the iteadof /independent it gently unlock the secretions, clear away all effete and waste matter, and give tone to the whole intestinal track, Price, 25c, a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. • This work is only part of a project k for the building of increased storage apacity of one or two million bushels fc with new tfifICI enlarged elevating facili- ties, which awaits Government action in giving the necessary, water depth o the east of the present elevator endings, Arrangements have already een completed• with the 'Canadian ational Railways.for.tlle land required r the extension, G. L. Parsons, Superintendent of e company, states that the elevator is year has beaten its best previous cord, having handled. 17,000,000 ushels of grain, nearly all for Ontario eders and millers... h b N fo th th re b fe James George, farmer, of Kerwood, dies of sleeping sickness, Nothing Else yam is Aspirin—say "Bayer" I Warning) Unless you see name 1 "Bayer" on,tablets, you are not getting Aspirin. at all. Why take chances? I Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" package which contains directions worked out by phiscians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds, Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism Neuritis Lum- bago, and Pain. Made in Canada. Aspirin in handy tin boxes of 12 tab- lets, and in bottles of 24 and 100, Aspirin is the trade stark (registered inCanada) of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the pubTic against imita tions, the Tablets of Bayer Company will be stamped with their general trade mark, the Ml druggists sell Bayer Tablets of "Bayer Cr-oss," Christmas Box For You Owing to the drop in price of nearly all commodities The New Era is going to make a decided drop , in the interests of our readers, and we will commence N 0 W with putting the price at $1.50 a year For the paper. All new subscribers can have the paper from now until Dec. 3lst, 1922, for $1.50 Papers going to the United States and other /foreign counries $2.00. PUT ON .YOUR .LIST FOR CH: . STMAS will be o your absent sons, daughters or friends receive the weekly "letter from home?" The New Era the one medium whereby they can live in their adopted horse where their business interests are and still keep in touch with the folks "back horse." Subscribe now now for The New Era which will be sent to any ddress in Canada for $1.50. 1 ,4 The New Era feels sure our readers will continue to show their appre- ciation ciation in the Old Home Paper, and will be grateful for the reduction in the price. Send in your Subscription N 0 Wo k. i • annwemerenttennossentennet We Club with 41.11 the worth.w hXlO papers: • Clinton, Ont. • Isg 3 kg VII • e 7�.