HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-12-29, Page 4• er On Sale At ROWN'S We Extend to All the Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for a Bright and Prosperous New Year Me T. C rless FHONn= 53 GENERAL HARDWARE. • TRY T. Hawkins FOR t LUMRNNG HEATING AND Holiday Hours at P. 0. Next Monday being celebrated as New Year's Day, the usual holiday hours will beobserved at the Postoffice. Getting Ice at the Arena. Mr. Flem Colvin, of Teeswater, who has had charge of the local arena for several season's is once more on the R.00FING job and is busy getting a nice surface on the rink. With good frosty weather the rink \vill be opened for New Year's. Repairing Promptly Dome Phone 53 0- klecla Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask Us. ..�.,..�,.A..................�_:.......fes....,....... itatectitieSWWWWItt Genuine D L. & W. • Scranton Coal Yes we have it in all sizes. Don't put off buying as the price 'is gradually stiffening, Delay will only cause a pan- icky buying craze similar to that ex- perienced last fall when prices went crazy. Let the advise youto fill up with MUSTARD'S COAL it answers the burning question: We also carry in stock for your con- venience ,i;; AT CLINTON Hardwood, in different qualities Slabs, the ideal summer fuel, Cedar rails, fine for ktndli» g,Canada Cement, the standard article, Threshing coal: convenient and safe. AT BRUCEFIELD Hemlock Lumber at new prices, 2X, bX & SX Shingles, at your owyi price Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement, Chest nut, Stove and Soft Coal: 1NO. B. MUSTARD Clinton , & Brucefield. Phone for Clinton No, 74. Phone for B,ucofeld 11 on 618, otteitstoototowstorto ........... A Fire Last Thursday Evening. About 7,30 o'clock last Thursday arening,,the fire alarm sounded and the firemen were soon on the job at the home of Mr, Hugh Rorke's, Mary st, The sitting room stove got going too good and fire had started in the attic. Very little damage was done. The Corner Store We Extend our Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to our Friends and Customers Fred. W. Wigg Phone 45. ST .`3, ES LIMITED 1' Loc E i^o Made a Presentation. Last Saturday the Public School Board presented Mr, '0, D. Bouck, with a Library Table prior to his departure to his mew duties :at Toronto,' Many Special Editions. The New Era received Many special Christmas editions from the various newspapers and among them the S, A. War Cry was as good as any of them, for style and illustrations. Won, Second Prize. At the courses inthe swine and carcass judging held at Toronto last week under the auspices of the Can- adian Swine/ Breeders' Association, Huron County took sec'�,tnd place, Mr, Alyin Ryan of Stephe1 Twp., was a- mong the successful judges, he having taken 277 points out of 300. , Voters' List Court. Judge Dickson, senior judge of the County, held court here last Thursday afternoon to revise the 1921 'Voters' Lists. Since the Governments prepare lists now for elections, the old time rivalry of the 01d Political parties has died away and little or no interest is paid to the Voters' List Court now. Minor Locals. A Happy New Year to all. Start practising 1922. A great many Xmas reunions were held in town on 'Christmas._ "Black Beauty" drew big crowds at the Picture show. Sunday Is the Ist of January. The last sitting of 1921 Council is supposed to be next Monday night. The usual holiday hours at the Post Office on New Year's day (Monday., Week of Prayer. The "usual Week of Prayer will be observed in the churches next week. Following is the program: MONDAY_Baptist Church — Sub- ject—"The Home and the Young Peo- ple." TUESDAY—Wesley church — Sub- ject—"Our Home church and its Neighborhood." WEDNESDAY — St. Paul's — Sub- Ject—"Social and Natioifal Righteous- ness". A 'Collection will be taken at this service to help pay expenses. THURSDAY — Ontario St. Church ^Subject -"Missions at Home and Abroad." ,FRIDAY—Willis Church —Subject —"International Relations and World Nate." Death of Dr. William Sloan. One of the early residents of the County of Huron, and one vert highly respected, passed away after a brief illness, at the advanced age of 90 years on Sunday, in the person of Dr. W. Sloan, of Toronto. For a number of years, while residing at Blyth, he had an extensive medical practice, which covered all that section for miles in each direction, and he took an active' part in all public affairs, being for a time a member of the County Council, and also contested East Huron in the Liberal interest, against the late Thos. Farrow. Nearly 30 years ago ire moved to Toronto., being at the time interest- ed in the Hees Co., a large commercial concern. Later he was appointed Nes Had a Christmas Tree. M Mr. ,las, Steep's office on Huron Street, there was a Christmas tree erect ed and presents ware given out to the faithful few who gather there to discuss all questions of the day. No. 2 Fire. Sunday mornig about 7.30 fire was discovered in the pump house of No, 2 well clown at the power house, and the building was badly damaged. The cause lis supposedl lo' be from 'the motor belt slipping: "'Squirrel Whiskey" Had a Kick. Two young men from. llullttt Twp., were arrested on Thursday night about 10.30 o'clock on the charge of .being drunk and disorderly and were taken to the Constable's office where Sergt. Welsh telephoned Mavistrate Andrews to see If he would come down and try the case. Then the fun started. The two prisoners tried to escape and a second charge was .them (aid for assault ing;the officer and a private citizen who happened in at the right time. The two young men were then locked up and about three in the morning they started to break up their cell. At court on Fridaymorning they were fined $19 for being drunk. In the afternoon for assault they were sentenced to a month in ,the County jail and fined $10 for the damage done, to the cell. it was an expensive taste for the Christmas celebration. rJ� 4l { We Wish All Friends and a Merry and a Happy New E• .t a� RESIDENCE—HURON STREET [NNE POULTRY WANTED Fresh Lettuce We can fill orders for Fresh Lettuce ever day. Let us have your order now Clinton Greenhouse MRS. T. COTTLE E Phone 402. Medical Superintendent of the Central Prison, a position he filled until his re- tirement some years ago. He was a man much above the average in intel- ligence, and was always well versed in current literature. For 20 years he held the honored position of Treasurer of Parkdale Presbyterian church, from which he retired only a short time ago. An enthusiastic member of the Parp- dale Bawliny Club. One of the oldest members of the Huron Old Boys' As- sociation, he was invariayly present at the annual Gatherings, and no eine took more delight in recountiing their early experience in the county than. he. Among the many beautiful floral tri- butes covering his remains was one from the members of this Association, a number of members of which were present at the funeral service held at his late hone, Tuesday evening, prior to the removal of the remains to Blyth for interment. His wife, and three children survive hint, Mrs. Hees; Wil- liam H., late one of the Secretaries of the C.N.R., and Henry, an employee of the Toronto Post Office. rr Our Customers Christmas Year We handle all kinds of live and dressed poultry. Special prices paid for properly milk fed chick- ens. It will pay you to finish your poultry, its our extra price will more than cover cost of feed used. Inquire for prices when ready to sell. Our prices are unsurpassed for all high grade poultry. r—� GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD. Clinton Ontario N. W. Trewartha Local Manager The u9.to-date Firm Telephone 190. Call and See our Stock of Cast and Stee Ranges, Quebec Heaters with ovens and without ovens, Sheet Iron Heaters. and Second Hand Stoves. ents for ,McClar y Famous Stoves anges. PERDUE ria Wiring Plumbing As Clothes are to tl so are Wall Papers to Few people can few people can harmonious wall They affect the confidence.. Th unhealthy for mu Harmonious Wal influence the wh If you have in vi of your home we and prices. The W. D. Often the cheapest i1's We have now on disp Neilsen's Chocolates, ai 35c up Xrraas Cakes, Plain ant 55c. Best of materials Have you tried our CrE HURON STREET. Phone SEASON'S We Wish our Patrons and Prosperous New Year. Thanking you for past fag Patronage for 1922. Highest Prices for Butter, Eggs GET THE HABIT 0 PHONE 111. We Repair any Make of BATTE Leave yours with us Rubbers Half -Soled J. H. PAXMAN Over EZAMINER FOR LICE, Phone 80 : Residence 140 THE SEASO. IN FOOT Standing upon the thresho� announceannounce our readiness to very Best of Footwear at moderat show the best Shoe values at any s OUR SHOE . 5 We do snore than simply sell careful service will provide every Fol that's right in size and construction! We ask your Co –"SHOES THAT SI