HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-12-15, Page 5I`11ursdity; iD.eei~lib 5th, 1921 The Clinton New Rya PAGE FIVE, r1teNevs VICTOR RECORDS Now Sell for 85c f theDistriet) eineetai CHRJSTAS GIFTS RACTICAL andPLEA.SJN S`I'4NLEY for sole being sold. Tito proeeeds a- Mrs, Jean Cattipbell still continues ntoaupted to tlesirly 8t25, The Mission In it poor stale of health, Band booth realised $15,00, Mr, John E. Pepper left 011 Tuesday' - as tt delegate to the U, F. 0, Convention held in Toronto this week, These are double sided 10 inch Records. Not reduced in quality, but in price only. Children. Cry FOR FL '/CHER'S i:ASTR1 VARNA. A union Christmas Tree entertain,"" trent under the auspices of the Pres- byterian end 'Anglican churches int Varna will be held in the town hall on Tuesday, Dec. 20th commencing at 8 o'clock. Program •toconsist of music, drills, recitations, dialegues,,etc. WOOD'S PHOSPIiODINEa•, me Great English Preparation. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins. Used for Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Warty, Despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of, the Heart, Failing Memory. Price tit per for 85. Sold by all druggists, or ntaited in plain pkg. an receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed, frse.THE WOOD MEDICINE CO ,TORONTO,ONT, Te Ede ' R.HA • Jeweler & Optometrist phone No.174w; House 174 J. Santa Claus Headquarters At 0 Neils FOR CANDIES, NUTS AND' ORANGES, All kinds of Santa's Candy for the Children from 20c up.. Huyl'er's Bon Bon's fall Assort- ment, from 50c to 84.50: Special Baskets of Fruit made to Order Look for Santa Thursday, Friday and Saturday before Christmas at 2 p.m. - TFIE fUBGROCEk • ••• Phone 48 —YOUR FEED SUPPLY— "Will be high in quantify and reasonable in price if ordered from us now. We have a full stock of 'the following fines: Kiln Dried Corn Western Oats Bran' Shorts Oyster Shell Limestone Grit Purity Flour Five Roses Flour White Seal Flour Gold Seal (Pastry) ?lour Roiled Oats -oil Cake Feeding Molasses Have you any Wheat, Barley or Buckwheat to ,sell? We .are paying special prices now. W.Jetakons cit, FLOUR,AND FEED i'IONEt--199 RESIDENCEt-131 1OVED TRAIN SERVICE BETWEEN CLINTON AND TORONTO v. Clinton No. 28, 6.28 a.m, daily Stratford No. 28, 7.45 a.m, dally , Kitchener No. 28, 8.25 a.m Daily Guelph No, 28 8,51, a.m. Dally . Toronto No. 28, 10.15, Lat. daffy (Eaeept Sunray) . Toronto NO. 37, 6.10 p.m. daily Guelph No. 37, 7.43, p.m. daily Kitchener No. 37, 8.1 t, p.nr. daily Stratford No. 37, 8.55, p.m. daily Clinton No. 37, to.o3, p.m. daily (Eiieepi Seaday) fot.Parlor ear acrd 6rstclass eletr'bale coaches is each direction oho Ranstonl (fa Soo, r4'Tty Persalt. orad Ticket Agents, PRONE:•. -•ti.. KSa 1PAT'Y'lSt N, Stearns Avant. COLBORNE. • A' Christmas entertaintneut will be. given, at !the Bethel church, on the Ben - miller circuit on Thursday evening, Dec, 22nd. The program will consist of..recitations,, dialogues, songs, drills etc. The church will be prettily de- corated with evergreens and other fes- tal decorations and every effort is being made to keep up to former occasions, The home of Mr. and- Mrs. Andrew Johnston, Colborne township, was the scene of a happy event on Wednesday: Nov. 30th, when the old couple eele- hrated their golden wedding anniver- sary. Their two daughters, Mrs, Chas. Roberton, of Colborne, and Mrs..(Dr.) Weir, of Auburn, provided a wedding dinner as a surprise, the house being ,beautifully decorated in -pale yellow for the occasion. Mr. R. M, Young, Mrs. Johnston's brother, and his fancily were present, while mes- sages of congratulation were received from Mrs, A. Y: Henderson, of Col- borne, Mrs, George Patterson, of Tor- onto, and Mr. Alex. Johnston, of Van- couver. C`h"i 1 d n' Cry NFOR FLETCHER'S CAST.pR!A • ' • •BRUCEFIELD Wm: ' Aikeniiea& 'has been elected President of Elie 'U.' F. 0., and Ross .Davitisoti 'secret'a'ry=treasurer. Mrs. Haugh has'gone as it delegate for the' U: W.' F: O.'to' Tb'ron.to,. Mr. Murat, statioti'agent, left on his vacation' haat' Weak: He 'will bring a bride back 'With hini on his return. They will 'live in Mrs, Allen Douglas' house i'ii our village. Mrs..kWheeler`is visiting relatives in Detroit, Wm, Douglas is having the house he lately hough{ from John Mustard, over hauled, ' The Christmas tree entertainment will be held on Friday, Dec. 23rd. Mr, Joseph Addison and wife attend ed the funeral of Mr, Addison's mother at Lottdesboro this week. Murray Gibson' who was appointed to attend the U. F. 0, convention at •Toronto this week, was unable to ate tend. Mr, Lane went in his place. The Kelly Circle held its closing meeting for the year on Tuesday. The meeting' was in charge of Mrs. J. A, McEwen and Mrs. M. Gilmour. The following officers were elected for the new year;—Hon, Pres., Mrs. W, D. McIntosh; President, Miss Kate Mcgre- gor; 1st Vive Pres., Mrs. J. A. McEwen; 2nd Vice Pres., Miss A. Beattie; Sec,, Miss M, R. Alkenhead; Treasurer, Mrs. Jas, Thompson; Messenger Se,c., Miss Alice Rattenbery; Press Sec., Mrs, A. McQueen. The Bazaar held under the auspices of the Circle was a decided success. Most of the articles offered NERVOUS VCU HEADACHES COULD 1'3@''1' SLEEP RIGHTS When the nerves become unstrung; the bands shaky; you can't sleep, and you are practically on the -verge of ner- vous prostration, then is the time to trice k"t"sILrl3UR t'S HEART AND 1''aiiRVE PILLS They regulate and stimulate the heart and strengthen and restore the whole nervoes system, Mr, 1 reel W. Watson, Newport, N.b., writest—"1 have been troubled for several years with nervous head- aches and they were so ball I could Plot sleep at nights. My hands got 80 Shaky T could hardly hold anything in them. A friend'toltl me to try Mil - burn's Ifeart and Nerve Pills, so I got a box and began to get better after 1 had taken. them. 1 continued to use more, and 'now ani no ntore'bothered with nervousness, anti would rocommenct flfcnt to any otte who Inas nerve trouble." Price Sec. a box at all 'dealers, or nailed direct Mt receipt of price by the Milburn Coy ,halted, Toronto, Ont, Pairs Associatibn Breaks Precedent • LOl' D ESBORO, The opening of the new Conamenity Hall will be on Frid;tl' evening, :16th. An old fashioned texemeeting will be given ;ind a good program, Everybody come.' Rev, Mr, Rivers, of Hensail, preach- ed in' the Methodist church, on Sunday last and Rev, Mr. Osborne preached in llensnll, The Missionary society met on. Wed- nesday in the Methodist chuich with a good attendance, A union service will be (held in the new hall of Sunday both morning and evening, Dec. 18th, when Rev. W. Fingland Will preach. Miss Ester Lyon is visiting In the city of Guelph, BELGRAVE ' Geo. Cunningham, Clayton Proctor and Robt. Scott are attending the U. l', 0. convention in Toronto this week. The farmers shipped two car load of cattle from here on Monday. Some very fine baby beef among, the bunch, Mrs. G. Proctor,' of Melville, Sask., is visiting with her parents, Mr, and, Mrs, H. Halliday. Mrs. Brooks, of 'Centralia, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, 2. Anderson. Mr. J, L. Stewart is in Goderlch this week; attending the assizes as a Jury Haan. . Rev. J. Gibson, of Toronto, preached in Knox cihurch on Sunday to the in- terest of the Bible Society. Mr. John Ausburn, an old resident of Grey township, who has spent the last couple of years with his daughter, Mrs. Garner Nicholson, passed away on Saturday interment to the Ethel ceme- tery on Tuesday. The Woolen's Institute meet at the hone of Mrs. J. A. Brandon n 'Thurs- day afternoon. HULLETT Wedding of interest to a large circle of friends took place quietly at Auburn Knox church manse, on Thursday af- ternoon, December 1st, at 2 o'clock, when Lillian Georgina Beadle, of Mul- lett township, became the bride of Mr. Ernest•Pitttersot, older son of Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson, 1•iullett town- ship. The bride looked very youthful and winsome in her travelling suit .of navy tricotine• and a becoming black hat of palmi velvet with trimming of stripped ostrich feathers and touches of burst orange. She wore the groom's' gift, a peridot and pearl pendant. The ceremony was perforated by Rev. R. J. Ross and witnessed by the groom's sister, Miss Mary Patterson, and the bride's cousin, Mr. Leonard Yunghlut, the groom's gift to them being a bat' pin and a pair of .,cuff links. After the ceremony, amid rice and the usual Godspeed tokens given by a crowd of friends who gathered, the happy couple were motored to Londesboro' where they took the train for Detroit to spend the honeymoon. , The previous evenieg a kitchen shower was given the bride by girl friends, The young couple have the 'good wishes of a host of friends, On their return they will take up their residence on the groom's farm in Hallett, You Will Never Regret KeAing your temper under insult or serious; provocation. Telling the truth when a lie would have helped you out of difficulty, Turning away from pleasure 'that would injure your health or your man- hood. Holding steadfastly to your. purpose when everyone ttisisted you were 00 the wrong track.' Forming the habit of always trying to better four best, to improve some- thing somewhere every day of your life. Refusing to llsted'tiemeell'etous gos- sip or stories that are "off color," Having .the courage to wear shabby clothes rather than go in debt for mhat you could not afford, baring to say "No" when "Yes" would have made you a "good fellow" A Sprhag U Day hr i; Iiskoka A Spring slay In \4uekolca,•with sttY and water vividly blue; the smell of pine, the .song of birds lit the stir. 011"0 sunny slope a git•i gathered 'trtlltums With eager hands, Oho smil- ed at ttte questioning stranger,. "1 never pinked wild !lowers be- t'oro;' she said wistfully, We lived in the city. loather died, and then— mother, of tuberculoses. 1 was all alone, S wasn't strong,—worked too ltard,--and I got it, They brought mo here to the Sanitarium on a stretcher." But, look at me nowt" exultantly, The glow 01 health wan in her Alecks. "It's the rest and care and good food and fresh air that saved tne,l' and her eyes shone jnytusly. Surely she was worth saving, this bonny, 1000 ,03,0d girl! surety Lilo Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives deserves her gratitude) W.Contributionsn. a 223 CollegetSti nodt, Toronto, ( Chicago, Dec, 1—For the first time In forty years the international As- sociation of fairs and Expositions to- day decided to forsake Chicago as an'"t annual place of meeting, and voted unanimously to hold the 1922 meeting in 'Toronto, Canada, Anollter precedent was established It is many season's since re have been able to offer such a varied assortment of usefui'Xrnas Gifts at such moderate prices as are now on our shelves LOOK OVER THIS LIST IT 1VJAY HELP YOU TO DECIDE Slippers — Men's, Women's and Children's Men's and Boy's Tes-50c to $1.50. Men's and Boy's Boxed Braces Arm Bandsand Garter's in Xmas Boxes Muffler's, Spats, Sweaters, Handerchiefs, etc. Coyne in and Look our Stock over—Itewill be time well spent. and won the applause of your com- panions. Not posting !that cutting sarcastic letter, or uttering the angry words that sprang to your lips when smart- ing under a sense of injury or in- justice. IR InSteel Small Profits Phone 25 through many parliamentarysessions other matrimonial requirements, ex - without a first lady, at times when cot the minor detail of a wife, Mac - widowers .were premier, never before kenzie King will take up the leadership itas‘one been placed at the head of a of 'Canada. Canadian government who was not a rw benedict. i The reaHon from . idealism is a. re - With a furnished house and every actionary. Getting up every time you fall and • pushing right ontowards your goal, no matter how dark the way. Keeping faith with yourself at any cost; holding fast to the high ideals that beckoned In youth. Always 'and .everywhere acting the gentleman or the lady, BRITISH AND FOREIGN, Division in ranks of Sinn Fein party. Ulster makes new demands on tax- ation. Deligates at Conference await action by Japan. Discussion in committee on China's rights. De Valero refuses to recommend treaty to Dail. Instructions from. Tokio on naval ratio delayed, U.S. submarine sinks by, jeern; crew rescued. i •ic�i'Nt' . 0 o a73' when John G. Kent, managing direct- or of the Canadian National Exhibi- tion, Toronto, was elected president of the Association. The last time a Canadian was given a place as an executive, Was in 1895 when H. J. Hill, also a former man- ager of the Toronto Fair, was appoint- ed Secretary, a position he held for several years. - No First Lady Canada's next premier,. the Right Hon. Mackenzie King, will be the first bachelor premier that Canada has ever had. Though Canada has gore fir oaoa ...., am•.ee.a.s• Nothing Else is Aspirin —say "Bayer" Warning: Unless., you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an unbroken "Bayer" package which contains directions worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds, Neadache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis,Lum- bago, and Pain, Made in Canada. All druggists sell _Bayer Tablets of PA : T'�„{ ly Cstd SY ntO it. • Z� Aspirin in handy tin boxes of 12 tab-. lets, and in bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) ofBayer Manufacture o$ Monoaceticacidester of Sasilicacad. While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manuracture,to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company will be stamped with •their general trade mark, the, "Bayer 'Cross." h nqk • b'a ..p....e.o peon......4o epee..... .....le...•..•. ts' `•afa'leto. a•. C,'..'M uit.d k -e t•Fa..t�a a For You Owing to the drop in price of nearly all commodities The New Era is going to make a decided drop , in the interests of our readers, and we will commence N 0 W with putting the price at $1.50 a year for the paper. All new subscribers can have the paper from now until Dec. 31st, 1922, for $1.50 Papers going to the United States and other foreign counries will be $2.00. 1 ,, PUT ON YOUR LIST FOR CHRISTMAS Do your absent sons, daughters or friends receive the weekly "letter from hoose?" The New Era the one medium whereby they can live in their adopted home where their business interests are and still keep in touch with the folks "back home." Subscribe now now for The New Era which will be sent to any address in Canada for $1.50. The New Era feels sure our readers will continue to show their appre- ciation lin the ld Home Paper, and will be grateful for the reduction in the price. Send in your Subscription N 0 W. 'e Phone 30; Clinton, Ont. 7',51 4,1 We Club with all the worth -while p apers; s