The Clinton New Era, 1921-11-17, Page 5W69.60130. frit: •
Now SeII for
These are double sided 10
inch Records. Not reduced
in quality, but in price only.
• Jeweler & Optometrist
phone No.174w; House 174 j
Seeded Raisins per It .23c
Seedless Raisins, pei• Tb .27c
Bleached Raisins, per Ib .30
New .Currants 19c
Best Vos Currants Tb ...22
Lemon, Orange and Citron
Peel 50c
New. Prunes, per lb .. 14c
Finnan Haddie
Salmon Snacks
Fresh Oysters
Phone 48
Feeder s Special
Western Oats
Kiln Dried Corn
Feed Flour ' ' '
Bran " -
Special anniversary services were
held on Sunday in Main Street church,
There were large congregations, morn
ing and evening, and impressive and
appfroprlate }sermons 'Nitre 101}veded
by Rev. B. Miilyard, 13. .A., of Sarnia.
t; ides 'Cii,> un toot Ct18lpou1714
A safe, reliable r'epnatti.ef.
nte'dimne. Sold in three de,
grass of ntre..gth—No. 1 $3
NC; 2, $3 No. 3, 25 par J,o*
Polo ..clfi ote, or pont
ppYopd •hp.Lehc:oAdpprre
TORONTO. 227. (r,rmrd! W6di,n)
Miss .Mice Rajttenbury spent ,the
week end at liensall.
James Burdge and wife visited re-
latives in our vicinity last week.
Preparations are going forvvard for
the Christmas tree. in the church.
Mrs. Kitchen has returned from Tor-
onto where she visited at the home of
her brother, Mr. Gibbons.
Geo. Hill 'ginned hogs to Toronto
on Saturday last.
Children Cry
A little son of Havey Pendleton was
accidently knocked over • by an auto
on Main street on Saturday with the
result that he is badly bruished about
the head and received a severe shaking
up. If the driver had stopped long
enough to find out how much the child
had been injured he would at least have
driven the little lad to his home.
J. J. Casemore of town, is critically
ill at the present time with little hope
of recovery.
Chas. Blackhall, of Fry & Blackhall,
is seriously ill at his home on Alfred
The Great English Prepdrattan.
•.Tones and invigorates the whole
nervous system, makes new Blood
in old Veins. Used for Nervous
Debility, Mental and Brain Worry,
Despondency,Lou of Energy Palpitation of
the Heart, Fino?Temory. Price $2 per bos,3'
for 55. Sold by all druggists, or mailed in plain
pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson and fain -
/Hy of Port Stanley, motored up last
week and spent the week visiting
Mr. Berland 'Settles who spent the
1 summer in the West returned home
last week,
M. Jas, R. Stirling has been con-
fined to the house for three weeks
with quinsy is able tobe out again.
Rev. Mr. Macfarlane and Rev. Mr,
Lundy exchanged pulpits on Sunday..
Mr. and Mrs, Lunday preached on Mis-
sionary work at Bayfield and Bethany
which was very much appreciated.
Major and Mrs, Sloan are visiting
friends at Guelph and Toronto for two
Rachel Brown, widow of the late
Alexander Stewart, one of the oldest
residents of the 16th concession of
Grey township, died on Friday after
a short illness. Deecased was in her
S2nd year. Funeral takes place to
Brussels cemetery on Monday ' after-
noon. She is survived by two dau-
ghters, living in Grey Township, and
one son, In the West.
A marble tablet, bearing the names
of five members of, the congregation,
was unveiled at the Methodist church
on Sunday. Rev. -Edwards, of Seaforth
conducted the special service. The
names on the table are as follows:—
Frank S. Gerry, J. Cleve Denbow, Wil-
liam Mayberry, Lisle G. McCracken and
Wilfred G. Lott.
Oil take '''-','''1474,MJBEI
We have all'theise lines in Stock
,as well as numerous others and
-they are `being sold at pre -whir
,prices. -,...1011,4411111111
'Our stock of High Grade F1'o'ur''
incides — Purity, Five hoses,
'While Seal, Rainbow, Golden City
,and Gold Seal (Pastry). •
Highest market prices paid for
:all iiinds 'of grain. Ryou 'tsant:to:
iluy Or sell it will pay yen to give
ma a call.
NV'eJenkins &Sort
"Lbutt AND 140116
im. Clinton No. 28, 6.28 a.m. daily.
llv Stratfo'd i46. 28, 7,45 sun. tiltiiy
1.'. Kitchener No, 28, P.25 a.m. Daily
.1./. Guelph Na. 28 '8.59, a.m. Daily
Ar. Toronto No. 28, 20.15, a.m. daily
(Except Sbad.y)
,Ly. Toronto No. 37, 6.40 p.m. daily
Ar; Guelph No. 37, 7.43, p.m. dally
.Ar; Kitchener No. 37, 8.1 t, p.m. daily
;61r. Stratford No. 37, l3.55, p.m. daily
Ar. Clinton No. 37, 40.03, p.m. daily
(Eseept Sunday)
fiteffet-Parlor car and firetelaes w.stlhnle
teaches in tech dirsotiow
;Rohit Rstuilord ,!b Sono City Pees.a.
tar sunt. Ticliat Att.nts, PHONift-•-!k.
in. O. PATriSON, illation Amato
Anniversary services will be conduct-
ed in Baptist church on Nev. 20th.
Rev. Wm. Ralthby, B.Th. will preach
at both services at 2.30 p.m. and 7.30
p,in. A }Tot fowl supper and concert
Monday, Nov. 21st. ' The concert
party consists of all Stratforif talent.
For shooting on Sunday a local
young man was taxed 114.45 by Police
Magistrate Reid. This action on the
part of the authorities arises from the
'many, complaints laid by farmers sur-
rounding the town, who state that
every Sunday. parties from town are
out shooting everything in sight.
An egort is being made to secure
the extension of a Hydro power ser-
vice to the farmers of this township.
A canvass is being made for custom-
ers, with considerable prospect of suc-
cess. It is proposed to have the cen-
tral station for the township at Hoi-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson, of
Porter's Hill, who visited friends last
week in Detroit, returned home Sat-
The many friends from this district
was sorry to hear of the death of
.Warren McCluskey, of Goderich, son
of James McCluskey. Much sympathy
is extended to the bereaved father and
Mrs, C. McGregor, Miss Marion Stirl-
ing and Miss Cantelon spent a day last
week with 'the. Misses Currle, of NM-
NERVOU . , .
Wilted the ueri'cs become unstrung;
the hands shaky; you can't sleep, and
you are practically on the verge of ner-
vous prostration, then is the time to
Theyregulate and stimulate the heart
and strengthen and restore the whole
nervous ,system.
Mt. lfred W. Watson, Newport,
N.S., writes:—"I have been troubled
for several' years with nervous stead -
aches and they, were so bad I could
not sleep. at bights. Ivry hands got
so shaky I could hardly hold anything
in them, A friend told are to try Mil-
buru's Heart and Nerve Pills, so I•' got
a box and began to get better atter I
had taken thein: I continued to use more,
and now' I ata no more bothered with
nervousness, and would recolmnend them
to ally one who has nerve trouble."
Price 505. a box at all dealers, or
Mailed direct on receipt of price by the
T. Milburn Co„1 baited, Toronto,
Training for the junior hockey sea-
son starts this week under the same
management as last year. The gym-
nasium at the G.W.V.A. clubroom, will
be utilized for thts purpose. The splen-
did 'showing of the boys last season in
their first year out, coupled with the
great amount of first-class new blood,
should carry them pretty close to the
junior championship this year. Char-
les Holmes is president and manager,
with C. P. Sills as secretary and treas-
urer. Seaforth will ve represented in
junior 0.ff. A. and junior Northern
Anniversary , serviles in the Eg-
mondville Presbyterian church on Sun-
day were well attended. Rev. Robert
Haddon, M,A., D.D. editor of The Pres-
byterian Witness, Toronto, preached
two very able and instructivetpsermons
while the music of the choir under the
leadership of Earl Van Egmond, was
much appreciated. Monday the Ladies
Aid of the church served a fowl supper
which was most successful. A good
program, consisting of music and ad-
dresses, was given in the auditorium
of the church.
The challenge eucher between the
ladies and gentlemen of the town held
in the G.W.V.A. clubrooms, was an en-
joyable affair, the ladies being the win-
ners. ,
Rev. Mr. Tiffin, of Blyth, preached
a fine sermon here on Sunday evening
while Rev. Mr. Osborne preached in
lMlr,- and Mrs. Geddes visited Auburn
friends on Sunday.
Mrs, McElroy, of 'Blyth, visited Mrs,
David Mountain this week.
The political meeting in hall on
Tuesday night .was well attended.
Mr. John Melville met with a pain-
ful accident. on Saturday when his
horse took fright and ran away, throw-
ing him out of the -rig,
111I11111111amiu IBI0111'
ThotPeps500.. Toronto.
who fyi4h to have a few simple but
important truths to regard 'to Cana-
dian Home Life explaned and illustrat-
ed in a friendly way, may find this
series of use."
NOT ';/(1„!E WO iAN
No wpman can be strong and healthy
unless the kidneys are well. The reason
is that the kidneys are to blame, nine
times out of ten, for that weak, lame
and aching back, from which they suf-
fer so much.
When you find your kidneys out of
order, when your back aches and pains
and gives you endless misery, all you
have to clo is take a few boxes of Doan's
Kidney Pills, and you will find that all
the aches and pains will vanish, and make
you healthy and happy, and able to en-
joy life to the utmost.
Mrs. John McInnis, Newcastle Bridge,
N.B., writes:—"Last spring I was so
bothered with my kidneys and pains in
my hack, I could no,. rest or sleep at
night. A friend calling told me
about the benefit Doan's Kidney Pills
had done for her, and advised me to try
them. I only took two boxes, and I can
truthfully say my trouble disappeared
and I have.had no trace of it since."
Price, 50e. a box at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
, St. John's church held - their annual,
congregational fowl supper at the
home of Mr. and Mit. Clarence Sturdy
last Fridaj' evening, • •Anexcellent-re-
past was 'prkpared by the ladies of
the church, to be followed by social
chat, short addresses and music. Mrs.
Fred Ford presMed at the pl'aho and
Mr, Wm. Marshall favored the gather=
ing with well Pendered violin selections.
A vote of thanks was tendered tes the
bdst and hostel's,,
Sunday anniversary services were
held In the Methodist church and en
excellent. day Was spent by the large
congregations present. On Monday
the annual fowl stiMser anis conceit
Was held which drew a large crowd. A
line time was spent.
"Little Eine Books'.' free for the Asking
The Dominion Department of Health
at Ottawa, whose splendid little vol-
ume, 'The Canadian, Mother's Book"
Made such a tine ipression recently,
has followed up that issue by a series
of "Little Blue Books," touching var-
ious phase's of home welfare. This
series is in response to a wide demand
for such Informaf+ion as is contained in
the attractive little volumes, and their
circulation promises to be extensive
throughout the Dominion, In antroun-
oink the issue of 'The Little Blue Books'
which are, of course, free to all who
apply for thein to the Department of
Ifealth, Ottawa, br, Helen MacMurchy
says: "It is hoped that those who have
Imade requests far them, and others
Exeter—Pong Kwong, who left town
over a year ago for 'China' with the in-
tention of ending his days in his native
country, is now on his way back ac-
companied by a fourteen -year old son.
On his return he will again assume
charge of the laundry business.
Golds and Disease May be Avoid-
ed if the Blood is
Kept Pure.
Here and There
Howlett TIO. '-41i1le attending to
a gasoline lamp 'last week, Win, Barr,
9115 con., Howlck, had a close call with
tire. He had filled the lamp too full
and the overflow of gas took fire from
the lantern, which was lighted and
close at band, 1n putting out the blaze
Mr. Barr 'was most severely burned a-
bout the hands and face.
Exeter—Mr. S, 13, Stothers, of Clin-
ton and Mr,' Hartley, of Seaforth, were
in Exeter on Wednesday of last week
for the purpose of organizing a Horti-
cultural Society. ' It was decided to go
ahead with the organization of a soc-
iety in Exeter and a canvass will be
made for members.
Morris Twp. —In the list of lady
speakers offering to render help to
the Liberal cause during the political
contest in the Dominion at the present
time the name of Mrs, W. It Ferguson
of Toronto, formerly of Morris town-
ship appears. She has been speaking''
in the Easterlf section of the Province.
Grey Twp. —Last week Geo, Brown
a well known resident of the 2nd con.,
purchased the 200 acres belonging to
Jno. McDonald, now of Brussels. The
property consists of Lots 21 and 22,
Con. 2, with about 10o acres cleared,
and 50 acres of balance good bush.
There is a bank barn 80 x 10o feet
and a comfortable frame house. Mr:
McDonald held the Crown deed and
had been owner for many years. This
addition to Mr. Brown's property will
give him 450 acres.
Goderich —The death took place -at
Holland, Man„ on November 7th of
Hannah Butt, relict of the late Philip
Greenwood, in her 89th year. The
funeral took place Wednesday to Cyp-
ress River Cemetery wher she was
buried beside her husband. She leaves
three daughters, Mrs. J. T. Westcott,
Hamilton, Ont.; Mrs. A. B. McLean,
Foam Lake, Sask.; Mrs, Wm. Dayman,
Whitewood, Sask.; and one son, Thos,
Greenwood,. Holland, Man., where she
died. She also leaves one brother
Stephen Butt, Goderich, and other
nephews and neices in Huron.
Blyth —Mr. D. D. Crittenden met
with quite a severe accident while at
his work at the Hillborn Milling Co's
trill about six o'clock on Friday even-
ing last. He was in the act of shift-
ing a lever when in some way it
swung around the shaft and struck him
such a blow on the left jaw that knock-
ed him _unconscious.
Do not let your blood get thin this
winter. For people who have a ten>
dency towards anaemia, or bloodless-
ness, winter is a trying season. Lack
of exercise and fresh air and the
more restricted diet; are among the
many things that combine to lower
the tone of the body and deplete the
blood. '
As soon as you notice the tired feel-
ing, lack of appetite and shortness of
breath that are warning symptoms of
thin blood, take , a .short course of
treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, Do not wait until the color
has entirely left your ch'e'eks, until
your lips are white and your eyes.
dull. , 1t IS 's� 'Muck' sailer 'to corrbct
thinning, •of the blood in the earlier
stages than later, This is well illus-
trated in the case of 'Mrs. E. Will
lams, .Elk Lake, .Ont., .who says: "1
tike great pleasure in letting you
know the benefit 1 have found in the
use of Or. yi'fjlialn5'Pink pills: ) w*e
in In anaemic conditiot5, and WAS
very weak and run down. The least
exertion would leave me,' iteathiess
and it Was wills iltifienity that i did
household work'1 Wig advlseti to `f"rjr
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after the.
use of four boxes 1 felt like a lie*
person. In fact my system seemed
lilted with new energy and new life.
I strongly recommended this medicine
to all who feel weak and run down."
The purpose of 'Dr. Williams' Pink
Pill's is to build up the blobd. They
do this one thing and they do it well.
They are for this reason an invalua-
ble remedy in diseases arising from
bad or dificlent blood, as rheumatism,
neuralgia, after-effects of the grip or
fevers. The pills are guaranteed to
be free from opiates or any harinful
drug and cannot injure tit most de-
licate system:
You can procure Dr. WtllianIs' Pink
Pills through any dealer in medicine
or they will be sent you by mail at
5o cents a box or six boxes for 12,50
by writing direct to The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, 'Ont. •
.. r
Greatly Reduced
The prices of Clothing for this Season show a marked s0.
crease on last year's price's,
Let us quote you a NEW price on a Suit or Overcoat.
We can interest you.
About 2 dozen Suits to clear at real bargain prices
Men's odd pants from $2.00 up.
Full rabge of Shoes and Rubbers at Right Prices
Plumsteei Bros
More % mess
Small Profits Phone 25
The Municipal Council of the Town of
Clinton offers for Sale to local purchasers
Debentures to the amount of
These are in sums of $500.00 each and
are issued for Waterworks purposes. Inter-
est at six per cent. payable annually on July,
For ,Further particulars apply to
D. L. Macpherson,
The head of a great trading organization which unites its
trading with its politics—a political theorist—has lost control of
theppoolitieal mov'enieht he started and is being driven into im-
possible positioris by class rule extremists. He is under the
domination of Wood, the political boss of Alberta. He world
give effect to Free Trade, thus destroying Canada's industrial
and economic structure.
A Vote for Crerar is a Vote for Chaos
So evasive that nobody knows where he actually stands on the
�►t *Meg of the day. Fits his policy to suit his audiences.
lks Free Trade to the West and Protection to the East.
Specializes in iiig sounding phraseology. His party is pledged
to a largo measure of Free Trade, but fails to suggest new
methods of obtaining neoessary National Revenues.
A riot for King is a P1utie in the Dark
in QiiiVadijit )c life today an
- re ern lig t. Able, force I, courageous, and
iipzl ht in ter, A statesman of demonstrated ability With
ittib and Imperial vision and an unassailable record.
firm for the maintenance of a reasonable Protective
Eaboui! nett to provide the maximum amount of profitable
Tho National Liberal and Conservative Peaty
Publicity Committee
1.44W 1"trt"t