The Clinton New Era, 1921-11-17, Page 2PAGE TWO. O.. A Pena kfa' Representative, W. J. White, will be at the Rattenbury Hotel with the finest stuck of human hair goods' for ladies and gentle - FOR LADIES:—Wigs, Transformat- ions, Pompadours, Switches, and all other hair needs.. Special treatment for scalp and hair. FOR GENTLEMEN: — The closest imitation in a natural toupee • or wig at a reasonable price and the bat `of sat 'isfaction given. We unhesitatingly re- commend Magic Baking Powder as being the best and purest baiting powder possible to produce. It possesses elements of food that have to do the building up of brain, and' nerve matter and'is absolutely free from alum or other injurious substitutes. Phone Mr. White for appointments and Remeiiiber the 'Date Erection Notes Every day brings gains to the follow- ing of Mr. Thos, McMillan, Liberal can- didate'for South Huron. His campaign is nicely under way and things are going splendidly. Cooper is 'canvassing for Mr. Black the U. F. Candidate. --0-- The Tories—pardon—the ',National Liberal Conservative, Unionists, etc, etc., have their Committee Rooms over Mr. Wiggs' store, lately vacated by the G. W. V. A. When an ex -Reeve of Goderich Twp I A meeting in the interests of Mr. says Mr. McMillan, the Liberal Candid- . Thomas McMillan, Liberal candidate in ate for South Huron, is 100% ahead of 1 South Huron, will be held in the town the other two candidates, for ability, i Hall, Clinton on Friday evening, Nov.` etc., there must be some truth in the 18th, at 8 p.m. The meeting wil be statement. addressed by James Murdock, of Tor- onto, ex -member of the Canadian Board of Commerce, Mr. Thomas McMillan and others. , What would happen to the ordinary human being if he asked for time in inion govern - note? The Farmer candidates say they are economists, yet they had grabbed $600 extra in Ontario, and Halbert, ex - president of the U.F.O., had silently voted for an increase of $i500 in the Federal parliament. • We acknowledge receipt of a 400 - page publication from the Canadian Manufaclturlers�' Association', ;showing us why, in their interests, we should support the Meighen government and high tariff. We cannot even promise that it will have our serious consider- ation. bride and pastor of the Presbyterian church, Mimico. ,After the ceremony, the happy couple' left by motor car for` Kingston and Belleville, prior to tale ing up their residence in Tamworth. McDOIJGALL -- WALKER A quiet wedding wa's solemnized at. the Presbyterian manse, Seaforth,, on Tuesday, October '18th, when Miss Eva Walker, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James Walker, of- Goderich, becfiife the. bride of Mr.' Alexander Murray McDougall, of Goderich township The ceremony was performed lay Rev. P. H. Larkin, of Seaforth. THrBIDEAU—CitAWFORD Thursday of last week Rev. Mr, Tel- ford, performed the marriage cere- mony between! Steve Thibideau, Brun- sels, and Mrs. Margaret Deere Craw- ford, of Blyth,'in the presence of near relatives. An enjoyable party was'held in the evening when a dainty wedding feast was held. Mr. and Mrs. Tbibi- deau will ce'ntinue to life in Brussels, The groom was overseas and did,,duty as a soldier of the the king. { MIDDLETON=McBRIDE Thursday, No'veimber 17th, 4921., INN SIN thiilk ®ICN ' i' it d 196; warnings given 22 Raw Kira *ante d -=• %chest lli'farkei Figures convey very little ldea oil Price"s K FAQ the work being accomplished • `and you Last season 1 payed more 'for raw, like ko hear smekhi'ngfurs than was Rffere'd 1? deniers in WOULD GO BLACK would perhxns i e M�lib $fi'Ir'rEN YtIGN' U 61 the thiany 'cases the Society have Toronto, Montreal, piety ?mit and St. - -0-- l A very pretty but quiet wedding took place Tuesday afternoon at 2 p. m. in the St. Saviour's Church, Water- loo, when Miss Kathleen McBride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. 13. Mc Bride, Waterloo, was united in the bonds of holy matrimony to Mr. Wm. Harvey Middleton, of Goderich Twp. Rev. Foreman officiating. The bride and groom were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of Toronto, and the ceremony was performed in the pres- ence of the immediate friends of the contracting parties. The church was prettily decorated for the occasion. Mr. and , Mrs. Middleton left on the afternoon train on a honeymoon trip Mr. Income Payed you get off with a promisory note—or did you pay cash. —'O—' See that your name is on the Voters' List, —0— It is reported that Councillor A. T. which to pay his Dom rent income tax, offering a "scrap of worth. The cermony was performed paper" in the form ,of a promissory by Rev. W. Fingland, brother of the Weddings had to' deal with, But the longer we are in the work the less We want to Mritlfeis should nreVer vbglect Whoop..' 'say about it. There IS a Wide field for iag'c t 'and oil the Eat sign of this I the operation df the Society and we • disease we would advise the use of Dr, realize 'how comparatively little we Louis, There is no need to ship your furs, when you can get more money .for them at home. I am paying for, mink skink, dark, $5.0'0 to $10.00; Ordinary color, $3,00 to $7.50; ,Phone Wood's l'oiwayPine Syrup. This famons Ivan accomplish. I No: 89 for prices on other furs, am al= remedy Will clear the bronchial tubes of f the •colleeted mucous and phlegm, and ' As superintendent of .this work, 1' ways at !ionic after 6 p.m. No license appreciation of needed by•farmer's trapping on their in this way Baso the Wracking cough and desire.to express illy in a short time make it'disappear entire- the sympathetic support which is .given i own laird. Person trapping off thrit ty by municipalities, women's institutes, i own land need 'a license, which can be mer 25 6th ' Ave. ladies' aids, Sunday school classes and VIII purchased from Jas. Ford Clinton. H. A. HOVEY,. Clinton JONES—FINGLAND. • A wedding of interest to many yeo- ple of this district took place in St. Jaanesi,'ISgivare Plresbyterian Church, Toronto, on Saturday last, when Flora, youngest daughter of M7. and Mrs. John Fingland, Londesboro, became the bride of Mr. Wm. Howard Jones, manager of the Sterling Bank at Tam - Mrs. J. W..Mortt r, East rites When other organizations, as well as private my liVancouver, B.C.B.0 citizens in different parts of the ttle girl was born she was not very strong, and when she was three months the j old we moved into a da house a 1 county, Many have also during the shelter . Ratepayers are reminded that the en of secondintere.sted we give 'a :hearty are payable 'at the Tax Collector's officeinvitation to cOme to visit the Shelter in the Town Hall. No notice, otherget worse 'and several times I thougliTtthe face and, stiffen right out, and I was aed see for themselves what we' are Ithan this advertiseinent Will be given.she was dead as she used to go black innearly crazy for fear she would die. A accomplishing. And to all who have R.13. Fitzsimons, Tax Collectotin any way assisted in making the So- I • • .friend 'of mine asked Irre 'to try a bottleof Dr. Wood's Norway, Pine Syrup, asciety's work a success we return out 1 Local represeWntaatnivteedat. 'Clinton to re -most sincere thanks. present "The Old Reliable FonthillWe are greatly Indebted to the :press Nurseries," and cover surrounding ter- tle girl half a bottle she was quite a lot .better, and when the bottle was fmishedthroughout she was well again."pc woors because of Items appearing in the territory, highest commissions laid.. STONE tit WELLINGTON, Toronto Ontcounty, papers. Town' of:Clinton Taxes to .points east, the bride travelling !n a navy blue broadcloth suit with a fucia colored French hat. They will reside le Goderich Twp and the best wishes of a large circle o ffriends will follow the happy young couple to their new home. very ill, I called in a doctor and he said few days after we were serrreusne uaca.P� year mak .....................- which greatly reduce the cost of the last day for payment the she had whooping cough and bronchitis. I instalment a taxes Dec. e ith. Taxes .. ,__ __ .,..« -«:n unkeen. . An Interesting Work am in the Sr. H1 class at scihool. I was out to celebrate the 12th of July and was one of the banner boys. Dear Mr. Elliott, -1 received your IT is always interesting to make a • discovery. Women, as well as men, find joy in discovering something which they can tell others about. Many thousands of .women Have quite accidentally discovered in Dr. Chase's Ointment, a skin beautifier of rare value. - ecause Dr: Chase's Ointment is So ' universally used as a treatment for eczema and the skih troubles of baby- hood, its effeetivenless as a beautifier of the skin is sbmetinhes lost sight bf, until using it for these ailments id 1111iIIIII1pUi oijipp Tender Skin the skin its benefit to the skin itself is once more discovered. With the moderns use of powders anti cosmetics the skin becomes dry and harsh, irritations are set up, pim- ples and blackheads are formed. The use of Dr. Chase's Ointment make`s the skin soft and pliable, and restores the healthful action of the pores of the skin which have been clogged by the use of powders. The woman who is admired for the exquisitelY fine texture 'and velvety softness sof her skin is the one who regularly uses Dir. Chas'e's Ointment. You can discover this for yourself `by giving this delightfully "soothing, healing ointment a. few weeks' trial. ,a.. Meng' men suffer from akin irritations of In es rnoe nature aggravated formult of thid le known as as its morn aggraVated , as "Barber's Itch. ` If your skin tis, fonder You will find it good to apply Dr. Chaser Ointment after tbaving. wash thoroughly with hot Water, dry tiro skin carefully With., out rubbing, and apply the olsaI4ient, mite t nett and Malt topi pliable, and by is atiseptaoinfu pre- vents the *read of elan trouble. Many Uig 'There are acorea of ,says in which Dr. Chase's - Ointment in dsbful in the hd Si. It 1d the Standard ointmettt,''afid 9e 'lad '!U Creat Satisfaction for Eczema and Salt Rheum Shingles, Tetter and Ringworm Scald Head and Baby Eczema Pimples and Blackheads Chafing and Skiii Irritation Sore Feet and Toes Ingrowing Toe Nails Rough, Rod Skin; Erysipelas , Chilblains and Frost Bites a Poisoned Skin; Pelson Ivy Itch, Barber's Itch, Prairie Iter; Hives and Insect Bites Seaide and Burnt Sore and Cracked NippieS clapped. Druids and Face Sore and InilS;ined PJye]tdrl Old Sores and Bed Soret', gemorrhoidS or Pilot Irainpio boat free if Yeti MentIen Ode 'p s Rdman8on, Bates es Coo -X td., Toronto, Eczema Miss Bessie Stewart Lanark Ont, writes: "I first took eczema on my bead, and had to have my hair cut. Then the eczema broke out en the fingers ofmy right hand, It. was so Itchy I couldn't keep from scratching It, and it began to spread. In reading an old Almanac that mother had, I noticed that Dr Chase's Ointment was rec- eiri.mended for hozerna, so I sent for a sam- ple boX. I used the ointment every night, andsoon saw a 'difference, I got a full- sized box at the druggist's, and later an- other one, but I never needed the, second, because atter the use of the first box the ! eczeirris 'didalipeared 'from both my head and finger!." Baby's Skin • Mra. Everett Roberts, 44 Endicott .qva. Halifax, N.S., writes. 1 used Dr. Cbaao'a Ointment for my baby, who had ringworms all over his fano. I tried almost everything I ??new of without SUCCV3S until I used Dr. 0liswe's Ointment. Thin completely freed him of this annoying skin trouble in eG short Smits. if would net be without tMO induce hin OOintmentin the) houte, and 'trust t othere to give it a trial and bo convineed of its merits," "' man; Exclusive territory. Splendid homes have been secured for children I opening for the right man. Exclusive NOWAY PINE ' _ After these reports had been tend an address was heard from Mr. Amos SY UIP w rte' '* Tovell, of Guelph, County Agent for the County of Wellington. The most precious thing in a community was i tory mattress or down comforter. Hs chid'life, with its potentialities for They also buy old or new feathers. the future, and it was most important (Drop a card, to Clinton and our agent. that this should be right. The grow- will call. ' ing lack of parental control and the I effects of the movies and the dance 1 For Sale. hall on the young people of the day Ito Gement wells platform 3 in. ndeen bingiafor for were influences that did not make for pinches above platform, will fit auy. the children's ,wlei(are. Mr. Tovell size well and ft around any size spoke in high appreciation of Mr. El— liott and the assistance he was to hint i3uaranjfeed 'to hold ulp a (team of. in the work. In Guelph they adopt a horses and to be mouse and water, Shelter Day, when money is collected proof. Also cement soft water cis- terns with cement platform with 1r like' inch rim around man -hole for sodding for the Shelter and something $2,500 is raised. I to prevent frost and keep out surface A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. I Clinton, water. H. H. Phone Cantelon, 3 R. R. No. 5, , on 619. Tovell. Brick Cottage For Sale The old officers were re-elected and Feathers. The Dominion Feather and Mattress 'Co., are in Clinton and making your old feather bed into the ten roll Sant - Price, 35c, and 60c. a bottle; put 'up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. welcome letter a few days ago with all its congratulations for passing the Entrance and wise advise for my fut- ure. I hope to make a real success of my life. No matter what comes I will do the very best 1 can. And that is all' anyone can do, In our correspondence we sent out 1,813 pieces of mail and received 567 letters. Two of our little girl wards died during the year. We attended the fun- eral of one of them, where the whole community turned out to show their respect for the little girl, who was following a suggestion of the press- One of the best brick cottages in dearly loved by her foster parents. The Society's work is under Govern- dent's, it was decided to hold the re -1 solar monthly meetings of the Soc- Clinton for sale. First class barn on iety on the first Tuesday in place of the premises. All in good repair. Ap- went supervision and a monthly re1 at New Era Office. port of all commitments, visits, roves-` the second Tuesday of the month. tp y ligations, etc. is sent to the office of "Jimmy" the baby in arms who Is �, the provincial superintendant' one of the happy children at the Home 1 GREY IRON CASTINGS_ Ilsefollowing is a summary of the was much admired by the visitors, OF ALL KINDS report sent }n: and the twelve older children sang a 'Complaints received, ed, ,int; child couple of choruses to the pleasure of tions, 71. children involved, 152; child all. Refreshments were served. and We cast Points for any Plow ren made wards, 26 sent to Industrial many took the opportunity of seeing Bring old points when possible School, 1; applications for children, over the Home. 61; mail received, 567; mail sent out, 1813; wards visited, 196; miles appro. Cottage for Sate. xinnately covered, 3456;? meetings ad- dressed, 41; office ir>tervlews, 394; court attendance, 34; wards in foster Formerly occupied by tel late Geo. Motor Works Stu7ding homes heard from, 121; wards placed Arthur McRae. Apply . out, 38; wards returned, 17; wards McLennan. Seit.4 4446$44r.��' 4 44 464 ,„ iridisA. M 41 � . - .::;1.,,,., 3. ;.�}k` a'"'dig;»�:a+,._gf&9. kr- ' 'A cG H AM t• 4 vwaT�37, tuet 0 Fx.. .,,,„ � r las ,,',0 ._ ....._ MR 0, 4 ,EXESflUIil r SPECIALIST 4 WiI1 be a.EmllellYar'S Jewelery Store for Ten Days only ,� la 19 4' ,3• ..� til Wednesday,;1Q�d�V Nov,2t Q�stn 4 o,; r I I'. I' Ill II I I {'111'1'1'1111 U Ililll Ih i 11'11 lis ill I I I Isle I I,I II III l' 1 { I I II !1,;!,111k,Ilitil':ti.i',11,',., ,4 I{�h11llilllilllI�I{II,IIljlll!I� I'IIII 11 IIIIII 1�l I Il Iis 14 ����{II � � 1 1hII11 • • 1 HURON SPECIALTY CASTINGS CO. a..®- IItt�((f'II�IIIIII/11111011{IIIIIIIIIIil�IIaw'411'IInV,�, ;,nlQl i11i;:1.11�III �.I! ..11. .111 .111,1, y/(��,�. Iifi Ill.'3 .L^ I. 1 i }LII , 4 _=r�' 'i l l p I� �'""''I I II =—s li III Ili 'I Fis .%. \:---------4---'---___' I �,� I % 1 IIIIII 1111111\�\. ! I !/{qi Illlf Y , `x- - _e..�' �, 1\/ %>- // I" 1;11 � ,r ,l Ili 1 'll'''''• f yl \�> �!iilllli�llli I 1111 It/ I11ll, ,4 11 )Il i 11 . r s1.,%n!/ \.tJ. '- / l rl 1. , � - `„ 5' i'E .. ie�'IOKS .INTO TSE EYES ., Weak muscles •strengthened; headaches care fitted crossby thisy e in many Method. cases straight- i ailed when glasses are worn which le In announcing 11' Ir. Graham's secondvb� bet tter in Ontarfour town. Wllenio* ifyou requite , • the services of an 'optician you eaanot get '41 hf x Quo Ig a teat teacher. Mr. Graham estimates he has examined 25.000 people kik In -a11 hrorevious te`st�Ing.,heer}e/ttwe have not one dissatisfied customer+ rglwMF N4pi�a� R>,Wy' ^my..., np , .n' '!leis iI t./w71'J�QU s - ,trm ' weWWOMIKVI e?! ®- 41 'ASKS4,YQURSELF' . `#' EST1l9Aa ��,..�,,,wf G. _.-^, ,:,,,ri�.ar; s u gay .t ' v ttEQUIfiE GLASSES 2_ j�Irie (r Qs, ib�Y.Y,oL� are using glasses now—do w y�quit eases ? `_ r ..:, . BIb'OCALS ? l: � a is alas . b i."' ,-- 'a 4 Il...DO REQ. IRE? �� „, fiAVE I:WEAKIMUSGLES•� s�i�� . ��'� a. ossa ADO I SUFFERIFROM'HEADACfIES CAUSEUIRYEYE ATN `i' ' Mi.dGrahamlwillobe pleased to answer these questionsifor'you.�j� 11 1 01,,,.... era v "r,E r•, w „:, ..:.?ice Mr. Graham's Meld of operation is naturally becomingi greater all the time, ''" ar. smakingit more difCieult�to assure his services, Do not failito consult hien this timet our a ointment early by phones letter or call. Hours, 0 elm, to 6 is a". Make�y pP p.m, daily, 'Appointments may be made for any evening. HELLYA1tw 1er,y CLINT N �•e r ,a9 .> +yrr� N,lt;li'�,',. °''' ��4i ;rl .t.'v ;.,4^ �/S 1 y� MOW t��y�, Ah�y,�l. may; �, . Vig.yAt,, tea�"y''" ' " pyy, �i•�,,,I�o,yy4S1',,1 e, ip f , y'`'rf��inydy5,,,u�r�,,��t"�H,W o . + ;1�',, ''.�ey,StiL 6S "�'' !1 "�" ® `�� 1A' O. 4 4