HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-11-3, Page 6PAGE . St7 New Tt See The: inter Coats On Sale At Seasonable Lines at Reasonable Prices Glass — all sizes Single or double Diamond. Stall Fixtures — Barn Door Hangers and Track Stable Brooms; Stable Forks, Stable Shovels, Lanterns NEPONSIT—Combination wall board, Quarter Oak on one side and Cream white on reverse side. A good line of Coal and Wood Heaters, wth and without oven M. Te Corless PHONE -53 GENERAL. HARDWARE. TRY Ta Hawkin FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING - Repairing Promptly. lNr one Phone 53 Recta Furnaces rJ/ Fresh Lettuce We can fill orders for Fresh Lettuce ever day. Let us have your order now Clinton Greenhouse MRS. T. COTTLE I Phone 102. Lead There is a Reason Ask Us. Genuine D• L. & W. Scranton Coal Yes we have it in all sizes. Don't put off buying as the price Is gradually stiffening. Delay will only cause a pan- icky buying craze similar to that ex- perienced last fall when prices went crazy. Let me advise you to fill up with MUSTARD'S COAL f 11 answers the burning question/ ' We also carry in stock for your con- venfence AT CLINTON Hardwood, in different qualities Slabs, the ideal summer fuel,. Cedar rads, fine for kindling,Canada Cement, the standard article, Threshing coal. convenient and safe. AT BRUCEFIELD Hemlock Lumber at new prices, 2X, t5X 8t 5X Shingles, at your own price 'Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement,'Chest nut, Stove and Soft Coal, . J 1O. D. MUSTARD Clinton & Brucef eld. Phone for Clinton No. 74, VI; Phone for Srucefield 11 on e1$. tr SCRANTON COAL _0_ Don't forget to leave your order for HARD and SOFT COAL with E. WARD, if you want satisfaction. Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand Also Some Good Hardwood —We will look after you— Cannel Coal Now on Hand Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. E. RESIDENCE—HURON STREET —THE.' CORNER. GROCERY— Our Stock of Groceries is ald ways fresh. Our aim is always to give patrons courteous and prompt attention; to sell nothing but honest goods, giving honest weights at honest prices. Goods Delivered to all parts of the town. A SPECIAL 4 Bars of a good Laundry soap 25 Regular 25c Soap Chips 19c a 111 Fred. W. Wigg rJ Phone 45. An A nnounceme From Ball's Studio Last year we were asked to make over five hundred sittings during the month of November. We didn't attempt to do this, as in fairness to ourselves we cannot undertake to do rush work and fmish your photo- graphs as they deserve to be finished. We would rather make only a limited number and make them right. " As our appointment book is already getting filled up, we must again impress upon you the necessity of coining this month. You cannot visit all your friends at Christmas, but your dearest friends will appreciate the spirit which prompts you to send your photograph. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ,.obi $all, Photographer Phone 66 The Clinton New Era Thursday, November $rd, 7921. Ioca A Novel Windi,w, concert Season, The W. D. Fair Go„ had a novel window display for Hallowe'en. It et- tracfed"a lot of attention, AC work on New Well. The Jaen are here and are busy dig-, ging the new well. When they hit the rock they aregoingto run night and clay. Apple Crop Over Early. For the first time in the history' ol, our well-known apple dealer, Mr. D, Cantelon, the apple season was finish- ed up the last day of October, The crop hereabouts was light. Buys Out Coal Dusines. in Goderich. Mr. J. B, Mustard' Who ,conducts p coal business in Brucefield and Clinton has purchased the MacEwen coal bus- iness In Goderich and has taken over the business. Gets a Promotion. Mr, Harvey Jackson, son of Mr,. Isaac Jackson, 'Clinton, who has been Collector of Customs at Rainey River for about nineteen years, has recently been promoted to the lnspectoral staff of Mr. Busby, and will hereafter make his home at Ottawa, though his duties will take him from one end of .the Dominion to the other. Mr. Busby's staff is regarded as one of the most important in connection with the Customs Department of Canada, and it is no small honor to be connected therewith. Killed in Auto Accident. Last Friday morning Mr. W, D. Fair received word from St, Louis that Miss Elizaceth Logan, sister of the late Mrs, Jos. Rattenbury, and well vnown to Clintonians, had been killed in an auto wreck. She had,left Toronto some six weeks ago to visit her nephews, and Miss Dorothy Raftenbury was also visit- ing there at the time. The clay before Miss L"bgan, Miss Rattenbury and Mrs. Clucas and young son were 'out motor ing in the country and at a hill the car Inquire for prices when ready to got out of control and upset. Miss sell. Our prices are unsurpassed Dorothy Rattenbuy was thrown clear of the car, as was also Mrs, Clucas. Miss Logan was pinned undernetith as was the small boy It is stated that death Must have been instantaneous. GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD l broihy Rattenbury went for help, but it was nearly an hour before the car Clinton, Ontario could be raised. The body was taken to Goderich, her old home, on Monday !N. W. 'Prewar tha Local Manager and the funeral was held there that day. The deceased is survived by her sister, Mrs, A, Clucas; of Toronto, and three brothers, William and Edwin in Detroit and Robert.in Saginaw. Mr, Manning, of the Princess—Pierre House has dropped his prises to 10 and 20 cents. A one-man vaudeville show did not draw much of a crowd pn Thursday night, last. IHis principle' act was the throwing of the lasso6;� "Jerry from Kerry" played here last night 'but it's now the show that Patten & Perry used to show years ago. The Clinton Model School are mak- ing arrangements for a concerti 'in the near future. The Munro children of London will be the chief attraction. Agnew—gentler Wedding. A quiet wedding was solemnised at St, Paul's church, Stratford, on Wed- nesday evening of last week- at 7 o'clock when Miss Rosetta May Ben- tley, of Clinton, became the bride': of Mr. Morgan Agnew, also of Clinton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev.`S, A. Macdonnell. The witnesses were Mrs. !Morgan Little, of Los An- geles, and Mrs. H. C. Clark, of Strat- for, aunt and cousin- respectively of the groom. The young couple are both well known in Clinton, the bride being the charming organist at St. Paul's church. The Newl• Era throws the Editorial slipper at them. EIDE RETRY WARTED We handle all kinds of live and dressed poultry. Special prices/ paid for properly milk fed chick- ens. It will pay you to finish your poultry, as our extra price will more than cover cost of feed used. for all high grade poultry. .�^�,,,-^�„• ,;>,-rte,-�.;,,.-a�.•*a,R^,,. 'r�:•..�-•�.. _.i.: .....:�:af''�-tea.. vs• Chain The un-to-dato Firm Telephone 190. CLINTON Grocery Stores of Canada. SUGAR 10 Ib s 85c; 100 Cwt $8.25 SPECIAL BLEND TEAS 3 its $1.00 Matches, 2 boxes 25c No. 3 Shortening 51c No. 3 Pure Lard 57c 1 ib pure Lard 20c Pearline, 3 pkgs 24e Patin Olive Soap, 3 cakes 24c Eagle Milk 23c Ammonia, 3 pkgs 23c Large tin Sardines 15c Red Samon / ib tin 19c Pink Salinon, /it, tin ...12;hc Silver Gloss Starch 12c Pot Barley, 2 lb s 15c White Beans 3 lbs 25c Lima Beans, per 18 10c MACHINE SLICED BACON, per It 37 SPECIAL BLEND �y COFFEE, per t$ ... .., s� Fry Cocoa, % ib 25c Corn Starch, 2 pkgs 19c Corn Syrup, 5 lbs 47c Lyles Syrup, per tin 30c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs 49c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs 29c Rolled .Oats, 5 lb s 20c Cream Wheat, 4 ib 25c Corn Meal, 5 lbs 25c Moilasses, '2 tins 25c Toilet Paper, 6 rolls 29c Choice Prunes per lb 15c Choice Cheese, , 23c 1 ib Baking Powder 24c Choice Dates, 2 tb s 25c LAUNDRY SOAPS; Gold, P. & G. Sunlight, Surprise, 10 BARS for 72c WE WILL PAY 50c A DOZEN FOR FRESH EGGS ligi���pp�, Before Buying Range Call and See Our Line . ct It i As Clothes are to 'the Body, 'SQ are Wall Papers to the Horne Few people can afford to he badly dressed; and few people can afford to live with old or lin- • harmonious wall papers. They affect the spirits. They decrease self., confidence.. They reduce morale. They are unhealthy for mind and body. Harmonious Wall Papers are a Tonic.. They *influence the whole atmosphere of the house. ''"' B you have in view a change in the atmosphere of your home we invite inspection of aur stock and prices. ' The W. D. Fair eo Often the Cheapest --Always the Best •�j letemeneltelelealeweestomawallmelasalocinas SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY A full line of Fudge and Taffy will be on hand for the Hallow. e'en Parties. All lines of Chocolate Bars will be sold at 6 for 25c See Our Puff Pastry Tarts which are turn- ed out of our ovens, always a full line of cakes and pies on hand 1 131 Besure and ask your G rocer for 'Crematt' read or Phone 204 is t • HURON STREET. • Why It It? That our Coffee Trade has trebled in past year: Why? Simply because we have the Coffee that they like after buying it once. They always come back for next pound. Always freshly.ground while you wait. Our price to you, per 1 b.. 550 SPECIALS FOR''t THIS WEEK 3 pkgs Anomnia • 25c i 1 lb Black Tea 35c 3 bars Soap, any brand 25p13 1'bs Blark Tea 95c 13 bag's Soap, any brand ...1.002 tb s new Seedless Raisins 55c 1 small tin Salmon 10e !3 pkgs. McLaren's J. powder. .32 i large tin Red Salmon 38c Cans Sardines 25c 5 lbs Rolled Oats 25c 3 'cans sardines 25c A Bigger Lit of Specials at our Store. See our Price of Lard in 3 Ti's Lots. Highest Prices for Bartter, Eggs and /'lied Apples GET THE HABIT 0.11 tsg l xl e ." a e, V PHONE 111. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY OF 'DEALING AT Cr' ,sam=sr.n.vsmemccomenasmaemnasam Clinton Garaat and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws,,, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved Lenses. We have the following to choose' from: Levelight Holophane Legalite Shaler Roadlighter onopher Noviol Clanaert Come in and have us filt out your applications J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent , EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVIN G Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. Primolite Macbeth 1onopher Clear ern THE SEASON'S :;EST IN FOOTWEAR Standing upon the threshold of the Fall Season we nnnounceanhounce our readiness to. provide our trade with the • very Best of Footwear at moderate prices. We are able to show the best Shoe values at any stated Price! OUR • SHOE SERVICE We do more than simply sell Shoes! • Our exited and careful service will provide every Foot that tomes to us a Shoe that's right in size and construction! McCllary's. SUTTER & PERDUE Hardware Electric Wiring Plumbing We ask your Consideration F. "SHOES THAT SATISFY"..