HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-10-20, Page 6PAGE SVC' tam WE. OFFER The 'Clinton'Ne t...Era ,.... . A ST RA:I GT;'ASH' LD.I SCOUNT OF 30. PER CENT" ON ALL OUR PURE' B.OT.ANY'SERGES • i O t1. L L AJ MONTH... r r � is NOT P E•WAR QUO.TA7ION N TIDE ! oIC TYjya..n ,e..p3 N�iN.- : . �1 GOODS C OST • US -� was a visitor with Mrs. McGarva on Friday last. Rev. Fulton lrwin, of Lucknow, was calling on his brother, Mr. J. A, Irwin on Saturday.' ' Miss Margaret Chi'ttenden of Sea - forth, spent the week end with. Miss Maguire in town, , Hon, Mr. Meighen was the guest of Col. and Mrs, H. B. Cornbe while in town on Wednesday, ' • • ' Rev. J,' J. Patterson; D. D., of Sarnia w,ai a visitor lasf°week for a day or so with Mr; and Mrs. W. D. Fair. Mrs. (Rev.) Mc'Camtis is a delegate to the. W.C.T,U. convention at London this Week from the: Clinton branch. Seasonable Lines at Reasonable Prices 'Glass - all sizes — Single or double Diamond. Stall Fixtures — Barn Door Hangers and Track ' Stable Brooms; Stable Forks, Stable Shovels, Lanterns, NEPONSITr,—Combination wall board, Quarter Oak on one' side and Cream White on reverse side. A good line of Coal_and Wood Heaters, wth and without oven{ Ma T. Corless . . PHONE -53 GENERA): HARDWARE. I TRY T. H wki 'M s 00000000000000000 20 OVER T LI TEACUPS 0 0 000000000000000 FOR PLUM L: INlLn Rev. Mr. McDiarmid, of Goderich, was a visitor in town on Monday. HEATING AND Co. License Inspector Fellow, of R �> • F NG Goderich was in town on Friday last, Police Magistrate Andrews was a visitor in the' Co, town on Friday last. Miss Hattie Sutherland, of I-Iensall, Repairing Promptly all one Phone 53 kddcdr Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask Us. ,A.Loviek,t' tat 'Genuine D L. & W. }` ,, Scranton Coal Yes we have it'in all sizes. Don't put off buying as`the price' it gf ltually stiffening. Delay•will"ofily cause'span- icky buying craze similar to that ex- perienced last fall when prices twent •crazy. I Let me adyisgyouill, ,€i}l up with (' MUSTARD'S. ,•,COAL it answers `the lltirriing clues -from': We also carry in stock for your dolt- venience AT CLINTON ..% NE PO ITiY 'TED • We handle all kinds of live and dressed poultry. Special priced paid for properly milk fed chick- ens. It will•pay you to finish your poultry, as our extra price will more than, cover cost of; feed used. Inquire for prices when ready to sell. Our prices are unsurpassed for all high grade poultry. GUNN L NGLOIS,fe CO, LTD. Clinton, Ontario N.,W;tTreyvartlha t;Iygeal Manager The :wa:f«�ate;r►}m .. Telephone. ;.1.90. • Tlliirs aY, October 2,Q02. OWt' Locai I WS: Many Went to Zurich. Many. Autoes Passed Soutbw Uel,: Clinton was well rep.reseoted at Zur. Clinton saw,nnany auto loads pass WI on Saturday to see the final base balLinatsh• t: l Shipping Lumber. i. During the past Week 'Mr: Fred Runiball, of London, has been shipping out car loads of lumber from the G. T;, .R, , women's institute.. • The regular meeting-oftlie Wolnelt'l Institute will' be hed iii Stavely Hail on Thursday, Oct, 27th at 3 p.m. An address will be given by' 'the' District President, Mrs, Kirk; Mrs. Mcp'luf'ray will give a' reading and this will also be> Discovery Day, Preached at Port Arthur. ' Rev, C, E. Jeakins, former Rector here, who is in Port Arthur as repres- entative 01 the Provincial 'Command'df the Great War Veterans, Association, e'ttending • the' (Do'minton conNention., preached in both a' Methodist' and 'a Presbyterian church there Spnday:' it was the first ,nitre in: the hfsttiry'of either church that fhe pulpit had been occupied by an Anglican minister. Improvements. O'Neil Bakery has a new sign out. Mr. Bart La -vis is using a tractor `o haul two wagon. loads' of gravel and sand each trip, for the extension he is going to erect at the end of his garage, The house of Dr. Fowler has been reshingled. Mrs. Bell is having a cement block foundation put under her home on Princess street. The home of Mrs. Akam has been re- painted. With fine weather the Manse is to have a new coat of shingles. .A new sign has been painted on the Commercial - garage. Rev, Fr, Gaffney was in Seaforth a couple of days this week assisting Rev. Fr. Goetz in the 40 -hour Devotion 'ser- vices. Mrs. R. J. Draper and young grand- son, Master Billie Draper, spent a few days the guests of Mrs. J. Murray at Stratford. flensall Observer —Rev. Mr. Hogg, of Clinton, preached in Carmel Pres- byterian church on Sunday last, deliver- ing two splendid sermons, • Miss Shirley Emden, of the Hydro office was a patient at the Clinton Hos- pital having her tonsils .emoved, but is now recuperating at her home. London Free Press—Miss Marion Gibbings a talented soloist of Clinton, will next Sunday join the choir of Welington Street Methodst church. Mr. Jas. Livingston, the U.F.O. can- didate in Centre Huron at the last election, was in town on Wednesday attending the Conservative meeting. Mr. C. V. Corless, general manager of the Mond Nickel Co„ Coniston, Ont. who was one of the recipients cif Mc - Gill's Honors, is a brother of Mr, M. T. Corless, of town, Mr. Charlie Quong, who with his partner opened up a Chinese cafe here has retired from the firth and left for Toronto this week. Another China- man has taken the position of cook. The Venerable Archdeacon Arthur Carlisle, rector of All Saints church, Wnidsor,'and well •known to many in Clinton has been invited to accept the rectorship of Christ church Cathedral at .Montreal, • • Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Watson, "of Sea- forth were 'gue'sts .With • Mr; and' Mrs. W. 15, Fair dn Sunday`an'd in the even- ing all went to Exeter to;hear'Rev. Dr. • Patterson, a brother-in-law of the Iidies•'pldcli: .' • ; •i,,, • Mr. and. Mrs. H. it. Sharli were called to Defroii owing to the death' of .his brother.; Mr, Fred•Sharp dying ,sudden- ly of typhoid fever in Detroit .hospltal �••••11111111111•11•. on Sttrrd'ay'' •.., ... rJ/., t'• fir. Hardwood, in different qualiti'es Slabs, the, ideal slimmer fuel, Cedar • rails, fine for)kindling,Canada Cement,. the standard article, Threshing; cpai: convenient and safe. AT BRII.lCgIELIN Hemlock Lumber at new prices, 2X, 3X & 5X Shingles, at your own price Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement,Chest hest put, Stove and Soft Coal. JNO:nn Y.„ MUSTARD Clinton & Brucefleld. Phone for Clinton No, 74. Phone for Bruoefieltl 11 on 618. 1 mottowwwwowiw I"" C e. Having bought out the business of A. E. Betts, I aril pie., ,pared to give good, service, in all kinds of baking„ Confection- • cry, etc. , .,,.., ;ear ,sl:g ., v..�• ., ... I Solicit the Patronage of .all the former patrons, and also new, ones as well;; FULL LINES OF CALCES AND PASTERY ALWAAS; ON HAND r.. e HURON STREET. O'NETL CLCNTON i southward Saturday' morning and after dinner, enroute tram .Wingham and Other northern towns bound forZur- iph for the baseball. game, Having Fresh,Bpans,y Mr, W. 1-1. Watts, William street, has been having fresh beans from his gar- den, which he planted after pulling his onion crop. if'gootl'weather continues' he will have it good crop of beans. District Epwa;•th League Convention, to ),e.,1,1614 }tg*a• , The Epworth League convention .of Godericfi District -will-be held id Ont- ario' St. Church on Wednesday, Oct- ober 26th. , Proclgmatjon,$et, Pp. • The Dominion Eleetioitl'Act proclama thin 'has'-been'set up in public places for 'all 'te'see 'son oanding that:Tuesday November 12, will•be'th'e Nomination Day' 'and' that nominations will• take piece between 12' and'2 'o'clock.' The election, if necessary, which will be in this' riding,' will•'take"place oh Dec, 6 and on Dec, 9 'the ballot boxes will be opened, Indian.Sum'mer. The recent warm days were called by many Indian summer but it is early for that period. September was a frost less month and Indian Summer does not come until after the first killing frost. Usually Indian Summer is in November. It comes 'after fall has de- finitely set in and cold weather has been experienced:' 'Then conies a period Of eight or ten days of sunny, hazy tveatiter. This is the real Indian sum - Partial Eclipse of Moon on Sunday. A decidedly unique appearing eclipse of the moon was noted last Sunday Passed Away oat -Windsor..• night. The moon was partially eclipsed Coming east from her home in Win» when it rose, and as early in the even- nipeg�to visit with relatives and old ing as 6.30 it was noted that only a friends and taken seriously ill and going small segment of the silver orb was to Windsor from Toronto, Mrs, Leroy, showing. So clear were the lines of formerly Etta Rutledge, of Goderich the eclipse that early in the evening Township, and for some years clerk the moon presented the appearance of in the store of Gilroy & Wiseman, pass ed away on Sunday morning. The body was taken to Goderich and funeral held from the home of Mr. Jas, Connolly, owing to the bad condition of the IArron Road, and interment was made at the Goderich cemetery on Wednes- day. The deceased is survived by two daughters in Winnipeg. tier husband died some years ago. Mr. Wm. Rut- ledge and Miss Rutledge, of the Huron Road, are brother and sister of the deceased. The old friends of the de- ceased are indeed grieved to hear of HAD yjNoei �3�no owns SaC+J her sudden death, after expecting to , have made a pleasant visit with her this fall. � wouLo at) BUCK IN FAOF. 5f1� SfilE'Sr! fl(l'IT X1111 Mr. Joseph Ryder left last Friday for Montreal where he took a boat for Old England. We predict Joseph will ' Mothers should never neglect whoop - have the time of •his life while seeing Ing cough, and on the first sign of this old familiar sights. disease we would•advise the use of Dr. The Canadian Printer and Publisher Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. This famous remedy will clear the bronchial tubes of the collected inucous and phlegm, and in this way ease the wracking/cough and in a short time make it disappear entire- ly. a first quarter except that the points or horns were pointing upwards in- stead of to one side. The face of the moon was not entirely covered at any time, it being about a twothirds eclipse. It would almost appear that the scient- ists had slipped upon this eclipse, as no announcement was made of it and in fact no scientific data concerning' it is available as yet. As a matter of fact a large number of people who while they saw the moon last Sunday night, this month snakes the following •re- ference to a well-known Clinton old - boy: E. J. Archibald, editorial writer for the Montreal Star, has been made managing editor of that paper in suc- cession to C: F. Crandall, who has taken charge of the Vancouver World. Fresh Lettuce ,.l We can fill orders for • Fresh. Lettuce ever• day. Let us have your order now Clinton :,Greenhc ,Greenhouse MRS. T. COTTLE . : , -Phone 102. As Clothes are to the Body, so are Wall Papers to the Home Few people can afford to hip liadly,,dxeed; and few people can afford to live with old or in- harmonious wallpapers. . They affect the .tspirits. They decrease self- confidence., They reduce morale. They are unhealthy for mind and body. influence the whole Paperscmious Wall atmosphere o of house. V 1Lyou have in view a change in the atmosphere pf your home we invite inspection a our stock and prices. •-ate rstk$t cheapest rwaYs thea est did not, appear to realize thatit was in eclipse, so'clear was it, fhe general im--7, pression being that it was a new moon _THE. CORNER. GROCERY— but that it "did look odd," SCRANTON COAL Don't forget to leave order for HARD and SOFT COAL with E. WARD, if you want satisfaction. • Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand Also, Some Good Hardwood —We will look afte,, you— Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. your Mrs. J. W. Mortimer, 2f -6th Ave. Bast, Vancouver, B.C,, writes;—"When my little girl was born she was not very strong, and when she was three months old we moved into'' damp house, A few days after NYC were settled she became very ill. I called in a doctor and he said site had whooPiug cotigla and bronchitis. He gave me medicine for her, but still I saw no change, iii fact, she seemed to get worse and several times I thought she was dead as she used to go black in the face and stiffef'right out; and P was 'tiear"ly crazy for fear the would die. A 'friend of mme.asked me to try,a bottle , of Dr., Wood's NonvFy Pine -Syrup, as she liad'three children of ler own. '2 'Bink `her'liddide, and a'fter'gi'Sing my lit- tle girl half a bottle she was quite .a Lot .better, and when the bottle was finished 'she was well`again: it' ,fit 031 DR.'WOOD'S": mill • lirk a NORWAY tPINE. I'satt '\ SYRUP • Price, .3Sc. and 60c. a bottle; put ,up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Before ' Buying Range Call and See Our Line : It i4 McClary's. SUTTER & PERDUE Hardware.,, Electric Wiring Plumbing E. WARP P RESIDENCE—HURON STREET We are Headquarters for the fin'' est blends of tea obtainable, grad- ed up to a standard, not down to a• price. Our Blends of Tea at 50c 60c` and 80c are tea's the most parti-f' cular tea drinks, will enjoy. Every -- thing in picnic supplies Lemonade;. Orangade, Grape Juice, Olives, Cook meats, Fred. W. Wigg Diene 45. ARE YOU Ready for, Winter—its Corning sooner than we wish it. Now is the• time toget ready for it and your usual Fall Cleaning. Our One Hour Cash specials from c.30 to 4.30 p•m. on Wed- nesday and Saturday of this and next week will interest you. —Hour Specials are Strictly Cash Prices • — COFFEE Our Coffee sales .in last year have trebled. Why? We have the Coffee. They all come back for the next lb Our price to you is 55c per lb. A FEW HOUR TEAS • We have Teas at SPECIALS 3 bars Soap , .. 23c 2 pkgs Lux ... 23c 3 pkgs Anomina . 23c —Just a few— A Bigger List Seen at our Store all prices that have the quality and the flavor. 1 lb for ... ...35 3 lbs for , , , . 95 1 Ifs for , , . . .55 . 3 the for 1 50 GET THE IIABIT OrDEALING PHONE 111. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY i Clinton Gara(p and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headlt ght Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approv ed Lenses, We have the following to choose from: Levelight Holophane Legalite Primolite Macbeth ';onoplter Clear Shaler Roadlighter 'Conopher Noviol Clamert Come in and have us fill out your applications J. 1-i. PAXMAN• Overland Agent EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVIN G Phone 80 Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. THE SEASON'S BEST,, IN FOOTWEAR Standing up on thethreshold, of,' the Fall Season '1y announceannounce our readiness to provide our trade with the very Best of Footwear at moderate prices. We are able to rip ' showthe best Shoe values at any stated Price! rt OUR SHOE" SERVICE - We do ,more than simply sell Shoes! Our expert and careful service will provide every Foot. that comes to us a Shoe that's right in size and construction! f. We 'ash . your Consideration „na a •.IAI 11B• Rawia .o ' ,.."`SHOES THAT, SA',tti;I EY"