HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-10-13, Page 2PAGE TWO.
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Some Useful "Safety Rules" to F1'ollow by
,all ACanadians
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For Infants 811041 Children..
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
J .
Bears the
rs, t vs•
For Over
Use "Safety" matches which- strike
onlyy on the box.
Do not buy matches which break,
lose their heads or glow after being
put out.
Never throw away a match until
every spark is out,
if matches are spilled, pick up every
Do not carry matches loose; child
rep do not need to carry them at all.
Matches should_he kept out of the
reach of little children.
Keep them in covered boxes away
from the heatof stoves or stove -pines.
Strike matches away from you. If
If striking on 'a box, first close the box.
Strike downward' on the box.
Thirty Years't
Exact Copy Of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW Yeaa CIT!, e
His `Latest Photograph'
!prime Minister a Canada
The New. Era has been supplied the
mbove perfectly good "cut" of Premier
Meighen free of charge. It has been
sent to us•by the government as be-
ing his "latest photograph." The pose,
we presume, is the most effective that
could be produced, in an, effort to
create a good'impression and.help win
the election, but how it took with the
public we'll know better after the fray
is over, Any old "cuts" on file,, that
do not do Justice to the. premier's good
looks, we are requested to discard. It
pleases us to here introduce the Hon.
Arthur Meighen, prime, minister of
Canada, as a former student at school
under Miss Adelaide Clayton, B. A., of
Listowel, and a former C. C. I, teacher,
to whom undoubtedly some credit is
due for the high honor which he now
holds and for which his early training
under her direction, helped to fit him.
The Ottawa River, which in itself
is capable, between Lake Temiskaming
and Carillon, of developing 600,000
horsepower, and with its .tributaries
688,000, is third in order of import-
ance as a potential source of hydro-
electric power.
Mrs. M. Damgand1 Young's Cove
Road, N.B., writes:—'I was bothered
very much with my heart• and. nerves;
had nervous headaches anti .dizziness,
could' not ' sleep " at nights, and my
appetite was all gone. I was almost
on a nervoua•breakdown ;when a neigh-
bor told me to try Mllburn'a Heart
and Nerve Pills. This I did, and before
/bad the second box used'I was better."
' To shy of diose suffering in any way
from derangements of the heart or nerves
such as palpitation of, the heart, faint
and dizzy spells, sleeplessness smothering
feeling, shortness of breath, etc:, we.
an recommend our
Price, 80e. a box at all dealers op
nailed dived oa receipt of price by The
T. MILUm Cis., Linsited, Ttnonto; Oat,
against it.
Never pour coal oil Into a coal or,
wood stove, even when the fire is out;
Never put ashes into wooden boxes
or barrels, have a strong metal can.
Study the drafts and dampers.
Do not let the stove or' pipes be-,
come red hot.. I1'
Keep stoves, furnaces, flues and
chimneys clean,
Inspect the chimneys and flues to!
be sure that they-are•sound..
Do not dry wood in an oven.
Do not Jiang wet clothing too near
to a stove,
Keep curtains away from stoves
and pipes.
Don't build, bonfires for fun,
If you must build outdoor fires, be
sure that they are cold before you leave
turn the flaiifes too high,
Keep the oil can outside of the
house, if possible.
Do not let the floor beneath the
can become'oil-soaked,
Make sure that the' can does not
leak' nor drip. s
Fill by daylight only any recent- f
Able in "which oil is to be pureed.
Never start a coal or wood fire
with oil.
Remember that the human body is
a conductor; do not touch wires, or
anything else which may' be charged
with electricity.
Do not have wiring done by any
one but an expert and careful electric-
Never leave an electric device, even
for a moment without making sure that
Thursday, Petober 13th ,1924
Value Supreme
is In every sac Cet o!
Everylittle 1 • :ate:
A 1eaR'will yield its full quote, of
generous 'goodness'. Sold in sealed packets on1y.
• Atictiofl Snle,
Of household effects, The under.'
Igned will hold an. auction sale of ef-
ects at her residenp., Rattenbury St.,
West,, do Tuesday, October 18th, at 2
o'clock, offering dining room furniture,
ncluding a walnut ,buffet, kitchen and
rocking chairs, bookcase, sewing mach-
ine, washing machine, stoves, coal
Heater, Gasoline stove with oven, and
Laundry stove, organ with .walnut case,
pictures, tables, lamps, etc. Terms:
Cash. Miss Bessie Porter, Proprietor-
ess, G. H, Elliott, auctioneer.
Candles should never be taken into them, the current is turned off,
may ignite inflam
e1 oset s where they
mabl 1. Don't set dead trees afire. Some- SAFETY RULES FOR GASOLINE
e materials
ill burn for days
they w .
Use metal oil lamps not glass ones. times Remember that you must take tno
Use only the best quality of oil, Before ilghting an open fire be sure chances with gasoline; it is one of the
that it is completely enclosed in a
Have lamps with solid, heavy bases. ; most dangerous explosives in common
Be sure that the wick fits snugly, stout wire screen, use.
Keep children from playing too near It must always be kept in tightly
fastened cans' never in glass bottles.
It should never be uncovered with-
in the house nor at any point where its
fumes can travel to an open flame, a
live coal, or a spark.
Do not use it for cleaning, if you
can get a safe cleaning operation.
Gasoline in quantity)tfouid be kept
in underground tanks:
No one should .,V6- to smoke
in a garage.
No one should be allowed to smoke
Continued on Pane 5.
Cottage for Sale.
Formerly occupied by the late Mrs.
Arthur McRae. Apply to Mrs. Geo.
Keep the burner clean; boil it oc-
casionally with soda, lye, or a strong
soap solution,
Keep the wick trimmed evenly.,
Fill the lamp by daylight only.
13e sure that the burner is tightly
screwed into place.
Wipe the reservoir clean.
Do not set the lamp near the edge
of a table or in any place where it may
Do not set it close to curtains or
anything that will take fire easily ,
Do not leave a burning lamp too
the fire, screen or no screen.
Don't throw large pieces of loose
paper upon an open tire.
Make absolutely certain that the fire
is out before going to lied at night.
Don't say, "I guess it's all right,"
Thaw frozen pipes with hok water,
not with flame.
Don't leave the stove while broil-
ing is being done.
Don't pour water on burning fat;
long unwatc use earth ,sand, flour, salt, or a n
Do not leave the house without eX- cover.
tinguishing it, Never let a stove get red hot.
Have no gas flames without globes,
if you have a gas mantle burner,
be sure that pieces of the mantle can-
not fall out.
Never use paper lighters.
Place stoves, furnaces and pipes far
enough from walls and woodwork to
avoid overheating. -
Cover the nearest wooden surfaces Keep things tidy; don't' allow rub -
with sheet asbestos, sheet iron or tin; bish to accumulate ,anywhere in the
if iron or tin is used, leave an air space
behind it,
Where stovepipes or heating pipes
pass through walls, enclose the pipes
in galvanized' iron, doublewalled, ven-
tilated thimbles at least twelve inches
wider than the diameter of the pipes.
Protect the floor beneath the stove
with sheet metal, and have it extend
forward at least twelve inches directly
beneath the door of the ashpit.
Surround the base of the• furnace
with brick, stone or concrete,
Make sure that all pipes are free
from rust, and that all joints and con-
nections are sound and tight.
Fix a guard about the'pipe in the
attic so that ,nothing may be stored
Be careful not to use stove polish
on' a hot stove; wait until it is cold.
Don't use any kind of stove polish
unless you know what is in it; buy the
safe kinds.
Don't leave sweepings in a piece of
paper; put them in the stove.
In cleaning furniture with oil or
wax, use only small quantities at a time
and burn the polishing rags.
house or near it.
if you keep oily cloths, put them
into a metal box or can with a cover.
Don't pile dead leaves against any-
thing that will burn. ' They sometimes
ignite themselves.
Bury leaves; don't burn them.
Don't have old pieces of lumber
cluttering up your basement. Have
them Cut up into kindling and then
piled in a proper place.
Study the Rules for Lights.
Be sure that oii heaters and cook-
ers do not leak and that theywill not
Keep the burners clean and do not
You Are Positively Authorized To Guarantee
"MirAcle" Unconditionally
We will make good to you for any bottle of "MirAcle" Washing Cream returned by any house-
wife who isnot satisfied with it. ,
"MirAcle" Washing Cream is something entirely new, brought out for just one purpose, that
• of enabling the housewife to do her washing easier, quicker and better than she has ever done it before.
"MirAcle" Washing Cream is like nothing that has ever gone before... It is positively harmless
to any clothes, no matter how delicate. It is so harmless you could clean your teeth with: it, it could
be used to wash a baby's tender Skin.- • - " •
Bear in mind, Mr, Grocer, that "MirAcle" does NOT take the place of soap, but it DOES make
soap work like magic, and in the rinsing it brings out ALL the soap, leaving the fabrics clean, clear
and silky. ,
Go as far as you like in recommending housewives to Use "MirAcle" — impress upon them the
necessity of following carefully the printed instructions on the bottle --have it tried in your own Koine
—tell the people that we stand back of '`MirAcle"- to the "MirAcle." in Canada and the United States are using „ Small
fullest extent—tell them that tens of thousands of housewives w e m"M1rp i ':
�,� , Size, , ';
Washing ream
Is Sold
All Good Grocers
For Sale.
Cement platform and curbing for
top of wells, 1, 3 in. screen ventilator
6 inches above platform, will fit any
size well and fit around any size
pump. Can be removed at any time.
!3uara4eed lid hold sp ;a steam of
horses and to be mouse and water
proof. Also cement soft water cis-
terns with cement platform with 12
inch rim around man -hole for sodding
to prevent frost and keep out surface
water. H. H. Cantelon, R. R. No, 5,
Clinton. Phone 3, on 619.
Town of Clinton
Auction Sale
Of Farm, farm stock and implements.
Mr. Thos. Brown, has been, instructed
to sell by public auction on the farm,
1 mile west.of:Bganondville,:on the Mill
Road, on Wednesday, Obh,
at 1 o'clock p,m., the followingctoer :-19tlitre
farm is well located -in a good• farming
locality, Concession 4, Lot 4. There is
upon it a solid brick house with stone
foundation, a frame bank barn, a drive
shed, hay shed and hen house. The
lot contains 135 acres of which 5 acres
is bush land. The soil is clay loam.
implements -1 McCormick binder; 1
'international siderake; 1 International
hay loader; 1 Magnet gasoline engine;
1 mower; 1 sugar beet scuffler; 1 Mas-
sey, Harris cultivator; 1 Massey Harris
seed drill; 1 cutting box; 2 farm wag-
gons; 1 set bob sleighs; i double rid-
ing plough; b single riding plow; 1
walking plough; 1 set harrows; 1 In-
ternational steel roller; 1 hay rack; 1
Cockshutt spreader; 1 grain crusher; 1
fanning mill; 1 circular saw; 1 Massey
Harris cream separator, capacity 700
lbs, with clutch pulley; 1 galvanized
tank (cap. 12 barrels);. 1, 40 -gallon
galvanized oil barrel; 21 cedar posts;
i buggy; 1 set double harness; 14
bunches 5X shingles; 60 ft. hay fork
rake; 1 hay fork; car and pulleys; a
q1uredty of heiifer,fay and grain, Reg. MiltontlRuby,
149041; 1 roan cow, reg. Waterloo
Princess No. 10719.2, supposed to be
in calf; 1 white cow, 4 years old;, 3
roan cows; 2 black cows; 1 red cow; 4
heifers, rising 2;. 3 steers, 1 year old;
5 calves. Horses -1 heavy draft rising
4 years; 2 general purpose 2 years; 2
general purpose rising 1 year; 1 driver
rising 1 year. Pigs -5 young pigs; 1
sow. Terms of Sale—All sums of $10
and under cash, over that amount 12
months' credit on approved joint notes
or a discout of 6% off for cash or
credit accounts. Thos. G. Lane, Prop.,
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer.
• Wanted
To Purchase Green Flax Straw. AP' i
ply to Flax Mill -Office, .Clinton.. .
Notice is hereby given that, the Court
of Revision of the Municipality of the
Town of Clinton will be held in the
Council Chamber, Clinton on Thurs-
day,'Oct. 27th, 4921, at enght'o'clock
In the evening, for the purpose.of hear-
ing and determining complaints against
the Assessment Roll ofthe said Muni-
cipality for 1921, Persons having
business with the said Court: will please
attend at the said time and place..
D. L. Macpheraoa,
Clinton, Oct. 13th, 1921.
Until further notice the Doctors di
Clinton will- observe, Wednesday,• after-
noon as a holiday. One' doctor alweyh
remaining in his office to attend limen
geney • calls of which he can be Motk
fled by telephone.
For Sale.
A number of storm windows, 7ft 6 x
2 ft 8 in. and 7ft 6 x 4ft 6 inches. Ap-
ply to . Geo. McLennan:
Wewant a thoroughly capable man
who can sell to farmers. Must have
horse and rig or car; Best business
opening in 'Clinton. Exclusive com-
mission contract with the largest manu-
facturers in Canada of Farm Machine
Specialties. Good for $2500.00 to
$5000 a year. Box N. Clinton.
Dr; John Ward.
Chiropractic • a▪ nd, ectricall Treat-
ments for Chronic and Nervous Dis-
eases.' Eyes tested, and Glasses scien-
tifically fitted. Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays: Hours 10 to 4, and, by
appointment. Office: Corner Ontario
and Williams Sts. Clinton Ont.'
The Dominion ▪ Feather and Mattress
Co., are to Clinton and making your
old featherr bed' into theten roll rani- HURON SPECIALTY
tary mattress or down comforter. AS CGS CO.They also buy old or new feathers. CASTINGS \
Drop a card to Clinton and our agent
will, call. t ., • otos Works Building
Notice of Registration of By -Law
Notice is hereby given that a bylaw'
was passed by the Municipal Council
of the Corporation- of the Town of
Clinton on thle Sixth day of September,
1921, providing for the issue of de-
bentures to the amount of $6000.00
for the purpose of supplementing the
water supply of the waterworks sys-
tem of the Town _ of Clinton, and that
such by-law was registeried in the
Registry Office of the Couity.of Huroi
Of the Fourteenth day of September,
Any motion to quash or set aside
the same or any part thereof must be
madie within three months after the
first publication of this notice, and
cannot be made thereafter.
Dated the 29th day of September, 192(
D. L. Macpherson, Town Clerk.
Brick Cottage For Sale
One of the best brick cottages is
Clinton for sale, First class barn on
the premises, ' All in good repair. Ap-
ply at New Era 'Office.
We cast Points for any Plow
'Bring old points' when ppssiblo
To Get Your, .Wash Whiter and Softer WithLess Work
Vie MirAcle
"MirAcle" Washing Cream has come to show you, the housewives of Clinton, a new whiteness
in the wash.
' Forget everythng you ever heard -about washing compounds, tablets, fluids or flakes. There has
never been anything like "MirAcle" Washing Cream before.
This soap.'aiding -wonder-worker is the result of long years' work, experimenting and testing, to
find the' right p bdiict.'
' "MirAdle" Washing Cream *--- if used as per directions doubles andtrebles the efficiency of
soap and 'ftirthermore, in the rinsing "MirAcle" has the wonderful fatuity of making all the soap,
come out ofthe. clothes, leaving them with a new whiteness that will simply delight you on the very,
first trial.
Not only that, but in every washing thereafter you will notice your clothes coming whiter and `
whiter, and this is.'true"whether you are washing heavy, rough things or the finest of linens; and dahity,
One lady,, who has been using "MirAcle" for the'last two or three weeks, said the other day: "1
could just laugh for joy. when I look out of,•the window and seemy beautiful white clothes flapping
in the sunshine."
Another lady remarked: "I really look forward with pleasure to doing the washing since
"MirAcle has shown Me how easy it is and what b eautiful results 1 can get."
Nearly every grocer in Clinton has "MirAcle" Washing
Cream and every store that sells it is authorized to rettfrn
money back to any lady who is not entirely satisfied.
So; little "MirAcle" is required that it will cost you less
than 5c a wash to get your clothes whiter and cleaner than
you ever had them before. '
Ask your grocer to send you a bottle of "MirAcle" with
your next order, and be sure to let it help you with your next
A little bottle retails for 15c. The larger 5Oc size is more
economical - to buy once you are convinced that "MirAcle"
Washing Cream is the best wash day help you ever had.
1114G C r`"
Mip.g,oto Wu,hine Cream hi guaranteed td be and to do everything
wo represent. It lo wartanted to fliail every claim we malar. tryou
two it in accordance with the direetiona printed on the bottle and
whlit oh 19 hereby qutheri,od to refund
your money in full, your otoret•
You can get "MirAcle" at these Clifton Stores;
Geo. McLennan, F. W. Wigg, W
3lYil laiY< f !Oliffivld'fr late;
T. O'Neil, Grocers
1 . lir;
It , i ,,=b ` Y !i
Mclennan Chemcao Coal Limine
'nufdlt" t a 4 t°aks4 atf$`41 •lewd aiat oigre t•
Windsor, C•anasla