The Clinton New Era, 1921-9-22, Page 7Thursday, :$01;ternbsr, 22, 192'1. BRONCHIAL ASH113 !Choking and Gasping for Breath Relieved by "FRUlT.A.TIVES" MRS. PENNINGTON NEW ROCKLAND, P.Q. "In 1919, I was taken with Bronchia Asthma and no one knows Ntiaat suffered with it during the winter, I began having Choking S.pells—gasping for breath and could not speak, would have one of these bad spells ' In the'evening, one during the night, and one in the morning. The doetor said he could„do nothing for me. "In the spring a 1920, I started taking "Fruit•a-tives" and in a few days, the choking spells stopped, and I have had none since May 7th, 1920. I have so wanted to tell other sufferers who have the same trouble about "Fruit-a-tives" for I knowhow they must suffer. Some thought tbe Asthma would collie back on me as winter came on but it hes mot, thanks to "Fruit-a- tives" Mrs. 7, M. PENNINGTON, 500 a box, 6 for $2.60, trial sloe, 26e. At dealers or sent postpaid by Pruit-a•tives Limited, Ottawa. * * * * * * *7 * * * * * FACTS ABOUT CANADA 4+ * * 44 * * 4+ * 4+ as The comparative figures of the Dom- inion Bureau of Statistics covering the live stock situation in Canada give the following .totals in the Dominion for the years. 1915 and 1920: 1915 1920 Horses 2,996,099 3,400,352 Milch Cows —2,666,846 3,530,238 Other Cattle 3,399,155 5,947,142 ' All Cattle 6,066,001 9,477,380 Sheep 2,03S,662 1,720,783 Swine 3,14111900, 3,516,678 At the end of December, 1918, there were in Canada 35,797 manufacturing establshments n comparsion with 15,- 796 existing in -905. The capital in- vested in these induitties in 1918 ag- . gregated $3,034,915 compared with $846,585,023 in 1905. The employees in Canadian manu- facturing establishments in 1905 num- bered 39,2,530; in 1918 they number 677,787. • Chirdie-n-rary ."FOR 'FLETCHER'S OTAS:r-0 R 1 A In 1905 the value of the output of all ',Canadian manufacturing establishments was $718,353,000. in 1918 the value •of the output was $1,458,036,975, Ontario leads in the number of manu- facturing plants with 15,365 to her -credit; Quebec next with 10,540; then in order Nova Scotia, 2,125; British Columbia, 1,786; Manitoba, 1,444; Saskatchewan, 1,422; New Brunswick, 1,364; Alberta, 1,252; Prince Edward Island, 484; and the Yukon, 15. The production of copper in Canada in 1920 is estimated at 82,500,000 pounds which shows an increase of 10 per cent, over the previous year. Whilst Quebec product* fell off, Ontario out put increased by 25 per cent. The estimated value of gold production is placed at $16,000,000, comparini with $150-50023 in )1919), Whi9s the total value has slight increases 'during the last two years, the production is still less than that of 1916 when the total was more than $19,000,000, or in 1909, when a 'maximum of nearly $28,000,000 was obtained. THERE IS ONLY ONE 6 GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin—No others! If you don't see the "Bayer Cross" bn the tablets, refuse them—they are not Aspirin ab Inaist on genuine "Bayer Tablets of !Aspirin" plainly stamped with the safety "Bayer cross"—Aapirin prescribed by physicians far nineteen years and proved safe by millions for Headache, Tooth. eche, Earache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Colds, Neuritis, and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets—also larger "Bayer". packages. Made in Canada, Aspirin is the trade mark (registered It Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetleasidester of Salleylicacid, While it is well known that Aspirin means Barr 'Manufacture, to assist the publie against imitatione,,the Tablets of Bayer against Ltd, will be damped with their general trade mark, pie ''Beyer 'Or0,011. The Clinton New Era PAGE SEVEN mM, 1,1 V* 4 14, A 1}. 01, !At, ,,zsmometsmozwcaraitsmeememovamummemsmostaemmanommooram .k`l• .:••• ',N1! , is,;• VAV.10,0110*1, ,14.•,./ .• 71 :AO VI, ;1"a4 C. P. R. Liner Empress of Scotland. This was for- merly the German liner Kaisetrin Auguste Victoria, She has a tonnage of 25,000, and is the largest vessel to enter the St. Lawrence,sand one of the largest in the Atlantic. She will carry first, second and third class passengers. The vessel has been purchased outright by the C. P. R. for service 'be- tween Quebec and Liver-. pool. L. a -VNget, ,." (1) Surrey cricket tea= coming out to field for the& match against the Australians in England. (.2) • Colonel Harvey the new'United State i Ambassador toGreat brl- tai VvthMrs. Haryey, photo- graphed on arrival at Southamp- ton, 'England. il eMd (8) An old tit. woman selle heather to auxs during a 'ea a shop in Du 14). 41IA4410 dpilis ISuara=iiiivahai . . ese Crown Prince's visit to 1,and,on, England. Determined to give his sovereign prince a hearty v,+cicprxse, n little .1`ayanese.boy sto.od. of the Eines guard waving'1519 na- tional flag. (15) Radium and container rojy for presentation to famous a - dame OUVitl• 1'h grain Of radtusn studI thinablefull—worth 120, 000 in conWMed in 10 glass oap- sulos. (0) EaftlA aAlklrau broUttZ; to America for adoption with society talks. (7) Mrs. M. J. Erickson, of tPalo. ltuid, Pal., who has the distinction of being the only woman sailrttl rrresidrit in the world. She, WOLS reoent y re-elected for the sigh year 4 head the AmadonZentrn Railway, which hex husband found - 4+4 SOME, years ago. Goorges Onmentier atiOtoaitr tive trai3Oug. at kr 104