HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-9-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR HEALTH MESSAGE TOTHENORD Take "Fruit -a -lues" And Make Yourself Well "Fruit•a-ttvos",the Mary e l l ous ntedi cine made from. fruit Paces and tonics, is the most beneficial medicinal agent that has over boon given to mankind, Just as oranges, apples, fib's and prunes are'nature's own medicine, so "Fruit-a-tives"—made from these fruit Juices—but concentrated and iintensified-1s the greatest Stomach and Liver ll2edicine, the greatest Kidney andBladder Medicine—the greatest Blood Purifier—the greatest remedy for Head- aches, Constipation, indigestion, .Neroous- aess and Bad Conipletvion—in the world To be well, take " 1D reit-a-tives" 50e a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid lay Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. ONTARIO LEGISLATION extending widening of diverting a high's way, the council may pass at any time before the work is completed an amend- ing by-law providing for a deviation in the location of the highway, and the Municipal Board may make an order validating such by-lawon such terms as it considers proper. 2. Where the work of establishing, widening or diverting a street involves taking a portion of a -lot or lots abutt- ing on the work, the council may agree with the owner to reduce thb special assessment on the remainder of his lot or lots by way of release or reduction of the latter's claim for compensation. 3. Where it is desired to construct a. sidewalk on one side of a street only in a township, if the owners on both sides of the street petition for the -as- sessment of a certain portion of the own ers share not exceeding one-third, against the lots on the other side of the street, the council may specially assess the lands on the other side of the street in conformity with the petition; and If at a later data a sidewalk is constructed on the opposite side the owner's port- ion of the cost may be specially assess= ed in like inanner. 4. Councils may undertake the re- surfacing of a pavement, the lifetime of which has not expired, as a local im- provement, provided that the corporat- ion assumes the special assessment charged against lots fronting or abutt- ing on the work until the expiration of the period within which such lots are specially assessed for the then existing pavement. Municipal Tax Exemption Act, 1920. —13y -laws passed under this Act must now have the assent of the electors qualified to vote on. money by-laws. if a petition signed by at least 50 per cent of the electors qualified to vote on' 'Money by-laws is 'presented to the coun ,ell the council must submit a by-law in -conformity 'with the petition to the ,electors at the next municpal election. Minicipal Fire Departments.—The Two -Platoon System is made compul- sory for all cities and towns having a population of over 50,000 where there is a permanent fire department paid by the municipal corporation. Public Parks.—The Board of Park Management is in future to be appoint- ed by the council Instead of by the council on nomination by the head of the council. Early Closing. —if an application is presented to the council signed by not less than three-fourths in number of the occupiers of any class of shops situ- ate within the municipality the council shall pass a by-law requiring all shops belonging to the class specified in the application to be closed and remain closed on one particular day of the week during such hours between' twelve thirty o'clock noon and five a.m. of the next following day, and during such periods of the year as are named in the application. Line Fences,—Township. councills may pass a by-law declaring that the provisions of The Line Fences Act shall apply to unoccupied land as well as to occupied land, THE END The Clinton New Era Thursday, September, 1S, 192t, J'COURILSY orGRR.4'w HOW`YOU CAN TELL ( GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin—No others! There is only one Aspirin, that marked !With the "Bayer Cross"—all other fab, rete aro only acid imitations. J Genuine "Bayer Tablets. of Aspirin!' shave been prescribed by physicians for mfneteen yore and proved safe by mil- lions for rain, Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis. Handy tin 'boxes of 12 tablets—also larger "Bayer" packages, can be had at any drug storm Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticaeidester of Salieylicaei' While it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture,to. assist the ubhc against imitation, the Tablets of Bayer Company. Ltd., will be stare os With their g neral gado marls, b °PO' Vrosai- BrCOURntsrorCAR ieYCOURraY OIGR& "(1) Mr. and Mrs. S. Whittaker. age 77,and 72, of England, en route on a 6,000 mile journey to visit their son, Mr. Oscar Whittaker, owner of a ranch at Chilliwack, British Colum- bia. (2) Remarkable snapshot of 'Mdlle. Lenglen, the world's 'champion woman tennis play- er, in action at Wimbledon, England, against Miss Rylan, of California, whom she de- f eated. (3) The Royal Marine Hotel, Kingstown, Dublin, where a round -up of Sinn Feiners took place. (4) Belgian coal to the amount of 1,000 tons being unloaded at Barrow, England, during the coal strike. (5) It is lovely and cool by the sea at St. Andrew's, N.B. .(6) Lady Constance Stewart Richardson, the well known dancer, who arrived at Liver- pool. She hopes to resume her dancing. (7) Florence Selby, San Fran- cisco, selected by the city to welcome the Knights of Colum- bus conventionista. 8) A family of Hollanders in l arta. The owner of this home is only a few years farm- ing in the west. BVCOURTLSY OR CAR etinennatnexasensiMMOSsanans VIEW anada's Sisley Tea 1 and Maj Butler of the Canadian Bialego t e Col. Peck, V.C., and Mrs. Peck, Sergt. Hawkins or team on board the C. P. R. Liner AMetagama. Lt. -Col. C. W. Peck, V.C., D.S.O., M.P., together with twenty-one Can- adian competitors for Bisley arrived at Liverpool recently by the Can- adian Pacific liner Metagansa. Col. Peck in an interview stated that pro- viding they had good weather, they hoped to pull off some of the big prizes as the team was feeling very fit. Major C. W. Butler is the Adjutant in charge. Among the best shots in the party are Segt. W. A. Hawkins, 19and Private o won the King's II Caplin, winner of the Prince of Wales prize in 1904. Major Geo. Mortimer (Ottawa), Sergt. H. R. Roberts (Toronto), and Major C. R. Crowe (Guelph), have in turn each won the Governor General of Can- ada's prize, the competition taking place ,every year in the Dominion. Sergt. Hawkins last year made four wonderful scores in Canada, he ob- tained the two highest alrgreaable scores at Toronto, and the two high- est at Ottawa, which constitutes a row, j, p,J. 0. Nix who was very prominent in his scoring for the Can- adians at Bisley last year, is also with the team. The party left direct for Bisley, where they vir111 be in practice for a week prior to the opening of the competitions. Each member was in possession of his own short Lee Enfield rifle. The Canadian Rifle Team, Bisley, of 1921 is: Commandant: Lt. -Col. C. W. Peek, V.C., D.S.O., M.P., Canadian Scottish Regt i Victoria, Z.C. Adjutant: Major C. W. Butler, Western Ontario Regt., London, Ont. Sergt. W. A. Hawkins, G.M., 48th High., Toronto. Sergt. A, F. B. Wilson, 88th Bn., Ottawa. 28th Sark. Sergt.' J. G. Coles, Maj. Geo, Mortimer, G.G.F.G., Ottawa. Maj. F. Richardson. lath 0. S., Victoria. Lt, J. 0, Nix, Cameron Nigh., Winnipag. Berat. G. q To ri '.r l$1,, l_.,wtin.m.. Maj. C. R. Crewe, Weld Rifles, Guelph. Sergt. T. Angear, 1st. Cal. Regt-5 Calgary. Sergt. J. T. Steele, Wellivggtoal Rifles, Guelph Sergt. C. H Tyers, The G. G. F. tis Brittania Bay. Lieut. H. W. Patterson, The G. Gy F. G., Ottawa. Gr. W. E. Tinsman, R. C. G. A. Quebec. 5. Sgt. H. R. Roberts, arenas, Toronto. Colchester Sergt. L. B. McCallum, 84 Hants Regt., Truro. Regt., Regina, Pte. A. Caplin, Gth Rae., Van, eouver, S.C. • Lieut. 8, A. Annasd, 1st. Calgary Reat�tCalgary.- Sw+ A � Vie' C W. ,s �t. C Pt F 'N. Allen, esteem. Out London, Ont. • evt. A. Lucas, Qusen'b Rifles, Toronto, Ont. +c *slip, 48th Nigh„