HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-8-11, Page 6PAGE .SIX The Clutton Era S"-,'`"".,,.,v,.a�a, l,.a,,.,t-.- ka:.wn,w.nl:•as,.r2lw�"a%,�ti ,aa,,.. Ttu`,i a5 ,w sre' "er la. na.v..r •WMYWeU%E,I ASSAM'A. :-•, .r• S•Nry m µE +^• ,>r+�; at, .J 7,7"4!.'!"0„,I�' R,J•6�” a% . ,., u F ,szaw1gv . meiRii rt' U?•:a ...,.. 1 �„r�"`'"34p�h,y �... �„—, ,........,�,.� anruersa,.__ n.._.....sca .,w•a � ��,tap :.,a Held Picnic nt Bayfield. Improvemonta: • '; •. off,: Do you know that we sell Pol arine Oil, Mica, Axle Grease, Eldorada Castor Machine Oil, and other Lubricants, Zenoleum Dustbane:, entlon (Crendid In Bulk), and sprayers to apply it with. Corless & V enner PHONE ---53 —53 Hardware an Electrical TRY T. Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND LIVE POULTRY WANTED —o—. Newspaper Postage /ill Be Doubled. The Government reminds the news- papers this week that the postage on newspapers, which was increased four fold last January, will be doubled this rate on and after New Years next, He's Wiser Now. • There was a man In our town, Who thought that he was smart; He bought himself a motor car And took it all apart. Right there, or so tradition says, He ceased to be so vain; ' Two experts labored seven weeks. To make It run again. Our advice would .be to market your Poultry early this year while ROOFING prices are high. Fall prices are expected to be much lower than Repairing Promptly last year. Sell now. Enquire of Done us for prices. I ?hone 53 0-- • GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD. Hecla Furnaces Lead. Clinton, Ontario There is a Reason i N. W. Trewartha Local Manager Ask Us. enuine D L. & W. Scranton Coal Yes we have it in all sties. Don't put off buying 'as the price is gradually stiffening. Delay will only cause It pan= icky buying craze similar to that ex- perienced last faii 'when prices went crazy. ' Let' me advise you fi5 fill up with. MUSTARD'S COAL 4t answers the burning question: We also carry id stock. for'your con- `venienca ffG,a AT CLINTON Hardwood in different qualities Slabs, the ideal summer, fuel, Cedar rails, fine for kindling,Canada Cement;' tite standard article, Threshing coati• • convenient and safe. AT BRUCEFIELD ->91"qtr. Hemlock IAber at new prices, 2X, 3X & 5X shingles,. at your own price Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement, 'Chest slut, Stove and Soft Coal. JNO. B. MUSTARD Clinton &. Bruce:ielc'1e Phone for Clinton No. 74, Pkogo fol' i3r68e461d 11 oft 8l$. The un -to -date Firm • The' Ontario St. Methodist choir held an enjoyable picnic at 13ayflcld on Friday afternoon, Big Crowds Going to Goderich. Clinton has been well represented duringthe past few days at the 01d Boys' Celebration at'Coiterieh,' Our Best Wishes. Dating from August -1St, Mr. ,Athol McQuarrie assumes the attanagement of Tile Goderich Signal, Ml, McQuarrie lehrnt his trade with the Brussels Post. when the Editor of the New Era was "pitting in time” there also.. We wish him success at his new job. Given 5 Years. J Mex Kanski, of El, Paso Texas, was giv.ens 5 years at Kingston, by the List- oWel •Magistrate for stealing. He was a travelling street musietad „and. had made himself a nuisance at points in Bruce County. He paid .Conte# a short 'visit a few months ago. WOW >�m The; Royal Bank building is receiving a new coat „pi paint, Mr. Wm. Walker, nigh street, has had his house repainted. Harland Bros, installed a furnace In Miss l3eeker's residence last week. The store fronts of J, P. Sheppard &- Co., and Harland Bros. Is being re- painted, Fell Down Stairs. On Thursday morning Mr, J. C. Link later, Principal of Gananoque Public School, and formerly one of the teach- ers in Clinton Public School, was ser- iously injured by falling down stairs at home, His neck was at first though to be broken, but examination showed his injuries not to be so severe. The fall. ,was.the,resuit otitis takinga faint spell on the top of the stairway. Mr.Link- later's relatives reside in East Wawa - Gave Address, James H. O'Neil known here as 'Tip' and a son of Frank. O'Neil, gave the Kt wanis Club in Kitchener a few days ago a stirring address on advertising and its value toall kinds of business. Mr. O'Neil is now with the Lansing Capital News of Lansing, Mich. Will Represent Huron. Mr, E. R. Wigle of Goderich'will re- present Huron District on the Pharm- acy Council for the next two years. Mr. Wigle Mayor of Goderich, defeat- ed E. D. 'Bonnell, of Owen Sound by eight votes. Mr. Wigle was formerly a member for several years and was once president, but was succeded by Major Brownlee of Owen Sound two years ago. The first meeting will be held on November 16. Minor Locals Days grow shorter. After August ist, Municipal Clerk's must make a monthly report of all fires to 'the Department of Insurance at Ot- The Hottest July on Record. The .month of July was the hottest July on ,record in. Canada. The mean average temperature was 78 degrees. The highest mean average before was 76, in July, 1916: On no day between June, 19th and July 31st was the maxi- mum temperature, below 80. The high- est temperature however did not reach• that of July 3;1911, when it whs 103.2 degrees. ' Express Companies Combined. In a circular signed jointly by D. B. Hanna, chairman of the Board of Dir- ectors, Canadian National Express Com- pany, and by Howard G. Kelly, chair- man of the Board of Directors of the .'Canadian Express Company, announce- mentis Made that "effective September 5, next the .operation of ,the Canadian Express Company and the Canadian National Express Company willbecome consolidated and the combined busi- ness will be continued thereafter under the name of the Canadian Express Company. One Remedy. The Kincardine Reporter hits the nail squarely on thet head in the follow- ing: We have beard. a lot of comment about the . amount of money Palmer's Amusetitent Arena and the Chautaucua :... and other thhisgs. take out of town. We have heard, it said that some spend their. Under the patrona $-. a of the presid- mese,„who. will needit next winter, or ent of Uruguay the first Pan-American congress of architects will `be held at Montevideo in March. Clinton Won from,$eatorth. 'The Clinton Juniors defeated their Seaforth rivals on Friday night by a 'scoreof 50 to 4. Many errors were made on boor sides, Kerslake and Smith, the Seaforth pitchers, each had 2 strikeouts, while C, Hovey got a '- base bit .off Kerslake and Bawden had a 3 -base hit off Smith. Smith walked 1 and Kerslake hit one. Seaforth had a double play in the 4th that helped a lot, Norris made the visitors fan 8 times itnd hit one and walked one, while Fred McTaggart who pitched the last innings struck out one. Both teams had 5 men left on.bases. Mr. Telfer, of Blyth, .was the umpire for the game and kept things going. Following was the score by innings: 'Clinton —020 142 01x-10 Seaforth —100. 000 030= 4 Jackson --Elliot Wedding. On Wednesday, August 3, Marjorie Isabel, daughter of the late William Elliot and: Mrs. Elliot, of Mitchell, .was married to John Sanfield Jackson, of St. Catharines, son of Mr: and Mrs. J. 0. Jackson, Elmira. The ceremony was conducted by the Rev, J. W. Gordon of Knox Church, and the ;wedding tawa. music was.played by the brides cousin A Watford citizen• lost a valuable Miss Helen Forrester, of Clinton, The Persian kitten recently, Going to the Bride, who was .given , away by her Guide Advocate office to advertise ,for brother, Mr, William F. Elliot, wore a it be discovered kitty waiting for him draped gown of ivory satin and Chan - on the front step. The owner claims tilly lace. • Her train of satin, lined with that not being able to find it way )tome shell -pink blossoms and trimmed with the kitty knew that the printing office orange blossoms, was caught at the shoulders. Over it a tulle veil fell from a chaplet of orange blossoms. She carried r a shower bouquet of orchids and sweetheart roses, and wore the groom's gift, a diamond pendant. After a buffet luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson left by motor, en route for Algonquin Park, the bride travelling in a sand tricotine suit -with green feather and satin hat. On their return they will be at horse in St. Catharines. Does This Apply to Your Family? Under the changes in the School Law Sec. No. 3 of the Adolescent School At - • CHOLERA 99. THE SUMMER COMPLAINT OF INiFAN,TS. The trouble occurs mostly during the hot seasons, and is confined to iufpnts,. between the ageS of from four to twenty months, and generally happens about the time of the cutting of the first, teeth.. Mothers should look well after their /children at this stage and not experiment with any new and untried remedies, but procure one having stood the test of many years usage in thousands of •families, Dr. Powler'e fxtruct of Wild Straw- berry lits been on the market for 70 year,) nine is acknowledged. by all who hiivo peed it to be the vtlry.best remedy for Cholera Infanttlm; Diarrlibea, Colfol Dysentery and all • BoWel Complaints whether ni children or Adults. • Mrs. S. 11. Aloorn, 2 BleelcSt , Italifa`a, N.S., writes: --"My lit'tic girl was very bad with summer complaint caused• titan" change of milk,. said waabled teething at the sash tine. I tr#e'd• several, remed- fos bt..t with no re- sulrts until I was ad. viked'to 1,1, y` 'br liOwlor'd.' is did so, tynti,,lty VA tame or;e , bottle,Wae ekes sla was sss\voterr as ever, 1 Can't y1,ou htghiiy rec'ntrnlzend it for birth- Children' i anti Adults,” Price 60e, a• Limited, 'orgtj ooo The T. Milburn Co., , Out, advertised for lost and strayed articles or animals, and its home would be found.. During its 24 hour stay at the office it,lived on paste and printing ink and seemed quite satisfied with the diet. The Toronto Star hands a pointer to those contemplating marriage advis- ing them to quizz the parson perform- ing. the ceremony and find if he has ob- tained a license. If he bus not obtained one the marriage will be invalid. Acts Affecting Agriculture. Three important Acts relating to the agricultural industry were passed at tendance Act, says: ---Section 3 •of the the recent session of the Dominion Par- Act, which canes into operation on tamest, One is designed to protect and September 1st, 5921, provides for the maintain Canada's export trade in dairy attendance at school of adolescents be - products. It provides that on the rec- tweeu fourteen and sixteen years of omendation of the Federal Minister, of age. The Minister announces that in Agriculture regulations shall be formu- 1 conformity with section of the Act, lated for the grading of dairy products pupils are expected to remain in full= intended for export for ,the establish- time attendance at school until they are ment of standards, definition and grad- sixteen years of age unless employed es of such products, for the arrange- on authority of a home permit or an ment of fees, for appeals: to the Dairy' employment certificate as . provided 'commissioner as to grading and for the for by the Act, but that it is not his Appointment of graders and the defini- intention to instruct Attendance Ofti- tion of penalties. Another measure de-' cern to make the Act'retroactive by en- signates August.31,, 5922, for the It deavoring to compel young persons nritation of the manufacture or Minor, bet!ee,n fourteen and sixteen years of tation of .oleomargarine and March 1, It age who have been engaged in regular 1923, as the limit; for Its' sale. A third employment to return to school. Act extends the period during which . School, authorities, accordingly, will, in compensation shall, be paid for animals ; thebeginning, be\•charged with provid- officf,aliy slaughtered to prevent the ing only for the continued instruction check contagion. to. May24, *924, or of ,thaoae who are at present at school for three years:: At .the sante. session, : and not for the numbers who might be appropriations for the .purpose of ag-, forced to return to school_by the strict- riculture, including the $1,500,000j est interpretation of the Act. At the divided among the provinces under the }same, time, the Minlster expects that Agricultural. Instruction Act, amount- i the Act will be made fully effective to. ing to.$6,•649,2t4;50 were passed. No, 'the extent that. Attendance Officers be branch of. agriculture; isoverlooked. In appointed_ according to law and their, the apportionment, but increased. at• departmentsorg'agized. to ensure, first teution to the health ,of ,animals. and to that .all, young persons„between four- , the purity of meat and canned .foods is teen Viand, sixteen years of age shall be provided for, ;, 1..,,J4 either at , school or 55 work, and, some other ,time. This is all ,true, and we cannot 'change the world or the people in it; There will always be a class of•people who spend as they.earn and let to -morrow take tare of itself, The only remedy we can suggest for this lies with -the merchant who has it in his power to refuse credit. If he refuses to exercise this: power, then he should take ,his: loss. It is our credit system that makes the careless more careless. Thrift•is• only brought home when wantsteps in tyt;the door. No. Iran has a right to give 'q edit when he feels :that. he will not redeive his pay,. In .fact credit is the one: thing that keeps us all in want. Canadian Apple Crop. As Clothes are to the body, so are Wall Papers to the Hoene Few people can afford to be badly dressed; and few people can afford to live with old or in« harmonious wall papers. They affect the spirits. They decrease self- confidence.. ''hey reduce morale, They are unhealthy for mind and body. Harmonious Wall Papers are Tonic, • Theyf influence the whole atmosphere of the house. 1f you have in view a change in the atmosphere of your home we invite inspection of our stock and prices. The We � air ;!o. Often the Cheapest—Paw Ys the BeMt oc,ccpsaINAMMIEWISIMMESEININIMMENEMMXISISIMUMM9 second, that all those who are at work either• at home or in gainful employ- ments, shall hold the permits or cer- tificates required by law. SCRANTON COAL —0— Dop't forget to leave order for HARD and SOFT COAL with E. WARD, if you want satisfaction. Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand --We will look after you— Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. your E. WA RESIDENCE—HIJRON STREET The Corner Grocery We are Headquarters tor the fila. est blends of tea obtainable, grad- ed up to a standard, not down to a price. S! Our Blends of 'Tea at 50c 60c and 80c are tea's the most parti- cular tea drinks, will enjoy. Every- thing in picnic supplies Lemonade,. Orangade, Grape Juice, Olives,. Cook meats, Fred. W. Wigg Phone 45. GOOD OLD DAYS hereare getting back to the Our Prices, you will notice a few Good old Days. Give us a Call. 2 pkgs. Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. Toy Gusto 1 can, Corn or Peas 7 cans, Corn or Peas 3 Bars Soap, any brand 3 pkgs. Anomnia 3 pkgs. Rinso 2 pkgs. Lux The apple crop in this district is very, tight, not nearly up to the average,. but the crop throughout the Dominion, .though sriously affected by recent .drought is still, likely to average.better than last year. The best reports, ac- cording to the Departinent of Agrieult ure, Come from New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island where there is a heavy 'set for all varieties, bsidwiiis and Kings promise well in Nova Scotia, but In other varieties there has been a Heavy drop,' reducing prospects to about 10 'ller cerit 10 excess of Prst year. In 'Ontario apples have •suffered greatly front dry weather and •a heavy drop has brought down the possiliie 'crop to Some $6 per cent that of 1920,,' Spies, Ualrilvise, Meintosls and "Russets: are; ll'eavyand"Beta *Orli fight; ritish Columbia expects a crops'6i 10 per' cent' higher titan +last yerir A 44'46 'good' cnOp oe'ji ae1ks IS, exp35eta,d' Iii firtt[sh, Columbia, ,n Ontario• ' rot ai rtag•i` croti, yeltnw, 5t /gaffs best; El iert.at and Craw ford's igihl, i 4„ ,i rte � ,tiN•Jm" , , Call and See Ferrd's ltrew °Universial Electric Washer for $85 ' One Ideal, Hand, Power Washer. for $.II4OO, SUTTaR 4'1!),EF,I;04,r... Hardware < Fdtun iing Electric Wiring ' IMMO PrsOgriul 25c 25c 15c $1.00 25c 25c 25c 25c 4 tin (small) Sa1ni n 4 tin (large) salmon 4 jar Pure Jam 1 lb Black Tea 10e. 32c: 29e 35e 3 lbs Black tea 95e 3 pkgs Jelly Powder 35c:: 3 cans Spaghetti 25c, (Only) BAND NIGHT (Only) 2 cakes Palm Olive Soap ...15c GET THE HABIT O F'9EALING AT 1II PHONE 111. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved Lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levellglrt PFimolite Holophane Macbeth Legalite ,+r,;onopher Clear Stealer Roadlighter 'Conopher Noviol Clamert Come in and have us fill out your applications J. H. TAXMAN Overland Agent' EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVING Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. t he new whittt-: s e cleaner n” : ,;., s ys ur white's X es It ATE rw n: ; le a a .rEr,..tsm a mmave E%amssa+r.�sm+n�saw�.