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The Clinton New Era, 1921-8-11, Page 5
Thursday, August 21 4 921, SPECT SPECIAL!, .We have just received a shipl:l=1 of ENGLISH CHINA Come in and, see it, -. . A good assortment of New rid up-to-date ,goods. For two weeks. only. we. will sell our 97 piece, dinner sets for. $45.00. Do not hiss this opportunity. VA a . Jeweler & Optometrist Linter of. Marriage Licenses phone No.174w; House 174 j BIG MID SUMMER SALE COHERING RING JULY 21ST 4 lbs .Good Black Tea $$1.00 3 lbs Best Black Tea R.00 5'ibs Good Coca .. , .11.00 3 lbs Best Rice 25c 12 Bars any kind SoapWe 10 lbs Corn Meal 4�1e 1bp Rolled Oats 60e 1 Pn(G-FAM-Lir-ODE Orange or Lemon Will Make 35 Glasse835e • 1 Pkg. Charm 15c • TIze Newest Cleaner and Will Soften Water W. T. O'NEIL THE 11UB GROCER Phone 48 W CORN n There is a vast difference is the rr',rades of Corn.Our Cora is No. 2 , YeUow which we belie** is the bee° :grade en the market,.. It is free from 'broken Kernels, Cobs and bust Gia ms a call and letus know your require. nrants,..Special prices en Was gain- • titles. - BEAN, SHORTS ' Now is the season for Bran & Shorts. The Quality is good and the prices rets.. ,enable. SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Figured on •present value of live. stook and home-grown' feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will re- turn more profit to the hog raise... than Aver before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and Bones prodweed ,by the immense slaughtering business of Canadian Company are almost all awed is Swift's High Grade Fertilizer, RESULT:—Large profit to you. FLOUR Our Stoek Include:A—Purity, lobe 'Roses, White Seal and . Golden City. W.Jenkins S®r. FLOUR AND FEED ?HONE: -109 RESIDENCE: --131 'r'. IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE BETWEEN CLINTON AND TORONTO I.v. Clinton No. 28, 628 a.m. daily LY. Stratford No. 28, 7.45 a.m. daily L+r. Kitchener 11o. 28, 8,25 a.ns.. Daily 8.v. Guelph No. 28 8.31, a.m. Daily .Ar. Toronto No. 28, 10.15, R.m. daily (Eacopt Sund,y) • Ly. Toronto No. 37, 6.10 p,m. daUy Ar. Guelph No, 37, 7.43, p.m. daisy .Glx Kitchener No, 37, 8.st, p.m. choly Ar. Stratford' 1'o. 37, 8,55, p.m. daily Ar. Clinton 14o. 37, 50.03, p.m. daily (.Except Sunday') et -Port r ca sill 6 t 'F xr s"IuST a r ra o ash .atiiiule coaches In each c salon Sohn 1P.ansrftly4 Ate gnu Vitr font r. trgr and Ti0ktat Manor, tdIlO1 t . - 3 rAt 0, tr'At'li ISO14, Stad.vo n The Clinton New Ezra :.ate Ne s,of theL)istric STANLEY • Miss 1•l. Isabel Gahan of Seaforth 4s visiting at the home of Mr, Geo, Bail'il._ Mrs, Jbhn Woods of Seaforth visited 4t, Mr. Nett McGregor's on ' uesday, Mrs, D. McEwen left on Wednesday fora trip to the West. o^ Mr. Kenneth Stewart and frank Mc- Gregor, left on the Harvester's Excur- sion tee Moose Jaw on Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. John, 1?orsythe, and daughter from the west, visited Mrs. Jas, Thomson and Mrs, Neil McGregor last week, • The funeral of the late Mrs. .Jno. Gilmour, who passed away Thursday morning will be held on Saturday after- noon at 2 o'clock, Service at the house at 1,30 P.m. Interment will take place at tate family plot in Bairds cemetery, Fuller particulars will be given next week. CENTRALIA • During the Heavy electrical storm Sunday afternoon lightning struck' the spire of the Methodist church, and teak lug its.way clown through the 'dry tim- bers and into the roof, started a blaze which completely destroyed the build- ing, Only the walls were standing at. alight. A volunteer • bucket brigade worked very hart to try and keep the fire in the tower, but the 30 -year-old timbers were dry, and the flames made rapid headway through them. Seeing that they could not save the church, the .workers got busy removing every- thing they could. The church organ and "many of the seats, together with other property, ' were taken out and carried to a place of safety;. The loss is placed at 815,000 and is partially covered by insurance. Plans .are id-• ready under way for rebuilding the church as soon es possible, 8 EIt1iILI.ER A quiet but pretty wedding 'was (1 soiersnizcd in Bernnilier on Wednesday aftern;ncn, August 3rd, at five o'clock when Miss Nellie Vipond, only daugh- ter, of the late Mr, Wm, A. Vipond and Mrs. Vipond, 67, Caledonia Street, Stratford, was united in the holy bonds of Matrimony to Mr. R. J, Fowler, of Twit, Colborne T he ceremony was performed by the Rev, If. Kennedy and took place at Use parsonage. They were attended by Miss lona Fowler, sister .of the groom and Mr. Lorne Roges, • Miss Young, of Hamilton, play- ed the wedding march, and during tlse signing of the register sang "Because" very sweetly, The bride was charming- ly gowned in white georgette and satin. The young people are spending a few days in Stratford at the home of the bride, 67 Caledonia Street, and will proceed on their wedding journey to Listowel, Atwood and :other points, On their return the happy couple will reside on the groom's 'farts in Col- borne township.. _ . ,,a w• GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. Rees. Jenkins -and Miss Mary were attending the anniversary servic- es at Auburn Methodist church on Sun- day and Monday Mrs. Jenkins of Lond- on was assisting the choir for the oc- casion. Mrs, Hays of Detroit came over on the Greyhound excursion and is visit- ing at the home of her father, Mr. Jack Smith. A large number have been taking in the big celebration at' Goderich this week, ;There will be a big crowd go on Thursday, to the farmers picnic to hear Premier Drury. 11,11. and Mrs. Wes Stevens and fam- ily were down to Stratford on Monday. The farmers are busy ploughing these days. The recent rains have softened the ground soissiderably. There will likely be quite a bit of fall wheat sown this year. Mr,. and Mrs. Lester Scott of Toron- to are visiting with relatives in Goder- ich Township, Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins and family of London were visiting at the home of the formers brother Mr. Rees Jenkins on the Huron Road.. A'number of the young peopje were up to Goderich on Monday, night to take in the Moonlight excursion on. the steamer Greyhound,' Quite a number have friends and relatives visiting therm wlso caste over from Detroit on the ex- cursion, (intended for Last Week.) Mrs. Road of London is visiting with Mrs. Harry Hibbs on the 16tit Concess- ion. l A number of the farmers have al- ready finished harvest. Miss Elsie Ferguson is spending the week at*trip at.B'ayffeld., • The first aeroplane of the season was observed passing over this district re- cently. Mr. and Mrs Harvey Jenkins had their car nicely decorated with farts roduee in th parade on p e p Monday. They were awarded first prize, Miss Eivira,, Churchill spent a few days vislling With friends at burk's BRJCEFIELD Rev, Mr, Johnston of Lucau f erly of Varna will preach its our Church on Sunday next, • Edward Boyce and wife and Messrs Hugh and Frank McGregor Walter Me - Beth, James Collins left this wee,I for the west, Mr, Maxwell and wife of N. Dakefai and Mr. and Mrs, McClare of Michigan. are visiting at the home of Mrs, Munro, Rev. W. D. Me'ntosh and faintly ac- companied by Mrs. Kerconnell and two. children,of Tiverton left on Thurs- day .to visit friends at Nairn. The S, S, Picnic was held on 'rues day at Brucefield;their was a large„gath- ering of young and old and ail spent a pleasant time, Jno, Mustard and family are spend- ing their vacation at Inver Huron, maw 4 - °-----•4 P; LONDESBORO. Miss V. Phillips, of Toronto, is spending a fortnight with her mother. Miss B. Roberton who has been tak- ing the 0. A. C, course in Guelph is home, ,The Methodist choir held a picnic to Goderich on Saturday. Mr. V. Thomas who has been'visit- ing his •uncle, Mr, Lounsberry has re- turned to Toronto, Miss Esther Lyon spent Thursday in C1!nt.op. Mr. Jimmie Roberton is spending a few days with friends in Stratford, The Women's Institute met last Thursday at the hoose of Mrs. Willis Mountain. Readings . were given by Mrs. W. Lyon anti Mrs. H. Snell. Miss Sprung gave, a solo. A fifteen cent tea was served after the program, Mrs, Fred Johnston and children s have returned after spending some P time fn the West. 1r Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams and Mrs. b attains leave for the West on Wednes- day. e Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Wells spent t Sunday in London. The services tit the Methodist church = here and at Kinburn were taken by Mr, a W. Mains, of Blyth, last Sunday. Mrs. Tamblyu took a motor trip to an Leamington last week and Mrs. Elsley to Welland, Mrs. :Knox has returned to the West after spending some„time with her par- ents and relatives here. •Miss Sarah Barr entertained the Presbyterian choir last Friday evening. Miss Bertha Brogden, London, is spending her holidays at her home here, Mr, acd Mrs. Stackhouse, Blyth; Mrs. W: Brigham and Miss Laving and Olvetta are taking a motor trip to Buf- falo and Niagara. They will visit Dr. Stackhouse at Ridgeway. ONTARIO LEGISLATION 1031, Highway Act provides for the opening up for. the purposes of a prat/11We t were made, 10 The Mining Act, chiefly highwayof an original road allowance +'with the view of assisting prospectors which has been occupied by an abuttlug I The number of days' labour required owner provided that where a verso) ion a.tnine elaitu was reduced from 240 has acquired the title to any such land he shall be .entitled to the same corn- 1 ; lengthened to five yew, The num penstttfon as in the case of land ex - , rsbet 'of free assay coupons authorized propriated in the ordinaryway forth© liar each minis claim stalked; out h purposes g , y a ilr ores of a provincial highway. licensee on his own behalf, was lncreas Where it is desirable and expedient ' ed from two to twelve. The jurisdiction that a provincial highway be contin- 1of the Mining Commissioner was en- ued ase connecting link through a city J larged to include patented as well as town or village the department may 'ty designate such highway id be con- structed by such city, town or village for which provision for payment may be made by the issuing of debentures. Drainage,—Provincial aid to drain- age was dealt 'with at the recent Ses- sion, the existing Act having been found to be exceedingly tlifllcult in operation and the new 0111, White lief lnvlving any greater expenditure oe. the part, of `the Province, will provide a simpler and broader method of deal., ing with Government assistance to large and expensive drainage works. Agriculture.—Tile most important legislation to promote agriculture was the provision for new facilities for ob- taining loans. except under the authority of a permit. ! The Ontario Farm Loans Act , pro - Special Camp License for Deer, Pro. ` vides a new system for obtaining short visions has been matte whereby a spec I term loans. Under this Act it is pro- ial camp license may be obtained for a witted that a Farm Loan Association fee of $3. which will entitle organized may be organized in any township hunting parties to kill one deer to be where thirty or more farmers so de - eaten in camp and such license may be sire. Each member of the A sociation issued to every six persons, jis required to subscribe for bne share Pelt's of Deer, Moose, Reindeer and i of stock, par value fit00, and pay up Caribou: Provision has been made! ten per cent, The Association is then wherby itis no longer necessary to be , required to secure a subscription equal n posession of a license to Have in pas i to one-half the subscription of niem- essfon or sell or to have tanned the' bets from the township, and a similar efts of steer, moose, reindeer or cart- 1 subscription from the Province. The 0u.. + nenclaers then elect three men on th Fur -Dealers' Licenses: There has l lirectorate, the township appoints tw gen added to existing authorized lie- ; • isrl the Province two, Application nses a restricted license to provide for i for loans are then passed upon by tit he purchase of raw pelts for personal ' Board of Directors. Loans shall no use, at a fee of :'.tt,i exceed $1,000 in any one case and as' The Puh1io De:nein. —An additional `, nominally for the haianee of the yea ppropriation of t15,o00,00o is made for i 'n which the loan is made, but may b evelopment work in northern and orthwestern Ontario the work of this epartment having been greatly ex - ended during the past few years. In a very simple Act tate Minister of Ito 20o and the time for performance wnpatented mining lands, ' Gnnto and Fisheries.—Hunting and Trapping Licenses:The taking, of bear and wolf by any means, and the taking of fox by gun and dog is now permuted without the authority of a” license pr permit, Bares and Cotton -Tail. Rabbits: All restrictions and protection have been removed on the taking of hares and eottpn-tail-rabbits, Fur -Bearing Anlnnals Destroying Pro perty: Provision las, been made where by any fur -bearing animals may be de- stroyedin the defence or preservation of property, by any means at any time. The pelts taken therefrom cannot be offered for sale during the close season e 0 e t e r 0 renewed' for a further period if the Board sees lit. The loans are available for almost any current farm operation, and the character of the borrower is taken into consideration in deciding Lands and Forests is empowered to ac- he making of a loan rather than his quire lands forreforestation and inn- precise assets. The rate of interest portant powers are conferred upon him t is not to exceed seven per cent and in this respect. • • Great varieties of opinion and a con- siderable amount of dissatisfaction and unrest have attended the attempts to solve the natural gas problem which is, of course, mainly concerned with the conservation of the already depleted supply of natural gas, The Bill intro- duced by the Ifonourabie Mr, Mills con fern large powers upon the Minister, which he in turn may delegate to a commissioner, but assigns to the Drain age Referee, who is a lawyer of long experience and familiar with the con- ditions and judicial functions, the in- terpretation And modification ,,of eat - tracts having regard to vested rights. Hydro.Electric Power:—The most notable contribution to Hydro -Electric legislation is the Bill which was intro- duced at the close of the Session to pro The Stratford Beacon makes the fo11- vide for assistance by the Government owing reference to the Junior game at in the distribution of power in rural Stratford on Tuesday evening:—The power districts, The Government will Stratford Junior North Wellington Leag contribute fifty per cent of the cost of ue team qualified to enter tite semi- buinding pritnary transmission lines and finals for the championship, by their de cables required for the delivery of pow feat over Clinton on the home field on er in ruralpower districts and to pro- Tuesday evening by a 10 to 6 score. vide this afount a fund will be estab- The'game did not get started sharp on lisped known as the leydro-Electric time and as a result only six and a ower Extension Fund. To this credit half innings were played. The locals f this fund will be placed the water took the lead in the last half of the ower rentals received by this Prov- first innings and after that they were ce and such other additionsl sums as never behind, The attendance at the say be appropriated by the Legislature.g ame this season and the fans were The Bill will no doubt be appropriat- ed by the fanning community, It is estimated that it means a cash bonus of 8250 to every farmer taking power in a rural power district. ' Other Acts -dealing with Hydro - Electric power natters are' those pro wiling for the operation of an electric railway in the City of Guelph by the Power Commission, and the Ants deal- ing with the purchase, through the Cotnmission by the city, of certain pro- perties including the Toronto Electric Light Company and the radial railways in and about the city\from tate Toronto Street Railway Company. These Acts involve large expenditure, and they bear evidence of great care having been taken in their preparation. SEAFORTH Miss Agnes Duncan, of London, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Will Duncan Victoria Square. Mr. Pekhetde? of Niag`ar`a Palls 11 the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charteris, Tuckersmith, Quite a number from here attended the Varna garden party on Thursday evening. The Citizens' Band was in attendance and as usual delighted the audience with their selections, The Misses Ryan of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brod- erick, Goderich Street, east. Messrs. Jack and George Stewart of Lonilohf.,.lvere v i ars qt tMr. Dave Stewart's -the past week. Mrs. Alva Westcott and children of Halkirk, Alberta,. are visiting MrstaWest- P cott and Mr. and Mrs, George Cardno. o Mr, Harold Stark, • of Hamilton is p visiting his mother. in Master Emerson Daley of Walkerton n is Visiting his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, P. Daley. Murray Lavange lead' a narrow es- cape from drowning one day recently while bathing at Roxboro bridge,, He got beyond Isis depth, and, being un- able to swim had gone down twice be - kora' Inc .was fnelticed• jby his ;cOmt- paFtions, one of whom, Robert Willis, jumped in with his clothes on and suc- ceeded in bringing hint to safety. Mr. John Lyons, who is renewing old acquaintances in town, has, very generously presented the Seaforth Curling Club with 'a silver challenge cup which he Won in the early stays. Mr. Lyon's can justly Ise called the father ofcurling in Seaforth, Coming Isere in 1872 he was itistruhtental in orga'llizing the club in 1877,being the president for a number of years. in s 5885 Mr, M. R. Canister presented In the cup refected to for competition, it s io become the property of the curler 1 winning it three times, Mr, Lyons won 't It asci now in Isis goadsless of heart Inc p returns it for further competition, i1 will be' correctly engraved and is much prized by the Citub. Some of the curl- erswho competed for honors in the early eighties Avers W. 0, Reid, 0, D, • B Wilson, J, Hat, Androty Ilallie, Mex, P Wilson, .t, A. Wilson, M. R, Cnnnter, 11 P, Iloltnsiend; Dr. "Vartoe, J. C. Laid-, law, rhes, 'into Andre Lyons ' r. r Wilson, W r tl ,told y lures flat were the'first sk{ps elected, it V.,. .t, ' el sink was located in Code: , r felt Street east, wllete Mr, Welsh's (Continued Next Week) vliANAMANIRAMili 3 Local News MINIMMARWMAMM Special Board Meeting. The public school board held a spec - 'al meeting on Monday evening, Sever- al items of business were discussed as to improvements of school grounds etc. and a letter was read, stating that the Model Term might pot be held, though the Department has not given the nec- essary six months notice. , Stratford Wins at Home. Highway Legislation,—An additional um of $5,000,000 is set apart for igbway improvement purposes, and cine changes have"been made in the In looking to the more equitable dis- rtbutioit of the Cost of highway Ins- roventetsts. An ametnrisnent to The Provincial WARM' IMPORTS titter 30, 38e gy's . , 27, 280 0gs , , 10.,i0c Wheat ..., .. ..•... wa $1.50 s 06611.1,10•111, ecce •.., I<a ar,cy ..«a. .,w .4. dna ,..w«+, e.a X1.60 C}Inori5.r...«r.,+a .w.-.. « 03500 Bran ,«,...r.•+a.,wa,w•atee a1t35.00 treated to a fair game, it was full of pep and altihough both pitchers were hit hard at times, Johnston and McTaggart twirled good ball. Noels started off for Clinton but was changed in the last. half of the second innings. Johnston struck out for hien "and walked, two While Norris walked one in one innings and McTaggart struck out four. pd Walked two in 'five Innings, Stratford secured 11 hits including, two triples by Farrell and Peckham, The visitors only had eight safe (tits off Johnston Including three doubles, two by W. Hovey and One by Mutcls. Stratford had two errors and Clinton three, Score by innings,' Clinton 201 005 2-- 6 Stratford 305 200 x-10 iliftgavrzarkmaraamtrattamarrottemxtrArouretatromasverP va a„an,am,mx,a.,aac,;9, .roam ' Wingham---For a time the streets of this place were flooded on Saturday during the heavy downpour of rain. Lightning struck and instantly killed a mem.. f eletted5Mettillaitatt HURON COUNTY NEWS • IN BRIEF .....,....,rtes... .. «. ... .. ,..., ...�,. '(8IB's P110.r^sl'stti0431I1 Tv 'flat. Croat loutish Prcpdratran. 1 . Toacx and invig0 ales. the whale nervous s ste,o 1551150 nr:,o%Mood v x e s 'ii tor rvntts n std Veins. Hoed o hi ,tae.: , �,. , twenty, Word t Gwsponritnecyv, Coss of Zoo" Palpitation of ilea liana, Tnt,tnly Meeor%, Prt'5,b5t 3rr box,.1: Mr 51. Sold by nItfruggisis, or mailed in Plein ,pkat, onrv,nnipt of price, Nea'.pann It t merited iroB.10iE WOO MED1101(IS Mate - """ • nag FIVE 1st his! About 50 pair Woolen's Oxfords and strap slippers --Odd lines and broken' sizes that sold up to $d.00 a pair, kid and pat- ent leather, mostly sizes 2/ to 4,. On sale at $1,98; 2,50; and 3.50, Balance of White Shoes and tennis shoes clearing at less than cost. Small Boys Bloomers Sizes 2, 3, and 4 years; .to clear at 35 cts. pair, A few dozen Mens Cotton 'Gtrxwers at 45cts. pair Also clearing prices on balance of Summer goods. see Small Profits Phone 25 valuable cow owned by Hamilton Finley of Turnberry, Blyth:—The remains of the late John White, a former resident of Blyth, who died at the home of Ids niece, Mrs. Cooper Seaforth; were.brought here for burial on Tuesday, being taken to the Methodist Church where service was held by Rev. A.C, Tiffin, followed by interment in the Union Cemetery. .Hcnnalh—Two autolsts got into a rather bad mix-up this side of FIensaii on the London Road Sunday, It ap- pears that Mr. Thos Essey of Hensel, who wee driving a Gray -Dort Special tried to pass another car going in the same. direction and in doing so the cars collided, Lir. Lloyd Iiaynitans of town happened to be along at the same time going north, and Ise foo narrowly ca - caped in the mix-up. Mr, Bssey s car' was overturned In the ditch and the top ' end other parts were broken. , Exeter:—Mr. 1. T, Locker, who 'has been following the races both in Ontar- io and the United States of late, last ; week disposed of both of Isis race hors- i es Topsy Todd and The Embers. Creditcn:—A 'serious accident was narrowly averted on Saturday night at Mud Creek Bridge which is being re- built, The lantern hadn't been lit and a I stranger costing from the west ran oth the obstruction before aware of it. By quickly turning Isis car to the north he s was stopped before he landed in the creek. The car was, damaged consider- ably and IP had to be towed into town for repairs, old '\llfyv tl�� More Business ' avaassearraaY .....1...............w......,......--,......,,,,,,,,,,...,„,„ place at the home of Mrs, Daniel Fry- fogie Frances St„ Wingham, on Thurs- day, Jul ztst when Y, Y en her youngest ' daughter, Miss Maud was united in tsar- riage to Mr. Thos. MacKenzie Willi t' Organist in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church Rev. 'Dr. Perrle performed the ! ceremony, I McMillen Twp.—On July 4th p Mr. i Prete Eckert started cutting hay.iSince that date he has ant and hauled in eigh- ty acres of hay and 170 acres of grain. : He has also threshed his fall wheat and 1 barley and reports a good yield. T'.:imonde'ller—Mrs, Joseph Atkin. son of Femomlville met with an unfort-. unete accident recently. Mr, Atkinson was taking her in a wheel chair to see the soldiers' memorial in the park and the chair upset in rounding a curb. with the ren,:•t that ales. Atkinson is suffer - in; from a broken tla b bon, Elmtes.:—'lire Wal;er Ste,' ,:a= sold his 111 nt on the London Road, south to Mr, Cordon MacDonald, of i,',•.,reiwit:e, possession March 1st. The price was Esgmorachil!e.—The death took place of one of Iic'mondville's oldest reside cuts in the person of Humphrey Quin- ton, on Tuesday,' August 2nd. Mr. Quinton was in his ninetieth year and until a few years ago was' quite active. His wife and one son reside here and a fancily of grown-up daughtrs live in the States, Leadbury:—An old and highly es- teemed resident of Leadbury locality,. passed away last Friday at the London, hospital in the person of Francis Mee Culla. He had been taken suddenly 11I and was conveyed to London for an op- eration. Serious case of cancer was found and the end came speedily. Wroxeter—The newly appointed PIS tor of the Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Holmes with his wife and two daughters arrived from Newfoundland, on- Wed- nesday night. The reverend gentleman is a former President of the Confernce from which he has just come and an 'ex tensive traveller. Brussels.—Barrister U, McFadden, tt well known legal light of Sault Ste. Marie Ont, and a former bid boy, Pb Brussels, has been conferred upon him, the honor of King's Counsel. Bayfield The school trustee's have engaged Miss Grace Pinder of Goderich, as principal, and Miss Anna Woods as junior teacher of our school. Kippen:—Mr, Elim Butt, of Toronto is spending a few weeks with his three sisters, Mr, Butt was a resident here un til some twenty-three years ago when Ile went to work for the Massey -Harris Company in Toronto ;and Is still employ, eci there: Blyth.— J. H. 'floor a former Blyth'•. ite, has sold out his bakery business, which Ise conducted at Mount Forest for the past 12 years to A. Mayes of Leam- ington, the latter tq take possession on August 15, .e ”. =sYS Wingha'm,•-•-Premier Drury has pro., seised to attend Wingham fall fair oil September 28, and formally open the exhibition on the new grounds in Low - or Town fiats, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S P .AS"Y"'_® R 9 A Hensall:—d shipment of 30 barrels of oil arrived this week to be used on our streets. Our town fathers are to be commended for the way they are look- ing after our streets. They are now in splendid shape and gimost as good as paved streets. Blyth:—Mr, Lang, of London had a miraculous, escape from death when his car trued over in the ditch about iihree miles north of Blyth on Thursday night last. He was meeting another car and caimed 'that the glare from the lights confused him with the result that he turned out to far upsetting the car in 'the ditch. The body of the car was al- most a complete wreck and how ne es- caped with only a few cuts and bruises is simply miraculous. Childr®n..-Ori' FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR!, Crediton. William 8, Geiser had a narrow escape from being seriously in- jured dice day last week when in the act of coming down from the hay mow. Ile took hold of a brace which was loose witls the result that he, started to fall, and but for the fact that he could catch the hay -fork rope, he would have faliehs headlong onto the floor. As if w`ns Ise had a severe shaking up and will be un- able to do much work for a few weeks, Wingheent—Mr. V. R. VanNorman, president of the Wingham Turf Club, sold. to Mr, C. Overland of Orangeville, his pacing year-old colt, Brownie Hal, sire Hal 13, Jr. 2,0214; dam Darkey tial 2.028, Centralist—In Centralia on Wednes- day, July 27th, Mr, Wilfred 11. Ander- son was united in marriage to Miss Hat el Madge Essery of Centralia, Mr. An- derson is now local manager of Beil Telephone Co. at Goderich, Dashwood:• --Dr• N. B. Dalsnts, form - et principal of Zurich Public School has been engaged by the Dashwood School Board as principal Of that School for the conning year. - , i rotors --Street Commissioner W. J. Bissett, accompanied by his wife left on Friday last tar North Bay 10 visit their daughter, Mrs. Rousotn, for a couple of weeks, Chief Bissett Is enjoying a well-earned holiday as this Is the first he has had since he assumed his pr'eseut duties. it is 28 years ago since Mr, Bis. reitw s a>Fuf t. d constable anti street commissioner for Exeter and doling this long period of service he has been on duty practically day anis night. Wftrirlagne ....5 0141`1't'en14 ,1;,; PALPITATION OF THE SINKING SEHS THS. Palpitation of the heart is 'very often accompanied by sinking sensations and weak, faint and dizzy spells, and before you San 'nil yourself of the trouble it is of considerable importance that the heart should be strengthened and brought beck to its regular bent, , MIAJ3JJRN'SS HEART anti NERVE PiiLLS are just tho remedy you require to do thio. Mrs. Chadwick, Delhi, Out„ whites: - "I had palpitation of the heart, and the leant exercise, such my going nit :hi 1159, or upla hilt; my hurt would horst h trip hammer antral times 1: wan diezy headed and had a ,, nits i m -n1 t tall/ 0:1 if my unto Was near. 4.1 '^.n'l eieseroged T fry Ivlilburn's Titan tint{ Nr t r Site, Ba i procured flute Kee.: e. 1 r' the time the :first wen r ' 1, 5 ilnlsreve. Tit nil 1 t. it xt ;t.1 now, although in iree 1. ,01 y0:,. I{ire tt younggirt; nm r n r •� t n r. ft+tigor', At i a,. 120 Ike., now 7 ,• Ter{Sts nate. 1,, ar resiled direct trop rt'n. 1 f , ro ,:11''1'