HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-8-11, Page 3Office Phone 30.
Houue•Phone 9u
Far more effective than Sticky PIS
Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by
"Druggists and Grocers everywhere,
Ottawa Aug. 2nd. 1921
if anything were needed to guaran-
tee and interest which- is beiny taken,
by 'Canadians in the political situation
of the day, as well as in the polltcal sit-
uation of the day, as well as in the pol-
icy of the Liberal Party, that assurance
•thas been provided during the last few
days by the splendid altudiences which
have turned out to great lion, W. L.
MacKenzie King, Leader of the Liberal
Party, on his tour of Central Ontario
Consitituencies. Mr. King has been out-
lining the present day situation in a
series of forceful, thoughtful addresses
and everywhere he and his conpan
ions have been given splendid recept-
ion. While the Liberal. Leader is carry
'ung out an aggressive campaign of ed-
ucation and explanation, placing the
facts before the people in a manner that
they may understand just what the pre-
sent burdens of taxation and • deficits
mean to every man, women and child
in the Dominion, the hyphenated party
of Rt. Hon, Arthur Meighen_ is stalled
"in 'the doldrums,' fearful of giving the
public too much information and seek-
ing to shield its own offences by con-
centreting its attacking campaign on
the Drury Peruter Party in Ontario,
Mr. Meighen of corse is still over.
seas and the business of the' country is
at a standstill until he return,;, While
the burden of taxation is falling most.
heavily on the wage-earner who Is least
able to bear lt,'Mr. Meighen is posing
as a Moses, leading the English alai Ir.
ish'out of their agelong scraps and
finding a method whereby Uncle• Sam
and the Japanese can avoid getting into
future conflict. Just when our Prime
Minister will return is uncertain. There.
is talk of him sailing with Baron Byng
on August 4th, `so that he may be on
hand to shore in the glory of landing
in Quebec but officially there is no in-
formation as to his hopes or plans.
There are by-election • dates and
senate vacancies to be, decided upon as
well as the hundred and one other
things which crop up when the Prime
Minister is absent from the country for
a few months, but all of these must
wait until Mr. Meighen has time, after
settling the affairs of the Empire, to
come hone and attend to the pressing
business of Canada. lendoubtedly there
will be a rush to get all the business
through in a hurry when he does get
here, but unless Jhere is a great change
in the'official mind, there will not likely
be a great rush to fill the vacancies in
the House of Commons, since filling
those vacancies will probably mean ad-
ding to the strength of the forces opp-
osing Mr. Meighen. Observers here give
Mr, Meighen hyphenated party little
hope in regard to those vacancies.
There may be one government support
er returned, but from the indications
and .reports reaching here, there is not
a safe seat for the Government in the
whole Dominion,
Hon. C, J. Doherty is reported to
have gone down to Quebec and warned
the Conservatives there that they must
be prepared for an election this year.
However, in official circles there is
In nd L'i t
Him OOy�+ .i ,.e o r
,m Examine t:.in5.0.
Feet and Advise
Yoe!:. 1
If you are tired of being bothered by
hurting, tender feet, here is your chance to
get immediate relief and permanent correc-
tion. You are invited to consult this foot
specialist while he is here.
He ill F,
e Here
Don't wait until the last minhte and,'
maybe, lose your chance to get foot comfort.
Come in any time during business hours
and talk it over with the expert.
,LC Sch oil
Appliance orRenreJI rEvezyEotTiitaw67s .
There is no need to suffer from any foot
trouble, any more. Be it ever so simple or
ever so serious this specialist, who is a
member of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl,
the noted foot authority, can show you the
way to immediate relief and to ultimate
Foot: Comfort
The Clinton New • Era
Contains no alum
We unhesitatingly re-
commend Magic Baking
Powder as being the
best and purest baking
powder possible to
produce, It possesses
elememtq of food that
have to do the building
up of brain and nerve
matter and'is absolutely
free from alum or
other injurious
stated to be little liklihood that the
Prime Minister will decide on any such
action, especially as an election would
not be any better for the government,
than would one a year hence, and in/the
meantime there is another four thOus-
andl indemnity for those members who
know they will not get a nomination
again. And there are, many such among
the Government supporters. r
Announem ents'are conning from
this one mrd that they 'will not be can-
didates again, en many cases the. ob-
vious reason that if they known it would
be` useless they could not secure elect-
ion, The few remaining papers which
are giving full support to the Meighen
Government are urging the Prime Min-
ister to get back to a straight Tory bas-
is (which only means a change of
name) ant, predicting that the remain-
ing section of the Liberal Unionists
find no place in the new litre -up, The
papers which are not any longer support
ung Mr. Meighen hand and foot, are
frankly guessing that his party will be
at the botton of the list when the next
election is over and warning him to pre
pare for the position of leader of a small
group In the next Parliament Altogether
the outlook for the Meighen govern -
mentis about as dark as it could be.
Thursday, August 11, 1921,
When, that vote results in the election
of a representative Parliament, then
there must be a frank placing of cards
on the table, with a full accounting for
every dollar of the public monies spent.
Only through, honesty and publicity
could the railway situation be solved
and there could not be the one with-
out the Other,
Mr. King also knocked on the head
the attempts of 1•lon, Arthur Meighen
and his associates to charge that, the
Liberal tariff policy was a thing which
vexed with the wind and was altered to
suit the company in which it was out
lined, Mr. King made if perfectly clear
•to his auditors that there was no change
the policy of Sir Wilfred Laurier was the
policy which was followed to -day and
always would be followed.
It is a question of tariff for revenue
against a tariff for prosection, Mr,
King declared, showing his audiences
that the former was a tariff for the
people while the latter was framed for
the benefit of the special interests. it
was this latter tariff that the Meighen
Government supported and which it re
fused to revise until the interests
that were behind it were ready to have
that revision take place, Tl a issue was
not protection versue free trade Mr,
King declared, it was clearly between
a tariff for protection and one for rev-
enue and the Liberals were in favour of
the Revenue tariff since it was a peop-
le's tariff if there could' be such a
thin g.
Hon. Mr. King in his Ontario speech-
es is covering the ground of present
day political fully. The railways and.
steamship lines, the tariff and general
financial situation and the remedies
which should be, applied to these are
fully dealt with by Mr. King in his five
speeches, That the people appreciate a
frank discussion of the problems of the
day has been evident throughout by
the Targe crowds which turned out to
hear Mr. King and his fellow -speakers
wherever a meeting was aI nounced,4tnd
by the tumultuotis applauses which
followed the. closing 'of the Liberal Lead
er's remarks.
Mr. King clearly showed the people
of Ontario that in every pound of cof-
fee or tea they buy as well as every
piece of clothing or• dress goods, they
are helping to swell the already well,
stuffed wallets of the government's
friends. The luxury taxes and income
taxes were only part of the imposit-
ion. The people also paid through the
nose on every purchase because of the
Tory policy of protection for wealthy
manufacturers at ,the expense of the
householder and wage-earner.
if you'll step in and give him the chance.;..
He can tell just what the cause • of your
trouble is, and he knows the remedy.
Improve Foot Appeair �►.
Igo larger sized or oddly shaped shoes
you Wear the kind like,.in perfect
Dr.Scholl'A liances''actually ,
coltifort. Theand° Pit y
d.beaut ' of the fed.
imp'roae.:tllc grace an ., X
-.� L ;•iii
"Watch Your Feet
The baneful combination of political
and industrial interests in power at Ot-
tawa to -day were responsible for the
present situation, Mr. King stated. It
was not a question of Canada suffer-
ing because of the close associations
between the Government and the big in
terests, which grew closer during the
war and was continued because each of
these interests was able to help the oth
er. The powerful industrial interests
kept the Government in power, and
the Government in turn handed over,
millions of dollars North of business to
its friends in return for their support.
That it was the people's money thus
squandered, made, no difference to the
Government. The powers that he had
managed such a combination of busi-
ness and political _interests in the,con-
trot of the National Railways and steam
ship lines that it was impossible felt
Parliament, which represented the
people, to secure any infttrmatlon re-
garding expenditures ,or operations of
These utilities and every 'attempt to
bring out the truth in' the House was
camouflaged and avoided' by Premier
Meighen and his servile Supporters,
This sort of combination, Mr..King,
declared, was responsible for the, state
of affairs as it existent in. Canada to -day.
It Has useless for the.Governnieiit to
try and "pass the 'luck" to the Laurier
government and ,say that its eatravag-I
ante made the present spending nec-
essary. The Laurier :policy was tine of
needed deve1Opnieut and not one of,use
less extravagance
The only solution .of the railway ilii-
ficulty lay In 'glvinig the' people oppor-
tunity of Wiping out the combination' at•
Ottawa through tate medium of a vote,',
i cok'i? t bit i d:e fit lliv^%'zgl 5¢ J!w
'-it 4 safe., rrSirt,ra a•rnuraaf.t
dnedicrue. R,.Id it t1.Seo de.
p1 grecs of streugto—No. 1, 51t
NJ. 2, 53: No. 3, 55 per boy:
Fold by all dreunglste, or sent
F,ropaid on reccrpt of pPrice
res powpblot. . Addrerei
455E 000tt tVl'�OtClydE 045.
Zr '" TORONTO. ONE. (Fctmrria (Nt.dsar,)
Newspaper Wit
Ottawa Journal: Mr. Woodrow Wit
son certainly knows how to keep sil-
ent, e. ' • - ';t,aY.e ,tl✓.
Boston Herald: The crossing. signs
might be effectively amended to read:
"Stop, look and live."
Providence Journal: The frantic ef-
fort of coal barons to prevent the pub-
lication of profit statistics indicates
that they are still making expenses.
Manitoba Free Press: 'it will take a
good deal of settling to get the Irish
problem fixed up. And more than that,
it will take a good deal of forgetting.
Stimulate the sluggish liver, clean the
foul -coated tongue, do' away with the
aecumulktion of the stomach gases,
banish the bilious headaches, cause the
floating specks before the oyes to disap-
pear, and prevent constipation, jaundice,
heartburn, water brush and all sickness
arising from a disordered condition of the
liver and bowels. .
Mr. John S. Caron Donavan, Sask.,
writes:—"I was troubled with my liver
and had severe bilious attacks, a friend
advised me to try Milburn's Laxa-L Iver
Pills, so took two vials and I have had
no more bilious attacks."
Price, 25e. a vial at all dealers, or
mailed direct on receipt of price by The
T. Milburn Co., Limiter', Toronto. Ont.
Mother Tells how Daughter
was Made Well by Lydia
E, Rinkhana's Vegetable.
Cobourg, Ont.—"Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound was re-
nx to me
fornmy ndaughter.
1 y)z j She had trouble.
t>f every month
r u lith left her in
a weak and ner-
vous condition
with weak back
and pain in her
right side. She
had these troubles
for three years
and frequently
was unable to at-
tend school. She 1 as become regalar
and feels mi 11 better since she began
taking the t..,regularly,
Compound and
attends school regularly, She is gaining
steadily and I have no hesitancy in
recommending Lydia E. Pinlcham's
Vegetable Compound and Lydia E.
Pinkhanr's Blood Medicine."—Mrs.
Joon; Toms, Bali St., Cobourg, Ont,
Standing all day, or sitting in
cramped positions, young girls contract
deranged conditions, and develop
headachre, backache, irregularities,
nrrvousr, :ss and bearing -down pains,
all of which are symptoms of woman's
ills. Every another who has a daughter
suffering from such symptoms should
Cthe Lydia F. Pinkhaan's Vegetable
ompound a fair trial.
How to Become Skilled in Doctor-
ing Menials,
A Profession That filfonld Appeal to
Farn, Inds -- What the Ontario
Veterinary College Can Do °for
Ambltlou& Stnr;ertt —7 008 the
Collar irtt the Boras? 1) .
(Contributed byenlerlo pc•partmentof
Agriculture, '1`orout)q.
To every young man of worthy am-
bition there arises sooner or later a
desire which tends to lure him into
some occupation or profession con-
genial to his inellnatione and offer-
ing• an opportunity for advancement,
In this regard the Veterinary protes-
slon is worthy of consideration as a
suitable occupation and field of en-
deavor for the young man oestrous
of improving his own status in life
and rendering useful service to the
community at largo. to recognition
•of this, the Ontario Department of
Agriculture maintains the Ontario
Veterinary College at Toronto for
the purpose of training young men
for the veterinary profession. It is
affiliated with the University of To-
ronto, and is one of the oldest and
best known colleges on the American
continent, It has received students
from all •parts of the English-speak-
ing world, and its graduates are
favorably regarded, saucy of whom
have attained considerable Promin-
ence. The College building is new
and modern throughout and well
equipped. The course is comprehen-
sive, and covers a period of four
years of seven months each term. The
tuition fees are exceedingly moder-
eetesi avgnzagiagg er,I 17r each College
termhe, Tpurpose of the College is
essentially that of a teaching Insti-
tution tor the proper training of men
as Veterinarians. Tho prescribed
course of study and instruction in
Veterinary Science has much to com-
mend it, and is particularly attrac-
tive and interesting. It trains the
student to acquire a true knowledge
of animal dlkeases, tbeir treatment
and prevention, thus fitting him for
general 'practice as a veterinary sur-
geon. It trains the student for scien-
tific pursuits, to conduct research
work, and to solve many of the live
stook problems occasioned by dis-
eases with consequent national eco-
notuic leases, It trains the student
Los' santttry service work in prevent-
ing the transmission of animal dis-
eases to mankind through unwhole-
some milk or from meats and meat
food products or doubtful origin. On
graduajlJon the opportunities are
^q:tat to` "teaof lnty of the ether
learned'profesatons, hotli monetary
and in the wirier settee of community
service. There is an ever-increasing
field for veterinary surgeons
thr, ughout the Dominion, in private
practice and to establish a buelness
career 'with good financial returns.
There are constantly increasing de-
mands for trained vetrrhnari ns in
the Ilenit:l of Anlmalo :.`ranch of
the Dominion Guveruln'nt, : s r'.rru-
tive officers, invostihatort and vrixr-
inarN inspectors, These positions ate
obi, ined by qualifying cx tnivati0L s
held early and arpciatmonts are
road,: on merit without inflm•nce.
The initial salary is $1,100 pea an -
nun, with steady yearly hecre,ac.s
until a salary of at 1 :sL "2,i00 per
year is melted. There r.re iter^ "s-
ing demands for veterinarians In the
various departments or n,;riculture
as veterinary inspector and for other
branches of live stock vvorlc and in-
struction. tdany cities and towns are
in need of properly grained veteriunr-
lens to inspect dairies and abattoirs
and to supervise 'the production of
mint, meat and other food products.
The field of veterinary science bas
only just touched the fringe of its
possibilities, and otters many oppor-
tunities for the young man of worthy
ambitions. The class of student de-
sired is the young man with a lilgh
school education to meet entrance
requirements and enable hitt to
acquire a true 'grasp of the deeper
principles of advanced thought and
study. -0. D, McGilvray, V.S., Presi-
dent 0. V. College, Toronto.
between the two towns.
Because few Britishers chew to-
bacco, certain authorities claim there
is small opportunity for the sale of Can
adian tobacco in England,
Louis Hornet, Winnipeg shopkeeper
was robbed by bandits of $1,690 which
he was taking to the bank,
Three members of the Welland pol-
ice force resigned and then withdrew
their resignations pending au inquiry
peceuse of the alleged accusation of ex -
Chief A. Laing. • ' '
John McBride aged 62, a Game -
bridge farmer, died following injuries
sustained when a whiffletree brake and
struck him in the abdomen, .
Chit' f .,.'Cry
CAS7.1.'O R IAa
The Guelph police commission has
decided to heal. the stories of two con-
stables who are alleged to have been
seen leaving an apartment house at 4
George Norcliffe of Oshawa was
sentenced to five years' imprisonment
on a charge of setting fire to his hone
and remanded for sentence on a charge
of attempted suicide.
Sir George Croydon Marks warned
New York business against allowing
trade unions to gain political power,
Aug, i6 has been set for the date at
the meeting of the Dail Eireann, or
Irish republican parliament.
Imperial conference discussed the
empire news service and imperial shipp-
ing committee.
Jamaica legislature voted down a res
olution urging confederation with Can-
Athens denies that Creek forces have
been repulsed, or that a drive on Con-
stantinople is being made.
Britain has ratified the permanent
court of international justice and the
court will continence to function soon.
United States may apologize to Brit -
sin over seizure of the British Schooner
William 1..' Marshall, which curried a
cargo of liquor.
Newsy Briefs.
Thursday Brandon, Man„ suffered
the worst storm experienced in a num-
ber of years.
J, S, Beare, a Markham farmer, had
200 birds stolen from his•poultry house,
while D. 'Swallow suffered a similar loss,
Matthew McKinnon, aged 17 of Well
and was fatally injured.. when the motor
car in which lie was riding overturned.
David Herbert, noted walker was kill-
ed and Herbert Landry probayly fatally
injured when a scaffoding gave way at
W. C, Johnson a Lyndhurst mer-
chant, has announced his intention at
being 'Conservative candidate for Leeds
and Brockville at the coming by-elect-
The administrators of. the Walker
estate have formally, turned over the
Walker home at Walkervilhe to the 'town
council for municipal use. -
The Bell Telephone Go. may ask for
a tether Increase in rates as it is said to
face an operating deficit of $65,000 for
May and Julie 1921. •
Eight 'members of `the buffalo Canoe
Club paid $200. and costs each for hav
ing liquor' in their lockers at the club
house on Canadian territory:
Mrs,. Seip,', mother ,01 the' driver, Ede
ward Seip, .of Hanover stotainect;abroAt-
en arm,which) had to , be•,,emputdted.
When a motor car overturned near El.
Welland towft council inylte4,011 tiie
citizens of Port Colborne:'fo+ dianuer,te
celebrate the con:pletlen of, a highway
anothertda yas with
ltohing Bleed -
Ing, or, 1i'ro6trud--
fng x'Ilea, No
surgical oper-
ation reot uirwk
denten; or 'zrdnnansmi, hates Soo„ Limited,
Toronto. Sample Box free 11 you mentionnits
and oneloao 20. stamp to pay neetag0.
Live stock and general Auctionvo'
pr, ober Ointment will'relieve you sone
and al fn•d lasting benent, coo, box • r
N as m B' T,t TIN et apeman f, Oitoge di
NOw . A or ue, 0111144n pro n
n,• l,y nttiwa
An unknown girl committed suicide
by Jumping into the Niagara River a
few feet above the falls.
Lawrence Ginnell may ask Argen-
tine to recognize the 'airish republic."
Major -Gen Rotomsky has been ar-
rested at Rosotov-on-Don, charged with
leading a counter-revolutionary plot.
Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross"
are Genuine Aspirin
It you don't tee the "Bayer Crass"
on the tablets, you are not getting
'Aspirin—only an acid imitation.
The "Bayer Cross" is your only way
of knowing that you are getting genuine
Aspirin, presetibed by physicians Nit
over nineteen years and proved safe by
millions for lT'earlaehe, Neuralgia, Collie
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, and for
Pain generally. Made in Canada.
}Sandy ..tin hove of 1,2 tablets—abed
larger sized `ll:iyar•" psakages can be
iced ut.drug stories.
AN Ir;i}n+t`;then tral.de n srk,,,1rogiatered
P n ue 1 13ii or ral;"tfrt9efg n off
ud" 't4 .Rhe k, f �"ali `'.lienci ,' °' 1
cheld e d
r: ' i 041 is .40011,�l,coe.� o. tint Aspirla
a or taniei ttlt•o' to assist no
g...a, t'r, cid
tpulit c aj',sffhsittdth1tati asibhe .`rlblele of
16a a G' y, v 1 I .t
fr orn n, Ltd will„br ,"star ed
ll their, "loyal trade. mark. the
1a''er tJttia+'
Lerma reasonable, �+'armerir talo )1044
)connt,ii ? r
!`ettei” Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted 10 e�rnoee chemo
jewelery. liar better to pay afair
price and know exactly what von
are getting,
Yon will Heyer be solCry—for acre
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical. •
Ttat bus Ween daid'reo often ilia
everybody by this time shoal
know it—and vet there is. n
scarcity of cheap jewelry in t'
Now to get pereonal—Sf you woo.
like to miss that sort altogether-
CUNFa 11E101
If vote would like to hay whet
nothing but high qualities an
dealt in—I'X)i' if LIBRRE
And eten at that, no pennon eve)
said our prices were unfair
S a Lciil ter
Jeweler and Optician
1 Cl If Marriage License
Bran Shorts, Oil Cake
Ground Corn, Salt and Tankage
See all Prices on Government
White and Yellow Blossom and
Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Red
Clover and Timothy
Also a Quantity of Wood For Sale.
ilk Fr
_Phone 123
Does the Collar hit the Horse?
Sore shoulders and sore necks on
farm horses are generally caused
either by collars that do not tit or by
Names that are not properly
A collar that is too long will cause
sore shoulder points and is likely also
to cauae sores on the top of'the neck.
A collar that is too wide or too nar-
row will also cause sores on different
parts of the shoulder or on top of the
nock, A collar that is too wide or
too narrow will also cause sores on
different parts of the elroulder or on
top, of the neck, depending on the
kind and amount of work the horse'
10 doing, Then, again, a collar that.
is too short and tight may cause the
cohditior known as "Sweeny' of the
Most farm ltorsele are at least wed-
erately fat in the spring; In this con-,.
ditiou the muscles about the neck
and shoulderswill he full and plump
and it wilt take a rather largo collar
to fit. The soft condition of the
horses, however, eotupied ,with the
long' dhya of hlvrd ,Work, causes thein
to shrink in flesh rapidly, and a col
far that was a gbod tit at the begin-
ntrrg of the season May beentirely`'
unsatisfactory three or four weeks'
later. In; some 911005; the .cellar can
be made tp fit by tieing a sweat Rad,
while 111 others 'a 'dew Or different
cotta"Weill be.redtubrcdi :ft hurter,
hrfwaver,•,to Ilavt co11gfiu that, tit than ci
to Imo sweat, ps,g6,
hg eollttir' not ,only
ataitk•sorsS'bill aate eittieeri'tile haril'0
tat;' trot thud., geeetly°peed uming hls
etltoleney,,,.A rWork ,horse woo ring a
properly ijttiktg, collar' is about 401-
thlyds .harnessed,
Orown nod Bridge. :Work n Specially,
mallo o of C.O.D.S.. Chicano, and 2,0,0.5
ayliotd oA MoudraT$ DAT tat to Il
DR. IL li'(9WNrtl/eL
Offices over O'NEIL'S store
Special care taken to make dental firer
mans no pefn'ess fie "oseible,
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to leo
form the public that be is pro
pared to do fine piano tuning.
tone regulating, and repairing
Orders lett at W. Doherty's phono
61, will receive nromnt attention.
1.30 p. m. to 3.30 p, m.
7.30 p- m: to 9.00 p. m•
Sunday 12.30 to 1.30 •' . 1
Other hours by appointment only.'
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
W. lilaH.1'o1 E
H. T. R A N C E,
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
i'inaneial and Reid Estate
JNSURANCI- AGENT—Representing 14 Pire
gunmen Companies,
Division Court Office.
G. D. McTaggart 04, L. MoTaggar
csragg , rt Bros,
a General Banking livainnoa
aSOTES D1.B000N't'ED
Drattn Issued. Interest allowed m
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance
Perm and Isolated Towu Prop'
arty Only Insured.
Head OtficceScaatortll, Out
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; .rail
Ernes, Beachwood, Vico-Praalelaat
'rhos. R. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary,
Alex'. Leitch, Ile. 1. ClIntonl 1Idw40
Hlsckl.y Ssafortlt; Wm. Chesser gir
1puMdrlllla 9. W. Yeo, Godatictt; k O
Jartrutb, ereelbafe3l.
Mit: Rina, No. 2. Seatortlt; Johan Bei,.
iievirsls, Bredibrifreal JaLmWS Sven, t'Jdstrtlw
gromisM. sleAtentt, G6tnton; Jam*
Coil*oilj. Go.er(che. D. F. r.`Grctor
'lib.: 3, Stator4bi J. 0, t.riav:a, ?;aa, 4
Mattttsria lltobcd Porion.;, Mari iSa9
llinGalents I* I. 9ex404111.