HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-7-28, Page 6RAE '5P
The Clinton New ' Era
:`l iwru"tlay, July 28, I92l.
Seas nable Goods
At reasonable prices Paris Green .and Arsenate of Lead in 4 ,r/a
and 1 tb pakages. r
We have digerent styles of Track and Hangers for sliding doors,
among them the Hatch Garage door outfit which Will run your door
around the corner inside the building, also the Flexible Trolly Hanger
with Tubular Track.
Make your Calves grow with Herbageum, we have it in 2 11, and 4
ib packages.
Corless & Verner
i PHONE -53
Hardware and Electrical
T. Hawkins
Repairing Promptly
Phone 53
Heels Furnaces Lead GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD...
41•3.0•31MR919,.. VENOM)
Our advice would be to market
your Poultry early this year while
prices are high. Fall prices are
expected to be anuch lower than
last year: Sell now. Enquire of
us for prices.
There is a Reason
Ask Us.
'Genuine D L. & W.
Scranton Coal
Yes we have it in all sizes. Don't put
off buying as the price is gradually
stiffening. Delay will only cause a pan-
icky buying craze similar to that ex-
perienced last fall when prices went
Let me advise you td fill up With
it answers the burning question.
We also carry in stock for your con-
Hardwood, in different qualities
Slabs, the Ideal summer fuel, Cedar
'rails, fine for kindling,Ganada Cement,
the standard article, Threshing coal.
convenient and Safe,
Hemlock Lumber •at new prices, 2X,
3X & SX Shingles, at your own price
Hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement, 'Chest
Mt, Stove and Soft Coal.
, Clinton & 13rucefie7ci,
"Phone for Clinton No. 74,
Pitons for Brucelield 11 oil 61S.
Clinton, Ontario
N. W. Trewartha Local Manager
The up-to-date Firm
Roanoke Va., Times: Half the fellows
you see who are dressed fit to kill are
en't worth killing,
Band Concert To -night.
The Kittle Band will give their open
air concert to -night weather permitt-
Train Two Hours Late.
The evening train on the L. 11, and
B, was reported 2 hours late Monday
Some Went to Wingham,
A few from town took in the Win-
Irham races on Thursday afternoon of
last week.
Council Meets Tuesday.
Owing to Monday being a holiday,
Council will meet on Tuesday Evening
to attend to the town business,
See' Advt. on Page 4.
The big advt. with full program of
Clinton's celebration will be found on
page 4 of this issue. Eesure and read
Monday Civic Holiday„
His worship the Mayor has proclaim
ed Monday August 1st as civic holiday
and asked all merchants and citizens to
observe same.
Must Advertise.
The person who finds an article and
keeps it after it has been advertised for,
is in' the eyes of the law, as well as mor
ally as guilty as"the person who com-
mits a deliberate 'theft. Moreover, the
person who finds a thing of any value
and does not make an effort to find the
owner is dishonest. Keeping a' thing
you find, when the owner may be dis-
covered is as bad as stealing it.
Minor Locals.
Council meets on Tuesday evening.
Sunday is the last day of July,
Next Monday is Civic Holiday. 13e -
sure and come to Clinton to see the
Let the New Era know 'bur visitors,
A manufacturer declares that the
price.of hides is alrnost a negligible fact
or in the cost of shoes, and a pronain-
end'labor nun ays'that the labor cost
re -presents only about $t,25. After this
illuminating explanation the public is
left to guess the rest.
For DIARRHOEA The 1,CanadianIt climate a is not so bad
after all, It embraces a wonderful ver -
1 lett' of temperatures.
DYSENTERY La O. F. Officers.
It Jas been a household remedy for
the past 75 years, You can always rely
on it in time of need to dojos() What we
claim for it.
Mtn, Fred MaeDonaid, Sydney Mince,
N.S.,' writes:—" I take great pieaanre fn
recommending Dr. Eowler'a Extract of
Wild Strawberry as a never failing
remedy for summer complaiut.
i am raising a family of ten; children,
and during the summer owl autumn
months when this complaint is s'
prove cot 1 use no 'other -remedy. We
aro never without a bottle of it in the
Price, 60e. a bottle
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co„ Limited, Toronto. Ont.
The 'following officers were install-
ed in, the local 1, 0. 0, F. last Tuesday
evening for the next six months:—
Noble Grand, W. T. Hawkins.
Vice -Secretary, G. E. Hall.
Rec.-Secretary, H. W. Gould,
19n -Secretary, J. Wiseman.
Treasurer, H. 13, Chant.
-R. S. N. G. Carol Draper.
L. S. N. G. J. Livermore,
W,arden,Geo. Tomlin.
Inside Guard, R. Tasker,
Outside Guard, J. 11, Kerr,
R. S. S. A. Castle.
L.' S. S. L. Murcia.
Chaplain, T, H. Hardy,
A Wheat Field.
Lucknow Sentinel:—Mr, John Joynt,
M. P. P. called at our sanctum one ev-
ening last week tosaythatheand iais men
had completed the cutting of what was
likely the largest field of wheat in West
ern Ontario -105 acres, This is on one
of Mr, Joynt's farms in West Wawanosh
To be exact there are lust 90 acres in
one field and 15 in another, but they
are not far apart. The crop is pretty
good and Mr, Joytnt expects 10' thresh
about ,2,500 bushels, •I lie grain 'Will not
he hauled to barns but threshes), after
th., raahioti Of the West frons the took,
and the grain taken to'Whitecbutrh for
shipment direct from the stadehine.
Threshing was to have coninienred on
Monday, but the rain caused delay.
YRPP :.FNIY4. R 4,37' fm4.4;7444 44444.7=44 4#4? i'a 0, r4.44 W59Hm1YiRn4':MT�++uir.;vW16
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Many Went to Grand Bend U1 o Pine Day
Many from arouud.'Clinton to in "6 -Ontario Street Piqulc at Bayfleht
the "ford" Pienie at Grand Send on
Onions Only Half a Crop,
. The Dutch Set onion crop does not
look very promising, 'flee crop has been
partly burned up with the ,heat. ,Some
of the early sowq onions Same through
not too badly but on the whole will' not
be half a crop (Exeter Times).
Potatoes Are Small.
Those who have been trying ot
their early potatoes are disappointed in
the crop. The tops have, been coming
along fairly web but on digging up the
hilts 0113y a few potatoes are found and
these very small, The potato bugs were
very plentiful tjais year. itis hoped the
later potatoes will turn out better,
Clinton at Seafortlt
Seaforth News:—The gauze on Tues-
day night was a good eihibition of
baseball, It was the first game of the
new schedule and both teams, Clinton
and Seaforth, were out to win. During
the first part of the game Clinton
rushed matters but did not have the
staying powers to resist the pressure of
the home team and the finish was 8-7
in favor of Seaforth. Snaith, in the
box for the locals showed his old-time
skill and received gond support from
his mates, The boys are steadily Inv
proving and future games will be watch-
ed with interest,
Marriage Announcement.
Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Perry. Toronto
announce the marriage of their daugh-
ter, Gertrude Maude, to Mr. George An
gus Johnston, on Wednesday, July Gth,
5921 at Edmonton, a t 102-125 111 Street
Edmonton. The many Clinton friends
of the bride will extend sincere congrat
ulatioiis,Mr, Percy was a former teach
er at the ,C. C. 1.
Now We Have Some Real Nice Ones.
"Wliy 0 why, are all the nicest men
married?",tasks Miss Annie Merrill rn
her delightful page in the Mail and Em-
pire, They are not ear. Here in 'Clin-
ton we have four bachelors in particul-
ar who are most eligible—but illusive.
Everything, short of the lasso, has been
tried on them without avail. Can you
name thenal.
The Price of Coal.
"There is no chance of any reduct-
ion in the price of coal and the pub-
lic should get their coal in now," ad-
vises Mr, Harrington,- the former Fuel
Administrator. He says that the 2 per
cent cave-in tax on• coal at the mine to
take care of the destruction in town by
caving in of old mine galleries, recently
placed by the United States Government
in addition to the 1 % per cent, State
tax, will add some 30 cents a ton to the
price of coal. The cave-in tax and 'the
State tax becomes operative on Septem
ber 1.
Boy's Scout Camp.
The Anglican 'Bay Scouts Camp on
the Shores of Lake Huron, just outside
of Bayfield is proving a great success
according to the verdict of numerous
visitors and also judging by the hap-
piness of the boys themselves. The
boys up to the number of sixty five are
accomodafed in fifteen tents in addition
to wfiich there are dining tent and a
cook tent on the grounds,
The day's activity commence with a
swimming parade at 6.30 a,m, follow-
ed by breakfast an hour later. Then
there is inspection of tents, flag raising
and morning prayer, followed by scout-
ing instruction, and swimming till din-
ner, which is served at 12. The p.m. is
devoted to sports and aswimming par-
ade at 4. Tea conies at 6, camp fire
and evening prayer at 9. and lights out
at 9.30. So ends one of ten happy days
which the boys are spending. On Sun-
day the scouts will take part In a special
parade service to be held in the square
at Bayfield at 3 p,01. Yesterday evening
(Monday) we gave the Bayfield Cam-
er's team the Surprise of their lives
when we beat thein with our Scout
team by a score of 14-4, in a red hot
baseball snatch, They say they are aft-
er our skins, and so the return snatch
to be played in Bayfield should be a
snappy one,
on Wednesday was a delightful day and
all had n pleasant time.
WM Maros 11.1''. O �'
"Premier Drury is to visit lI.•on Co-
unty on Thursday, August 1Sti1, at-
tending a U. i', 0„ pienle at Mencse-
lung Park, ,Goderieb,
Model Teacher Engaged
Miss Lulu Elliott, of Goderieh Town-
ship lies been engaged as the special
Model Teacher at the Clinton Public
Tree Broke' Down
A maple tree on the St, Paul's church.
grounds broke off about 52 feet from
the ground this morning. Some years
ago it was struck by lightning.
Hospital Board Meets Tuesday
The Clinton Hospital Board will meet
on Tuesday evening, instead of Mon-
day in the Board Room of the Town.
Hall at S p. in. All members are re -
guested to be present.
Passed Music Examination
Miss Zenda Salter has successfully
passed her grade 11 Piano Examination
in connection with the London Con-
servatory of Music, She is a pupil of
Miss Etpnaa Levis.
Stratfcnd Juniors Here Friday
The Stratford Juniors play here on
Friday evening and a good gauge is as-
sured by the Stratford boys and Clinton
Junior 'team, Game is called at 6 o'-
clock sharp.
New 1S.C:s
Among the list of new K. t's of 91
names we noticed that Charles Garrow,
of Goderich, and Gordon Waldron,. of
Toronto, an old London Road boy are
among those entitled to write K, C.
after their name, The New Era offers
congratulations to them,
Gets Appointment
Mr, Clarence Paisley, youngest son
of Councillor and Mrs. Paisley of town
has been appointed manager of the
Royal Bank at St. Lambert, a suberb of
Montreal and has taken over the new
• position. His old friends here are glad
to hear of his success. There are 50
other banks in that town.
Piano Exams
Miss Pearl Gidrey, of Blyth, was suc-
cessful with her twelve piano pupils at
the recent examinations in connection
with the London (Eng.) College :f
Advanced Intermediate First Class
Pass—Maud M. Bell, Wingham.
Intermediate Honors—Mary A. Ell-
iott, Wingham; Gladys Grainger, Lop-
deshoro. •
First Class Pass --Eugene Geedes,
Belgrave; Nora Van Camp, Belgrave;
Rachel Woodman, Londesboro, Janette
Poplestone, Blyth; Gladys Taman, Blyth
Elemetary Honors—Elizabeth Mills,
Blyth; Melda McElroy, Blyth.
First Class Pass—Robert 'Sanderson,
Primary Pass — Kenneth Somers,
What A Girl Must Learn.
These says the Detroit Free Press
are things a girl trust learn:
To sew.
To cook.
To' mend.
To be gentle.
To value time. '
To dress neatly.
To keep a secret.
To be Self-reliant. '
To avoid idleness.
To darn stockings.
To respect old age.
To make good bread,
'ro make home happy,
To keep a house tidy.
To be above gossiping,
To control her temper.
1'o take care of the sick, ,
To take care of the baby,
To marry a man for his worth.
To read the very best books,
To take plenty of active exercise.
To be a itelpnmate to her husband,
To keep clear'01 trashy litertdure.
To be a womanly woman under all
MOM gig.011,BlitesOM
Call and See
Ford's New Universial Electric
Washer for $85
One Ideal Hand Power Washer
for $II.00
Hardware - Plumbing
Elee'tric Wiring
"MOM Rte00118
MOON twirl -a
As Clothes are to the hod y,
80. are Wall Papers to the .demo
Few people can afford to be badly dressed; and
ffeW people can afford to live with old or in.
harmonious wall papers.
They affect the sprits. They decrease self.
confidence., 'rhey reduce morale. They are
unhealthy for mind and body.
Harmonious Wall Papers are a Tonic.. They
influence the whole atmosphere of the house.
If you have in view a change in the atinoaphere
of your hoarse "wetinvite inspection of our stock
and prices. a �! L .i 'a►z�
7 I'0
`,:rl Often the eheape--.IlEwayS the Best
writWASEWZR 12&4 wart za s¢acs5
Street cars run Sunday in Kingston
for first time
Windsor street railwaymen demand
five -cent -an -hour increase.
Quebec city will vote on Scott Act
appeal Sept. 12,
,-"- 0 --
Don't forget to leave your
order for
with E. WARD, if you want
satisfaction. -
Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand
—We will look after you—
Terms--Strictly Cash—Phone 155.
The Corner Grocery
We are Headquarters for the fin
est blends of tea obtainable, grad-
ed up to a standard; not down to a
Our Blends of Tea at 50c 60c
and 80c are tea's the most parti-
cular tea drinks, will enjoy. Every-
thing in picnic supplies Lemonade,
Orangade, Grape Juice, Olives;.
Cook meats.
Fred. W. Wigg
Phone 45.
Our Prices, you will notice a few here are getting back to the
Good old Days. Give us a Call.
2 pkgs. Corn Flakes
2 pkgs. Toy Gusto
1 can, Corn or Peas
7 cans, Corn or Peas
3 Bars Soap, any brand
3 pkgs. Anomnia
3 pkgs. Rinso
2 pkgs. Lux
1 tin (small) Salmon 10e-
1 tin (large) salmon 32e'
3 pkgs Jelly Powder 35c
3 cans Spaghetti ..... 25c.
1 jar Pure Jam
1 lh Black Tea
3 1%s Black tea
(Only) BAND NIGHT, (Only) 2 cakes Palm Olive Soap ...15c.
NSON tsei e
Clinton Garate and Battery Service Station
The Enforcement of the Headui ght Laws, means that auto owners
must equip their cars with approved Lenses. We have the following
to choose front:
Levelight Primolite
Holophane Macbeth
Legalite onopher Clear
Shaler Roadlighter tonopher Novioi
Cianaert Colne in and have us fill out your applicatlons i 1
J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent
L Phone 80 . Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT.
The ew white s.
ciea W ger Ate,'. N : es
white sh'; es
Now on Sal
'Nµ_ P d 1 t n'i• 191 A �bYe-. "�A,,✓N