HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-7-7, Page 6PAGE SIX WE QUOTE { Very Low Prices 1 Wednesday Mornings 'BROWNS NNIMI Seasonable Goods At reasonable prices Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead in and 1 lb pakages. We have digerent styles of Track and Hangers for sliding doors, among them the Hatch Garage door outfit which will run yoar door around the corner Inside the building, also the Flexible Trolly Hanger with Tubular Track, Make your Calves grow with Herbageum, we have It in 2 lb and 4 Ib packages. r 's Corless & Venner PHONE. ---53 Hardware and Electrical TRY �l • Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING 0••••••••* 1 Repairing Promptly i V, Done Phone .53 a O Veda Furnaces Lead There is a Reason !Ask Us: arosokakotimpotak Summer Prices April this year presents an except- lonal opportunity for the coal consum- ing public, In the advent of the Annual Summer Prices, EGG, STOVE, & CHESTNUT AT $18.00 DELIVERED Owing to a slight reduction in the 'rice of Straight -Line Coal at the mines, we are now allowed to make this spec- ial offer so as to keep the miners in work. It is the custom of the mine opera- tors to raise the price each month from now till fall, but we are going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAY, & JUNE This will give you an oppportunity to have the coal delivered when the ground is ,fit to.drive in to your yard, but be sure to place your order now at Che old reliable stand. We guarantee satiStaction as we al- ready have our .large Sheds full of aur woven coal of high class quality. ORDER NOW JNO. B, MUSTARD, Clinton & Erucefield. !'hone for Clinton Na. 74, nano for EiruceBeld 11 On 818, aaeli 9 W * 9 * * 9 0 0 e LIVE POULTRY WANTED Close Season for Fox. Fox, of whatever color or species, may not be hunted, trapped or taken between April t and November t5 each year, according to an order-ln- councii appearing In that Canada Ga- zette. Women's Patriotic Society As the work of the Women's Patri- otic Society is completed, the Treasur- er has handed over the sum of two hundred and ninety two dollars and twenty-nine cents ($292.29) to the War Veterans, as their share toward the Memorial Tablet. Goderich Reunion Goderich is preparing fora reunion of her Boys and Girls to be held Aug- ust 7th to itth. The sons and dough- ,' ters of the town by Lake Huron are being invited back for a week of enter- tainment in which both visitors and home folks will renew their youth and revive the friendships of happy bygone days. n h,! Trophy On Exhibition, (Stratford Herald:—The trophy won at Clinton bowling tournament yester- day Is on exhibition in R. J, Easson's drug store widows. it is a very hand- some mug and the first one to be brought back by a local rink in some time, The members of the rink, who won their four games with a plus of 44, are as follows: E. Mott, H. Campbell, J. Newcombe, A. E. Cash ship, 0---^. Our advice would be to market your Poultry early this year while Iprices are high. Fall prices are expected to be much lower than i last year. Sell now. Enquire of us for prices. GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD. Clinton, Ontario N. W. Trewartha Local Manager The up.to.date Firm 9 0 at * * * 9 * * * 9 * Attend the 'Chautauqua at the C. C. 1. grounds. For Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, Pains in the Stomach, Cholera, Cholera lnfanttna,Cholerae Morbus, Sq ea Sicknesy &ima., C;oinilli plaints and Leoseniss of the Bowels. It has been on the market for... 78 •gears. It is harmresa and pleasant.to take. Its action is rapid, natural and effective. rake ria other. Substitutes are dangerous. The genuine is maniafactured only by The'I'..Milbttrn Co.'i Limited, Tor`outo, Ont. Price 50e. •a bottle. 5 Children *ISIS Dyhotttctr4'A Mrs. I). Mitcriel), 19` Kingale q-- Ave., 'Toronto, Ont. writke:—°It itl•with greateorestre that k reoommedd Dr, ICowier's tract of WildStrswhorty for dysentery. It is realty wunoerfale w uiohly it meta. My five children had dysentery last ammo:, and we tried evorything we cold think of until a friend adviecd us to use ‘Dr prowler's! A few doses root abot bottle- of 't ni the hawea. + wayM keep a IEYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eyesight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College, of Toronto. Office in Masonic -Bldg., West, St., HOURS: -9 A. M.-5 P. M.—Prac- tice Limited to the Eye, SCRANTON COAL Don't forget to leave your order for " HARD and SOFT COAL with E. WARD, if you want satisfaction. Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand —We will look after you— Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. E. WARD RESIDENCE—HURON SI'ItRIT The Corner Grocery CALL ON US FOR YOUR GARDEN SEEDS A full Assortment of Ferry's, Rennies and Steel Briggs Seeds in Packages, also Dutch Sets, Gar- den Peas and Sweet Corn, and Beans in Bulk. For good value try our Builk, Tea and Coffee. Fred. W. Wigg Phone 45. rnd rho Clinton New Era Local News a Thursday, July_ y, ,!'0,t' Z;14.44 A Treat for the Counci4 Mayor McMurray paid for the ice cream to Cool off tine Council town officials and press on Monday evening after the 'Council Meeting, Our American Cousins Hare, With the 4th of July falling on Mon- day many citizens of the United States passed through Clinton and other re- snained here over the week end. Cadets off to Cupp. The joys of camp life will be the ex- perienced by the Clinton cadets who Journed to London on Monday to at- tend he Military Boy's camp being held at Carllny Heights, The camp breaks u$ Saturday. No Junior Game. As both the Clinton and Seaforth Junior baseball boys are mostly Colleg- iate students their was no game on Tuesday night, as the boys are away to camp. The game will be played at a later date, The game at Stratford is postponed until a later date. September First the Date. Reorganization In connection with the issuing of marriage licenses will go into effect by September 1, accord. Ing to Provincial Secretary Nixon. After that date all marriage licenses are to be Issued by municipal clerks, and jewel. ers will no longer have the privilege of issuing licenses. blade them Step Some. The Clinton Seniors made Goderich step some on the 1st at the Baseball tournament in the Co. Town at one stage of the game the score was three to nothing in their favor, but the err- ors creept in and away went the game. Dick Tasker had them crasy for a few innings and Butler finished' the game. Stratford Won, The Stratford Senior team defeated 'Clinton here last Thursday in a very one-sided game, Levis who did the pit- ching, had everything on the ball— except getting it over the plate, and walked man after man. The rain held up the game at the sixth innings for a short time, but it was soon over and the boys were able to play the full nine innings, Some Successful Students. Mr, Louis A. McKay of Hensall won the William Mulock scholarship in classics at Varsity this year. Winning scholarship is nothing new for Mr. Mc- Kay. Miss Einma Higgins of town was successful in the first year in the mod- erns course. Miss Helen Ross of Toron- to formerly of town passed in the gener al course, Mr, Bruce Walker of Exeter a former C.C.I. student was successful in the first year of the science course. U. C. T. U, Meeting. The 24th annual convention of the Huron County Woman's Chistian Tem- perance Union will be held in the Evan- gelical chuff h Zurich, on July 14th and 15th, commencing at 1.30 o'clock on July 14. Mrs, Pugsley, of Toronto, vice president of the Provincial W. T. U. C. will be the convention speaker. A splen did program will be given on the even- ing of the 14th, Everyone is welcome to attend the sessions of this conven- tion. Laurier Memorial, The Laurier Monument Committee announces that the public subscription which was limited to a sum not exceed- ing $5.00 from any individual sub- scriber has realized $35,293,20, repres- enting many thousands of subscriptions The sculptors have bean chosen and the monument on the grave of the illustrious deceased is being prepared. The Committee, in its name and that of Lady Laurier, takes this olasion to tender heartfelt thanks to all subscrib- ers, by order of the Committee, P. C. Larkin, Treasurer, Toronto Ont. Had A Good Time. Quite a number front town and viciu ity took in the garden party the Pres- byterian church of Londesboro held on the evening of July 1st. There was a large crowd present and a splendid pro- gramme was given consisting of solos, readings, addresses and patriotic drill put on by a number of the young peo- ple. A set of slides of places of interest in Canada was shown. The Kiltie Band of town were also present and played. During the earlier part of the evening there was a baseball game between the boys of Auburn and Londesboro and a football game hetween'Londesboro and the 16th boys of Goderich Township, Minor Loads. Council met on Monday Evening. Many went to Bayfield. for the holi- day. The i2th will be celebrated at Hay- field, The Band was at the Londesboro Gard en party on the 1st, The new Era was the first to bulletin the fight on Saturday afternoon. Farmers are cutting their wheat on the London Road and around Londes- boro. The Kittle Pipe Balla attended the U. F. 0, picnic in Stanlby Twp, on Tues- day. Will Speck in London, Rev, S. O. McKegney M, C. will be one of theprincipar speakers at London on the 12th, Band Played Tuesday, The Clinton Kittle Band played on Tuesday evening on account of theChau teuqua being held during the last four days, River is Popular. The river and riverbank are popular places these warm days, In formal plc, nits are held every day by the river- bank. Quiet Dominion Day, . ' Outside of the Bowling tourning, citizens were either at Goderich to the baseball tournament or at Bayfield and Grand Bend trying to escape the heat, The Boy Scouts. - The boy Scouts are going to Camp on Friday the 22nd, The boys did a good turn on Wednesday morning by helping to remove the chairs from the town hall to the Chautauqua tent, It's Hot, The weather mart seems to have lost all control of his instruments and the general public is Suffering from a over= supply of hot weather, Sunday was hot Monday hotter; Tuesday was a scorch- er and Wednesday was only a littteways behind Tuesday. Attended Executive Meeting. On Tuesday evening Messrs G. A. MacLennan, Thos, Fraser, A Walken and J. L. Kerr attended a Liberal Executive meeting of South Huron at Hensall to make plans for the visit of Hon Mc- Kenzie King. Improvements The Sloane Block is being brighten- ed up. Mr. Hiles Ontario St. has befit a gar- age. The house of Mr. Theo Fremlin, On- tario St. is being reshingled. The cement walks at Wesley churieh are being repaired this week. Clinton will Celebrate. Arrangements are being made for the big celebration on August 1st ('Civic Holiday) Goderich Baseball team plays a league ma4ch and—the Committee is trying to get Wingham to play Zurich here and the two winners will play off. Other attractions are being booked by the celebration Committee. Attended Stock Sale. Last week Mr, Henry Plumsteel and son Mr, Roy Plumsteel of the London Road, attended the sale of pure bred Durham at Guelph and Mr. Roy Plum - steel purchased a thoro-bred Durham cow with a heifer calf. Mr. Plutnsteei is building up a fine herd at his farm on the London Road, The Chautauqua Now On Excellent Program Yesterday— Interesting Lectures and Mus- ical Programs for Rest of Week. The big 4 -day summer Chautauqua opened at the C. C. I. grounds on Wed- nesday afternoon under tl a direction of Mr, Perry, and despite the warm weather a goodly number were present to hear the interesting and varied pro- gram presented by the Chester Scott Company. Mr: Scott is .certainly and artist with his cornet and the rest of the company gave a varied program of instrumental Music. In the evening the Scott Co. gave a prelude concert and was followed by Dr. J. Franklin Babb, a congregational clergyman of Boston who gave an in- spirational address on "The One Hund- red Per Cent Man,"' His Audience list- ened with marked attention as he drew useful lessons bright), illustrated from his address. The speaker paid tribute to the 'Canadian boys who fought in the great war. The program for to -day (Thursday) is; Afternoon—Prelude concert by Prince, the prince of Concert Accor- dionists. Lecture "Red Fusin with the Lid Off," by Lieut. W. J. Osborne M.C. M.S.M. Evening, -Prelude Concert by Prince Magic, Mirth and Mystery by Davis the Master Magician. FRIDAY Afternoon --Musical program by that John Qualen Trio and Henry Reed Lecture "Community Nuts to Crack." by D. Lee Fitapratrlck. Evening—famous, Comedy Success "Contentment" by the Elias Day Play Co. SATURDAY Afternoon — Grand concert with Operatic Selections .by the Ferguson's Light Opera Quhttette, Evening—. -Lecture. "The Outlook in Europe" by lion. Percy Alden, Mem- ber of the British ,, Parliament from London. Musical program by the FergusoibTs tight Opera Qulntette. As Clothes are to the Body, so aro Wall Papers to the Home 1 Few people can afford to be badly dressed aztrl'a few people can afford to live with old or lata harmonious wall papers. • They affect the spirits. They decrease self. confidence, , They reduce morale. They are, unhealthy for mind end body, Harmonious Wall Papers are a Tonic.. They influence the whole atmosphere of the house.. If you have in view a change in the atmosphere -of your ,home we invite inspection of our stock and prices. • The W. D. Fair eo. Often the eheapest--2% ways the Besi GOOD OLD DAYS Our Prices, you will notice a few here are Good old Days. Give us a Call. 2 plugs. Corn.Flakes 25c 4 tin (small) Salmon .......AOC• 2 pkgs: Toy Gusto 25c 1 can, Corn or Peas 15c 7 cans, Corn or Peas $1.00 3 Bars Soap, any brand 25c 3 pkgs. Anomnia ..,2525c 3 pkgs. Rinso c 2 pkgs. Lux f 25c (Only) BANDGET NIGHTTHE (OnHABITly)OF 2F cakesDEALING PalmAT O1jvee Soap ...15c- getting kj back to that 1' tin (large) salmon 1 jar Pure Jam 1 ib Black Tea 3 Ib s Black tea , 3 pkgs Jelly Powder 3 cans Spaghetti 32e, 29e. 35c' 95c. 35c. 2Se JOHNSON & PHONE 111. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY - Clinton Gara=ge and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headll ght Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved Lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight Holophane Legalite Shaler Roadlighter Clamert Come in and have us fill out your applications J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent EZAMINER FOR' LICENSE DRIVIN G Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. Primolite Macbeth Conopher Clear rConopher Noviol 1 1 1 an****.om..a.w MOM MOM MI MOM !MOM • Call and See Ford's New Universial Electric Washer for $85 One Ideal Hand Power Washer for $II.00 SUTTER & PERDUE Hardware Plumbing Electric Wiring L swim Snow -White The new white shoe cleaner makes your white shoes WATERPROOF Now on Sale at –"SHOES THAT SATI FY".+