HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-7-7, Page 5"Tilutulay, MY 7, 1921* • The Clinton New •rirci FOR 'WEDDING GIFTS • Come to .ifellyar's Store Our Selection of Articles suitable for the Bride is com- plete, whether it is to be -- Clock Cut Glass Silverware or China Our aim is to supply Honest Goods at . fs Honest Prices We invite you to come and inspect'our stock. 41 W. N. ROAR Jeweler- & Optometrist. Issuer of Marriage Licenses phone No.174w; House 174 j D�rithj�n D y Specials • 4 it S good Black Tea.. . $1 3 1h 13est Black Tela 5 lbs Cocoa $1 14 Ths Rolled Oats ....60c Fresh Stra.wherries New Potatoes Cucumbers ...oast Pork Cooked Ham W T. UO'NEIL THE HII :GROCER _ Phone 48 •—... Late News of theDistrict S. young son of Mr. William' Pepper fell and broke his arm, and gas taken,' to a London Hospital lo have X-rays applied to insure the fractured bone peing properly set, Miss Hazel Coxworth while attending the picnic during the past week at Me- lchor's woods had the misfortune to fall and break one of the bones of her wrist and sprained the wrist of her otheihand, GODERICH Twa young children, three and four years old; belonging( to Aaron Fisher,' of Colborne, had it Asa call from death when they found some Paris green and Were satiny it when cilseovered; Only' prompt response by a local doctor sav- ed the little ones' lives, ,In the police court Magistrate •Reid .sent William 0..)5aldwin up for trail on a charge of having inproper relations .with a weak-minded girl. This after- noon he appeared before Judge Dick- son, and on being found guilty was remanded to jail till 'Wednesday, when he will receive sentence. Baldwin was arrsted about a week ago near Exeter after taking the girl away irons her home here, Mill dr e p: Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS-r0RIA • CiNSTANCE and Airs. McDougal of St. Thom- as; Mrs, Jas, Hinchely, Mrs. Jas, Bender SOD and baby of Seaforth were visitors at Mrs, Ed Brittons On Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Quince of Arden, Mani- toba were spending a few dayswith her aunt Mrs, Gen. Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs, Jas Henderson and ba- by of Seaforth, Mr.. and Mrs. Ed Britton were in Goderich on the 1st. Mrs. C. Dulmage and Grand daught- er arc visiting her daughters at Detroit for a few weeks. The farmers are busy at the Haying. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson and child of Brussels were callers in our village on Sunday. 7:11F't CORN s There Is a vast difference In the ,Grades of Corn. Our Corn is No. 2 ;Yellow which we believe is the bee° ,grade on the market... It is free from '-broken Kernel., Cobs and Dust. Give us a call and let us know your require. -ments...Special prices on large :wan. titles. • BRAN, SHORTS • . Now is the season for Bran & Short:. The Quality hv good and the prices reei. enable. SWIFTS DIGESTER TANKAGE ' Figured on present value of live- stock and home-grown feeds the use ...of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will re- • turn more profit to -the hog aise than •• ever before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and Bones prod.eced ' by the immense slaughtering business of Canadian Company are almost all used is Swift's High Grade Fertilizer, RESULT:—Large profit to you. FLOUR Our Stock Includes:—Purity, Fine ••••-", 4•R°Se8t White Seal and Golden City. W.Jenl(ins&Sotl, FLOUR AND FEED • PHONE: -199 RESIDEHCE:-12I GRANDTRIINKily IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE BETWEEN CLINTON AND TORONTO 1..v. Clinton No. 28, 6.28 a.m. daily Stratford No. 28, 7,45 a.m. daily Lv, Kitchener No. 28, 8.25 a.m. Daily ' Lv. Guelph No. 28 8.51, a.m. Daily Ar, Toronto No. 28, 10.15, in, daily • (Except Sunday) Lv. Toronto No. 37, 6.10 p.m. daily Ar. Guelph No. 37, 7.43, p.m. daily Ar. Kitchener No. 37, 8.11, p.M. daily Ar. Stratford No. 37, 8.55, p.m. daily 'Ar. Clinton Ne. 37, 10.03, p.m. daily • (P-zeePt Sunany) Bufifet-Parlor car and firstelass vestibule coaches in unch direction Mut Rout:ford & Sou, City reseen. Ger end Tieltet Ager,ft$ oit. O, PATTISON, Station Asemt„ 1611'S PHOSPHODME: The Great English Preparatton. Tones and invigorates the whole J nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins. Used for Nervous Debility., Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency', Lass of Energy. Palpitation of the Heart, Falling Memory. Price 82 per bos,3 for 85. Sold by all druggists, or mailed in OA pkg. on receipt of price. New pampladt mailed frce.THE WOOD MEDICINE COJORONTO,ONT. kbaci fire Occurred Thursday morn- ing'about 5 o'clock when the frame residence owned by Mr. Dell Vann si, 3'ne was totally destroyed by fire, There was no one living in the house, and there Is no clue as to how the fire originated. SEAFORTE1 1 ' The wedding. is announeed in 'the Biresbyterlan 'church, Eginondville, , on July 30th of Miss Ella J. C, Chesney only daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Hugh M. Chesney to Mr. Robert E. MacKenzie,. FilLAUTT Miss FloSale Brown, teacher at Por- aSt is home for the summer vacation. Harvey Hankins had a. valuable horse killed by a train last week, The late'ifreight train on July 1st killed a cow of Mr, Flynn on 6th con, The Grey Tag/. Correspondent of he Brussels Post makes reference to a ()ruler resident of Hullett when the amity resided near Lonclesborol-'--litiv- ng completed his probation at the shoemaking in Bresselr Jno, Kirkcon- nil, 16th Con., purposes taking a trlp to Michigan to visit relativeS and friends. son, of Air, Robert 11, MacKenzie, Miss Belle .Ballantyne, Of Waterloo, is spending the vacation at the home of her father Mr, W. Ballantyne, Mr, Everett Rivers has • returned from a visit with friends in Toronto anfl Preston, Mr, and Mrs, John Pollock, of Kin- cardine, were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Tyreman. Air. Pat Sullivan, Rev, Father SO - Hyatt C. S. D. of Alciunt Carmel and Mr. John Grin -len, of Texas, were vis- itors at the home Of their cousin Air. John Hughes this week. Messrs. W. Aberhardt, Billy Greig, Frank and Harold Coats, Donald Ker- slake, Charlie Stodgill and Edward and Fred. Archibald are camping at Bayfield. Eighty two pupils were writing on the Entrance examinations at the Sea - forth Collegiate Institute last weelc. Dr. J. N. Hutchison of .Winnipeg, is visiting relatives in town, Miss. A. 'Campbell visited her sis- ter in Holinesville. Mks Siegel, of Mitchell and • cousin from Toronto were guests at i the home. of Mr. and Mrs, S. Men, Mr. and Airs. Badozr and daughter, and Mr. O'Reiliey, oi Stratford, spent Sunday at the home, if Mr. and Airs. Joseph Munro. lllr. John D. ilendelson is '51.i Dig friends in Guelph and Woodstock. Children, Cry° FOR FLETCHER'S cAs-roRIA EXETER Charles Delbridge, of Winchelsed, had about a 20 -foot face of gravel slide on him in the pit, with the result that his knee was twisted and the cords of his legs were ruptured. He will be laid up for several weeks. Mrs. J. A. Stewart :sprained her ankle and will be compelled to use a crutch for a few days. The Exeter Ginning Company is busily engaged on the season's pea patch. They made the earliest start in the history of the company. Miss Lulu Hastings, of London, is quite, 111 at her home here. Her father Is still confined to the house, quite ill. Fall wheat is nearly ready for the hinder in this vicinty. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the James street parsonage Wednesday, when Miss Lela Sanders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders, of Step- hen Township, became the bride of Mr. Rufus' Kestle, of Usborne Township. After the ceremony. die young couple motored to London and tookfthe train for Niagara Falls and points East. On their return they will. reside on the grooms's. farm in Usborne. Next Sunday afternoon the Orange men of the county will parade to the Trivitt Memorial Church for divine ser- vice, GODERICH TOWNSIFHP • Airs, Randall Cole and young son, of Seattle; are visiting with Mr, and Airs. Peter Cole, '13ayfield Linea Mr. Cole has gone to Alaska to run the machin- ery of, a big Canning factory. The visitors will be here for a couple of months. The Bayfield Line boys and the Var- na boys are going to play another game game of football soon. The Bayfield Line boys won the last time. The Township was well represented nt Bayfield on the 1st. 1 1Council met in Holmesville on Mon- dis very badly needed in these ptoiab styrt, Ram . selailyrather RIsshort unless rain soon c it is a long while since we have idial1 e s.l rain.. The late grain is going t Airs. Claude Fisher of 'California is visiting her brother's Messrs Ezra and William Pickard. The latter has been quite poorly lately, (Mite a number picniced at Bayfield and some at Grand Beend 4'44 pominion Day. Aiso nunfeer to,.k in the sport: /11.:,1 a 11:110N1 'too::: in the sportS at rlch and the glint :‘1-1 party a; Lim- io the e vessl ng, The rest -o5 . to snake hay while the i»51\'55 shir-1,--g. , Mirs Vesta Snvder left for Guelph I Tuesday to take a summer course at the 0. A. C. A football team from the 56th play- ed against Londesboro at the latter vil- lage last Friday evening. The boys have been having uite a bit of fun playing football and baseball in the evenings but this is the first time the boys have played away. The Londesboro boys su,c- ceeded in putting two goals in the sec- ond period. The t6th the boys are not discouraged as they think they can beat them at a return game. Don't forget about the chautaugua the last fouo days of this week. This is an apportunity to hear splendid tal- ent, at Clinton. BRUSSELS. Mrs. Joseph Whitfield, Brussels South, met with a serious accident when she fell from a platform in the barn to the cement floor, a distance of 10 feet. Her back was severely injur- ed. A large gathering assembled at the home of Jas. Ballantyne, Queen street, the occasion being a farewell to Mrs. B. S. Scott, prior to her removal to London, where Mr. Scott has been en- gaged on the teaching staff. Mrs. Scott was made the recipient of a beautiful fern stand by the Mission Band, of Mel- ville church, of which she has been president for several years. A valuable dog, belonging to Mrs, John E. Smith, was run over by a truck on Thursday afternoon and kill- ed. • Rev. W. E. Stafford closed a four- year pastorate of the Methodist thufch last Sabbath and moved this week to Ruthven, his new charge. Rev. C. F. Clark, of Sarnia, will be the new pastor here. 4, • GODERICil TOWNSHIP_ Next Sunday July 10th, at 11 a.m. ! L. 0, 1,, No, 306 -will hold their annual • parade service at St. James. Church Middleton, when the sermon will be preached by the Rev. Carew ......0%.,1....../••••••••••••.....N............•••••••••••••• .....•••••••••...., COULDN'T NO fACUSEVORE. MEANT VMS SC RH When the heart her -ace nerves unstrung, is f),7 wOM:11a to look tatos itoutlelitild Ot social duties. Tho least little exiirdon or excitement leaves her in an exhausted condition and not fit to do anything. Women would be wise, if on the first OP of 110 weakness of the heart and nerves, they would take a course of MILBURN'S HEART and NERVE PILLS Mrs. Daniel Besancon, Loganville N'.S., writes:—"An was troubled with a weak heart for nearly two years 1 mu writing to tell you what your great - remedy, Milburn's Ileart and Ne:ive 'Pills, has done for me. My heart was so bad at night I could not &eel), 1 would tato etnotheeinp: 1, and was so weak 1 tottlsi net do housework. 1 tried (two doctors, but got no results. A friend advised nto to try your pills. I livid am completely Mieved. T. thick 11 - are the best remedy foe heart trolet., there is," Inc' tiOn. a be ,1 ; mailed diroati on r!. of by '15/5 T. Latham Ca 01'0 Oa HOLMESVILLE. Misses Marion and Sybil and Ros- coe Courtice left on Monday to visit their Grandmother Mrs. --Wilkin of Braucllou. Mrs. Robt. Acheson is not improving as her many friends ,wbuld like to see. Mrs. Claude Fisher and children of Los Angloes is visiting her brother Mr. Wm. Pickard. Rev, Mr, Fair delivered an excellent sermon on Sunday morning last. Mr. Samuel McMath had a smash up with his car coming from Goderich on Tuesday evening something went wrong with the steering gear and it plunged into a hydro pcile by Mr, Sturdy's Rev. Mr. Fair started for the West on Monday morning to visit his daught- 'by •4•.;,„ rb. ' • V'''Kgail Mr. J. R. Alcock hal had the roof of her house reshingled. • , Miss Esther Trewartha had her ton- sils and adnolds removed on Tuesday. Mr. 'ad Mrs, A, J. Courtice left Mon day to visit their datighter Mrs. F. Gis Elford at Ottawa. The members of the choir and the or- ganized class presented Miss Clara Glid don with a beatiftil set of silver prior to her marriage which took place quie- tly on Wednesday to Mr, Herbert Ben- nett at. the Methodist Parsonage, at 5 o'cleick by Rev, Mr. Johnston the looking charming in a white satin dress trimmed with beads after the ceremony the bride and groom motored to the grooms father's their many friends ex- tend congratulations, thef will reside in Windsor. Mrs. Dodds and sett of Chicago sistet of Mrs. Cud:tore, is visiting here, S1R EDWARD SHACKLETON; The fsun-' ous antartic explorer, will be the leader on a voyage of discovery covering 30,000 miles of uncharted sections 01 the Southern Atlantic, the Pacific and Antartic Seas. He will sail from the port of London at the end Of August id a 200 -ton ship McIntosh, a wedding dinner 'was serv- ed, In the evening a reception to the young couple was held at the home of the bride groom's parents las Maillop. Many good wishes go the happy couple as they take up Life's responsibilities cin the their farm in Maillop. BRUCEFIELD Dr. Rodgers visited in our village this week. Mr. Fred Tomlison has returned from Toronto, "Isn't it hot" is the topic we hear very often these warm days. Rev. N. D. McIntosh and wife mot- ored to London on Monday. Large quantity of wheat is being taken in at our store house. Mr. and Mrs. Kinnen, of Mitchell, are the guest of Mr. James Walker, of Tuckersmith. Our village was very quiet on the lst of July, many going to Bayfield and Goderich, Misses Grace Ross and Emma Mc- Donald will take up the Agriculture .'Course in Guelph during the school vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murdock and daughter, of Detroit visited at their home in our village last week. They motored from the city. The Women of the Missionary Soc- 1 meeting on the lawtn9i Mrs. Junes Mil - idles are preparing to have a big ler on Tuesday aft oon,, gathering on the ist of July, when a • birthday party will be held. ,vtimi ti tit .11 „, "••••.. St. Paul's Church Sunday Seloa1 to ;hill. Awning Pray. it a. 05. Evenini; Prayer 7 p.m. Preacher: Rev. 5. E. Mehlegney. Si. James Church Middleton. Next Sunday July 10th, at 11 a.m. L. 0. L. No. 306 will hold their annual parade service at St. James Church Middleton when) the sermon will be preached by the Rev. Carew Hallowell, Willis Church The Annual Picnic will be held on Wednesday July 13111 to Bayfield. The Pastor's subject for Sunday. will bei— Morningi—"Stored Sunshine" Evening;—"The Refreshing )Riv- ers," The Wo:nan's Missionary • Society will hold its. July meeting at the home of Mrs. Walkinshaw on Friday after- noon, July 15th at 3 o'clock. . Ontario Street Church PAGE' FIVE WEEK END SPECIALS Lisle Hosiery. At Half Price Qua Saturthiy we place on Sale about 100 , pair Woman's 'Pure Lisle Hose -- This Hose usually. sells from 65c.to 75c o pair. ,,,Special oa Sattirday 35c a pair or 3 pr for $1.00. New Uue Stripe verills,at Don't pay $2.50 for this line, but buy what you want here on Saturaday at $1.85 a pair. G PEFAISth WEEK END "r"" 4„,) 0 ItillaStPe " rezzganalamactwataanto'nostts.vociamtioramisatar-inatimamaatre,anawace=asormasco= - Small Profits . More Business..- Phone 26 • of Usborne.- Met with an . unfortunate Ladies' College, Prince Albert, Sask. and painful accident on Tuesday of last Miss Larkin is an honor graduate of Mc - week. He was going for the cows on Gill University Montreal. horseback. when The horse -stumbled and fell, Ale, Cowdry wasthrown off and the horse rolled over 1,11m, with the result that his left leg was broken at the thigh. Zuricln—Mr. M. Wecer, census tak- er for 7,tirieh , and vicinity has cont- teaching up there? plcted his obligations and reports that My own little Jennieso true. there is a population of 471 in the vill, Ten handreddellars is quite a _large aye oi Zurich.• ,i 'ng horse -back on Thursday last and • sum, , And show to the people who pay you 'yell WS:cercr.er:—Farry Timm, son of Mr. I hope you'll prove faithful and true, Iioni'y Thnni, fell off a horse while rid- :he anlnuil stepped on his elbow, No , ., 1.00rs es' ,,!,n, , . il1at ?“,5 aro qui'"? willing to work, Aust, ti:- to your sehooi the best of . Cytu-k.----(..)n Saturday last Mr. •001.1 you? Ill•'tis of Gerrie met with a pain-. r.i 1,,,.,-,:, time, 7.,:ur Cody to s4irk. ful acchicnt, lir was holding a stake crho Datightor's Reply.) !elite his brother Was driving it In with an axe, when in some way the axe slip- Your letter came all right last week, ped, cutting, his hand severely. I've conned it o'er, Morris Twp.—Miss Mary McKellar, I've thought about your question hard, '. teacher of S. S. No. 3 Morris has resign- And o'er it now 1 pore. ed and is engaged to teach iy- S. S. No. 6, Winchelsea. (Usborne/ township) At half -past eight 1 reach my school where she rk2eives $1200 salary. The Place work upqn nay board, Some early (comers gather in, / school is a new. up-to-date edifice just ' nuation Their home work then is scored. built last year, It is a Conti •• g school engaging two teachers. Miss At lithe o'clock 1 ring the bell, . P McKellar 'will be near her own home. To work we all repai From then till.four,r, o clock again, TEACHERS 1 ARE YOU EARNING YOUR SALARY? (The Mother's Letter.) Are you earning your wage as you're The'serices on Sunday last were of a patriotic nature. The choir gave Some special nurabers. • O'n Monday evening last the League was In charge of the christian endeav- our department .with Mr. Corless and Miss Mary Gibbings presiding. AO In- teresting programme was given and Rev. Mr. Burns of the Baptist church gave an address in consecration: Mrs. Downs and Miss Wiltse sang a dad. Misi JeJnkins gave an instrumenfal and Marion Gibbings sang a solo. Next week Rev. Hallowell is going to address the League„ There will be a good pro- graming so a large attendance Is looked' for. There Will be union services in On- tario st. church for the, next four weeks, also union prayer services. Rev. W. E. Milison will speak next Sunday morning In the interests of Evangelism and social servieb. The ladies aid held their- monthly. John Snider and Wm, Forrest and their wives spent the ist of July at Chesley, visiting at the home of Mrs. Mustard, formerly of our village. William Swann was here from Tor- , onto last week. He returned to ' take up his examinations for the Medical profession, A large crowd gathered at , the U. P, 0, Picnic in Stanley on.Tuesday. The speakers were Andrew Hicks, id P. P., Mrs, Glenn, Rev. N. D. Mc- Intosh and Rev, Mr. Lundy, of Kip - pen. The Clinton pipers were also present and a sumptuous lunch was served. Farmers believe in having a vacation at certain times, On Wednesday last on a 'beautiful day in leafy June, Verna Knox, grand- daughter of W. D. Wilson, of Tucker - smith was united in marriage to Robert McClure, of McKillop, at the holm of Arthur Rutledge, uncle of the bride. At 12:30 the bride on the arm of her grand father, Mr, Wilson took her plade. She wastastefully attired in white embroideted silk crope de, ehene, carrying it bouquet of white carnations, Her " cousin, Miss Bin= Broadfoot was ring bearer. carrying a bouquet of flowers. She was dress- ed In while silk. The groom's bra- in Godertch returneddba01 vbgleqj jqk titer and a brides maid also assisted in Miss Dell Fink*. who has been visit- the Ater the cereniony ' big in Goderich returned holm , last which was perfonted by Rev. W. Monday, • 1 «psurts. am•ra••••••••••,.....0... • Zurich won at Crediton. on Tuesday : ligrehs. tby score of 20 to 3. “ShoitY" Cantelon and Dick Tasker were the um - Crediton plays in Goderich to -night. Clinton plays at Zurich to -night and goes to Stratford on Saturday. Wingham won from Teeswater on Weclnesdr.ty by a scare of 3-2, Brussels.—Two little lads Jack and Bill Turnbull, of Brussels form the centre of a most interesting photo- graph of a family group of 16 persons representing 4 generations which have been received by The Post, 217 years is the combined married life of the8 great-grandparents Andrew and Mrs. Turnbull, James and Mrs. Ireland, John and Mrs. Berry and Win.' and Mrs. Mc - Gavin, all of whom were married in On tario and have celebrated their golden wedding. The grandparents are Oliver and Mrs. Turnbull and Jno. and Mrs.. McGavin, The parents, Wilber and Mrs. Turnbull are in the centre of the pict- ure with Jack and Bill. The family is of Scottish and Irish descent and all are farmers, active or retlrel the great- grandparents having carve their' firms out of the hush. With the death of Mrs, .egravrnaamrsilaxmewonormr, or. it Aka. No idlers you find there, • And sometimes after four o'clock My entrance class I keep, c Examinations are so hard ,• That teachers cannot sleep. And you remember, mother dear" When we were small aid young„iK. When we enjoyed our holidays, f, Your nerves were all unstrung, And there were only five of us Prii: Around you in that day, While I have over thirty er.:.":„' As fond of fun and playo. I've English, Irish, German, Scotcht They're all the same to MI And pflhc o4hpy foreignessf 61.1 A little 0160. I've Catholic and Protestant -- All in my little school, I teach them all the laW of' love Ireland on May 8 since the photograph And they respect the rqle, szt was taken a break occurred tn the re- mariabre family circle. Brussels.—Walter Rose has hatched 10,600 chicks at his Poulfry Farm this season. The number is not up to last year owing, no doubt to tilt slump in the Poultry market. • " , Benmiller.—A largely attended meet- -big of ratepayers of the three consol- idated school sections was held last night and after discussing the situat- ion it was decided !to erect a three - rooms for the new consolidated school. - The building is to be erected on the site of the present Benmiller school and is to be commenced can be made. Goderich.—The steamer Valcartier HD HOT JULY DAYS unloaded a cargo of 176.000 bushels of wheat and 53,00 bushels of oats at the elevator on Friday last, She cleared light for Fort William the same day. The steamer made a record in unloading, July—the month of oppressive heat; taking only fourteen hours and forty red hot days, and sweltering nights; is five minutes to discharge her *cargo. in extremely hard on little ones. Diarrho- the same time 417 Cars were loaded at ea, dysentery, colic and cholera infant., the' elevator which is also very quick um carry off thousands of precious work. little lives every summer. The mothet, Wingham.—Mr. George Cruikshanks must be constantly on her guard tt:l Sr met with a painful apcident one day prevent these troubles or if they crime on suddenly to fight them. No othermed lcine is of such aid to mothers during the hot summer as Is 'Baby's Own Tab- lets. They regulate the bowels and stom- ach, and an occasional dose given to the well child will prevent .sunImer cent - plaint or if the trouble does 'come On suddenly'WIll banish it The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at Medicine 'CO., Brockville Ont. 1 4 cents ibex from The Dr. Willing , BeARKET REPORTS t11 •HURON COUNTY ' NEWS IN ,BRIEF 11 Exctert--The' people of James Street Methodist Church propose buYing new organ for the chard, and are at present making a canvas of the congre- gation with a view to aalcertainIng how much they could Secure lay subscription The organ would coat about $13,006 and already over half the amount has been soseribed. Usborne T Brunt. Cowdry, an employee o Mr, Wellington Skinner t'!41 Of all plese little .haps I'll male -Iii...s- Cleanolov,ers good and true, Of the old flag we love so well, " The Red, the White, the Blue. . $And then, 3 try to teach them, too Along with all the rest, a,1 Some of the blessed truths we find In the Book We call the best. 0 yes, my gentle motiter, dear, My salary I earn, If I can make a noble man Out of a ragged bairn. —W. 11, Johnston, Exeter, HARD ON THE BABY last week when he fell off a stack of hay and sustained a fractured collar bone: esied e orth,—The hydro is being ex- dd to farmers on the Huron road west of Seaforth and on the Mill road south of town by the tontmisslon, Exeter.—Capt. Barr and Leiut Par- nell of the Salvation, Army, Toronto will arrive In Exeter this week and will commence activities and operatiOns here. They expect to hold services In the town Hall next Sabbath afternoon Maj. Byers of Stratford was in town last week and made arrangements for Butter ...... . .. .• 3. 0.151: opening. up the work here. About 25 Eggs .. years ago Exeter had a Salvation Army l -logs , ........ $40.500 Barracks, the meetings being held in Wheat $1.30 404 the building now being used as a stable Boaartisty 600 by Snor;foBrrt°1t7-1111Mir(14 Beatrice Larkin, Pay $1,00 has accepted a position In St. Albans Tiran ...... ... . ::3355'.0000 daughter of ReV. Dr, and Mre, Larkin,