HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-7-7, Page 1Established 4865, Vol. 56 No.1 THE cx,a�To►lw, ONTARIO. THURSDAY Alb' 1921. Ker ifs Son. Rditors end P,ablifhsn. Hope all our subscrbers ers will Renew Promptly Now MANY THINGS YOU VALUE. CanTe"stnade permanent fixtures for all time to come if you use a KODAK , and get u4 to develope your films and print your pictures. Many of the yood pictures you see are made 'by us. You can get a Kodak from $2.50 up. Do it Now. me,Roo r.sr 1►3 Phtn. B. THE • INCORPORATED 2$U , THE MO.LSONS BANK "Capital and Reserve :9.0110;000 Over 130 Branches Buy Canadian Goods—and help to keep Canadian workmen busy, it wil help you., Buy wisely and save as much as possible and , deposkt your savings in the Molsons Bank. Courteous service to all. H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton, Branch Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES If kept in your home, fire or thieves may rob you of them. Our Managers will be pleased to tell you about the protection afforded by a SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA J $1.98 --SPECIAL $1.98 For SATURDAY' 10 Dozen Overalls with4or without bibs. Plain black and Blue Stripes. SPECIAL For Satur- day ,$1.98 NOW Is the Time to BUY, The Morrish Clothing C2, A Square boat for Evernliani a1 Try T h .M N • e Era for Job Work in Hon. MacKenzie, Liberal leader of Can anada who Is expected to speak in Huron County possibly Clinton sometime in August. DOMINION DAY CELEBRATED ROYALLY Bayfield was well crowded with holiday visitors on the 1st and the Grove was 'crowded all afternoon and Evening. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock The war Memorial Tablet was unveiled. Rev. A, Macfarlane was chairman for the occasion and Rev. S. Quinn and R. C. Pitts assisted, Mesdames Currie arta Toms, who lost their sons in the great war unveiled the Tablet and Col. Combe made the address of the after- noon, Rev. (Capt,) McKegney offered the Dedication Prayer. Miss • Marion Gibbings of Clinton sang "Let us Have Peace" and Miss Mary McMurchie of Clinton sang, sang "4n Flanders' Fields. The names inscribed on the Tablet are:—Harvey Currie, Kenneth 'Currie, Wilfred Toms, Robert McLeod, Allan McDonald, Victoria Evans, Edward Ad- ley, Arthur Clark. 'In the Evening Var- na Footfall team defeated Bayfield by a t�core of 4--o. The boats did big busi- ness during the day and` the dance In the Pavilion closed the holiday celebrat- ion. , Goderich celebrated the 54th Anniv- ersary of Canada's Federation by hold; ing its usual celebration. The proceed- ings opened with an address by the Rev. J. F, Reycraft, who spoke on Canada's birthday. An interesting feature was the calling upon Wm. Campbell, town assessor and tax collector, who to -day Celebrated his 87th birthday. He was introduced by Mayor Wigie and was given a warns reception., Mr .Campbell made a short speech and mentioned a few things that happened here on the day confedera- tion was signed. The main feature of the day was the Baseball Tourament of teams composed of Clinton, Crediton, Zurich and God- erich. Goderich and Clinton played the first game in the morning, the for- mer winning out. Zurich and Credi- ton played, the former winning in the play-off. Zurich defeated Goderich, 6 to 2. 'In spite of the excessive heat an immense crowd was on hand. The proceedings wound up with a band con- cert on the square by the 33rd Regi- inent Band. The usual children's games were held in the square, .sltl,`i awe Wingham, July 1.—A program ar- ranged by the Wingham Sports Club as the feature of the Dominion -Day cele- bration attracted a large crowd to Wingham to -day. Palmer's midway shows were in full swing all day, and divided the people about evenly with the athletiee field, where two good base ball games and a lacrdsse contest were staged. Wingham Citizen's Band and the Henderson Juvenile Kitties provid- ed the music during the, day, and un- ited in an open-air musical program to- night. The weather was unpleasantly waren, but there were neither prostra- tion, nor accidents. This morning the Teeswater baseball team defeated Lucknow by a score of 8 to 3. Wingham defeated Palmerston this afternoon, 10 to 9. Wingham and Hanover lacrosse teams played to a He in the afternoon, THREE NEW CORPS IN THIS DISTRICT Several changes are taking place in Stratford Division of the Salvation Ar- my this week -end, Major' Byers an- nounced Saturday. Two new officers take tcharge, at Stratford citadel, two,. sisters, Captain Florence McGtivary and Lieut. Jean McGlivary, being the new , Officers. Three new Corps are being opened up ht the foliowing pieces": Exeter, Cap- , twin Barr and Lieut,Parnell; kanover, Captain Noble, Lieut, Ford; Mount For- est Captain G, McGlivary, Lieut, Haw- kins, • • * * * if * CANADA'S STATUS. • 'Canada in comparison with • nine of the worlds industrial • nations, is first in extent, sec- • and in the aggregate of the • hydraulic power, third in the • matter of railways, sixth in the • total production of iron in its • natural state and iii the bust- • mess of export and eighth in population,—Bankers' Trust, • Co„ New York, • • • it • • • • • • • • r • • • c s 04 • Public School Promotion Exams Promoted from Dlv. 111 to Div. H. Honours—Doris D•urnin; Howard Ven- ner; Hazel Harris; Clarence Livermore; Elva Cook; Florence Rorke; Clara Gould; Lorne Cook, Pass—Jack Gibbings; Harold Jervis; Florence Huller; Bertha Ramras; Joe. Twyford; Harold Langford; Annie Judd; Douglas Kennedy; Willie Much; Nettie Taylor; Mary Watkin; Wilmer Deeves; Eva Cole; Sam Castle; Ross McEwan; Harriet Hawkins;Jack Lavis; Marion Marten; Casmir'Carere; --Recommend ed -Jim Betts. E. L. Ford, teacher Promoted from Jr,'111 to Sir, 111. Honours -Dore by Manning; 'Helen Burn; Jessie Cress; Albert Salter; Harry Venner; Myrtle Cole; Margaret Cudmore; Helen Nediger; Jimy Lavis; Carl Burns; Pass—Eddy Scruton; Evelyn Hall; Bill Ball; Norma Stevens; Grace Evans; Viola Holland; Mildred Holloway; Nellie Hill; Grace Ashton; Jack Sciuton; Hugh Ladd; Jean Weir; Roy Fitzsimons; Beu- lah McIntyre; Marjorie Hunter;, Clara Steepe; Dorothy Bartliff; Lena Bolton; Isabelle Pickett; Dave Miller; Mazzie Grealis; Willie McClinthy. Miss Asquith, teacher Promoted from grade 11 to I. Honours—Phebe Bolton; John Heily- ar; Evelyn Burns; Marjorie Hale; Ruth Jackson. Pass—Cecil Cooper; Mary Grealis; Freida Schoenhals; Edith Johnson; Don- na Hudson; Vera Gould; Ruth Ball; Lula Crich; Dorothy Streets; Alma Campbell; Reta Elliott; Zenda Salter; Jack Mutch; Fred Fowler; Howard Grealis; Nellie 'Cowan; Margaret Rut. ledge; Huron Murch; Dorothy Ward; Ivan Dodds; Isobel Draper, teacher Promoted from Div. V to Div. IV Honours—Margaret McLeod; Ruth Ven ner; Irene Nash; Roy Cook; Lottle Liv- ermore; Cyril Hale; Reggie Noble; Marion Scruton; Benson Corless; Pass—Everett Downs; Harry Wat- kins; Wayne Rozel; Bub Hudson; Bruce Tasker; Jack Elliott; William Grainger; Bruce Biggart; Morris Rozeil; John Pickett; Hugh Hawkins; Helen Wheat- ley; Bill Jackson; De Lores Harris; Jim Forrest; Ada Fulford; Irene Doherty; Jim Chowen; Willie MItGill; Douglas Kennedy; Grant Rath; Lloyd Rumball Barrett Taylor; Paul Hovey; Earl Ful- ford; Kelso Streets; Merton .Merner; Eileen Rumbaii. rx Harriett Cantelon, teacher Promoted from Div. VI to Div. V. Honours ,--nsabelle Ch'ow'en; Hetelt Manning; Dorothy Steep; Margaret Plumsteel. P!assl--Brenton Hellyar; 'Edward Rorke; Ross Carter; Isabel Biggart; Jean Mutch; Jean Twyford; Charlie Andrews; Billie Watkins; Oswald. Hant- blyn; Norman Livermore; Kathleen Nickie; Grace McIntyre; Helen Deeves; Edna Elliott; Tom Twyford; Violet Mor rison; Earl Furniss; Robin Lavis; Billie Murch; Janet McTaggart; Carrie Lavis; Harvey Cooper; Isabel Lawson; Ken- neth Pickett; Bessie Livermore; Hazel' Jackson; Mable Bezzo; Irene Swinbank; Elliott Bartliff; Helen Cooper; Harry Plumsteel; Gerald Holmes; Clifford As- hton; —Absent from examinations through illness; but promoted on their year's work:— Susie Livermore,; Rob- bie Hale. M. Wiltse, teacher Promoted from. Div. ViI to Div VI Honours.—Mary Andrews; Jack Smith; Grace Fitzsimons; Harold Glazier; Joe Gandier; Jack Grainger; Grace Heliy- ar; Billy Draper; Lawrence Plumsteel; Stewart Cook; Maurice Perkins; Doro- City Watts; Miniue Hudson; Kathleen Cameron;' Boy Carter. Pass--Mayfred {Bramft'efd; Ernest Hovey; Joe Doherty; Muriel Downs; Frank Hooper; Marion Smith; Jimmy Nickte; ,Harriet Kennedy; Ruth Castle;.! Joe Wheatley; Dorothy Cowan; Irene Veneer; Norma Streets; Eddy Elliott Willie Cooper; JA,'ck McGill; Clara Ball;', Emily Scruton; Ellwood Campbell; e N Stella S Neves; George Rumball; Stewart Farquhar; Charles Pickett; Harold Gibbs Minnie Wash; Ledith Steep; E. R. Carter, teacher M Rev. J. K. Fahtfall, former pastor of Clinton Baptist church who has been in Kingston since his return from overseas, has accepted the call to the Baptist church at Walkerton. SUCCESSFUL BOWLING TOURNAMENT 20 Rinks Here Dominion Day— Cash, of Stratford, wins Tay- lor Trophy --E. Hovey Second Prize. The Clinton •Bowling Club heeld a very successful tourney on Dominion Say when 20 rinks played for the Tay- lor Trophy and other prizes. President W. J. Stevenson welcom- ed the Bowlers to Clinton and made clear a few of the rules governing the greens, Secretary Sharp, had a busy day of it and succeeded in baying all the games run off smoothly. A. E. Cash and his men from Strat- ford captured the Taylor Trophy and the sets of Pyrex. J. E, Hovey and his Clinton rink took second prize which were Wedgewood Fern Pots; J. Taylor with his rink of Taylor Bros. donors of the Taylor Cup won third prize of Ina glass dishes; and G. E. McTaggart and the Blyth boys were fourth and were presented with Pyrex dishes. Following were the scores of the var- ious rinks. Games Won A• E. 'Cash, Stratford J. E. Hovey, Clinton J. Taylor, London McTaggart, Blyth Ross, Brussels Kennedy, Teewater Telfer, Blyth Goodwin, Hensel! Morrish, Clinton Roberton, Clinton Games McGill, Mitchell Bush, Hensel! Cantelon•, Clinton Reid, Lucknow Robertson, Blyth Jeffery, Seaforth Snell, Exeter Broderick, Seaforth Cameron, Goderich Haig, Seaforth Plus 4 42 4 15 3 43 3 25 3 21 3 26 3 13 2 16 2 12 2 6 Won Minus 2 3 2 8 1 6 1 19 f 22 1 22 1 32 O 24 O 44 O 49 Receives Promotion From King George Last week Lt. Col, H, B. Combe, who took the 16tst Huton Battl, over- seas and later went to France with the Imperial P,orces, received official notice from King George, that he was appoint- ed Lt. Col, of the Land forces of the Empire, dating from Oct. 31, 1916. The official document was signed at St. 'James' Palace. Births. ROSS—At Swift Current on July 5th to Dr, and Mrs. Donald Ross, (nee Hazel O'Neil) a son, ' GANDIER — In Clinton Hospital, on July 1st to Dr. and Mrs, J. C. Gandier, •a daughter, (Helen Eastwood). LOBB--in Clinton Hospital on Sat- urday July 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lobb of Goderich Township a daught- er, THOMAS -•-'in Clinton Hospital on, Friday July 1st to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas of Blyth a daughter. Marriages KNOX—WiLSON:--.in Tuckersmith, on June 29th, at the homh of Arthur Rutledge, uncle of the bride, by the Rev. N. D. McIntosh, Verna Knox, grand -daughter of W. D. Wilson, to Robert McClure, of McKiltop, Rev. Fr. Hogan Learing, The New Era Was unable to get Rev. Fr, Hogan by phone tc•day to Lind out the Parish he was being moved to, but Pwnn tinge a . unrfnrsf rl It is n ti a oramofion ase a the Parfait his overo f 3o f, mites, Fr. Hogan has been here 8 Yd years and will conduct service on Sunday for the last 1121 HOLIDAY VISITORS Mr, Harold Kitty is here for the holidays, Mr. Ross Forbes is visiting With his mother in town. Dr. Fowler of Toronto is renewing old acquaintances in town. Mr. Fred Rumball of Stratford was here for the 1st, Miss C. Hilne Hicks, of Montreal, spent the week end in town. Miss Ethel Houck Is spending part Of her vacation at Bracebridge. Mr: and Mrs. Norman Fitzsimons, of Detroit, are holidaying in town. Miss Mary Hovey is spending a month with old freinds in Burlington. Miss Cha:lotte Sheeiey is taking a spejc;al Kindergarten course at London, Mr. Robert Reid of Toronto was a welcome visitor in town over the holi- day. Mr. Gordon Hall was able to get around the streets this week after his upset with the motor cycle. Miss Mary Hallowell of Waikerville, is visiting her brother Rev. C. M. Hall- owell. Mrs. Tom Jackson and family are spending the summer vacation at Bay- field. Miss Winnie Thompson arrived home last week from her school in Tor- onto. Mr. Jack Hodge of London spent the 1st of July with Mr. and Mrs. T, A. Greig. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ladd, of Toronto spent the Dominion Day holidays in town. Mr. Lloyd Walken of the Molson Bank staff at Thedford is here for his holidays. Mrs. John Carter and two boys, of London, were visitors in town on Monday. Mr. C. D. Boeck has gone to Brace - bridge where he is teachng the summ- er school. Mr, Leslie Hanley returns onto after spending a fortnig parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Innis, and baby, of Toronto, are visitin around Clinton. Mr. Elmer Beacon of Toronto, was up for the week -end yisiting relatives and old freinds. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wasmann, of Toronto, are visitirfg Here summer vacation, Mrs, Charles Lockwood, field, syent a few days with her sister, Mrs. F. Hollyman. Mrs. John Bali, of the Baseline, spent a few days last week visiting h er Mrs. J. T. Crich. Mr, Ernie Dunford of Toron newing old acquaintances In t few days last week. Mr. Frank Pennabaker of Toronto, was up last week to visit at the parental home'for a few days, Mr. and Mrs, Drummond are visiting with the latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. A, Morris. Mr. George Hawkins of Falls was a visitor with his br Thos. Hawkins last week. Mr; and Mrs. Ray Rumball and Mast- er Jack, of London wese holt ors with Mrs, C, Rumbali, Mr, and Mrs, Thornton Mu family of Toronto, are spend vacation here and at Bayfiel Mrs. Swartz, Mrs. 1. Johnson and Mr. R. King of Wingham were calling on old freinds i» town on Sun Mt. and Mrs. Laurie Greig o were holiday visitors with the former', parents, Mr. and Mrs, T, A: Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton, M ley, W, H. and Mrs, Kerr, all secs, were visitors in town 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Count falo, were week -end visitors formers parents, Mr. and Mrs Counter. Mrs. Leossen Moore and Mr Painter, of Michigan, spent a last week visiting their neice Crich of town, (Mitchell Advocate:)—Mr, and Mrs. 'Charles Williams, of Clint• the week -end at the home of ter, Mrs. F, E. Brown. t d to Tor - ht at the g in and for the of West- er daught to was re - own for a of Detroit Iroquois other Mr. Mast - day visit - staid and ing their d, day. f Lbndon Greig, r, S. B a i - of Brus- on the er of Buf- with the W. R. s. Joseph few days Mrs, J, T. n, spent her sis• Miss heft O'Neil is visiting at the ppentai home. Miss O'Neil leaves in August to spend a year in England as one of the Canadian teachers, Mr. Cole of Los. Angeles District has been renewing g old ac uai utafce s in Clinton d vicinity, intiY, ] t is 50 years sincehehas, been back to Hur- on 'County. time, Continued on Page 2, Glazier - Nero Assessor Council made Appointment Mon-' day—Will Probably.Sinlc .aur other Well --Co. Rate the same as last Year e Council met.on Monday eyening with Mayor McMurray in rise chair and Re- eve Miller, Councillors, Cooper, Lang- ford, Johnson, Kemp and Paisley pro. sent, Minutes of the Tait meetings on May 2nd. and tOth were read and adopted. Co, Engineer R, Patterson wrote the Council that the Bayfield Road from the 'G. T, R. track to the borders of the'vill age of Bayfield had taken over as a County road. Letter was fyled. Co 'Clerk Holman, wrote stating that the Co. assessment will be $3;969.52, divided as follows: -$2,600,72 for gen- eral Co. purposes; $1,368,80 for good Roads. Clerk MacPherson stated the rate was the same as last year, Dr. J. W. Shaw, M. 0. H, wrote the Council in regards to the tent used for. smallpox cases etc., he understood' the council had sold it and asked that a new one be purchased. The letter was referred to the Property Committee for a report on tfie matter. There were three applications for the position of Assessorship, they being, H. Glazier, E, F. Copp and•A. McGarva. On motion of Reeve Miller and Coun-• ciilors Johnson, this matter was left to the Committee of the whole 'Council to meet after the other business and re- port back to Council, Street Committe:reported that grass and weeds had been cut, the good road at the Northend of the town had been completed; Isaac street is now being gravelled. Fire and Water Committee and Coun- cillor Johnson spoke in regards to the ringing of the fire bell for any other purpose than for fires. The Finance Committee's report may be read in another column. Reeve Miller and Councillor Langford moved an amendment to 'the Finance report That the wages in the Finance report for work at the Park, be left at the fig- ures Which Chairman Paisley !tad hired them for.— The einem-neut.was ried,,li Councillors Cooper and Langford moved that a fete barrels of :oil or tar - via be used on the New Road, Reeve Miller was opposed to the use of oil for the new road and he declared it would ruin it and on a vote the motion was lost. 'Councillor Cooper brought up the • question of sinking a new well and that the P. U. Commission should get quot- ations in regards to sinking of a well' and that same should be sent to the council to pass, Superintendent Chant answered many questions in regards to the water works department, Councillor Cooper and Reeve Miller made the following motion;-- That the P. U. Commission be asked to receive quotations and specifications for sink- ing an additional well for the water- works system. That the Commission report to the Council before action is taken.— Motion carried. Councillors Johnson and Paisley tnoved, that the question regards to a drinking trough for horses be placed in the hands of the Street Committee.-- Carried, 'Council adjourned•to go enter Com- mittee and upon this return on Motion of Cour/entail Langford and , Cooper Mr, Henry Glazier was appointed asses sor, at a salary of $150, —Motion car- ried. lgGlatin Bylaw no 9, 1921 was read three tam es and passed appointing Mr, Glazier 404 as assessor, Council then adjourned, REV. B. GAFFNEY "4' TRANSFERRED TO ' R d:*" CLINTON PARISH Popular Curate, at St. Joseph's Church, Stratford, Receives Promotion. Rev, • Father B. Gaffney the popular curate at St, Joseph's Church Stratford since his ordination to the priesthood a little over, a year ago has received a merit promotion to the past- orate of the Roman Catholic Church at Clinton succeeding Fa'Rier Hogan, 'Father Gaffney received this word from His Lordship Rt. Rev. M, F. Fallon, D. D. Bishop of London and will leave about the fifteenth of this month to as - Sumo his duties in his.new field. A man of pleasing personality Father Gaffney made many warm frien ds dur- ing his term r Stratford, who while wish hint every success in his new past. orate. Father Gaffney was leader of the Holy Name branch of St, Joseph's.