HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-6-23, Page 7PAGE SIX The Clinton Neil eras Local Everything for the • here except the flowers and vegetables. Garden Hose, Garden Im- plements of all kinds. Hedge and Grass Shears, etc. Call in — we can supply your needs. Corless & Venner PHONE -53 Hardware and Electrical TRY 1. Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND 1._ ROOFING —0--+ Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 ^�-0-- Hecla Furnaces a * * * * * * * '' IRR POULTRY �JA TED —0--� Our advice would be to market your Poultry early this year while prices are high. Fall prices are expected to be much lower than last year. Sell now. Enquire of us for prices. Lead GUNN. LANCLOIS & CO, LTD. There is a Reason Ash Us. Summer Pric s April this year presents an except- ional opportunity for the coal consum- ing public, in the advent of the Annual Summer Prices, EGG, STOVE, & CHESTNUT AT $16.00 DELIVERED Owing to' a slight reduction in the Artce of Straight -Line Coal at the mines, we are now allowed to make this spec- ial offer so as to keep the miners in work. it Is the custom of the urine opera- tors to raise the price each month from now till fall, but we are going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAY, & JUNE This wtii give you an oppportunity to have the coal delivered when the ground Is fit to drive in to your yard, but be sure to place your order now at tate old reliable stand. We guarantee satisfaction as we al- ready have our large sheds full of our own coal of high class quality. ORDER NOW JNO. B. MUSTARD Clinton & llrucefteid. Phone for Clinton No. 74. Inoue for Brurafield 11 on 618. Clinton, Ontario N. W. Trewartha Local Manager The up-to-date Firm * * ,a tr * * * r * * Nialsems jeorge Harper, aged 25, was drown- ed yesterday when his canoe upset near order for Van Wagner's Beach, Hamilton. HARD and SOFT COAL STRAWBERRIES Strawberries will be ripe next week. Get yotlr order in early if you want any. I have • orders in now for most of my crop. PICKERS I want tog good pickers to be on the job every day. Have 12 acres of berries and will re- quire good steady help. Pick- ers will get good pay and lots of berries to eat. F. W. ANDREWS CLINTON — — ONT. Some Questions 7 7 7 7? tBowlers et Blyth Why let the Banti' stand go to sack. I' Two rinks of Bowlers took in the and ruin? I Tournament at Blyth on Wednesday of Are you going to the clrnu'i un . this week. lvir, J. E. Hovey's rink map. Saturday? I turei first prize, What Is the population of Clinton'The Chautauqua according' to the Census? Who is going to win to -night? The The 4 -day Chautauqua, will soon be Juniors or Seniors? here and the ticket sellers are now on the canvas. A very strong program has been placed for the four .days, Grasshoppers han'e appeared in new territory in Saskatchewan. One-man street cars have been put into operation in Saskatoon. One of the royal swans at St. Thom- as has hatched out four cugnets. The sure of $600 for the Earlscaurt Salvation Army was realized by the first garden party of the season at Oakville. EYE SPECIALIST Recital at London Miss Edna McCaughey and Miss Edna McFarlane, of Goderich, are taking,part 'n a piano -violin recital to be held in St. Peter's Ball, London, on the even - ng of Monday, June 27th. As Miss McCaughey is a very brilliant pianist and Miss McFarlane ranks first among Goderich's cleveriest violinists, a splen- program is anticipated, - A. L, Cole, Eyesight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canadian Ophthalmic College, of Toronto Office itt Masonic Bldg., West, St., HOURS: -9 A. M.-5 P. M=-Prac- tiee Limited to the Eye. SCRANTON COAL —0— Don't forget to leave your 1845 t O 1921 1 with E. WARD, if you want FOR 76 YEARS satisfaction. Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand .,;,� , ,. —We will look after you - 1„ Terms—Strictly Cash --Phone 1SS. S�RA�►eER�Y HAS BEEN, RELIEVING Diarrhoea, Dysentery,. Colic, Cramps, Pains in the Stomach, Cholera, Cholera Infantumi, Cholera Morbus, Sea Sickness, Summer, Complaint and all Looseness of the Bowels.. Surer this rs recommendation. enough WHY SAY MORE? We wish to warn the public against being imposed upon by unscrupulous dealers'who substitute the so-called Straw- berry Compounds for "Dr. Fowler's.” Ask for "Dr, Fowler's" and insist on getting it. The cheap imitations may be dangerous to your health, A WONDERFUL REMEDY. Mr. ]a.' S. Gage, Claremont, Ont. writce' "It is with greatpleasure write you to say that I can't speak ton leigitly ofour wonderful remedy, Dr, I7owter's Extract of Wild Strawberry, I was troubled with di arrhoan and tried everything I could think of to relieve me, but nothing seemed to do me any l good. I wee advtead to try 'Dr. rowler'sF and found it great, 1 would recommend ,it to any ono suffering as I did." Price, 50e. a bottle; put up only by Tito T. Milburn Co,, Ltinited, rorento, Oht, E WARD RESIDENCE—HURON STREET The"Corner Grocery CALL ON US FOR YOUR GARDEN SEEDS A full Assortment of Ferry's, Rennies and Steel Briggs Seeds in Packages, also Dutch Sets, Gar- den Peas and Sweet Corn, and Beans in Bulk. Por good value try our Bulk Tea and' Coffee. Fred. W. Wigg Phone 45. Working Four Days A Week The Piano Factory commenced last week, working only four days a week and will continue to do so for some time, The Hien are off Fridays and Saturdays. Improvements Mr. S, S, Cooper is having the out How Many Will Pass? side woodwork of the Rattenbury hotel According to press reports between repainted. 17,000 and 55,000 Ontario Boys and Mr, R-, Roberton is having quite a Girls are writing for matriculation, the barn erected at his place on Townsend final step in their high school course street, and the threshold of a career at the University or in the teaching profess- ion. These examinations conclude on June 28th. There will be 'quite a num- ber- of students from Clinton leaving for University this Fall, May—Parr Wedding A bright event took place on June 15t1t at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. R. Parr, Grenfel, Ontario, when their second daughter, Rachel Louella (Ray) Mr, R. Walton is painting the wood- work of the postofftce, Will Hold Tournament on 1st The Clinton Bowlers will hold their Annual Tournament on Friday, July 1st and invitations have already been issued. The Trophy' is The Taylor Bros., Cup, which Blyth won last year. Three other excellent prizes are also offered. It is expected there will be a big crowd here to play on the Clinton was united in marriage to Rev. B. R. greens. Play will commence at 9 a, May, B, A., only son of Mr. and Mrs. m., and there will be the plus and John May, of Fulton Avenue, Toronto. minus scores and D. 13, A, rules to The marriage was solemnized by Rev. govern. S, Martin, of Grenfel, assisted by Rev. J. J. Coulter, of Danforth Avenue, Tor- onto. The bride, becomingly gowned in white georgette with pearl trimm- ings, veil and orange blossoms, and carrying a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily of the valley, entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father to the strains of Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus, played by Miss Elsie Clough - ler, a cousin of the bride, The bride was attended by her youngest sister,' Alice, who wore maize satin with cor- sage bouquet of Mossier roses, The bridegroom was attended by Mr, C. W. Cline, a pal, of Victoria College, Tor- onto, The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a silk hand -bag, to the brides- maid a pearl -set gold brooch, to the pianists, a sapphire ring and to the groomsman a pearl -set tie pin, During the signing of the register, Mr. 13. Allan, of Allendale, sang "Perfect Day." Af- ter a dinner and appropriate toasts, the happy pair left amid showers of good wishes to spend a few days at Georgian Bay, after which they will visit friends at Exeter and Clinton, Ontario, On their return they will proceed after a short time, to Saskat- chewan, where Mr. May will take up his ministerial work. Clinton Girl Graduates Miss Laura Mennell, daughter of Mr. Geo. Mennell, who is now residing in Toronto and a former resident of Clin- ton, graduated from the Jackson City Hospital recently. Her many friends in town will be glad to hear of her success, The Jackson Citizen Patriot, of Jackson Michigan, stakes the follow- ing reference of the 'Commencement Exercises Taking as his subject, the class motto, "We Serve," Rev. Bastian Snits gave a splendid address at the commencement exercises of the 1921 graduating class of the Jackson City Hospital Training School, held at the East intermediate School, Tuesday evening, Rev. Smits instructed the class as to how its members could live up to the motto, giving- inspiring, profitable advice. Then nurses re- ceived diplomas, Mrs. Helen de Speld- Moore, R. N., who was superintendent of the school at the time this class en- tered, presented the class, speak- ing .particularly of each, and cit- ing the. efficiency of the class as a whole and individually, Mrs. Moore, who is now doing state tuberculosis work, with headquarters at Lansing, pointed out ,that this was the last class to -enter while she was still in charge of the training school, Mrs. W. 'A. .Foote, presented the class pins, while the Florence Nightingale pledge was administered by Miss Celia Lewis, R. N., present superintendent of the hos- pital, In the absence of Dr. Neagie, the diplomas were presented by Dr, E, C. Taylor, Rev. S. A. Griffin gave the invocation. During the evening the K. C. Quartet sang two numbers charmingly, responding with an encore, while Boos' orchestra played delight- fully throughout the evening. Preced- ed by the pupil nurses and the hospital staff, 'tout headed by Mrs. Moore and Miss Lewis, the graduating clans march- ed down the aisle to the stage for the exercises, Ophelia roses, the class flower and many ferns formed an effec- tive decoration for .tate occasion, An informal reception followed the pro. grain. Wednesday evening the class will be given a banquet at 'tine Jackson City Club. Diplomas were presented to Miss.Loulne Grimes, Miss Marie Ben. tthrnttller, Miss Marjorie Cameron, Mies Irene Bogardus, Miss Gladys Smith Miss 'Esther Winters, Miss Laura Men- nen', Miss Frances O'Coriuer; MISS Mae Davey and Miss Libussa Sytibodo. tiurvacme::a; Thursday, June 23rd, 1921. As Clothes are to the Body, ilso are Wall Papers to the Home Few people can afford to be badly dressed; and few people can afford to live with old or in. harmonious wall papers. ...,., Minor Locals 7 more days in Jump, Is it Trot enougih for you' Entrance Examinations next wee,c. 'Clinton Bowlers were at Mitchell on Wednesday playing for the Faill Tro- phy. Two rinks of Bowlers took in the Blyth Tournament on Wednesday. Tuesday was the longest day of the year. Benefit Baseball game to -night. Don't violate the law by leaving your car on the street minus the lights. Several are liable for this failure. The "ole" swimming "hole" is at- taining its old popularity. A Hard Game to Lose Within t0 seconds of time, and hav- ing a good share of the play, Clinton lost the last football game of the Dis- trict by t-0. The Tuckersmith boys had to win to tie the district with Kin- ' burn, and they were playing all the time. The visitors scored a goal in the first half, but Referee Fowler call- ed an' offside. They claimed a goal in the second half, claiming the goal- keeper in throwing out the ball drew it inside the goal, but the Referee would not allow this either. The Clinton boys played a good game and should snake a better showing next year In the District after their first trial. Swann—Hamlin Wedding A wedding of, much interest took place in Kincardine on Wednesday, June 15, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, 1'. F. Hamlin, when their daughter, Donalda Janet, became the bride of Mr. Harold F. Swann, B. A., son of the Rev. Francis and Mrs. Swann, Vancouver, and for- merly of Holntesville. The bride, who was given away ,by her father looked winsome in her navy tailored travelling suit, small blue mohair hat, and corsage of Ophelia roses. The cerntony was conducted by the Rev. Mr, Clarry, pastor of Kincardine Methodist 'Church and during the signing of the register Miss Mary Anderson sang "Until." Af- ter a dainty buffet luncheon Mr, and Mrs, Swann left on the 1:50 train to spend their honeymoon on the Kewar- ibe' Lakes, where they have taken a cottage. Mrs. McTaggart Sr. Passes Away . 'After a short illness of four weeks, though In poor health for some time, Margaret Hart, widow of the late Malcolm McTaggart, passed away at her hone on Friday last at the age of 91 years. She was born in Scotland and came out to Canada with her parents. in 1858 she married Mr. McTaggart, who had been in Clinton for 4 years previous, Mr. McTaggart passed away on April 5th, 1891. Of a family of four only, two sons sur- vive now, namely. Messrs. George D. and Malcolm D., of town. Mrs, McTaggart is also survived by one sister, Mrs, Skillings, of innerkip, In het' early life the deceased was an active member of Willis Pueshyterian church. The fntteral wa s held on Monday afternoon, service being con- ducted by Rev. J. E. Hogg, Pastor of Willis church and the pelf bearer, were:—Messrs, Charles and Jno, 13. Lindsay, Duncan Mrl3wen, .1:1'nt's Scott, John Cnnnlitghan and W. A. Fair. Among those from a distance who were here to attend the funeral were:—Mr. Alex. McTaggart; Mrs, Andrew Gunn, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, Borland, luiferkip Mrs, Titres. Bart, Woodstock; Mrs, and Miss t;utltherton, Mitchell, Mr, and 'Mrs. Wtu. Hart, Kkppeu. a They affectthe spirits. They decrease self- confidence.. They reduce morale. They are unhealthy for mind and body, Harmonious Wall Papers are: a Tonic,. They influence the whole atmosphere of the house. If you have in view a changein the atmosphere ,of your home we invite inspection of our stock and prices. n Often the Cheapest—rilwayS the f est GOOD OLD AYS Our Prices, you will notice a few here are getting back Good old Days. Give us a Call. 2-pkgs.. Corn Flakes 2 pkgs. Toy Gusto 1 can, Corn or Peas 7 cans, Corn or Peas 3 Bars Soap, any brand 3 pkgs. Anomnia 3 pkgs. Rinso 2 pkgs. Lux 25c 25c 15c $1.00, 25c 25c 25c 25c 4 tin (small) Salmon 1 tin (large) salmon 1 jar Pure Jani 1 Tb Black Tea 3 It s Black tea to the - 10C 32c 29c 35c 95c 35c 25c 3 pkgs Jelly Powder 3 cans Spaghetti (Only) BAND NIGHT (Only) 2 cakes Palm Olive Soap , ..15c. GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT PHONE 111. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY, Clinton Garate and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approv ed Lenses, We have the following to choose from: Levelight 1•Iolophane Le.galite Primolite Macbeth onoplter Clear Stealer Roadlighter tonoplter Noviol Clamert Come in and have us fill out your applications J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVIN G Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. -li4111 .r�`uy: Call and See Ford's New Universial Electric Washer for $85 One Ideal Hand Power Washer for $II.00 ® SUTTER & PERDUE Hardware Plumbing Electric Wiring 1/1111100111311 iimilin NIdaft NOM Snow -Whiff The new white shoe cleaner makes your whlteshoes 'Xi WATERPR OF Now on Sale at I FU3 PieKSON _"SHOES THAT SATISFY"-, roltroteffiterom