HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-6-16, Page 2PAGE TWO For Sal`-, by Harland Bros The Clinton New Era Thursday, June 16t1, 1921 \WHTHAAPPEN,D TO D OMNI 6 THE STATES Deaths PEPPER -1n Clinton, on Wednesda June 15th, Mary Fainbraiu, wife of M DEERiNG.-in Gieveland, Ohio, °n ; Roger Pepper, aged 65 years and Friday, June toth, Mary Margaret' months. Tewsley, beloved wife of Mr. D. B. Deering, of Winnipeg, Man. Body of Mrs.. Evlyn Murphy, you SHAW -1.n Clinfou,t on MongalY, widow missing at Haileybury nine day June 13th, John Shaw, In his 85th year. found in ,ake Timiskanting. y r. 2 ng s, szsrfi.`� -Fconi k'�-gmTwteta-ma-.= "x,m COMENS, OF CONSTIPATION Q• fir..t aHz yfr a t - SridiE 1.'''' • T 11Gt 1195' Ski `ts0O^tat-$ of Carter's .:,...i - it0).: 7,i:-ei Piils is^dizeto the coin - .x Zi 71' ,. 1:0 `?t,.._'.i0i1 of 1!i vti tie?. theme '.1e -...ole 1. ',-,yn, 1 'n;; ae,Jl ,teD.Ing t o • ' L., ,. El _",":. -..1,l'4, bet 'by reztilatlItg wad ,-treilgi.11- t'� c l s L4':. at l l 1 3 l Z;(_1: i::5 cZ t-.. , 60e £ - t �-! s -' ;i:..t - •yre,.11et' refl. 1' ,• t 1 v' conn- (. , , ",L1Jv ..a t.; - -. i _^ t.i '^•dt Dick; .'- -{1', s i -� E, tt .1,x,7 t 1 rj �,,r nee s!.rietlY \rem -. l,l c a -i, ' _ : . <., , Yc 5l.: . e - as . fes t 'ttaine rnrst.t rear sxO.tt:.sre a r ::I , n ';:�,; Americans Are Not to Blame for Difference , in "Valine" -- An Economic , Ili .--- A Matter . of Fact Exchange is a Greater Thorn to Arnericar, Exporter Than Canadian Consumer. (Financial Post) Some politicians are still harping on the alleged fact that in the United States the Canadian dollar '!will not purchase as much its formerly, be- cause the Americans will not take it except at a discount. It stay be, of course, that they misstate the case in this way in ignorance, but some must Returned to Power HON. W. M. MARTIN Premier of Saskatchewan, whose Gov. arnment was again returned by the electors in the recent election in that Province. Mr. Martin contested Regina City, where he received 7,301 votes, while his nearest op- position received but 3,449_ Mr. Martin resigned his seat in the Com- mons in 1916 to become Premier of Saskatchewan. He has now won two general elections in his Prov- ince. Mr. Martin is a son of the Manse and was born in Norwich, but was brought up in Exeter, Huron Co. He attended Clinton Collegiate. ton Mee, Ontario; J, M, Keifer, the Registrar, Norwood, Ontario; 0; Kerr` Stewart, St, Maurice Valley Chronicle, 'Phr'ee Rivers, Que.; Rev: A, 1-l. Moore, St, John News, Atte,; John McKenzie, the Bugle, Strathmore, Alberta; Hugh Savage, Cowlehan Leader, Duncan, 13. C.; Fred. Stevens, the Observer, Hart- land, N, 13.; H. H. Strengurgle, Progress Enterprize, l.uitenhurg, N, S.; S, M. Wynn, Enterprize, Yorkton, Sask. know better, It is quite in order to urge the public to buy at house, but it is poor business even from the stand- point of selfish interest to circulate statements -calculated to base the charge of trade by cultivating the belief that the other fellow is trying to skin them. The American business man is in business to stake a profit, just as we are, His best market is Canada, and as he is not a fool it dos not stand to reas on that he would jeopardize business relations with his best customer by de- Eliberate sharp practise. `` The exchange situation is none of his staking and is worrying hint more than it is us, as he realizes if aur pol- iticausdo not, what a handicap to Itis ' ssl.:; here the discount on Canadian funds is. The cold brutal fact of the matter is, that Canadian Currency is de i preciated, It is based on geld in theory, 1 but it is net redeemable in gold at tilt: Present time in practice.. Dominion Inotes issued by Government which are ;legal tender in Canada to any amount are by ia,v redeemable in old but let anyone !resent these notes at the of- fice of the receiver -general and ask for ; Gild in exchange. He would • not be laughed at. The officials would be poi - 1 EW CITIZENS FOR CANAA With a population of len than twope ns to the square mile eon - pared two England's dx hundred, lui°deunder 'agricultural lenin the of cultivation, with a heavy national Indebtedness and only a few people to pay the interest in the Corm of .taxes, the reason why Canada is hungry for immigrants can readily humUnderstood. n a aino withol Immigration wwhichCanada mustarch and wither up. , If Great Britain had a large sur- plus of farmers and farm hands, Canada might not have to invite im= atigrants from any other source, But Great Britain is not so much an agricultural as a merchant and manufacturing centre, and and morethe year grtdges more farmers or farm hands who leave her Colonies for the Dominions. She b quite willing to send out countless city folk in the hope that they may lee transformed.leto farmer8 in their farmersto spare thanshe many al other' countries from which Canada in the past has drawn excellent settlers: This is Illustrated by the homestead entries. From 1897 to 1919, only eighteen .per cent. of the British im- migrants made entry for homesteads in Western Canada as compared to cantimmigvrants and tvre tyth-n nAe per cent, of the foreign born from Con, tinental Europe. .In certain parts of Europe where there is a genuine land hunger, there is not enough land to go round. Five or six acres per family is all the land kvallable in certain parts of Belgium, and even on that the thrifty Belgian frequently brings up a family of ten. ins fe grromtC ntragration of i Europe whi hr has given Canada nearly 800,000 of her Western farm population was due to the constant subdivision of farms which were only fifteen acres to start with. These Ukrainians have become a great asset to Canada, and have at their own expense erected fent large colleges for higher edu- cation. Theta again we awe our fine stock of seventy thousand Scandi- ..'navian settlers to the lack of suf. ficient land to Sweden, Norway. Denmark and Iceland. Have these foreign born made good Canadian eitizens7 Read "Phe Education of the New Canadian;' by Dr J. T. M. Anderson. of Sasltatch- ew;,n, ani you will say "Vol" In one or two groups at first there was opposition td the learning of Eng, Bale, Particularly among the oldie• people, but now it is difficult to find sutftc,ent teachers to meet the de. man& of the :wheelie And tt tq no. only in the schools where you find the foreign born, More than half the students at the University of Manitoba ate r." n. ,,i,ry, Zion find The imirligrant Tide to Cana born as l'.sdere in the prof. Slcna and In tete r'eht,tet of at Inst one Vrovievue lenceoueout. fur ie to t •t al t lv repeat ine n ,, i,^:Ili Weleloba, l anit ih- rel.• a t r be n wham tv,n 01. histo±s .r t y lhv do, Solve Recent Pictur•es3 '' ' migrants who hatted to build up, tiritiab industry. Canada's shier in•+; dttstr'y is agriculture, and her ttgrl. cultural prosperity is due in no small :t:t,teft to the thrifty said Indastrioori r.oty C nnrIatun who have eeme to the t t It the past from the over -crowded led lends of Europe, and <. •t, ldc , ,nay sure proud to t0 Aug "Tile a rc, ..t?:,.iie ,• wgoirs PPFJOS1nt1OIll111EJ 1 t+.The Great 'English Preparation. Tones and Iovtgorates the whole nervous system, makes ,new Blood in old Veins. Used for Nervous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Despondency, boss of Energy, Pofpit talon of the Heart, Fading Memory, Price $2 per 1 plain for 55, Sold by all druggists, Oleg. ree,TliE 1W009 tF%ElICiNEeC ;TO t'ONYO,ot mailedat : F3e"•"S?' cene*w"Jt1h,erce eageleoesestecoo ite, but he would not get the gold. Would Get No Goid. It would be explained to him that the War Measures Act is still in fore?, and under it no gold is permitted to leave the country without authority of the government. In other words there is tot sufficient gold in the country to enable the government to honor its obligations, as provided by law and to the extent to which this cannot be dog' our currency is' depreciated. In Canada this is evidenced by the high prices of commodities. Money is the measure of value just as the pound weight is the butcher uses a weight lighter than the standard the customer gets only a nine pound roast for itis Sunday dinner. tthen the scales show ten pounds, Our utrrency is in exactly the same posit- ion The standard is gold, but th money used is not .egual to gold. When the goods we exchange is measured as to must be when dealing in the United States, the discrepancy is evident, but we have no right to blame the stand- ard. How About the Pound? The currency of Great Britain is even more depreciated than our own the pound sterling worth at par $4.56 being quoted here at $4.42 but if the British people put the blame for it on us we would have every right' to resent it, and the Americans are In exactly the same position. The similarity in names applied to the monetary unit in Canada and the United States has probably something to do with the misunderstanding, The term dollar is the same in both countr- ies but there the similarity ends. Our currency has no status in the United States, and their's has no status is Canada, Both, are promises to pay, and must be sent to the country of issue for redemption. What is dealt in by the banks here is not American money, but American funds, the right to receive rs money in the United States. The term premium or discount is simply a meth od of qu-oting the price, In mis-stating fact our politicians are no worse than those in other coun- tries. Some years ago the late James G. Blaine spoke of the drain of gold from New York, $it0,000,000 each year for freights paid foreign ships, and asked dramatically how could New York stand this strain, qt was none - sense and he knew it, but all he was af- ter was a Mouth -filling phrase which sounded terrible on the stump and meant little. Possibly the seine reasons are responsible here, Local News ,Attended Opening Dance. Mttny front here attended cheapen. Gag of lloyileld pavilion on Saturday night. Rased Away on Wednosday. After an Illness extending sine:: be- fore Christmas, Mary Ftibibralu, wife of Roger Pepper, aged 65 years and 2 months passect •awity at Iter home 00 Frederick street, on Wednesday even- ing of this week. Besides her husband she is survived by four suns, (John in Stanley Twp,, Albert, Fred and Roy, of Tuckersntitl Twp„ and two slaughters, Mrs, Frank Layton and Mrs. Howard Crich, both living in Tuckersmith, Mrs. Edward Walters, of town, is a sister of the deceased. Mr, and Mrs. Pepper, retired to town a little over 2 years ago. The deceased was a mem- ber of Ontario St. Church, The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon. . •,S. se, .,a {• eic ce o:+test1 ud'6c9,,th.t'e:a4e)00111 Attending Grand Lodge. Messrs, Thos.' hardy and H. W Gould are attending the i. 0. 0, F. Grand Lodge at Brantford this week, Many Went tp Moonlight. Many from Clinton attended the ntoo'ttlight trip on the "Greyhound" ort Monday night at Goderich.• U. F. 0. Picnic. The Clinton branch of the U, P. 0. will hold a picnic at Bayfield on Sat- urday, Juste 25th at Bayfield. Regular meeting Next Thursday. The regular meeting of the Clinton Branch of the U. F. 0. will be held next Thursdiay evening in the District Representative's Office. Defeated Goderich School Boys, Lost, A four-year old brown driving horfe about the ist of May. Any tttlorntatleft about same will be gladly received ass Mr. Roht. Warrener,•Clinton, Ont. Agents Wanted, Sell 011, Grease, Paint, Specialties. All or part time. Comntissiou basis. Should have car or rig. Samples free. Write for tine profitable terms, De- liyeries from our Ontario station, no duty or exchange. Riverside Refining Co.,, Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale. Alfalfa crop. Farts next to A, Wit- tingham's place, south of London Rd -I. bridge. Mrs. L. E. Butler. Was a Good Game, With 'Tommy Hawkins back in "har- ness' and a change made in the lineup Goderich baseball team had to play ball to keep the Clinton boys from win- ning. 'Butler had a bad innings in the and when he walked four men, bit one and with two errors behind Itis Gocle- ricli gol Tour 'runs, Butler had 7 strikeouts to his credit and Cooper the same number. In the 4th innings Mc- Caughey had a double play unassisted and in the 9th Mutch and Draper took a double play. Goderich had 4 hits and 3 errors, while Clinton got 9 'hits and had 6 errors, which were turned into runs by Goderich. McTaggart, Mulch and Hovey, of the junior team played and did exceptionally well. Fol- lowing was the line-up and score:- Goderich Clinton Lindsay .... 2nd base .. McCaughey Bissett catcher it:ttvkins shortstop .... Draper 1 Kase Ilnvey rirl>{t field Mittel; centre field . , Welsh At the Recreation Park on Wednes- day night in a 7 innings game the Craton Public School boys wolf front r;',deridt by a score of 8 to 2. Percy Livermore was official umpire. Improvements. Mr. ferry Pluntsteel is having a cement foundation put uud'r his bottle. Air, 5 S. Cooper is hating the out- side sample rooms painted. Dr. C . W. Thompson i; having the roof of his house painted. ;air, .1. T. 'Crich is having a founda- tion put under all of his house and a cement floor put in the cellar. A Record Score -54 to 3. The ".Juniors" :of the Public school defeated Summerhill boys at the C. C. 1. grounds on Wednesday night by a record score of 54 to 3, The scorer had the biggest job of the game. One of the Clinton players made tete re- mark "and we had a pour ball to play with.' 1 ti iii Cry FOR FLETCHER'S t AST_ORIA EX NEW ESA BOY HEADS PRESS - AS-OCIATIO McLeod Ramsay liart Murrey Sturgeon ... 3 base , ... McTaggart Pn9clltant , . , . left field (fuller Cooper pitcher Butler Clinton ..-0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0-•1. Goderich .-0 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-6 Strawberry Festival. At Ontario St. Church, June 21st, 1921, Tett served from 5.3o to 8 p.m. Admission 255. 12R. WALTER LOWE, -^ Professional Piano Tuner and Repairer to the Trade. Orders for Tutting left at Harland Bros: Women's Institute. The regular meeting of the Clinton Branch will be held in the hall over the Library on Thursday, June 23rd. Mrs. Venner Will give a paper "Making the most of Life." A demonstration of Ladies wear by Mrs, Kennedy. Roll Call will be answered by paying the annual fee, Mrs. Flynn, Mrs. O'Con- nor and Mrs. Chambers are the host- esses for afternoon. Canada's Wheat Acreage. The total area estimated to be sown to wheat in Canada for the harvest of 1921 is 18,654,100 acres, according to prelitttoniary estimates issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Last year's final estimate was 18,232,374 acres, and the average of five years from 1915-1919 was 16,342,969 acres. The estimates for fall wheat Is 709,- 100 acres for this year, and the area udder spring wheat t7,945,000 acres. Mr. V. C. French, Now of Wetaskiwin, President -Good Time at Vancouver -Press Party will Reach Toronto on Monday. Passed Away in Cleveland. The older residents of Clinton were indeed sorry to learn on Saturday that Mary Margaret Tewsley, beloved wife of D.13. Deering, of Winnipeg, bad passed away at the home of her son, Mr. Neil Fox, at Cleveland on Friday, following a second stroke on tete Monday previous The deceased was born pi Clinton and was married to the late Robert 'Fox, and by this .union three children were born, Neil, of Cleveland, Ohio; Fred, of Los Angeles, Cal.,; and Mrs. L. A. Miller of Winnipeg, hien. About 30 years ago they moved to Winnipeg, where Mr. Fox died. Some sixteen year's ago she married Mr, D. 13. Deer- ing, Grand Secretary of the I, 0. O. P. of Manitoba. Both Mr. and Mrs. Deer- ing were stere last September while on their way to Boston to attend the Soverign Grand Lodge of America, Mrs. Deering being a very active worker in the Rebecca Lodge. Front there she went on to California to spend the win- ter with her sort Fred. About three weeks ago she returned to Cleveland to visit her other son, prior to return- ing to her home in Winnipeg, when she was stricken. Her daughter was able to get to Cleveland before she passed away, but Mr, Deering did not get here milli Sunday, The body was brought to 'Clinton on Saturday night to the home of the deceased's sister, Mrs, Robt, Fitzsimons, and the funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon burial taking place at the Clinton ceme- tery, Rev. 0, N. McCansus took charge of the services at both tate house and graveside. The pallbearers were Mes- srs,' 11. 13. Chant, J. Wiseman, W. D. Fair, B, Munroe, Harry Mid Bert. Fitz- simons, Sympathy is extended to the bereaved in their 1081. At the meeting of the Canadian Week ly Press Association at Vancouver last week, Mr, V. C. French, publisher of the Times, Wetaskiwin. Alberta, and son of Mrs, French, Huron street, who served his time as n printer on tete New Era staff, was elected President for the conning year in succession to W. Rupert Davies of Renfrew, Ontario. Outer Officers are: First vice-president, A. R. Brennan, The Journal, Snunnerside, P. E. 1. Second vice-president, Edward Fortis L'Eclaireur, Beatceville, Que. Director's ---J. A, McLaren, the ifx- emitter, Barrie, Ontario; Lorne A, Early the Telescope, Walkerton, Ontario; P. A,' X. Davies, Central Canadian, Carle - FOOT BALL SERIES Kinburn at Seaforth, June 17th Tucl:ersmith at 'Clinton, June 18, -0--- JUNIOR SERIES AT HOME July 5 Judy 19 July 29 August 5 AWAY FROM HOME July S Application for Assessor. Applications wilt be received by the undersigned up to Juste 18th inclusive for the position of Assessor for the Town of Clinton. Salary 5150.00. Duties to commence July 1st, .and Roll to be completed by October 1st. D. L. Macpherson, Town 'Clerk. Reward Seaforth Exeter Exeter Seaforth July 12 July 26 . , . August 9 Exeter Seaforth Seaforth Exeter A reward of $5,o0 is offered by the Municipal' Council of Clinton for the recovery f the Night Constable's clock which was stolen front the Council Chamber on Saturday evening, May 213th. The above reward will also be paid for information that will lead to the conviction of the guilty party. D. L. Macpherson, Tow t'Clerk, Wanted. -0- SENIOR SERIES Clinton's Games Away Are Thursday, June 16th at Zurich Tuesday, June 21st at Crediton Thursday, July 7th at Zprich. Saturday, July 9th at Stratford Wednesday, July 20th at Goderich, Thursday, July 28th at Crediton. at Stratford Clinton's Games at Home Are: Thursday, June 30th with Stratford. Friday, July 15th with Crediton. Friday, July 22 with Zurich Monday, July 25th with Stratford Chilton at Kinburn, May 17 Monday, Aug. 1st, with Goderich Butter Eggs Hags Wheat Oats Barley Peas Shorts Bran MARKET REPORTh A Ioeal representative at Clinton to represent "The 010 Reliable Fonthilt Nurseries" and cover surrounding ter- ritory. A splendid opening for a re- liable roan, Exclusive •territory. Stone & Wellington, Toronto, Ont • 'o, -^�--`For Sale. 25e 22c&23e 58.00 51.50 40c Frame cottage on Princess street with garden and barn, must be sold. Also a square piano, ttvo cook stoves and some other pieces of fu:niture, Also a cow ready to freshen. Apply to Mrs. Argent. 60c 51.00 535,00 ,535.00 HURON COUNTY TEMPERANCE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION will be held in -v ONTARIO STREET METHODIST CHURCH CLINTON on WEDNESDAY JUNE 22 Commencing at 5.30 p.m. Addresses will be given by Dr. GEORGE C. PIDGEON of Toronto President of the Social Service 'Council of Ontario And Prominent County Workers Poultry Wanted All Kinds. Fat Hens a specialty.: W. Marquis Phone 14. 638, Clinton, Wells Wells Cleaning, Repairing and Digging, Apply to ' Lavis & Alcock Hotmesvllie. 6 p,m, Banquet and after Diener Syeeches. Tickets GO Cents. li The Public are invited [t $ J. A. IRW1N, Clinton, President c,y W. IL WILLIS, Wingltatu, Sec. For Salo. Two size roomed houses on Freder ick St. near the new Flax Mill, will be sold very cheap, and eas ClinApplyto Puncture Proof Inner Tubes Have your car fitted with the Areo Cushion Tubes. No punctures, no blow outs. All sizes of tubes kept in stock. W. L. Petters, Corner Albert and Prin. cess Street Clinton. Taylor or C. 13, Hale. Auction Sale. Of farm stock and Implements. Mr. Geo, Elliott has received instructions Bairn the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 56, 'Concession 2, Hal- lett, on Monday, Jane 27tH, commenc- ing at 1.30 p.m, the following: Horses -1 heavy draught horse 6 year's old; 1 heavy draught mare, 10 years old; 1 general purpose hose 6 years old; 1 driving mare 8 years old (good single or double thoroughly broken to cars); t colt, 2 years old. Cattle -3 steers coating 2 years; 1 heifer coming 2 year's 1 heifer coating 3 years; 2 milking cows, 5 and 6 years old; 2 sucking calves. Pigs 2 Yorkshire pigs, 3 months old. Implements -1 hay load- er; 1 side delivery rake; 1 hay fork, sling and chain attachment; t sulky rake; 1 international roller; 1 culti- vator; 1 disc harrows; 2 sets of iron harrows; 1 fanning mill; 1 binder; t manure spreader (to work either on, sleigh or waggon) ; 1 set bob-sleigh: 2 lumber waggons; 1 bugs;,; 1 mole 1 set double harness; 1 set single Isar esc; 1 imperial O::ford stove; 1 li t Bright stove; a quantity e'f g' the to and other articles too oust mention. Terns ---All stems of tett ti lars a:t. tomer .lash; ovor that i'i.rcttl a +^satins credit will be riven on 1 proved lot". ,wws ur a discount of 1 cfell,.t•n for rade on err'lt atttottnt