HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-6-2, Page 6• • ,The 'Clinton New Era lc s Wednes • ay Mornings .1•11*•••••••••111.1•11•61. WN'S iMill*IIMME*111111111M1B11 Everything for the Garden here except the flowers and vegetables. Garden Hose, Garden Im- plements of all kinds. Hedge and Grass Shears, etc. Call in — we can supply your needs. Corless - 8c Venner PHONE -53 Hardware and Electrical TRY Hawkins TOR PLUMBING HEATING_ AND t_ 'ROOFING —0 --- • Repairing. Promptly • , , Done Phone 53 Hecla Furnaces There is a Reason Ash Us. * * * * * * * * * * * LIVE PEW WANTED Our advice would be to market your Poultryearly this year while prices are high. Fall prices are expected to be much lower than last year. Sell now. Enquire of us for prices. Lead GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD. Clinton, Ontario N. W. Trewartha Local Manager The up-to.date Firm * * * * * * * * * assmol•MO•masp6, •••••••••••,...,M1,41.4•-•••••••••••••••••••,..,,,, '4•.'•••••'+',SA 4040,amookotokew Summer' Pric $ April this year presents an except- ional opportunity for the coal consum- ing public, in the advent of the Annual Summer Prices. EGG, STOVE, Nat CHESTNUT AT $16.00 DELIVERED Owing to a slight reduction in the rice of Straight -Line Coal at the mines, we are now allowed to make this spec- ial offer so as to keep the Miners in work. 7, •t. ir4 \'1 V' yi ••••y*•*••=ir=eimv.••••••*••••••••,) It is the custom of the mine opera- tors to raise the price each month from now till fall, but we are going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAT, & JUNE This will give you an oppportuisity to have the coal delivered when the ground is fit to drive in to your yard, but be sure to place your order now at the old reliable stand. We guarantee satisfaction as we al- ready have our large sheds full of our ooWil coal of high class quality, Lita ORDER NOW MO. B. MUSTARD. Clinton & EIrucerield. Phone or Clititinik No, 74, Phone for ttrucefield 11 on 618. •••••••••••••••••••••61. STRAWBERRIES Strawberries will be ripe next week. Get your order in early if you want any. I have orders in now for most of my crop. PICKERS I want 100 good pickers to be on the job every day. Have 12 acres of berries and will re- quire good steady help. Pick- ers will get good pay and lots of berries to eat. Local News F. W. ANDREWS CLINTON — — ONT. Mitchell Buys a Fire Truck The Mitchell Council has purchased a ford Truck to carry the hose for the Fire COmpany. Just Woke Up? The Goderich Star scribe could not have attended the baseball gatnes last year for Dick Tasker was on the line- up all last year, The scribe madethe followng,note:—.1t looked like old days to see Tasker in the Clinton line-up. Coming This Way TRINiA Strawberries School Examinations. Garden Parties Tumble in H, C. L, Big Straw hats. Fenian Raid Anniversary The 55th Anniversary of the Fenian Raid occurs on June 2nd (to -day) There are still a few veterans stilI in Mr. Ransford Not Guessing Brussels Posh—Synod of Huron a- mends canon laws to provide for inter- denominational pulipit exchange but they sat, with emphasis, on the admiss- ion of women -4o seats in the Synod, despite the stalwart championing of John Ransford, of 'Clinton. The latter was not guessing when he declared in the 'course of a few years this would become a fact. Lady Bowlers All ladles of Clinton interested in Lawn bowling are asked to meet at the Council Chamber on Thursday evening (To -Night) at 730 p, in.• o re -organ - .me for this season, Wet Grounds; No Game After the Clinton baseball team mot- ored to Stratford on Saturday after- noon, the weatherman decided to open the water taps and consequently with a new skinnned diamond,baseball was de- ty than in any other in the Province, Attending Conference Rev. S. Anderson, Chairman of the Goderich District and Rev. D. N. Mc- Camus, District representative of the Stationing Board, are attending Confer- ence this week at London. Clinton's two Methodist churches will be well represented during the week. *1 Keep those bicycles off the side- walks, the road is four rods wide and the side walk is made to walk on. WHOOPING COUGH Her 3 Children Had It. EYE SPECIALIST Had to Pay Costs County Constable Whitesldes had two young men up before Police Magis- trate _Andrews last Thursday morning for joy riding with a car stolen at .Zur- ich on the 24th. They had to pay all the costs. The Zurich Herald reports the loss:—While attending the after- noon sports on the ball grounds, the Chevrolette car owned by Mr. August Koehler, of the Goshen a mile north of town, was taken out of the Evangelical church sheds and run about 100 miles during the evening and night. It was however found next morning 2 miles south of Zurich on the side -road, and Mr. Koehler was indeed glad to re- cover same with so little troutile. More School Fairs In Huron Than Any Other County The school fair has caught on in Huron County and this year there will be more school fairs held in this coun- clared off. It was a good job for the Classic players—for the Clinton boys were in good fightin' trin as one ear had trouble with two tires, and the players were ready for anything. Will Meet in Goderich The first meeting of the hluron 'Trustee and Ratepayers' Association will be held in the Temperance Hall, Goderlch, on Wednesday, June Sth, at 2 p. in. The Association. has for its object the improvement of our Educational System and finding out Crediton, Dashwood, Grand Bend, Zur- the wants of the community in Edu- ich, Bluevale and Blyth, the fair at cational Matters. Every one inter- Blyth being held in conjunction with ested should make it a point to at - the regular fall fair. Mr. D. A. An - tend this meeting. An excellent pro - drew, who has been with Mr. Stothers gramme will be provided, as assistant for some months, is Same Questions ? ? ? ? ? working on the school fairs now, ar- How do you like the tarvia? ranging dates, etc. Mr. John Joynt, Did you Go -to -Sunday -School on M. P. P., for North Huron, has made a Sunday? donation of $1O to each of the school fairs in his riding and $25 to the championship fair at Wingham and with county and township grants, good encouragement is afforded for these fairs. A. L, Cole, Eyesight Specialist, An, Honour Graduate of • the. Canadian Ophthalmic College, of ToNnto. Office in Masonic Bldg., West; St., Goderich, Ont. Will be at the Hotel Rattenbury, Clinton ,on Wednesday June 15tk, 1921, from 3 p. in the afternoon to 9 p,m. in the even- ing. • -- SCRANTON ,COAL Don't forget to leave your order for Spring Delivery for — COAL and WOOD— with E. WARD, if you want Huron being the only county which will not be grouped with another county in the appointment of judges. There will be some eighteen fairs in the county, with a championship fair at Wingham at which the winners of first to third at any of the ether fairs in the north part of the county will be eligible. Fairs will be held this year at Porter's Hill, Smith's 1-1111, a new one in Ashfield, at St. Helens, Bel - grave, Wroxeter, Fordwich, Ethel, Walton, McKillop, Clinton, Winchelsea, satisfaction. Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand —We will look after you-- Terms—Strictly Cash --Phone 155. This disease begins like a simple cold in the head that rapidly goes to the chest. The cough is at first short and sharp, but gradually increases in severity and occurs suddon spasms. Often vomiting follow' a severe attack of coughing, and sometimes there is nose- bleed. Mothers should never neglect the treatment of whooping cough, for it is much more serious than most people think, as it may be followed by some gravo lung trouble, such as bronchitis, pneumonia or consumption, since the sufferers power of resistanceare often greatly weakened by the violent and exhausting cough, On the first sign of a "whoop", Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup should be administered as it helps to clear the bronchial tubes of the collected mucous and phlegm. Mrs. Burton Leopold, New Ross,N.S., writer. --"My three children had the whooping cough so bad lest winter, I thought they Would choke. I tried many different remedies, but none of them seemed to help. At last I got 11 bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup,and was greatly surprised to see how quickly it helped them. I shall always recom- mend your wonderful remedy to others," Dr. Wood'e Norway Pine Syrup is BSc. and 60c,, a bottle at all druggists and dealers. rut, up only by The T. lillburn irnfted, Toronto, Ont. #41.00)1110404"011"0 Co.: " E. WARD RESIDENCE7—HURON STRUT TheaCorner Grocery Can the Athletic Association find any fault with the attendance at the games so far? What is to hinder the Park Com- mittee Spending a little money for benches at the Park? Baseball Opening at Goderich Why do the various games not start at the time announced? Most of (Goderich Star:)—A most auspic- ious opening for the baseball season in Goderich was the game on the 24111 at Agricultural Park between "Purity Flour" and Clinton in the -North Well- ington Baseball League. The first ball was pitched by Mr. C. L. Moore, with J, W. Fraser at bat, and Mayor -Wigle catching. Rev. Mr, iteycraft umpired, After this stellar exhibition of ball was duly executed the real teams lined up and short addresses and good wishes for good clean spirt were given by Messrs. Moore, Wigle and Reycraft. Then the real battle of the day began before a crowd of over 900. Clinton went to bat first but Butler was the only man to get a base, Draper, Mc- Caughey and Tasker not getting start- ed. Lindsay, in the pitcher's box for Goderich, was playing .a fine game all the. afternoon and the visitors scored only one hit off his delivery all afternoon, and they say we have a- nother pitcher just as good in Ram- say, . Cooper went to bat first for Goderich but failed to connect. Stur- geon landed on the pillbut was. out at first. W, Bissett made the first safe hit of the game (the first of ten safe- ties chalked up to the credit of Purity Flour, against the one lone hit to the visitors' credit) but was tagged out trying to steal second. In the second innings Welsh, Fulford and Huller were at bat for Clinton but all failed to reach first base. Then Goderich went to bat and the hits and runs started. Lindsay, Hart and Pridham each had a CALL ON US FOR YOUR GARDEN SEEDS • • Thurday, June 2hd, 192 As Clothes are to the Body, so are Wail Papers to the Horns Few people can afford to be badly dressed; and few people can afford to live with old or in.' harmonious wall papers. They affect the spirits. They decrease self. confidence.. They reduce morale. They are unhealthy for mind and body. Harmonious Wall Papers are a Tonic.. They influence the whole atmosphere of the house. If you have in view a change in the atmosphere of your home we invite inspection of our stock and prices. . The W. Do Fair eo. Often the eheapest-24Iways the Best •11•^0µ.... .46 0.10. HAVE YOU LOST ANYTHING? How about your Appetite? What about a Bottle of Tomato Catsup Try a Bottle with your next order. Prices - 15c; 25c; 35c per bottle according to size.... ,•-• • • . • •• 3 25 2 pkgs. Corn Flakes the games are from g of an hour to an hour late in starting, Could not the Street Committee fill up a few mud holes on the roadway at the park and one bad spot inside the gate? ' Canadian Red Cross Membership Enrollment. • The Committee in charge have ar- 'ranged for a house to house 'canvass in Clinton and vicinity dating from June 6th to June 20th. Membership Fees' —Annual $1,00. Life $25.00.- Clin- ton and surrounding- country aim, through the aid of this organization, to establish- a Public Health nurse, Under her' direction short courses in Home Nursing, etc., will be given in the com- ing Fall and WinA Under the direc- tion of the Medical Health officer quali- fied speakers will give talks, which will aim to aid our healthy citizens to keep well, and by general health education alds the sick and prevents disease, Improvements A full Assortment of Ferry's, Rennies and Steel Briggs Seeds in Packages, also Dutcli Sets, Gar7 den Peas and Sweet Corn, and Beans in Bulk. For goer' value try out Bulk Tea, and Coffee. ,a••••i•,m.••••••••••••ii••••64.•• Fred. W. Wigg Phone 45. .444 4,1”.•11o.1••..141 Mr. W. H. Cowan, Ontario Street, is painting his house. Mr, Guy Hicks' has' had a gothic win- dow put in the roof of his house. Mr. A, Seeley is making improve- ments on the house he is rebuilding on Huron Street, Mrs, Sarah Johnston, Rattenbury Street, has had new cement walks laid at her home. Mr. W. J. Elliott is preparing to put hit to his credit and Ramsay and Hart a cement foundation under the frame scored a run each. The third innings house he/Owns on Rattenbury Street 1 saw no scoring, Lindsay's good pitch- ing prevented Clinton accomplishing WeMsti:, Jack McCosh is busy painting anything, and though the Goderich hat - the Library roof and tower. . ters located- the ball, good fielding Rev, Mr. Snowden is having a new caused a cypher to go clown on the roof put on his verandah, score card. In the last of the fifth innings Pridhani and Bissett went out. Minor Locals Cooper scored a hit and started around the diamond. He got to third and Sturgeon to second when Bissett went out, and the Innings ended without a run. In the second half of the sixth Lindsay and Webb scored hits but the side was retired with Lindsay at third and Webb at second, no runs. In the last of the seventh R, Bissett, Cooper and Sturgeon each scored ti hit and each made the round of the diamond, three runs going down to Goderich'S credit and Ramsay was On second when the side went out, It was In the first of the ninth that the visitors almost scored in the run Ooluitin. Cooper (Clinton) scored.the visitors, one lone bit and was heading for the Nome plate with Draper and McGaughey on beta 3 2 2 3 Bars Laundry Soap any Brand Cakes Palm Olive Toilet Soap Cakes lovry or Lifebouy Soap Cans Dutch Cleanser pkys. Anomnia 25c 25c 25c 25c 3 pkgs. Jelly Powder 1, 12 -oz. Pure Jam 7 Cans of Corn for 1 lb Special Black Tea 3 lbs for GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT ' JOHNSON & 25c 35c. 29c-- $1. 35c 95c PHONE 111. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY ••••M••••1•,,,,....**" :No," Juner Lots of rain these days. Council meets on Monday night. Get ready for the Census Enumer- ator, Mid -Summer Examinations will soon start' * Friday—June .3rd ---,King's Birthday —Bank Holiday, See the Sunday School Lesson Notes on Page 3, County Council meets next Tuesday at Godericli. Crediton Base Ball eatil plays here -next Tuesday evening in the Senior League. The Huron Regiment is to go to camp at Carling Heights, London, for 01116 dayt wining comm6.116/6g, June Oth• When the aide went otti 4110.111.1. 9612•0i1••••••BISIMI*1111111111111M./ Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headli girt Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved Lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight Primolite Holophane irlacbetIr Legalite Conopher Clear Shafer Roadlighter tonopher Noviol Clamert Come in and have us fill out your applications J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVIN G Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. •1111011•••••• mom angsfei um MOM 1•01", One Second Ha nd Range with, Warming Closet, in first class condition, to cle ar at $20. We need the room. lititAing1161~16411~304104304 SUTTER & PERDUE Plumbing Hardware Electric Wiring 1 ei !WWI% 1111 ••••••••••=.1. • ACHING FEET Many persons have real distress from tired aching feet. This .kind of distress affects the whole nervous system causing ex- treme fatigue especially when walking a distance. Many wo- men have this foot distress in connection with their daily duties. After a long day on their feet they are completely exhausted, Some are unable to sleep after retiring owing to pain in feet and limbs. Some have caluses and white blist- ers on the soles of their feet adding intensity to suffering. Many men also have this foot distress, Farmers working on the land wonder why their feet ache and why they as so very tired. Mechanics.standing all day, feel all worn out by night. Persons in other ,occupations also are distressed, WHY? Because of improperly fitted Footwear 1 The nerve system, of the foot is being tired out. In many cases the ligaments relax and the bone structure of the pot falls down then foll- 41 ows the necessity for wearing arch . ports. When we made your shoes to yoTh measure there were no troubles such as we have described because you were properly fitted. Our Custom Manufacturing business has been wiped out by the factory system and we Are compelled to retail their pro- duct, but we are still able to fit your feet to measure if you will allow us. When you come to buy your shoes ask to, be fitted; We. vitt do it correctly. BECAUSE WE KNOW, We are practiced. We are shoemaketS. You get the bene- fit of our training free of cost. We invite you to come to us with your foot troubles. We can relieve your distress. ------------------- ---- • . . . LiL'� lb - "SHOES THAT SATISFY".• 44,_Lb