HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-6-2, Page 51111.1,TSSlAy, June 214 1931,
The vitt-ton New Zr -
PM..; FM'
• .• •
.Corne to Hellyar's
Our Selection of Articles
suitable for the 131'ide is coin-
piete, wbetber it is to be -
4 Clock
Cat Glass
or China
Our aim is to supply
Honest Goods at
Honest Prices
We invite you to come and
inspect our stock.
Jeweler & Optometrist
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
phone No.174w; House 174 J
BUY: -
100 lbs Granulated Sugar $11,00
24 Ths Flour 1.28
•14 ibs Cora Meal .50
.14 lbs Rolled Oats .60
Bag of Potatoes .50
6 s Rige' , .50
2 lbs Butter .56
3 /Us Tea 1,00
2 tb s Cheese ,60
,2 doz. Eggs .44
7 tins of Peas 1.00
7 tins of Corn 1.00
10 tbs Prunes .........1.00
1 tin Marmalade 1.05 .
12 Bars of Soap .97
Phone 4,8
444,44.......44.444,44114.1tokkeekv...,, 044171,444O4o2TOM11444444.MO
, • • - , ,
non is s east difference kt
Ginides of Corm Our Cr n is/ Nor 1 -
Yellow which we believe is the bes•
*sae on the arsarket,.. It is free from
broken Kernels, Cothreial"Dissi.' Give
Mt* call end let us kasow'yout
unents,..Speciel Prices On kris titian
• Now Is the season for Sran & Shorts,
Quality is good and the prices now
Figured on.. •preent value of live.
.*tock and -home-grown feels the nab
,.of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will sa-
l:turn more profit to the hog raise* than
'ever before in its history.
Blood! Tankage and Hones prodriced
by the immense slaughtering business
of Canadian Company are almost all
.:used is Swift's High Grade Fertitisera
• .tRESULT:—Large profit to yow.
(Our Stock Includes:—Purity, 'Fiore
Efkoso, -White Seal and Golden City.
13etwaan et;
Unexcelled Dining Car Service
Sleeping cars on Night Trains anti
Parlor Cars on Principal Day Train*.
Full Information from Any Gran4
Trunk Agent or C. E. Horning, District
Passenger Agouti Toronto.
John Ram:ford ec Son, City Passers.
ger and Ticket Agents, PHONE, ---8.
A. 0, PATTISON, Station Agent.
Hertsall:--Our local coal merchants
this week reedited five or six car -loads
, ,the week•end,
00roner Dr, }hinter is holding an
quest into the death of Richard Fritz -
ley, who was found dead in bed at his
residence•th Saltford on Monday, by his
daughter-in-law. The deceased, whoSe
wife is in the hOspital here, 1 ved alone
and the finding of the body came as a
shock to the residents of 111 village,
as he was in apparently good health.
Tho late Mr. Fritzley was a resident of
Safford for many years and spent
much of hiS time in trapping. Besides
his widowa number of daughters and
sons survive,
Struck By Lightning.—The fierce
electric storm which passed over this
township Sunday evening did con-
siderable damage, The lightning
struck one of the farm buildings on
the farm of Mr. W. M. Doig, lawyer
of Port Huron. It started at the
peak of the roof 'and shattered the
outside rafters the roof and gable
end; ripped the board off the corner
post, and ran down the post into
the ground. Fortunately the build-
ing did not take fire, for it It had
Mr. Doig would haite lost his fine
barns and contents, which consisted
of a large quantity of hay and grain
and farm implements, Mr. Dolg and
his father, the late John Doig, have
owned this farm for sixty-eight years
and this is the first time that light-
ning has been known to strike on
this farm. The building that was e
struck was the last building that
Mr. Doles father; who was one of e
the pioneer framers of thls township M
framed, and is a splendid building.
bf $''
NoRebm othe Trouble Since Taking
Miss Pearl Dykes and Vera Welsh,
of Toronto, spent VietOrla Day with
their relatives and friends, Miss Margar-
et liabkirk, of London, also spent holi-
days in•Hensall,
A number of ladles of the Methodis
church were in Listowel last week at
tending the W. M. S. Convention.
Mrs, McD5nald, of Lucknow, span
the past week with her sister, Mrs.
Mint Buchanan, of .this village.
Mr. George Brook has.the first story
of his new cement blacksmith tut
.wooclinakell shoii Vompleted,
Roswell Dougall, who is attending
Western University, is home for sum-
mer holidays.
Miss Margaret R. Flobkirk, of Lan -
doe, is spending a few days With her
parents, Mr. and MrS. Walter, Hobkirk,
Mrs. E. White and children, of Blyth,
spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs,
Wm, W•Iiite.
Mrs. W. J. Clerk lispending a cou-
ple of weeks in Belgrave with her
daughter, Mrs, Mason.
Mr. R. Morrison, • of Woodstock,
spent Victoria Day here wit hhis sister
Mrs. James Priest.
James Elsley this week.
• Mr. J, 0, Elsley who purchased the
farm of Mrs. Phillips has got moved
and Meet), settled. We welcome J. D.
and wife back to the 130 COI)COSSi011,
Miss Esther Lyon is away • visiting
friends at Stratford and Owen Sound.
Mrs. J. Phillips, of•Londesboro, re-
turned home oe Friday being a delegate
t at the W. M. S. Listowel,
Mrs. Phillips is visiting her daughter
Mrs. Merrels this week,
The monthly meeting of the W. M.
4 S., will meet at the home of Mrs. Phil-
lips, on Thursday, June 9th. Mrs, Phil-
ips will give a report of the Branch
Convention at Listowel. Lunch will
also be served at the. close, A11 Adios
of the congregation are cordially in-
vited to be present, Conte an'enjoY a
social hour.
(intended for last week.)
The Young Women's Class and the
Young Men's Class of the Methodist
Sunday School will be entertained at
the home of Mr, William Lyon on
Thursday night.
Rev. Mr, McCormick of Blyth teach
ed in the Methodist church Sunday
evening, while Rev. Mr. Sawyer
preached a plendid sermon at Blyth,
Rev. Mr. Sawyer has received a call
to Milverton, but we hope he will de-
cide to stay here.'
Wedding bells will ring here In the
near future.
Quite a lumber went from Here to
Bayfield for the 24th and spent a
pleasant day.
Master Norman Floody, of Blyth,
spent a few days this week at -the home
of Mr, Brogden.
Mrs, Grumbly is visiting her day/
ghter at Holmesville, this week.
Mr, Ken Moorehouse and wife of Lon
don are the guests of his mother,"Trs.
M. Oliver Rhynas, wife and son,
Philip, of Brantford, were the guests of
Mrs. Rhynas' sister over the week -
Dr. McLeod, wife and son, of Wrox-
ter, were the guests of his mother,
rs. John McLeod over the holiday.
Miss Campbell left this week to visit
:fends at Sarnia and Petrolia.
Mr. A, E. Saucier and daughter Miss
Betty Sander and Wilber Erwin, of Kit-
chener were the guests of the latter's
parents Mr. and Mrs, li, W. Irwin over
the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs, C. Chapman and fam-
ily, Mrs, (Dr) Partridge and family,
Mrs; Trebiicock, son and daughter Mr.
Fred Trebilock and Miss H. L. Treb11-
cock, are spending the week at their
summer cottages in Lake Side Park.
Mr, Laverene'Churchill, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Dave •Ohurchili graduated
from the Western University this year
and received his degree at the Convoc-
ation last week, Mr. Churchill will be
spending this summer in the West
The warm weather and frequent
showers have been making things grow
Mrs, Fred La-mard and Miss Olive
Johnston, of Woodstock, were visiting
in Seaforth last Thursday. Miss John-
ston returned home on Monday.
Mrs. James Ferguson and •Mrs. D.
Churchill spent a few days in London
the latter part of last week. They at-
tended the graduationexercises of the
Western University,
Mr. and Mil, L. 0..Lashbrook and
daughter, of Mitchell, wars visiting
with relatives Mt that 24th.
• Miss Mary Barber, of Seaforth, was
visiting with Mrs, ,trpd seonalt1 last
week. '''''"•AVIS,L, ...ed *.:i1tt • 11 Nit
Mr, .R. Grigg, bf the §tbc-oddissiori,
had the misfortune to find one of his
fine teatw lying dead in the stable one
morning last week. Mr: Grigg has
been very unfortunate with his stock
the past two years. •
Arrangements •are being made to
hold a Garden Party on the grounds of
Mrs. It CurWen, Huron' Road, on. Fri-
day, Junn'241h„ under the auspices of
the County Women's Club and Ladles'
Md Alexandre Mating and
General Hospital:. •
'P. W. Gray,' who we Puccessful
winning his first-class Certificate- three
years ago in Clinton High School, • has
this year been successful In winning
•his B. A. in Alberta College, Nti, doubt
many of his Old schoolmates will be
glad to hear of his success. Congratu-
lations, Willard,
Mr, Joseph Stacey, of Hamilton,
w.e.the guest of his aunt, Mrs. James
Reid, corner 'Victoria and Crombie
Mr. Clyde Rankin, of the Bank of
Commerce, Baden, was a, week -end
visitor at the parental home.
Mr. Wallace Park is recovering
from•his recent illness and his many
friends hope to see him out MIL
Miss Lawrence, graduate nurse, is
attending a nurses convention in Mon-
Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Duncan and
family, motored to Stratford to spend
the week -end with friends. ••
Mrs, Hannah Laidlaw has returned
from Detroit, where she spent, the
winter with her daughter, Mrs. Tom
The Public School re -opened last
Wednesday after being closed to pre-
vent an epidemic of,diptheria.
Mrs, Kelly and her two children*
•are the guests of • Mrs. Kelly's father
and sister, Mr. James and Miss Mar-
garet Purcell, Egmondville,
• Master George Charteris is out
again after his recent illness.
The Anniversary Services in con-
nection With Egmonciville Y. P. S.
took place on Sunday. Rev, Mr, Tel»
ford, of Blyth, was the preacher, and
gave two able and eloquent discourses.
Good congregations at both services
and the choir rendered special inusic.
Miss Skelton, of Myth, was the soloO:
at both services and was the guest of
•Mrs, JanieS MCKaq, SgInontiville, for
, of coal. . I
Misses Ethel Eiger and Hazel Eiger,
ofIondon, spent the week -end at their
home here.
Mr. William Sproalt, Junior, who has
been attending school in London, is
hozne for the summer. '
Mrs, Forest and children, of Vancou-
ver, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas.
M cAlDrosnalmd.i
lAncle.rson, of Windsor,
is visiting her daughter, Mrs, John Mc-
Gregor, where she intends to spend the
M.2114F!5!92 McGregor, 9f
Toronto, si 1sfting1h!r paiehts,
and Mrs. Arch McGregor. • •
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Zurich* have
been spending a few days with their
son, EnferSon.' ' ' •
!dr. Fasken; stettOrr agent, is
back orf the job after having been away
to St. Paul: ' • •
' •
Mr. William Paige, of Port Huron,
was home over ,the
. Mr. 'and Mrs.' Thome Catitpbell, Mrs.
Pete r tattipbeti and- Mrs. John Cam-
eron, of Brucefield, spent Sunday with,
Mr. and Mrs. Junes Bowey.
The official.opening of the 'memorial
hall•which has been' erected here td
commemorate the Blyth soldier boys
is to take -place on Senday, June 5, • at'
2:30 o'clock, and also the unveiling of
the memorialpb/et,'which is a wonder;
ful piece of work done by Rev. T. 'Tel-
ford. The sermon is to be preached
by Rev. Mr. McKegney, of Clinton, and
the musical part will be taken by a
united choir front the local cherclies.
Then on Monday, June 6; Tuesdny,
June 7, and Wednesday evening, June
8, there will be three • splendid enter-
tainments put on in the hall, This hall
is etre of the finest in Western Ontario
and' is a credit to Architect Murray, of
The annual Financial statement of
the Methodist church is the best they
have ever had, and •is a great credit to
the.Pastor, Rev. R. J. McCormick, who
is finishing up his fifth year as Pastor
there, and who, is leaving this year
with the expectation of having one of'
the London churches, The church
raised for all purposes this year $7,2i5.
The total amount raised for missions
and by the different societies was
$1,130, which is an increase of about
30 per cent, over last year, The Sun-
day school did exceptionally good work
he average attendance being 98, and
they raised $448. The children in the
1i/fission Band raised 44120, About $3,-
000 was paid to the national campaign
this year. This is far the most money
the church has ever raised. Salaries
were advanced in ail departments, all
obligations have been met and there is
a neat surplus to the good.
Mr, 'Clayton Gracey and*wife, of De-
troit, and Mrs, J. Henderson, of Bien-
hehn were callers at the home of Mr,
* * * * * * * 14 * * * *
* •
Dungannoin—On Saturday, Hugh M.
Duff passed peacefully away, at the age
of seventy-six years and ten months.
The deceased had been a sufferer for
the last four years, but bore his afflic-
tion with fortitude and untiring pat-
ience even unto the end, Mr, Duff
and family moved to this locality
thirty-seven years ago from Peterboro'
and settled on a farm in Ashfield about
a mile south of the village,
Auburn:—Mrs. C, Helwig received
the sad news on Tuesday of the sudden
death of her • daughter Addle (Mrs.
Wm. Sterzik) at Regina, Saskatchewan.
Her bereft husband, son and daughter,
and her Sister, Mrs, R. Jones, are re-
turning With 00. Iqi1113P:.„;
Stanley Towsisishii.=iii the 04§§14
of Joseph James Hayter, Stanley ToViti-
ihip 1661.71nd pf its old residente. fie
departed this world on Wednesday'
nterning,May Ifith at ' the age of
Va years, 10 months and it days.
,beenping for some time with
caber of the stomach, the end came to
relief:3' the sufferer,
Zuriclua.aWillieVeb,•bon of Mr. and
Mrs, Hy. bIdet, eairof the:village met
• with, a painful accident on Monday
when in softie way be fell off the land
• roller„an4me peeing over kis head.
Waitludar-Wchu Haden a resideni,
of)Wittgliam for someyears passed. a -
'Way 'at 'his, homey ,on 'Scott street ‘on
EridayilastiolloWing an illness whicbu.
extended over' :several weeks,. Mr.
Hooey was in.his 87th year and was
,onelif the early pioneers of Howick
Township. near Lakelet. ,
• ' Godericlu—The conviction register -
'ed against Mr.• Geo. McLeod in • the
local police court recently was quashed'
by Mr. Justice Rose on Wednesday of
this week at 'Toronto. As there are
other parties • accused on the same
citarge as Mr. McLeod, this is of inter-
est beyond Mr. McLeod's own case.
IVir, Darrow was counsel for Mr. Mc-
Grey Township:—The old planking
of the Botz and Davidson bridges was
sold last Saturday afternoon to Henry
Alcock, Robt. Davidson and Everett
Hoover, realizing $53.00.
Windm: — On 'Thursday night
Morris Borman, farmer, on Efuevale
road, loosened his team in the field, a
gray and a bay, This morning the
team was gone, *Mr, Bosman has laid
the matter in thelands of the police
Zurleht—During the severe thunder-
storm on Sunday night, lightning
struck into the kitchen of Mr. Sol. Jac.
ebe of the village, The bolt first bit
the chimney and then glanced off on
the roof and tore up the boards con-
Hensall:—B. Druinmond,, while en-
gaged in strenuous work durinOlte
fire of T. Murdock's livery barns, broke
one of his ribs, but was unaware of it
until some days afterArds, when med-
ical examination reveals the cause of
his pain. He is, however, now going
around again quite smartly.
Crediton:—A quiet butvery pretty.
wedding took place at the Evangelical
parsonage on Wednesday, May t8th,
when Rev, lbaolu performed the cere-
niony that unitdit hi marriage Mr. John
Harold WY, um of Mb t Peter M. Moir,
P, 0. Ilpx 128, Parrsboro, N. S.
suffered with Ithearnatism for fwe
year; having it so badly at times I was
unable to get up without assistance.
I tried ditto/nut medicines I saw
advertised and was treated by doctors
in Amherst, Also in my borne town,
but the Rheumatism came back.
In 1916, I saw in an advertisement
that 'Fruit -a -rives' would stop -new.
madam, and took one box and got
relief; then I toolc tthem right along
for about six months and the R/teu-
rnatism was all gone and I have never
felt is, sinee,
Anyone who would care to write
me as regards 'Pruit-a-tives' I would
be glad .to tell them what Truit-a-
tive,s' did for me."
Contractor and Mason.
50e. a box, 6 for $2.60„ trial size 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid. by
Fruit-a.tivea Limited, Ottawa. Ont.
of Usborne, and Miss Irene Pearl
Wolfe, daughter of Mr, 'Charles Wolfe,
of Crediton,
'Seaforth:—During the electric storm
on Sunday the house of Mr, A. O'Leary
in Tuckersmith and the barn of James
Nash, McKillop, were struck by light-
ning. Not much damage was done in
either case.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
AlWaya bears
• Me
Signature of
McKillop Township: — Mr. John
Nash has purchased on the third con.
cession of McKillop, a farm.on which
Intends erecting • a modern resi-
dence in •tIs, !Mr futurd. A.1093411
Mr.' • Nash has gonsiderable �it
in Vancouver and .Saskatchewaan, las
favors mixed farming and thinks Mc-
Killop Is the 991Y PIIRC§.,
Children 'Cry
CA -'5210R 1 A,
Turnberry Township: ---. Mr. Peter
,Melibitgall of ,:tire'ath..ConceSsIon of
Ttintberry Inet with a.painful, accident
on Fridays 0e was c ngaged fit
pouritif hot-leadwhile fixing' th door
icicle' when a babble burst and -attack
In'the. eyes.' • He 'was brought , to
,Wingkam HosPitat,'Vhere it' was found
that, the sight 'of his eye could be saved
but the lid was badly burned, ., • •
Belgreve:—Sorry to report the death
at an- old' Belgrave boy in the person
of Harry Wilkinson, of Saskatchewan,
Harry spent last weekWith his brother,
Andrew Proctor, the two boys left here
in March for the West„ and were to-
gether a week ago last Sunday. Harry
went to bed in his usual good health,
and about 'midnight was stricken with
heart failure and died before medical
help arrived, The remains were
brought home by his brother, Andrew,
and Interred In the Brandon cemetery,
Children Cry.
Stephen Township:—Relatives here
received word last week of the death
of Allis Hicks, beloved wife of Mrs.
Geo. Stewart, who passed away at her
home in Calgary, on Thursday, May
191h, at the age of 30 years and • 8
months. The deceased was a victim
of sugar diabetes, and had been in
poor health for sometime, but it was
not expected, by her relatives that the
end was so near. Mrs. Stewart was
born in the Township of Stephen, be-
ing the eldest daughter of the late Wil -
limn Hicks and Mrs, Hicks,
Hay Tewnshipt---3Ohn Mciusteliff, of
Hay Township last Monday night' met
with a perculiar accident which might
have ' ended seriouy, He was
driving out ,of the church sheds
and on going over the sidewalk, the
CooklCetton itoot COmpovok
• e
A safe, reliable regiegeli4e
medicine. sold in tarso do,
gees of etsa,.gth'-tlO 1 511
FNbOfd Ahtt, :p„eeE5rrph4tritt
tiT0111:117.0°:10miteh 1 1111
Bought at the very lowest prices we now coming into
qtock anil, are being marked very close for quick turnover.
While prices are considerably lower than they have been.
Many fines of staple goods are ver yscarce and at the5present
low prices they are good buying.
Everything in stock has been priced down i othe present
level regardless of profits and many lines priced ata big semi.
fice to clear, *,
Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes all at very attractive prices
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits Phone 25 More Business
kingbolt broke, allowing the horses to
continue with the two front wheels, .
while the front of the rig dropped tci
the grdund, throwing him out. Mr
Mousseau was given a bad tumble and
received a few scratches.
Seaforth:—A very quiet wedding
was solemnized at the Methodist par-
sonage, London, on May 23rd, when
Annabel, youngest daughter of Mr.
Alexander Wood, St. Marys, was united
in Jloly bonds of matrimony to George
Chesney Sproat, eldest son of Mr. and
Mrs, J. 0, Sproat, of Stratford, 'and for-
merly of Seaforth, The Rev. H. L.
Ferguson, of London, officiated.
Hensalli—Our Council • is dal n g
some good work this week by putting
the large fire tank at the corners of
King street and Wellington street near
the Commercial Hotel, in fine shape,
which is a good move in the event of
Blyth:—The London papers of Wed-
nes.day last week had a group photo of
the graduating nurses of Victoria Hos-
pital among whom we note the like-
ness of Miss Helen Canting, daughter
of Mr, and Mrs, James Cuming,
Seaforth:—Mr. A. A. McLennan has
finished the contract of placing light-
ning rods on the Egmondville church
and sheds, and has made an excellent
job of it. The work took some 700
feet of wire and there are 18 points,
Zurich:—Mr. C. Fritz has purchased
the stock and shoe business at Dash-
wood of the estate of the late John
Kraft, and has taken possession this
week. We understand his son Ward,
will conduct this store,
Goderiehr—The Sunset Hotel is be-
ing completely redecorated inside for
the season', Rid 99tside also the paint-
erls i;ruSil is In evicidti64, 74F vri'lt
Brussels: -=The - comfortable rest -
deuce of R. Leatherdaee, corner Turn -
berry and William •streets, Brussels,
has been purchased by F. Burckill, of
toWn, "
Anburny—The sawmill is in running
order, completely restored after the
fire last year. Mr, Taylor is sawyer at
Creditom—Rev. Mauch left for Nap-
terville, 111., this week to attend the
,annual session of the Trustees of North
,Westeilf •Ccillegel'• His daughter; 'Miss
Martha accoropadied Nidi IS fat is Chic-
ago where_she will compelete her edu-
'tGodericlit.--Geoffrey Holt, • M.. A.
sailed for Europe. He is going to
Switzerland to take- a special course of
studies, This clever young man is a
son of the late Judge Holt, formerly of
Godericlu—Mr. W. J. Powell has
sold his grocery business to Messrs.
Faust & Wurm, late of Zurich, who are
now in possession.
Brussels:—The Post received 2 dan-
dy pine cones from St, Petersburg,
Florida, forwarded by Nurse Lunn, who
has been spending the Winter there.
One of them measured 15x17 inches
and the othe:' 14x174, They came
through by mail all right,
Grand Bendt—Ware Oliver, while
playing baseball, the other day, had the
misfortune to break his leg between the
the ankle and knee./ He is improving
nicely, but it will be some time before
he will have use of the injured limb.
Goderich—A quiet wedding was sol-
emnized in Lawrence, Kansas, U. S. A.,
on Wednesday evenigg, May 18th, at
8;3o o'clock, when Bessie Adelaide,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
Shipman, Geoderich, Ontario, was unit-
ed In marriage to Mr, John Young, of
Lawrence, Kansas, Rev. Dr. Kline offic-
iating. Mr. and Mrs, Young will reside
in Los Angeles, 'bal.
Brusselst—P, J. Canteion is here on
ah oliday visit. He has been residing
in Vancouver, 13. C., fdr the past 12
years, going there from Southern Man-
itoba, where Ile went in 1882, ' Mr.
Cantelon is a son of the late Peter Can-
teion, Morris Township, and was born
in Bluevaie, Huron County, On the
way East he visited for 5 weeks in
Alberta and Other Provinces, lie may,
make his home in this County once
flowick Township:—Mr, Oliver Gall.
away, of the ,t7th Concession of Hoyt -
When your liver gets eluggish and
inacti-ve your whole health suffers,
Your bowel:: become constipated, head
aches, tongue coated, breath bad, speck.
float before your eyes, you are bilious,
have heartburn, water brh, taundict:
Use Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pilla
make the liver resume its proper funetiotra
by removing the bile that is circalsting
in the blood and poisoning the
Mr. Lo Ray Springfield, N.h.41
writes:—"I desire to express my thal.'
for the relief Milburn's Laxe-Liss v
Pills have given me. I had been suffering
from constipation for three years, m.d
also had bad headaellea, 1 tried s, •I
of remedies, but got no selief, ninfl n',
grandfather told me aliisut your p', 4,r
I tried them and soon gob relief, and 1:050
r ould not be without them ix. my
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are er.1:11
and easy to take, do not gripe, weaker, or
sicken like the drastic purgatives do.
Price 25e, a viol at an dealers, ve
Imailed direct on receipt of price by 'The
T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,. Ont.
ick, htS-ssold his crop to his brother
Wilber, and will shortly leave for De.
troit whereelse intends going into the
garage businegs:
Selmore:—Mrs. John Duff and Mrs,
Albert Haskins had a trying experience
on Monday while driving to the village
with produce. Their horse shied and
they were thrown out of the buggy
Mrs. Duffy sustaining injuries about
the chest and neck.
Sluevale:—If you wish to see a four
legged chicken call on Rev. Mr. Mills,
eltismiaivlusg and as smart as its two leg.diehlorris Township:—The 150 acrt_
lturic.e.:tte.hafle pf rijoeptreire thlo rc t al l, was t bh
, has
been sold it a. good figure to Leslie
Beirnes, of Wingham, who is putting 14
the Spring crop,- !•••-• • -•
turicht—A very pleasant event tool4
place on Wednesday May the ittir,
at the Wane' of Mr...and Mrs. Thos,
Johnston, it being the • Fiftieth Md.
versary of theft. wedding. Their child-
ren: Mrs. E. Stoskopf, of Kitchener,
Misses Magda, Alice and Susie at home;
presentedtheM with preSents of gold,
Mr .and MrS: Jblifitton have been rest"
dents of this village over forty yead.
Mr!' Johnston having carried on' b
woolen milt and furniture business
until the last few years when he rein,
ed. .fir
Morrie Township:—Gordon RIntoul,
5,th line, while working in the Ament
factory, Brine's, was partially laid up
from a damaged eye.
Seaforth:—Mr. Dennis Andrews has
sold his residence on the corner of
Chalk and George streets to Mr, Janie
,McGiii, of town, who gets possession,
July tst. The price is $1,800 and Mr:
McGill has secured a nice home. MP.
Andrews intends to remove with his
family to, Port Colborne at the end
'of June. He has secured a good posit.
Hon with the Maple Leaf Milling Com+
Creditorn—Mr. and Mrs,• Charlet
Zwicker and Mrs. Daniel Mcisaac, rep.
resentin; bite different associations in.
terested in the purchase of an athletig
field waited upon the council and in.
formed them OM they were preppareci
to pay over to the treasurer of the
Township 'of Stephen the sum of
$85.9 for the purchase of the field
situated in the village of Crediton and
'requested that a by-law be passed to
purchase the field in the name of the
municipality and a board of directors
laapw,pointed therefor. Stephen Town-
ship Connell will pass the necessary 13)to.
Everybody Praises
Beecham's Pills after a fair
trial. Those praise loudest
who have used them long.
est. The great merit of
Beecharn's Pilis has been
proved all over the world,
There is nothing but
praise everywhere for
Sold everswitem
hs bitC4:tre2s4t. 504. iriLLS,