HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-5-19, Page 6);ik4g SiK.
The Clititon Venn `TErd
Tiaursday, May '19tzi, 192f
• The big rive is now on anei the big reduction
in price is open only. until May ,31st.
You can 'see our' 'Silent Alamo' in operation a
any time and satisfy, yourself as to the light pro-
duced in our Store.
All kinds of wiring and insta'llati0. •. work done.,
Corless & enner
A. a1 Hawkins
ROOFING your Poultry early this year while Harristou Review—An -official cir-
cularI received by Postmaster Mc-
Cready, contains the following clause,
which wilt be rigidly and impartially
enforced; "Postmasters are warned a-
gainst allowing notices, other than
Post Office Notices, from being exhibit-
ed in the lobby of the Post Office. The
Department is aware that pressure is
often brought to bear ugui(the Post-
masters' to exhibit notices of meet-
ings for charitable and religious pur-
poses, "'Lost" and "Found" notices,
etc., but 11 is considered that the Post
Office, in order that the official notices
of the Department 'may receive the
undivided attention which the public
interests require." ' ,
Hardware and Electrical
Our advice would be
Has a New Sedan.
Mr, Roy Forrester is now driving a
new Ford Sedan. e
1 .
Hydro Was Off. •
1 Owing to moving a building on Sat-
! IirtlIiy afternoon power was off for a
ehnrt time, ,
soli! u1(1[11 2 1 1111111 10
011111 11 0 I
II 01[111111 1111111
11111111112111 1/1111111 'nail 1111 IIIIII 111111111111
Ne s
11 VNI1115 mi 10
Factory Going Again. Tex on Fleur under 48
The Jackson Factory resumed work The Sohoenbals Milling Company
on Monday and 115k busy. with thele lutvc'received word from the taxa -
numerous orders. tion department, that a sales tax of
3% must be charged on flour sales of
A Needed lams, less then 18 lbs., also 3% on ground
This section had a couple of good feed, such as brut, shorts and chop.
showers on Friday' last which wilt help
Accept 20 Per Conk Cut,
both the farmer and the townspeople..
't'lie land waS getting very dry.
Public Holiday.
Next Tuesday will, be Victoria Day
and will be n public holiday. ' holiday
hours \viii be. observecl at the Post
office, •
Streets Cleaneed,
On Friday surd Saturday the street
sweeper was out aeilthe mimed:iinlzed
roads were swept, ' The rain helped
lay the dust and aided greatly In the
Degree for Rev. Mr, Crossley,
Rev. H. T. Crossley, of Toronto,
Nell known throughout Canada for his
evangelistic work with Hunter, has
received the honorary degree of Doc-
tor of Divinity from the senate of
Wesley 'College,
A Successful Sale
Friday afternoon the Ladles of Wil-
lies church held•.a very successful sale returns will be made monthly.
of homemade baking at the home of
Mrs. James Scott, Hight Street. A Use Our Phone More
15c tea was also. served during the Do you live in the country? if so,
afternoon. and you have personal items, call us
What Kind of a Freight Train? up. We want all the news items,
'The Exeter Times had an interest- big or little, from town or country.
ing note of the L. H. & B. last week it does not slake any difference wile-
and' we give it to our readers:—"The tber we have a correspondent -in
first freight train to pass through your locality or not. They may miss
Exeter n the L. 10-. & B. was on the an item, so call us up, We. don't
915t of December, 1975, a mind being bothered. Live country
news is what we're after, and it is
acceptable from any quarter, anti from
Working but a Platt.
'file. Western i'oendry at Wingharn
intends to resume operations on 'Tues-
day, All employees have agreed to take
20 -per cent reduction In ages as those
who have been out oft work since the
recent shut -down think it better than
Paid $252,264 to Mothers,
Up to date the Province of Ontario
has paid out $252,264 under the pro-
visions of the Mothers' Allowance Act.
The board clattns to be now nearly
caught up with payments, Last month
$72,44,4 was paid to those entitled un-
der the 'Act.
Tax on Real Estate.
Beginning on. June 1st, County
Registrar Coats will be obliged to
forward one-fifth of one per cent,' of
the purchase price of all real estate
transfers to the Ontario. This is a
new regulation as up to- the present
Hine no such fee was ever exacted.
It will mean $2 in every $1,000, The
Plenty of Raw Maternal.The New Ern is informed that the any person, whether a subscriber to
Those who want to manufacture T R, people ors \vorking 9.12p Fla4 The New Era or not, _
dandelion wine can find plenty of raw t0 Speed pp ilk slftertioon train fronf
. Buffal so 'that it will connect at C, C. I. to be Repkaaented.
Stratford with the fast train reaching
Clinton at 10.03 p.m. This will 11181111
a great improvement over the present
service from Buffalo.
Women's Institute. ..40'
The Women's Institute will hold
their regular meeting .on Thursday,
May 26th at 3 p.m. in the room above
the Public Library. This is the an-
nual meeting, when a report of the
year's work will be given also the
election of officers. Members kindly
remember to answer "Roll Call" with
material just now.
A Large Funeral.
The funeral cortege of the late Mrs.
Cartwright of Brucefield vicinity, was
a large one on Saturday afternoon to
the 'Clinton cenheterey, There were
over 30 automobiles its the procession
as it passed through, town,
Sow Uniforms Here.
,e The new uniforms for the Senior
base ball team arrived last week and
will certainly set off the local 9. They
are of a grey color with black trim -
things and the'shirt has a large "C" on
it as also the cap. We wish the boys
good luck with their new attire.
to market
Must be Stopped.
Repairing Prornptly
Phone 53
prices are high. Fall prices_ are
expected to be much lower than
last year. Sell now. Enquire of
us for prices.
;Reda Pe rraaces Lead GUNN UNCLE & CO, LTD.
There is a Reason I.
Ask Us.
Priv s
April this year presents an except-
ional opportunity for the coal consum-
ing public, in the advent of the Annual
Summer Prices.
Owing to a slight reduction In the
,vice of Straight -Line Coal at the mines,
we are now allowed to shake this spec-
ial offer so as ( to keep the whiners in
Clinton, Ontario
N. W., T rewartha Local Manager
The uo-to-date) Firm
It is the custom of the Whine opera-
tors to raise the price each month from
now till fall, but we are going to try to
hold this special price for
This will give you an oppportunity to
have the coal delivered whet) the
ground is fit to drive in to your yard,.
but be sure to place your order now.at
the old reliable stand.
We guarantee satisfaction as we al-
ready have our large sheds full of our
own coal of high class quality.
Clinton & Brucefield.
Phone for Clinton T'to, 74,
Phone for $rucefie111 11 on 618,
Mr. Ern Hovey has had a new gar-
age put up to keep his car in,
—0 --
Don't forget to leave your
order for Spring Delivery for
— COAL and' WOOD —
hildven,s with E. WARD,
It is hard to keep the children from
catching cold, they will run out of doors
nob properly wrapped, or have too
much clothing on and get overheated and
cool off too suddenly, they got their' feet
wet, kink off the clothes at night.
The mother cannot watch then all
the time so what is she going to do?•
Mothers must never neglect her
children's coughs ohs' colds, but must
look for a remedy on the first sign.
A great many mothers are now giving
their children 1)r.'Wood's Norway Pine.
Syrup, as it is so pleasant and nice for
them to take, and relieves the cough or
cold in a very short time.
Mrs, S. Crowe,, R.R. No. 6, Truro,
NS., writes:—"Two years ago my
little boy caught a eevero cold which
left him with a very bad cough. He
could not rest at night, and became very
thin and weak. The prescription bur
physician gave ane did not help him, anlj
I did not, know what to do. My ehstor
in Manitoba, wrote me to try Dr. Wood's
Norway Pipe Syrup, I went right to
town and ptirehased . two bottles,- and
before they were used my boy's Dough
had dirappeared, and he Memo strong
and well again..
We • always know what to use now for
coughs arid colds." •
Dr. mood`s Norway Pine Syrup is 360.
and 66c. a bottle at all dealers.
Manufactured only by Tho T. Milburn
'Co., Limited, `);''pronto, Ont.
Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand
—We will look after you--
Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155.
if you want
The Corner Grocery
The Clinton Collegiate will be re-
presented at the second annual West-
ern Ontario Intersholastic tratck and
field sleet at London on Saturday and
the following members are placed:
200 yards Lower School., ,
Heat 1—C.11 Munn
(teat 4—F. Elliott.
200 yards Upper School
Heat 1-1', Wallis
Cleat 3-11, Anderson
100 yards Upper School
Heat 1—F. Wallis
Heat 3—N, Anderson
suggestins for topics for the year, 100 yards Lower School
Beat 1--J. Bawden
Minor Locals Heat 4-0. Munn.
Butter was selling at 30c on Satur• Minor Locals.
day in town. '
Quite a number of the members of May 24th—next Tuesday—will be
the Masonic Lodge visited Londes- a public holiday.
born Lodge on Tuesday night. - Drop your items in the New Era
The ice must have come ashore Letter Box in the office door,
on Saturday, judging by the zero The Walkerton School Board has
feeling and stayed here for Sunday asked the Town Council for $58,000
and Monday, for the erection of a new four -room
The two baseball schedules and addition to the school,
Football schedules are to be found on A new postage stamp, issued by the
page 2 of this issue. Cut them out for United States, bears the flags of the
further reference. Allies, including the Union Jack the
first stamp of one nation on which the
Some Questions. ? ? ? ? ? ' ail'ags of another have appeared.
Has the town Council made an agree I Twenty thousand children under 14
went with tile' Kittle Band for their annually killed by accident in the Un -
mid -week concerts? Many a mother ' iced States! This is the report of the
with small children would like to see Red Cross. \Vho kills then? For the
the concerts start at 8 o'clock, most part, the criminca'y careless.
Will the iovernment get rich pay- 1 EYE SPECIALIST -.--
ing the costs of these needless court
cases?. i
Will the Clinton Senior Base Ball ,A. L, Cole, Eyesight Specialist, an
team win the District with their new Honour Graduate of the Canadian
suits? 1 Ophthalmic College, of Tor_nto.
Why is it that the Veteran's do not I Office in Masonic Bldg., West, St.,
get any of the Government jobs? 1 Goderich, Ont, Will be at tihe Hotel
Do you think Politicians would soon' Rattenbury, Clinton on Wednesday
find ways to cut the cost of govern- I MAY 25th, 1921, from 3 p. m.
L if they were spending their Own in the afternoon to 9 p.m. in the even-
As Clothes , are to the Body,
so are Wall Paper's to the Home
Few people can afford to be badly dressed; and
few people can afford to live with old or in.
harmonious wall papers.
they affect the spirits, They decrease self-
confidence,, They redu,pe morale. They are
, unhealthy for mind and body. °
Harmonious Wall Papers are a Tonic,. The'
influence the whole atmosphere of the house.
If you have int view a change in the atmo'sphere
of your home we invite inspection of ow stock
and prices.
The e.,. W. Ds Fair eo
Often the cheapest—Always the Best
ANYTHING?. How about your Appetite? , What about a Bottle
of Tomato Catsup Try .a Bottle with your next order. Prices -
15c; 25c; 35c per bottle according to size..........
3 Bars Laundry Soap. 25
any Brand
3 Cakes Palm Olive
Toilet Soap.
2 Cakes Iovey or
Lifebouy Soap
2 Cans Dutch, Cleanser
3 phkys. Anomnia
2 pkgs. Corn Flakes
3 pkgs. Jelly Powder
1, 12 -oz. Pure Jam
7 Cans of Corn for
1 lb Special Black Tea
3 Itis for
PHONE '111. Isar : pl�rr W
A full Assortment of Ferry's,
Remlies and Steel. Briggs Seeds in
Packages, also Dutch Sets, Gar-
den Peas and Sweet Corn, and
Beans in Bulk; is:Nl' i
'For good value try our Bulk
Tea and Coffee.
Fred. W. Wigg
Phone 45.
ala halt' #f`1fi1W,
7 e .Che r let 1W stor
Co. rebs Cres $ 70 on cars
sold since last Qcto er.
New Pries Now in Effect
The new Price for Touring
Car is $895.00.
See Us' before You Buy
J. B. Lh`•r. Y l
Chevrolet Agent. Clinton
Phone' 189J and 180W
Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station
The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners
must equip their cars with approv ed Lenses. We have the following
to choose from: -
Leveligilt Prinlolite
Conopher Clear
Shaler Roadliglhter tonopher Noviol
' Holophane
Clamert Come in and have us fill out your applications
J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent .
Phone 80 ; Residence 140 CLINTON,
This is the Season for Coal Stoves
We carry a Rall line of McCary
New Perfection Stoves and Ovens
Call and See our Sock
Many persons have real distress from tired aching feet, This
kind of distress affects the whole nervous system causing ex-
treme fatigue especially when walking a distance. Many wo-
men have this foot distress in connection with their dally
duties. After a long day on their feet they are completely
exhausted. Some are unable to sleep after retiring owing to
.pain in feet and limbs. Some have caluses and white blist-
ers on the soles of their feet adding intensity to suffering.
Many then also have this foot distress. Farmers working on -
the land wonder why their feet ache and why they as so very
tired. Mechanics standing all day, feel all warn out ,by night:
Persons. in other occupations also are distr'es'sed'.
Because of in propertyfitted Footwear! The nerve system'
of the foot is being tired out. In many cases the ligaments
relax and the bone structure of the foot falls down then foll-
ows the necessity for wearing•arch supports.
When we made your shoes to your measure there were no
troubles such as we have described because you were properly
Our Custom Manufacturing business has been wiped out by
the factory system and we are compelled to retail their pro-
duct, but we are still able to fit your feet to measure if you
will allow us.
When you come to buy your shoes ask to be fitted; We
will do it correctly.
We are practiced. We are shoemakers. You get the bene-
fit of our training free of cost.
We invite you in Conte to us with your foot troubles. We
can relieve your distress.
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