HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-5-19, Page 51'!(y, May 19tiw, '1921 FOR WEDDING G1FT$ Corne to I-1 ellyar's Store Out Selection of .Articles Spitahle for the Bride IS 'Cern- Pieta, whether it is to be— ;41. CIOCk cut Glass - Silverware or China' Our aim is to Supply lionest Goods at Honest Prices We invite you to come and inspect our stock. W. IL EilliVAR .leweler & Optometrist Issuer of Marriage Licenses phone No,174w; House 174 j BARGAINS Or 24TII OF 111MY Pineapples at 25; 30; 35c .Corn, a limited number for 15cIt • Cccca, 5 It.)6 for .$1 Prunes, 10 1?:/s for . .$1 Black Tea, 3 Ms for FRESH FISH DAILY —Fresh supply. of Huyler's' Bon -Bon's for 24th . W. T. 'O'NEIL THE HUB GROCER Phone 48 ........----. * * t * * * * * * * * * e * • * HURON COLOFY . • NEWS IN BRIEF • * * * .* * * * * * * * • East Wawanoah:—A prominent, rate - .payer of .the township of East Wawa - nosh, has appealed against the whole .assessment of that township on the grounds that it is all assessed too high Wingham:—The sewer work on Victoria and Catherine streets is go;-, dng ahead. T. J. McLean & Co. have their big excavator at work on the job. This is the last of the sewers that will .be laid in Wingham, as the sewerage .accommodation is now available in all ,parts of the town. Bensall—A number of farmers in this district have had to re -seed some =of their early sowing. Parts of fields having been drowned out. Zurich—The Zurich Branch of •the Molsops,-Bank, has made a change in• their half-holidiy, as future it will be observed on Thursday instead of Sa- turday as before. Goderich—The entrance to the Isar- bor.is to be dredged this year. Fordwich— The Presbyterian and • Methodists of 15'altnerston, Harriston; 'Olifford,- Fordwich, Gorrie, McIntosh and Wroxeter congregations have arran ged fora Young People's Rally to be held in Fordwich on Monday, May 23 The afternoon session at 2 pan. and :evening session at 8 pan. From 4.30 to 6 p.m. an athletic program will be ;held. , ' Goderich— The Goderich Mercan- tile Co. received an enquiry regarding. ' their goods from a firm at 'Bucarest, 1Rouniania, Dungannon-- Mr. Roy Hearst, of `Meadford, Ont,, bought the printing •outfit of The Dungannon News, form :erly conducted by Mr, Harry Bellamy. The machinery was removed this week • to Meaford. Wroxeter— Jno. Earner met with an unfortunate accident Thursday evening when he had his right arm broken while cran ing a car. • McKillop Township:—A serious ac- cident occurred at No, 2 school on •,•Thursday afternoon last when Earl •Dickson, the young sets of Mr, and Mrs, George Dickson, fell and frac. lured his leg. He • was playing with sante of the other scholars at the thtae, and althOtIgh the liaising) Was • purely accidentatit nevertheless lay hi's tip for sonie ante,. • Alrimpommoosommoio••••••ft.... The Clinton Nilo tra 4 ateNe: , PITO — OftholMstrict BRUSSELS • BAYFIELD The induction of Rev; J. P, McLeod, Old,friends here will be sorry to of Wyoming, to 010 pastoraa Of Mei' hear of the death of Annie Leys villa Presbyterian Church will take ray, wife of Rev, J. 13 Jones, e for - place here on Thursday, May 19, nur Methodist minister here. She The death occurred at her • home Posed away at her home at SoMbra, here of Jean Ross, wife of James K. Ire- on Thursday evening after a linger- land,following an illnes of a few weeks ing illness at the age of 30 years. duration. Deceased was in her 7Nth Besides her husband she •is survived. year andonly a short time ago ,1%ele. by 2 ehildren. The funeral was held brated the 55th Anniversary of inc mar. on Saturday at 2 o'clock from the rine, residenee., •. WINGHAM HENSALL The bachelors of Wingham gave it• The fine weather of. the past week dance in the„Mills Memorial Hall; • on has helped the farmers greaily,on their Friday. A. large number was present, lands and has also seen a let of garden including many, guests from the heigh-, stuff put in. •• boring towns, Business men report trade as very The little four-year-old son of Mr, good, and last week entered upon the Fred Carter, baker, narrowly escaped first of the half -week holidays, Which being seriously injured while sitting are to be continued every, Thursday on the grass between the sidewalk afternoon during the summer and fall and curb in front of his home on months. Josephine Street. A• car, in turning, Mr, Alex Murdock, clerk of the vill- ran on to the curb uiil across the legs • age, is spending -a week or so with his of the' little chap. No bones are daughter, Miss Alexia, at Brantford, and' broken but both • limbs are con'ilder. with relatives and friends elsewhere. ably bruised anti swollen,. Depression in the market for metal I.BroAcknumber of the friends of George have during the week surprised • him by dratving in loads of stand, gravel products is given as the reasba for the closing down of the Greet West- 1 and stone for erecting a new black - ern Foundry Company at Winghem.. smith shop after the one destroyed a Manager John Cunningham states I little over a week ago in the fire, that he is unable to say when activ- I The Council has commenced oiling ities May be resumed, ,and he intirnat- the streets, ed that the company might be per- manently out of business, About 1.00 • DASRVVOOD • men are out of employment as a re- 1 Several new businesses are being suit of the shut -down: !opened up in town. Otto Restameyer 1 and Wm. Kleinstiver have opened a BELGRAVE new hardware in the Niels:lac block; FIRE DESTROYS EXETER MILL Twentiy Heads of Families Thrown Out of Work.—Finan- cial Loss Is Estimated at $50,000. • TIV00ty heads' of families were throwe out Of employment as a re, suit of a fire which entirely destroy- ed the plant and machineraf of the Exeter Flax company, In the north cod, et noon • to -day, An . unofficial estimate . places the financial loss at ‘50;000'f The ire broke out at noon and is believed to hove •origleatect in an over -heated boxing uf the shafting. CENTRALIA Mrs, George Essery, wife of a loeal -garage owner, seffered a plateful :Wei - tient this week when site fall from a verandah and received severe bruises and a shaking up which resulted in her' being confined to her Wm since, • BRUCEFIELD. James Riley, a resident of Bruce - field, was seriously injured on Mon. day when • he was caught .. in the meothtnism • of a road tractor while attempting to oil the machine, He was ln the act of placing oil between moving gearsawhen he was drawn in by the coat he was wearing. He sustained five broken ribs, and is confined to Ills home. His condition is regarded as critical, but It is ex- pected he will recover. Card of Thanks—Mr. Amos Cart - The fire brigade made a fast run, but wrIght and family wish to exp.ress their the inflammable nature of the interior sincere thanks and appreciation and the kindness shown them, and the flowers' sent by the Kelly Circle, U. F. M. , and S, S. No. 3 also the neighbors and friends, and all who so kindly helped during the late bereavement, AUBURN. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gravestein and children are visiting the latter's par- able. The firm had enjoyed a period eats at Listowel this week, of prosperity and was one of the town's Mr, John Medd shipped a car of biggest lodustries. It is understood the hogs, to Toronto on Friday and the mill will be rebuilt at once. U. F. O. shipped a car on Monday, of the mill, gave the blaze a rapid start and the fire fighters were unable to save the building or contents. Several houses in the vicinity caught fire, but these were saved by volun- teers with buckets, The hill • was a- large structure of brick, frame .and metal, and the machin- ery was Consideredexceptionally valu- Edgar Lawson has got his mill run. BLYTH . ning this week, Mr. Ben Taylor is Sunday, June 5th, is set for the running the saw and Robert Stalker union opening service of Blyth Com- the engine, • munity.Building, at 2.30 p. m. 'The The business places in Auburn close, Mr. and Mrs. James Stonehouse, of i Shenk Bros„ of Stratford, have' taken names of soldiers who mule the sup- each Wednesday -afternoon, c'amtnenc- Dung,11111011, spent Sunday with Mr, and charge of•the confectionery and bakery r„,,,, saerodeo aud aL,,-„, these wino did ing May tith and until the end of owned by Mr. T. Klumpp; Mr. Toni Stewart, of BlY1.11, spent varied by fired Wilite A several .1 • ,. -It 12e - - t- .., I b . D.. Rev R,J.Pris4 1,1.i 1-1 a '5t. , , , . n'll:1, l'1",icq:ir duty ovels..as from . the netehborlhe September. 1A.V. ii...4111%, '01 1,...11,,I, * % *to • , . L ,. l 11.1.l in4l, in5.., Mrs..11, Hopper. Su 1s1 11,1 1 111 his broil.cr, John 'ilawat. i ' .• to hits also be'215 (0-8,-a in 4 ,-• liht- 1 1,1 and 14 -nor Roll. Al.anday, ;if Presbytery at Clinton on Tue.iday. ' : LI• Hoek Roy, Peters. mid , ,,,,,ifii ,,,,,,,,)i.od i,) i on mn; e, y , 1 m r .1 r,F., , 111e.e.ly ..1 W,...?,,, -d.:. 0.mines 11.4, London hist week A.nd spent a few ' ' j '4'. l' `Irn n- - i' r`c ''' -`r kwi-: 1.'1 -t. -'-viii- '''-' 1-4Thii,-' "left"- ri-d 1,e:ie.:it:fly away at the age ot toeat.; in a.a. 1.' ti' a 51,11 the ifill. 11-8.00iTESiVILL days, .. ' •1'.. Th..• doccased hail baen in poor , i3j,,h las a ,,, i.,...,4 rt,,„a. Col Brown wiil I,e ilta ,,„peeial Preach The cls ;Ir of the Anglican Chu -a, heal' h all winier but 'had reeco,ercti — er in the A 17 glie:111 Church at3. N Brussels motored over here on 511115111. -t , :, k ally t.,, be about auatn, n,.,, lilYti.. P'lethca:st ,:harch hea clo•-ied Mrs. J. 11. I.-wery of North Bay was. and assisted with the s;:rvica, their le,l‘o% his wido-,v, tv,-.1 son3 and three liki 11,5'''t SU"r''''Ji. . Y- d':. i? .nl.'" called bue anlast week owing to the ser music was very touch appreeiated daueliters to mourn his loss. Ills re- tory trout a financial pOillt of view. haus illness of her lather Mr. Jt 5 Pro- Ccor‘iing iii tile annual rerort, the etor of Ilol L110$V ilk. All's, Wray received the sad hen! ot naahts were. :aid to.,gc.ct in Exeter Cerne- cbureli has rat:ea for IIII purposes the death of her . brother, Mr. George ter y on Wednesday. Rev. W. J. Yauer officiated at the home and the grave. 57,215. Almost :ti3,000 of this was Crowe, of Trenton on Friday last. TUCKERSIVIIITH. Mr, iand Mrs. Brooks and daughters At a largely attended meeting or the natiunal campaign money, So that 54,3000 was raised for local and con- Passed Peacefully Away:— Last of Centralia, spent Sunday with Mr, finance board of the Evangellical and Mrs. F. Anderson, church, held on Monday evening, the nexional Funds, Missions this year Sunday morning, about 6 o'clock, the • reports shoWed a clear financial sheet. advanced almost the required 30 per spirit of Jean Ross, beloved wife of The estimates of, the year were viewed cent., the total from all societies being James K. Ireland ,passed away to the SEAFORTH $1,130. 'The Sunday school slid ex- land immortal. It was not an unlocked and the work outlined. An increase of $100 was given the pastor, Rev. W. .f, ceptionally good work, They raised for event as she had been in failing Mrs. F. Holmsted was in London Yager.' Mr, G. S, Howard was elected 5450 for all purposes. The children health for the past 2 or 3 months, The this. week. secretary -treasurer for the coming con- in the Mission Band raised $1,20. Sal- end came peacefully, deceased being Mr. Palmer Whiteley, of Hamilton, ference yar, e . • arias during the year advanced in all conscious almost to the last ,and was Sal - was a visitor at his home here. Mothers'. Day was observed on Sun- the departments. Ali obligations have fully prepared for the transition. Mrs. ,Rev. T. li..Brown has returned day last in the Sunday school in the been met and there is a neat surplus. Ireland was born in Ttickersmith from attending the Synod of Huron morning and during service in the eve- Rev. R. J. Aic'Cortnick is closing a Township and was united in marriageDiocese. Diocese. . . . ning, On May 29, Everybody -Go -to very happy five-year pastorate in this to, her now bereft husband in the year Mr. and Mrs. James Smillie from Sunday -School Day will be observed, church. - 1866. They moved to the 3rd line the West are visiting his parents Mr. Mr., and Mrs. Fred JoCkson, of Wal- they farmed untiof Morris Township .l they came to 65 years ago and Mrs. W, R. Smillie, North Main .......e-. Street. ' ton, are , visiting their mother, Mrs. ' GODERICH , .where Mrs...R. McCosh, who has been vis. A spec George Kellerman. town 4y., years ago, 2 sons (James Mr. Jacob Schroeder, who lately sold ial effort is being made by the of Saskatoon and Will on the home- iting friends here has returned to . her home in: Colorado, She was acconp his fartn to his sit, has rented a house Town Council to increase the water stead) and 6 daughters (Mrs. Olt - pained" by Miss Florence Beattie °who in town. pressure, especially in case of fire. phant Smith, Mrs. O. Turnbull and - will 'make an extended visit to the The w ter and light commission has Mrs. James 'Moses, of Grey Township; • United States, • . , 4 I discuss d the advisability of installing a Mrs. George Henderson, Morris Town - Dr, .and Mrs. W. ,J, Fear, of Aylmer, gasoline In for pumping. in, case . of ,ship; ,Mrs, H. Glazier, Stratford 'are guests at the home of Miss Jack- More real estate transfers have taken, fire- and do ng away with the steam and Mrs. John' Oliver, Brussels) were -son in Egmondyile. place here lately. Mr. A. E, Tuke, has ',Plant, . Plans, are • under way to have born to the home and all are • alive •• Fire broke out in the residenge of sold his four acres east of the town to 'something done right, away, and were present at the funeral ex- Mr...F. Coats on Thursday morning 'Mr. Thomas Laing.. Mr. W. A. Sand- Butter registered the lowest price cept the son. in the West. There are 'from an electric stove ,but the „blaze ers has sold the lot north.of his dwell- in some years Saturday . when it '20 grand children and. 2 great grand - was extinguished before any damageitig on William street to Mr. Ed. Short.. dropped to 30 cents retail and some children. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland cele - was done, ' , • Mr. apd Mrs:- Perrott, who left here as. low as 28 cents, Buyers are pay- ',rated their Golden Wedding 5 years The following graduates of the Sea -for England about ai year ago, intend- ing 24 and 25 cents per pound. One ago. This is the first • break in the forth Collegiate Institute , have... suc-• Mg to reside, have returned again,,pw- :local grocer believes that it will go family, excepting the death of one of ing to unsettled conditions in the old cessfully passed their examinationsstill lower, and ventures . to say that the grand -children. The subject of at the schSlan ol of Practical Science, To- d. . if it does the producers will not bring this notice was .. a bright, cheery yam- ronto: N. H. Kerr, 3rd year in mech- • Pieparations tare being made for it ,to tgwn: Eggs are selling at 26 man who was beloved by a. wide dr- ' anical ,engineering, with 'honors; Jas. placing a tablet in the Bank of Com- to 28 cents per dozen, although poul- ole of frien4s, She was a great lover i Gillespiet 4th year civil engineer, merce here, commemorative of those try meta are , getting 35 cents , for, of,ber home and she and her husband with honorsJ. C. Bell, 4th year pof the staff who enlisted for service in the wet. guaranteed eggs for packing purposes were often designated as "chums" as a_ ; plied. chemistry, with honors; H, K. . and are finding a good market. . Local they were generally together. On as - McLean, 4th year, electrical engineer At a well -attended ineettng of the citizens are quite pleased with the and Miss Beth Willis has successfully Women's Missionary Society its the present situation, but are wondering passed her final examinationrin den. Cavan' Presbyterian , Church last even.- when bread and milk are going .to fall tal nursing at the Royal College of -Mg Mrs. E. J. Christie was Presented off their peak. with ta, life metnbership. Mrs. Christie Dental Surgeons. \ A very interesting will case was tried The funeral of‘the late Miss Mary has been a Member of the society, from by the Shrrogate Court • Judge, His ' McIntosh took place from her homthe very beginning. e Honor Judge Dickson, this week. The The Ontario Flax Company has plans Friday afterndon at one o'clock to hearing lasted for two days and was the Maitlandbank cemetery. Miss well under way to commence rebuild- not concluded till close to 8 o'clock 'McIntosh had been in delicate health ing the mill which has burned to the ground on Monday, ' Wednesday niglit. The plaintiffs were forabout-twenty years and had not ground executors of thelast will and testa' Rain is neededvery badly here, the been able to take part in the activ- anent of the late Robert Hanna,of ities of life. Her early home was in crop of early June peas grown by the McKillop, Who died January 22nd McKillop township and for Many Canning CoMPanY will be very; light, last. They brought the action to se - years •^she was a Member of Duff's owing to • heavy spring mins packing cure probate of the will and the churth. The timber for the churchthree daughters, who were passed the land and allowing it to become sun - building was taken from her, father's baked. . over in the .will, were the defendants. farm, Nine years ago • She and her Mrs. Maingy, of Ottawa, has arrived The estate amounted to $2,527.59 o make heHlome with her daughter mother and twin sister Miss Ellen tand the beneficiaries under the will moved to Seaforth where they Joined Mrs' Bray. were' a son-in-law, Mr. John Bullard, , Air, and Mrs. Dayman and Miss Edith First Presbyterian Church, During and a nephew and three nieces. Mr, kept Davis aA leaving to -morrow for Out -her long illness Miss MdintoshHanna was 95 or 96 years old at the a lively interest in current events look, Saskatchewan. .,„ .• time Of his death and his will was and always had a smile and warm The (teeth of Mrs, Emden, made shortly before Isis death and den, of Ed - welcome for any one who chose to mouton, occurred at Dr, flyndma,nis signed with a cross, Mr. R. S, Hays, 'YOU Should visit her, but it was her faith. `iii Vid hospital, The deceased was formerly of Seaforth, represented the exemi Eternal Whic- Miss Martin, of Exeter,' and was be - h enabled her to live so tors; Mr. J. L. Killoran the defendants, briglieved to Beprogresing favorably, hly and hopefully in so frail m and Mr. G. Garrow watched the -ease when she was seized withheart trou- body. She Was a lit8C0 of the latefor the infants, Mr, Killoran, for the distinguished missionary Dr, a L. ble and expired sticlanly, She is sur- defence, tried to make out that the Meffey,. of Pormos5, her mother Mid, Ylved by her daughter, father and mot- will was secured by Giese whom it brother predeceased . her a few years tiler: a brother arid two sisters, • named as beneficiaries, when the testa - ago, The other Members of the fain.1 tor was not in a condition to make a Pastures are looking splendid and ily are Dr, George in Cataraugas, hay premises to be a bumper et.op will, and pointed out the suspicious ell-. NeW,York State; John, in London; whit fall wheat a close - second, Al- cumstances in connection with it. A. W., in Port Arthur; Coleman C., in together tis e troll prospects in this However, the judge held that the will Wagon, Ontario, , locality Ire most promiSing, was a valid will and granted probate. count of her heartiness and bouyancy the yearS treated her kindly and few would have anticipated her demise. She was only. a month past her 73rd birthday. Mr. Ireland is 78 years of age but until recently has enjoyed splendid health. The funeral took place from the home, corner of Church mid John streets, Tuesday afternoon and was largely attended, in the ab- sence of the Presbyterian pastor. (the' church being vacan() Rev. W. E. Staf- ford Methodist minister who had fre- quently visited at the home during the recent illness, conducted an appro- priate service. 6 soils -in-law bore the casket which was loaded with flor- al tributes. Community sympathy is extended to Mr. Ireland and family in the demise of a royal helpmate, a true mother and a first-class neigh- bor. Her memory will be long cher- ished in this locality (Brussels Post) ( of,digestion-- Ta.ke care hegaalserl hugely a matter of Good Digestion, A Wise person should use Beechatri's Pills to relieve digestive ills and cortect stomachic disorders. On Ito. count of their service and reputation for reliability -'7A Iti(• 5 Sold overrw)iere ht boxes, 25c., 50,. piLL in Canada, LeirsestSale2of anYtMedicine:/n the.World J NEW. SP Bought at the very lowest prices,, are now coming ireto stock and are being marked very close for quick turnover, While prices are considerably lower than they have been. Many lines of staple goods are ver yscarce and at the present low 'prices they are good buying. •I • Everything in stock has been priced down t othe present level regardless of profits and many lines priced at a big sacri- fice to clear. Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes all at very attractive prices Pluirrasteej Bros.. Small Profits Phone 25 More Business GODER1CH TOWNSHIP , Mr. Henry Baker has disposed of 100 acres of his 150 acre farm, known as the Harrison farm for the 4th con, to two soldiers. Narrow Escape—Last Tuesday after- noon Rdy Connell while driving along the road near the school the bottom of the cart dropped down on the road and the seat. fell forward and caught Roy between the crossbar and the seat and dragged him along the road quite apiece. Roy pulled the horse into the fence and saved himself for serious in- jury as the horse had started to run- away. Many from the Township attended 11,, funeral of late John Jetakins in i.illitOn on WeilueSday. GOD11M d-eli .1. P, Brown 5171 r ide!!! :hi; 15511 115 roJoy !,e:..rs. The. ,:l...!c•o1.,.1 ,AL 50 wa-: Thom 72 yc:trs )1 it waa in excellent 11.-i1th till Sunday whou he suffered A stroke from the effects of which he pe3 sed :Lway, Mr. Brown cans to this part of the country from the old 0051:5 r' and started Wagon making: at Carlow. later moving to Arburn. For some years he was in the' imployment busi- ness in Goderich. The deceased was al- so a prominent worker in North Street Methodist Church, being a member of the board of management. Besides a widow he is survived by one daughter and three sons, all living in, the West. Word was received here by relatives that Robt. Campbell had lost his life off Whitefish Point during the storm on Saturday morning, when thetow barge "Miztec," on which he was mate was lost, The deceased man, who was in his 36th year, was the youngest son of the late Robert 'Campbell, formerly lighthouse keeper here for many years and is survived by 3 brotlie,ps and three sisters. One of the brother, Don ald, was on the Peshtigo, which 4vas in tow with the Miztec, but managed to get shelter behind Whitfish Point. These two barges, loaded with salt, were being towed, by the !teenier Zillah The deceased who was not married, had made his home in Tonawanda, N. Y. • LONDESBORO. The Annual At Home of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of the Londes boro Methodist Church will be held in the basethent of the. church on Friday night of this week, May 20th com- mencing at 8 o'clock. A programa 'con- sisting of music readings and singing by local talent, lunch will be served' at the close, Everey, body come and en- joy the meeting. At a recent meeting of the quarterly official board of the Methodist church very encouraging reports were given. The pastor, Rev. Mr, SaWyer, has re- ceived a unanimous invitation to re main for the fourth year. Don't forget the concet and social to be given bythe W. M. S. in the base- ' d v 114 0 T AA b p clErarrarZiavrCaarliascomisamzummisimmusulle se•OVV.N.I. Crediton:—There passed away at his home at Crediton East, one of our aged residents in the person of Mr. Frank Adair at the age of 74, De. ceased had been ailing for a slumber of years. 58..A.N.KET REPORTf5 _— Eggs 19 to 20. Butter 20 to 25 Hogs 59.00 Wheat $1.70 & 51.80 Peas Oats 4u0 to 501 Earley t 70c Shorts $40 to 545 Bran 8.40 to $45 ,'Art ; CORN There is a vast difference in the Grades of Corn. Our Corn is No. 2 Yellow which we believe is the beso grade on the market.. . It is free from broken Kernels, Cobs and Dust. Giro us a call and let us know your requivw ments,. . Special prices on large quan- tities. BRAN, SHORTS Now is the season for Bran & Shorts. The Quality is good and the prices reas- onable. SWIFT'S DIGESTER TANKAGE Figured on present ' value of live. stock and home-grown feeds the use of "Swift's Digester Tankage" will re. turn more profit to the hog rains,. than, ever before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILIZERS Blood, Tankage and Bones prod...teed by the immense slaughtering business of Canadian Company are almost all used is Swift's High Grade Fertilizer,' • RESULT:—Large profit to you:. FLOM Our Stock Includes: ---Purity, Fmk Roses, White Seal and Golden City. W.Jenkins&Soh FLOUR AND FEED PHONE: -199 RESIDENCE: -131I 1 RAND TRUNK RsV"tiv THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE , Between MONTREAL TORONTO, DETROIT • And CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on Night Trains anti Parlor Cara on Principal Day Trains. Full Information from Any Grant Trunk Agent or C, E. Horning, Distria Passenger Agent, Toronto,ti John Ransford & Son, City Passens nent of the Methodist church this ger and Ticket Agents, PHONE:—Sem, Friday evening a good time is expect- A, 0, PATTISON, Station Agent. 4 d. Mr, and MIS. J. Smith of Blyth visit - d at the home of Mr. 'Wm. Brigham ast Friday, •. Mrs, Rosse of London spent a few ays this week with her sister Mrs. A. odclen.: - Mr.. T. Johnston of London spent he week end at his home.here. Mrs, Dr. Ycning has returned after pencliog a few days with her daughter rs. Brown of Brantford. ' Mr, and Mrs, P, Geddes • attended he funeral of Mrs. Proctor in Belgrave n Sunday.. Mrs, A. Well was•the guest of Mrs. Little on the 13 con. a few days last Mr. C, Manning is improding the ppearence 'of his house by giving it a .esh coat of paint. blaster Freddie Sampson who has een confined to the house for *the as! two weeks is improving 11 Kidneys Troubled Heri BACK ACHE SO BAD ei COULD NOT SLEEK The epidemic of "Flu" has a great deal to be responsible for. In nearly every case it has loft some bad after effects, and in a great many cases it is the kidneys that hove suffered. When the kidneys have been left in a• weakened state, very often soma serious kidney trouble will follow if not attended to. Doan's Kidney Pills will prove to en them. be just the remedy you require to strength - Use Florence Earnshaw, Apsloy, Ont., writes:—"Last winter, after 1, had the "Flu" 1 was troubled with my kidneys. My back ached so 1 could not sleep, and my ankles were so swelled I could pot walk. A neighbor iold Inc about Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 of two boxes and before 1 had the iirst, one tekon '1 felt it chssngo 1 cannot .recommend your medicine enough." slowl Zurich:—The local flax millwill Pe euro and gel: Doan's Kidney Pills ot sow any fax this year, • 68e. a Mit et, ral dealevs or mailed • box; a maple leaf Hai trademark; price when you ask for tholn. An thlong gray Miltilurt' eir'rbt;r;tirintite'dr, :1"'Ulor.e'L; OT.!L' 11.1.