HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-5-19, Page 4• t Office Phone 30, House Phone p 7he rage e � For Sale byHarland Bros. to, ITEMS OF INTEREST TO PUBLIC F • THE DOMINION , BRITISH AND FOREIGN Thos. Clappow, 'an East Whitby ! ;,The `Japanese House of Peers has re - farmer, died suddenly at work in his jested the Woman's Rights 'Bill. field, ft S. legislation is likely for the ex- Geeo, W. Pitt, Civil War veteran, cusion of German dyes by high duty, falls to his death out of window at Premier Brtand was given a vote of London. ' confidence yesterday,, by the French Six Chinese students sent by Gov- 'Chamber. <•' comment to study railway operations • An army of Friars, the advance guard en C. P. R. • of a big religious revival is ready to Hamilton will provide glasses for tour London. pupils needing them whose . y arents i Chicago will allow Red banners in cannot buy them, parade,onl'May i. Thos. Haggard, tanner, near Calarks- President Harding reviewed the At - burg, Ontario, instantly killed by a' !antic fleet yesterday. • piece of blasted stone, I Supreme Council of the allies will Subscriptions to the Laurier .donu- ' meet tomorrow in London. went fund' to date total $34,913.87.1 Four Sinn Feiners were executed in Deputy chief says there were 74 Cork on Thursday morning. motor fatalities 'in Toronto last year, ! , Prohibitionists •iin the U. S. are seek- Shriners' 'million. dollar fungi may ing to nrake the•Volstesd law more apply to two Toronto children's hos- 1 drastic. British Rahway then are refusing • to pitals. move coal trucks until the strike is Forest fires are . raging in Muskoka settled. district. iNo German Cabinet has yet been 'Chas, Cooper died suddenly on the ,formed. street in Guelph: ' . Rich Strike of free gold reported ` Berlin is preparing to reject the allies ,Port Arthur.- I ultimation. )tear , Biifter'drops 10c at Beftev-ille cream - 1' "e,t`y; selling vvhoi'esae at 32 c. {I Knights of Columbus to discontinue 1 insurineCanadian members, Sugar refinery plants:Saf,Gttiethaln ed Kitchener to cease operations; 71 ; i •.e tolihmi'iton. to grant Gas �o, 75c'i'aGte ';.- lfor.inaturallgas to -May and )},µme.,• • Dominion , Rifle Assocition's 'Bisley v team,.cortipli;ted.. •' Arthur Walker killed 'felinl '10e:fee; t: at Conigas mine. Transport' workers join coal strikers. ' 'Ll: -George says Pot arm if Germany doei. French troops are borkizrs of the Ruhr • 'Aldershot saidiers day night ,and looted • British' transport. coal: situation today, Gern1ahs are arming on the west side of: tile' Oder, River r } ' •.•Commissioner Henderson finds coal Berlin panties shoal disposition to ac- cept,the allied ultimatum. L cot 'bine my British Colaniiia. `• � .� ;.., (r was ral'ded Dublin's iiational bankby Lower rail rates divert much grain ,•` from Buffalo to Canadian ports. banllitt;' and $.25;082®' stolen. In Britain may and should dis- missing on the area. rioted on Saturd- shops. workers discuss The Clinton New Era R. &iooI (]3y 1%19\ of English li, L'l'1 FVATleit, U, D„' Tgao for B hie- In the Moody Bible. Institute or Chicago.) (©, 1021, western Newspaper Union.) LESSON F.OR MAY 22 THE CHRISTIAN VIEW OF THE FAMILY. Ll0$$ON TIDX2'-Luise 10:22-42; 2:51, 62; Il. Tim. 3:14,10. GOLDEN TEXT -Children, obey your Parents in all things: for this Is well - pleasing unto the . Lord, Fathers, pro- voke not your children to anger, lest they be diseouraged.-Col. 2:20, 21., REFERENCE MATERIAL -Col, 2:10= 20• II Thn, 1:2.0; Tit. 2:1-2, 'PRIMARY TOPIC -helping to Make Rome Nappy. - JUNIO11 TOPIC -Making Home Happy, INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC -Being a Christian at I•Iome. TOTING LT TOPIC The ChristianIdeal or FaLE AND m ily ly Lifee. Your Daughter . . S your daughter at that critical age, approach- ing n. ing womanhood, whe nothing is so important to her as' mother's care and mother's advice? It is during this time that her whole future health and happiness may be at stake. With most girls this im- portant development takes place at a time when school work is most exacting and the nervous system is Conse- quently under a most severe strain. An enormous quantity of rich; red Blood is necessary to meet the demands of the system, and, this' failirl4, there is the development of anaemia, chlorosis or some form of nervous trouble, such as St, Vittts' dance; Most mothers now know. about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and the promptness with which it enriches the blood and builds up the nervous system of the grow- ing girl. It is mother's duty to see that a rcrasonable amount of rest and sleep is obtained, that the food its wholesome and nutritious, and that the treatment is used regularly and persistently so as to keep up an abundant su ply of pure, riche nourishing blood. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food SO cents a box. All dealers, or it"'i r.:in3on, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto. The portrait and signature of A. 'W. Chase, IyLD., are en every box of the genuine. Ther Lesson Committee has made nn infelicitous cholee•uf title for this lees - sou. The teacher would better ignore it and give himself to rhe' explanation o1' the passe Cs of Scripture selected, as they are of 1101110150 importance, N 1. The Behavior of Martha and Mary When 'Jesus Was In the Home (Luke 10:88-42). The attitude of Martha and Mary toward Jesup was the same; they both loved IIim _sincerely. 1. Jesus welcomed inti Martha's home (v. $0). Though Jesus had no home of His own, Into this home lie could come at any time and throw off, the restraints incident to a public min. istry. Hew pleasant It Is to enter a home where one caia feel "at home"! In Martha's home Jesus. was weliomed for what Re was, not for "WA He might appear to be.' This ho was 111s special retreat in tate last days of Ills Ilfe on 'earth. 2. Mary sitting at Jesus' feet t(e. 89). Though this was Martha's home, her sister Mary lived with her, Mary had a peculiar spiritual iusight which prompted her to sit nt Jesus' feet and listen to His words. 'Tire real piece to hear Jesus' word' is at His feet. Let no one hnagbte that Mary slid not' render nits service. The little word "also" Implies that she had taken , her turn et service. 3. Marsha's ea:mihlint qv. 4(1). She was (10sir0110 of preparing the very hest possible meld for Jesus he'cllise she loved hint, she n+nc tnis%ukW, us to - W11111 pleased ,lesna. Ile emelt prefers the tore Wheel c'etu'erns itself with flint than for lits. becnose of her failure to perceive Rltls ala• 01)0 "cumbe"ui about ankh serving: Her serving got on her nerves; she hernme distracted. In her dlstrnetion she not oily found Malt with Mary, but even censured Jesus for .uilewing Mary to sit at His feet while the diener was not finished. In order to serve Jesus without distraction one host first art at Ills feet and listen to His words, This gives personal poise. 4. Jesus' reply (vv. 41, 42), (1) 4ale rebuked 1lirirtha, telling her that she was careful and troubled about many things: Those who xme concerned with the Master are anxious for noticing (l'hil.,4 ))• ,The one, Mao needful iferl every'(tite ii to sit at .lesees' fieyti'i;i'Jie time tf elinose this .tsbl-0i • Is th' e the day. of'xauhsitine.. (2i L•;el !roinntitti11s- Mary r.:Wiry (ui'1 h bhost n part Whit! shnit lot;'be taken axvay." Thgse-whn. choose this good pntd'•can- not be,robbed of itfttty.elreewstuntes; friends, or foes. 11. Jesus,ethe Obedient Son Mahe 2:51, 52). Although Jesus wetstx'1nSCious of Bre deity end divine mission, He rendered due obedteuce as to faithful son. Slate Ile was• known as the earpetrter'S teen (Matt. 13:554, and the tyarOenter (Mark 6:8), it is reasonable to mop - pose that Ale assisted Joseph in dais work as a carpenter, and after Jo- seph's death Re, as the eldest son off the family, continued with the trade to support the faartly. Indeed, tradi- tion has it that soon after they fumed Him in the temple at the age of twelve, Joseph died leaving the ease of the fatuity upon nitre. The obedient child Is teeny about his father's bus- iness when running errands for moth- er in loving obedience to her regiest. Irl. Timothy's Home Training (Ii Tisa. 3:14, 15). This is a picture of a real Christian hoa$e. prom a child, that Is, a baste, Titnothy was taught the Moly Scrip- tures (v, 15). This teaching wee not done In the Sunday 5014001, lout in t4ie home of his mother (11 Tion. 1:5). The 'Sunday school can never take the place of home teaching, Timothy hail a godly telemetry, His mother hod the geed sense lo 1111 lois it)ititt with the word of God before It heiatne pre- occupied with other `dlings. The rea- son this Is se lmpoid:ant is beoauso the Scriptures are 510(1 -breathed, and able to slake one wise, The wisdom which Is obtained Froin the Scriptures toads to Christ, the only Savior, 10 whom alone to estivat :en (Acts 4:12). * *MEN AND 5 EVENTS .r a M * # 1i * 0.. -4 * +k 1i Hen. E, K. Spinney, Member of the Meighen cabinet without portfolio, who introduced the new "patron- age" bill in the commons. A WOMAN'S HEALTH NEEDS GREAT CARE When the Blood Becomes Watery a Breakdown Follows Every woman's health.fs depen- dent upon the condition of her blood. How many women suffer with head- ache, pain in the back, poor appetite, weak digestion, a constant feeling of weariness, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, pallor and ner- wousnessl Of course all these symp- toms may not be present -the more ifhere are the worse the condition of :the blood, and the more necessary that you should begin to enrich it without delay, Dr, Williairis' Pink Pills are a splendid blood -building tonic. Every dose helps to make bet - SIR HENRY DRAYTON'S - BUDGET IN BRIEF The Government's taxation proposals to meet the estimated expenditure of over $435,000,000 for ell purposes except betterments and investments are as follows. 1. Dropping of business profits tax. 2 Elimination of the few remaining luxury taxes, such as on confection- ery, ery, 3. No general revision of the tariff, but: certain 'Changes made to implement tt•ade agreements with France and with the British West Indies. c5lRH•DRAYTON 4. Notice is given of two changes to be made in the Customs Act. The purpose of the first is to secure a more efficient carry- out of the poinciple of the existing pro- visions, and has to do with the valua- tion on which duties are assesseed. The act at present provides that the value shall be "the fair market value, when sold for home consumption, in the principal markets of the country, whence and at ,the time when the goods were exported directly to Can- ada." The amendment will add to chis "such value in no case to be lower than the wholesale price there- of at suchtime and place", and in addition provides that value for duty shall not be less than the actual Lost of production of similar goods at date of shipment direct to Canada, plus a ter blood which goes to every part of reasonable profit' thereon. Tlii rsday, M ,y 19th, 1921 VERY HEM SPRAY Lim Sulphur With Arsenicals for the Orchard. A Combined Fungicide and lnsecti- e.tda'-CIet the night Aesetutio 01' Lend Stomach Worm Moss Preventable. (contributed by Ontario I)Cpe rtlitent :11 Aft rlculture, 'roroatuJ - The time isagainat hand for lay - Ing plans for the summer care of the orchard and garden and Nothing that can be done will be found to give better paying returns than the careful control of insect and fungus attacks. It has been computed by reliable - authorities that an annual toll o1 10 per cent, is taken by the inroads of these enemies of the farm - the body apd brings new health to weak, despondent people, Dr. Wil- liams'. PinkPills. are.. valuable to all Those Without Fault. Anil I looked, sed in, tt Ll1rnb stood on the Mount Mori, and wlfl) him an Min:teed and folly utas four tlionserel, having the ii'nther'a name written In their foreheads, And in their temente was found no guile: for they etre with - mot fault before the threne of Gott- tiovetation J9:1, 3 The other amendment relates to the valuation for customs purposes of foreign currencies. The present sus women but they are particularly ase- teens practise is to convert the foreign. ful to girls of school age who become depreciated. -currency into Canadian pale, languir and nervous. There can on the basis of existing exchan e be neither health nor beauty without rates, It Is proposed that no8re- red blood which gives brighfness to ,duction in excess of fifty per cent. the eyes and color' to the cheeks and •of the standard or proclaitp d value lips. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build will be allowed, •' no natter what the up the blood as is shown by the ex- exchange rate is. When the rate of perience of Mrs. Jos. E. Veniottte, exchange is adverse to Canada, the West Northfield, N. S•, who says: value for duty will be computed at "For. several years 1 was in a bad the rate of eiichange existing at.::tile state of health, I was pale and,•mer0- date of shipment of the goods. ous, my . appetite was poor, 'and P 5. •sc, ,nick -stringent regalatious suffered faom weakness,' Headaches farctng'every imported article to have and a feeling of oppression. I got so cpuntgy of origin plainly stamped upon nervous that I was afraid to stay nt the house atone. All this time I was 1 a• t ' v " •' Gt. Chdiigfitlpre.setil •excise duty of taking medicine, but it only did not help nie, but i was growing weaker. three dollars a gallon' dhxapiri.tsland Fleetly 1 decided to try 1)r.• Williams' hyo dollars additional duty ' tender the Pink Pills, and after using six boxes luxury taxes/ twee:: straight ten dollars er on hie various Crops and that this loss increases' many fold where pro- per precautions are not, taken. 1n extreme cases complete destruction of some crop has sometimes been known, to oecul through failure to give care, or ttu'ougb neglect of the right stops at the right time. In this connection it will be found that there is nothing that can be done that will give more satisfactory returnsonthe ievestntent than a small outlay in money and time on spraying and dusting. But it must be done intelligently or time and money will be squandered; and the leading essential hero is the choice of the proper remedy, and the correct compounding and applying of it.. One of the most outstanding and effective remedies in use to -day is the lime -sulphur solution mixed with an arsenical. This combination gives a combined insecticide and fungicide effect, a teatn play which is very fre- quently required during the growing season, insects and fungi often giv- ing trouble at the same time on the same plant. The advantage of mix- ing the two and applying them together is obvious - the cost'. of application is exactly one-half what it would he had tbey to be separately applied. But care in marking this combined spray must . be exercised. Some arsenicals cannot be mixed with lime - sulphur. Paris green, long the most - popular bug exterminator, and still extensively used where quick results are desired, will 'destroy fully 35 per cent. of the efficiency of the lime- sulphhr wash 11' mixed with it, and, what is far worse, this mixture Will badly damage leaves and other ten- der parts of plants. It follows, there- fore, that Paris green, though a powerful poison insecticide, cannot be used along with lime sulphur wash as a combined spray. On the other hand arsenate of lead has given de- cided satisfaction in this respect and it is quite probable that the newer arsenical, calcium arsenate, is also suitable, to combine with lime - sulphur. But the chief purpose of this arti- cle is to draw attention to the hitherto little recognized fact in connection with the use of arsenate of lead along with lime -sulphur that there are two kinds of arsenate of lead, chemically, one of which is more fitted for combining with lime- sulphur- than is the other. Acid ar- senate of lead destroys nearly 30 per cent. of the efficiency of the lime - sulphur, whereas. neutral arsenate' bf lead, the other kind, only destroys 9 per cent. In other respects, these two forms of the lead arsenate are equally useful to combine with lime- sulphue solation to get a dual pur- pose spray'. If, however, when using the acid arsenate of lead, 37,ta pounds of finely sifted, and fresh hydrated lime be mixed into the lime -sulphur solution along' with every 1 pound of the arsenate used (which is us- ually 1 pound to,every 40 gallons of the lime -sulphur solution) the de- struction of the efficiency of the lime - sulphur is reduced to 8 per cent. (practically the same' as the ven- tral).- If this practice be followed when the acid variety of the arsenate is being used it does not matter which of the two forms of this ar- senical is- used in making lime - sulphur arsenate spray, as equally satisfactory results are obtained with either. This precaution in Connection with combining lime -sulphur and lead ar- senate bedomes especially important In view of the fact that practically all the lead arsenate now put on the market is of the acid variety. It is therefore recommended that when- ever using arsenate of lead and lime - sulphur as a combined spray, unless the kind of arsenate is knower to be neutral, the practice of using hydrat- ed lime along with it be always followed -B. L, Fulmer, 0. A. Col- lege, Guelph. Peace. wilt iteep him in petted Healy!, whose Uloid le stayed on ,Thee* w Cense he isussetti in !ih.e,-'I.li[ta sts :a. 1 felt much better. 1' hada better ap- petite, slep better and felt stronger. However, t! continued taking the pills for a couple (if months longer and now 1 am feeling as wen as- ever •'t did. t give all the credit to Dr. Williams'. Pinl- Pills, and hope that jny experieni:e may be of benefit to some other weak customs rate.'' :a 1. •1•r, ' '7',' btccise' "tax • of eight 'to fifteen cents a pack on playing cards. et the time 4f safe by , tanadixiti" manufac- turer or when taken. frim' :Custom Iid'us&, 1 8... Excise tate 0f' thirty ,cents a gallon on wines of all ' kinds except woman," !sparkling wines. You can get Dr. WlIiams' Pink Pills q, Excise tax of three dollars per through ally dealer in medicine or by gallon on champagne and .other. spark - mail 04 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 Kern The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine 'Go., . Brbckville, Ont'. ling. wines ,when taken from Canadian w,anufacturer; but. not when exported; excise tax on distilled spirits of $9 a gallon, with rebate of 99 per. cent. G, P. R. and C. N. Rys, agree to of defies caro alcohol to hospitals on spirits actually , used for ,medicinal transport laborers to harvest iv West at purposes, and being only $2,4.0 a gal- eversion rates, Ion when used for patent and proprie- I0 Mode IOWELt - tary medicines and phallwaceutical .,, preparations, which was the tate is effect before last year, H ie, increase of preseet tax on Msv. 11laltlhlhft.r Of They I i sales of inanafacturers, wholesalers, 1 BECOME C,N TIPATE$ i jobbers and importers, front one and two per cent. rates on domestic traris- t 1 actions to 134 ani 3 per cent„ respec- If the truth were only known it, would tively, and the import rates from 1 be found that half the ills of Me lire and 3 per cent. rates to 2% and 4 caused by constipation, f when the bowels cease W work k properly alt the per cent., respectively, the exemptions ens of the body Neosho deranged• being foodstuffs in their natural states !t, rem motion of the bowels, every tai tirNai sale of farm prodhce by the s rhould be the rule of everyone who farmer of Nis own production, and aligns to perfect health. Keep y our bowels regular by, thea of the first products of fisheries, mines Milburn's Laxa-Laver Pills and y willand forests, have a no constipation no bilious or sick headaches or any otter trouble/ arising 1t. Two dollars license' fee for CZ You aro not antiowit n „ u m you I1.90 Dr. Chase's Otnt- wont rsr Lrczeata and bkpt ltrita- tluub, 11 relieves at once and gtadu- allyy !wale 1110 skin, SPwpte box Ar, Uhase'o Ohttment free 1f you mentionthle paper and send20. stamp for p06ut 0. 600, a, pox• Widowers orl:dmauson, Bates & 00. I,E ,tultetl. Toreeto THOMAS GUNDRY Live stook and gerferal Auction 680 C QDERIOH ONT satai3121211 Via a amicaeUt, 5)5(1864 s4, NEW PAS o oe, Clinton, amen sly attend_e Tortillareaeoanhle, ]Partners' sale norm. Ieeaattoll: teomawrong5lct5oflof,,hetivercarboNB; every matitlfaaturer and business man iltri. Ci. Brown, a etrittville , wviteE-'-•"I have been troubled for affected by above sales and excise 1211. Yea" with eoaetipation, and trYing t2. All of these taxes go into effect ♦arrow% ow -caned remedies, which did m no good whatever; I was persuaded n on May to, friend to try lNilbw's's Lsria-Liver Pirie, world* of {cod They kayo done me • They are indeed a aptendid pili tint( I ea: heartily recommend these to ail who w es. Froin cowith patie 4tlbian'e laza-Liver Pilta are 288. a *lel ad all dealers, or Wailed (Med on witusal_JOse tey'rho T. ;Hilburn Co., The New Err would be pleased to have repass hand In the names of their i`s tors, It is. a courtesy to the visitor, and it helps to nrake the personal column of the newspaper more interesting, Better Pay The Price Don't be tempted to olauone cheap g jewelery. Liar better to p y a fair p1'Ioe and know exactly what Vnu are gettih , You will never be sorry -for as a matter of money, it is easily the most economical. Ttat bas omen said so often that everybody - by this time should know it -and yet there is no scercily of cheap jewelry in teeland Now to get personal -If you wou,J like to miss that wort altogether - COME HERE If you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities .ane dealt in-OOMB LURE And even at that, no person ever said our prices were unfair W. R. Counter Jeweler and Optician ti cr u1 Marriage Licenses ON , HAND -_R•--- Bran Shorts, Oil Cake Ground Corn, Salt and Tankage BEFORE BUYING See all Prices on Government Golandard White and Yellow Blossom and • Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Red Clover and Timothy Also a Quantity of Wood For Sale. 1. A. Ford & Son Stomach Worm Loss Preventable. Animal busbandry division men at the University of Minnesota Farm say that sheep owners of the state have suffered great losses among their docks by reason of the stomach worm. The lambs suffer the most. "The blest preventive and, the one most easily given," says hilip A. Anderson of the division, "is copper sulphate or bltie stone, as it is often known. Make a 1 per cent. solution by dissolving one-quarter of a pound of the blue stone in a pint of boiling water, adding cold water to make three gallons, being sure that a clear solution is obtained and always las- ing an earthenware or a wooden receptacle, The dose for lambs, ac- cording to size, is three-quarters of an ounce to one and one-half ounces; for older sheep, two and one-half ounces to three ounces. An ordinary tablespoon holds one-half ounce. "A veterinarian's syringe can be used, but care must be exercised in not pushing the plunger of the syringo too rapidly, as the eo11511nn may enter the 1'ti' ti and give trouble, This treatment should be repeated to tea days or two weeps or, it the dock le badly lnfusted, t.ivn •a.' tactor tinea datring soaa0)is a1 intervals of 10 deri." Phone 123 DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST - Crown and Bridge Work a Speclailla radiate of C.O.D.S... Chicago. end P,0,D,8 Toronto ayeeld es Mondays, Mar let to D DR. II. FOWLER., ' DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special Dere taken to make dental net MOM ae paintese as noedible. Piano Tuning Mr. James Doherty wishes to ie• form the public that be is pre pared to do . line piano tuning. tone regulating, and repairing Orders left at W. Dohertys phone 61, will receivenromvt attention. DR. J. C. GANDIER OFFICE HOURS , +i 1.30 p. m, to 3.30 .p. s 7.30 p. at. to 9.00 p. Tn. Sunday 12.30 to 1.30 Other hours by appointment en** Office at Residence, Victoria Street W. BRYDONI5 BA•RItISTER SOLI.OITOR NOTAK PUBLIC, ETO OOINTON H. T. .RANCE! Notary Public, Conveyancer,. b'ivancial and Real Estate INSIIKANCS AGENT-Representlna 14 Pres ausarten Companies.. Division Court Ocoee. Q. D. Mcigggars Pd. U. MoToggat McTaggart Bros, tetlrtxeRs ALBERT ST , CLINTO General napkins HasllSUM transacted 8OTEB .DISUOUN1'EO Dolts issued. Interest allowed • demean The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance et). Perm and Isolated Town Free' arty Only Lasered. Head Ofalee-Seatorth, Ont Olken ' 1 J. Connolly. Godsrldb, Prfsidsets Jot Evans, Buchw.od, VIce-Preltdk la rhos. E. Hays, Saatorih, Secrete* Treasurer. Alas. Leitgl4 No. 1, Melees Marra Hlnckl.yy; S.Ntortk WO. Cki iy 11 neendrillet J. W. Ye , Otdideht /smith, arodiagea. illsoanmet W. Oinks H di JMts Je dosM evwain s iron► MOO woods >ftlok ' 7•11k. D. it, 1J1041i 3, i1. 6f1 N. Ws** *aAMr PsiMA 11.1004 llfe> it fill. S.