HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-5-19, Page 3PE FOUR On the olci pringti was out driving a theee-horSO loam on the disc harrow," writes Mr, 'Edward Crane, of Kieburn, Ont.," when Part of the harness braise. White fixing It, one of the horses hided out and knocked lay arO1 against thesharp edge 'of the harrow. I was severely cut about the elbow and wrist. "Not being able to leave work to get the wound dressed, dirt got into it, and xny arm grew so tiff and palatal (bat it looked as if I was in for a bad time, As soon as I could, I washed the Wound and dressed it with Zato,Bulc, Next day the arm was much less sore, and the stiffness less troublesome, 5 continued to use herbal Zam.Balt freely and in a few days It Fielded the injuries spleedidly. Zam-liuk should be on every farm," Zatu-Duk is the opurest, safest and most wonderful healing substance in the world, invaluable for eczema, ulcers, ringworm, poisoned sores, burns, scalde, pimples, boas, and other spring skin eruptions, 1 All dealers Me, box, 8 for 41.28, or from Zam-Buk Go., Toronto. MAGGIE MOORE MAI I seen ,ye out of ye bed, my dear,",, Old Mrs, McGee; It's the long epoll ye'Ve had then )wry Months," The Pain i,i the Woman's eyes hurt niggle like a sudden stet), 'Whitt do you do for her?" she aSked, "What does the doctor eay?" "He hasn't been ‘itere for a couple of months, There'S no use in the man troubling' himself to viSit, He says she' wants good food and flesh air; but them things are no /so' easy conte at, she's that weak she can't si outside, and the window doesn't open. And ye know yerself, Maggie Moore, that good food's scarce this time of year, The cow has run dry. and the praties are not fit to dig, and she doesn'ttake the Indian meal porridge--;---" "Oh, don't1" Mee Maggie in a burst of anguish. "I can't bear it!" She hidet her faee• in her hands and her body shook with sobs. Mary put out her hand and touched the visitor's shoulder, • 'Whisht, Maggie! What's griev- Ing ye? she asked. "Sure, aren't I right comfortable here? What would 1 be doin' with sweet snllk and potatoes—me that has no appetite eat a bite?" Maggie sat ep and dried her eyes. "Now, look here, Mrs. McGee," she said firmy. "I am your neigh- bour and I have plenty of money, I have got more than 1 can ever use, so you must let me give yin; everything that will be good for her. She must have the very be'st of food and she, must have a couch that you can wheel her out of doors on, and tlie doctor must come to see her every day. She can easily be cured if we take proper care, and I'm going to see about it at once. You shall have a nurse from Dublin who will know just what to do„ and if necessary we'll build her 'On open-air shelter outside where she can have a proper fresh - air cure. It's wicked that in the beautiful place any one should want common necessities," Continued Next Week She reached her destination after many halts and pauses by 'the way. The cottage was almost hidden a- mong the.gray rocks on what ap- peared to be an inaccessible ledge of ground. A turf stack and a red - painted cart were the first evidences of a human habitation, and after a careful search she found the rough cart track that led up to the cottage.. At the sound of her , footsteps a dog rushed out, barking wildly, but a' woman who came to the -doorway called him back. "Sailor, Sailor, come here!" she called. "There's warmers for ye— barkin' at a stranger!" Maggie went up to her. "Are you Mrs., McGee?" ask- ed. "I am Maggie Moore from Tal - lack, Peggy-laie sepi)Me with some butter for Mary." • "Yer welcome; . said the woman, with a smile. "Come in! Ye'll be tired after 'welkin' in that hot sun." She led the way into the cottage. 'Hee' Maggie Moore come over . to see ye, Meryl" At first, blinded by the glare of the seri,. laggie could " distinguish nothing; but as her eyes became ac- customed to the dime light she saw a poor , bare room with whitewashed wille and ' rough gray -flagged' floor. .A small fire 'of turf burned on the open hearth, • A 'table stood by the' Nttle4indoW, 'and' round the walls were a few old chairs and creepy tools. The roof shove was black with smoke, and over 'hell the room stretched e' sort of loft where brown fishing -nets were Stored. . le'ilaSe,;11!e yr,' "I%ggler rfft, to See yel•'` canis "voice from the corner of the tire. ' • ; hiaggiei''' turalir in' that' direction; saw In tite"liali • darkness wooden bed and an ekiePl''fa'de regarding her: For a ' -10 seemed' 'intposSible thkt an Minton ' being cc:el/del:re: lye in,g 10. that4'"brixiika gait ORO was stretched • and: the' *014 went on-- %dom.:6*er hcre.., till I see y„e keirettlt of from MO! Aro* The Clinton New Era Reel:ewe—A very quiet wedding was solemnized at the Main Street Par- sonage, Rxeter, on Thursday, April 28th at 6 o'clock when Miss 11, Mac Hodgert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WilIlam Ittelgert was united in marr- Inge to Mr.' Roy Coward, son of Mr, and Mrs. George Coward, Sr,, of Us - borne, the ceremony being Perform- ed by the Rev, W, G. 11, McAllister, Colborne Township:—Last , week the members of Zion South church gathered Si the home of 'their pastor, Rev. W H. Campbell, prior to the departure of himself and family to his new charge at • Elmwood, Bruce Co., and presented him with a purse of money. 401.ace'saitle's: WtotheI;drsW fotfaiad ha to Otta ti6dulok atillierf" ! Noosed Oft' 'eflair the ititt'own with- out n VoPIP:vIlteNied "to cry, to turn iltr 'Aayllrbiri",hoth mot; her ariitrilakihieit an 'WOO her heart Out, .9tay.im'Aefoi'V•iingri life 'had: Slivi seen.' anythihg,that.ha4 hurt. her so Soreli•as•this• - • -poOr. bare kitchen' and this Uffsirl, ihurup in that, corner without 'sir or iiglier while all the world' Was ^SO beantlful outside.' She looked at Mary, and was amazed, at the girl's beauty. tie soft dark. hair' hung in a 'heavy plan' -wets one shoulder; her deep blue ' ey'es' were veiled by long black lashes; but her cheeks were flushed with vivid COlOO? that "eontrasted, with the white—alniost waxen—skin. "Oh, mOtheri Isn't she beauti- io' behold?" cried Mary. "An' deesn't she, fit blue? Patsy Brogan was right when he said ya were fox il the world li'ze aI leen!" She eg.e. e a little laugh I 1 pleasure. "I nan till ye l'rn gli b ye come to see , "America must be the floe place," : said her 'mother enviously. "ill the girls thrt goes there conies hack like ladles!" Mrs), nodded. "Deed, !i'd have been ,away there 'myself :long ago if it wasn't for moth - ;her," she said; "but wo'd look after the place if I got up out of my bed 'find left her?' tc. USE RAZ -MAH NO Smoltinu—NO Spraying—No Snuff Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing, stop unions gatherings in the bronchial tubes, g,tve long nights of quiet sleep; contains no habit-forming drug. $100 at yowl drug- gist's, Trial free at our agencies or write Tenaplerons, 149 Xing W., Toronto. LOCAL AGENT J. E MOM "NEUMTITI FOLLOW' THE FLU. Bayfielth—Mr. Hugh McKay has been appointed by the government as inspector of works now being done neglects to do so in season until some at the piers by Weston Bros., who re- aihnent peculiar to her sex has fastened ceiveci the contract, itself upon her. When so effected Blythi—Definite plans are not laid 1,7nin'Tvniega5ertartlYe. lalnpsigkassioPmisnidcy. for the opening of the new Memorial that has been wonderfully successful in Community Hail. On Sunday J en e restoring health to suffering women. 5th, a union service will be held, an LyIcUmtkhilsvinekti!gmalsighiLerhtetdavebtotohmat. Sunday and the following three even- pound will he you, write to Lydia E. ings will be gven to a' series of splen- FinkharnMedicine Co. ccos_fiderstial): did concerts. Blyth may we" feel , Levine Mass.oiod!orre aadd:iinetansIv2lreeit:ytear proud of the new hall, one of the woman, and held in strict confidence. finest structures of its kind in West- ern Ontario.' rradeit Cotton Root Cmpapt Itemoved by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, Nleaford, Ont —"I took Lydia E. libss hainie Vo etable Compound for baelcaehe,,And I also had a female weak - noes I felt dizzy and nervone, and was without energy, I had to force myself to do my work,and was always tired. Saw a Pinkham ad- vertisement which induced me to take the Vegetable Corn - pound, and my back , f gradually stopped. ach ng and I felt lighter %n spirits. I am recommending the Vegetable Com- pound with measure to all I meet who Meaford, Ont. Tgursday, May 19th, 1921 complain as did."—MILDRAID Euseox, Woman's Precious Gift The one which she ehould meet zea1. ously goard is her health; but she often The epidemic of "flu" left in its train many weak hearts and serious nerve troubles. Mrs. L. Wilson, 63 Ridout St, King- ston, Ont., writes:—"Over two years ago I wee taken very ill with Spanish influenza, followed by neuritis of the head, high blood presfeure and congestion of the brain, and I was left in a very weak state. My heart and nerves were so terribly bad I would have weak, fainting spells, sometimes twice a day. It really seemed to me my heart would stop.beating. I doctored, and they seemed to do all they could for me, but I grew so bad, day after day, they thought I could not get better. I had given up all hopes of ever getting well, as I was failing very fat. It seemed to me it was a God -send when Flooked in the paper and read about Milburn's Heart and Nerve thought that there was • a little 'hope where there was a spark of life lift: ucbcomcnqed taking them .right away, 'aid I tun note. on n4...fifth 'box, and •ci1yr s'wam a lo'g bottet. tsuly thlri i that if it had not ,beWfor your 'wonderful. rnedoiuc 1 ,yronkLinsit be beenr bete-At/yr." Race 60oi.A..tala at AU. madam ,oe' wtoll •d' ihP,1011;44,110,..- SO. • S;•-: el,satinii;e7+7s—sirsi---es—selersi... • ; • • , nie ; ended it (. `r. • • .1 4-11". ilittetritOtit. Viossoiebirefito bytit, ftli(iiscelitimietith ltirfrettht 4 • trigathali441d us the:OdiOadruNgitild the•710tiziago •OfferedAiiiitn -thargeis, britkitabiy»tlitglinglirigr ;hat Izeen that it would make OrnetiniiITY ney who died from a stroke of paralysis recently at flardistry, Alberta were ifrthibt to the twine of bis coeSin. Mr; George 11, MCCartney' Mill road, Tuck- ersisslth ,ft0111 whence the flUieral was hild on Siinclity April 10th. There WaS it are atendence. The remains were laid to Yost beade those of his father and mother 10.138Ird's cemetery. Seaforth;—The town council has torn down the old band stand in Vie- toria park and Mr. R, Prost is engaged .in building a new one at the foot of the park, This is being erected 'on a cement block foundation, and the floor will be three feet from the ground. revision, was 52,433,743. The in- crease this year is therefore $161,319. Safe, eliable Oeftwatz..6 Port Albert:—Seldom is more wide- r nedieine. 14.1d is throe de. spread sympathy called forth than"was [frees, of streugip.—No. 1, 51 2, N.,. , 83; No..3, $5 per 6.0 I caused by the death of Mr. Francis „r ,rou pamphlet. addreral I Fold ly all &tentage, or sent day nfOrni mg April 241h, lifter a gham, which occurred on Sen- t/lei:1c, 0000K ioNf ET.: C.un 111:1 TpRONTO..01111, Maur* Windsor.) lingering illness, at the age of eighty- Seaforthi—Capt. Kerbyson, who two years. The late Mr, Cunningham has had charge of the Salvation Army WAS it native of Dromore, County Try - here for the past year, was married one reland, and came to this count - in Toronto on Thursday to Capt. Rob- ry with his parents while quite young, eytson, of that city. Benmillerf—Rev, H. F. Kennedy had Segforthf—The public school was the misfortune to fall and fracture one closed Wednesday at noon for a week as a precaution against an out- break of diptheria, Exeter:—Orby Kestle's horse broke loose in the James Street Church sheds on Sunday morning last during the hour of worship. It ran through the lane to the east of the church ' and the wheel o fthe buggy struck the different posts. Every spoke in .one of the wheels were torn out. The horse got free of the buggy and ran ep town where it way captured. Kippen:—Mr. W. E. M. Altkee, M. A., (Toronto), Ph, D. (Har- vard), sometime Thayer Fellox" of the American School oe Reserch in Jerusalem, has just been appointed to the staff of History in the Technical School at Toronto. This is the larg- est and best technical school in America, and has an attendance of well over 10,000 students. The initial salary is, $A,40o: Dr. Aitken Was re- geetly minister of St. Andrew's ,cfnieriehi:—Two yoag sse, one .0d one from Colborne, 'ware before".,Maiist Este. Reid on West.. ,ise?ay pn charges of insanity, The ,inen front As,hiield '.Was committed to he ,f„ondon' ...Atyl,qtn, and a postpone- .the•other o'ae '•until urther .cOuld be 'tted. • sit mi b Gun Cub in- 'hskaingz A ' Shoothig 'touiriament i• ,; , • 'on,„Pla'y _.4.t,h, • .• 4-Ukor,Us• • of 1Wenty- of our nmed with•sqew.rdrIers, whencl,t- es laid ielge on lheY. M. C. A, build- an4, ex- sictad" Ii1ied tsti, . !AiisifosIst-:44r,; too. 4.tiAt9iy, -,4as disposed of his effects 7iind•,.Anten4S move •Jtis Ondly 10Miami, .Aayi:q reported llie..;1..wAter,rrIcs ,s1p,bgntin4;....to the amount of $7,400 were sold .on Sapf,dpr lest to the Merchants yire 01V20e Company, , of Wironto, at par. Rate orinterest 61/2 'per cent. , Senforth:—The SeattlekPost-Intelli- pnCqkif 'April t8th, gives ,an ac- c'eunt Of 'an auto accident in which LaWrence Murphy was killed and his wile probably fatally 11110.0. The late Me. MurphY was a former cit - lien Of Siaforth and brother 'of the 'late Dean MuYphy,- Of St. COlumban, was i the grocery business in 'Se'dttle. Goderich:—The assessment of the town of Goderich for 1921, as an. flounced this week by the assessors, totals $2,595,862, The assessment of 1020, after passing thecourt of noltifgrenee et ale the volatile of budneiss ,beellizse people., •wetntmot buying. at the present time:" ^ ! :Chairman .Clark kiatoreeently made publie!the results•of his inquiry into ' the assertions of ,Floridav fruit andil vegetable shippers that,freigist rateS are now so high thgt, they .annant profitably ship their prodlictsto market. Mr. ,Clark found that ship- ments of Florida fruits and vege- tables between November 1, 1920, and February 28, 1921 aniounted to 28,420 carloads, while' in the eorre- sponding period of the year biro, under the old rates, such shipments had been 26,886 carloads, an increase for the present season of 1,534 Car- loads. The Railway Age asserts that on April 16 the average price paid Pre - rimers for cabbage in Texas was $7 a ton, the freight rate to Chicago was $26.30, including refrigerating charges and Federal tax on freight charges, and total cost laid down in Chicago approximately. 1,000 nilles from the producing fields, was $33,30 a ton, At the same time cabbage was selling at retail in Chicago at the rate of $140 a ton. Texas onion growers received $42 a -ton, freight 'to Chicago was $29.64 a ton. total cost of onions and freight $'11.84 a ton, retail selling pries in Chicago ,$2011 a ton. Fos spinach Texas pro- 'dtmers were receiving $5 a ton, freight rate to Chicago was $30.36 a ton, total of producer's price and freight $tifi.116 . a ton, retail selling trice in Chicago $300 a ton. 0 Sunday, May 29th, will be observed as Canadian Go -to -Sunday School Day. Will you heartily support the plan? Centralia:—Mrs. George Essery met with what might have, proved a very serious accident on Monday, While engaged in house cleaning she went out to bring In a mattress from the balcony and while leaning against ' the railing it gave away nd Mrs, Essery fell to the ground below, sustaining several severe bruises and A sprained wrist. Children. Cry' FOR FLETCHER'S CAST° RIA Crediton:—At the Council meeting held on Monday it was arranged that our Athletic Field be deeded to the Municipality, and that a board of seven directors be appointed to regulate/ the management of the field. Two of the members are selected from the Coun- cil and the five from local organiza- tions which have an interest in: the field. The property cost $850. This has now been paid by the funds . on hand in the Treasury of the local Red Crog Society and the Athletic As- sociation, of his ribs, but is progressing very favorably. Weltnn:—At a meeting of Duff's. church, Walton; and Moncrieff Pres- byterian congregation, held here on Monday afternoon, a unanimous call was made to Rev, E. F. Chandler, of Kilsyth, Owen Sound Presbytery, to become pastor, Grey Township:—Alex. R. McDon- ald, a well known resident of the 3rd Concession had his left hand badly scored by the hook in the halter of a colt that caught his palm. Hensell:—Illessrs. Cook Bros., are enlarging their garage by the addi- tion of thirty-five feet. The new. building is being erected at the back of the Op resent garage and will be one story. Blyth;—Mr. J. H. Leith has pur- chased a plumbing and tinsmith busi- ness in Brussels and Is nqw in, poss- ession. It is expected that Mr. Leith's family, will 'moye to Brussel* la the near future'. • Cray Township:—Word has been received from ,Yencouver ,,B, • C., that Mrs. • D, .Marsh, a :former resident :of thls • township, hadthe misfortune to fall at the.,honie of. her .daught4,,•Mrs. C. W. Gardiner and .when taetesL •up and a ,dpdtor, sent, for the .• forego#11? datinge .was. discovered. .:The. dent. becomes .stil • 1:tha ,seriosiS wen it. Is remenibered..that hirMerAls, 15 past:74 yeses,Of!age.. , • r." P,10.15•*it:a4,127.11:491.1411"" 44sse- P"PS 4.4';4164.1111;g2iggliw' ,i'vsamgiosl Mir :POW. (Of h'",ek I if A • ‘t• 1Trienell.rii PVC!, :.#1.411k4t APciMPA ?SW, arrived ,We 4leagy,S rooming and .wUtsspeiut;a Conplit,of wifIcsiA.Cre his motIteti toot otber He,.has, ,Issst turv‘o frf.pn .the sput4ro Stetes, and, oldextco, eepOrt generallysyery :p.rsisperous in ,that past, of the , coentry. ,For'Infants and iChildre' ,,, n In Use,FOVOlier 30 Yearn Always bears • • • the Signatdre 'Zuelek—LA with114‘ of in tereat to the people of this piece in Den* on April 23rd, when Miss Mabel Rupp was married to Mr. George Rabb': of Detroit. Tuekersrolth Townehipi*The re- mains of 'the Lite Robert Hr. MObart- CON.QUEROW,,..CONSTIOATION • AND SICK -HEADACHE 51 The Great Success of Carter's Little Liver Pills is due to the com- plete satisfaction of all who use them. Not .bY. purging and weakening the, Bowels, but by regulating and strength- ening them. %.• Don't Hesitate—Get a ez,ottle— take one after each meal and one at bedtime. They act as a natural laxative to the Bowels, and a regular and healthy con- dition of the system with freedom from Constipation and Sick headache is the result. They are strictly Vegetable. Srnalli Pill Small Dose Small !Price ei C,OPtalita nelotl bear signature That Brisk, Rich Flavour found in every cup of the genuine 11 `11m 7.14 , ' • ., is the true flavour of the perfectly preserved ' leaf. This . unique flavour has,' won for Salad& the 'largest. sale of auy tea in America. 8832 Brusselsi—A car of fir planking /4600 for them. Team weighed' 2460 from British Coluinbia came to halid 1 cwt. and were in fine fettle. • last week for the Good Roads highway ( Seefortht—Mitchell & Sons have improvement for the culvert and bridge detArtment. New road machine alSO arrived to be utilized for highway bene- fit. Grecliten:1-One day last week a heifer fell in the 50 -ft wen on Sam Finkbeiner's farm, Help was SOOP procured and lid.. Fahner was let down the web to fasten the rope on the ant - Mal. A team of horses was procured and the animal hauled to the sur- face. It soon walked around not much the worse of its expeelence. _ Children -Cry 'FOR1FLETCHER'S 0-AS7r ORIA Morris 'Townshipl—Alex, McLauch- lin, who by the way generally is the owner of something fancy in the equine line, has disposed of Isis draft team to a man in Harristeen. He got xlaTROMIKESEME517 _ts '1 , :;•,. If+, .0 • , r,1#1..s.4,s's—eit rented their garage to 'Mr. James Broughton, of London, who has taken over the businees. He has essociat- ed with him his two sons, one of whom is' an expert mechanic and the other sal expert electrician. ChildrenCry FOR FLETCHER'S ..",' A S .170 R 1 A Walton:—'Congratulations are heart- ily extended to Pastor Button, of the Methodist church, who has been at - •tending Victoria University, Toronto, on his closing year in Arts, He was awarded the Ryerson Prize - in New Testament study in connection with his Theological exam. Award is made for students taking highest standing and is given in books. Mr. Button deserves warm commendation and is ' rceiving the same. to \MM.'', I .ruf...........,,,••••••••••WNONON. .auggyam,tral M4,41,,, 1 the Boys Want 4i- Ride ew C.C.M." 7' 4 orOMMY STEVENS has Grie big kiok— 'Ail the hOyS Want'to ride -!eW4C.te:,'M'..!bitlrete. • • Tc'llut!Y."saYs'o, `The fellows pe,tertIe lUe'out fthe' B&. fOre';'04'6.V.:thOir #as ekashot • solo -ter They al tetra to like 'my new hetitter,tan.their '''friom ibis mitt :144r4. TOMMY detit:th,; • He' adinike'he ,ein hardly blatriwthe:tellov4 foriliantiht neso mueh easie. Ahd '47;Vhen the boys ask him why, torfuny tells thern about the' tir iPlex Hanger It reduces.friction. Arid there's 'a freeoin fiom those mean "tight gild 1o4se" spots often developed by other hangers. . Tommy says, "It makes a C. C. M. bicydle run so smooth and easy you'd, alMost think you were' riding ddwn grade. And 1 'can feel the Triplex fairly sizzle with power and pull away like read when I hit her up!" Boys! Girls! Have you rid- den M. Bicy8letvitlithe C. C. Mi He.pg,er? GO' your lather Ito go toe'4aI j : and:Set • The New tioditie 14A4riv., •,!; 7111.377.7: . , „ T4.5 714=6, -go etfet 1#11*"6:, staitiumei! itoirate, . . 'AM the 40titiety Drive*Coastetrifie kind that cis' a fairther and has 110 tao fNint4;04,9401t 7!.1fri Roo Bi- cycle*. r.a420. -!"" • : " And there's a special one that th,e bOY',Whi),'CgiftroNy. EiUally, good \ 4)r lad ' Of nine or ,a . ionth 'of twenty. Step, ` intO a. C.C.M, PTIHERE are over •ll• 1,000 C. C. Id. Service Stations 111 Canada,carrying genuine C.C.M.parts and giving C. C. M. service at reason- able anat. Look for the above sign. dealer's and ask to see the C. C.M. 187in, Curved Bar Model. 1 f - RED BIRD — MASSEY — '''ERFECT CLEVELAND — COLUM: IA "The Bicycles with the C.C.M . Triplex Hanger Canada '.Cde & Motor Company, Limited Montreal, Toronto, WESTON, ONT., Winnipeg, Vancouver tb'tf . OAP 9 152