HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-5-5, Page 7PAC; E SIX
a s
also screening by the yard
20 in, to 42 in. wide. Keep
out the flies; don't let them
get started in your home..
Hot weather will soon be
here and Our Eiectilc Fans,
Grills, Toasters and Irons are
genuine hot weather helps.
Come ,to;us fora First Class. •
job 'of Electric Wiring.
Corless & Venner
•RHONE : 53. -
Hardwire and Electrical
1. tiatir ms
Repairing Promptly
Phone 53
Recta Furnaces Lead
;There is a Reason
r- ` Ask Us:
Pri e s
April this year presents an except-
ional opportunity for the coal consum-
ing public, in the advent of the Annual
Simmer Prices.
Owing to a slight reduction in the
piride of Straight -Lille Coal at the mines,
we are now allowed to make this spec-
ial offer so as to keep the miners in
It is tate custom of the mine 'opera-
tors to raise the price each month from
now till fall, but we are going tol try to
bold this special price for
This will give you an oppportunity to
have the coat delivered when the
grotiiid is,fit to drive in to'your yard,
but be suite to place your order now at
:the old reliable stand.
'We guarantee satisfaction as we al-
Yeady have our large sheds full of our
own coal of high class quality:
Clinton & BrucefeId.
Phone for Clinton No, 74: •
Phone for Th cefield 11 on 618.
We have .a limited number of
Brooder Stoves on hand which
we are selling at a considerable
reduction, the price being $25.00.
These stoves will brood from 300
to 400 ,Chickens. Just what you
need to get .early pullets and
Chickens for the high summer
market. 'Atir,tEM
Clinton, Ontario
N. W. Trewartha Local Manager
The up.to.ilate Firnt
With all night seessions at both Ot-
tawa and Toronto it Can at least be
said that our politicians ars, making
an effort to earn their indemnities:
ler 3 Children Had !1,
New Train Service.
The G, T. R. put into force a new
time table on Sunday and the changes
that effect the travelling public from
Clinton are:—Morning train at 8:28
• and evening train gets in now at 10,03.
Plenty Of Bait
Local fishermen report that the
fishing season will be one of the
best this year due to a never failing
sign. Plenty of bait avaiiable. Earth-
worms, one of the popular forms of
.bait, are present this year in over-
whelming quantities and th'e fishermen
regard this in a. very optimistic light,
Town Betterment
Hardly a week passes but some good
citizen' has a• suggestion to make for
the betterment of the town. No soon -
is the• suggestion made than some
other good citizens object—principal-
ly because he does not like the "first
citizen. It is human' nature, • and we
are just as human here as elsewhere.
But there "is . a• better .way ---a way that
is quite as human and more'humaniz-
ing. Forget your,antipathy toward
the man and think only, of his sugges-
tion—of what ft will do for the town
—of what it will - mein 'to ydu as a
citizen of the town: Very few good
citizens think -.exactly • alike Many
are diametrically opposite • in their
convictidns, in their tastes; in their
likes and dislikes: But •there is a
common ground upon which we may
all meet and bury our animosities.
That is the common good of all—the
betterment' of our: 'community -the
fostering of the welfare of our collec-
tive citizenry for the benefit of each
individual citizen, and for the bene-
fit of ourselves. It is the starting
point or prosperty—the grave of ad-
versity. It is the point we should seek
and find,
Don't forget to leave your
order for Spring Delivery for '
-- COAL and WOOD
with E. WARD, if you want
Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand'
—We will look after you—,
Terms—Strictly Cash --Phone • 155.
ie E. WARD
This disease begIna ,1ik
e a simple cold
in the head that rapidly goes to the
cheat. The cough is at first short and
sharp, but gradually increases 10 severity
and,oecurs in sudden spasms.
Often vomiting follows a severe attack
of coughing, and sometimes there is nose-
Mothers should never neglect the
treatment of whooping cough, for it 18
:retch mere serious than moat people
think, as it may be followed by sortie
Bravo, lung trouble, such as, brbnehitis,
pi:eozoonia•or,con$umption, eir:ije'the
ettleeters ,ppwer of resietahce are often
greatly 'weakened by the violent and
exhausting cough,- • • ;•
On the first sigh of a "whoop' Dr,
Wood's Norway,;Pine Syenp should; be
adneleistered as .it heteirto blear the
brbndelal tulles 6f the ,collected tinueous
and phlegm '
Mrs.. Burton Leopold t Leve hose, 14.S.,wrr Nes. Berke.
"threes .c ul4reia ad the
wite6Pyring' cough eo fs 1'u'ep' incl I
thought they Would ehbke. I tried ream'
different remedics,; bine hone of• diem
seemed id help At• jest ,I: gut a bottle
of Dr, Woodta Norway pine',$yritp,nd
I Weil greatlySurprised to Seo hdw dttiekly
it ,helped tem, Pis hall elway0recosn.
rimed y ur wonderful ',reanedy,,tee others."
Wood's Norway Pino, I) la
35e, 'Mid •000. A: bottle at alldrtlggiata
and dealeree Put' up telly by She T,
Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Ont.
The Corner Grocery
A full Assortment of Ferry's,
pennies and Steel j3i;iggs,Seeds in
Packages, also Dutch Sets, Gar.
den Peas and Sweet Corn, and
Beans in Bulk.
For- good value
Tea and. Coffee.
ry our Bulk
Fred, W. Wigg
Phone 46.
llinton Now Era
fhursliay, May ath, 1921
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Local News
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Some Questions ? 7 7 7? 7 A Pleseant Dense
Did yon ;suras the early evening The Pastime Club held their last
train on' Molfdsly, Mr, Traveller? dance of the seas00 in their Club
tieve you finisiaed all of the house rooms on Friday evening of thls week.
eieitiing? An enjoyable evening was spent by all.
Mails To Russia
The latest postal service buiie-
tion for Canada states that ordinary
and registered letter •mails are ad-
mitted to Russia . with the exception
of Vladivostock but parcels cannot be
sent. from Canada.
Parcels To Australia
The local postmaster has been
informed that parcels may now be
sent through the mails to Austra-
lie, • provided such paroels conform
with the Canadian domestic parcel
post litllit of size,
Some Delay.
Last Thursday while theedition of
the New Era we had a break on the
newspaper press and had to send the
part to Toronto for a new one, We
were ;able to finish our paper . at' • the
News -Record for whlclt we 'are thank-
ful; • -a, .a.AgAiigirw
Keep Your Feet Down •
• Soma e' complaints have been re-
ceived by the G. T. R. officials from
patrons who have had their clothes
soiled and somtiines ruined from dirty
and muddy seats in the day coaches,
that the offcials are making a request
to the travelling public to refrain from
placing their feet on the upholstered
seats opposite,
Fifth. Year Term
The filth year terse is almost cer-
tain to, come' up before this year's ses-
sion of the Methodist , conference,
whichmeets in London in June, Three
I. O. O. F', Dance
The Oddfellows of Clinton are hold-
ing a,'danoe in the Normandie Musk
Hall on friday evening of this week.
The proceeds are going for decorating
of an Oddfellows, room In ibe Clinton
Oddfellows at Brucefield
Last Sunday evening Bros J. Reid,
W. Murch, T. Hawkins, W. H. Gould,
J. Wiseman, E. Munro, R. Miller, G, B:
Harris, J, Livermore and •E, G, Hall
attended Divine service with the Bruce-
field Oddfellows In Brucefield.
An Old C,C,IStudent .
St. James- Square . Presbyterian
Church, Toronto, is receiving con-
siderable .publicity atpresent, owing
to some difference that have :arisen
between+the Pastor and Associate ,Pas-
tor, Rev. Dr, Turnbull and Rev. Mr,
McKay, and the matter is uow in the
hands of the Presbytery.. Dr. 'Turnbull,
who has had charge of this church for
over 35 years, comes froni near Exeter,
was educated at 'Clinton' Collegiate,
and his deceased wife was a daughter
of the late John Steep, of Clinton.
Will Meet In Winghera
The Huron Medical Association will
meet in the Oddfellows ' Hall, Wing -
ham; Wednesday, on May 11, 1921,
at 1 o'cock P. M. The principle items
on the programme will be:--'
"Pernicious Anaemia its. Diagnosis and
Treatment," Dr. Norman Gwyn, Tor-
onto. "Some Activities of the Ontario
Medical Association," Dr, T. C. Rout-
ley, Hon. Secretary of the Ontario
Medical Association. The members
applications have been received from will have lunch at the New Star 'Cafe,
congregations wito, for special reas- Main Street, Wingham, at 12 o'c1Dck,
ons, wish to keep their pastors, and
if these are approved by the station-
ing committee • it will be for the con-
ference to decide,
To Pay Magistrates
"1± is desirable thateventua
the province should take over e
Orel), the . payment of police mag
trstes," was the view expressed
Hon, Mr. Raney last: week in : t
Legislature• in discussing supp
mentary estimates. • . .Mr. Ran
said that in the appointment of
magistrate the • appointee. ought.
have -the• confidence of every secti
of, the community,
The Laurier Monument Fund "
To date there has been • subscrib
towards the Laurier Monument Fu
the•sum of $34,91.3.87,• This repr
sents the voluntary subscriptions
tens of thousands of people, for t
largest amount accepted from any 0
person is $5.00, . and in hundreds
cases sums of $1.00 and less have be
sent in without • names or addresse
The work -is now well under way a
anybody desiring to subscribe may
so by forwarding an amount to t1
Honourary Treasurer, Mr, P. C. La
yin, Toronto.
Customs Returns Show Decrease
The customs revenue from Goderic
and its outports for the year ende
March 31st last amounted to $157,
859,92. For the previous year the
amount was $172,086.37. The de
crease in the revenue does not, how
ever, indicate a decrease in the volume
of imports for the year. The 7X. per
cent. war tax was in effect throughout
the whole of the previous year and for
only four months of the last year, be-
ing succeeded by the two per cent,
tax which is now in force. Importa-
tions for the last few months show a
considerable falling off,
Put the Name On•
Minor Locals
Council met on Monday evening.
May—the fifth month of 1921,
Great growth in vegetation.
Lawn mower season is at hand.
Hy The New Era gives the news. Test
n. out its advertising columns. They get
Is• there.
by One of the most popular indoor
he Sports these days is tearing off several
le- coats of old wall paper and putting on
ey a new Spring dress on both the living
a room and spare room.
to Married at Toronto
on An event of Interest to CTintonlans
• ' took place on Thursday of last week,
at 109 Donoling Avenue, Toronto," the
home of Mrs, James Beatty, when her
youngest daughter,' Jennie Louise,
was married to Lieut. Thomas 7, Pick-
ett, R. N. V. R. Miss` Beatty is the
daughter of the late James H, Beatty,
owner of the Beatty Line of Steamers,
and is an exceedingly charming young
lady, while Mr. Pickett is a native of
Clinton, being a son of the late John
Pickett. We join with Mr. Pickett's
old friends in wishing hint and his
bride the fullest measure of happiness.
e -
r -
Odds and Ends of Council
The P. U, Commission was paid for
April street lighting $137.75, the in-
- crease being some new street lights
being added,
For lighting the Hall $3.39 was paid
to the 9: U. Com,
T. Wigginton 'had a bill for. $12.50
for repairs to scale, waterwagon and
For repairing roof and furnace Sut-
ter and Perdue had an account for
J. Carrick was paid $54,17 as salary
Ifor month of April,
R, Hunter as Cemetery Superintee-
-' dent, was paid $71,43 for April,
ti D, L, Macphersotl''s salary fur three
I months was $137,50.
• R. Welsh for 3 months as night con-
stable was paid $125,00,
ej Chief Fitzsimons was paid for April
-1 $54.17; and for collecting War Tax
t $2.00.
s. The Clinton News.Record had an ac-
e count of $22.0o for printing and ad-
s vertising,
e D, L. Macpherson for typewriting
f and express charges $1,40.
e The Hospital account for lighing of
t $9.20 was paid.
The account for lighting the G, W.
V. A. of $1.26 was paid.
W. D. Fair was paid $30 for rent of
the C. W. V. A. hall,
11, Wiltse had an account of ,$4.22
for groceries, charged up •against tete
Charity Committee, •
Street watering cost $16.80 for the
Montle of April„
Por work around the Property the
pay, sheet was $5,00e ; 1
The Street Conimittee have charged
tip against them $55,25 for men and
,$83,00 for teams, •
"Chief Pitasintons collected $15.60
at Market Scales and $37.00 for Hall
R. Hunter reported $5,00 for sale
of lot et. Cemetery; $15,7I, for work,
and $90 „00 for Care in perpettlit
This 'is the "clean up, paint up" sea
soli. .And one place where the "pain
up" game might be worked to advent
age is on the rural mall boxes. Th
fegulations require that the owners
name be kej4t legibly printed on th
box; but in too many cases the rego
lotions are not observed. It does no
make so much difference so - tong a
the regular courier is on the route; h
knows pretty well where everyone live
But suppose the courier should b
changed for any reason, what sort o
a time would the new man have? H
is not likely to be a mind-reader. I
should not be much of a job to put' the
owner's name -on, a; mailbox,
Children Must Keep Parent
Legal Bills Committee of the On
tario Legislature approved of the bill
presented by Sergeant Major Mc Nam-
ara: (Riverdale) providing for the
maintenance of dependant parents 13y
their children. Under this measure,
which will probably be passed by'the
Legislature, a: parent is to be deemed
dependent Upon all Children, if the.par-
ent is, by reason of age or infirntity,
unable to maintain hen or herself, in
case such children do not Carry out
this obligation, they may be summon.
ed before a nsigistrete or police jus-
tice and ordered to pay a serif :not
exceeding fzb weekly for soda nail Y.
tenatlee. I
As . Clothes are to the $o''y,
so are Wall Papers to theaC.vamle
Few people can afford to be badly dressed; and
few people can afford to live with old or Ino
harmonious wall papers,
They affect the sjsirits, They decrease self-
confidence. , They reduce morale. They are
unhealthy for mind and. body. eeeeleei
Harmonious Wall Papers are a Tonic,. They
influence the whole atmosphere of the house.
If 'you have in view a change in the atmosphere
of your home we invite inspection of our stock
and. prices.
the e . Pair e6s,
Often the cheapest. x Thlrnrays the Best
Now Is The Proper,
Time to secure Your seeds for Your Garden Vegetables. We have a,
Choice Assortment of well known and Brand of Seeds. We have a New.
Brand this yar, which we offer at 7 cents Per Package or, 4 Packages fon
25 cents.
3 Pkgs of Jelly Powder
at.,..... , 35c
Any Ffavor
5 lb of R. Oats for .25c
3 Bars of Lifebouy Soap
for .. .. ....25c
Don't Forget we Have
the Big Bar of N. P.
Soap at 25c
Bring in a Jar and Lei
us Fill it For 100 Per
Pound. xe
A Splendid Fruit
lb of Bik. Tea —.35°-
3 Ib Bik Tea , $1,00•
1 ib Blk: Tea ...55c
2 Ib Blk Tea,,; $1.00.
2 lb Broken Sodas. 25e
2 PKGS of Corn Starch,.
Equals 3 of any Others. for .. .. ;... , . 25C:
Clinton Garage
The. Enforcement of the
mustequip their cars with
to choose from:
Legalite ,
Shaler Roadlighter
Ciamert Come in and have us fill out your applications
J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent
Phone 80 Residence 140 CLINTON,
and Battery Service Static*
Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners
approved Lenses, We have the following
Conopher Clear
Conopher Noviol
This is the Season for Coal Stoves
We carry a full line of McCary
New Perfection Stoves and Ovens
Call and See our Stock
shi pole
Shoes for C° -Til d ren
Most mothers who buy Hurlbuts once, buy them always•—,blit
they never need to buy them as often as any other make. This
is because Hurlbuts Shoes are BETTER SHOES, and have pi -
elusive features not found in other makes.
Compare Hurlbuts with the life of any pair of ordinary/shoes
you have ever bought—and you will see that Hurlbuj"Welted
Cushion Sole Shoes represent the lowest price-per-dayfs wear of
any shoe made for'children,