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mnccIE MooRe
"13bw did you get here?"
"Walked," he replied. "I say,. how
Jolly you look in that white affair
with those yellow flowers] .A painter
should s,ee you!"
'There was no, mistaking his adanire-
ation;,she 'did not relax her severity
she asked
"I mean, how did you get into my
sitting -room?"' she demanded.
"Oh; ,that cheerful old party in. the
dairy called' out to me to walk in and
she'd be ,here in a minute; as soon' as
the butXer arrived"; he' nepiled. "She
seemed pleased to see me, and said
you would be glad to see me too, for
you had something to say to the."
Maggie flushed scarlet, Peggy -Jane
was evidently, still hot on the pursuit of
Miss .Crawfod. Luckily she had.
Come back to the house in time to pre-
vent any words on the subject with
Lord Rossford.
"I have discovered that you are my
tenant,•Miss Moore," he said. "A
landlord is bound in common good
manners fo visit' his tenants to see if
they have any complaints."
"Yon are a very ingratiating young
man," confessed Maggie. He had com-
pelled her to smile. "But apparently
You are not aware that your tenants at
Tallack have done their own repairs
ever since they, came to the farm.
However, if you , will assure me that
you are going to call on other tenants
who really need your help YIl forgive
Rossford became grave at once,
"It's like a nightmare, the con-
- clition of the property;"
horrified at the .anoint there`is to do.
My people don't seem to have thought
for one minute where their money
came from or what responsibilities it
brought with it."
"And you mean to think about it
seriously till you have accomplished
something?" asked Maggie.
"Why, yes, of course! That is
why 'I left my regiment and carte
hornet", he replied.
"Ah, that is goodl • I have met so
many idle worthless rich people that 1
had began to think position and rich-
es were the greatest drawbacks in the
world," she said. She held out her
hand as she spoke, "And now, how
do you do? And what do you think
of my room?"
Rossford coloured with pleasure as
they shook hands.
"This means 1 may stay?" lie asked.
Maggie looked at the clock,
"A morning call should be short,"
she announced, smiling.
"Then 1'II come in the evening next
tinsel" he replied.
They discussed the room, the fur-
niture, the pictures. Maggie explain-
ed what it had looked like a week ago.
"Very dear and charming 111 its own
way, but horse -hair and crochet.
,antimacassars—nobody could really
live with that] "
"You've made it delightful; 1 should
like to be asked to drink 'tea with you
at that round table some day, with
boiled eggs and jaanl" he said eagerly,
"Perhaps—some day," answered
Maggie, "I have a boiled egg and jam
-every evening. How did you guess?"
"Oh, the room looks like high teal
Yon have kept just that farmhouse
look about it that makes it so charm-
Maggie began to arrange her flowers
in a blue jug.
They will die If I don't put them in
Water," she explained. "And that re-
minds me, I must fetch the water of
once or 1 shall forget it."
"Let me get it for you?" said her
`Visitor. "1 know just where its's kept
'—under the dairy window in a pail
with a flat stone on the top of it,
"As you are so observant you may
fetch it for me, Don't break the jug!"
He was gone , some time, and came
back with such an expression of con-
cern •on' his face fora moment. she
thought he had broken the Jug. He
carne in and shut the door behind him.
before he spoke,.
"Miss Moore, I would have given
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anything to have ,protected you from
this annoyance," he said. The jug was
intact and full of water, He gave it to
her absent-mindedly." What cats those
women arel" he added.
"Oh,' that foolish Peggy-Jane"l ex-
claimed Maggie. "Why did .1 allow
you to go near leer? What has she
been telling you?"
"About those 'Crawford women and
their insulting suggestion,"
"Oh, please don't be so serious a-
bout ill I was vastly amused."
'Sl wish I had come earlier," said
Rossford, "As • a matter of fact 1
guessed they were up to mischief when
I dined there last night. I did my best
to put them off, but l was afraid they
would coine here. That,is why 1 dared
to conte in 'spite of your cominand- to
stay away."
"Oh, that was good of your But you
need not have bothered. • 1 am none
the worse; I am accustomed to take
care of 'myself."
"Yes, that's what annoys ane partic-
ularly", he answered, "They would-
n't dare to insult a woman in their
own position, but directly a -girl like
yourself educates herself and becomes
a lady they are down on her like wild
Maggie looked at him quickly. He
evidently thought—She bjt her lips to
hide a smile, and answered demurely—
"There is no disgrace in being a
"Of coairse there isn't!" he answer-
ed hotly. "Nobody but a vulgar cad
"But unfortunately I was not a ser-
vant," Maggie interrupted.
a3ontinued Next Week
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The Far Eastern Soviet Republic is
asking recognition by U. S.
Government offices in Ottawa to ob-
serve daylight saving with rest of the
Allen Macdougall and Fred Ward
crushed to death by fall of stone in a
coal pit.
Welling McLeod, aged t7, losing
himself in colliery at New Gasgow, is
Daniel Davis, for 22 years Police
Magistrate of Cornwall, is dead.
Damages totalling $13,000 awarded
to five Hamilton Italian families.
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