HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-4-21, Page 6i'AOE SIX, 20 OF AT aalTTES U t�ltdrt Mev Era Per Cent 9S SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT. • We have our full lilies of chicken wire and wire netting etc. We also can supply you with anything in Garden Tools, Lawn Shears, Sheep Shears; also Garden, Lawn ' and Flower seeds, Lawn Mgwers, etc. Also' Electrical Goods, Fix- tures and. Appliances, A'}t ' kinds of Eieeta'i,c Wiring done by Experienced 11rg1ar. Corless & Venner PHONE -53 Hardware and Eleetiical' TRY 1. Hawkins BRPObER STOVES Last Shot in Campaign. A Masy meeting was held in the Town Hall on Sunday evening and was well attended. Rev, Dr. Larken, of Seafforth, :made the'' nddrdss 'of ;the evening, Mr. Chas. Cook_ sang during the meeting. Annual Oddfellows Service. The regularchurch service of the r'Ciintoh Lodge of Oddfellows will lie held on Sunday evening next, April 24th, at the Baptist church at 7 p.m. •The Members of the Lodge and visiting ;brethren are asked to meet at the ;lodge room at 6.30 p.m, An Error •'m,.w. A Mistake was mads On the part of 'the writer, who handed to the notice to this paper last week, re half holiday and should have read:—The Grocery stoFeg And some other places of busi- ness will clad on Wednesday afternoon instead of Thursday afternoon. —p-- Women's Institute Meeting FOR PLUMBING !1!e )lave a limited number of The -monthly meeting of the Wei - HEATING ANI • !Brooder Stoves on hand wltich ROOFING Repass rvag arriptly Dole Phone 53 Hecla Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask Us. Summer Prices April this year presents an .except- fowl opportunity for the coal consum- ing public, in the advent of the Annual Surnmer,Prices., EGG, STOVE, & CHESTNUT p( AT $16.00 DEL1'i'ERED Owing to a , slight reduction in the )rice of Straight -Line Coal at the mines, we are now allowed to make this spec- ial offer so as to keep the miners in work. • Aky 111 is the custom of the mine opera- tors to raise the price each month from now till fall, but we are going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAY, & JUNE This will give you an oppportunity to° have the goal delivered when the ground is fit to drive in to your yard, but be sure to place your order now at the old reliable stand. We guarantee satisfaction as we' al- ready have our large sheds full of our own coal of high class quality. ORDER NOW JNO. U. MUSTARD Clinton & Brucefiold. Phone for Clinton No. 74, Plsone tor Brureficld 11 on 618. we are selling at a considerable reduction, the•price being $25.0o. ']'hese stoves will brood froili 300 to 400 Chickens. Just what phi need t� get early pulle't's and Chickens for the high summer market. GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD. Clinton, Ontario N. W. Trewartha it.oaal *Manager The an•to•aate Firm MINZIONIONMOINIMMIlle — Ottawa Journal—Do our good friends on the farm not realize that Daylight Saving is the only plan yet devised to make the city pian get up early? hil4ven'e Coughs �RCi tb©©~q �. Y VEVE It is hard to keep the children from catching cold, they will run out of doors not properly wrapped, or have too much clothing on and gdt overheated and cool off too suddenly, they get their feet wet, kick off the clothes at night. The mother . cannot watch them all the time so what is she going to do? Mothers must never neglect her children's coughs or colds, but must look for a remedy on the first sign. A great many mothers are now giving their children .Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, as it is so pleasant and nice for them to take, and, relieves the cough or cold in a very short time. Mrs. S. Crowe R.R. No. 5, Truro, ... N.S,, writes," two years ago my little boy caught 'a severe cold 'which left him' with a 'very bad dough. He could not rest at night, and became very thin and weak, The prescription our physician gave me did not help him, and I did not know what to do. My sister, in Marritoba, wrote me to try Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup. 1 want right to town and purchased two bottles, and before they were used My boy's cough had disappeared, and ho became strong and well again. We always know what to use now for coughs and colds." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is 35o, and hue. a bottle at all dealers. Manttfaotured only by The T. Milbwnn ittoitts Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. men's Institute Will be held Thursday, April 23th at•3 p..0), in the room a- bove the Public Library, The subject for the day will be taken by Mrs. (Dr,) Fowler: it is also "Discovery Day", Tea will be served. Visitors always welcome, . r ym 6ilihton in the Foot Ball League, / Clinton has entered a intermediate team in the W, F. A,, aeries and isin group No. 4 with Yinburn, Seaforth, buhlin and 'TGCkersmith. The teams meet at dtttforth next Monday evening to dra\tr lip a schedule with Charlie Sills of Seaforth as convenor. The district 4m -nes must be over by June 18, Clin- ton has prospects for a . good team, but practice will be necessary to get into shape for the games. SCRANTON COAL ---o— ,Don't forget,: to leave your , order for Spring Delivery. for., — COAL and WOOD — with E. WARD, if you want satisfaction. Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand --We will look after you— Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. E. WARD ' RESIDENCE—HURON STREET The Corner Grocery CALL ON US FOR YOUR GARDEN SEEDS A full Assortment of Ferry's, pennies and Steel Briggs Seeds in Packages, also Dutch Sets Gar- den Peas and Sweet Corn, and Beans in Bulk, .•''•-:',• Por good value try our Bulk Tea and Coffee. tl Fred. W. Wigg Phone 45. "dl'fILCII'il'1btII111114,111Vlll111lII Itl'1410,111;11 . 1111111 111111 I Thursday, Apra" 211at; 1921. 1;] d1lildIIlliI lI VIIIIiil'I'I"91!411`41 JIla1'l1 111111lphlllllI0u 1,12;1=1 1 1,111 I1I111I0114111111a IIfJj ffliEl111IlilillII11111 Flags at Half Mast, The town flag over tbe Town ilal1 incl the Postoftee flag are at half-mast iii respect to the late Mayor Cotte. Moved. Chief Fitz$Imot4s has moved to kis own home on Huron' street, which has been occupied by Mr, D, Livermore, A New Diamond Laid Out, .The Baseball boys have laid out a new dismond at the ' park which' will Makebaseball all the better this year. House Was Sold, s. 'The house owned by the late' Mrs. John Bron Was sold to 'i'j1r. Harry Cook at the A'uctioii Sale'On Saturday 11111111111111 111111 The Chautauqua Dates. t After • much delay • the dates have been arranged for the four-day • sum- Mer'chautauqua course to be given in Clinton this year, ''The dates chosen are July 6th, 7th, "8th and 9th. Fuller particulars • as to the talent( etc., will be" given later. • SRme "Queatigns.?, 7 7 , ? (Does' -April 'Sho'wers -Ineau March sntswballs? tDid you let the 'furnace out yet? Will the Street Committee fix up the water holes on the cement sidewalks' oif the main street? Will early closing be thehabit every Saturday night? Whidh Deputy itetyrnfng. Officer, handed an elector'a'ballot marked 'yes' The Last of the Series. d 'The last` Lyceum concert of the ser- ies takes place,in the town hall on Fri- dayevening of this week, April 22nd 'here are still good seats left. W. C. T. U. The W. Ot T. U. will meet in Wes ley church on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock'," Members are _reminded tha the fees are due at this -meeting; Bread Was Seized. The local police on Friday last visit ed the various stores in town handling breach and weighed the bread up. One seizure of bread was made as being un derweight. Oddfellows Dance. J • The Clinton Oddfellows will hold a dance in the Norinandie Music Hall on Friday evening, May 6th, The pro- ceeds are going towards decorathng a room in the Clinton Hospital. Be Careful of the Change. The time now is when no one knows Just when to shake his winter's cloth es; For if you wear thesis you feel bad, `And if you don't, you wish you had, Won A Scholarship. Mr, Roy Connor, B. A. who is a third year inan•at Knox college' won' the Bos: Improvements. A new sign Itbs been' erected"at the Clinton Motor Works. • ` The both bakers in town have new signs erected; at their stores. Miss E. J. Becker'is having arrange- ments made for the 'installing of a t pipless furnace in her residence on Erie St. 'Mr. J. T, Lindsay is making great im- provement on his home on the London web Scholarship valued) at $50, Mr, Connor's old friends will be glad to hear of his success in his studies. He rasjded here for sometime when his brother, Mr, (;has Connor was 'baking here, "'+,aa Brother -in law Dead, 'z -"l - Mrs. Wni. East received word that her brother-in-law Mr, Elmer Lyghtle h`d died in Detroit on Saturday_ last The deceased was a former resident here many years ago, and his wife who was a Miss East died In Detroit a few years ago, He is survived by a grown up family, , Hold Your Horses. n Big crowds attended) the Princess `rheartre on Friday and Monday nights to see Tom Moore in "Hold Your Hors- es," under the auspices of the girl's Guides, of St, Paul's Church, Owing to hydro playing out on Saturday night just after getting started,' the films were Geld, over until Monday night. "industry Peat And Present" Principal Treleaven of the C. C, 1, gave ;t very entertaining and Educat- ional address 00 the industrial system of the early ages up to the present at the Clinton Club last Friday evening. His address was one of thebest of the series and the members and visitors have had. many enjoyable evenings. Road. Mr. 11, Gould is preparing to raise the roof of his kitchen and put another story to it. Flax Mill Sold, Merner Bros. have disposed of their flax mill here and ('Copp) farm to Mr. H. C. Struthers, of London, who is now in possession, The new owner has already contracted for 200 acres for this season at from $12 to $15 an acre. Mr. E, F. Merner, who has been in charge here told the New Era that the firm had spent over 560,000 in the business here, for wages, land, flax,'' etc. They ''still have their stock, Mr. Merner is undecided as to the future, but we hope he can 'see his way clear to retnain as a citizen of the town, Births. ANDREWS.—In Clinton, on Wed- nesday„ April 20th, to Mr, and Mrs, Frank Andrews, a daughter. DEATHS BETTS,—Died at Ridgetown. Ont- ario, April 19th, Edwin 11, Betts, in his 58th year. QC,_rLE: In Clinton on Wednes- day, April "20th', Sx Mayor Thomas.' I Cottle, aged 73 years '17.0153,-,-- THE NEW TELEPHONE RATES 12 Per Cent. Increase Effective April 22—Bills Monthly Ottawa, April 16.—The Bell Tele- phone Company filed its new rates this morning. They : will become effective April 22 and charges are advanced 12 per cent. Bills w it be posted monthly. a e HULLETT Mr. Orval Phillips will held an Mic- tion Sale at Lot 29, Concession 12, Mullett on Wednesday, May 4th. See sale advertisement in paper next week. Mullett rolled up a big Temperance vote on Monday, Miss. E. Shanahan has returned home. after having her tonsils removed at the Clinton Hospital. As Clothes are' to. the 8ody, so are Wall Papery to the Home Few people can afford to be badly dressed; and 1 few people can' afford to live with old orin- harmonious wall papers. They affect the spirits. They decrease self- 1 confidehee. , They reduce morale. They are 1 uniiealthi for *int! fetid body. Harmonious Wall' Paper`s "are a Tonic.. They (influence, the whole .atmosphere of the hogs®: If you have in VIew a change in the atmosphere of your home ie invite inspection of our stock and prices. The W. ID.' Fair eso. Often the eheapest—T'6lenralysi`'t'h Breit" Time to secure Your Choice Assortment of Brand this y, which 25 cents. 3 Pkgs of Jelly Powder at ,.,., ...... 35c Any Flavor 5 lb of R. oats for .25c 3 Bars of Lifebouy Soap for .. „ ....25c Don't Forget we Have Now Is The Proper. seeds for Your Garden Vegetables. wWe have aTn., ell known and Brand • of Seeds. We have a Hew we offer 'at 7 cents Per Package or 4 Packages for. - CORN SYRUP BY THE POUND * • * Bring in a Jar and Let us 1911 it For roc Per Pound, 31 the Big Bar of N. P. A • Splendid Soap 'at 25c - Substitute. Equals 3 of any Others. GET THE 0 Fruit TEA SPECIAL lb of 131k. Tea ...35c• 3 Ib Blk Tea .. , , $t.00- 1 Ib Blk. Tea , ..55c 2 Ib Blk Tea... $i,06- 2 Il: Broken Sodas. 25c 2 PKGS of Corsi Starch. HABIT OF DEALING AT for .. .. ..... 25c- HABIT PHONE ill. 't • HIGHEST PRICES FOR EGGS'O`BUTTER • Clinton "Garage and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approv ed Lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight Holophane ,1 Legalite OOMmargoommal Primolite N,' 7 Macbeth Conopher Clear Shaler Roadlighter tonopher Novfol Cfanie'rtt I .p Collie in and have us 1111 out your applications t J. H. ?AXMAN Oiverland Agent • 0A11411111; FOR LICENSE DRIVIN G Phone 11317 Residence 140 • CLINTON, ONT. NIlismenalsostma loglatal mss', Buying Public- Upon your action and decision your own and Canada's prosperity depends. Merchants are making big .concessions and accepting con- siderable losses to stablize conditions, it's pro- fitable for you to buy what you need NOW. If you, the consumer,. won't buy, the machinery that helps you earn your daily bread comes to a standstill. Be you farmer, mechanic, business. or professional man, your pfbsperity and Can- ada's go hand in hand; dependent upon the turn over and exchange 'of commodities your country and its craftsmen produce. IF YOU STOP BUYING, the wheels stop turning-. You Cant' Afford False Econ i thisimmissowslageor You can't expect the same wear and service from a twenty dollar suit than you get from one at forty, And the,forty dollar uit will cost you less in the long run. .Itwill give you etter and, longer wear and service than the inferior grade. A uality lighting plant like the Dominion,- built of ;the highest rade materials with careful workmanship, without thought of ying to skimp and save ,will save you money in the end. Low fuel consumption., :freedom from repair and ability to deliver ontinuous power are what count. , A Dominion Lighting Plant in your property means ample power every day with low main- tenance, ei'"1 Itbs' Write for descriptive booklet and name of your local dealer. "If you want the best, buy a Dominion." Do 1 ��.shlon Sole S `1 oes for ''Childre Most 'mothers w110 buy HUrlbilt§'once, buy thein always—but they never need to buy them as often as any other make. This is because Hurlbuts Shoes are BETTER SHOES, and have ex-, elusive features not found in .other makes. Compare Hurlbuts with the life of any pair of ordinary shoes you have ever bought -and you will see that Hurlbut Welted Cushion Sole Shoes represent the lowest price -per -day's wear of any shoe made for children, 0 A FULL RANGE OF STYLES AT Sutter & Perdu ARID. .121eICSON —"SHOES THAT SATISFY"—