The Clinton New Era, 1921-4-21, Page 5'Thursday, .April 21St, i 9ai
The Clinton NOW Era
Like any other pat of the
Human body, requires a.
stimulant . when overtaxed.
Our Stimulant for Weak
Eyes is Glasses. If you need
them caU and see us.
Small charge for glasses.
Examination free.
Jeweler & Optometrist
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
phone No,174w; House 174 j
• •
Canned Pineapple—Reg-
ular 50cts for 35c
10 Bars Soap Any Kind89c
3 lbs of 'Black Tea.. ..$11.00
6 lits Rolled Oats..... , 25c
•4 Pkgs New Carden Seed25c
4 Pkgs Pan Shine 25c
4 Pkgs. Balbett's 25c
at Wholesale Price by the
Many Have Bought, Have
Phone 48
sate New of the
Wm, Ashton Deceaseds --A highly
esteemed resident passed away on
Sunday evening, March 20th, in the
petsou of Whitens Ashton in his 86th
year, lie was a men of splendid'
physique and up till quite lately en-
joyed the best of health, He lived to
John Diehl and wife have moved Po
Clinton, Mr, Steller who has bought
the farm has moved in, owned ears kindly took out those who
The portrait of Rev, Dr, Stewart, had no 'other way of going. The result
of Toronto, formerly of Clinton and brought gladness to Many homes.
Mr.. George 'Baird, who s4 faithfbily Geo. Watt and wife, of Clinton, visit-
ed last week at the home of James Me-
Qneeif, '(`'hey attguttet the funeLat of
the late Mrs, Swan,
Our village turned out In good num"
hers to vote an Monday, Those who
taught in the school for 50 years have
a,time of life few people attain and been placed in the school 118us'e leffavli
passed peacefully away from ' the as Ltaird's school, Both were good.
earthly tenement to enter "the House men types of lives, of great meta whose
Not Malde with hands," Mr. Ashton
was of a very quiet disposition, an
honest plug mean whose only desire
appeared to be to do right. Deceitsed
was born in Devonshire, England, and
carne to Canada with his parents at
the age of to years, His father :died
18 days after they landed. The lam -
Hy then located near Clinton where
place in the world was making it a
better and happier place to live in. Mr.
Baird has gone -to his reward, having
left a great influence for good. ]rev.
Dr. Stewart still resides In Toronto, '
At a largely' attended meeting of the
they purchased a bush farm, When members of Melville church eongrega-
grown to manhood the subject of this tion held on Monday evening to mod -
notice MorriS township. He grate in a call to the pastorate of the
was married in 1859 to Miss Margaret church, caused by the resignation of
McKay, of Scotland and in the year Rev: A. J. Mann, the tinanimous choice
1864 he moved to Howick township.
11 of a family were born , of whom 5
sons and 4 daughters survive viz:
Rev. W. J., London, B. A., and George
S., Howick; H. E. and. L, F., Gorrie;
Mrs. J. F. Clarke, Clarksboro, S'ask.,:
Mrs, Jas, Johnston, Howick; Mrs. F.
Coles and Miss J. M. Ashton, Gorrie.
Mrs. Ashton died in 1886. 8 years ago
he retired from the farm and became
a resident of Gorrie purchasing a com-
fortable home where he lived and
died. His daughter, Miss J, M, Ash-
ton, took charge of the home and re-
mained with her father to the end,
Funeral took place Tuesday March
22nd, and was largely attended, a
suitable service being held in the
Methodist church, conducted by de-
ceased's pastor, Rev. McKibbon, as-
sisted by Rev, G. J. Kerr, Bothwell, a
former pastor, both of whom spoke
words of comfort in the hour of trial
and bereavement. Floral tributes were
of the meeting fell, on Rev. 1.13. Mc-
Leod, of Wyoming, who officiated here
on April 3. Four applicants had been
The funeral of Miss Lena Isabel,
youngest daughter of Joseph and Mrs,
Shaw, 3rd line, Morris Township, which
took plaee to Brussels Cemetery, was
one of the largest here for some time.
Deceased was a popular young lady, 21
years of age, and had been, failing in
health for some months. '
Mrs. McDonald, wife of Dr, •McDon-
ald, Ex. M. P. P.,, of London, visited
Mrs, Alex Ross of our village who was
ill last week.
Dr, Ross, of Clifford, visited Mrs.
Alex. Ross of our village last week.
Miss Lane, of Tuckerstnith, has re-
turned from visiting' relatives at Lucas.
It was with Sorrow that our village
learned of the death of Miss Ethel
Collins, eldest .daughter of William
Collins, of Stanley. The funeral took
place on Monday to Baird's Cemetery.
* *
Tile death occurred suddenly here
on Sunday of Mrs. Mary L.Hanna,
widow of John Hanna, one of Ontario's
most successful business women. Her
maiden name was Mary La Young. She
was bone- in (Colborne ltownship in
1851. She was endowed with un-
usual executive ability, and had con-
ducted the largest store and general
business in Wingham: for 50 `ears
with remarkable ability, She was a
Minor Locals. member of St. Andrew's' Presbyterian
Judging from the dispatches, 'the church, and will be greatly missed by
only business that is reviving just now the community. She is survived by
is' mail robbery. three daughters, Mrs. Robert Allen and
The eat -an -onion campaign must Miss Priscilla, of Wingham, and Miss
have been taken seriously in York, Maud of Toronto, and on son, John W.
Pa., whese sve find the mayor decree- of Wingham, Another son, George C.
ing that the occupants of park bench- died 12 years ago, The funeral was
es must sit two feet apart, held on Wednesday.
beautiful, Interment was made in the
family plot in Pordwich. Bereaved,
share in thh,.,,synspatlhy of the Om -
triunity, •
The planing still is kept busy with
a full gang turning out material for
Gi:and Bend cottages.
Mr, and Mrs. Art. Haugh• were made '
the recipients of Many articles which
were showered on them on Monday
evening. The gathering was compos-
ed of Y. P. A, and the classes of Sah-
bath school of which they are mem- i
bers. Y
CliildTh— Cry
CAs rO R A
London, Ontario
5 '1
x l i eIt
nd Sciences
July 4th to August 12th
Information and Calendar write
K. P. R. NEVILLE, Registrar
Ar >t : s
Buy a Weather -Worthy Roofing
jnON'T wait for your roof to
i"F leak. Right now is the
best time to make renewals or
repairs. The heavy rains have
not yet commenced. Be ready
for them.
Att labor is plentiful. You
save �r'y, get the better work-
men and help relieve unemploy-
ment by having the jobdoneat once.
The prices of marial are as low
as they will be for many months.
You will save nothinr' by waiting.
besides by having your repairs done
in time you eliminate all rink of
ruining the decorations and furni-
ture of your home by a leaky roof.
..i YE 6'c,.,JI:oA:u111Yirgdem mill I
Save time and labour by using
d Br
if`' * * * * * * * * * *
it * * 1* e * * 41 * * * *
Kippen:—Mr. Robert . Parsons to
the west of our village in Stanley, has
rented the- 80 -acre _ fion of the late
Jellies 'Cochrane, across the road from
kis own farm. This gives Mr, Par-
sons 260 acres to oversee, but he has
a good family of boys and intends to
make them good farmers,
Hensell:—Mr. H. C. Soldan, the welt'
known breeder and Importer of Per-,
cheron horses, recently purchased
from a breeder in Alvinston the Clydes-
dale stallion; "Dunure David"' and now
has him at- his farm adjoining the vill-
Seaforth:—Mr. E. C. Case has leas-
ed •the 'Butt farm in Tuckerstnith for
a year and moved his family out this
week. The Case, homestead has been
purchased by Mr, J. A. Case, who will
occupy it shortly.
Molesworth:—Eour houses are
under quarantine for smallpox.
Grey Township:—Miss Berva daugh-
ter of Luke C. Speiran, 15th Concess-
ion, had the misfortune to have her
leg broken below the knee, She had
been driving a team on the land roller
and was unhitching them, One -trace
was yet unfastened when the horses
started and being frightened puled
the roller over Miss 'Sepiran's limb,
doing the damage stated. Owing to
the bad swelling the broken bones
were not set for several days,
Brussels:—Word was received this
week of the demise -of Watson Ainiay,
formerly of Brusels, who passed away
at the home of his daughter, Lomond,
Alberta, on Monday of last week, in
his 71st year, His health had not
been good fur some time. Mrs. Ainiay
predeceased her husband,
Goderich:—Rev. J. E. McCauley,
who since September, 19-18, has been
pastor of the Goderich Baptist church
has placed his resignation in the /lands
of the congregatiuu and leaves at the
end of this month to 'take charge at
Cochrane, Ontario, under the Baptist
Mission Board.
Grey. Township A 2 headed heifer
calf was one of this Spring's curiosities
on John NI. Pearson's farm, The heads
were joined at the shoulders, otherwise
the animal was normal. Unfortunately
the monstrosity did not live,
Nile:=l'he people of this connlen-
ity were shocked on learning' of the
eery sudden death of Mr. John Gamble
of this place, which occurred at Luck -
now on Wednesday of this week. Mr,
Gamble was at Thomas . McNalls's for
dinner, and after the meat was sitting
in his chair when he expired, death be-
ing due to heart failure. •
Wroxeter:—This place will hold a
celebration on July 1st. The money
raised in this Way will be used in build-
ing a new skating rink.
Blyth: Rev_ George Jewitt, presi-
dent of the London Methodist Confer-
ence, has been appointed to the posi-
tion of superintendent of religious
education its the First Methodist
Church. The large number of young
people's organizations 111 this church
made the appointment necessary.
Rev. Mr, Jewitt will commence Isis
duties its the summer, Mr. Jewitt is
well-known to Many of our readers,
being a former resident of Morris
Township, and a former pastor here.
Exeter:—Council has hired a teats
of horses for ''(even hnonths at $,145
per month.,
Dashwood:—The planing mill is
kept busy with u full gang turning out
material for Grand Bend cottages.
Crediton:—Clarence Holtzman !net
with a painful accident on Monday
while engaged at the sawmill. He was
working the edging machine when his
left .hand came in contact with the
saw and badly lacereated the fingers.
Exeter;—A serious accident was na1'-
rowly averted on Monday on the cor-
ner of Main and Station street when
two autos collided. One car was go-
ing to the station and the other was
returning. 'rhe front fender of one
car struck the back fender of the
other, running up over it, The steer -
Bought at the very lowest prices are now coming into
stock and are being marked very close for quick turnover.
While prices are considerably lower than they have been.
Many lines of staple goods are ver yscarce and at the present
low prices theyare good buying.
Everything In swat Iws peen priced +awn .L Ole present
level regardless of profits and many lines priced at a big mai-
',re,: -JAI
Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes all at very attractive prices '
Small profits Phone 25 More Busine•
ing gear of one of the cars was broken,
Hay Township:—In the passing of
Jessie Lehman, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs, H.' C, Zapfe, Blake, an-
other of the family of Hay Township's
pioneers leaves us. Deceased had been
ailing a number of years, of which
time she was mostly bed -fast. Some
sixty years ago, she and her husband,
the late Abraham Lehman settled and
Cleared a ]home on the 'Bronson Line,
where they lived for forty-seven years,
them moving to Zurich where deceased
resided until three years ago when she
made her home with her daughter,
Mrs. H. C. Zapfe where she went
peacefully to sleep on Monday, April
11, at tine age of 83 years, 8 months
and 23 days,
Kippen:—A great deal of interest
has been taken by the buys of S. S.
No. 2, Tuckersnhith, in the snaking of
bird houses. Some weeks ago the
teacher, Mr, Strong, offered a prize
to the boy who could make the best
bird house, and we have learned that
Master Emerson Kyle was the lucky
Blyth Mr, Robt. Cralg, who has
been appointed td the position of con-
stable, caretaker of • hall and weigh -
master, commenced his duties last
burn:—Messrs, H. Dawson, Odry
Dawson and Geo. Hallam left last week
for Goderich where they will_ engage in
sailing the lakes this conning season.
Morris Township:—Mr. Jas. H.
Richmond, of Morris, shipped with
the U. F. O. this week, a cow which
tipped the scales at 1680 pounds, and
for which he, realized 9c per pound,
the highest price paid on the market
that day.
Wingham: Dr, Robert Taylor,
whose death occurred in London on
Saturday, ss as a well-known resident of
Morris for many years. Hewes finan-
cial agent for Mr. A. H. Musgrove
during his first political campaign.
Goderich:—Goderich is on May 2nd
to vote on a by-law to guarantee the
bonds of the National' Shipbuilding
Company to the amount of $50,000,
Easter:—The Essex Canning Fac-
tory and the Cottam Canning Factory
wit not operate this year, owing to the
higher costs of tin cans and other
materials, while the selling price is
lower. .
Exeter:—Mr. Wm. Baker, while en-
gaged In tearing down Reeve Beavers'
old frame building on Main Street on
Thursday, had tine misfortune to fall
from the top part to the ground below,
injuring his hand quite severely.
Goderich: Judge Doyle is having
his late residence, St. Vincent street,
divied into two entirely separate a-
partments, for renting. It is intended
to make them the finest apartments in
Brussels:—While working ata stave
cutting machine in Ament Bros, Fac-
tory last Saturday morning 'Win.
Thompson, of Cargill, had the misfor-
tune to have the 1st joint of 3 fingers
on his left hand taken off.
Grey Township:—A peculiar acci-
dent happened to Jno, Bray, the 9 year
old son of Ernest and Mrs. Brays 4th
Concession. Later had: cooked a large
saucepan of apple sauce and had placed
the dish on the top of an unused stove
in the woodshed to cool. John and
his sister were playing around the
stove and in some way upset the vessel
a good share of contents falling on
Isis head and shoulders and finding its
way down his limbs, scalding the youth
very badly. The lad is making favor-
able progress but he had a very sore
body for while, the skin peeling off
in large proportions.
Goderich:—Mr. W. J. Davies, late
of Hamilton, who has aecepted the
position opt band -master of the 33rd
Regiment band, arrives( in town on
Monday and has taken n pos'tion with
the Goderlcls Mercantile Co, '-
Colborne Township: ---The sudden
death of Mr's, Martin Squire, occurred
at Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, on
Tuesday of last week, The deceased
was a forsner resident of Colborn town-
ship. She leaves seven children, who
mourn the loss of both parents, Mr,
S.Istire having died four years ago,
The Great English Preparatton.I
T.ones.and invigorates the whole
nervous system, makes new Blood
in old Veins. Used for Nervous'
Debility, Mental and Brain Worry.
Despondency Loss of Energy,Palpitation of
the Heart, Failing Memory. Prie $2 per box,3'.
for $5. /Sold by all druggists, ormailed in plain
pkg. on receipt of price. New paq,phiet mailed.
Eggs 26.& 27c
Butter 55c
. Unsettled
Wheat , , >k, ...$1.70 Sc $1.80
Barley 70c
Peas $1.25
Shorts $40 to $45
Bran $40 to $45
40c to S0c
There is a vast difference in the
Grades of Corn. Our Corn is No. 2
Yellow which we believe is the bes°
grade on the market, .. It is free from
broken Kernels, Cobs and /Dust. Give
us a call end let us Icnow your requires
ments,. ,Special prices on large quasi.
Now is the season for Bran & ShRrts,
The Quality is good and the prices reas.
Figured on preaent value of live.
stock and home-grown feeds the use
of "Swift's Digester .Tankage" will re-
turn more profit to the hog raises.. than
ever before in its history.
Blood, Tankage and Bones produced
by the immense slaughtering business
of Canadian Company are almost all
used is Swift's High Grade Fertilizers
RESULT:—Large profit to you.
Our Stock Includes:—Purity, Fila
Roses, White Seal and Golden City. ,
Unexcelled Dining Car Service
Sleeping cars on Night Trains and
Parlor Cars on Principal Day Trains,
Full Information from Any Gran
Trunk Agent or C, E. Horning, District
Passenger Agent, Toronto,
John Ransford & San, City Passon,
ger and Ticket Agents! PHONE--5.-
HONE,-5.A. O. PATTISON, Station Agent.
Move Regularly, or Do They
If the truth were only known it would
be found that half the ills of life aro
caused by constipation, for when the
bowels cease to work properly all the
organs of the body becosny deranged.
A free motion of the bowels, every day,
should be the rule of everyone who
aspires to perfect !health.
Keep your bowels regular by the use of
Milburn's Lnxa-Livor Pills, and you will.
have no constipation, no bilious or sick
headaches, or any oil:,r troubles arising
from a wrong nation of t he liver or bowels.
Mrs. f4. Brown, Lewisville, N.Ii.,.
writes:—"I have leen t r , :{sled for
years with eons(i;s:'i;,n, :Ind trying
various so-called rctn«lies, which d:d sue
no good whatever, I was persuaded by a
friend to try Milburn's Laxn-Liver Pills,
They halo? done Ino worlds of good.
They aro indeed 'splendid pill and I
can heartily recommend them to all who
suffer from ennstipatien.
Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 2te. a,
vial at all dealers,. or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T, Milburn Co.;
Limited, Toronto, Ont.