HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-4-14, Page 6P,Acm, SIX i The Clinton New Era u1 From EErie Tapestr; To Tekee { French Wilton} See Them At �. attarantemarassa .meg Will Build in Seaforth. n , SOMETHING TO • CROW ABOUT. tc * We have our full Tines of chicken wire and wire netting etc. We also can supply you with anything in Garden Tools, Lawn Shears, Sheep Shears; also Garden, Lawn and Flower seeds, Lawn Mowers, etc. Also Electrical Goods, Fix-• tures and Appliances. All kinds of Electric Wiring done by Experienced Labor. Corless PHONE -53 TRY 1. Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING —0-- 1 Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 —0 Hecla • Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask Us. ilieltitigagattilWADVVINOIt Summer Princes Venner Hardware and Electrical BROODER STOVES --0-- We have a limited number of Brooder Stoves on hand which we are selling at a considerable reduction, the price being $25.00. These stoves will brood from 300 to 400 Chickens.. Just what you need to get early pullets and Chickens for the high summer market. • GUNN LANGLOIS f34 CO, LTD. Clinton, Ontario N. W. Trewartha Local Manager The un -to -date Firm April this year presents an except- ional opportunity for the coal consum- ing public, in the advent of the Annual Sumner Prices. t • L'G iI $°i'avE, X digtNei AT $16.00 DELIVERED Owing to a -slight reduction in the )rice of Straight -Line Coal at the mines, we are now allowed to make this spec- ial offer so as to keep the miners in work, It is the custom of the urine opera- tors to raise the price each month from now till fall, but the are going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAY, & JUNE This will give you an oppportunity to have the coal delivered when the ground is fit to drive in to your yard, but be sure to place your order now at the old reliable stand. We guarantee'satisfaction as we al- ready have our large sheds full of our oWn coal of high class quality. • ORDER NOW JNO. R. MUSTARD Clinton & Minefield. Phone for Clinton No. 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. 1 19 11111 1111 III Ill 1 1911 111 191110 1119.1. 0110 m m iiil•111146<llfUllmlomol;ulmlmllmmmMpplpllMVllN Loc ews Thursday, April 14t2, 192f ;': :f. tOmpMIMVumII°JIImmaIwmmINpVUIO UIpQIVOMUmIVIUIpIoVVIfmeMnsMIIII6111VVV1VIllVI A charged With "Murder" Moved Buck • to Stapleton Roy Hortruln Mud Wm, Mci'nddon, Mr, Dave Steep and family Have Toronto, were , conhinitted for trial charged with the murder of Cecil Sa- bine, a druggist In that city, Hydro Was Off • Hydro went dead Friday evening be - fere 6 o'clock and did not revive until 8;30. There had also been some de- lays during the day, The trouble was near Mitchell, The Seaforth News speaks of a former citizen: Mr. D. Shanahan has purchas- ed a lot on Victoria street and intends to bhilda residence on it. No Material Damage D°ne The heavy frost Saturday night and Sunday nights did not do any great damage around here. The early 'flowers got nipped and it held back the budding of trees for a short time. The fall wheat escaped so far. President Harding will read his aiiet- sage to Congress on Tuesday. British striking miners will meet Cabinet in negotiations again today. PAT QPa ERpSIIIgS,�gT E P T aZt isK TNG, ;•rpt��y. ,w�tt� ��pee.; p:•,'?a RAu.vL't1 NG C UGtt Can Be Quintal/ raenevnd 'By Dr. Wood's Norway '?ilio Syrup. The terrible,, hacking, lung -racking dotigh that sticks to you in spite of every- thing you have done to get rice of it, is a great danger to your health, and the longer it sticks, biro more serious the menace becomes. The constant coughing keeps the lunge and bronchial tubes in such an irritated and inflamed condition they get no chance to heal. You will find in Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup a remedy that loosens the ,phlegm and heals and soothes the lungs, 'thereby fortifying them against serious pulmonary disease. Mr. J.W. F. Whitely, Vermilion, Alts., writes: "I wish to express my thanks for what, Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has done .for me. Tor a number of weeks I had been suffering from a tory severe haeking eoughl and of I the remedies I triad failed to relieve me. At lust ,1 secured a bottle of "Dr. Wood's," and after taking it I secured great, relief, Needless to say it is now my intention to always keep a supply on hand." "15ri'Wood's" is 85e. and 60c. n hol;lc at all dealers. The genuine is put up in a yellow *rapper; three one trees the trade mark; manufactured only by 'The 'j:', Milbura Co,, Limited, Toronto, 'Oast, Use Mileage Rooks. One of the practical advantages of co-ordination of Canadian National and Grand Trunk lines of railway, is shown by a recent order which enables the use of mileage books issued by one road on the trains of other company 1? de- sired. Will Clinton Enter Football Series The Western Ontario Football As- sociation is anxious for Clinton to enter the League this year and round out a four team group of Seaforth, Constance and Tudkersmith. it is some years since Clinton had a team in the League, moved back to Stapleton, sinee the flax mill has closed, and will resume his old job with Squire Ransford, Elected };'resident of Guelph Bowlers Last week Mr, 0, M, Yates, a for- mer resident ( of town, was elected !'resident of . the. Guelph Lawn Rawl-. itig Club for the coming. season. Mr, Yates should fill the bill alright' Fountains Are Geieg The •Waterworks Department had the two water fountains going last Thursday afternoon, and many a thirsty man and woman quenched their thirst. It was a warm, dry day for a Spring Show day. Our Mistake Last week` in the heading of the Council meeting we made an error which has caused "heart -burn" to Many a ratepayer—but we made the error as would be seen in reading the minutes of our Town Fathers, The tax rate is 36 mills for this year. Deputy Returning Officers Changed The New Era has been informed that, the Deputy Returning Officers have been changed from the Municipal ()ri- cers. Some of the .head men of the Conservative Party and Temperance workers objected, hence Conservatives will take the ballots on Monday. Hospital Notes The Hospital Board, at its meeting last week, received a donation of $25.00 from the Women's institute to help "Carry On". The Board is very grateful to the Institute for the as- sistance the latter has rendered on this, and on other occasions. Flax Mill Closed The Flax Mill closed on Saturday evening last. The flax outlook is not bright and the Proprietor decided to close for a time. We understand there is enough work to keep a staff going until July. ' According to present pros- pects• there will be no flax sown in this section at all this season, An Attractive Motor Barrie On Monday evening the motor hearse drew up to the Molson's Bank Corner and was thoroughly inspected by some of the citizens. We understand the undertaker at Tara is the proud ,owner and was taking it home from London, where it was built. 1t has been built on a Ford. Chassis. Minor Locals. 24th of May will be the next holiday. The slogan no1e 'is "Clean up your premises and be ready for visit of the Sanitary inspector." There will be an eclipse of the. ,;eon between 1 and 3 a.m. on April 22nd. "Ask and ye shall receive" seems to be the motto adopted by the Board of Railway Commissioners, SCRANTON COAL Don't forget to leave your order for Spring Delivery for COAL and •WOOD — with E. WARD, if you want satisfaction, —.We will look atter you—' Terms—Strictly Cash,* -Phone 155. U , RESIDENCE—HURON STREET rr, The Corner Grocery BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING For Horse Fair Day. Passed Away Friday Miss E. Skimmings, "Huron's, Poet- ess' passed away last Friday at the age of 8t years. Miss Skimmings had been in ill health for the past year, The body was taken to Goderich on Saturday for burial. One of her works allowed to vote. All over 21, who are was a book called "Golden Leaves," a British subjects, resident on Canada copy of which was presented to Queen 'for one year before Feb. 1st, last and Mary some years ago. One brother, two months in Ontario before that date William survives. will be entitled to be added to the list. Some Questions ? ? ? ? ? ? Baseball Notes Was it cold enough on Sunday? There was a baseball meeting last Monday night in ,Mr. Stothers's Office Have you renewed your New Era to organize Junior Baseball. The fol - yet? lowing officers were elected. Can you guess what the vote in , President—M. Elliott Clinton will be next Monday? 1st Vice President—E. Walton Have you ordered your garden and Vice -President M. Schoenhads seeds yet? Secretary Treasurer—F. Jenkins. Did you ever see a better line-up Coach and Manager—Mr. T. Haw - of horses than was here last Thurs- kiss, day? Managing Committee F, J, Bawden and A. Mitchell, , Received a Call from Alma, Mich. Rev. S. E. McKegney, rVl. 0,, this week received an invitation Troon Alma, Michigan, to become Rector in the Anglican church there, but Mr. Mc- Kegney states he does to think he will accept the call. Alma is a place of about 7,000. Dogs Were Treated by Helpers. It will be remembered by the people of Clinton and vicinity that Dr. W. J. R. Fowler, of Toronto, was exceedingly ill at the lime of the death of Col, Bishop's valuable dogs. In his absence Iris odice the dogs were treated frons by his helpers. Buys Drug Business in Toronto. Last week Mr, Russel Brown, brother of Mrs. J. L. Kerr, and who has visited here on many occasions, purchased the drug business in Toronto of the late Cecil Sabine, who was murdered at the store a short time ago. He took the business over on Sunday. Voting in Townships. In villages and townships, all those who are entitled to vote at the coming Referendum, and whose names do not appear on the list, will apply person- ally to the deputy -returning otlicer at each polling booth, and upon satisfying that officer of their eligibility, will be Make" our" store" your headquarters and get Irony share of the Bar- gains we wild be offer ing. �. Fred. W. Wigg Phone 4S. Oddfellows "At Home" Last Friday evening the Annual "At Home" of the Clinton Oddfellows, and their friends was held and a goodly number were present. The first pari of the evening•was spent in cards follow ed by lunch and those caring to dance adjourned to the Normandie Music Hall' where dancing continued for some hours. Phalen's Orchestra sup- plied music both at the Oddfellow's Hall and for the dance, while Mr. Char- lie Cook favored those present with two solos during the first part of the evening. Elliott, As Clothes are to the Body, so are Wall Papers to the Horne Few people can afford to be .badly dressed; and few people can afford to lige with old or in- harmonious wall papers �d"llt' 9 . , 'Mt They affect the spirits. They decrease self- confidence.. They reduce morale. They are unhealthy for mind and body. Harmonious Wall Papers are a Tonic. • They influence the whole atmosphere of the house. If you have in view a change in the atmosphere of your home we invite inspection of our stock and prices. •,w „ wirri'' 9 The W. D Fair Often the Cheapest--TliwaYS the Best MENEINIMMEMICE Now Is The Proper Time to secure.. Your seeds for Your Garden Vegetables. We have a,: ChoiceAssortment of well known and Brand of Seeds, We • have a New Brand this yar, which we offer at 7 cents Per Package or 4 Packages for 25 cents. TEA SPECIAL 3 Pkgs of Jelly Powder at ,.... ...... 35c Any Flavor 5 Ib of R. Oats for .25c 3 Bars of Lifebouy Soap for ,. .. ....25c Don't Forget we Have the Big Bar of N. P. Soap at 25c Equals 3 of any Others. GET Bowlers Elect Officers Last Thursday evening the Clinton Bowlers held their Annual Meeting and elected the following oflcers for 192.1. Hon-President—W. Brydone President—W. J. Stevenson Vice-President—I th Wiltse Sec-Treas—H. R. Sharp Auditor—D. L. Macpherson. • The' annual Tournament will be held on July 6th or 13th. Mr. W. Grant and Mr, Brown will have charge of the grounds this year, which will mean that excellent greens will be assured fur the bowlers. r�w1 Yu Cant' Aff , ra False Economy You can't expect the sante wear and service from a twenty dollar alit than you get from one at forty. And the forty dollar nit 'will cost you • less in the long run. It will give you otter and longer wear and service than the inferior grade. A uality lighting plant like the Dominion, built of the highest rade materials with careful workmanship, without thought of ying to skimp and save will save you money in the end. Low fuel consumption, freedom from repair and ability to deliver. ontinubus power are what count. A Dominion Lighting Plant in your property means ample power every day with lnw main- tenance: Write for descriptive booklet and name of your loctil dealer. "If you want the best, buy a Dominion." CORN SYRUP BY THE POUND a a e Bring in a Jar and Let us Fill it For 10c Per Pound. A Splendid Fruit Substitute. lb of Blk. Tea ...35a 3 1b Blk Tea .... $1.o0• 1 Ib Blk. Tea ...556 `•t 2 Ib Blk Tea... $1.00- 2 IL Broken Sodas. 256 2 PKGS of Corn Starch 25c J • for .. .. THE FIABIT OF DEALING AT JOHNSON eo. PHONrE 91.1, HIGHEST PRICES FOR EGGS OR BUTTER Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners roust equip their cars with approv ed Lenses. We have the fdllowing to choose from: Levelight Holophane Legalite Primolite Macbeth tlonopher Clear Shafer Roadlighter Conopher Novibt Clamert Come in and have us 1111 out your applications J. H. PAXMAN Overland .Agent EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVIN G Phone 80 . Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. Ii t{ n"it Mr. Buying Public Llpon your- action and decision your own gild Canada's prosperity depends. Merchants are making big concessions and accepting con- siderable losses to stablize conditions, It's pro- fitable for you to buy what you need NOW. If you, the consumer, won't buy, the machinery that helps you earn your daily bread comes to a standstill. Be you farmer, mechanic, business or professional man, your prosperity and Can- ada's go hand in hand; dependent upon the turn over and exchange of, commodities your country and its craftsmen produce. w IF YOU STOP BUYING, the wheels stop turning11,;m mom reionn — yrn sushi ► n 'Sole f '4 pr ,,Chi1':'.a ren Most mothers who buy Hurlbuts once, buy them always—but they never need to buy them as often as any other make.. This is because Hurlbuts Shoes are BETTER SHOES, and have ex- clusive features not found in other makes. Compare Hurlbuts with the life of any pair of ordinary shoes you have ever bought—and you will see that HArlbut Welted Cushion Sole Shoes represent the lowest price -per -day's wear of any shoe made for children. A FULL RANGE OF STYLES AT F .1Rell'SON –"SHOES THAT SATISFY"– A0=1=