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The Canton New E'ra
Thursday, April 7th, 1921,'
I till01 A na4VLIil 91 111111
From eLErie Tapestry
Tekee {French Wilton}
See Them At
Corless &
We have our full lines of
chicken wire and wire netting
We also can supply you
with anything In Garden
Tools, Lawn ' Shears, Sheep
She;rrs; also Garden, Lawn
and Flower seeds, Lawn
Mowers, etc.
Also Electrical Goods, Fix-•
tures and Appliances. A31
kinds of Electric Wiring done
by Experienced Labor.
V enner
Hardware and Electrical
1. Hawkins
Repairing Promptly
Phone 53
Hecla Furnaces Lead
Tiler® is a Reason
Asia Us.
We have a limited number of
Brooder Stoves on hand which
we are selling at a considerable
reduction, the price being $25.00.
These stoves will brood from 300
to 400 Chickens. Just what you
need to get early pullets and
Chickens for the high summer
market. 7
Clinton, Ontario
N. W. Trewartha Local Manager
The up.to.date Finn
Greenville (S.C.) Piedmont: Deflat-
ion seems
as bad for business as for
April this year presents an except- t, sf
Tonal opportunity for the coal consum-
�f �gJ
public, in the advent of the Annual
Sumner Prices.
Owing to a slight reduction in the
,trice of Straight -Line Coal at the nines,
'we are now allowed to make this spec-
ial offer so as to keep the miners in
It is the custom of the urine opera-
tors to raise the price each month from
nrn6 till fall, but we are going to try to
hold this special price for
This will give you an oppportunity to
have the coal delivered when the
ground is fit to drive in to your yard,
but be sure to place your order now at
the old reliable stand, +: `
We guarantee satisfaction as we al-
ready have our large sheds full of our
own coal of high class quality,
Clini'nrt c Ifiruceield.
Phone for Clinton No. 74,
Phone for Brucofiield 11 on 618,
C 11
Her 3 Children Had Ila
This disease begins like a simple cold
In the head that rap:tlly goes to the
chest. The cough is at first short and
sharp, but gradually increases in severity
and occurs in sudden spasms.
Often vomiting lotion's a severe attack
of coughing, and sometimes there is nose,
Mothers should never neglect the
treatment of whooping cough, for it ie
much more serious than most people
think, as it may be followed by some
grave lung trouble, such As bronchitis,
pneumonia or consumption, since the
sufferers power of resiet•anee are often
greatly weakened by the violent and
exhausting cough.
On the first sign of a "whoop"Dr,
Wood's Norway Pito Syrup should be
administered as it helps to clear the
bronchial tubes of the collected mucous
and phlegm,
Mrs.Burton.Leopold New Ross, N.S„
writes:—"My throe children had the
whooping cough so had last 'winter, s
thought they would choke. 1 tried rn
different .remedies, but none of therii
seemed to help. At last 1 got a bottle
of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and
C ryas greatly surprised to see how quickly
it helped them, 1 shall alvtotya steam -
Meta your Wonderful remedy to ()drew."
D . Wood's Norway Pune Syyrup is
ase, and 60o. a bottle at all dr p;ete
end dealer , Put up only�by The0406.0401000040040060 °f.
IvIllburh Co., Limited. Toronto, Oat,
Out Early To -day
Owing to the Annual Spring Show
being held to -day (Thursday) the
New• Era is published early so that we
can take in the show. Many entries
are in for the horse classes. A full list
of prize -winners will be given next
Another Ford Story
A young lady on a country road in a
Ford Car which Isad buck and refused
to trove asked a farmer who was plow -
in an adjoining field: "Do you know
anything about a Ford?" Nope, nuthin'
except a lot of dirty, stories, ma'am—
Minor Locals
The Spring Show is being held to-
And it did not rale either on Satur-
day on Sunday,—for a wonder,
"A Cheerful Liar's drew a big
crowd at the Town Hall on Monday
evenin g.
The New Era is published early to-
day to be out of the road for the
Spring Show.
The M, 0. 11„ at' Brantford strongly
urges vaccination in that city to off-
set the small -pox there,
A special matinee and Evening per-
formance at the Princess Theatre to-
The buds are swelling.
Did you get a tag for your dog?
One of the up-to-date queries is:
"Have you made out your Income Tax
Yet?" _ , .._ _ r,:. , —
11 is hinted that the milliners are
sitting on last year's hats to give
then this year's angle,
It cost Kincardine Township about
$500 for sheep killed and wroried by
dogs last year. The taxes collected
on dogs amounted to about $60.0,
Don't forget to leave
order for Spring Delivery for
COAL and WOOD --
with E. WARD, if you want
—We will look after you—
Terms--Strictly Cash—Phone 155.
The Corner Grocery
For Horse Fair Day.
Make- our" store your
headquarters and get
your share of the Bar-
gains we will be offer
Fred. W. Wigg
Phone 45.
.1111111 111111111111',VIg11111 1111111,1011111111 Ill ill 111111111111 11.111. 1111
At k;1141li1111111111011 I_gip ill 11 1111111
Local News
EIM, 01f1111lP?D11lJfflli .. i811LII1881/118 llI II IIIII 1161811111 1pm11MBi J11llP
Got A Car Load of Sugar Oddfellow's "At Home,"
-This week W. T. O'Neil got to a car 'invitations have been issued by the
Annual "At home" of Clinton Odd -
fellows to be held, this Vriday evening
In the Lodge Roont,
1111 II
load of :sugar,
Bowlers Annual Meeting To -Night
The Annual meeting of the Clinton
Bowlers will be held In the Council
Chainber to -night (Thursday,)
125 Names Added
Last week Lt, -Col, 11, T, Rance
added 125 names to the Clinton Vot-
er's List to be used on April 48th.
There was no great stir anyday to
have the names put on or taken off,
Moved to Hamilton
This week Mr, Harold Hill, who has
has been connected with the Royal
Bank staff for some years was promoted
to Hamilton and left on Monday to
assume his new duties. ' Mr. Hill will
be missed in town as he was a valued
member of the Kittle Band and the
Willis Church Choir.
Syrup Scarce
Mr. Diehl, of 'Varna , was distribut-
ing his maple syrup to his old cus-
tomers around town this week. Mr.
Diehl gathered over 7,000 gallons .of
sap but this season it took 55 gallons
of sap to make a gallon of syrup. The
extra amount of work and the more
wood burned advanced the price this
year to $3,00 a gallon,
Some Questions 7 7 7
Will Clinton enter on intermediate
and Junior teams in the North Welling-
ton League this year?
Will the Street Committee remove
the ashes in the various back yards
this Spring? •
Will tlse Public School Board paint
the School this Summer?
Will the English Bowlers pay Clin-
ton a visit as their predecessors did?
W::: coal ever drop to the old price
of 58 a ton?
Did you see the live lobsters on
Friday last?
Gave Address on London
At the Clinton Club last Friday even-
ing Mr. John Rasslord gave an ex-
cellent address on London before a
good audience of club members and
guests. Mr. Ransford, gave a review
of the early history of London at
the time of the Romans, their law,
wall building and road building which
still stands today as a mark . of per-
fection, He gave a description of
some of the principal streets and a
few of the characters to be seen on
them. A hearty vote of thanks, was
moved by Mr. Treleaven and Mr. Sharp,
to the speaker. Mr, Treleaven will
address the 'Club on "industry", past
and present, on the 15th,
Winding Up Estates
Of "Friendless" Persons
According to the terms of a Gov-
ernment measure amending the
Public Trustee Act, introduced in
the legislature estates of friendless
individuals who die are to be placed
under the jurisdiction of a Board of
Public Trustees who shall endeavor to
locate relatives of" the deceased, and
falling that, turn the money Into the
public treasury. It was the intention,
the Attorney -General said, to make
such provision as would prevent
estates falling into the hands of cer-
tain persons' who had taken out auth-
ority to administer the estate, but
who, failing to find friends or relatives,
themselves benefited,
Many Were At Seaforth
Clinton was well represented at the
Seaforth Spring Show last Friday
afternoon, They reported a good
crowd and good stock on exhibition.
An ideal Spring Day
Sunday was an ideal spring day and
the coal fires were not valued guests.
The women had a chance to get out
in their new Spring outfits,
Some Estimate 7 '7 '7
Hydro was turned on in Kincardine
on the 17th inst. It 1s Just about com-
pleted as' far as construction is con-
cerned. It will probably overrun the
estimate of $40,000, '
Cracked Windows Removed
Last Friday John Harland's employ-
ees put in a new plate glass at W. H.
Hellyar's Jewelry Store and two win-
dows at Morrish & Company's store.
These three glasses had been cracked
by some unknown cause.
Bids Were Not Lively
Last Saturday the driving shed and
barn of the Commercial Hotel were
offered for sale by auction and Mr.
Lorne Tyndall, of the and Concession
of Hullelt, purchased the shed at 560.
A bld of 5250,00 was made on the
barn, but was not sold,
Buys House
Mr. James Manning, of the Prin-
cess Theatre, has purchased the house
and lot, known as the Turner property
on Joseph Street from Mr, R, Arm-
strong and gets possession the middle
of May, Mr. Armstrong and family
Will return to the West and he will
take a car of effects with him.
Two Months' Hard Labor For
Breaking A Calf's Leg
William Owens appeared before
Judge Dickson last week, and was given
two months in the county jail with
hard labor. Owens was charged be-
fore Magistrate Andrews, of Clintohn,
with breaking a calf's leg, and was
Best up for trial, it is believed that
further charges may arise, as the
young man, wearing a military uniform,
swore he had been overseas, and gave
the company and battalion in which
he served. The authorities can find
no record of this. The information
was laid by Mr. Durst, of the Base
A New Ere roster of 1872
(Wingham Tltnes:)—Ex-Mayor Gur-
ney is tearing down the old frame
building at the corner of Victoria and
Scott streets which was used for many
years a5 a blacksmith shop. Thi:
was one of the first buildings erected
in that part of the town. Under the
first ply of boards was found a large
Truster, issued by Mr, Jackson, On11snc-
ing a big sale of general merchandise.
Mr, Jackson conducted business in
the store then located opposite what
is now the electric light plant. The
poster was printed in the Clinton New
Era office prior to the founding of
the Times, this paper being first pub -
lisped •in January 1872 and for a few
months was printed in the Clinton
You Gantt'
ff rid False
Ect i to y
Yon can't expect the same wear and service from a twenty
dollar suit than you get from one at forty. And the forty dollar
nit will cost .you less in the long run, 1t will give you
etter and longer wear and service than the inferior grade. A -•
uality lighting plant like the Dominion, built of the highest
rade materials with careful workmanship, without thought of
ying to skimp and save will save you money in the end. Low
fuel consumption, freedom from repair and ability to deliver
ontinuous power are what count, A Dominion Lighting plant
in your property means ample power every day with low main-
tenance. '.-''.!:t7kigiangliaraM _ 4
Write for descriptive booklet and naive of your Local dealer.
"If you want the best, buy a Dominion."
• 1 rl,
Suttcr& Perdue
As Clothes are to the Bodyt
so are Wall Papers to the Horne
Fo'wpeople can afford to be badly dressed; and
few people can afford to live with old or in-
harmonious wall paperrs.
They affect the spirits. They decrease self-
confidence., They reduce morale. They Are
unhealthy for mind and body.
Harmonious Wall Papers are a Tonic.. They
influence the whole atmosphere of the house.
If you have in view a change in the atmosphere
of your home we invite inspection of our stock
and prices.
The W. D. Fair eo.
Often the Cheapest--2.1ways the Best
pont Forget
That we Flave Our 'Usual Specials on 'Clinton's Annual Spring Show Day,
Thursday, April 7. Make our store your Headquarters, This week we
offer you
3 Pkgs of Jelly Powder
at ,..., 35c
Any Flavor
5 ib of R. Oats for ,25c
3 Bars of Lifebouy Soap
for „ ,. ,.•.25c
Don't Forget we Have
the Big Bar of N. P.
Soap at 25c
Equals 3 of any Others.
* t *
DAY,) We are offering
in addition to Regular
Market Price to Persons
Bringing in Heaviest
Dozen of Fresh Hens
Eggs (Single Yokes)
.1 Ib Best Black Tea.
1/2lb of Coffee
Nantes of Winners will
be announced in our
Window, Saturday, April
Ib of Elk, Tea ...35c
3 Ib Elk Tea .. , . 51,00•
1 Ib 131k, Tea ..,55c
2 Ib Elk Tea... $1,00
2 IL Broken Sodas. 250
2 PKGS of Corn Starch
for . , .. 255
PHONE OH N S - TENSTOf�r^ pp}� e.
Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station
The Enfprcement of the Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners
must equip their cars with approved Lenses. We have the follohving
to choose from:
Shafer Roadlighter
Clamert Come in and have us 1111 out your applications
J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent
Phone 80 Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT.
Oonopher Clear
Conopher Noviol
.iaAb4.4=.1= rse.act0-*e-
The Most Interesting News in The Paper
WHEN there is an emergency to meet, when a
need of business or thehon,e presents itself,
quick decisive action fs demanded.
There are innumerable occasions when there is
imperative demand to accomplish a desired object
• et once and to do it in the most efficient way with
maximum return and minimum expense. The se•
curing of reliable household servants and help of all
kinds. Getting the right kind of capable experienc-
ed employes for office, mill, store, shop or factory
Selecting high grade representatives to secure add -
cd volume of business. The renting or buying a
home. Choosing investment chances that are pro-
fitable and sure. Finding a job that is pleasant,
congenial and that holds possibility of advancement
and increased return. Restoring lost articles of
value. Ask for the Want Ad. Man.
shion -Sole
Shnes f • r ''Chi/
Most mothers who buy Hurlbuts once, buy them always --•-but
they never need to buy then as often as any other make. This
is because Hurlbuts Shoes are BETTER SHOES, and have ex-
clusive features not found in other makes.
Compare Hurlbuts with the life of any pair of ordinary shoes
0 have 1
you av ever lnougl t and.you will see that Hurlbut Welted
Cushion Sole Shoes represent the lowest price -per -day's' 'ear oP
any shoe made for children. aA:1s:s
A:9£rRa7 isag tots ; lessstossavasmessR,�.1rropsenn.ess v P ¶W00a ia1a�W rim