HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1921-3-31, Page 6PAGE SIX jThe Clinton .New `,Era '1d0 1I IIII till ,011.1'di0i1111011it Ip I IIII1IJllI.111 UIIIIIII'. 0111111'111111111111111111111 HOW IS THIS FOR. A FLANNELETTE BARGAIN? COMMENCING SATURDAY MORNING, FEB. 26th 1921 WE WILLI GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE ONE YARD OF FLANNELETTE' WITH EVERY TWO YARDS OF THE .. •meq ."','ti"'^ :'db"[- n/ ABOVE MENTIONED GOODS PURCHASED. j.:.: WILL THAT IS TO SAY You Pay for 2 Yards and get 3 You Pay for 5 Yards and get 712 You Pay for 10 Yards and get 15 You Pay for 20 Yards and get 30 YOU BUY AT LESS THAN IF SO, COME TO COST? ROWN'S MIDWINTER SALEI THE TOOLS IN OUR.. WiNDOW e . Give but a small idea of the number • and variety in the store, so if you don't see the tool you want. COME IN AND ASK FOR iT. The same idea holds good with our housecleaning helps. Come in and talk it over, We Want you to feel at hone in our store, . yf Corless & Venner Hardware and Electrical TRY 1. Hawkins FOR PLUMBING ' HEATING AND ROOFING —O— Repairing Promptly one Phone 53 —O—+r Hecla Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask Us. „r.4,* r d ssl xs t�aH, • a s;:ra a: tr., , r t Summer nun Prices April this year presents an except- ional opportunity for the coal consum- ing public, in the advent o[ the Annual Summer Prices. dH• ESTNUT i EG , 9'rovg,-& CHESTNUT AT $16.00 DELIVERED ' Owing to a slight reduction in the )rice of Straight -Line Coal at the mines, we are now allowed to make this spec- ial offer so as to keep the miners in work. It is the custom of the mine opera- tors to•raise the price each month from now till fall, but we are going to try to hold this special price for APRIL, MAX, & JUNE This will give you an oppporttinity to have the coal delivered when the ground is fit to drive in to your yard, but be sure to place your order now at the old reliable stand. We guarantee satisfaction as we al- ready have our large sheds full of our own coal of high class t`atlality. ORDER NOW JNO. B. MUSTARD Clinton & Brucefiel Phone for Clinton Na. ''41 air Phone for Brasfield 11 on 618. BROODER STOVES �--0-� We have a limited number 'of Brooder Stoves on hand wliicli we are selling at a considerable reduction, the price being $25.00, These stoves will brood from 300 to 400 Chickens. Just what you need to get early pullets and Chickens for the high sunimer' market. GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD. Clinton, Ontario N. W. Trewartha Local Manager The un -to -date Firm d �t! 11=0:1®a Hullett Twp. Will supply Program. The postponed U. F. 0. meeting will be held on Friday evening of this week, and the Hullett Twp. members will supply the program. • Act Will Be Enforced. There is to be no weakeningof the Adoleslent Act, which requires that aft- er September 1, next children shall be kept at school until they are 16 years old according to announcements by Hon Mr. Grant , minister of education. "But we will be reasonable and enforce it gradually," Intimated Mr. Grant "Child ren who are 15 years of age and who have been working for a year will not be forced back to school. We expect the people of the province will co-op- erate." Minor Locals. Watch your step to -morrow in April Fool Day. Friday is a April Fool's Day. Council meets on Monday Evening. New York's Easter ,parade had noth- ing on Clinton. Don't, frail to see "A cheerful Liar" at the town hall on Monday evening. The Princess Theatre had big crowds on Good Friday and Saturday. The Spring Show will be held a week from Thursday. See special prize list on another page. Schools reopen 00 Monday next for final term. Did you hand in the names of youy Easter visitors to the New Era. If. tie have not puplished them, don't blame us for we nay not have known they were here. The man who knocks his home town is usually a flat failure, That is the fel- Iced who says "Bunt town" is likely to be the "town -bunt," SCRANTON COAL —0— Don't forget to leave ' your Greenville (S.C.) Piedmont: Deflat- • fan seems as bad for business as for order for Spring Delivery for tires, EA LES LEFT CO UG The after elloute of measles may be far reaching, as the irritation of the re- spiratory passages is one of the char- acteristics of this disease, and very often those who ]lave been robust, beroma; delicate and liable to lung troubles, hence measles should never be regarded with. indifference, Measles are generally followed by an acute attack on the mucoue membranes. Phe sneezing is accompanied with a watery discharge, sometimes blooding From the nose, a cough of a short, fre- 'Meet and noisy chnrector, with little or no expectoration, hoarseness of the voice, etc. On'eo the Bough starts you should procuro a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Bine Syrup, take a few' doses a day and tints bronchitis, pneumonia., prevent or perhaps consumption ,getting a foot- hold on your system. Mrs. Oliver holly, Bellislo Station N.B., writes: --"Two years ago I had the measles, and they left me with a bad cough, I kept getting worse Until at last I could not sleep. My neighbor told me of Dr. Woods Norway I"ine Syrup, so I sent and got a bottle, and before I had used it my cough was all better. I find it a great family medicine for nolle and cough's and I now keep it in the house all the ;�hne," Dr. Wood'e Norway fine Syrup is 800., a large bottle OO,., At all drugglsti and dealers. Put up only by The T, Milburn Co., x united, 'Pronto, Ont. — COAL and WOOD -- with with E. WARD, if you want satisfaction. —We will look after you— Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. de RESIDENCE—HURON STREET The Corner Grocery BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING For Morse Fair Day. Make" our" store- your headquarters and get your share of the Bar- gains we will be offer Fred. W. Wigg Phone 45. 1111 ;11 141;611 fTiin l II 0 01 111 oil 101 1111 111111 9i 1111 111 111 Thiirsd.ay, MalCli, 34st, 1921,. 11111 111 Nn 11111111011UIM 1111 11 001101 11 01 is 101 1 11111111 111 11 uolitolum matin mumim a memuminial Hospital Board Meeting, The regular monthly iiieeting of the Hospital Board will be held at the Of - floe of Mr. Stothers on Monday API' 4, at 3,30 o'clock, - Great Demand for Easter Powers. The local florists stated that there was a great demand for Easter flowers and many a home was brightened dur- ing the holidays by them; Will. It Rain For 7 Sundays? People are wondering of the old say- ing will hold good for it rained. on Sun- day and weather prophets say it will rain for 7 more Sundays. Moved this Week. Mr, Davison of '$imcoe Was in town over the week end his family moved to Sitncoe on Tuesday, We wish them suc cess in their new home, A Social Evening. Murphy Orange Lodge No. 710, will held a box social on Tuesday evening April 5th in their Lodge Rooms to the members and their friends. Come and enjoy an evening. with the Orangemen. Good Roadsli? If anyone wants to know how the roads are they, can find out from Bart Lavis, who brought up a truck for, J. Schoenhals on Good Frday. Mr. Levis was also in the rain with no top and de cided it was indeed a wet rain, Revising Lists. The revision of voters' lists com- menced in Lt. -Col, Rance's Office at 10 'clock Monday morning. The otlice is open every day th�i11s week for the revision of lists of vot5S•s for the referendum of next month. The hours are 10 to 12 o'clock in the morning 2 to 5 in the afternoon. Voters are expected to register early in order that there will be no congestion on the last day. Rube Horning Married. A quiet but pretty wedding was sole- mnized at Galt on Wednesday March 23, when Miss Louise Nickel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, G. P. Nickel Listowel was united in marriage with' Mr. R Horning of P:lmerston. After the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Horning left for Tor onto and other points on 'a short wed- ding trip, On their return they will re- side in Palmerston where the groom has an excellent position with the G. T. R. and is secretary treasurer of the north Wellington baseball League. Reduce Allowances. A reluction in the wages to be paid to the returning officers, deputy return ing officers and poll clerks, who will work in the coining referendum on the temperance question on April 18, has been made b;)* the Dominion Govern- ment, through an order -in -council is- sued by the Cabinet. The notice came -from the auditor general's department and noticed him that the tariff of fees had been reduced from the former tariff which provided the payment of $4 per poll to the returning officer, $3 per day to the D„ R. C. and $5 per diem for the poll clerk, Under the new tariff the returning officer is to receive only $2 per poll, the deputy returning officer $7 per day and the poll clerks $4 per day, The payment for polling booths re- mains at $10, re;wtt3'-0 •kG vt .it tr::,• The Boy Scots. The boys will have a "hike" on Fri- day leaving the schoolroom at 9,30 am, Engagement Announced,, Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Reid of "Maple Shade Farm," Hullett, announce the engagement of their eldest daught- er Annie to Willhtm Norman Shepherd, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Shepherd Aliso of Hullett. The marriage will take place in. April. New Citi,ena In town. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beacon and fam- ily have moved in from Summerhill and taken possession of their new home on Albert street, Mr. and Mrs, Peffers of Auburn have taken up their abode ie their new home; the Little place on the corner of Albert and Princess, Weatherman Not Nice. Easter Sunday. The weather man was very disagree- able on Sunday and showers ft • e .la morning and Evening at church time. The day was warm though in the after- noon the Spring hats and new clothes were on parade, For Pre -Uniforms, A questionalre seeking opinions on the advisability returning to the uni- forms worn by militia regiments prior to the war has been sent to officers. Some officers prefer to retain the kha- ki uniforms, while others favor pre-war attire, The answers are to be sent to Ot tatva for the consideration of the Militia Department, Goderich Charged Up (Goderich Signal:)—The local water and light commission at its regular meeting last Thursday night was con- fI'onted by a bill of $3,130.09 from the jrovincial Hydro Commission, repre- senting the difference between the actual cost of power delivered during the year •ending October 31st, 1920, and the amounts received according to monthly bills rendered, There was also a bill of $236.69 for interest to October 31st last on arrears. The commission passed the latter account, and laid over the larger one pending an explanation from the Hydro district en-. gineer. The additional charge will run Goderich's power cost to over $50 per horse -power. The contract price was $37; later the charge was increased to $43, and with the additional charge the price goes up to over $50 per h. p, 'These Twins are Real Duplicates. We have heard of twin brothers looking as much alike as tw o peas but the Vogt brothers, two well known farmers of this district, cer- tainly take the cake. Fred Voir` of Baird's Corners so resembles his brother, Will, of Carrick that even their own children can scarcely tell then apart and have mistaken one for the other many a time. But the climax was reached one morning whent Ire two brothers arranged to meet in town. Fred had some bust ness to do and carne in an hour ear- ly. hie was in Fox's jewelry store when he was surprised to see his brother standing a few feet away. "Hello, Will, you are in early this morning," he said. There was no re- ply. • He was talking to his ov/n re- flection in the big wall-mirrorl—Walk- erton Telescope, ar`a.ts'lka"`d The High Cost of Dipping If you are worth $50,00 a week or pay it to an employee who dips his pegs in the ink 50 times a day, the dipping costs you 71/ac a day, that is why.WATER MAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN is replacing the old style pen everywhere, in office, school and home. The W. D. Fair ea. Often the Cheapest--T-tkways the Best ,Don't Forget That we Have Our Usual Specials on 'Clinton's Annual Spring Show Day, Thursday, April 7. Make our store your Headquarters. This week we offer you 3'Fkgs of Jelly Powder at ...........35c Any Flavor 5 Ib of R. Oats for .25c 3 Bars of Lifebouy Soap for.. ...,25e Don't Forget we Have the Big Bar of N. P, Soap at 25c Equals 3 of any Others. EGG CONTEST a * a For THIJRSDAY, APRIL 7th, (SHOW DAY,) We are offering in addition to Regular Market Price to Persons Bringing in Heaviest Dozen of Fresh Hens Eggs (Single Yokes) 1ST PRIZE ,1 Ib Best Black Tea. 2nd PRiZE 1/2ib of Coffee Names of Winners will be announced ' in our Window, Saturday, April 9th. ew.I GET THE HABIT OF DEALING AT TEA SPECIAL Ib of Blk. Tea 3 Ib Blk Tea ....SLOG 1 Ib 131k. Tea .-.SSC 2 lb Blk Tea... $1.00 2 IL Broken Sodas. 25c 2 PKGS of Corn Starch for .. .. .,... 25c JOHNSONfieC PHONE' 111. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY l Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approv ed Leases, We have the following to choose from: Levelight Hoiophane Legalite Primolite Macbeth 'ronopher Clear Shaler Roadlighter tonopher Noviol Clamert . Come in and have us fill out your applications J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent ° EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVIN G Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. 1 NEW ERA WANT ADS. The Most Interesting News in The Paper WHEN there is an emergency to meet, when a need of business or the home presents itself, quick, decisive action 1s demanded. There are innumerable occasions when there is imperative demand to accomplish a desired object at once and to do it in the most efficient way with maximum return and minimum expense. The se- curing of reliable household servants and help of all kinds. Getting the right kind of capable experienc- ed employes for office, mill, store, shop or factory Selecting high grade representatives to secure add- ed volume of business. The renting or buying a home. Choosing investment chances that are pro- fitable and sure. Finding a job that is pleasant, congenial and that holds possibility of advancement and increased return. Restoring lost articles of vales" Ask for the Want' Ad.,, -Man. lig You Ca t.t' .Aff.r ;:.Ise Horny You can't expect the same wear and service from a twenty dollar suit than you get from one At forty. And the forty dollar uit will cost you less in the long run, It will give you etter and longer wear and -service than the inferior grade. A uality lighting plant like the Dominion, built of the highest rade materials with careful workmanship, without thought of ying to'skimp and save will save you money in the end. Low fuel consumption, freedom front repair and ability to deli' er ontinuous power are what count, A Dominion Lighting Plant in your property means ample power. every day with low main - u Hs , tellailce, s r k:. �ili?,��il9.�ia�..l�z Write for descriptive booklet and name of your local dealer, 0' "If you want the best, buy a Dominion." \'.1(11-/////7/77: 1111140- 9,a H Sutter & Perdue/ I�r i � m l CU `' Y; >n Sole hes A"s ^�r, i'l'r r°FYxn Most mothers who buy Hurlbuts once, buy then always—but they never need to buy then as often as any other make. This is because Hurlbuts Shoes are BETTER SHOES, and have ex- clusive features not found in other makes, Compare Hurlbuts with the life of any pair of ordinary shoes you have ever bought—and you will see that I-luribut Welted Cushion Sole Shoes represent the lowest price -per -day's wear of any shoe made for children. e "ro ' `err Oen A FULL RANGE OF STYLES AT ititiseiminernwereenalevenesavineteinatinteMeiszeiraleretieninemsccosen PREP. inetzscoN —"SHOES THAT SATISFY"-.